The Signal, 1924-9-4, Page 3Allfr
Job Printing
The Signal is prepared to do all kinds
of Job Printing at reasonable prices.
For your next order
Telephone 35
Read the Advertisements
in The Signal. Buy advertised wares.
It is a safe and sound policy'.
Your BANKER ---Not a Partner
it In • position whdr• It .-•n offer yen/dots* term' of
credit to Brans whose finane:al position warrants it
We will not, of course. enter into a partnership In which
th• owners of the business bear little of the financial
burden. and els as tenders of money, assum• most of the
risk W• offer. however, nasistance to responiritn• firms,
placing before them our broad knowledge of conditions In
genera! as well
All kInda for sale. If you Intend buy-
ing • home it will pay you to see
the houses I have for mee I have
thezn at •II prlees, from $700.00 up
Some real good bargains on easy terms.
Drop In •nd tne.
Real Estate & Insurance Phone 50
house, iwaly decorated through-
out , two kite, corner South and
Bligke streets
Summer Cottages to Rent
Fountain Pens
We carry a large stock of the
Waterman and Parker Fountain
41e.ns, of which many of thel
styles are suitable for school
use. We also base Waterman's
Authorized Dealer in Geouiae Orange
B106110111 Engagement and
Wedding Riags
East Side Square Goslericli, Ont.
Ralph Weiland. of S011furth. and
Fred Elliott, of Clinton). have gone to
Minneapolis. when. they will play
hockey In the Amerlean Association
nest winter. Both boys wen; MIR -
hockey team which won the 0. II. A.
sason. J.1.1. '14111A. Of Senfortlt. played
nith the Minnespolis team the past
'We are n solitary and lonely soul.
Our friend. Ilnle all gone tool now Ill;
have no one to piny ulth except the
two goldfish. Our Is -a friend used
to be Bill. 114. W11% our alter ego.
how far you went in Lath. at school.
But to.ov .11‘• IA it happened
\this nay:
Weather Persdtthtg
(;.iif Igiftor her first
Instructor -Mane time before dark.
1 la yfield Sept. 25, SI
Itrusmels Oct. 2, 3
Dungannon Oct. 2. 3
ilset,•r ?rept 16, 17
Kincardine Sept. ls. 19
london Sept 6. 13
Ripley Mept. 24
Senforth Sept. ls. 19
Toronto Aug. 23 -Kept. *I
Winghani Sept. 29. 30
Zurich Sept. 25. 26
Unlimited Quantity of
at $3 per *Ingle cord. delivered.
(Foot of Anglesea Bt. Phone SI.)
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
1.1fe (Sul Lite), Accidot aid Auto
Vicinity, and Farms for Sale
Above Parsons' Fair
The Faculty of Arts specialises in preparing candidates
for High Schad Specialists' Certificates. The Minister of
Education has approved of the courses offered.
The Faculty of Medicine offers • course of training tna•
surpassed in excellence. Two years pre -medical Arts) and
four years technical work; also post -graduate course a one
The Faculty of Public offers post -graduate work to
physicians and nurses I to degrees and diplomas in Public
Health. These courses ally worthy of attention.
Rirestratlelf;DRY. amber 22, 1924
For Worms. don write -
-for the safe keeping of your money?
-to earn interest on your savinv?
-to collect Sales Notes?
-to get Bank Money Orders instead
of mailing cash itself?
--to help you increase your acreage?
--to improve your livestock?
-to obtain advice on investments?
These and ninny other services are
yours for the asking at the 11117
Ooderich Branch -F. Woolcornbe.thlanager
\rye Just bought a radii," Bill mald
great sention."
clear 1IA 4:1 hear you."
The nes day W116.11 we met Bill
he looked r.
-Yon'it neve ggegsg?" he Ada tined
-Your uncle hi Montreal died." we
• -1-tter Jinni t L" lie
"Last night I got Worth. l'exari.
• We remetnbere.1 flint e had ntt im-
portant engagement at e bank end
left loirriedlY•
The following we ent to
Bill'. Ionise. He signalled to mit
"It's Detroit." li.. Whispered
"-in 1917 the annual report w
4356S7," ea Id peir•trat ing 1111A/1
emiree. per .1441.1 41 114 not Iler
-tripes. In 191s it fell off to 43169'2.
clopp• ed 1 WU., hand.
lossIdwe, old pill.- we 'mid ill 11
t011.1. Choked irh emotion. -We bare
eetne tt. the parting of the ways. Igor
friendship lias 1.1,1 III Ifni. Non'
Farmers Finding Ground for
Optimism in Big Crops and
Better Prices
The Londson Free Press. Is making 3
tour of W.stern intario and writing
tip the harvest reports. Ile sends his
paper the following from ibmlerielt:
Angtod 30. -Without
heroics of any kind the farmers of
lVestern 01010.10 are just conspletiim
a record harvest. The week just
ended. such it week an 1111$ not been
their g.uul fortune at harvest time for
many years. gave ths.m • helping
hand nt their task. Threshing is now
pries...ding at full !awl and million,.
of boxes; of grain from the thresher
nr. Iwing dumped into the granaries,
which In their turn will pour m11 -
lions of dollar. into every channel of
trade in the W'..stern Ontario Penin-
sula. Tired nut. but cherftil. /114 IIIM
filet. "The best all-round 4.rops in
wenty 'ears and the best week of
1A• 4.11R no longer 1.4. any doubt
lie excellence of the emit. If
Ontario in gen rid 1.1111 come
to the meventy-tivile str•teli
Huron fniet survey...I ba
to -day. then the yield
ig down in hietory
.1 the fourteen 11/1111-
r lllll London Hre
unheard-of part in
of the Dominion
1•11•111 elf
The Flrff•
if over for ay... of 1024 Is KO
11111 turned a little 4110. A “Whopper. -
going t.. play All
trying to get Newark."
the ceononsie life
(Mr ne'st bet+t friend to Brit 'was Yellr•
Frank. We went t.1 111A 1101041P I 11,- Means Pr
mesllatcly. 11... at !islet, •grotIld rive '•A bumper yield wl tha prices
ermeolation op the up grade." Wan r way WII-
There wee another couple at the Him Welsh. near Freter, expressed
Place when we arrived. They were it. "I don't think there ran be A
sere lying A number of ivory pieees.
"You PR 4 11 in." said Flank. -You
play matt jonirf-
lust 11S sool) /In WP alill
"Yon're all wrong." wIld one of the
having only one suit. Then I here
My own wind. 31111 n dragon
-1111""nek "Y's Yon get only ten
SAM one of th.• players. -.ill II know
-There's rate slouble for prerstilnIc
wind.- mid Frank.
"Frnnk. dear." anti] his wife. "you
forget Mint I went out from the well. -
W.. slippen out of the room qiiietiy.
better crop anywhere tn the
than in the Huron trail. fro
11011 4./ Kincardine, and It le 111
going to iw fl 1411,44Of flft.fof 111
perity tlugn the rise in foie... ,n
1111 41.1414 11.• hal.k110111. Of le
farmer'. ineone• If he has plenty.
he onn feed th.• vain or aell it. hut
in tiny eilf4P 1I.. doesn't linVi. 10 buy
feed. acul that b. what make.; tle.
raising of gibe': unprofitable. regard-
less of the 'griefs+ the Allintlirl Oring.
TIIIA year have the grain. Forty
busheLs to the NOM is only the ordin-
ary yield this +beer. Plenty of fields are
threshing out 11114.V.• ft( t y."
All along the line farmers were jinlit
on optimistic. A story of a yi+4.1 of
im.hets to the tier.. W/14 authenti-
cated. hut no- Finch Individual instances.
ego tell the story. It Is the untien-
alle high average hielt
They Ind not even know we had left. in most Ontario 4,1111111-A, the '111 -
We felt desoint.. end alom.. There was ference bet w....n a in.401 crop and had
pest one plum. left. An Arr. turnel sod. 1 erop In Huron is not mouthy 3.ery
ly toward Bob 0nen'm home. large. Yeer eater yieir the y14-141 from
the farina Is fairly high in quantity
and just a hit too highbrow for 1114. WM14. III lllf. Praiirle Provinces single
Am we °specter,. Bob was surrounded
There. wam Brown. the poet: Mack.
the Huth(); and ftriinge. the astron-
-Now li.ten to me.- sink! Brown as
I sat down. "Yon may think it'm the
e. al stuff. bot it i-n't 'There haen't
been any r..fil gin bronglit in here sine..
,/11 all fllo SC01111 )4011
nA114.- Pahl It'nek. b (1 is •ear will he higher
Brown. -Made here in town.
print their own
-Well. I know n bootlegger who
Rob. it', 1.111y sevtat 414
is going to etune tido (het SCHOOL REUNION
1.,...keta of Western Ontario The IN EAST WAWANO
this yea has its influenc.• 4.11 tont)
bumper crop.'
at Clinton. described it. -The fernier
laeouillig dobledly more hopeful.
Cattle. prices are. ..f lagrely
19.10111:: !heir MY11. 1 1111( prier.% are on
the upgrade and tee believe !loge nre
on a fair pitying 11fInin 110W. Farmer af-
ter farmer 110.VA tribute to sitts•p as a
fitirly (stay source of money during
the In-/ two or three years. W.- 1111Tr.
bad several inquiries from farmer.
for flocks of grade .Iteep. Dairy pro -
duets and poultry products are In-
ereasing in price. Thew. nre no in-
,onsillerable items Its sourer cf
farm revenue here. Apples In the last
fair prim "for whot apples we Mfg,.
1711.1 1b.. natty not be so hodly off on
hat wore.
-This being true of farm crone. the
farmer Is nitturally little more
look better for hint fhb. year.'111..mnin
the commodities pitreliase.1 are .011 at
niftier high level. The high prive of
In this resins t. If.. will not pay the
present scale of wages. The reflult le
'hot /natty farms an, not DINA es
they shoul.1 le and W1Arla are becom-
early frost turns a good year Into
rg bad 011,.. Bun thia year Moon
....linty farm production will *rt it 1141
awn y 'The grain crops were
uniformly heavy When it is eonsider-
ed average yield per tore for
fnll wheat in (Vittorio Into Ncits.
etlir f".1 II In. AllglIfly ap-
preciated. A1141 11.11 is only one
O ilnYgnie of t farmers of West -
.41,1.1 ley thirty 4.r forty 'per eent. 'than in
Thg.y 19'2.3. Tritiinhited into donors that
mean. nwity
eon A life Increane
efll 111
We stout red ont of the room In a
laze. 1 101‘ see ever folind our Wily
home we don't kflotr". our faithful
coldtkh greeted us with outstretched
fill... WO 1111.I.W our Arm's ermind
their 'tails mtal wept.
We stay at loin • nightm now. WP
have started to read the "Encyclo-
CAR to I -- London Advertiser.
Vehicle 8111W114'43, People Injured
RII'LEY. Angina 31. -Two men mut-
tered palnbil Inhiriem. eight others
1111.1 remarkable 001.11411.14 fr0111 Any-
thing more serion. than 'brute.... and
11111fify 11 1/4 1.Ig motor enr were
wrecked when the two vehicles
ea in.. togel her In a rear -end leion
lig.,ft night on the 15th gilder...141 about
co• untry. and Alex. itactIregor. th...
ere hi Kim -entitle holt/Rel. the for
mer tinting tt badly ent heed end lit
hiriesi to hie leg nnd the letter stif-
f -ring from broken end other
Mr. Burgina n was riding in the
boggy. which WAR driven hy Thennes
Welsh. of the 4th coneengilen of Iltir
on The motor enr. an American
nateltInc. wan owned by F. W Kreis.
1g Hit whom were Norinen and Mil;
ender MacGregor, both of the 001
comewgion of Huron. and five othrrs,
/loth 'whittle* went Into heop In
the ditch when the motor ctir etrnek
the Itnggy. The hitter won tn
etilInters. while, the Ante fared only
slightly bettier. Mr. Welsh, &Ivor of
the binary. the other neennente of
the ear. bender Me ales MseCregor.
(weaved with niftier bruises.
Flfty-fi,e Bushels la .Acre
Pert I'eck ..f the Itabylon !inc. is
the who threelod flfty-fiv.• bush-
els of wli•-at 4.. the acre. At first the
madman, 'eras sivy•Ililbe 11.11%11144 40
;old' the yield .110w4s1 fifty-five to lie
the right figure. If /Illy farn1 III oft -
it nil) be linrd to find.
thre.h.,1 forty 'bushels to the aere. and
all along the lin.. there Wtlff 11011O WII0
buil lighter yields of fall wheat than
Westerly. In the Fcgtsch mettletnent
between DretwIale Rini fat. JORP1111.
heats are n wonderful crop. and other
crime In Hay township are an reel am
those arovind Exeter.
Flu VP McNifighton. near Ftnylield.
entinwited that gets throughout the
eonnty would average amm.where 1111
.1,r fifty bushels to the nerr. though
many were higher.
".inywey." he said. "there will be
yetiy. I Calve seen es runny IIR eight
or ten earlonds of Wegstern oat, at
lirucefiel.1 sortie year*. This year
people will have Vents of fints 10
t.ed. T'orn is eoming on fine and the
fromt can fssne If it liken after two
weeks. althongh underetand.thnt to
the north the eorn not moo good.-
-Iglu oats will run abont
fire Mishels to the'• said Je.lm
S./1 IkP111. Of 1 4.flerfeh township. Al-
t! rh the average yield in the roan-
ty can Tinnily he anything like Um
Ralkeld 0111411. yet M the ArertigY• in
even forty-five buoillgeks it., compares
eery nAtimfaeterily With last yeaefi
fIrlITPA for the whole Provinee. thirty-
five bushels to the nen.. v
It Is estimated thet In ell 0111.1rio
last yeti r the tolni revenue 011 the
farms was $4fin,11 1.090 It ha. al -
farm re., mie this ...sir will be some
thing like $.1410,1100.0010, Crops in
Eastern Ontario rtre ma so A101111111111
AA ill 411 IS Arr.1 1011, no if moy Is. taken
for grouted that the best part •f the
Mr Saikeld reported n light crop
of apples. Hardly ten barrels in
hie whole oreharde. chiefly Ontario.
with n f..w Spies. Potatoes would be
good, he maid, and honey we. fitirly
though the laser ws•re late start-
ing aork this year
Among the (.1.011A of minor import -
Muriel -411a. tu.giningt. l's.. not
itta .4..erxisl to -day were 111.
• 1 •r turnipit Peas for earl -
(is' program in brief. week of Sep-
Fontwr Pupils of S. s. N11. 8
Splendid 4.athering N. Y.. 1eneral Electric Company, 790
ever stag...1 in lids distriet was 111.. standard time.
retnition of forne•r pupil. of ',Atha :4-11111111Y. Seventh. r 7. 9:39 a.m.-
section No. En.? ‘vowanosh. whig.16, Serviee of Firat Presbyterian church.
wag lit.1,1 on %Yellin -410h Aligns, 27111, Albany. N. Y.. sermon by the Rev.
at the home. of MM. Jane Bone, lot 1)1'. William Hertuan Hopkins). R. 6:30 --,Serviee of Firat
nom. „tote. one of 110. Mut Epimeopal church. Seheinetedry,
beautiful homem in Haien cionity. wes x v.. ...rmon by the Rev. Dr. Philip
strikingly decorated for *e 1.- Fri"k• •
14.0. of tio. home 1,,mf ifoinify. September S. 7:15 pan. -
avenue from the l'01111 was reivictuete -Planting Wheat tO Avoid
that will long 1.47"renteitiltered by the f IIP Hessian Fly.- 4'. B. Cromby,
hundreds who attended the reunion. New York State College id Agrleul-
Then. nen. nearly 4.000 In :wen. titre.
olrillor• 11 I the reunion find for sevengl 7:45 pin.-"Morie Talk." by Quinn
hour% the roads leading to the scene Martin, In..vie critic th.• New York
the gittlit•ring carried a 00114 11111011M World.
,treani of traffic. The at tendon.... 7 :74 P. 111.-PrOffra ru of thrice music
WHY not egnifined to throne from the 1,Y the Fort Orange Society Danee
immediate district. but the cars (Inbentra.
brought molly front mos. distant Timilday. fieptetnber 9. 7:4Z
Allman.' program tiy 1...orate Minstrel
For the moat pert the day wigs Bops nowieted by the Radio Four and
given ov.•r to the renewing of old the tr4;1: On.hesdra.
friendships of school days. hut there Wednesday. September 10. 2:00 p.m.
%yam also a concert of remarkably -Internationol polo mritch from
00..119,1 Herbal.. angl number of licadewbrook.
brief addressee by pri.nsInvitt menk 5:30 .p.121-Athenture story. court -
some. but not air of thew. fortner esy of Youth'm Companion.
pupils of S. S. No. R. I l'Inineday. September I I. 7:45 p.m.
111.• 1,4 the fentores of Di- eoneert -••A Few Moment. with New Bookm."
1110 11141114 by NIrst. .1. 0,11.1.., I f by William Jacob. Librarian, ."..neent
tears to the i.yes. at'' the aegembligg..... the W44Y Student Players, intede
Solo. were elan given 1.3. Mrs. Joynt. the wily 'Orrli....tru.
of Lneknow: Harvey Niegi...e. of Au- Friday. September 12. 7:41 p.m. -
burn. and Stanley Silahope. now r.- Program by W0Y 1.1rtheatrn. ifeelst1•11
siding %%Rh Maitland Henry. but forin-
.•rly of London. Eng. VI delight...I
Mru. 1'. Ferguson. 4.f linyfield. and
Johu Geddes. of Kitchener.'
1 111 Die gromide wer.• Finlay Antler -
roll. aged eight y of Ea., 1v,,
wano.h. one of the old...t residents
New York City. a forinecr pupil of
the school
lluring the afternoon was pro.
rbled by the Myth brews band. 41 1111 ill
I lie 4.16.11 Lnekno.... orchestra
mot -bled music for a dams., whielt wtls
11041 Oil a floor about eighty feet In
length. erected on the town.
During the afternoon tla•re wore a
number of impromptu basebail germs..
and following the fine slipper on the
lawn a wonderful .11,plily of finest -pH.. -
.Nan given In the Tn Huy in front of
the boos, about t11,44)
ftiPh1110Thi. of St. Jacob.. was
master of ceremonies nt t lie re-
union. which is likely to 10141.111 a
'fermi/gent Inmtitution in ...tosectiovi
nitli IA. S. No. S. Feet AVowatiosh.
Exeter Choir at Goclerlch
EXETER. August 2s.- Th.. limit- of
the Trivitt ifemorial church to the
number of twenty-l'iv•• had a neat en-
Imicheon was served on the grounds
overlooking th.. harbor. thence to
Orand Bend by way of Barfield
where they reinnheil for supper. Al
together a 1110A4 enjoyable (My weft
At nny rate moral courage
ables you to admit Met .v..11
lowbrow litereture.
Nfother to small daughter ...ay hut
her preyers1-7.-A little louder. dear. I
RIM( were very profitable n4.1111111
EX14..f. Nelson Staniake had thirty
tely grown near Pieter and Ilen-
still- for rite first time. They ATV
now being barve.ted. Fairly profit-
ab'e, but not very populer. turnip.
will yield heavily. and there is a big
liani Welsh. Is not exp...ted to 10.
but a co-orwrittile marketing
org,Inization will do the hest flossitile
for the gr.'s. ro Peas ore not so
good lip around Wingliain 'rive pen
Robert Dolley. two /1 1111 otio-qiiarter
miles south ftf Win:chain. 111111 /1
clos. to fifty hits/leis to the Elt•re
I btb,r farms In tiiiit district report
similar yields. Vera' little barley
seems to 110 groWn ill any part of
thresh gait high.
From a. careful inquiry of C01011-
Ifity-t Hie of the Mat crop.. 'boron
hirs ever had.
,or.1 may average forty laishelm to
11.. AffrO throfighout 111. e1.1111 (Y.
- Spring grain. --From good to ex-
celb•ift. tints will average forty fir,
Ivry bushels. $11(111. On 1A 011 /Ind
AIIIINO 11114'11 4.
',,r11 Bang, from good to poor.
Corn fields In ...antler!) part of county
have made wonderful provisos, A1111
Pastures Holding nut well.
Applen-Fitteen to twenty poi e.111.
of normal crop
nrans-Extra gond.
1:refer: very profitable this rot..
erintendent of Ageng•les of the Crown
been antegriated with the Pitti Life of
Ntiointres1 for the last elelineen year.t. All of which confirm" the Immo'.
latterly MI Reeretary of Homo sten- that 091 'Men Plenty ha* bretight
cies. 1 1e enter* *ow position eharming &slighter. Mins Prosperiti.
Immediately sod will reside la Tie -with him AR him annual trip Ode
ere. year.
10:34) it3. the WW1
Sattirday, Septakpber 13. 9:30 p.m.
--Dam,. mingle jasigyb t'llickene
the Hotel Ten Ert•Ird,1111houty, NT
itnil 1.14 Clover 'Club Orchestra
Ati old lady WAP strolling let -lively
acme. 11 field. when entideitly elle
realized that a bud with h...allgaow-
ere.1 was Charging t et her.
l'ieking up her skirts, ...tged to
reach the other side gate in
safety. T114•11 Mlle 11 ground. In-
dignation on her fare.
-You ungrateful erea s'eg
vegetarian all my life and this. Is nhat
And all kinds of Business
Stationery printed at The
Signal Office.
We will (10 job that will
do credit to your busirie.
Look over your stock 'of
Office Stationery and if it
requires replenishing call
us by telephone
The Signal Printing Co.,
et the series dealing with the estatlishvnent of thc
BANK OF MoarrimAL repreSentative points 111 CANADA
and elsewhere.
N read nr rd le Street, in the old City section of London,
the financial heart of the British Empire, the Bank of Montreal
has been representing the interests of Canada since 187o.
Its first London office was located at 27 Lombard Street. Later
t he Bank established an office at 47 -Threadneedle Street E.C, after-
wards extending its servites to the Ran Mall section nf London ey
r-reating•an important branch at Waterloo Place in the heart of thc
theatre and shopptng &strict&
Established over 100 years
Total Assets in excess of iGso.000.000