The Signal, 1924-9-4, Page 5POW
nus to
Olt falx
✓ only
a Ast-
i real-
1 alf-
irn to
Each Razor comes p1cked,with Strop and Blade in a handy compact
arae. This is a splendid opportunity to have an extra raaor at your shop
or office. This Extraordinary Offer is advertised incite London Free Press.
Ask to see the "CCTMOR" Blade Sharpener. Homes and strops all
maks of safety rayon. When it conies to anything in Shaving Supplies
Ipt Campbell's Drug Store take care of that need.
Phone 90 The Square, Goderich
Eastman Kodak. and Supplies
Our Studio lo a good t to gal
year lli.dak !les. Developing and
printing dose. It pays to please.
60 pairs Men's Work
Shoes made of grain cow-
hide leather with or with-
out toe -cap in black or
b>'own. Sizes 6 to 12.
Special at $3.75
The Square Goderich
Modish Adam. Models
',ii of Felt
For ittsmediate wear, in
assures' styles. Correct
shades and newest trim..
c ining9.
1�ou�` +t
(t>rtspection is vvtiad.
1V)ILT 'ALBERT. Sept. 1.- School
re -opened here on Tumidity morning,
with Hiss Charlotte 'MecKeltzle pf
Klntatl as teacher for the coming
Mine (:race lerKenzle. of this' place,
whin has beam on an extruded vigil
out Went* returned home lu :time to
resume Ler • s•ha.1 duties..
Mt. (intuits Murray and Id" mother.
Mrs. .ties(. Murray. of Goo. rk•h. are
apemiing u few weeks nal' relat4ves
Mr. 111111 Mra. Arthur ham. suutor.d
from Detroit for the week -end and
?kited with air. and Mr-. !hive afar -
Mr. William i)lekw.i Is Improving
grentit during the l .t few weeks. We to hear soon of Itis w,mplete re-
eo eery. We are Mao 1!111.1 i.led 411
MVO Nlr. %VIII' Y4.u111f nide rn visit
friends around the 1'.rt again. Al-
though not able vet to %Yolk much
without 'the aid of a call., we hope to',
o-• Inlet lunch iuglri,rel 111 the felt•
:nee -
Ntr. ;old 54r..-l'.•t.• Green total true
Ily, Mr. \Yin. Itieluardson end daughter
t:roil. till of 1h•trult. .pent the holt-;
.lav her.. with relative.. They re -
...riled i -.l ou T11134,1:1y.
Y. H,wktn. and ails. Mar -
Ion Tige•rt have resoluta! their duties
CALL TO TEMPERANCE a. te•n•hers at St. Thomas mien( Auburn.
!t.•v. T. -and Slim. Hleks and two
.•hlldre•u. Jeek nod Nor ts. of Paisley.
Rall(' to He Held Mondry Night have been visiting with 111 tide
at Smith's Hlll u.•i_hl..rh•4NI. Mr. Iik•ks a111e form -
1,. temtwrann. fore.•• of Colborne
rector of t1. .Ulglie:w chin h
t"m1,..limp will rally on Monday. ,tele Len•
/'Huller rat h pew. i1 Shift(('. 11III Ur.. J.• -+b• 4.4 \{'c"lu"e+e:ny
1're•e1,yh:rlall church. Tlie purpose of
merlons stn a 11.0 t. her mistier. NIr..
1e• meting I. to 4rgauize :for the e',.UI• 11 -14 •M.rrlte. lu the 11'.•11.
Mr Uau MaeK.•11z1e has gi.n. rat ,t
leg enlulwigu. It 1- hoped there will 11u -i»1.-- Trip not
h.• 'e 111161.:1 -representation of each or. -
t:,e fere polling dtltigi"nn a the 1.01)E:KI('H TOWNSHIP
.•1u -hip.. Mr. A. T. l'eegwr, 444 Cilia;
ton. Will Ie• pre..nt rat the oleins.[.
Ill,4114(I('14 1'.111'NSIi11'. Sept.
'- Mari". 4're+•k, tib.. tu.- 6."Nun} n;offering ker�wwl viyliu i.irietg 4".•r ,.i-t.•r, Nlr NI. Low -
•\ i+lr.. IWon. Itrilheh 4, 1.4111 w.1N'1
"Ire• a sure cure for lar fec.•r. -St, '4"•n. ha; - r,•tw'u,•,1 to her Moue 1u
l bitaeitt"u.
The Ladies .lid .f 'Zion .harsh.
Taylor's 4'..r(.1",.s 11* 4"•;d tiis, r.•s;
It isn't t!„• harn.(rin-.' ,.f rout'" lar ni.tthi}- lu'.•fing at 4.4e• 00111 14 .n
„1 "Ole. r 1»•nut, ,.i'1 that hops. sees %5'e•1tn,e'.l, '.' $eptemher Deli.
hat tar. it .flit ..,ity-'lade. ('omits
I': ua•;.
51'-4. y!17.:OW:11 Sosserby. Ieft NI -n1 -
day t.d'r-,+nun' her dntt,•s n. 1,6a64.111.r
at 4",r wh'..I u,•ar 'rhelf"rel.
• my. 1! 1\'hitfie:41 w";"Tel :,• T.•r
Sp.calvalise. given in Wreath., „1.t., .:. 7tlr•.day.
• etc . for the Soldier: Mdmorial on Nl!-+ NIintli• .4..!u -.(.n.. 11.•leri•L.
Decoration Day. Sunday Sept. 7th. 1 etc j,.w,- .Vet. the• (reek -'•till..
AL : ('I u.• ('rat Fi'wer'. j .;ilr. tool Mr-. Ilnuh NI• .S':t-4"•r and
GEO. STEWART I daughter }:'izahet "t.r.d tn. froth
lh•!r.•i; t., tisk their re'a':ye•- here.
Florist - Phone 105 Ni.+ }:Ila w'w.•rl T lin- roomed to
i:• ;• .. h.., at \Ce•ntt'1,.1..
Th.. .01(14, s 44••X1 Seu.daj- rat
-.__1 1'nt011 riiut'eh .coil '..' !s.•1.1 1n the
aft" rn,s'rt .1 •-1:104; Snii.lay s. •Lea at.
Mr. and Mr-. T. E. lbw. art.'. ...I
'1'•Idy are -.•n,li::.:1 we.1, 41.4!, re -
',flies i t' -i•'\ l''la,it,c.
Mr. 1'1 :.•. 1:.!'.1 :"od i1,l 51r. 15, E.
Ili- l u.'t.r.d t.. 4,n'l1:a Stu;,l:,y t..
n., ,•t
air.. C. E.Iw•:.r.1 mid
;I!J 1'••!., 1-' r„e alnl. 4'!,iyt,Ni w:.e. iled
'en ..•trdhlg 11 few ,Ltya at itetroit,
and Nir-. 1'.re.t NI'rinrer ale.
and airs'. Hobert $nmerbv. and N1...
1 to• Johnston motored 1. Sl:,•p!cer,.-
'.•t. Hurl -;,cut
Sunday alts: Mr. and
NIr.. \Yin. Johnston.
Sntwby School '7'knk.- 7'11.
111"1:' Sunday .•l...1 held it. .110
total plenty at the lake nt It a.•k'.
Point .it Labor Itis.'. The afteni.•u
1+ .yetit 114 -IIort-. racing. ...ever,
•ft b:llt awl quoits.. Th•• prize-wiA-
.er. it the cation. tall, nnld o'11-
t.•.t! were:
Nli',o .1uoi.: 1143vid.011'41 .les.-Rleh.
Porter. Hurry Lon den. Willie l'or'e:
'4:,•ral.' (err.
511.4s NL Faal.•n ter'. cissa-Nt,,rint
Porter. Evelyn S.werby. Iw-t!,,-r NIr
I lwnhu,
Nis. •A., S.twerby's • 4 -lase -Sober
('lee. Earl Ifo Alli -ter. Ito... Soweriv
)I1- Helen(
Ike',. else+-p:ntlo.
Sowerhr, Marino ('nlwt•I1, M►Idre,
Brigs Adelaide 11avidw.n'' ('1:I8
i: r,'I *'n McAllister. Lean (.'111..'II, H.•1
.91 1h1vids.11.
511+s ((.telt Tk•!!". ' .•l.s\t--R.•nsnl
S.werbl. borne Porter. t',,r1 Suwerl"
tarps of 1'. X. 1'. S.-A.1.I10de Div
41«.11. Nora 44,werl,-. ,irsahe• Reimer
[toys of I'. Y. 1'. 5. ---Mt'. 15'hitfleId
I.:nid Il111.14P.M. Brock (Orr.
Married wrem,n-•SLrs. R. tile.. Hr.
1:. Sp oIrat1, lira. 14. 1'ort.r.
\tarried men.- Bert Orr, (:,'... Sow
1 .41lwgio•se ntleel444f41.
440. ‚Invi-
am- i
»titin l
hour, elle "J
is is (arts 4 ..
Wore Ola * ri
Miss M. E. Cameron
announces that her
Fall and Winter
Millinery Opening
will be held on September
9th and following days.
Special Prices on
Picture Frang All
This Week --Fair Week
Bring those pictures
in to -day and pee how
nicely we will ftame
4ts them at moderate
prices. We guarantee
our framing.
Smith's Art and Gift Store
Phone 198 East Street
' Thursday, Sfptember 4, 190 ;-11
'Thy, Rich. Porter. ' WEDDINGS
Handkerchief raw'. -N. $ow►'rby
and I). Davidson. A. S. Iluvldson and ,
H. ' Whitfield. 11. Buchanan ran and 11. •NILLIB-'MOONHY
Orr. M. FH'c•ulwr and .1. B..1rr.
(~*'kaon r1NN'.-- Eunice Soon 'Thy.
ItslNln cvnrteat:- khauor Jclhtuswt,
nod E:unke Sow. 4sy.
lila ult c,uti-st.-.\11111 M.Alll,t.r.
ellse marriage took pima. at the
rectory, Clinton, on Monday, August
23th, of Mrs. Caroline 190ody, . ligh-
ter of Mr. and alma George Coiln-
w•n. Itlyth, to Itichard E. Sinn.. wan
of Mr,. and Mrs. Henry Sillib, Uodes-
TWO MONTHS' TRIP . rich.Rev. (1. L. Biting- la•rformel
BY AUTOMOBILE the ceremony. 'Mr, and Sirs. $illib
heft Immediately aft.rwwrls on a
•I wedding trip by motor ,.. to 'Bonito
Thai. Sandy and Family Had Fine and other po,intsa on the (ales. (►8
Sightseeing Tour ..e•Ir return they will tiske up their
aro) rthe•+idence at Brantford.
four children returned \ ethis•wMv of
Nir. and Mrs. Thomas Sandy
list week after A motor trio extend.
hog nearly two mouth., in which
time 'hal' 4raee•llel "1,320 miles, '
I''r.4111 4:..1.rlcl, they went • by Port
Hiroo. to (;rues( Ilaren. liy ferry to
Niihv:n;ks-.; on to Minn...n..11.. Win-
nipeg. Brandon. Regina.-- M4s..o Jaw.
+l414...s.4.,uncone 1lr1mhrdler.
Calgary. Banff. flh• 1.411,1'., 81111
(•rauhr,M.k, It. C. The rottnrn was by
way .f 5i. -I...41. I;Sa1.1er 1'tu•k l-ellon--
▪ roue Park. 4•,..Ir. 4'hey.•ntle•, ()Milos.
'4'ledcag., and Detroit.
11. the 11'rst.ri, , States they 4"'144111
everything burnt .s.1'. There:MI.1 net
been.14f1'i.-rat rain and tlo' cepa
were very 1..M.r.1 Int the other hand.
our Tandy of Nit. Carmel .hunch,
Nit. Carmel. Ont.. was. the *el* of K
very peaty wedding on W dnewlay
morning. Animist 27th, when Mika
11.61.,, Kathleen Carey. third laugh- preach next Sunday morning and
4,•r ..f Mr. and Mn.. James Carer. SI` "ening.
The regular -meeting of the Colder-
ouder1.•4" \1'onleu's institute will be held
Thursday, September llttt, at the
house of - ?1111 Wakefield, Huron
lo• Knox (hord' the services' nest
Sabbath will be conducted by the
minister. Subject); of sermons': 11
a.m.. "Shepherds of the F111ck" 7
p.m., -The Silence of plod." flah-
lucth ;w0Ie111 at 10 4.4 IOCk.
.\t Victoria street church next Sun-
day the pastor, Ree. J. W. Hedley,
will conduct loth s•rvk•ea. 'Morning
subject: "Tine Prayer Life of the
l'hurch." Evening 'subject t : •'Some
M.glcrn Sim end Titian. Itetuedy."
Iter, ter. N. A. Dyke, of Toronto.
will be the pastor 4"4 clary. of the
/:alerk•h Baptist ..hur,'h for the
Dyke ODETHEATRE.. , . ta•r. � . Ile 1. Ill
month of S. inn I r 1 1
Mmesehmg Park Hotd
ri.h amid Chick's Dimmers will be
.enol every Sunday Evening frees
11.0 to 9.30
Every pn'cautl ori has been taken to
keep our dinners up to the high
sturulanl set in the peat.
Kindly phone MI fur rawrvatioso
.1 \CKSON, Manager
ensue the bride of Mr. •Andrew Jo-
.'egsh Keogh. yunngc.•t sun of Mr. I for Goderich eMstrNt .f the Ni.•t►se
Thinner Keogh. , Shiplot. iter. W. T. dist church will 1 held lu North
(`.re',rnn nils 1te1. The bride wee at -
'ended by her slater. Visa Bernadette
carer. and Mr. Thome,' Keogh, broth -
of the groom. naai.ted the.gronm.
Promptly at 0 o'clock the bride en-
tered the church on the arm of her
father' to the strains of Nfendelasnhn'N
in lllitw.h.:old,,-iwt the fwd an- 1 melding march. beautifully rendered
by Miss Mnd.•1ine (:bavin. Th.
bride was eltermlugly ((owned In
very Inter, -.ting. There they reach.+1 while petal sheen crew with trim -
the Walesa altitude on the trip. Early
111 the morning there air. half -nu -Inch
.f 1..• nnel rho tape/ n'e're frozen, The
Meek Tears were very tart., and
w•otdd even watt around until they
got .enne•thitg to 'ant. •'e41d Faithful"
geyser noel many other p.Iia . .t
Interest 444 Yellowstone )'ark were vis-
ite.). The 1.1z1...1 climb they had 1144
ILP frit. x11. Rntl.l_nrr \font stip rat
Banff -a mile.. 1 Nth,
\( 1,!.lr. '.ton•. NtontopI. they Kiln'
Nn i04114'ns.• Ween 1..4'.1n,tlyee. - with
e•1¢h' driving 1.heels .'i e•ncll side. it
K.41110 ban! 4'u.' hhuetr«1 loaded
frelgl•t err.. oyer t'...• mountains.
t in .5Iiw-rt. they took tea.. .f tt✓•
eon] .!runtl.e Tit'• mime. were,get-
• 47.15 s an11 'f vee(. for YIf-
Tf1e fUwuciel.:.4114/41'--.1414.0ng for
Th.• ,-ladt to Yellowstone Park mag
'street .Miceli, l:lalerk li. on Westin•» -
.44y, Seplt.tunh.r 17. at 141 a.m. 111 the
afternoon at 1.:I0 u'cke'k a mi,'nlou-
'try conference will be he1d, when the
mf.aionary centenary will be cele-
brated; alas. rat the evening wwnk,u.,'
Salvation Army Net's.
The (norm( Salvation Army picoic
wens hold oil \1'.alm•,als•y. A11g1Nt'.47. at
ming. of Ideals( georgette and pellets, , Men."NNung Park. where an enjoyable
and e•nrrie•d n •ht,wer bouquet of whose t clay was -spent. 'elle nffeir Iu ever
•. std t1 . IeN•N1 .f•
Killarney row... Her yell of embroider fle•kt•N publicly than( things. who help
est net w'as 1011 111 ',hire by ,1 hen- ,.el Urdkc• k Ohne.
dein of pearl's. The hrielesmilid wens
eowue•d In jade ,'.e'en trier. plaid The SunrLty seined was .4reugthPtl-
With trimmings of sliver grey and est 1•y eleven neweotners un Smola,
.-IIr,T-agrey het to match. She err- last.
vied a bouquet of pink rose-bn41s.•'4441•eraI re+riN,n11ed 40-. the appeal
luring the atoning of the register the nuele for rant -ate 4-1otleit,K.-,u0ne of
Ave Marin Wal,' playedbv-theorganlst. which has. been di.trib,rtel. 'I'h.,LNul
.\ nor the .ere'm..iif a Nualptumia wed-
ding dinner was served, at the home
.f the bride's purrenen In Mt. car,{)lel.
The g1)0$t8 nnmlNered stood fifty. 'lie
pr.•aeuts were Neal 111.0y.
.isavlug the esteem. In wide). the
Young couple were held. The- bride'
party ish- itr the -45 .,: l.p k for
teen '+'r ...alt. more 411.1 or.. ..ti'l .n•. a honeymoon trip to Detroit mol other
Nir. -ei.''lr Ta .f the "piiii,.n that the pn.ints. the bride travelling In a
.1114 .f navy 4rk•'.tlne• with ►.,t 4144(4
r I slippers of sliver (tel-. On their re-
turn they win r4'441e at the grooMs
home south 'of 41hlpkn. 710• 044t -of -
town • guest.. at the welding were
_• t 's •, had little nyrc a ND-. and NIr.'. 1'. .1 Carey'. l:odeirl.•h :
!eh'g rn , 'l.,rtn_ r';.• trip. They sere- Mr...Mary Brody. Patrick and Mary
11441 )figs Johanna ('rarer. 4T:smitten :
G.\i•nuu.a;t .1,.111,1 take oyer ntnd,o4).
rat,. 111114'.-.-v
'1'b.• ",r'c traveafed %erne. n .!"•.-Int
StuTr' ,k.r ,.n.) 1..u1 nn teetlple w-l4at-
• •-e-r ehn•ie; tin• 41105 • tent'. Mt 11.
rfr'.l their ..nn 0nnlnin$ nntfit-rid 411(4
net '1,9'11 r .duel•- clght in m hotel. Tilt•
trip cos- al'r1.. .I 1!t •lel ll� et pN'71-ea aP-
eo'mtIug ' er a - -••1 Harr of tide: 3ir,
�ac'lr ..'r• the ' r1-1 need n.•rir 1.'
nn• lye }'ver- 4'' n hag 'n a tanditt
....mi.! A,r t.or1-• - anti them Ir al-
: • i4. Mntllel..dy a' ellepkgs.. . pt
I:anff Il:.r•• wen jre:iettis up. ant
t•„'tt the sen,..nml"r 8t (1111 )"I rlli
fatYellow-ih.n.•. 71sere ere
goal ",.:, !- everywhere 31'11
is.+f„r, gra a t great ap» • 14. Tletw e. n
r'!•.i •u.4'. n' '1 Detroit tin re. moa 'nn
, •81111 :Hare of car. 10tnz h .t 1,
\fr. Sled-- •-,k'e Jia n• xt trip nil!
4.., ('nlif"rt:i•,,
For star -at !....nes 1' - nye. he "' 1'''
rnn•.'.1at1nn 11:111 Nir. San,!r any* that
in all lei. tell. h. ' l'.t- ' hart of rho.
,.'•nicer to I • 3l'itnrl.1and that 41.•1-
r!e'; i. 414 :1,•111 1 ides.•.•' :0 111,1 1n as
tiny l e can,
lir. and Nits. J. .1. Busily awl 514--
Angela Roberti. Senile: Nig. Iola.
Herod,. Meas Annie Kapgh, itl• 1S'nl-
11.• 11111. Mrs. Ti.. Chanties and densilftern
Estln r and F.ilee•n.- Detroit. 1(tul Mrs
�Ohu (lor$ngand .4111 Norbert, Pnrk-
7t�lL' S��fdi
At 7 o.lew•kr'as the evening of
NT.twlny, Pe'tetiber 'let. At Knox
Lcrel'. Coderte11. the marriage we',
--.•I.annized ..f R'tth Knot. younger
'la'rchh•r .4 Severson! and Mew, JAM: -
r1:1 and Frederick Robertson
t.:,rkin. of Windsor. Only Bou of It.v-
°re•nd Dir. nod Mrs. F. H. Larkin.
Sr•nfor111. Ont. The chnrill was bean
eant!fisay decorated it ,yntuin11 colors. nod
made n fitting setting for the charm-
ing event. The bride. gaw,i..l in
white georgette trimmed with silver
'•..e and crystal -hats, nn .-'mhtnld-
•h'rel net 'Veil with 141111131n of orange
1e1oswoma. centered the church on the
arm .f her nnXi'. Dr. 11'. T. Remil-
.11 .f Toronto. t. the •-HaInn rat the
I "I.e,grin welding nmr•h. She car
by The Globe'.' Western vied n shower lenepe't of bridal rosea.
Illy-of-the-1•nllMT ,1nd b,'4"''.' breath
She was attended by her ..toter. Mrs.
J. (1. Morrison of Kinenr.line. ns
matron .f honor. toil he Nlf-- Agnes
Snowier. of G,Nlerieh azul 'Mimi Hel-
en parkin .f ( sister .f the
gr,N,ln. ,1n bridesmaid. They . were
'1reaw•d alike In 44.wns of georgette
trininl.•d with gold Ince and wore ban
de:ulx .f geld ribbon and Lace. Mrs.
Nl.rrlson in cocoa shale carried a
ahenf of Plaided gladioli of coral
(.ink hues: Mkt. Semler' ire pumpkin
Ne•ilow with *Made(' gladioli of gohl.n
1111414. and Miw 1.:,rkin in pr:.•,.'k
blue tyitlt shaded gladioli of pink
hoes. The grs.m was attended by Pr.
\\'Illiam Nfoffet .f fort Colborne and
the ushers were Mr. James Shaw of
:11111 r. Ernest Marshall of
Mourns' 1. 1311e. The ceremony vs.•
performed by the father .f the bride.
nsgistel by the father of the groom,
trial.. the wedding was rendered
by Mr. MacDonald Gibbs, swanned
of the c•hnmh. After the ceremony n
reeeptl.m wa. 1:46141 rat the manse, Enst
street. the home of the brides par-
ents. The mother of the bride wax
dre•sa.d in grey flat er.'pe with be-
coming grey hat trinrnl.d with
blue ostrich and wore 41 corsage
boorynet of line larkspur and pink
sweet ream. Mrs. Larkin, mother of
the groom. Th a tory blue lace gown,
1.1a4.k hat and enr»age bouquet of
marigold,' nlwl mnidrnhalr fern. re-
eefvel with her. After the reception,
the bride and groom left toy motor for
Northern Ontario. the bride ,wearing
a frown novelty e•relw eneemhle cult,
With cocoa 1iu1 and cnenn fox fur
fin their return they wall reside In
The out-of-town greats included:
Ntr. R. A. Hamilton of Halt. Mrs.. W.
Ilamiltot, of Toronto, Mrs. John
L.nghed Christie of Rnstoa;l Maris.,
•Ni4« Merlon Larkin of London, MIR.
Reatrtce Larkin of Toronto. Mr. J. 0
Morrison of KNnenrdine. Ker. and
Mr... t1'nit.r James 4"f T'almeratnn,1
Mr. and Mn. R. V, (dyer of Mother-
well. Miss Marlon Oliver of Mother-
well. Mime Grave Stevenson of Avon -
hank. Yr. P. 1'. Chapman of Wing -
ham. Mrs 1 Lieutenant 1 11PNdhN• of
P • New York, Mr. end Mrs. Jnoeph Rod-
e ger• .4 Ituffaln, Mr. and Mr... F. O.rn M..Tnrish of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
.1 V. Orrin of Seaf"rth, Mr. and Mrs.
.10.11 Beet of Peefnrth, and Nils Mar
Ion w:.t.'on. of t'sgeort
1` -circ: ii•g tin 3%11(411' crop .f the• ('an nappear'.ltan \1'.t appear'.to i* the .•hi,•f
eit'i,nal •.,-tine• t116031 1444. inn4•tur•.-
(In1r former townsman Fred itnvis
_ !:;1- heel' I ((sing 41 hand in the grime.
41'1 1s gn.tell LN' T114.Gl.dw11 st:off
t eon.apondent in the Wet 1n one of
1.1• letters frnn ihr wheat .ounlrc.
'Theenrr.spw.nle•nt *rites:' "Scnrely hal i mailed the pr.. -
',ding letter ..f this series, venturing
to.ngg.+t for Alberta .1‘ wheat crop .f
75.000.(N141 to i2
k5.N,,4MN1 hllgh.l a, wilri,
1 enticed ha n ('n1g:try paper nil , a•
Ornate by }'rel Davis o4 f1lr•Ichen of
• !Mi1NN11NM1 to �Til,(ll0.01N,. Mr. T1av1$
'111s 111•.11 for 110111es p
1e yenrrominent
to the Provincial I. gisletlre: iN a
rhormiy reliable gentleman nod.
abort. all, a pnn•tic81 nod practising
farmer of long expw•rl.410" end frond
4N/ HIP views regarding Prob-
able yield ere wv11 worthy of enn-
sldera t ion.
"Mr. Thele elated that he wan
belting 1,1'. prognostication not alone
upon n general knowledge of th
\Itw'rtnn situation. hut upon helix -
potable conlitiona in the vicinity of
11114corn hone. Pince reeding lila
remit yr
rks 'uterdsy D have faireted
by motor a emu -section of some
twenty -Sae to thirty mile.. south and
east of ('nlgnry. In the T.angdnn.
hi .
('arsc'nd:gemlike, amlike .11.'tr1.t', and
th.. here been crop. *mph as 841.4
he 1)1(10" upon which Mr. Thele Woo,
h1. pw•ellctt(ms.
"Were all the entre In Alberta like
cont'. to be seen around iMngdnn and
Nnmaka title Province womb! reap
n truly entering hnrvewt. 1 saw 1s.
the course. of a two-hotir drive field
after field of wheat that shrill run,
on present app•aw
ran14, forte h�uibels
to the acre. and Tory fine stands of
onto. that 'should thresh not lee. than
'seventy -flee bushel... But lntet-
*nw'r.N41 end covering wide arena 'per.
wheat. (tato and burley
poor -short.
or -short. thin and of r.ry (kntbthtt
cemtn,riel whin'. It 111 thi. ernzy•
guilt c ffe•t of geoid and Mad In crops -
from extremely twiny 41/ w•nrtldevs. Is.
the one commnntty-that make. - es-
timeting difflenit. and Hart will r
atilt, 1 feel .ertaht. in keening t4"
final yield In all online nntnt•whe
neer the lere1 of what farmer.' enol
'n gond average,. "
New Fall Goods Are Arriving Daily
Our stocks of Ladies' Coats and Dresses for fall wear are coming to hand from
day to day. They are up-to-the-minute in style, and prices are the lowest. Fall Mil-
linery also is here in the latest smart models, and you can purchase your fall outfit
here Int lowest prices.
. thou ss
every IIT
adinp In-
, sae out -
t end ds
was made
a the ear.
N ea
set (sly
eh. object
pe et air -
I to equip.
dews la
p a
by 6see
laves. As
on .(tom
NI so
das ▪ -
For the Men and Young Men
Fall Suits. The newest in Felt Hats and Caps for fall are here.
Remember Friday and Saturday
are the • ' g days of our Third Big Anniversary Sale and special bargains in all
lines will continue up to Saturday night. Shop now.
.•..trodew wi.h 1:. thank '4haw' w.
..odributel. 1ori,p a ilii,• to 1'. 11, 4.o'
11'2 .r phone 4141 if you went. your '
.',"t off e•Inthiog mit to the best nee -
.\ meeting. un.. held In the I.N$I 1111
last Sunday morning.
77,e Medic,-. will lie .+.edtu Iwo `(t1,
day U. fuli.w•g : uduy school. p.m ,
Smola) 'night. 7 pal .511 ,1.11.4411•
Nlnnday wed 'r44eatlay
in the modern rout111lc story
L1.011) H.1M11.TfW IN
Wede1.414 nu,l Thusale}•
W11.1.1.'.M S. 'FART
iii a thrilling western 1.44 -tare
" Wil.D HILL 111('k41K"
Ital..- I'egg ( ('.weed%
"d.t,('K ' .RSI/ THE -- BEANSAI: rk"
Friday and Sahnday
l.R M.\KK
lin 1're}•Nildcl- gr. 41.•4.4 pr.Nlue4iva
stain La or. 1 1'1, 111.e.\
A. sop's Fields, '.1 teeny 11+11'.
5,411~... M kty ,nue '.5 41,.•easy at
1.1 ,. Oatllreh•y al :4.HM'
III 71R.1N 11"
Amateur Finishing
Our developing and printing is I
of the batter kind.
Leave your Films with us for
good work and prompt service.
We also carry a full .tock of
Film. and Printing Materials.
I'hono 187 Goderteh
New Crop of Clover Honey
Clover and basswood talmo.t
water white).
Per 10 Ib pail . 41.60 •
Per 5.1b. pail . . 85c
Clover and f.11 flower ( light
amber), one cant per Ib. 1e...
our h.ncy is strictly grade( and
abedule•ly pure.
Phone 601-13
Yltesels Na. sM
After you have been M.
the Fair and have eaten
too many peanuts and
drunk too - much "Pink
Lemonade." don't grouch
around the house unaided;
do it to music. Try "Mean
Blues" for the first feeling,
"Never Again" for the
second, and "Just a Lul-
laby" to go to sleep on.
ErerfthIng comas to those *Ito wall
---118 thrwloelvew. Ton many folk go through Ilte in
the aplHt of the man 'bio put a
N1. I. ,r,-.4"•••• kr'.*., / ow to fa', hernial' only on the rent of 10a car1..
n '(eking. Also he know.. hire• to rlke H. pint knew Ise was never going
the $43.0110 that Roca with 11. -Nen to run Into anything ahead of Jllns.--
York Herald Tribmar, - ` !Aesop Reporter. '
Increase Your Soil Fertility . by the Use of
McCormick and Deering Manure Spreaders
A Hard Job Made Easy with the Right Machinery -
Soil,fertility can be kept up by the use of barnyard man-
ure but most farmers dislike the task because it is a hard,
dirty job when it is done with a wagon and fork, there-
fore it is neglected and the soil suffers. This jeb can be
done quickly and easily without a great deal of labor and
without the unpleasant features that make hand spreading
disagreeable. by using a McCormick or Deering Spreader.
In this way a disagreeable task is changed into one
which is easy and the soil gets the benefit because the
manure is not left in piles to waste much of its richness
Hamilton Street GODERICH
Telephone.: Shop, 206; Residence, 249 w
These good features are all embodied in our immethse
stock of Footwear, for men, women and children, and
these features, combined with the policy of one price
and fair dealing to all, has made this store an institution
as the "Fancily Shoe Store."
Our new stock of
Trunks and Travelling Goods
of all kinds, at poptlar prices, is worthy of your con-
sideration and insion. We invite you to come in
and look around at any time.