The Signal, 1924-9-4, Page 4tf-Thursday. eeptember 4. 1A24.
Boys' Suits For School Opening
Our Fall stn: h of Prince Clothing fur boys is in. Any boy
would be proud to wear a "Prince Suit," full of style,
all -wool cloths and the hest tailored $7.50 to 1150
Boy,' Clothing. Prices
You flet'(" heard of such a thing before, did you?
Think of it, a fine All -t ' at Sweater in the popular
fawn and grey shades. splendid coat.
Special Price
`` ;2195
"Tim Horton;" a fine fur felt hat made by the
mann of . the Brock Hat, same dye as used in
the Brock Rat and colon guaranteed. All $1
popular ahades.
Mani and Boyi Wear. Neat to Bank of Montreal.
BI:N 5111.1.1:1:. Slot. 2. -Mrs Will
'11111 is on :1 1i.1! to Toronto. a4•
(umlanil(S1 by her .I.ttr. Mrs. Fuller.
Mr. and. NIns. Jones Jt•weli are
ho1L.tying at Toronto.
There I u new IMby girl at Mr.
M -('oral's.
Urn. W . Oke I11 au a visit to
1 114,011%Stellar,' r /(wend eta ' i -A.111y withw
u1N.nt sixty -pupils In attendance. Ma
rkllsn of Ifautllten ls•ifit; prirrelp11
oast Mas Campbell of S.•.af!.rtl. twin:
Otero. in; (barof the Junin: room.
KINl;S1tRIIN;P. Sell. J. Mat -.-MI..'
uhartat-t Gnrvoy ham gone In t-.
1 .ant. ' whore sale I
lion fur the, ,•(•m111s *chord tense.
Mr. lt-iift•t•t) a1ir(,trthy has ter for
to ?Steed i. 1be l'Ammerrlal
School there.
Mr. and N{rs. W. J. Foran +tt
lay :at r. SIVA RaekleF s.
r. nod lis. Th . Lannon and
set Palhleia !anon motored from
l,k•irolt Ta" the holltla
antra• Mrs .ftp. (O'4'tmio.r nut
.lt�ren. Mary FratIe and Jule.
w 1• C. ami Teddy. and
Mr. TIM 11'I of trait, stent
thet Mr. _anal %1rs. TJas.
•Mr. and rs. t'nt I/lnt•e•u land Pineliy. of Detroit. Wert• t sheets of
)1 r. J. Ditse4
MIs. Katie (O'Reilly •ont� M1 . Non -
:1 1►'('otDnor, of etrntt\ ytmyat the
urn lien.pews that her brother was taken sod.
Iter, E. L. Williams, B. A., oft Ctevee , (truly 111 with apt-rulhkils uud had
bund. Ohio, Is the guest of Mrs. J. R. 1 been removed to the hospital.
McLeod. Mr. lay. AA'agner, while attending,
Bev. F. P. Abbott, lira. Abbott and rim thrashing nachlue, had the mite
children are The guests of tier. li. P. fortune to receive a blow on the fore-
awd Mrs. (bleleugh at the rectory. heart. whh•ll laid Jilin up for :t few
M'v. Northcote, who has been cis- days.
Iti1:g her friend Jia. W. J. Ellhdt, of
Goderlch township, .has retyrtud to Dl'NGA\NUN
lu•r Imine 10 bout Un.
,Week -end visitors to the village in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. V. Hurt and child ( DI'NI(IANNO►N. Sept. L. --Mr. iten-
Mr. York of 'Toronto, all guests of end tial FredMrs. d Itaker. I ruts.
The rector of Trinity church be- seises
Inc mafiosi 10 bed through Moeda, and Nett
Detroit. were the guests of ' N'S several weeks
Bojo j
Annie and Katr McDougal, over Sun-
Mbsa Ida t'angi011e, of (1e3arlch,
who was Npwndlug a few week's at
the 114i'1111ils'. has gone nn a vislt
t1 I'urt 4't.IIwlnt0.
Mr. and Mrs. _Wm. Wliwm and
cIIU,Ir•u. of lot -Iron. were calling. on
old friends in the neighla.rhnal on
Itaturd'ar lea.
air. anti Mrs. Rutted Currie. of
Clinton. Nem Sunday with Mr. and
week -end at th.jr homes herr.
Mr. Millie Myer mrm
otoed fro
Detroit ter the meek -end
ARH-FII:LD. Sept. 1.--.Nmong the
Wert end visitors were Miss Annie
McDonald, of Hamilton: Mr. John
Mattie nos.• of Detroit : .jr. and Mrs.
London. Hurdle, of London.
Mr. l'hsrlcs Mar(Iregor is home af-
ter spending three weeks with friends
ha Cape Breton.
Mr. ,'has, Stewart 11311 ew:
er) talent
In the sights at Toronto Exhibition.
° 1114 Lily MacKenzie lett on teat.
entity for brand Valley, 1 kit.. where
elle will teach.
Misses .cannaBessie ssie nod Itdle•)lac•
Ken:Ie left on Motklny for Toronto.
to take their several -sellouts for thetertu. N1.... !Adele leaves tomorrow
(Ttlesd:ay) -to teach at Port ARert..
Mr. Frank N'a•WIgton. of Auhuru..
will again tench Iu M. S. No. the
Kildail school.
Mr and Di
1!rs. Johnston. of tmi%
are visiting friends In Ashrield.
Thr E. W. 0. will meet on •Fri
day evening. ,Sept.t ber rah. in kin -
tali hall. MIAs Maci'balt. 'at. P.. will
Le• present to address the gathering.I
Tho .14.1"1-111.4 it A.Ilfiebl PreM1,y-
tr•r!au church Inst Sunday were welt bothattended. .th morning 4)41(1 evening.
1tec: J. S. Hardie. miuistar of the
e.fL'rea11la 114.14, ,4•Ilp1111 the
pplte two excellent serm'.ua.
Mrs. Bert Harris, of 1k•(rult. sent,
the weekendalth her pareutr. Mr.
and Mr.. 1'. McDougall: her mother
n•tlrnhag home• with her.
' tr. anti Mrs AlfredMe'(:regor bind
.children Rud •airs. l'. M(4:rsgot. of
1h4t .l1. were vblitora with Mr. and
Jr... S. F.mmer411 and other friends
ricer Sundry.
lief. 1t. 1'. Melk•rudd, of Knox
t•hnn•h, li,wlerlch. prrachet very ac-
e•pt9hhy in Witham church on Sun-
day hast. in the alatenee of Rev. A.
London; ,ndon• Mina Greta BL4ker ami 4011 ('444e ,of Toronto. 44as n heel'-
or at the house of his par -
Clara Sproul. of Stratford, l
.. of II.Ntcrich. were the I
ity was deeply shocked on hearing of
the tragic death of lath• Jat•k Camp -
Mal, the eight jour -. hl wen of Mar. sura
'Ilrs. W. F. l'*WItl. tl of loetrutt, on
1t'etlnewlay of hart week. Mr. and
Mrs. 1's19111k41, uceompauied by Jack,
had dune up on n visit to their 'bristle
i er, Mr. James l'aw{Awll. 21141 tvwlt•ea-
slut of West 4V14wana4ll. Jack went
with his father to attend a tJlrc.ldng
In the neighborhood and it mune wale
ter fell off the outer -tuck, the wheels
of which went ever his. He. lived
! the Ltev. E. 1.. Williams. of Cleveland. guests of heir 'streets over Sunday.;
I eltudated at the evening service ou Mr. and `airs. Roy Herds and taw -1
Sutnlay last. • ily. of titratforl. spent 1.314.r Day
Joan Dsvhu/u. of this 1,111(0. It ear- at the howl of air. and airs. T. G.'
venter In the Amidst* awl building .4.1- Alien.. °
1sertnlrnt. of .the P. N. It.. diel 4.,p \\'rd. airs. C. Campbell and .children, of
motley. August 27411. at Loudon. after Westfield, spent a few days lune v1a-
nn illness of a fratatiav4. He was 4ting her mother. Mrs. S. ll'e•utand.
fifty-nitte r4•.4ra of age and had been Mr. Bert Wtgglns boa remand to
with the l'. N. R. for six years.
Miss Hess ('tidily, of Detroit. stent a
coning. of days last week at the hates
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Treble.
NIrs Huhu. AllIn, of 4:oderi.h. Is
visiting with her sou Charles for a
few days.
sate• ileielnur Ma•ipulrrie. of Lis-
towel, has returner to her school but
No. 8 for the 1144v1141 year. We wee •
Come her back Again to our neighbor•
Mr. and Nes. Will Foagall, of God-
erich. spent Sunday with the furnr•r'a
parents. lir. and Mr. Jan. Feagnn.
The Masonic {orad,• will 'he held to
'Zion church next Yutelay and 14411 10
Smith's Hill church as announced In'
The Signal last week.
Township Council.- TI .• 4,11ll4hlp
(4111114-11 met 111 110tmes' Hall all alum
day. torr the usual runt{ne bulginess
the following 44(ru11ut4 were ordered
4.:114: -Alexandra Marine and 0.•ner-
a1 H0sptt«.L for three weeks' care of
patient tuft hespltaL *3 Lon. D. A.
'Sterling. posts and *21.7:5;
1e•4!ie ('o(. sheep -Mims. $10.00; Tina"t
Betties. iron for bridge. $44.(l) Fret
14.11. iron for bridge. x111.:1(1: Pres'
114.11. evne•tt (•ulsort . L.i*W4.(t1; 111.•
Potter. past and na41.4. t't.wl: Frei
Pell, Trnda'I s bridge. 1t4',l.lsl: Sam
I:Iunl••eson. ,ats•rint•tnlent's In 11..1
Rt0:1a1. ('apt. Sloan's , request for 44
Brent to the fruit show was lett over
i until next meeting. It. I:. TRii[1at1iP-
SON. Clerk.
l'ARLUAY. Sept. 2. --Mr. Paull Mne-
nel, w•hn,,wes visiting him wan Charles
at Faits'{. returned luno on Motor-
nay feeling mach better for his two
w,.4.s holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis McBride spent
the we•1(:end visiting frlemis at
Grand -Ihend.
atlas Ilary '.1e11anlr, of Toronto.
visited her .'main. MIs. IL Tyndall,
for a feu days last week.
lulls, Jean Young lett on Y lay
to take n ps,slti..h as teacher In a
welted near Jnrvls. Hahtimend county.
Mr. lteg Glen tome •lune of Ida bleat
(1444+ 1444 Monday night` from au at-
tack of pneumonia.
Mrs. Earl alaeir1 and t children.
t'h:arlie and Itnth. have returned to
thu•ir .1 re at l•ssex offer ' two
weeks' visit at the 114,41* of Jdh, A414
Mrs. P11111 N111 1.1.1.
Threaldng is the order of the t
and many granaries 'rill he filled t
ovcrf'ewln{f this year. The emir 14 the
best for tawny ycar4 and the w'(aathra
lm perfect for finishing up the hat'
Dees. A. Johnstone spent a few day,
a: Auburn 1854 Week.
- 141.4 Isobel Y g returned to her
school at Wpm Monkt4.11 . tat 310n-
ri m y.
at and
r'1'. fIb:L1:NS. S• ; a 1. -(',,:grab
his school at lar Rater. .talions.
Mi. and Mrs. 41. x. 11.'Ken:le and
eta Maledm m tore) t.. Toronto ou
Saturday to :ate ul the Exhibition.
Misses Daisy tyal. Edna Pent-
land 111111 Margaret Pentland returned
t1, their 0,•hoi. , 1 Saturday last.
Mr. t.averno Pe aloud has left for
manual tralulig
Loudon to attend
41114)01. .
air: and Mrs. FI.•rt It,.aeh and
'Isnghter. Erman, a attending the Ex-
hibition at Tero1410 his week.
Se•h1N4l rest's tel n Tuetehiv. Mr.
P. Rote and NII:. M. Durnio are the
teacher* in .-large.
Res. 3. ,'eters, alej+. Peters and
daughter. Katherine. ` have returned
t0 iliing'a1111411 after spending two
week: rat attieu.
• Mrs I1. Irwin 411,1 M s. D. Fowler
are :tr.•nd16: the Extol dtlou at Tor-
onto this Week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. al,•Ea• tern, of Looe, '•11.nt11 a w,•.•k-1•11d1at the home
of the Easter's parents. ll r. and Mrs.
R. A. lh Keuz!r.
The folt,.n ing i. from The Brutes -1s
Post : .flex.. Mowbray. re-cutly of I
1(•1:r:.e and formerly of Ilnngannou.
s yncrhs.el, n ,•loppin{I mill at
w. la the outskirts of t:lora. The -
aur neural lours and Was come -tour t0
the lust. Much sympatJly is felt for
the parents in the loss of their only
rhfbl. The funeral took place 041 Rat-
urd4y afte•rwon to Duugan11411 ce'W-
1 etery. Iter. 11r. Dara. Augl1.•atl min•
Islet ootdu.•Iing the serviette. The
1.ellbeurers were Orland here, Veal
Mt'Ne•. 1.1.44-111 14 ('llllw-rt and (1If-
ford Sproul. Mr. and Mrs ('am{1WIl
left this morning on their return to
The New Vogue is Canton
and Georgette Dresses
This group of French Dresses offers a remarkable op-
portunity to purchase at a very low price. Shades are
sand, grey, brown and new blue.
$17.50 to $22.50
New Fall Coats
Smartly styled in the latest modes, which strongly em-
phasize their remarkably kw prices of
$14.50 and $39.50
Wool Crepe Skirts
Extraordinary offering of the Wool Crepe Skirts, in
shades of sand, grey and brown.
Special at $2.95
sere. ;r.• is of shot, awl 1s
rx� • ,.• t ways s.w er. 1.1'
flgrrel • a fire (motel
Min.:-r..e 4
esluip It for
11.'1110%1y er
I A Rad .� t.-7hl- 1 •e•m ra:n
'froze!, pips,. 1111
t•Utl.Jll 11. net
a t ion. 55'1
saM, .... 111
run by on
w:hner 'It
(son_, the
it Is Mr. i
it and 1•0- ;
'•1.111 Mr.
11+ enter-
:aft ors are e'tem'c 1 to our t.•a.•hera. 1 .
f1014t1:F1ELD 'N11s 1i. ssir Nittr•I:- and 11!ss Jessie
Iluckinghom. upon rhe sorts[+ of their
H.4YYIF4.le. 1.4.14. 1. --.Sts *11 pnp!11i. We also 0xt.nd congratuls-
Hatt Wnwnb 11/14 retur':wd from a e tions to the twip4ls who mi cr4litnb!y
ldea/ranf visit to Thaneaville • p,med their examination:-
Bor. �
t{ugh and lire. ro.i,y i�Don't forst therhtnt
ale t. iw
:Ifnnt stn are the :newts of airs. 145.41 at tet. Helesslavilliteptember 14th.'
a:.•or'• ft'»Indy • 1.1111113 will Is- served by th:• 44141M•lt'll i
Mrs. .1rau(nar and' rh,u4.hter, Ali-- Ill.titlt• at 4 tielo•k. 141 the evenng
r0RT1:R'S IIIi.I.. dept. 2.- Nor. .5 1100.,. .a rn•tro{t 1' formerly of ';:..t 04" llapt.• Leff Quartette. of bale. •
I•nn•l Sirs. Martin and chlldro,,. ..f erdel). ha1,• home aft.... '*•ill give -a concert. 14.1.o,l children I.
Showing of New Fall Goods
'T'HIS • fall fair week and the opening season
for f 11 and winter wear. Do not fail to
see our showing of fall goods this week.
Fall and . Winter Coats -
We now have a splendid range of Winter Coats in a full range of sizes. Our
coats are made of the finest cloths, they are all interlined and made with the storm
cuff. They are in shades of black, brown, grey, navy and fawn. We have ex-
ceptionally low prices on the finest Marvella Coats and on the Teddy Bear Coats. They
are every one just new. Come and try them on.
Flannel Dress Goods
We now have a complete stock of the best quality pure wool flannel for fall dresses
Our flannels are full 54 inches wide and we can give you any shade.
Fancy Wool Crepes
These are just the thing for the coming season. There made of the beat weight
of wool crepe for dresses and the color combinations IIt1Re'beautiful. We buy these in
individual dress lengths only.
Brushed Wool Sweaters
These are in plain colors of grey or fawn and also in pretty color combinations, such
as grey trimmed with peacock blue, or sand trimmed with brown. They are all made
of soft brushed wool and are very low priced. They are just the thing for cold fall days.
These are a snow-white tiny towed
trimmed with rose, blue. primrose or
gold borders. They are an exceptional
offer at 55c each
Silk Hose
Don't fail to see and buy a few pairs of
these hose at this special price. Pure silk
hose in all colors, regular $I.75 to $2.25.
On Friday and Saturday - - $1.45 pair
�' The S. A. GRAY CO.
East Side
of Square
'I'» ilarris Mission Bond will holt
its regular n144411ng 1111 Saturday.. S
t-;n!N•r nth. nt 2.440 ni-I.N•k. • I
Mr. Tont Itadeliff, of iaetroit. a;:ent
a fev. 'lays %kiting `friend. here. Mr.
1. r Andersen returned to 1h'troit with
I itn. -
Mr.. W. 1^ 4;.1do11 spent a fe.•
.1:e, al., t:.Nleri -h last wrack.
MIPS Annie ('lark. who 'pent leer
petition with her parents. Nr awl
Nlrs. Peter ('lark, lit en Saturbay for
Saskatoon. where she . 14 a..1-1aut
scho4,1 In.p,.'tor.
Mrs. T :Phillips told Mrs. D. Phil -
11114 were in Toronto haat tt•4•k.
Nir. R0!N•rt Me(ptillin was home
from S.4.ringvIlle for the week -,end.
'11te following teachers have ;eft
for 11.1r P•:pe•tly.. school's: Nps', May
I'nmeron to 'Toronto: Miss W. Ruth-
erford. Timmins: Miss tiara Woods.
Guelph: Miss '11'innlfre,l «-Dods, (I:alt
Nice Dorothy Webster. near Dungon-
Aon: Miss Mary Dnrntn. Ilnni,nnt*t:
Miss l'ollna t'inrk. Al 'Instnn ;
Margaret Miller. ('entre ihum:mer
llis11 Mnry McQullfln, Tweed': Al -
Itentrife McQulllln. In Bruce: 5Iiss
JeanQu1111n, Orono; Mr. .loin
t'rnnstuni, tVetbnel.
Miss I:. McNfillan. of Port Albert,
will have a rg.• of the mc11,sd 'n S.
8. No. 8; MI tla Lockhart in S. 14. s...
, 12, 111111 M1ses nn11' and 141110n: -
ham to S. S No, 4.
A1'Rt'1LN. September :1.. --The ftln-
e'nal of the late Ilenry Taylor took
pincr from the home of his :sem. Mr
J. Taylor. on Sunday afternoon to
HaI1's cemetery. Decease.' was 411 Ids
eighty-fifth year: 11. leave. to
mourn hint two sons and 0111 (latish -
ter: Jerry. et home, and Reuhen and
Lottl,. both of whom cams from their
homes in the West for the funeral.
Mr. A. Dickinson. of Toronto, WPM
In the village over the holiday.
xfrs. J. 'Johnston 15 visiting her
daughter. Mrs. R. Farrow of iletroit.
Mr. George 11511am motored from
Detroit on SatuMgy. spending the
holiday with hie .Iwlrente here. Mr.
and Niro. Hallam and Arthur return-
ed with him to -{wend it week In
Mia.. Viola Allison, who has been
isltan4 her uncle. Mr,,,A. Honking of
in1r011. returned home on Saturday.
our school teacher". Miso Nairn end
Nis" Tlgert, resumed their duties on
Tuesday morning.
Mr. Percy Tounghltt has Sane to
Clinton to attend the School of ('nm•
memo there.
Mrs. Kennedy and her daughter.
from Windsor. are vimping her dieter.
Mrs. A. Robioon.
Mr. A. Asquith is attending the
Toronto Exhlbttlnn Gila week.
Messrs. E. Helswig and W. Weber
motored to Halt, upending the week-
end with relative" there.
Mr. Hy. Heddle motored from • De-
troit Saturday. spending the holiday
with his parent! here.
Mr. and Mew.' Wifllatna, eecranpan-
Ied by MIN! Ellen Beadle. motored
In Tnrnntn and *lent the we(4c-1nd
Nir. Amos 5141111 Is not Improving
as his many friends wonld sr(ah.
Mrs. f itev.)•..Alp received the sad
- The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
y y
Eaa't Side of Square Goderich, Ont.
Ug. 4,4 , le
-Itzterks. of tar.
t--to(artor r,( Phut( .1,4 at Ilacre.(ln /falba.
1.--I aterNv at tat.
THE development' of the Niagara
Peninsula as a source of fruit for
the markets of the Dominion is
becoming mora pronounced, through
the co-operation of the fruit growers,
the dealers and the Expre.{a Depart-
ment of the Canadian National Rail-
For tbii tram( the Canadian
National Express has designed an
entirely new style of fruit car which
has already given satisfaction. No ice
is used in these cars, a natural air-
cooling method being used. While
this does not develop as low a tem-
perature as ice refrigeration, the
process is 'more natural, and as a
result, the fruit does not deteriorate
as quickly when removed to the
warmer outside atmosphere.
These are ordinary baggage or
express merchandise cars, 60 feet In
length. They are equipped with a
steel underframe and n he added to
the equipment of a type of train; on
they are also equ with special
ventilating devicc�es consisting irt
of tea metal air intakes and channels
placed in a staggered position, five
on each side of the car, for the purpose
of carrying outaids dr, while train Is
In motion, • t1rough the channel
into a ehamher of approzfmately
seven inches In depth under a reeked
false flooring. n
, which er tlrely cove
the nyder floor of the ear, with the
excspclon of the toe geng'ays ammothe car between the two edoors at
• 7
each end. There are also eight metal
air exhausts placed in a staggered
position, four on each aide of the car,
for the purpose of carrying off gases
and foul or warm air thrown off by the
fruits and vegetables. The Intakes
and exhausts lead to the outside of
car through the dock light openings.
The channels runningfrom the air
intakes into the chamer under the
false flooring are placed against the
wall and corved portion of the roof
inside of the car. All of the equip-
ment 1s portable and will in no way
damage the car when being attached
thereto. In addition the intakes
bring air into the car addition,
the direction it moves. The Idea Is to
utilize an ordinary baggage or express
merchandise car, equipping same at
the start of the fruit and vegetable
season and dismantling at the close
of the season.
Then are thirty of these cars In
operation between the Niagara Pen -
Insula and points in Ontario.
Quebec, the Maritime Provinces
and the North West, and they re-
ceived several tests under the most
unfavorable condition pomade be-
fore they_ were Anally adopted far
service. These taste were curriedout
by O. E. Bellraas, gwneref sof ;
tendent g.l tranepsrtattoa
(sprue. department la the earn of
an empty car, it was found that the
car exhausted 202,590 ruble feet of
air, which is equivalent to changing
alt the air in the car every 68 seconds. +Iyt.
A car loaded with 800 crates com-
posed of radishes with the tope on
amperages and spinach, exhausted
168,360 cubic feet of air per hour, era
complete change of air In the careve
101 seconds. Thermographs tag ' •
car showed the inside temperatures to
range from 59 54 and 66 degrees
while the outside temperature ranged
from 78, 68 and 56 degrees.
Another test carried out with 1,200
crates of the Name traffic, showed a
complete change of air every 87
seconds and temperature readings in-
side of 60, 64 and 60 degrees and out-
side readings of 90, 84, 619 and 64
degrees. Still a further test was made
with smoke bomb broken in the ear,
proving that the car could be entirely
cleated of smoke In 90 saeonda while
not in motion.
The claim is made that not only
do these cars carry out their object
better than any other type of air-
cooled car, but they cost less to equip,
and the maintenance charges wenn.
The false floors are put dors in
sections and can be removed by one
man and the true floor of the ear ten
he swept dean in a few saiasiss. As
the air from the Intake devieas sessss
In underneath the tabs Aoss. spy
duet or cinders that may sitar the
air channels, remain on the bottom
and is not blown down on the fruit, 90
that the fruit arrives es dean and
fresh se when it left Its shipping polnt.