The Signal, 1924-7-16, Page 8•
S-WeltieseLiy. July 1a, 1984
PORTER'S HIL. 10th and taking In the Ford picnic.
(Intended for last week)
l'URTiIR't+ HILL, July LS.Yr,
Mimes Ahlah and FlorenceYcl,bo-
and lits- S. lbwosou and Mr. Howard aid motored over from Detroit last
Oex motored from lw,ndou •nit *mat mid cud %Lofted their brothers. James
geld owls.the day In lloderta•h at the big cele-
6ntioa on the 12th.. Mies Nellie licunald and Mr. Nor -
luau St••Ikutgall, of Louaiou, and Mot.
Atlas Moro McPhail. of Sarnia OW- St11Ia•r, of !t'rmaylltr, spent Domiuioa
Day with frkuda hest.
M,•ebrs. S. and 0. McPhail motored
to l.nm,lou root Sarnia on Monday
Mr. and Hob, All, M•rl:moor, uf'De-
troit, erre callers in the neighbor -
Omni last week.
tetras.•, t. home for her holiday's.
Afr- sad Mrs. ,1. '1'tumilsou, of lfutlk-
lin. Sask., are visiting with friends
fu the vicinity.
1 auwber of our , ltu►euy Intend
oponditlg the do., in Bayfield on the
Storm Dances
Balloon Walti s
and other novelty features
Special Prizes Every Tuesday
When you want to
subscribe for a
it isn't at all necessary to go. to the
trouble of writing a letter, buying a
money order, paying postage, 'etc.
Just drop into The Signal office, pay
the amount you would send the
magazine. and we will gladly look
after all the details. In some cases,
particularly where two or three journals
are taken together, we can save you
The Signal Printing Co.,
Goderich - - Ontario
Sir. and Sfrb Fret Morgan and fast.
ily, of Port 8tauter. visited In the
u.tghlorhoed uu lh.wlulra Day and
took in the starts at Uoderlch.
it was *kith a feeling of regret that
we heard that .'dos )l• Peutlaud lard
definitely decided to leave our
1Ve think our 1rustet's made a sertoua
mistake in not engaging Mhos 1'eutittud
for another year. us tit,• great majori-
ty of the people of the sc,ttou are in
favor of her staying. us she has proved
herself to be one of the moat att.-room-
ful tew'hera we hut, had in our ,thool
for a Tong `time. She ,.ti t did Iu
passing every pupil in the recent
ivenJmttlous but one. -COM:
One hundred HMI 100 pupils lave
regiaer.rl with the Exeter High
School for the fall. term.
A quiet wtddlut; wits wtkmuittel at
('oven I'rr.byk•rhtat 'basalt um So1ur•
day, July 5th, ut hit,N1 noon. when
.luta Agues. y gest daughter of
Sir. aryl Mrs. David 'clack. became
the bride of .%Ilo+rt ,t. Davis. only run
of Mr :uol Mr.. !Willis 11. Davis, Of
Montreal Iter. Joust., Foote officiat-
ed. 'FOR. BALK--CBNDRON BABY CAR- rot, 'IV IL JAl KS0\, Organist
tealaut Trst•her for S. S. Nu, 3.
Ilw,rur; ,•x(aerlenleel preferred; du-
ties to continence Sept. 2. State goal -
ideations and notary ezpot•ttd. Apply
to D. C. It0(7IE, 8heppardtot, Out.
PRl►T}:eIT.11'r T}:AcfiER , WAN
til for K.S. No, 1, l'oilorlte, Huron
county. holding . per maUatut w•e,tnd-
c•ltlw e,•rtlfl.ate; duties to commence
Moist. 2: salary SLOW; hoard cuuuen-
11•01: umbra);,• attendance about twen-
ty. J. 1', LINFIELD, It.' It. No. U,
G,derkb. •
1 tot rooms kttebeu privileges; one
a{atrlhrb'ut. four 'nouns, ground floor,
furnished; one house, motion) contra -
!epees. furnished or unfurnished; one
brick house, modern conveniences. un-
' furnished. Immediate lelaaossiou 10
t any of 1110rr pro es. Apply to
I1'. J ltl'AN, Illanillebn street,
NOTICE TO ('oNTla. ..1011.11 AND
r7',•utler. stiff he reoivd by the
Go/Jerleb Simians ERI,., 1.lmlted, uc
by the uud. r.itrned up to the 31st day
of July; .1 I). 1:124, for the following
1. Repairing 'barn on the wort halt
Lot 5, ('une,•a4lou S, Asbfleld town-
2. ''Ilnlldiutt a cottage• on the east
half LM o Coneositon 8, Ashfield
A litlwirin;; dwclli(wg house ou Lot
1, ('ot s(un 0. Ashfield township,
4. Repolring horn un Lot 5, Cowes).
,,ion 9, A•Ittibld Township.
1'lens and .pe•itk\alonx end other
tern.- in t,ou,.,•tlon with the e011-
sirtretiom work way hr examMtd on
19plkwtJaa to the above (;oderleb
l'IouA_ .lulls. Limited. or to the unt-
No tender nersearily accepted.
Dated at Berrie. Out., this 24th day
of J1t1a', A.D. 1924
1N)YS &
rirt'Icitor$ for the Owner,
Barrie, Ont.
• 111arytal
(S) 1'b
d''astlr•L tax ,
tl M1c e
• 19 OF 1 T1iE bassos and r
BcitItPuRATtox +i'd.. TOWN God, rich Salt
during said term
to the poiforwauc
A Fittoiri• GRANT 1x,; -tIU'1't) TUE or assigns of the e
00DE)11('H SALT (:0111'.1N1-, Mations hereltn cum
LIMITED. at WA1 tW EXEM1'• , 191 This bylaw
TBON 110 411 TAXA'IloN AND TU on the dao of the Owl
ueftt and advantage od
ptluu and delivery of
tall eu::re to the rue-
s of ti-•• amid The
Company, Limited.
but subject always
b} said su('e,maons
dltlous and stip.
11 take effect
ins thoreof.
SUPPLY 1Y) IT Tilt: t:LEt"TRIC I'rovlsloually passel -the Council
POWER NECESS•11tY fells its ('hawta•ro of the Town • l:oderluia
PURPOSES WIT110L'TJ: CILIBOX. this oth day of July,' t.
BUT NUT 1N .tX•Y E1'1:\'C To W. le. GAi.1,101', L.
EXCEED Ti1't:1.VF. ll••it11t:- ' MYyur•
lhOiVElt lilt MONTH. TAK}: NUTN'E flat the
1 1 true topy a iruts'.d.el
lYHlt&F 1tl the Gu41e.rklt Salt ('uw Ntti• h Jwa hero dtken lulu <• •ns
pony, Limited, has fur some years ohm :tel which will be finally t•,a,
carried on busluess in the Town of by a„• t'uuuell of the Montt -Ora
G,derlelt of mauufacturiug mutt and (In to, ,-tell 4 the aatrettt of
employ's a considerable number of electors t. tog ubtalnei Uretu1 aft__.
m••u surd as a comaeyurtoo Is of one mouth trout the first pubUcatl.y\
ntertal advautayc to the ratepayers in The (iMl.rieli Star. the date of \\
anal Mimeos of lite Too)* of tvhteh t'ublkuttott sits rhe lith day of
Goderlelt. i July, 1924
ANT) WIlERE.tS the laid UoQl. i ANL FI'RTij}:tl TAKE NOTIC■
pray has rt' uastel the Municipal Ihat all kah bottler. yualifl•,1 under
Corporation of the fossa of G.dertctt ;It.. provisions d tit, Consolidated
MU$i to old 11 by grunting to It exemption 1Lnhi. ({sal ASN 1922, Section 2115, K.B
tram taxation except 1'.r shoo! trite :t. an• required tett drys before the
and local bwpruvemeute for a period' clay of voting to file with me a
of feu years from the first of Jauu-statutory declaration of qualification*.ary, 1U2 , awl to rutply electric paw- � oth.rwke their uamew will not apo
er without charge, up to but not ex. pear uu the Voters' Idat for arse*
cot -ding twelve burnpuwcr per muanth. 1 Outing.
Salt Cumpauy, Limited, ha. request- flat ttie rut.• of the elector." of the
ed the Munh Iva! Uomoil of the Cer- said Town .d G•sk41 h•rwill be taken
puration of the Tuwu of Gutleritit to I ou 111e• said bylaw at the foe
subluit a bylaw to the ratupayrrs lowing timer ural plmoit, that la to
ut fora- .std Tuan for the purposes .my, on Thurn•lay. the 31s1 day of
Moot- mentlone,l. j July, iww24, (*.many.). ing at the hour
ANL t%'lit:lit:AS It is exptdieut nt 9 Welook In Us• furttoon sod eon -
trod iu the public interest 10 grout the; tinning until 5 oelotk In the atter-
bald alit. I noun of the Mawr day. b3 the following
T11EIIEFu11E TILE MUNICIPAL Deputy Returning Officers:
CIOUNC1L OF THE CURl'uRATIUN / 14.1/ing arandltislot No. 1, at SN11ee'e
OF TUE 'DOWN OF GOLERICLI EN- .garage) at e,rner of Vleioria crest
ACTS AS FOLLOWS:- land Elgin avenue. by Thomas 8.
(1) The lands. buildings alt.! plant Wallis. Dimity Returning
nukersk,.frett(taitd(rlerie,,huphalt poCurtmputuyPutLin3l- 1anId.IJIalttw+SuAla
tslrlvl'iisi•, No.
ctrptt•sstuu ".t," to the Tows) ut (iode-
riaNh shall tw• stud arc hereby declared
to be exempt from municipal taxation
fur all porpoises except school taxes
and loyal improvements fur a to-riod
ofoten years from and Itwludiog the
Year! glueing the first day of Janu-
ary, 1 ., provided the sold l:oderkit
Salt Cumpauy, l.tmit d, shrill lar bit
W.aeesbon and in operation of the said
lands, buildings and plant and pro
tided also that there shall be a1 sail
date and (onttuuourt}' thereafter dur-
ing the said period of tam years em-
ployed to •ud about Bald plant work•
men to (111,' tumla•r of at least forty.
12) By way- of further aid to do.4;ode-
rich Salt Company. Limited, t1a' igid
Corpurutu.0 of the Town of Gutlarkkk
shall fur it periost of ton years bow
monolog from the 1lrnt day of Janu-
ary, 11925, in -liver ur ,huge to be de'
itverd free of charge to the raid
The Gaderkt, /fait (rumpeuy, Limited,
at Ito plant. 1 k woman,
A OF GRAIN AND RAY- for lip ourlwoe., but not In any eveut
to .ease bol twelro horsepow+ r per
MRs It1C 1ARD JEWF.T.T, muatb: ata' tt a,tt01 In a•xe„x Of
will sell by pwhlle arwth.n at Lot 11. tiAelyr lrutsepOw-
er us,rl by 1'he said
8. Con, 3, E. D. ('niborne on l.y .iaaoy in ■ny mat t. to Is• paid her
FRIDAY. 311,Y 24th Try ,alit C`om{alny at ordiraary rates.
rnmm.vlcing at 5 pm.. sharp (3) As. tculdltiuu pre•t,demt to the
DR. P. J. R. tIORBTER Tett form and rrnlp mn*lar :g of iniiitbrg bt ties old heeretn ptoridtd
fur, the bald The GCdedeb /fItit los-
uwt suss-, more nr lest, known *S the tail, IJmltarl, .ball a
• EVE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Wm. Colll,snn Farm. will tse offered (•a, to o Gad the
Late Ilouar Surgeon New York O it en hlnr. 77t.• erne+ ,'onalat of 12 acrell rive Its
of the Town ut Goderkh
g Oph-
mlxwl groin. 14 noses of slots, 10 to give Its e.nsout, in writing. to my
thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant bonus ur grant of old proposed to be
St Stoorrftrld Eye 1(otipltal andan. re+ of Mw kacb,+at, 10 timothy wool ernes Itt the future during ,till term
(;olden Square Throat Itoapltal, Lon- acres of 2nd crop alfalfa. 1f not to any tike lnlustr the Town of
don nil together, the ono) will lo sold In (h i -rich y
il.'! Wa,rN00 8t. S., Stratford. Tel -
separately At the Nine (41 'The aid herein provided for
ephnnr 2F,7. tart of 1 .t a. ('on. '1. R i(. (oltwrtw, is granted upon the furtiw•r c tl'Ibti„n
At !label Redford. Goderich, on k""w t ps rho •Rri'kynrl Fnrm. con- that if the number of bands german.
.lily 34th, at 7.30 p.m., to July 29th, tninlnr 401 nr•r.•w (more or loss) will eptly employ el by the pad The Greh
at 1 p.m. he for sale, with tx,npraalnn rich Salt Company, Limited, shall
to he riven Mils fall. fall Ie-0u*k- the number of forty fur
- T}:RJIS -On nil Innd, 10
per Dong. a period of nix successive 1W on Uls,
liof pnr.•hase price to t,e (weld or se- or if t1,t plant shall he closed down
cured at time of +ole. balance to make *nl not in actual operation err In
TEN DERBr W.1N"TVD.-TENDEE3 thrThor mitt
,, nrnr•d within all days, operation only Intermitb•ntly fur a
A very ph,taant picture of old Igo
w:t, prt•.ruU,l by Mr. and 31r$. Wm.
itagshaw at their rli:twomd w''dding
,nuitersary art Monday. Jul}' 7th,
oho!' they received congratulations
and Roost wisitrs from the relatives
and gtirots w•Iw)•wblel at their
home to celebrate the happy occaa1On.
Mr. Itagsbawl t, in his eighty-sixth
year and )tri, Itagsha•w was seventy -
metes last mouth. !loth enjoy remark-
ably good heelU,, considering their
utlt'ane.J yearn. -
Att.•r • long rind tedious illness
William Henry Kastle passed away
Ior Id,, home on. Tuesday morning,
July 14th. at the age .If sixty -sit. Ile
t Is survived by hi. widow and four
An auto ae,dJeut occurred on Main
street last weak whkttl m1g111 have
lw'eu att.•udel w1111 serious results.
Two men from Wtartou, with a lady
and Rifle girt frau) London, were
driving north in au Overland car when.
'tout opposite James 81,. they collided
With �t Ford ear drlre•n'by ;
ae•nnttutni.•d by Mrs. Ng )MW
t'stiornw- township: -` -were
ebmowlint- damagevl, heft all the 8e-
cupant. (•+rated injury except Mp,
Dario whose forehead was painfully
bruised. She woo rrtnnv,•.I to Di.
Ilyndnlnu's hu.pital. whore her, tnjnr-
+1rs Were rlrevo,d, and oho was after-
wards al.le to return to her home.
I1tS:t1.T,-in Galerlel.. on Friday,
Jany 11. 1024. to Mr. and Mr.. Gor-
alnn (slurs, a ono,
SIe!b)N-11.1).-.1t Alexandra Hos-
vital. G,al-Nei: on W,Hnesday.
July 9. 1924 to Mr. ,end Mrs. dor-
11o11 McDonald, a Ann.
COR\FIEi.I►.-,lt Toronto (:rneral
Hospital. on Thnrs.lay. Jnly 11
to Mr, and Mts. A. Cornfield, a
dsughter (Ruth).
W14:1111M.1N.--In the township of
Kt1ltnss. on July R. to Mr. and Mrs•
Earl Wightman, of Wert Wawao-
o•h, a daultbber.
ih,ngnnlon. on Wed-
nesday. July 1(i, Jam.'a Cousins,
beloved husband of the late Dora
.Johnston. 'mod 1Mi year+, 11 months
rind 11 tls-s-
RimP$OX,-,lt Shrggartlton, on Wel-
neaday, Jnly 16, ('harintte May,
lwloe,l daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Jas. Simpson. in her 24th year.
1.1' to 'OM it E. -I n Gtsleri'h. on Sun-
day, duty 1; Sanmel Luw•ntnttt•, in
bi. Roth year.
range, Apply M. N. McDONA1.L
Bru,•t• street,
I/ of Sonatur Dunlop Strawberry
Plants. Order early. HENRY
FREEMAN. R -IO, No, 3, Godericb.
R C. SHINGLES, -Carload of B. Cl
• XXXXX shingles and cedar siding
at McGaw Station- ROBERTSON •
TREBLE,. R.R. No. 5, GoderitJ.. Tele-
plant's-Lung:u,non and Carlow,
of good alfalfa hay with timothy
-mixture; also eight acres of timothy
hay. CHAS. McPHEE, R. R, No. a,
Auburn. Telephone, Colborne Muni-
cipal 1$13.
Telephone No. 119.
Rao attended to anywhere and every
effort made to give p�aatistactlon.
Farmers' sale notes dlaeottnted,
tor household effects farm *toe&
etc., for the County of Huron,
Address aU eommunlcatlons to J. K.
STALKER, Auburn P. 0. 4l•ti
Phone 997 Stratford, Ont.
Spe'lal attention gtren to. care
infants and children,
DR. WM: F. •1g81CALF,
YY Rayfield. Ont.
Once hours -2 to 4 and 7 to
Other hours by appointment.
and Linrtur of Husk. North
street .Methodist church. Instruetio•
given in Voice l'ulture, Organ, Pianos
Violin, Guitar. Theory. etc. Studio and
resider.; e, Church street. Phone 384.
WANTED.-Ihe}• or girl with High
School education to learn linotype
operating. Apply at THE SIGNAL
tad. whole or spare time Exper•
fewce•not oeceaiary, Free equlpmcet.
CO., Welland.
at tot• Brick Vold property on the
Huron Road. (;eolerirh, on
R,1Tt'RI)AY. JULY 19th
at 230 .ielo k sharp: 10 yearlinj
PnIL,I .%nglts heifers; 10 grade Dur-
ham h,•bfers. yearlings sal two-vosr-
olds: 5 young -cows 'with calf at Mot
or to freshen shortly. All these rattly i
are without horns. NMI 1n mood coo- 1
dation. Alpo- 1 black gelding. "Victor I
Atslel " 7 years old. sound and tat.
Iia+ lam miles In 2.14, la a lord ;
thick hardy little horse and will he'
a grad raaee+winner it given a (*lance,
il•• Is ellglble for any c us. Also set 1
of driving ttarneao.
T}:ItMS:-Alt montlui eredit alt! l
1.• given on furnitdting approved flint ,
notes. ,1 41seonntat rate of 0 per tont. '
ntlowrrl for cant.
T. Gi'NDRY. Auctioneer
e e tr •Iwo«r m,c
HAVE YOUR renting of Choltlorne town ra n terms to suit par- period of three atimesalve month.,
WAGON TI tihlp weigh orales at McGaw station ''''n 'r, theta in etUh•r ut stank rve)ge rho
will he rt.rived by the clerk up to It ,n.p has ro io• add s'{r,rah'ly. Co'rrail of th.•'Corporation of the
Augnat lot. 1024 MRS. 1, HFTII- sic months crolit will la• atom on Toon of (:,slrrlch may {Sts, „ hy-
Cold Set for a permanent ERiNGTON, (Mork. it. R. No 4, Guile•
furnishing nty,nord joint nob• A hew orifi t submitting it to the oat,.
job. Nett di.eonnt allowed for rash. payroll. roll/11110g thla bylaw and
T1tere is prnctkally no reserve wIthdnia lt,g Mie aid hereby grantee/.
TFNDERB FOR REFRES1T3IINT Pelee on sift land. n+ .fes J'wrll la tial rheratftrr all obligation Outmost
ominion Road Machinery a PRIVILEGES --Tenders fir re- r]rier* and to aril
C011MIIf Upon the Municipal! Corporation to
frarliment hnotho (sole prl►Ilegrs) at T. At'N(>RY, Auctioneer tunuis4 any fnrth'r old. av h.m•iu
the .'gobs' on
Park for- mytIo23r h At (TTON}: (1F (iOCRF,(inl,n n,r•1,.,., Junketer, that it bbiu't un-
Hnrse !torso nn W,r1n,•a 1n, . July `rlyd
Canadian Teachers' Federation
Convention at Victoria, B.C., Aug. 12-16
Here u • wonderful opportunity to view and study the scenery
of our glorious Dorruinion at Met hand; to sett the beauties of
Ontario, the rolling prairies, the majestic mountains and the
sparkling water* of the great Pacific all in this very complete
journey to the Convention centre.
Special Low Fares from all Ontario Points
A special train de Larne of the Canadian National Ralwga
carrying the most modern type of all -steel equipment, with radio
*et complete, leaves Torooto, July 2601.
A oombe. of apa,ortal routes ahoy be taken ria site retort' trip, rail
lafar'nat,on, d.o ra.l sad .IR os car t.eket..eta, be *busload 1rrM
way of tie following' rice* of (be Public School Ifedwi tioa
TORONTO -W. A. 6, Report. 44 Silverthorn Ave.
HAMILTON -Hr, L. J. Coiling. Oa Bartrri.le Avis.
HA11iILT014-HL. Hand 0. Roberta. 107 Sanford Ave. South
or any Canadian Motioned
Ticket Odae
will Is• moire! by the and• I terltNIT1'RE and FURNISHINGS apt t tea afore pre•
tined lip visions are not to apply in case tits
to R .m, Rnturr
P IA,r
, Jelly
DR W. 1'. ()LARK. Secretor
Committer, fla►derieh,
}:Ni►}:Its FOR i'.tINTJN0
14111 trtn w.wwIwntk of Vletnrh, P
11.' Kelton! will the received by t
nildersigtt.•.I up to Friday, ,Augttat 1,
19 24.
h. 1924.
Rare Mit. J. K. DAVIS
Will .oil by public auction nt bis roof -
demo. laritnnnia Rind. (;rslertrh, nn
K,1TI Iti),1Y. ,Ti'T.1' 20th
(,.111t111,11e1 rig at 1..20 41,'Ioek sharp:
1 .layenls.rt. 2 calk rockers. 1 small
re•ker. 1 Mind's Mnrrla choir. 1 1111.
'try tttile(nnk 1, 1 hall rusk. 1 din.
All woodwork to be cleared of vino*R room tuck '.stir"'• consisting of 3
Wild to ►w:- gfrt'n own l•'Mta of floss- 'hair+, 1 arm rink. snood toile, beta
elo+s lend and nil. For further par. 1 tot: 1 eongnletm rug 11t12. nlmtart new;
Ovular. apply to JAMES C. ('.1RItIF loon tapestry
odmitt-logs trwhites
and rnate,..',
throe•gnartrr white hist. spring* and
mottos''', 1 youth** 'w'hite hod with
tilde sella, aprkgfa and mnttr.aa: 1
UMrattona and addlt(onS for t11e • whits enansol (Prosier; 1 white ennmel
.1r,Rt,eNDR.I OrARINE AND r:F,N• drooping t•irlr with shah in m:ltod
•ERAL HO'PIT-tio GODit:RTCH, 1 onk (looser; 1 Quebr stove Wood
OXT. mew; 1 ()nobler. kitchen atom
�tenlel, aenarotr or Milk holden* cwt (enmlanaltal, with oven; 1 New Per -
Iltu tennis c((l 011 *tore with oven: 1
rprntry, roofing And •h(rt electric heater: 1 kitchen cabinet : 1
moon! work, lathing and - Nattering, email node; 1 kitchen table: klteh,M
painting and glassing, elrr'trie wiring. Minim: 1 Raymon,l (s,hbt*•t amino
plrtmhibg And heating. ?mot he In tho machine; 1 May Tog bleetrie ;nothing
bonds, of R J. Meow, Chairman of machine: 1 .feet frame Ironing hoard:
the llalr,l of floyernor,- (iodettbh. 1 m„ li•-ins cheat : 1 Rlaorl• rnrp•t
Ont, by July 21st, 1024. T)eenalt of sweeper: linoleum. IlInda WA Oh huh'
*24.110 reinlre,, to psoras,, plows f r
(dant Is so 'lost d down owing to fire,
accident or other 'whys lea l atosrferyl►,•a•n
difficulty. 111 attach event the said (
laaly 410111 ti+e all exprIltion to over-
come awl rectify the said difticnity
and to restful'. operation at the
e5rllest Ias'Hde umnlent, if the
('pinions faille to uw• dor ,Illi•
germ.. 1n the removal of the 'anal•
of the 'losing down of the plant the
Council of the Corporation shall In
its discretion have the right in the
manner nfurtrmbd to wlthdrtaw the•
old h, rt4.y granted.
(ai) The ,.old TIra' Ooderich Salt
Company. Limited, Arn11 molter its
'orlaor.It9 ,.sal enter Into an agree -
nowt with the Corporation of the
Town of tioderlelt prior to the final
]w'•.Jag 4)f this bylaw, wht'h agree-
ment Shan embody tate obligations
hereby lmpoe,I or intrndeil to 1.,' 1n,-
poo,sI upon th' said (bmpan}- and
pmh rdh, t prot-i+htlt.r fur tho dor !Pill -
e. t on of the (.,r1orntlon of the Town
of (;oderI. h as t., its .'uIH'ltor may nr'e`hwnod P- O.: 1), F. McGregor,
nem n(eesaary• Ric. -Trona,, Sesforth P. O.
(91 TIo. paid T1s' Gr"lerlrh Salt Dir.rtnra--A. )trn*dfnot, R. R.
Company,, stall alts. with No. R, R.Sfnrth; John G. Grlrvr, No.
U114 (bra,ntI
itatl'a rho.• rretair more tm Kingxtl�p
.trews. by ('Iarl•r hates, Ihputy Its
torning 0ffh•er. drat Wa.. Xet.ntn,
von l'Ir•rk.
Polling . Sntslivlaion No 3, at the
Town Hall. by E. 4'.. itekNaer, Deputy
Ite•I11 ttfuq Offke«n atwd George Bel-
o/tor. 1o11 Clerk
lolling Subdivision No. 4. at
Ktothertt' worst •4114)11 un Vietorla
ttr.,'L by H. A. 11t(tord. It.' pity Res
horning iffier. tad Wm. Mother*.
Pulling ituhdlvddon No nt P- fn,
Welton's store on West ,trout by
(law-al.l Stur'ly, D•-lwtry Mourning
Officer. awl Harold Ittnekstone.
1''dllnit itd.11N.b.n No (l. nt James
foss-+' office on Wein erh.•r, by 11.
f, 1Vnt...u. ik'talty Itrtrtrnirtg Officer,
MINI Will Tait. Poll ('lerk
l'olling solslivtwlon No, 7, at J.
Prl'lll•-s r,-sklottre at .'order of
William and e•ncb•y atre•ts, hy Don -
aid )l. Knc 1►riatrr Returning Offi-
cer. and Robert 'Nit. Poll Clerk
On Welnd*y, tin 30th day
'•f July. 1ir24, the Mayor of tire sold
Town +.,,tl t,ttelwl at the Cp0ndl
(Ynantl.•r.t of .nil Town w,t • ten
o'clock in the forenoon to nppolmt
{s•rr'n. to attend at the var(ous 1t5e,�13.
Ing platy•; aforr.akl. and 111 the $nal
enttmhinot up of the v..t.w by the Clerk
on I.•half of the persons interacted'
in .end pr•'m..ting or . opriming the
paroling of this I.yl*•w rwrpe tivoly.
This ('lark of the Council of the
maid Town of Grderl'h *Tall attend
at blot office In the Town Irall at
ton n'rloek ip the forenon0 on Friday,
the first day of Ang,aat, 1924, to sum
ftp the numla•r of votes for and
ag,llnat the bylsrw,
L. 1.. KNOX.
(;.sterk'h,'4th of July. 1924.
'Awn (look.
1u. TER. Sollettor, Notary Public,
Ofli.•.• Hamilton etre•t Godrrk•h, third
door from Moarr. Trust fonds to
loan nt Inwoat rates-
pnot-TFooT, KII.LORAN at
Ohio.. on the Square, tacnn(1 door
from Hamilton *treat, floderlch,
Private* tondo to loan at lowest
3 I'Ki!' ' ti,, Molloy E. Holmes.
*taps (R Nape
R.C.HAi'5-R.( 11AY., ,1:.. B.A.
Hamilton St., (iodericn
SDLICITOR, Notary Public and
Convey)) too?. Orric e -•Court Houso.
ANCE CO. -Farm and htolated
town prr(perty (floured.
OfR("t'ro---Jas Connolly, Pron.. (lode.
rich P. 0. ; Jaa Ev,tn, Vlea-Prep
Agnring, which will 1►e rntnrrsrA on wrornta Io*rI. 1 chap is,M'r. 1 leen of (:(al,r) m of the '11,rnn 4, Walton; William Rhin, R. R. No.
return of pinna i.owMt or any seniles mower. clothes rook. Onion fools expense In fontortlla,with the %Mr i r all lit, ,,R n • Geo. tfeOar n ennelwl1a, Brod-
other articles fro nnrobrm,, to rtt►laafon to tire rafe{alrer+ f tl y. R. 11 No. 3,
not no p l a t. creat nr . Plana. fruit.
ope•IM•stlono, tenter form. and in•
Ins, o IIs by• 8p•fnrh . Robert Ferris, Harloek ;
and Incidental thereto- Murray (;1hann. RrnrpfINd ; J*met►
Company,f.(mid The e,w�lthatll 1 were (h)4lprlr. Salt hw ' James Connolly,
bN +-tntaelied in the *gr,s•m,mt in the Agent*- J. W. Yen, G,xierieb;
firth parng,-,p1 horror( merit -loom a Alex. 1m1trh, R. R No. 1, (lintels;
r•Iarise protovting the Nnrlklpal tor- John Murray. Sesforth; E. H1nehley,
potation of the Tenon of Ontlerkh. Reaforth, Polley -holden, can pay ail
and 'soh alemlwr tIa•re,f, **stoatm
payertI en4 goo !belt cards rseetpt-
any Iowa Ito matter of what character M at R. J. Morriah'a Clothing Storer,
that may be Inenrrod by it, 1)1n or flllmton; R. H- Cuft'•
them, If ship hylaar should he dr- *tan Street. Ory' Rla�
rl•rM by any judicial authority to be General Sto O.w ayflo or 3. H. latd'e
Gtrnaltlnn may 11e had front R. J.Is !loving No rs.rte on anything, Mr. Davi*
)DIGAIV, (:oder/do or at the oAkr of -4d11 (l,wlerkih and everythingg
R. R. COON A SON, Arrhit.rt., 4 Xt.
win M• *pr>s,1 ot.
?tomtit/treeToronto, Ont. T Gf'N(►R p. Auctioneer
8t0rekoopar: "What kind of randy
On you. want, 1attle M►y-'
AM: "80s thing telt for a soot,
en 1 eta givermy 11411r door one" -
Boston 94•(al•rIpt,
1 tlattmla,. July 19 - Auction sale
•K 25 tweed of yo wog cows and heifers.
Itlrlving hare, MrIteea. etc., at the
•Irrklt yard 9m a'rfy no the itnron