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of CANADA a�
\\'til' program in brief, for week of
July 20. 1924--\11:Y. ilebene•tady. N.
Y,. Grueral Electric Company. 790
kIIoi•yele.. 1340 meters). Y,a-tern
Standard 41041.
44uud ty. July 20. 9:30 a.m.-Service
of tan• First Reformed church. tiehe-
4Nctady. N. Y.
p.m. 1'oneert by New York
I.111lharmonil• Umbrian from Lewis•
uhu :(tadiom, New %lurk, Willem van
11..'ogstreten. conductor.
Monday, July 21. 7:45 p.m.- Musi-
eal nave►i•r.. by Ethel E. Orterbout.
platao, ttalph 11. ate -k•, tenor, Leon
urd 'sY. Grant. baritone. Address. -Eye-
'Eyesight and Molor (ear Drivers," •by
Claud M. Hall.
Titemlay. July 2142. 69141 p.m.-- Din-
ner nude by lbeeph A. Chickene and
his ('lover Club Orehestty. Hotel Tee
Eyck. Albany. N
7:45 p.m. -Concert by the New York
Phllhariu once Orchestra, Willem van
114..gstrat.•n conductor, broadcast'
front Ler biotin Stadium, New York.
111::41 p.m. -Organ ix'i'Ital by Ste.
plum I: lto.w•lalr, from 1'rort.r'et Har-
mnnu. Itleeker Ilett, AH.asiy, N. Y.
1Vechi •slay, July 23. 5:3) p.to-
Adr1•uhnre story, courtesy Youth's
Thnriday. July. 24. 5:15 p.m.- Ite-
p,rt e i ..million of highways of Ntw
York State.
3:3i' p.m. -Organ recital by Ste-
phen E. Hoiecltir, froom Proctor's
trsuas 4.I w regard l it ST MARY'S YOUTH
REV. J• E. HUNTER DIES Goderich Summer School AT
Vernier la•tur of Dung 1I11NN1 Neth- I.
o41111 l'ongregal ion
?l:e death .N'eurrel ':.I.1.• 'y .it
tiranlu4 eli Uouay w• , :; of iter.
J. E. Hunter. pust0I of ..,ton Meth- i
' ewllst char h, safe .4 r Ary 4)t 148
Loudon Methodist . C. nir•t '0(' Mr.
Hunter ‘..tit to add Sunday night to
whit wyme'd to lie pwrteet Pruni:. H'
had uuly- Mem up n Blurt While Jjum
day uN,rUlug when lie wart MI', -6'11 and
died before aid could IK 1.111161110111•11.
111• had always been an iw4,1-trl.nt4
nud.di114n'0t worker, aui4 it .- the be-
lief of ids' (ri.•od& that lie work'(
hiineelf to a print where he-atf'red
:1 complete breakdown. and hat 444)1
the S1 14'141111 to tight oft de:dtl'.
tie was ordained in 191►, at the
l.i'sa,we4 couferetar. and st1•' ' that
time hn. had five parishes • They
sere Harmony. Memel., Dw.c:In
Ilarwenu. Itle: kcr Mil, Albany, N.
!awlw•II, and (Iranian.
7:30 pm. --Convert by the New Ile •vers elected St.eretaid^ o t d4.
York Philharmonic OreJnwtra, Willem London Confer. ta'r.
tau Iluugotraten. iwihwtor, broad- Windsor during the first reek 4.f
w hu Stadia New June. This. templed with hi• dutlavr
cast from L, iso m'
in the 1 tun Epworth Iw•:d•n . of
Opens on Monday Next
Qalerltla Suww'r Nr1Nwd will np14•n
is fourth •0o•lotl ue\t Jlol.dnr eceniuy;-
u Norah etreet M.•t1' li-t 'birch,
w -11e 11 4'e11gtU1N.• 1$1u m1.1y ••'!�1N.1 Will
Ir.•g.M11 111. 1u1NNluw+ry NN1gr11ui eulil 1141
"'11.• Light of ttw• Ne.r14.1." This will
1.• a tlttilig h.troiltN-liou to the week's -
program. :i. wisaoa• 14111 lutv4, a
prominent olio-, tllruuglI,ut.
til Ntt''"4lty. evening it 1. exp.•tei
Mr.. l airle.'it China. 1.411 ejienk. She is
r\'. , 'lot
•� Longley .r Chita., u si•h•r .1 Jl1 t, g .
. •.• , ' 1 ,r. 1••41, 1 HI the
n1au1 • •414.11 u I ► 4)l { eta. tts
'wheel ten years age.
\\'clue reds, Preening ties• .peak.•r will
h' H.•c. Q', JI. Knnu111vi1., M. A.. of St.
John's Pr•sbyteriat ••,0r, -h. 1lanitlton,
whet.. ulnar recur tuber by the flue mi-
iIreesee givl•u to former years.
Miss Sybil 4'ourtlee. :1l present of
('41 ,t.1, -4 Ht) it 4. miwsi.4ary- 00 fur-
lough fraud •lapnn, the speaker for
Tturminy et.•uiug. will draw u. large
audience of admiring frieeth..
The'Fri.Iay evening y.4vlker t.+ the
wen-rl•II.'WIl.•il Ite4', 1'. \Y. IkeMHle. It.
A., who until recently- Iwo INM•tl the
general secretary of the Ihltario
t,. ,•.Ira c. u_ .. GRAND BEND
individual t1.Nn.hitNc. DROWNS
The 1••11.•' iu0 t '.rent. 1..•n' paid;
iticl►ar4 Moore, r'•ltaociug I►nua, #l:rl; GIt.\NI
Illi ''snug awl ',overt J Flli. a ,rg.•:I Iwentvvouc, cern of Mr.
r,-urfurluc, #'2.41.114': I/u1. 14110x0,., wait drooled 111 I .. Huron e
it N:N lnl Menke. Ie1ru Pttblade, crud., 11 oro tote afternoon Awn he sur
t tt:ND• •duly 13. -Norman
I:4 resit
.seri. ='_.:4.l: F...1. 4:INH1. grad•ulg ,UIQ ilii Stn.. .luuiex F:Ilf..tt of Sit. US 17111.
about 4
1:1411 IIg1.lisln ala '' 1:1111g. *4;1.4": Iln-
n!r► •ltlblr ,duly. "1'he Furby l)ay14 in;:. itJT.:r): Murcia Jim:ford. grading. 11 orot ►uhr the lake by a, string
1411( 4 hrl.liuuit}-." by Iter. \\', M. Katt• 4145.4411: Q'1. 1.14.44. r.'41114) ince 15.1141;' derlow r. ,ilti„g trove a•.ughi 4114111
1411:11%11 M \ t 1H Joluls Presbyter- (• ing el'•s14.• i'rnet• }•lliitt and n friend, )toy Golding.
u• 1'art Blake, rewur a•• .
ehur. h. 1.Ia ii"ll• . Uuf• 4 rIili. "Ilirflriug, 1(15.4'4: .Io•1 coon• here last '1'luu•.-.Illy to 'aorta and
111.1'► Inc. r,•:Uiou, lard by Her. J. Agin. n•snrfaefllg• #1:'!w: Darr;
'•d- , ween in bathing ik.-
U, P5iiln,, 4"Ilitright, Out. ;.r, resurfacing. 4113.0141 1.. It. 4,.0'14. •bite the tact that the lake ruts very
--tft.:2''- 41.44 IIgIN ,duextlun, ]tree t'• resurfacing, x:t•..011: Jtnrchnll 'Conn:;, nowt 443.4 neither .of 3h.•w *croup
\\'. 141.34111'•. H. Al -Toronto. general I•esurflrlag• 1F7.:14): Dau S•la'nur, cru•-wiuuuel: F:Uioit nus only aw(e'V
superintelyd.'irt e0-. �1tr Ou,ario 1111.1' 4.•41 acid n•rurfu'tug, V420.: \C m. car,4• (unu the edge of the Ion. i:.hNn11.11 4'.umrll• atet
Stevens. resurfacing. $17.34'.' .iidi1l-.•,tu•n l..• 844- knocked- 4..wn by .a
11,1141 -ShNly l'lleaNt14:- '►nest. rsurfll4 ti . %24)Irl: \\111 Suyd• burg: wace• 401..re he cutld n'ea'r
L 4311.1. Moss Mary Itu1N•rtww, ,,r mot...ravingerIghiovf-war. %:...111; hiureif a v..1141 nue.' strue�- and
11 car.
G.Nlerich.•peas' F`{+rove, r4,wurfue4ug, t+It.-•: l.• was :welt (roto bl: feet u
2. Japan. 34tee Sybil Courtier. wt-- .'Plias Pt.ln•r• rrsuurfaeg Nnd cr:n•,l, 0 -i• -t auto deep •II,ltrr. Efforts ao re--
6ir.tulry, %ti.,tl.',: Jsvinl Yumauu4., r•.urta. iur:. rues 0hu were• Ill '1)11,. 11• 4s r1•pnrtwl--_-
a. "Itoitdiuc the Natteu:' Miss Use %,;,1111: 1rv1ng 4.4140-. r•wurfaelug, xlu!MI; stun 4w., .t11.•n tx•rr caught 111 the
it.ou. Parkhill. i World ► cid Il• Ir, r•surfiw•ing, t1:41.+r4;