HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-7-16, Page 1-
Trying to Sell Something ?
Don't keep it a secret. Let the people
knew about it through an advertise-
ment in The Signal.
Orangemen Celebrate Their
Great Anniversary With
The urea successful Orange demon-
atratkant held loo Gedlerich for many
years took place on Saturday last,
when the 23401 anniversary of the
Battle of the Boyne was celebrated
with great enthusiasm. North and
Booth Huron couuly lodges eomhlued
to the eelts,rntfou. The officers of the
1oc40 lodges had made excellent
preparations fur the eventa
evePrycbing passed oft In good order.
Forty lodge' took pert fu the
"walk," Including Fordwlerb, Nlbhert,
Itfpley, Beryl's, K111106-4, Lucknow,
Orange 11111 (Howls -1(1, Auburn.
Be•Igrave, Blyth, I.ondedboro', Maple
Grove. Wroxeter. Wingham, Bluevale.
Bru*sels, Greermay, B!ddulph, Lucian,
Exeter, Crediton, 1)lmgsuuuu, Belfast,
Nile. Bayfield, Winthrop, Walton,
Norrie, Colt.urue township, Hensel.
(ioderich township, Varna, ('110ton.
Seaforth and G(d erkh. There were
also lady lodges from Foidwleh,
T.ueen, Wingham. Clinton and
'order woos pure)) 0 defensive organise
utlnn traing to defend rights and priv-
)rivilege.: which had been dearly won by
our foref41th1r.. 111111 handed down to
11.. There eves tecer greater need
that now of such a Protestant organ-
ization. The shod system of the
Pruviace wad being attacked, and the
(mange order wile the only organis-
ation to he relf('(1 upon to defend it.
Allotting to the dispute It Golerki►
over the thein of the st•parate sehool
hoard for a share of the taxes of the
Western Canada Flour Mills Company,
the speaker stated that Golerkh'M vet-
eran aaeaaaor for the stand he had
taken had been honored throughout
the whole country, aid Gaderkh had
laid down a precedent for the entire
I'rovince. "Anel let me tell you," sae
the speaker, "the Orange Order war
not far *way when that action watt
The alw•aker spoke of other in-
stances in which he claimed credit
for aotlon on the hart of the Orange
order In ree(Istlug Roman Catholic
aggrPssl(xl. He gave credit to the
present Government of Ontario for
Its action so far with reference to
school funds, but wanted the 'members
of the Iegislature to be vigilant.
nor. J. W. Heelley. the next elM•ak-
er. said Iw wad not sa much afraid of
Roman (Lthnlle aggression as lie was
of the 11irint,'grntlon of the Protest-
ant church. Between the autocracy
of the ltoman church and the godless-
ness; ,o) moth in evidence he thought
there should id• a middle ground for
The parade formed at Victoria ('Jai -flan loving In harmony with the
Park. and. headed by the Clinton KIi- fel/chines of the 1lible,
tie brans band. starched by way of lire. J. E. Hulme., the con•Itwliug
Victoria mod Kingston streets to the speaker, gave to eulogy of Orangelam
:binary. Reslbs num-roust fife and wood the principless tar which It stands.
drum (ands, )Itghlnnd pipers necone Notes
panted the Lox -know and WingJlam it is cxtimat(d that Geslerith had
lolge•s, Nearly one Ihuudant were. in
10,000 visitors uu the 12th. Never
the gradebefore were so many autemeblles to
The ,Prize -winners La. seen lu the town. Tht•re were
The prize for the largest beige In probably 2,000 of tbc•m, many of the
the parade war won by the WViugham streets being lined oil booth violet for
lodge. For the best -dressed lodge the blocks with parked cars,
prize went to BPlgravf•- I'rincess in the morning a short memorial
Mary Lodge, (;oderieh, took the prize service war held at the aol4lerd
for the test-dreaewd ladies' lodge. monument 'and a 1*udeume floral
Other prizes were won as follows: Best ; anchor was pia ved on the monument
fifer. Wilson Armtrong. of Gcrlt•rtch In memory of the fallen brethren.
lodge: best drummer, J. Webster.; A wella•onteaterl game of baothalI
Varna ; lodge coming greattet dos- i between (.wean and Golerleh wad
tame, Orange 11111; beet flit• and drum P feature of the day's program and
trend. Clinton. was w•Ittw•aewd by the biggest crowd
The award for the oldest member at a hoselmil game In Goderich this
on parade went to John Fulton. year. G.dlerlch won, Sri.
of Walton, who Is in Ilia ninety- 31.•al. wire aerv,el at Knox church.
sixth year and hnr Igen an (grange- 'icturia .treit 3I,•tholi,t 'hurt and
wan for eighty year.. Mr. Fniton Id the Baptist church. Seven or eight
n native of Armagh. Ireland, and lds.tbs on the Square did a lively
came to ('anada when ten years of bu,lnesn In ice cram and other re -
age 1 freshments.
in. the baby show tB(t prize' were
woo by Mary Kath Patterson.;
.Auburn, first: Villa Jane irwin,
Itelgrave, second; ITuetpll Nelson
Armstrong, Gndeth'h. third.
The Speeches
After tate parade a program of
speech -making took place from a *tend
in the park. Wm. J. Falconer, of
Rtanl•y, county master of South Mor-
on, was the chairman and called first
[upon Mayor Gallow. who extended a
cordial welcome to the vfrttorr and
Divined them to come again.
E. It. 'Wigle, 31.1'.)', weer Doe next
.peaker. ile mentioned the ,r•ltlement
of the question of Irish twit -govern-
ment 1144 a entire for rejoicing and
went nn to .petik of some things that
lid. M .v1 8,e•omplirherl in the I'rovite
clod Legislature during the pad year.
Ten millions ha11 iMe•n voter) for edu-
entlon, two n11111nn8 for agriculhnn,
ten millions for hydro, and a quar-
ter of n million for immigration.
ruler Ferguson Intender( to mod-
ernize the ,rinentianal System of the
province and especially ally to remove
Glow feettir, of the present .?stem
which had a tendency to lend the
M,ys and girls away from the farm.
An agricultural enquiry- committee had
been appointed to tour the Province
and hear at first-hand the grievane'+
of the formers: hut. said the speaker,
"the Government emonot do It all;
vol people ns responsible eItlzetts have
your part to play In the Imprnvenw•nt
of conditions."
'Vitt regard to immigration. (he
Speaker thought the Government
should go slowly. Only such immi-
grants should M' browiglt in as could
Ie properly nsaim11nted. An es(Mr•!nl
(effort so mild le t►adP to gx•t the ('nn-
ndian 1M)y14 and girl. back from the
John Joynt. 31i'.1'., for North
T(ur)n. spoke next. lie d,rlarerl hie
pride In being an (►rnngeman. Thera
was n time. he said. when Orange -
1: ell were tont looked upon with favor;
ion• :t was different now. In the Trent
cmwd irresent nt this eelehratio'I In
lioderich there war not the slightest
elan of lntnxientlan. Orangeisro war
growing more 8n,1 more In favor, 341.1
he had obeervel Gait moot of the fret)
In the lnrnde were young ran. The
Orange order stood for progress. f(d•
trlotiam, for the open itihle. for
quel rights' to alp and ,peril! twit -
lege. to pane.
(;enrp. Rpotton. of Wingham, who
provident of the Public School I)e-
1. e Lenitive of (ntario. was the
let .{raker (of the day, and his ad -
sr wee full of bio eharneterisle
r Ile (•Inimp(1 That the Orang,•
•r erne the most littera) orgnnia
ion is ktww of, ane( yet he pall. it
s Hie moat nrle(xlderatond. 11P b• -
Lawn Bowling
'in the lucat howling tournament
on Friday evening Messrs. A. Taylor,
C. A. Nairn, T. McDermott and T,
Glazier were the prize -winners.
In rte. regular Monday evening's
bowling tournament the following
were the prize -winners: Geo. Symonds,
l'. .1 Nairn, ('has. Black and W. 14y'
tram(1 e.
Some Good Gaines in Prosper(
The local fans *I11 be glad to hear
that the Huron County Lergoe bag
been admitted to the Ontario )taae-
bun ,1+mr•tatlon. The winners of
the Huron County League play oil
with the *inners of the Grey ('0(nny
l.erlgue, which in till probability' will
be ([wen Sound. This fixture will
bring POMP good teems to Go,h•rich
ars( the Goderkh supls.rl.'rs should
turn out to e11 the games and help
to cheer tow boys to victory.
Oh the Golf Courses
The Maitland Golf ('lith will have
a big day on W,rinedlay. July 23,
when Stratford and S,•afurth clots.
will each mond n team dere. On 11'ed-
nesd8y, July :oo, the itenforth club
ex{44'ets to send ladles' and gentle-
men's teams here to play u,ernlers of
'the local club in n m1xtr1 two -ball
foursome tournament
C A large number of Indies took part
•,In a two -all foursome nt the Blue
Witter Gulf ('1411. eom•8e on Tuesday
of this week. The leading mores
were: Mrs, (truee (Tor..utnj and
11rr. 3. W. ('rnigl", wet 49: Mrs. R.
1,. 1Joyd find Mr., H. I'lelncker,
net :,1; Midi Irene Snults nud Mrs.
( F'.
Cra isle, net 54 ; Miss Collins
1'wrot t I and Miss Etta Sault+,
1 met 14. The prizes were golf halls,
' in the two -ball mixed fonreome on
t1'edner.lay Nils- a;er:^net• Porter and
Mr. David Hastings took first prize;
31rr 1'. 1'rnigie ra.d Mr. it. 1.. Lloyd,
iseeen(1. '41rs. 1'bel.cker won first
prize In the Indle.' Irking contest,
with Mrs ltrne: sr•ond. The prizes
in the•-,• eonte.t' neo were golf halls,
,except (14111 Mr*. Bruce in the diving
1 contra won a .rather to10 rr w It .
p•netl 1111(1 land.
11',r•kly cnmis•titions are Is Ing held
at the ;tine Water Chub, with sultaLee
prizes tor the winners,
Are You Taking Advantage I
of The Signal's clubbing offers ? We
Can save you time and ticublc, and a
little money, in renewing for your
papers and magazines.
V J, Alex. Sltnlhm la nroterfu►Z
New .Life Insursrre ,lgetrwy Cootie
Empire fife losuraneCootiepuny has opened a 11r'awh hev,• with
Mr. C. D. neuluger u. agent for
(;eak•rich nod vicinity. M. R'iinger
+ynd family have recently moved here
from Terowater and are owitityltrg
the former Craig resldence en West
street, 31r. J. H. Mulholland. Pro-
vincial suiwriuteudent. from the head
°thee. Toronto, was ili town this
k. The annouement of ,be ap-
pwintwe•tt of Mr. lienhiger as agent
Herr appears on pagt• 4 of The swum.
Huron OW Boys' Excursion
The Huron County Old Boy,' Ar
ao•Iation of Toronto w111 hold its an-
nual excursion to the' county .uu the
014111,4101 of the tttaforth Old Boys'
!tetanal' 011 Saturday, August 2nd.
Special train leaves Toronto at 2.00
pont. 411(1 arrives at Seaforth 6.25
Clinton 6:47 p.m. and Goderich
7.15 pan. Ticket, are vow on :ale
at the ('anadiau National Railway of -
flee, corner King anti 1'onge Mtreets,
Toronto. To avoid confusion the cow-
mktee revue-ts all Hurunites to pro- '
care their ticket, now.
War Veterans' Picnic
Veteran. .'1 the Erect Tar re•
sid.•ntt al the county of Huron with
tlwir w•ivhd and friend. will hold a
monster picnit- at jowett's Grove, Bay-
field, on Wednesday, August 1311*. The
arrangements are In the hands of a
euwmittee headed •by Major R. R.
Sloan. Games and sports are belt;•
organized and Minable -prizes will
he awarded. The cotmlittce extend nu
invitation to all veterans to spend a
day at Hayfield's beautiful rerreatiuc
mirk and renew old friendships. Vet
trans will be expected to bring their •
own baskets. Any further informattoo The Sloan Orchard
may ls• obtalued by tommuaka•►ng
with MatJor It It fila[ Ba !1 From Tueadny'. (.1ohe:-one of the
chairman of committee, or Lt•-Col..1..*largest cunni Ierttnl apple growers left
W. [Shaw-, CIfntun, verretary, In what ens f''rroerly a big fruit
Letter. b Aereplsae
Mr. -.1. It. Kelly Lida 'week had the
pleasure .f receiving from his sou
3Ir. It 11 Kelly„of Ins Angeles, Cal„
n Metter which came from lsas Angeles
t,i, ('leveland by aerial servle• stud
thew? to-YicaU rttli- rnl!way.
('ounelUer Helium in' Car Aeddent
councillor !moiler HohMs war the
victim of a very'. nitfortnnite auto-
mobile .wce•i(1.111 Oil Friday hist. Ile
was motoring south of, Ibvfteld nue(
Ids arms the last of three cart Nelle),
were Loris:riting pretty closely. to -
oilier. The first tuusrl tufo it farm-
ymrll to the left, the seem l ' also
turned to the left to avoid 40111 0n
with tilt• first and Mr, Holmes was
crowded Into tow dl.11. lila ear tarn -
ed over o11 Its aide and his left arm
allatalued a- very lard fracture, After
receiving first aid on the alert he was
brought to GoMrkh he'spltm1 and Inter
was removed to Toronto to receive
the attention of n tp,cIalist.
In the Magistrate's Court
The eaten ngniust two !truce eounty'
m. n Iu eonneetion with a (eizure of
Illklt spirits by Insiw for I'Pllow In
('ulnas township two weeks ago were
heard by Police Magistrate Reid on
Frlkflaglast. Stafford Paisley of Cui-
rass township, pleaded• guilty of a
violation of the inland Revenue -tet
and was tined 1400 9114 teats or six
mouths In jail.
TJIr enter' 4)7111/1141 Slglu.m.I Frel-
lnrger, under the O.T.A.. was dls-
Magl.trat,• It hi fila week has im-
pdes.rl three fines of $10 awl costs for
vlolations of the O.T.A. and two floes
of S5 newt costs for breaking tit' High-
wav Traffic Act.
Novelty Night at the PavWeo
The second novelty night of the
season it the "Pay," on Tuesday.
war well attended and all who were
there certainly enjoyed theluoelve...
The new spotlight was a feature and
It cyst a very pretty Tight over the
dame floor. Several. "spell ,L•enxeri'
were given, During scant• . dune%
there would be a crash of the drums
and the oomph. who were caught in
the spotlight at that Instant were
awarder( n prize. Till• "storm" done,•
was well given, but as the wiring of
the Pavilion has not yet been cone
plet(d It could not be put on In the
best manner possible. Next Tuesday
the management hope to have every-
thing In shape and they will again
put on a novelty night and everyone
who attends Is assured of a real good
Notes from the Harbor
Ther was only one Isnot In part
this, week, the Glenlyon, which had a
cargo of 94,500 bushels of seaming+
an4 4.,,(1011 bushels of wheat for the
Goder!cle Elevator ('0,
' WhNe dredging Inside of the wnuth
br.•ukwater en Tuesday the Federal
Construction 1'onnlmny'd dredge crane
acros14 an old atgl'l anchor. 1711e
author is a goad Mise' 'and weighs
about thirteen hundred pounds, The
chain to which It was attacher) could
not loco raised. It is hard to say what
boat this anchor ceme off. as there
are no marks of identification on it.
The laying of the intake pipe is
prrgtessing favorably and the work
ought . to M' completed withal a
month or ale weeks. The pipe now
extends about 1.i0 feet past the Mouth
brenkweter, «Melt distance la that
which the original contract called for,
but the town is undecided whether or
not to have It extended atoll farther.
A "gang" of ('.1',R. pat11ters have
been in limit -rich during the Ifeek
painting the bridge. and {arts of the
('.1'.R. station.
Water and Light Commission
At the regular meeting of the wa-
ter and light commission on Thurs-
day evening a letter ani recited
from the district engineer of the Fed-
eral Deportment of Public 'Work. tie-
e( i r 'r
K flog the lomat. 81st . tender ''f
$14117 for installation of elvetrk light
and lsrwer IInfM on the north shh• of
the 'indoor. Material will be ordered
1 and the work p•rfortnel tieorling to
the spclil(ntlons. An agreement with
the Department 114 Public Works. na
drafted by the town solteitor, for a
right -et -way Into the lake for the
new hitnk.% and ngr('ing to lift the
I pile at any How when required ire.I to
`do me for the purpose of Pnlnrging
the hnrlsnr, wail presented and top-
; proved by the Commission. The ten--
der of the G(dterkh Planing Mills to
colt the roof of the powerhouse, nt
section Is R. R. Sloan of hayfield,
i Huron county, Mr. Sloan has eighty
acres composed of the twtter-tint's
winter t•arletb•r. This year his crop
w111 b• light, meonllng to 1t. E.
Foa•aton of London, who fritted. the
farm re eptly, with praetlrally two
Baldwin. or Spy% ,•xe,•pt on on odd
tr... which dl(1 not Isar last year,
There are fair quantities of early
apples promised. Mr. Sloan ha. had
three gesso crops. harvesting 3,000 bar-
rels In 1923. and could, therefore,
Lordly expert the trees to keep up the
good work tido fall. Excellent growth
has been made this s'asm, however,
Mr. Fuyston elalmlug this orchard
look! In h.althle•r condition thaw most
of Moose he had visited. Mr. Sloan
it giving op dusting for the old stand-
by Ifgnfd spray. having found that the
latter uw•thud controls stab much bet-
h r than the dost.
Gakrirh itoy Steps (•p Aguvin
Friend. in oder fell will he inter -
P$41441 ill the agno(IIMe'metu of tine
removal of Mr, John Galt, sen of Mr.
and Mrs. John Golf of town, from
Port Haney, R. ('.. to the city of
Prince 1;irrrge, 11, ('., as mnmager of
the Ihulk ,if Montreal. Prince George
is the centre of a large Iltnds•ring
and fur -buying .1Isiriet. The Gazette.
plbllaheei at fort Honey. makes the
following referees,. to the transfer:
1t will be with geattlil4 regret that
Haley -citizens hl 'mirth -film and resi-
dents of the n tepidity In general.
A'arnrl that Mr. J. (MR. the popular
awl effkieut manager of the Hank of
U(mtrrll. Is to 114111' for' Prince
George, ittielness' Yuen 814(1 eblIzen8
alike had e.. • t.. regard 31r. Galt as n
pernianie•nt, progressive factor stili hl.
fondly 8 wr•hlI 3114-. t, Mr. Galt took
charge of the Henry br:,u,•h In 1011).
craning dU1,r•t from Kelowna. Enter-
ing hank service two. my years ago, he
bas been in sr,ne fourteen place's, hit
longest say -five years --being at fort
Raney. Prince George has a popula-
tion of some 2200, las three banks,
mad Is the centre of -can extensive
lumbering and mining distiivt. Jilt
Heaves for 11114 Why field early nesi
week, but \Ir... Galt and children •will
stay n month with friends In V'srn-
e''uter, Is n.ling provision for n family
resblene. 31 r, 11. /i. U(-('oilongh. of
''nnelat•er, formerly mnmiger sit fort'
Ilam•)• for sone years, nod favorably
known In the distrk•t, will take (horse,
We hex beak for the new moneg•r n
emit Inuance of the confithmet•so g,•n-
erously repotted in Mr, Galt. Mr. A. F.
Cotton will retnnfn 1144 41(rountw!I,
Noteworthy that when Mr: Galt folk
charge he and a boy were able to e•nrry
the ,84,4'ke'; now• there 1.. a staff of
fir,•, ramify all nttribut.•d to the busitoess
c•eprity and at all Limen (ourt.reor
treatment t.r•ord(rl every nitron of
enquirer. 11anry'M loss will prove
Prime George's deckled gain. The lest
of good wlsli.a Reenmlwnny Mr and
Mrs. Galt to their northern how:.
149 wit areepted. A motion was '
I passel to pay to the I'rotllt•inl Power
Major nn.i'tre..lor, ',Ureic. of 'eoron• ('omnlssf(m the sum of $3,472.(i3,
to are In town, I elenring up the entire Inlehtpriness on
Tine Misses )norm and Ethel Far- capital amount. Jas, \.•Manns' ape
row of Toronto are visiting their pLiatl,n for S h p motor nervier for
friends in town. lobs milk plant on East street wax
Mew. 4' Y.. Robin...a nal family left padned• An were eller Several spplle•a-
on R't dnewlny afternoon for Smolt Rte tions for electro'• Ilght servhr sad the
'1 that pn•Jndhr• against the or Mart• where they w111 spend a two application of Fred Murney tar els
woe dr(Ilrrately pcopsgat,d by months' mention Ili titer summer : trio. range sc•rtlee for his r•'Midence
Champ .f !tome. The (Wange cottage. 1 Huron road.
31r. T. i. )'rest. fornierly of (lode -
rich wto la now• malinger of the
(tank of C.ommer•e nt F'Iske. Sask.,
made a brief visit in town boat week,
Me•aers. Victor Delon. of ilnffaln,
mrd Orlando Than. of (lllgary, were
In torn at the beginning of the week,
"''k" and 'v)rrie" used to ts• pillars
of hssehall In Golerich 1471.1 WPM
warmly wekrrm.ol by the '.tans" .of
those ,lays.
Mr.a ---
front g Mever• 11I1w18. ,Mrs. Davidson, of l.oderich, Elected
lir, E.B. Hale, of Dt'lrull ear, a ' President
Bt a visitor loo tows on Wednesday
Mr. find firs. 1), Julitistoa, oC 11.I ', The Wone'u'. ('1iristlau Temperance
The 11'oluoti het him. plc 114' were vlsltars luetoWl( un tSwtdna. , 1'a�on of Huroil county held its tern•
I which 14'34. to he held today (Wellies- Miss 1.1111ns 31uc1'Ieur, of \Welland, inc•setentJr annul cunveutluu 1a James
i vinyl at 111110 Water Reach was can- la hutnt for (1..' sutumer mention. 1 street Methodist thumb. Ex,•ter. with
ice•Ilts' on account of the wet weather. Me srw..,P'e'sley anti Alfred Earner a -large attendance. Iuthnsla44tle de's-
1- .f- Ine,'t. y- in farther the new towns -left for 1Mluwar(•, 1'. 14,. on Tu •slay dolls were held. during which the fol -
hull proJer•t was held on Tlt slay ev- to visit their brother. . lowing executive was ehetldl : Hon-
, awl ce)uuuitlees were appointed • Miss M. It. llae•1'k•or has returned army president, Mrs. 1klvldson,'Gex1e-
'to 11?cial to tertleli phases of the pro- from. visiting at.TorotrhBuffalo uffalo and rich: torevMrs. rs. A. Me(;nire,•
Jeer.New hamburg. N. Y. Itriese!s; view -president. Mrs. K. T.
.1 rolable•, fi he-teste'd re,/ay for Mr.yunl Mrs. G. Sherwood. of Strit• halter. elltltuu ; elrresp ntlhlg occre-
'' c spent the wer•k•twnl with Mr. and tory. lilts E. Muribwk. H,•nsall ; treas.
of' o u f rl. !
buctll`Ita the liver and t Mimi -
lois 11 N. Rivers user, hiss M. Bailie (lolerk•h; T,
Lar the kidneys- Schultz ..adnw
Herb Tablets, For sale only at ("amp- Mr r.u11 Mr*. D. 1 Yell, of Khn•ar• •srr•tary, Mts. lkadman, Rrnva•Is,
1d•11'a Drug Store, dine, spwut the Ivesk-ei'd with Mr. and
Tilt. ,vllt,r'M .desk has been adorn• Mrs. H. N. Ih,nu
Jai the last few (111714 «111,, a bunch 3Ir. James lkuanl(1sun tel nrroy.rlug
of pat, kinds.
11j(IudNlg - lw,entytwu from o severe c1,'' of s res vers n-
dllfen'nt kluds, from the ganleu 111 lag, fur - width he• underwent trent-
Mr. Ault. 3k-Vker.- lir, Mc''ieur nlemt ut A'hiek, rn hapltal.
M an rut itis not cUlas 1. /'hick, who fir' tnrev 5aslr
gardener and has taut of ills,. Mn(•''ic4)r'.e mlllln•rj•
auk 1,. T. 1,. ....reentry. Mrs. George
l,.hndb.11, (;er1PPie•Jl.
Filatures of the event were the eon -
ferocity.. (errltleteel on O. T, .t, ve. Gov-
ernment ('ai(rol, in which It was stated •
that the establishment of gorerylln•llt
1 1 f 1 lel metro) world 1e• Inlnieide' from a tam- .
his rye oil one of The Signal's prizes
Iwraner-isdut of view;the mwdutloa
lgna 1 edtil6tlshwrnt for mime time. has re- which woo. passel exprwwing the• desire.
for potashes Lids yt•tlr• turned to her hour' at Part Elgin. of the uwmh•rship that Ito change be
made in the present temper/owe I.'gis-
latiou unless it be made for a more
tlu,rangh ,wnfor•e•nw•nt, and the deri-
sion to carry on a compelgn of edtw•a-
Miss Maude A. Watson, of Toron-
to, Ix here for a month's holidays and
, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. J,
' Strohm'.5:131'1-'i 1.1'SC(lM11F ' Mr. and Mrs, A. Cc
. M"har and .thou In order that the Wows at stake
Miss Young, of Toronto, are orupy. 111 the t•xvrrtd pd,4dsc•Ita be made clear
The dentll oe•urr(rl -111 Golerl'•h on Eng • of Mr. (*tingle's t•ona:ge8 at so that t1►• citIzens can vote latelll-
/Sunday. July t, of Samuel Luwrtinbe. Llghthenra. lobilt, ' - mildly. -
-In his efghty-fonrth yLar. Mr. I."' IM. Margaret (1''nlou and her grand- In the report. presented by the vari-
-rlmbe w•1l14 a motive of l'lymonti,. Eng.:mon, s1on, Master Thoughts Gordon, of Tor- uta de{wartments 11 Wad shown that
iand. cowing to thio country with his onto. are the guest's; of her meter, Mrs. ,nan•II progress is being made by. the
parents nt the mgr of fourteen. The A. C. Mo'l'ar, 1,Ittl.thuuse Point, • I branches, -Tire Myth we•wlsrshlpr re- .
family settled alt the. taw!) of. SlnwoP,.s Mks 3k-1pddut• Sho•hridgc 1111e1. 114.4. iorted the argl,nizatlan of a Y. W. l'.
Norfolk county. and her after first Wave1'nlve•r. of -inn Arbor, Mich.. T. 1'., awl the Exeterm
:mothers report -
learning telegraphy. Mr. I.naettude• arc jIsf.fing ut the.,•hee(ue of their ed the establishment of an f.. T, L.
went 11110 !be newspaper bushes. aunt, Ura. Stake.. Glbbouss -street. group by the orgnuixe•r, 311sa Duff. An
contlu(•ting,pap•r8 at various times at lir. -sed Mrs. Harry Symonds, of i Invitation to hold -the next convention
'Port Dover and Sluwow. Afterwards Detroit, visited with the farmer's fu Golerich was received from, that
he was 011 tine stuff ..f new•,(pn{ers at paren1a, M. and Mrs. George Sy- hrtlnll 1441.1 ens a,regrted, Mea, A.
1'1lnthnm. Ittd71.1n*n. St: Thomas and woods, the pet yyrte•ek. �Mt1iulre, he pr•dlolent. occupied the
other prlas•ees. He was N vigorous awl Nino. 31. L. Frerlburge•r, of Kitchen- chair. During tope meeting,. n reteer-
ready writer ural his nalopd was well er, spent the wtr•k.1111 here visltlrg Intlon of sympathy was paaa,rl-'mile
forwarded to the editor -of The W'llt•'
Ribbon Tddings, }fro. McAlister. of
vent loyalist and took port In 110 dr'. Mr. Harold 11. HoweN and Molly, Gull w'ho aux r.'IvuNy It,'reaverl by
fence- of h1r country at the time of who live nu•ur Brantford. motored re- the death of her husband, Iter•. •'. •
tie Felan raid, toeing In the wtme
company of the Norfolk wilitia .as
Mr, (', :tenger, none frown attorney of
. Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Lnsvmle come
to Goderich f.nrter•n years ago to live
with their slaughter anti only child.
MM, W. A. McKim. 311•'., Lnsromte
died iit October last. 3Ir," lanwombe
Is .nrt•iv,rl by one brother, Mr, George
1.aa.•umb,•, anti sue serer. Miss Mary
1.11 -cash•, both of Siur•,w. The fun-
eral service was held at Mrs. IfeKim's
resi(kone•. ('h'ir•h street, on ,Tuesday.
July 14, 1tev. S. S. Hardy,' reetor'of
tIlt. George'*. offkNn$tIng. The pall-
bearers were 31,•ssrs, F. W(oull(omis',
J. J. Doyle, Andrew Porter and W.
W. Moults. The interment won In Mait-
land cemetery, Mr. George 1,n14.romle
nn11 31 r. Hobert Vat rte, of Sinx'oe,
eorather tonal nephew of the deceased.
were herr for the funeral.
stored with the information .n•naeful Mr, end Mrs. .1 MMl•l'rae•ken of town
't0 a newspaper wring"; He was it fer- awl friends at Dungannon anti Nile
1 1t I
' At Menesetung Park
Ali the ,oth.ger at \l,•ne,et,u,g 1':I1•k
are occupied. Tlo..e at the voltages
include: 11•v-. It. W. Vickie. 1). D.,
and fnmlly, of Montreal. at '-high
Walfon" cottage.
1)r. %V 1'. ib'u-nr, Mrs. 'Ling :wed
fondly, Mr. and lir.. 4)nit, t- said
hunity, 1111 of Wlnls.er, nt Y)r. Irewnr's
Mr. and 'Mra, C. i.. Crsiswell.r, of
1w'smingtnn, 1►r. and/Mrs, ('riasweller,
of Winisrr, at "Itleuhulme" cottage.
Mrs. !lowland' 81141 Mlss EMI Row-
land. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs, 11. H. 31e •
('reath and fonally. Toronto, and Mrs.
31. it. '111e1.ean and mons, 4'hw(•Mnd,
Ohio: Rev, 1►r. Rhe and fondle•. De-
troit, 1(11.1 Ur. 4414(1 N. Holtzhuuse
snot Glmlly, 1k'trult,
3frs, A. J. Aero s alai the 3ldwpa
Acres., St. ('ntlmrine,•: Mrs, W,. Wool.
St. Cultist Hove. 4111,1 lir. Pat Fitzg0rnid,
3lerrlttnu. nt "Mene.et" cot(417.'
Nr. Lorne nn11 Mrn ltolertmrl,
Stratford. lot the new (:ettaSP• which
1)r.ltelertro11 hie Jura nnl.he,l. This
nttr,ettte new voltage is tin• first of
a nannls•r of new• '(e,thlgem foe be ere--l-
ed.at the pork.
The Wawrn 111 the 11ot0 Iona been
ba,•kwnrd, but it Is mow Make! solid-
ly for tow' nmainder of the maaat,
with guests mostly from Toronto,
J,i-ndon, WIndt►or ami Detroit.
KiN(GSltlrlil(DI.:, July 14. -Mr,
Hnvinon11 lie. dntonl and ,Mise May
Redmond, of 8f.•.1m:11stlne, were the
guests of Miss Mnrgar.t Garvey.
and f:nnila•, of 1)ublhl, t•Islt(rl
Mr. and Mrs, Michael Benninger,
C. Dalton's.
Mrs. 31, !trophy. Mina Mary Ada
Brophy/ Meows. Molest,* and Jlaroe•y
Brophy, nod Mr, epi Mra, Jos,
Brophy and fnmlly, St. Augustine.
meld Sunday with frien,la here„
air, and Mrs. 1►. O'Callaghan and
Mr, Frank O'Callaghan, of WhI'e•
church, aped Sunday here.
Mr. Norman O'Connor, Misses'
Elaine rout Marcella O'Connor are
home after (Qrnding a few wee('ke
with their mister, Mrs. O. K1nlnt.al,
St Augustine,
Mew Mergnerfte O'Connor has re-
turned to her home In Whitby, ac-
companied by her grnnlmoth•r, Mrs.
Morgan i)alton.
Ie•utly to 1lohue•.vllle and liolerlch,
Alaklug n short visit with ht. [anther
her• and his Uncle and aunts at
H.Liu,'s iNe
Lr. and Mrs, Alfred Farrow end
duught..r Joye.', .uf Calgary, are visit•
Eng at the home of the former'e
brother, Mr. Wesley ,!'arrow. It Is
shout forty years sluts. Mr. b'+'rrow
had Is• to here.
Mr. F:, 3. Howson. of Toronto, event
the week -viol in town nod oil his rt
turn was accompanied by Mrs. 1111 '
two and their young' )wen, who had
been vleit'mg at the -home of Mrs:
Kook, '1'a errluo street.
Mr. J. F. New -e11..4 Galerich, wdro
recently passed the civil service ex -
animation ut 'norunto, tum inset add-
er( to the endows-e•st•Ise staff in
that city.•being nt pires.ot empluVPll
«11.4 «bait 1a klJn*n as the customs
!portal brutal),
Mr. T. E. lkmglns.. who !MI ern
manager of 1110 1. It. -Steel Store here
. the Inst few months, has been railed
to the Toronto01Mr,an1 will be sent
k, take charge of one of ti., cr.m-
pnny's 34044• stops The n(;w• mnrr
ager here Is Mr. J. W. Ghnhy- Mr.
Iheiglar eft Golerk+ll , .m Tuesday
1111,1 lir', thi nghls and family will
renw.ln In town until he la ks•a1e1l.
Mr. John S. Mortis. of Waupm.
N'Ise.,us1fl: is visiting Ida sister, Mrs
Sonata,. and other. ree'lv'a 1n
the vicinity. Mr. Morris learn,•1 his
trade 1114 nRvlrrhl(te•hnilder In G'wl'rier
many yell.. ago sinil .e•nrild 'on
MY1411ne148 In this line wt Woolson until
n few ye•nrs agm nmli he 144 .1111,W enjoy -
lug the ease which (•row'iw nn hrlustrl•
''1114 Ilf,•, He ISraudses to return to
411014-1 t for file next old- taws'
r unbolt.
Tlr' .ulijeet At [1.' 3fen'. ("loll /ti'
North ltret M..010,P:et church sk'i't
'.lathy nlornl':g will be "The,•(J..niue
and 3118SI0n of Mo•thoodisa o Ir' lit_
fr'Mlli('Irl by Itev. J. E. Fon ,
Rev, J. E, Holmes sermon anb-
j,r4, for next Sunday's ..'rrloes at
North .treat, Methodist (•hush are•
11 a.m.,'".1 Great Life Purpose." 7
pan.. "A Sure /'ore for the Bluest."
The se'rri e. next Sunday In ''le
coria tercet 31,eth.slist 1 tort 14!11 ter
(erlldnrterl by • ?Jnr pastor, Ater. .1, W.
11:411ey, M:.1. Morning per% le- nt 11;,
wubje•t. "TI. • 1'14' and Abuse
I.nrl's Day," I:venlevange:l.tic
aert-Ie,• nt 7. A cord• ti ere;eouu to
Tine servlet In Knox church next
Sunday 14111 be In charge of the min•
Inter. Subjects of sermons: 11. 1,m..
"The limy of Onyx 7 p.m., "Seeing
the IlnvIsillw." Nalrloath w•l;oel and
81 IOW classes at 10 o'clock.
of ike
Salvation Army ',Notes
i)nrh.g the part week rho following
Salvation Army officers tI-ited Goole -
✓ ich: Llents. Itnnkln and '1'etli71, of
Seaforth; 1'a1Anin ('lark and Lief:.
Bradley, of Clinton; 1.11 Philo and
Mrs. Itowlnauls, of Exeter, and ',lento
NevIll and Steoetisnn, of Wingham,
There wan 11 noticeable Increase In
Miss May 14(Mldart has aw'Ppte•el n
position on the public echoed etnff of i
Jerk .Men, Is attending a Tulle
18)78' temp at Port Elgin.
attendance nt the Salvation Army
','rtlee on Snn'19)- 1,1,w)t. Nevlll, of
11'iiMhnm, voodoo -fel the aervk4
Tle t/egnlnr w,'rviee at the Rostra -
tion Army 'hall on Snndny next will
lo• condll tri at 7 p.m., and the thus-
nerd*7 s:•h1(01 at 3 p.m.
G. i1. Mie Allster,
Report. were n'i elr,rl from the'fol-
lowing suls•rint.ndents: Mrs. Wlllhrm
i)ougall, He.isII, on "Evangelista:"
Miss 3. Murray, Exeter, on "Asti-Xnr•
reties Mrs. .4. We'1.e'an, (iolerfeh,
'"Carnelian 3larine;" M p A, T. Cooper,
Clinton. "Law Enfyreisment and Le'gt•-
lnt foci :" 31 ry,1Res. l Cragg.ha. "3 li .Cnilt.y(t :" Mrs, J, F:I(1-
er. 1t'nweII. "\i,di.-,,I Twupw•rstme
wl. Ne•lentlffe T,alp•rnnce;" Mrs, (',
.1. Wnlll'. enntoa, "Missionary and
1 lumber camp .Work:" Mrs. .Miser.
Brussels, "Moral ' F4,wwtIon and
Mothers Meetings:" 1Lr,. It. . i)ark.
ltroom e's, "Pr's.:" Mrs, S, 1', Wilson.
Goferieh. -Prison Reform and Po-.
ifee:" Mra. T'opple'stone. Blyth. "Rail-
way Etntilnye'e a :" Mrs. Lowery. Brus-
sels, . "Temp'rnnr' in Monday
Schools;" Mrs, Teo, Exeter, "Travel-
ler's Aid." An interesting aldose was
given by Miss fluff, of, Toronto. Tie
program also in•Inderl 114)1114 by rev.
F. E. ('lyedale and 111.8 E, Harvey:
trio icy Messrs, Menthe Ford. H,
DIghnn and George Heavers: address
(nt "Government Control in British
4'olntr(bb." by Rev, Mr. .Livingstone;
duet bt Mrs. Melville nal 1[151 Es-
s•ry ; address by Role. .1 W. Hedley,
31..1.. of Golevilt, and sole by Maur -
lee Ford,
• To the Editor of The Signnl,-
'Many things might properly he said
e.,oe,'rning the wonderful celebration
of the T.'welttii h, Girlerlch. The
weather was Ideal. The number of -
1o17,s and their general appearance
moat have leen satimfnctory to tboao
NMI pi/11111M the gnthering. The par-
ed.. woes well handled and orderly.
The town and Its ualque layout, wide
(dregs nud lakefront made it easy
(81. .the l'opie to disperse nod re-
-gather at the Square for the addresses,
'etc. 'What t.' expressly wlrlt, how-
ever, to draw attention) to was the
perfect freedom from rough. unseemly
r Inet aid Inwle tsmeas of any kind.
There were• no drunken men on the
streets, and me delokkig in evidence
Therewire n) arrests for dlxorterly
e(tnet. There must have been any.
whcre frons 10,0M10 to 15,0011 visitors
n fully 2,000 nutomobltes. and yet
Ihure was mo reckless (trivia;; and
there were no accidents. Many things
11114' have rrntributerl to tbls desir-
able end. bot xnre;y 14) one will be
nmfl.R t•nolIgn to eliminate front the
cause., the elfteli •e L'adin'tSn11ee 1
Ethilon of one Province and Its t.,-
forcement In Huron. by the inspector
ami other oAktals I wontd, thhere-
fore, adrlse alt voters who ate
meditated upon some change In the
temperance legislation popllsr'y call-
ed the O, T. A. to hesitate had con-
sider. The greatest good to the great-
est mmllII'l 114 a very good motto.
Therefore the enjoyment awl safety
of 1:x1100 men, women and children
will be cheaply 'purchase,) at the re-
n tralnt which many may feel Is plat --
eft npon tlw•fr pessonal habits.
Tau don't buy a trunk, or Nolte/a0,
or cloth -lag every day, so when you
do h• sure It la a good 0114. %Vp
would engg•r't you look over our
linter first. A new Mtes•k at lowest
prier* at Sharman's
The G0(1,•rkh rnee m,'pf tikes p!n'•p
nest Wednesday.