The Signal, 1924-9-4, Page 1.•
Fall Trade
will be good. The merchant wbo
wants to get his share of it must
advertise his goods in The Signal --
"The People's Paper"
Clubbing Rate
The Signal can save you a little
money on almost any newspaper yr
Iona .
periodical. Take advantage of oft
clubbing rates. Telephone 35 f$
A Brief Biographical Sketch of M. G. Cameron, K. C.,
Who Has Been Appointed Judge of the United
Counties of Northumberland and Durham
*aleo'tn Graeme ('uwrrou. K. C:, Is
a PatJvs of 111.1erk•!t, a sou of DIP {ate
Malcolm C. t'uwrron, who sat in the
Hotyo of l'ouimono for Mouth and
Weal Huron for rustily yenta nut'.
at the tier of 111 death was Lieuteu-
snt{Jot•eniur of the North-west Ter-
ritorl.« Hfx utother before her mai:-
flag.. to Nit, 1 itweron was J.tiste 11.
3lcl ran. .bitythter of Ilr. John Me -
Isms, of the ltoyal Nary. -With the
e teeptIou of it f•m yours spent In the
pramiee of bi- professtoi at Tonna.,
where he was a ptrtner orf t(1r Ge,
W. Ito... Ilr t'ttutrnnt has tarn It
re•adeut of 1;...I.•riath all his
Ib• attemled the t;udrrlek Grautut:tr
wax sea•t•o.ufnl and sat fur.two terms
to the Legi.latute, refilling,lit 10014.
lu 11111 he wu. the e*adbiote of him
party -fur the stmt in Use House of
l'umtuons, but was defeated.
Any reference to Mr. Paitwrrnt
wOLLldya tutee bt• bot pa leo
by those who know him did ii tut Fa -
chide inetuh.n of his a)t111ty ar a
pnblit' gwaker. Su{a•rt. gifts of own.
tory howl n tl ew...t ll grttt t "t uuy
.t.bjett W1Ut %Filch be dealt roiled
yl r. -t'Iptllrun in the ver) forefront of
Inthlle.•apeaker. fu the fret hoe of
e How rift Hr hasbeen heard oat. unn-
Is•rlr.s platforms• not merely iu punt•
t al eatiapalgutt. but 1114 a d•<u-lona
The News of � "'e ' Town
CoIlrslate Ke -opening Notes front ►he'flitrhar
The Gislerk•h l'oIitginte will rt•op•u
an \\'eho•Kttay, September 11kl.. at Unit
a.m.. and will emotion. In atwsIon un-
til 11 o'chwk to, the classes
anti to give the time tittle and list
of books required.
Woodstock's War Memorial
\\'osotatot•k Iona 4.1).1.11 for Its war
memorial n unoututetlt d.•uigue.l by
Mr. Coeur .I•• Muel'arthv of
Nlootretl. who witt the designer and
ta•ulptor of the Gttilerlctl memorial,
The 4t*ign chosen for Wodsws•k is
that of it mural cenotaph of brouae
and granite. It la to cost $9.:00.
For Hospital Building Fun
Mr. II. J. A. Ilat•Ewan. treasurer
of the Alexandra hospital `(aerial
hnll,Ping fund. at -knowledge's the re-
celpt ut enatritnttious as foutrwa\trom
t:tslerlet..41J4 boys: Her. W. A. i etu-
uou.Trun.• I}•'1; Prof. ,
• 1toa,.4taun. Toronto, $2:".; (Ivo. it.
Miner, ICS I'atithridge street.' Bat 4 g
'•a . N. J.. $.10: also '$J) fro
]Its. E. Lausier, of the ]5otlel, Tb.w
try, (Iiui••rich.
On Fri,lav last the R,
Fatality on Mutah►) .Lftrrnoun at
- PBBSONAL MENTION 'Ea) Ior s l °tattoo
from 'Milwaukee. arrierd at 00.1.1-1
harbor with a citron of 22;1,011111nt,J ••t' M. iterwo, of Pa1.4•y, is vielettni
of coin and oats. Tuts is (bit Iaretw ' $ttr*►g
hued that 'has arrifad at 1116[ puri to •Williams iota.' tet
, verol eureka. stent 4 at Chatham.'
T e arrivals t.b ..weekV, the - Thu. J Auderaon 'spelt the with oleo, rilsii,e•tr' •;t,tmeint 3 -
-Mt Mirk ( entsnie - rim Pert' #gimp•--
err. o 0
tr vis•• g with UV. au.l lire. Jdlon Wig. Their ehlectftr solos boil; re
lr tt4
.\n o
.blle ae•idt, rt•su'tlnt;�
iu the ,bath of Alfred Noce.. oaf :ow u• j
.s rod oil Nutsh!y aftt•ritune ah the
lin rood, at Taylor's ltMoent,
about fire)ullra from Iowa; moeP,
with tltl- --
t *t iiwnrlw-
t/n.-ney' .
ton Monday. with a, earmi of whoa Nerap► ret 1 .t T r iota la Studeholter a{svirJ. • ' - :1vltslt.:
totalling' 1117.000 bushels. lust II
steouu•r (llrurae from Fort 'Winton. gins, Moyes inttaided to ititUt
sty Thursday twreytug a cargo of Ii its tbrye. .ti • Ttr17r'.
'�Itr.a1O bnshrls of,pats. • SttSa Ptella" J�tto•r:,ind. "f iwmdon. where the rnstl royert•ce ani
yuention at "The
Rough weatlwr' has impeded the Is spending rlgbt, 11111• felled Mawtte
sounding oprrntiAts outside file bar 1'ukt•eidt . hint got nt*Joe dth'h. ib=y
torr and all (toverntmept employees Mr. Clyde Carter asst Mr. Jetk Pur- leen: on the root! c e'e
pare been called Lt to finial. up rhe shout tis• weak -end with frlrnda Ir Wheel iw'.r. f5e
rrftalring uu tilt piers. New '••Birt at T"e°11ti. r�lZtrrtd
foundation* ]rate wade nu Improve- Mr. Thymes •W Mftlan, of H ullstt,
went in the s}ability of the mooring is attending the G,slerkh ineluturi:il
polio). , Exhibition today.
The fishing •yecbt "Margaret lisle- Skit-tndettiun: of Detroit, spent
I)0ttald7 owned ho "lted4y" Nnclkill• the week -end with Mr and Nrs• T.
old, glade its maiden trip on Tn, .1Iy Awlrrsun,; Nopter .treet.
after a [thorough overhauling. At Mit. Ila t'urrell it visiting at Tor-
prt.,wnt the boot I. at Kettle faint. „oto tel• week oat will take in tote
where '•Reddy" is taylog nets. 11114) Ilihit
The drelgr ".AIfret" of the !federal.
('.wstnuttrnt Con/Pony 'roil 4 :,• • for .vee end Mr-. Tine. Shields and
forontn thin week. work !teeing been daughter Marie aro visiting fiil•ud's
completed on the stew lutnke• - Iii Detroit. '
I.' aim Decoration „SigpIrIS
11111ou lei oraM0n iser4kew i i!I he
he'd irk ttnnday next at;, 2 p•w.jleu.
I1Ts sof Moron Lodge. Nn, QS. 1. O. 11.
F'.. NoPet. L i). ►.. rowel God'rt.l,. )
No. 3'�.. t'. 41. F.. awl the war Tete,
PIM are aske4l to meet at their tar-, Tt
tuns hra4kiaarter. at 1 o'clock. The soins t
parade will M• hendeekby the Calerit'h erow•d to
hand nod a spar merits. will be hold on arram
Illy. agtl'yrs. Harold \\'ullis. of i
DE�ICH FALL FAIR trait. ard,, dsittttg at til.. Lowe of
IS ON THIS WEEK "t" d Mn' T. H• \Vallis.
Mist. Arlie ilnmr. of Sterltntt. t hof:.
Ilan Attractive Exhibits to Ile Morn is visiting with her jtruther, frit i -
in the Maine ball 1"41 .1. Haute. 'es: •
giWth (
w•h the .ar tttrf•e4 over 441)41
Pooled upside down •irons• ditch awl
with !bc•frout headed In, ,Ute opposite
rllreethen to that itt wheel" 'he cur bud„
stelae :Tall . Mosey and i'1S t•r got
tau from 'order the ear and'
tf►wlRtt'4:)1••y'es• hut found that ilk h•t.l
Idatp Wien. The ear tonic fire.% 1441
rrelliftfhp l3fiainnable shout I
setas dost Pil. The' hotly
pljalgit to' Itrotthey'a kunder
and next day was ttlibeis
pt. where' .the funeral bi 14.1 1
Is' (Thursday' 'oftrnwo•m
me of 11.e {utreat4, Mr. r..stt )fit
NIoyt•s. Filsiugrr and NArn, y
taken to. Alexandra hossidt4
tt•was formol that, though hod -
osletieh Ezbilrtti.m is in. fn1T 3In••ir�Pilo•' ,oxo. daughter of Mrs,
Th.ts. riettkl is spenoiing oil e
utt filer,• was n t'in of weeks herr With fier mot
atfof the
Kiat orcuing, hat Was \a>• •14t041..114rt left t.1
of ihr lurk of :ulelwtr
t'' whorshe taker
at til.•-•dd'rts' m••moria: in the 14;1011g til tattdoor program was net
Glume before pnwee.11r1g ru Mnjt)antl it.. ,.ii,t etwft I as It might have hem. lion too the publie. schwa 1st.
e•t+►ry. (lnrdc. the FRb-win• expert.. guru Idtt and -Mor. J6: eJ.'i!t
.a home of the �-
midi Nine Wine in the Base-
ball ?winnowed
► aue•'v.fttJ at.'i.'veusett In ere; y
'vitt was. the ',lye. holiday 1110 annual
/kid da) telebruted at 1Rutgauuon
Wethtesdiy. The openlhg eV it. LILO
hs1I itawe to ata4 the' i tourp*flwlItt•
was whwlulwJ to t Undo.' way at
ltis►rfrs. futon{ d'
l stssildr tb ti!< ort tbi Rrt{nLM at
t,.d dose. so th a was held ever
�tlill U"• attettioeli., king th,;•tifta•.-
Kettser program a tr i Iigtbf I .
(.'1% Boa. :wwevt•r, did not tear tiro
duo. form the enieieut ugk•rrs oft tie
lotto etched foe the ewer:14meg and
,usul but i evcrythini g01n�+ ..:ntjt
tmiwtglily. . .
1t was ouf. nate Past this. cake
bream' had "'!iilhii. be lips+W1t
*to tune. fur the farmer► oyt•' am!
ron.411ng .ilatfit•t wool 1n tlyi mh',t of
-Heir hurviotieg and tout rather
difficult to attend, but of the • '
number of people pmrtn nil. the
gates i1 the afternoon ran 1t_ 1 rge s
tit.•41• ••'�a
After the nwmtF
t,.•rs'of the hell m
111.1 refresaei thrmae`t•i In the Agtf-
tural kap, the 141 141. Icing snood
cM'• efSeh•utly by the ladle" of the
Alrir. •.. Ute. 1n•w werestarted. Hod
Mich i unship nun tmutd•• to IIP top -
r'' "t'.I trnigh come uw►voWahtr
'r asttn. so km Intl .fit Took (tn
It ; au f ,got ,ipso d tar _.
T• it was a
).ion:.And not as
t�1ve• Irdbyttet.
f start In
Lr.fspnot a•
tower. M.6
tut 4;Jfa' 1'
ken tip, neither wilt. teerlmtsly La•taaat ,lt
j'Ihdnger's fats was ration' sne;•py it
:hit. it n•111hian .to other . In- moose •,i - otos
skull 141114 Intettihrl. .1 oetutl..i 'o, ti
liber. coroner. had ,o • jury 1, toe • ;r, -g 14u
tot after. the _moue Itrt9_ki- ., it'
41plat .(shine,
nt the owdertal.(tig intoner re.,t.•NToteef et •4M
went was made. ltuttl nest ,djtle [Mum 1*oti.
night, at R pm.. when the nettltlR uttr• run. ' '
at be pr.s•,eked with at the 1 the gailte it'k, .14'''' 0
of his skill and dorm. d, semi the week -ends
Wiry as an artist )tit 1 a obi Jti,ue oto4t.•unliller.
I brief exhibit
Kao-Thewts 1 on+tretwl his
Ihis IIm•. H1 {
'Ur. Wm. C. Stewart , of (lttotnra-a. 'rite Maple 1 '
1 loris. reuewhtg 3415 auhseription•e to large uMaple of
The S14nal. itritea 'Ilse leistle Of a `Ctrl. .051,1. a
I \nsn,t 21 r,41taius a very interesting is,p5tlnr no31,tI,e
Picture of tw@ety-fite old-timers. pori -how owl` nu
three or .four of whom I am person; _
ally with: Mr. Wm. ('adipo • q, ma LS 1'�r
• tell, Andeew•Heoldlo. Wm. Wakefield, i tire Utla y~
and my tither- W. Stewart. and .one
lnrrus avoir, ,., •.1 `ryt°Inai.stn Adrant•r-Thur-r: Nilo
t Nldwa$,"• : :.0 - L1'•Uth Gewut la 'ventilate two w
?traction*, w(Nt WI., itolwtrt' Pblli{1e.. of (nyder*,
"1\.1114441 t- Mr. and 3It•v k[. ^tanaptwat Alive
std. $ std turned-teitto i •%,P
two its' 'action•.tp
- erat- rut. at S.1tiopi potato in tilt• deist.
• altfMr I a ;r. gal Mrs.iHaWtitt 31aedel.. )las
io very '-Ur.- Kgnrcece litr.N and -Mr. A. (:thso>ti.
e il.nttraf totnaiht -all of Itetroit.:program weekend with
{s 15411 a Pel filth the pr.ninet. .of rebttivr1 et 1 nm.ler.
- more. Mr. Steve Audr•w-a. silo Mas iu dosld aryl garden. ',
the meet Mtsineas whets I was 'Irina fietil..{lar .R Rev. Joh ];n. McKinnon and
. at hotse fame thlrty..twk1 'pats *go" tlew=t•rs teing t t•ielly iktitlnt• Fez- family, of "due's guest4 tit
„- • �t•thhlt•s mak. nu, of the Istat displays the home of 4ipili,j. 1'. }limn„ loft
Birthday r I erwt hers fur mar}, years. l'ietalrs the week.
litMtvsyek d aI�jj. dames are no• 1 Mr• (il*ir41t ('..Mat•IHtnnid. foreman
- The regurar•mtonthly ring of therrtl til ns Mei' mtghf 14., and of Ti14• tilgea]'mt3t
.anical deport
Victoria street W.ld.' t held lf. g to the early date of thefitlr.e.e• Mont• spent a -week at Toronto, re -
the hent• of MM- J. T. 1 Ing with the opening of ttt'Ittn1,' turning on V,mlay.
'11tP4s1ay aftenuwn, pod -took the leap the Sirs- It. F - art .Jill's Alio. std
et no
• t "t'iS
}iof a hfirttlsy phot?.: tit f tog site kt; N tl )(r• Meltin Fe.Iy• of it' theird, were
twenty-first Analte•vwary of tpb�, Fin- : 1 � Fitt airf.
JUDGE l' MIRliO . Mrs. R \1-- .- d hejut'
Is Toby 14110 to be mem i
1 eM nye motion.
erra some fine mercer visitors
of the hoar of i
ehtty' s. sub la t' ' and InM.(rhsl 4.Nhibfts. T7se• 1.' w. Bern thif wo•.k.
• {lite sareUOg and Rife pie R itwdirlg Grnr hn.P 5 will-sitatlg.•d dltfe � �. J. E. Morrie,. nod dot
:triers. Porn
•spa$ sd. iia. is s*It'R 114 rtlionl
�t t;A$. stiff mile caned to - Mb Hitt
in 1S7:). at j4the air t hatae yetwo: a
ills p141(1 a' 1. on= Jew nae
'/ e'{-�ha 4 In w4, (3 n errot
r"tI a g r 1'alllle4i. Oe nr M•- 1
easitwR ih• was nominated of Prawn
wiien a 1itentry pt pletrtotit• /Wilrtaa
waa Matti for by 'the nature of the
.s,•mMy• During Ilse lister War d
aq .tin -it1
the troubled timet of the
:roost :War his eloquent .Sok•,' was
"mrd in 'lotting Summons to patriotic
endeavor sad his Hers -lees (311 .uch 4W-
1114101141 witn• nought from far and
tear. l4trii►K the (iriwt N'ar he was
,n the•Itst d( epi• of the Patriot-
, league of\the t'uiver-dry of Tor-
."' 1)t 1111 vetch before t1u.4'en.
.•li:rn cut, • Hamilton at this per -
three years he 1...1 lI"• Hntgr Timer Alta:
tomm l nod 1,, this espacity he rtro-
detteel Ow Croon's haslias M many 1
ee• tonins throtgh•utt the Province. t
31711 11. WOO �tpelli .tf a member 1
for the re- .
a of torr Ptat-
the hovel 4
"of Canada
M roper
of wooled vnktmes. Inluding
'-'flocatlnr nn the Law of fe.wrr." writ-
4pa when iw was 2.4 yenrs of ar
whk:b wax referred to by itt. lion. 1C11t
Henry P►r,ng. chief Juntjee of Von -
ado. ns "the most able fed learned
work on the anbjee1 ever yet publish -
...L either in England. Console or the
t'trfted States." At one time he won
'Mee'k of A Jit triers.
entitled Aged."
ws ^ f I 1 ru day"
f "" plat of
,lr>•e',aia and haus, urn +o• t►••Mgftt 'tom Hoot. Rp7Itk .541
Ings. Frei Dont alwows hatters. rano ' 'lsitfnR f}�
lady's mother,
JJ Tla�l�t a returned/. tolafltninry his- jr.
',trblna• Race s 3'4 hto'restbtR talk RnA plumbing g.ssls. Charles Instal tcheson, of Wing/tam. -
nn (aitnet5r t'antilasa sirs. I'cwtlt- �"t a disprlay of nr•n'"t we"- Thal Mr. eat Mrs. �. ft Atwirewit and
Hrwaltr read item ..f the fit,'tt Arteroft Fnsnlhtr• co has n eery nt• Jr. and \Its. j•,5 .firsyOMtori4 from
urftinR Off rlu y, alfa th. -utas molt' • exhibit of the .'RewMraft" iieyniand and aro,1.UIns it doe be
of the owl i,-.1'jtatter m,lahe•li ihr fronton', msnufactnrel by the ('oru•' of Mr1. Stewart. Renaitfer.'-
nf *7ioll +•11p d?1ll rir.mts•rs. lira. (:. pant.
The Gtshrtili Snit ('o. ahoww nester Ao'atr: rs.. $i1Mblth
3I. F•,taie rale charier memberits product to various shies.of peek- I thM
men Of Ga1wrie•b sad Mr{,�frI Rosa
present. h'* the honor of coifing the
hirthdn} rept. 4eeorsttd with twenty \\ Canada Flnnr \PIs Co.('1 tpn Pronfy' hM
liar minnow. and 0onatel he til, paw
I•►shows on'. breakfast f.sslf, salt err:, sir' if VI, Mick ban, t
Meld. MI•"t, Raad411. 111 •eAon'. breakfast
fashion. Mr. Thos. rlrit to (*.reload. vrlaRrl. i1?r ,dMr..
age. bnrn'I, hag and carton- Tlte4 of Toronto visited wttJt.:
,•.torn Cana. n !• V
b•, ay110141.
»IA front
>• I I Ministers Mecum Vacation ing manhin.a. her 'shirr Mm toll make a [Mit
Irte I.nw 14s•k•ir -'.til 04 111 dealing
holly r. his hMlr.etf {
1{e• Is the author 11i. 3finlxterlal ASttnclaHop of t,dl- A large display i4 nr north wing Fiera
tM,ugit embracing *•holly with the war oriel' and district met in Yht.*Y le of the Federal Department''of Gorrie Cblett.: 'R.t. If. Ferguson
and rmbrncing tin IoM' .'--rtltiNl strre•t ehnrcl} on Tut ulnr anent/141•%grkhd(iire (1n.woolen 1 devotedM 111141 soli. \Genres. e4 Aylmer. and Mr.
1 .inhmus t,fh•ahLirtt otos-tiling nt 2::10 tiel.s•k. -titer the opening en- C'anedinn weeds and the other to nod Sirs. Char)... 4:11 in, of 4:.slerieh.
by the
tugged argttmt•tttooln.I ' lan'''ds rrelaes the following were elected to penitry prtalnets. At the other nd were gtawttt tills walk w}th Mr and
Boal.• hr Moja-test into It.. It for nosh- e'Mee for the ensuing year:-ltev. •3• of the bul4Jtng• Mr. 11. .i. Andrew'. of Niro. Satnii.•I Fergtann,'
lug elm., his luasterfy nualcdo of /\C. Medley, loon. presideent; Rev. W. the. 1'rnvinoial Agricultural 1h'part• I 311 a \ oudent'nrgh, of Ricl,uuan:
litituitfa %sips In the ttirntutlr ween R. Alp, president: iter. J. R. Holmes, nelitle'otMov• at (•linton. superintends HA11. ha• r•tnnosl+to to a 01/1 rat .,t
:vre'lMe worn ua) aur stndt•ur's keen Tkv'-pr'atdent : Ilea, .1. E. i'eters. see- nn echiblt of )tMtev and olPmnntttrl- her at•b,s,l st Dunlop. a w'ais ae-
nttrutlon" f
f1on n f foil t 1 brood. The beekeepers' ie I by her s1+lter Lea le Ila
Young has an exhibit of 8inger n'tt- Rn Jami accompanied her on
re•fnry-treasurer Atter 1.0n11(• 411monr r ,m{srn
A n•frreNtr i4} The \lnil 411'1 Eau -"tion ;thins were adopted for the vat• of the distflit «til• find this a very who 'Tent the meek -end in (itslcdth
Inter,rting•place to spend n half -bone+ %Ir. nod Mrs. ito>• 11. Rya1t nodur so. I. Mr• and Nit's. S. Zink. of 1R•frolt.
uct'It (hart''. 1. 0. 14 E.. bt to ' sprat a few .toys at the home of Mr.
charge of nn exhibit' of liti)4ketn• arut.ep• ►innklnif whi!. attending til. fin•
other work f the b11nt1 anlale•ra 1 pat of til. lain \Its. ituunhl tic.
of the Christie atrw•t hospital. Tor., Infe.
ut,n. Tru' R•s,da rite "told and the pro- ' ,art•, John E. Sharman of 'rhe
oe•tIa go to ow M•ne•fit of the Antilles. i nal'+ aoex•han4ai staff a',ts 1-n lied to
A w5mewhnt similar exhibit NS for , .Waselstook last week by the ...rind.
the benefit of the immAt.w of West" illness of hof daughter. Miss Marjorie
mheater homdtnl. Tendon. I Slarmnu. Tire, young boat' w•o1 open
/'forret 11 position upon til• editorial Aire, Tomato. war RA follows: "M. hint meetings of the year. 'Several
• *toff of ane of the lura. -d iew- plate t t.aa matter* f lora
flabfaR t nlitibire in Aanerk•n. with
hindquarters at New York. hut. al-
tbMRh the offer was it taint Clatter-
tda mos; and the remuneration would
have been hyndsome. be de•lin•d it,
{wrferttng M remain In Capa4I• -
Mr. I'ame.rtn phtnged early `
pwbll.• life and win trtwa
r apd ns.ynr of tiefl gee two
• i1 f lfis innukipnl 4'4?rw a'
a >�tig tlotb harrow tineWMfter
pe r,Wl 1p* tit 1 M.` itis
. • • APnt�F H m I atrw+'1yes 1�d0
•tidy n.nfnl fl 1111. and Mas'
enniketlly aotight by the popple. Ali -
Kelm '1st 'all ...imagism dA potion' Aetna
tl artha Marto t... 'M((a their ymittnic1 in
In Itis. •
' Mr. (lam«•
in Jtta public neldrew:
Pea freq spoke Int the 'wed of,
what might lie (Pond "Irs:nl patriot: -
bona." lie atwaye held flint It woe
_the duty. as well as the privilege. of
t•Ithute to take an Retire port in
elvk: sffnirs. and hie purtic11Rt1• u
tlsh sunnichol 11fe of (hal-
erkh le wo runny dlffereet cepiarltic-
aftd over fn lona a - perlal �liiwn*i
that• he prntrh.d no toile theory. A-
tnoti MA filmy /*Wk• Mho,* one which
he tined for snow rim. less that of
President of the t;oalerlelo Moroi of
Trade. which nt that period watt In
on *011ie and fln•trlohing state, "For
Arcate flue• he has been dlwhsrgtng the
dogleg of tr,rpornflon molkittr for the
town of thelerkh.
3{r. Cttnerttw It attrars a Ine.t,i,'
int p&ilMal 1tttd le Iii 'is,mtlt•1
14.1 took on at•Mrt' Part In the aftafts
of the then flnurlshing Yonne 1.110 1
/'Mil of 11541'07. and carat eleettd $•$s- of that Ills first venture
for 1'irlitmt•M Remo* wits 111 the
P'a'mela( R• ''rkvetwn of Pint
when he waa
for the old Adltttt A
t .run. ii l'., "( t f ^d,rlch. ad- . ^ l Interest (were dealt
datYtsdl the nwUtlwrtt t f the Canadian with. nit. program 4-0natsted of brief
eft. of mind Ar.,I
and 0 Mips, of Knox elion..h. tiode•
Wt. mmot not corm -Mlle 1 hip refer -
wee wIthont a few word.. insole -
'mate no they may be. in trihnte to
Mrs. Cameron. deporture front
town '1* riewed literally with (limey
hy Minot ihtervotted In the twiny *env -
project.. tis fhtlf Of 1114. hospital; bk-
demi. any eerie. of whg.h «he less
mender fett the vivifying InfMenee
notti home overkstking lake Huron
.41*. ha.s besot an ideal bootees. aid
oil time ha* pi-4watt hermit
trite frienlit of every :Alertly
flohererh witi mho heft. eery keenly.
and entlinslasin for 111.1 work. The
meeting was 0114' of great interePt and
profit to all the melt and Wolnell
the mamma rind paraontoree prommt.
August Polka Court Record
Magistrate Chas. A. ttekl reports
for the month of Anguit the following
stetistics from the records of the
!loom eminty pollee court. Thirty -
noir entirti wen'. dealt' with, twenty -
and five adjourned. Five of
the' Nowa came tinder the Highway
Trnfrie Art, fifteen under the 0. T. A..
and fourteen under the Provincifil
The lined for the along amounted
to AMPf0. on compared with 51.191.00
for nine*. 1013. The magtotrate's
totalled $57 01) sad ttn• mat -
grim to
$20.00 to
an to tb
On MA1
114. highest
tb wile
this sv
twit home
of Apverilil
448}1. -j f.trs setting Ani . jilt
y/ t ,Ltl�f.
ford )1.•.'.•-• n!tt met I,1• .tenth olio thin) tutu tjPA ti 1V (:pi ;
fut'h t, -''lily tragk fashion, hoz i hot{).• olid, tbt'i .-1i1�iT; i,`, tJ
tsit in t;^deri.l5 ooh• thn.t us,uths. the tooth ftrrotigh• a bit.:n,tt'`t •
aring come lure to he store mmu,cor 1wo stolen tweet . t
for Joh,.'•tf4'r.•.1 Ilant. {Te was Will T1te ten111a lilted up ; ,, • t
till d i\ aiFt F 31r. Hunt spooks very J)nngwruu,n.-Wtggt11S •� t .rola r +,
higher .nt Film. He owls thirty -dine aa. tt: I1'oothi• Sb; 1*. ►,S1t't, 1h,
:ream of net. unmarried., ;its emu- 3Ptlter. 214: ('ar1Pr.-c;•.. . •gniI, ' .
ponttwis in the ear were *twit pioneer. rf. : Anh•rwat, p. w if: ]lt'.
twine -till larthe s teens Krtn1•' cf. S `
•►sa•1ti la .--it, 3taso.aso. t.: i."n,. •.' ;}r.• •
Th.• news• of the fatality ewes()
.tgtlikly rllp [p!(1, t. ant end torula- rf : F'in n>•wn, lig; Nitwit. A.: Mc -
(17. an.i tut a late hoar In' ihr even- Kerttii.• p: Mi'Kiy. al Wu., 3b:'
Ing the srette wit. vioitexl by t ow.ts. 1WIulkPr. 2h; R• 3 l:#4180n.' ef.
vtewing•the wrestled weir and dln•nss- The re.t pt the pr••t[{a u went on a5
Ing the taidi•ut• Oct schedule, FoSlnrethg Me echMdtlell
Kr11 t/1 1114. the novo M.♦•t• .ytl1.41. The rr
A• Cane for .budge Caitterou I t' aaelug ft•atnri to thio w'sr thsitr-
I .•t•.ryutle t,t,k Asti In tile.Pytn* tthhoe' .
• The town r•btta•il atnl coal.• officials hnckwsrl n1e thtal. Iftnln4' at
were entertained toy Judge ram/iron nwrly .nqs wrr.A
nt ills n.hlenee on Friday rc,nln^ in strung pNrbhrs�hut a bit of PORT-
.. t
'their (sleight some '
�.� In the neerFy•tnak•
Ina. • - .,
The remittal were aw totinws' •�y `�
('tdiaa • under . :,-H. Aude,tot 1f.
An oybiliast
litr>•a insurer .I1t--A: Reid. W. rent-
A. Duff. t
(loins under '7.D. , Ilan, Nary
Glrla tinder 11-d►.. `Sterling: W. Atli
demon, P• Allen. ` '.
Itoys under 1it�-'Mtsi Pent
(leo. Hamilton.. -
Hamlltiwt, (Ronal.] Renison and
old Mole. tied for third yince►�
Three-legged race -F. fiterll
(1. Rterling, Rai Duff and Fran
BRO. Art• flu! arid Art. Rrown-
Iherrkd prreplea' racy -•Mr. '�TeRen.
Officers of thoo W. T. 1'. are eon- nted joint] for sppendleitl.. and at
(Meting n re.t noon. with an exhibit taws, report her condition wag .rill
of poster.' ehamplonlog the T. A•
onme reanit. judging from the In- baby. Mureeret, are vioitors tit . Tor -
The itilinal's Pittlsr hat, Mr. awl Mrs. W. F. Ilinehey nn.1
ermined nnrober entries of these onto Fildbitbm thi. wrek. before lea--
bentififol flower.. the winners of ing on Het extended trip vist Cnnada
The flignare prime are: lot. F. Bar- steansoldp Lines O. Thousand Islands.
kyr: 2nd. J. W. Solkeld; 3roi. hist Montrent. (limber /11111 141. A T1114. 14.
exhibit and there la n fair renre.‘en- /lime/ter of ltobt. anti 414P late Mrs.
tnrinn thfi "'Ions 'breed" "f '!"111- liossumn. hao iron- to.4;oderleh, wher.•
retie fowl. 05. win ',Dena notne (Arno. at the home
The 44Pmfolth ioltot filroloties the „r ittoosel and Mao. Wheeler. hes'
most'. fhb. Afternoon. male nnd aunt.
Niro. C. Newell and sods, Norman
war veterans are rent.. Rest. and daughter. Misso Annie.
too meet at the militia hemintrirter-i. came up by automobile from Detroit.
Hamilton street, on tiondny nett It where they ore now 'thing. andotopent
1 P•nl- In Prellnrstinn tor "le 11"141"' three or room' dart hero vloiting old
with thorn, hut •111 seqpiniedi fog et
Nir•. Walter .0ram. kor • daturirter marks M the some stnoin were given
.%lieo, and toms 'Robert and Frei have by the other (irk' representatives. stool
returned to tolmn after a two months' lir. Intim adaeol his testimony to the
voretion. They 'hilted Hood 1.ake. effort ihat the work hnd 14.1411 or-
Maohnks. Niagara Fang. Megan. rep/tingly well done and evrory joint in
Reich, Fort Masora. Buffalo awl the intake pipe /ram tight. Mr. 14. f'.
prglaIng enrineer. had been rolled mit
Intendent.„apolte for the Company end
the men. and mid they had hod a very
pleosont Um.. In tioderieh and were
p'estoed to know thnt their soot* war'
last and A w•stt deltghtfnl Mawr We t ing on the tel
fpent 1.y those w•ho weir prICI1.R4tl had theta I.
1•, ie present. in view' of Judge.
('9mcr;m's early departure front town
to asaurne• the duthM of ilia new Ptotic
floe, the council totted the opportun-
ity to make the presentation of A
parting token of esteem to the Jti.t2e.
Who -lour been the town w/llitor.
Mayor (1.111nw ma41e n motet nppro3r
rint.. spar•h. referring to tho high iw-
te.•nt ht which Judge 4lrmrron Is
'1..41• not only by thus. who hn.l len
lownelated With him in etch: nffatre.
but by the people geerally. and also
to the long 'period of lnrtielpatiun in
.leis Hf. la'n'e , which Mr. C,
had .b•tot.,l Itis...plena id nhllifl••s to
the building tip of the town. .\t the
• oncinsion of his address .he pre. •'.ted
the new jndg.• with a luu114.nti g.'.l.d- tie and 3f Jitr,a..i. }lityaae and 3[\a
h.adel tint sttitah! ' eat 'reel. Ju WI' It. \(.IAmaM.�
t'ameron was taken ••,or{letely by tier Soak rai'wC:. dinm{luu5. :\. Reid.
psis.•. hat when h•• had nrucenct him- 1 It. P.ntlaww
I..• t 11. reply an 14.141ress Ilitif
neve-firm.. Sterling.
1 heard it Ile expr...n...1 tlie hop. that Vt.", hid"'
he might nimbi at .oine flow th.•
(More have Ills home in th.lerielt
a CY 1.1. that ono heartily I.y
hits audience. !teen. MineEwit Dep-
uty Iteeve Munn I 1144 and other. .,f
Cilnieron WM. not forgotten in the
tered. the lons of her ex eon t lye lobility
.7nreennavin11.1 y work being a nuttier for
Comtruttion Staff Entertained
e Ora, ennorr,o, thin day aerviene. They it .• A.41.1.4 -,
py0Tideldi wear civilian clothes and
municipality nod medals.
were Imported 11PBCIAL OPTICAL 01.-FP:R
months under Illehirrode noe^taelea
otrthrt and too bet lenses for only Immo All other
of attempted etyle of frames and lense. lit lowest
priers. Eyes, examined hy Mr Hugh -
during the won. formerly optteal expert for
the Merl male
The new intake t. nom in tow And
the mater roming tUroogla 1 114• DUI 111P1
n point beyond the sniithWest-
gPrfOr To rk the somas
.0. then in town were
wafer 11 WI light
lten olinner at the
milsoloh to it c
Heston Cafe on 'riday o•vonIng hot.
staff. there were preffent Nir. It.
NOrretary of the eonomiselon, Mr 11.
It I the Morn's Inspector on thl.
work. and repreeentatires of the two
emelt/sit meal Mayor Galion made to
Oriel address, expreming the gratIft
cation of the water and light eammin-
Mon and the two-nom/pie generally of
the witivfnetory completion of alitit
Kertroo. Toronto. and later for Henry y.. Hwy 'flatted the home
Morgan k Montreol. The he." of rho shredded wheat hiseult on
optical work tn he obtained and at 1111.1ffale 1114,44A1N4 anti witnessed the
end daughtera randernte prime Thromriay, ?War prorate
their return •nol Saturday. Peptietulter 1164 Vilma
dryoy Timis Cow early. strattAM Art_ OM,
In tons of the el...keret
freebide toot -.presort.« In
it MI . reiWir 11414
100 yol.olatth -NI. McDougall. ,:.11.
land. W. I' timid iund F. govilas, Rem.
son Moto 41111 4 1. 1 IIIMIltmi.
Lorne Woods. Harold TAPIA'.
the Highlander* latom too strong Mr
theM. the score being: Lochalsh 10,
.toilonrn 2.
The Auburn tenm m n. AA fonOWA!
th., Miller 21a. liobi.. p. Iteg. ratter
The Itay Hine Revile. giVen 1 1-1 1110
loill In the evening 1.y a comparty of
performoc.... The bn"I mai. well filled
tool the Vari.on. miludier. were
largely' atteinlefl and. needles.. 10 rny,
woe. notch enjoyost
Some Mouthful. You'll Admit.
Vork..I•ire nivel. 'The farmer of
tr,41my 1.4 no simple Hodge mith •
wisp of often In hio mouth "
Csoftd Topper.
A yholtoor to the Cotswold Hills,
oseelno man working In the fie'do
why he wore Chat peculiar bend -
gear "Possinse." replied the inns,
"It Is the umfellent 'at t.o. Woo)
I first gots nn 1 imam em to ehnreh,
and whon 'ea 'eta too shabby I wpflrli
lin at inork OW 'pas. wit.) when 1 enn't
tomer on no longer 1 soVI ion for a
toter mentions, end then when the
bottom comes. out. of nn 1 tints
11 to ware sooty the crows -