HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-7-9, Page 8t}-Wdneoday, July 9, 1924, THE SIGNAL, bra t#.rssv'a rF GODERICH, ONT. ( HE PAVILION GODERICH, ONT. ( Near Sunset Hotel ) OPEN EVERY NIGHT • �N•,:., SPECIALS SATURDAY, JULY 12th Dancing from 3' in the Afternoon on i 4` Y TUESDAY, JULY 15th Another Novelty Night ---Extra Features Spot , W altzes ' Storm Dance Prizes for Spot Waltzes. P\ firstlad Y and gent nit to enter hall. for DAPS OF FUN FOR All. Storm Dance ' being featured in all large halls. Don't miss this. Meet MA, at The Pay. WT W♦WLNOSH COUNCIL./ TO RENT LOST OR FOUND Tiw township tv7uudl of Plast \\'aw;utush wet ou June 24th. with all tI7.• members preMmt. Minutes of laIt meeting were road and approved. A enmuuluira1i.n from W. Rrydksne, barrister, Clinton. 011 behalf Of WU. 11r ley. of 11(1111.11• demanding 5205.• 2:1 1111 collo IM•11$:11 hill for injuries re- twiV11 by the latter last spring owtng • ID a iletceliv,• road"). uu etdelhws 5041 37, re•eived. The Reeve, Clerk and Councillor Stalker were appointed to arrange with Mr. Brumley for a Matisfaetnry 1114 0111111111t of thin matter. rf x71111 IM,Ieou and others Described '•Was the danee a full-dress ,f• j fair?' •- about "For the men it was" 'And for the women?" 1 Stack "For the women. barely so."—Soft- Slicker ton Transhrlpt. talo Eel* ss. �(1 RENT.—>!iEV111AL F'URAISH- co.a tri room*, kitchen privileges; one ! I apartlia•ut, four rooms, gru9ud fluor, _ furnished; out. house. modern cunveu- I L lepers, furuiahed or uuturnialwd; uue brick house, nwderu conveniences. un- furutshtti. Immediate. paowseaalon to any of these propertha. Apply to P. J. liY.\N, Hamilton street, FOR SALE -SHIs(:LE$•—('arload of B. C al• l'. • XXXXX ahinglew and cedar siding •t\e-noon . 1 at MvGaw Station. ROBERTSON & *pp', lug for a mualeipsl drain at TREBLE. R.R. No. 3. Goderlch. Tele - nos 3 and 3.1. eOhIl4*stune 10 and Il. ' phones—Dungannon and Carlow. wa. ,Itt, .•utel to the council. A copy . of tine IM Mott was ordered to be for- rOR SALE.—ABOCT TEN AORI:II the tow'nsh11 engim,cr for I of goal alfalfa hay with timothy Ain't 11 the Truth? icer --There's no two weys It! r—What's that? A one-way street!—Bot• When you want to subscribe for a • magazine It ,isn't at all necessary to go to the trouble of writing a letter, buying a money order, paying postage, etc. Just drop into The Signal office, pay the amount you would send the magazine, and we will gladly look after all the details. In some cases, particularly where,two or three journals are taken together. ,we can save you The Signal Printing Co., LIMITED Goderich - Ontario w tr I..1 t.. 17i. eeatnim' inn and report on 9.21m0. mixture: also eight acres of t saes malt through re- hay. CHAS, McPHEE, R. R. No. 8. slwrttte (eviate for grants to aid Auburn the IMll:rave witted fair. mud the copal ism. North Huron plowing match to be held tins fall in the density of 8rnss4g. AUCT10N66RINt3 Ton dollars was leafed to the school • fair. Matter of grnnt to plowing match laid over tills t'utnre uwt'ting.. The tnetouwry bylaw,\, authorising 1111. lorruwing of sufficient\plop•)* le 9- miner the tow'1041115 until the\taxes are forthcoming. was read and iisssd• paid : 2J10 : Applicat ion \ of Telephone; Colborne Muni. The following n,rowlt. leer Ce3. (cults. drawing sender. (leo. )fen;ownu, dr:telex grader. Aloe. Metlowxn. raking /tone*. $310; Jus. McGill. dra :Mg. 112.75; W. A, Currie. work on hill. con. 12. 1113.31\ A. Pattison. work on h111, cons. 12 and 13, $17.7.0; R. eoult7es. frelIht, grease and certal:e on grader. *SAO; A. Port crflrld, relit of road nllow•an•e. *2.00; A. Jle('ullungh. cam. atatute labor tax. *4.90; 11. Kennedy. coin. atatute DR. A !shoe tax, *42.00; J. N. Campbell. y Pho 1 1 uta at 'ND. -\ ewall purse• n1 e all;N.\L OFFICE. warts 1)FFl4. THOMAS -GUMMY, GODERICH. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER • Telephone No. 119. Salem attended :e anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers sale notes discounted. 1 M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER for household effects farm stock etc., for the County of Huron, STALKER. Auburn P. O. 44.2 t Illegal. T t111..\ %' NI). 14((I 1924. u}• TER uN 11.\MILTON STREET, (ultl'Olt.U't N ti' TIU TOWN ill t.vult»7.• guld»tllh,l cane. Re. u}' ,;ul►Elill'It. ill• to '1iik tells.% u returning •" MUST PROF, W. II. JACKSON, Or North nist and utrer'tut, of street Jlet hotitet Church lnastructlun given ill Voice Culture, Organ, Plano. o Sul Address all communications to J. MEDICAL rEXANDER FISHER. e 907 Stratford. Ont. Violin. Caitnr, Theory. -etc. Stud' residence, Church street. Phone WANTED \ -AA lam) — EXPERIENCED to work un a general farm. Apply to tsar 1-7 -t1N; a al. C1FYli:E._ • UrANTED.--Ito) or girl with h W $ctlo,.l edtkeltluu to learn tintype operating. Apply at THE SIGNAL-. 1111L1\\' Glt.\1'l'lN, \117 TO Tin: (101)F:111411 $Ala' zea 1\tl'.\sty L1M1'tlI), By \\'.\Y k' 1:Xk 1p• TItIN t'ltukl T. \.\'thl: ,\Nit TS) St'l'l'1•Y Ts. I'1 'l'Ilh: E Y "1'tttc po\\'tat NEC1;its. Icy F ITT i 1'I ItV($Fat H'l'l'liOlT,('ll41e1E, BUT NUT IN ANY EVEN' ', l Xe'F:F:1) T\\'Fll.\'p$ lts,tt0•. POWER t'Elt MOX/ii. (8) The benefit and advantage of suet, tax exemption alid delivery 0* eltwtri, power -Abell enure to the star. minor and aaaigua of the said The (1lwhricll Salt Cowpony. Limited. e' durlug said term, but subject always 10 the performance by ,olid 5((4 'ensure **when* whe n* of the I•uuditluta sump stip alai hots beret,' t•uutain(d. on the slay of bytes shall he fi alpwseing thereof.1'rovlakoualiy tiarets1 at We Council /'hatubers of the Tuwu of Godertt'b minis 14t11 day of July, •\•I). 11024. W. F. t;AL1.011', 1.. L`N K , Mayor. \ TAKE NOTICE that the above le . I,a 1 nw 1,119 •t • let'tar WIlEitI:.\S the Cofictien Salt 4 4.4*''. tthivl, bus loom taken into tiwrlkk'ra- Iau), Llwlltd,' fur glue„u awl which wt carried 011huai Is in the Tott u, ul MAN G,elertt•h of w .$.11 bylaw WANTED. -It1tIGItT (Hltl. FOIL utlhr work in Goderich. Good o - pertuuity to horn telegraphy. Apply be Ietli•r reefing salary expected to I'.17 1 tO X 274, Gt*htrk'b. • gr11min ng cold rnct. col., 4 and 5, *8.1...10 ;‘• J. N (Campbell. shovelling s gravel, $.iOO: (' aRodger, 'shovelling gravel. 02.00; R. Mc- Cullough. shovelling gravel,ura *2.10; Jag. Stotieho•. shovelling gravel. $2.10; If r. Bruce, gravel. x0.%1: IWin. Anderson, gravel. $2.:5; Wm. Stramghan, gravel. $10.35; Wm. Walden. gravel. *16,65; R. Redmond, gravel. $14.45; W. S. 'Rodger, gravel, *9.00. .Council will hold their nest meeting on Tuesday. July 2'_4t11.— A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. DALTON —.At Detroit. June 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dalton. a eon (Joke Mark). McMiLLAX.—In (;oderich, on Mon- day. July 7. to Mr. and Mrs. W; G.' McMillan. a son (Cordon Victor). DIED. MoG(WAN.—At they Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto. Thursday, June 26th. 1924. John Bothwell M('(;owa1q dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. M. -Gowan, (May - bird itothwclll, 141.1 M:outeluir ave., and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rothwell, to his aeventi7 year. Special. ttentlon given to care infants and children. nu. Wit. F. ,ALF. Ray 'eld, (Int. - - 11t AGENTS AND SALESMEN' WAN ted. whole or spare time. Ex k - 'o,• not necesearp, Free equlpm Chitral pay. -WELLAND NUR RT CO., Welland. • t. t'„I I..rue; experienced cod it nes to 1,lmnwtl.,e /WO.Ideations and anlary• to 11• C. 111.11E:• all ealp.loys u 4.1.H4.1.Hwell 111111 a material ad awl cltlze' Guderich AN 1) pally �.rps tova' fro a / / 1l In finally passed h. 0..• 1'outk'll ut the IlunitiI7allty Ifat(tlring 14114 '4414.1 ., ,;, tI.- IHou1 sof the asseut of thle Irratxh• uuwber ut ,•,, to „ twins ubtaltied thereto) after eetookluellee i. of , ,u• w, tie font the first plbltcatl.►a usage to tae ray.- trta,r* :r1 'The 4;otlerlcl7 Star, the date ut e ut the Towlt '•t hi111 putneatiun was the 901 day•ot ' July. i924 •11E1tE.t$ the said Coin•\ND FI ilEit TAKE: NOYPICD • • a re.ple.Aed the Muuk•ilul that ell 1111.. okhrs qualified under tion of the '1'0841 of Gteler ••15 Ile• 1,etiduIlw` fIR tow exempla'.l>)al..dh *ttM1 it by granting to It exempla'. \Iunlcipal Act, Rte'. Se•tk.0 241.'1. $,8, taxation except for schlrul taxes ar-• rt•quir..1 135)5 days.beforr the .• with tae a 't qualifications. will not ap ism\ Ger much / local lwliruvcweuts for a, period day et voting U3 tett )tors (rout the first of Jauu• ,tahp•?) de Irnrtiuu • .11 '1 x1711 to sup 111 t•11•etric pow• r), 1 ot1.1-8 i*' their 011m1 t rx- ter without charge, tip. to but no wear ell the \ ulc rs 1 c,rliug'tw•rlcr 17grm1•powor per w1r11h• vutiutr . I AND \) '11F:Iti:Sli1J11 laud G,wkrlch j\I F'1'It'l'1IEI( T.\K N(YIICA Solt l'uwiauy, 1.1wlto41, Ia. request- that the (.719 of the e4trt(rs of the led the Muul.•Ipal C,ttultil of the o'er. *i.hI Time; ,.f 4;.,.t. r11h will 'ire taken Ioratiett of the '1..911 4)1 Guiieri1.47 10 ton tib• +M'd pr,p...1 bylaw at be id - IF PRO- subwlt a bylaw to. theratepayers lowing title... It 101 pial,,.. MarUV 411 011: wild Tuwu for the purlrues !qty.uu T1wr.rlay. the :ill daft of / alcove 'lauds/fwd.'lauds/fwd.'lauds/fwd.July. 11024. ...ww• nein( at the (sour r. erred; die ANDwtiEBFlA$ it Is exponentt „ 11 .icl.M•k lu the forenww.n ■rd r .tate g1ta1• and iu the public tut. nest to gout the tinning 71(1111 5 rechN•k In the aftee peered. Apply said aid. awn of the +ante da)', by the f•dluwthe lo. putt It.tu n THE1tF:}'I►Rt: THt: MI'NiCll'.AL r h1R f►ffkOrs: \NTEI '11'ALIF to+taut t' TPxIler for 4. No. S of PROT1$TANT Omce hourat-2 o 4 and 7 to 8. Other hours by appo tment. MR. F. J. R. FORST ETF., EAR. NOSE. ROAT late House Surgeon New ork Oph- thalmic and.Aural Hospital, sststant at Moorefield Eve Hoaplta and Golden Square Throat Hospital. I.o» don. Eng. I 53 Waterloo St. 8.. Stratford. 1 ephone 287 .-- 1 At Hotel Bedford. (ioderte , o June 2.ith. at 7'40 p.m.. to J • 4611. • at 1 p.m. fo1fitry Improvement Meetin will be held next week at the places listed below, wh re demonstra- tions will given in t culling of po ltry. If u are interested in this •rk kindly arrange, to tend,' as this is the only ork the Department is oing in this section th' year. Robert Davi s, Duagaanoa, July 14 at 2.30 p.m. St. Helen, Judy 15, at 2.30 p.m. Micka Obler, Maitland Cas., Co » ne Township, July 17, at 10 a.m. ARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Isaac Mill • crs- Canad' n Teachers' Federation Conve ' t on at Victoria, B.C., Aug. 12-16 a wonderful opportunity to view and study the scenery of glorious Dominion at first hand; to see the beauties of • rio. the rollingprairies. the majestic mountains sod t waters of the great Pacific all in this very complete Journey to the Convention centre. Special Low Fax.. froth all Ontario Pointe A apeCial train de Luxe of the ian National Railways carrying t most modern type of all stteeel equipment. with radio set complete. leaves Toronto, July 26th. A molten d eytioasl rote. war be takes es dotretrorears trip V ell bi,7 of tae t she wg sect deem 1 W est oaten rebus School lrdtnttaS.b. free nab d w t•sawkns TORONTO—Ur. A. K. Bryson, 44 Inverthon% Ave. HAMILTON—Ur. L. J. Coiling. IM Berssdele Ave. HAMILT'IPp—Mise Isom 0. Roberta. .1r077Sanford /Ave. south Comedian Ticket Oe{s <,a 4. ( Wr r. COW N'm NAM1O�a� W1lll'it"c TENDERS W. D TENDERS WAN ✓:Ir.—TENDERS for the renting f Colborne town- rhlp welch on:..;- at McCaw station will 1M• receive ' by 114 clerk up to August 1st. 1• MRS. 1. I1F.TiI- I:RiNGTON, ark, R R. No ji, C.,nl.- rioh. tel for S.S. N. tenuity. holding else.. certified Sept. 2; sal lent : averts •ty, J. P. G.Mlerich • e for all pxlrp.sw except *ihwoi talcs poli Clerk. and keen) iwpruvetneI.t. •Uer a period pulling Sulwllvlshm No. 3,- at the of ten years front and iI*•ludialg the Tont a 111111, icF:. ('. Ik•klwt, Iielerty 1 OF _5 111' AD OF year itegiunillg the first day of Jauu• 'let olnling tofficer. and (George Hel- lND 1IEIFF,RS, ary. 1U . provided the wild Go.k'rkal ,;i,•r. fedi Clerk.y • 1T-\RNESS ,tc. 1 Salt t'utupuy, Limned, alien ho In polling 14n1M1111.4ottt No. 4. at • reperty on the puserwsiuu Mud in operati,r1 of the saki Stuthers wood .hop. on Victoria 1 Mn. buildings Mud 141501 and po. wtnr9. I(y it• A. Tufford, Ih•pnty Re - 19th I t-wci1 a1w. dolt tLere- shall t*• yt waW mooning l)ffic•r, and Wm. Stotbrr-. date and tont% I) ILer'*f1e dor• p,l 1'Irrk. 774 '2:31► ,icbM•k ,harp: ltd penrllnR ins tlw aid peeled of ten years CUP p..11ing Salmile1.lon Nn. 5. at P. T., 1'0111.4,.\nRu. In fA rs ; 10 grfi a Dur- Ogled 111 end elw.lu said' plant work- %Vwltmee store on Wein street, by ham h,•ifore. y.arllnRw 81111 tea-Yrenr- moil 1n the 11UWI*1 ,.t at hetet forty. 0...oI,I Stent', 11•ptty Returning 1, \l'iiFR WA-":”COta'IL OF' TUE l'ultl'uil.t1'IuN 1' Iling MIIIMIIvIrb,11 No. 1, at Miller's \' •OF TIIF:'1'(►WN OF 1IISE111C11 EN- 1. at curter of Victoria street 1. l'•dhornw. Hneen gar F•lghl n nit y -it,"1s -\S F'ULLO1.V34 rr r I, Ttn.mes R• Sl' �* Iw•ruanent s1r,3mti I (1) The lands. 'minting. awl dant dmtles hr,tomtnrne* 1 N'rllt.. Ih•puty li•'fncnhg Officer,' a i4 tow Godrrith Salt Cuwluuy,.l.lwi -cud Janh„ Ma, \'k :i r. Jr., 1'0ll Clerk. c 11114. 1 (M a); Iwltlnt mural• x111, siltated 111111 iart ..f 101 12, pulling $nlwlivlrknn Nis. 2. at Jae. Intendant-, nlwnit twetr cotw•rlLH1 "A." In the Toe u. of t;twle• 1tears slew re•palr Wore. on Kingstow INFIEIa►. K. 11 No. ft. rtait,'shall 1.• cud are hereby deMrad 411%4...by 1'tatl•,I Bale..Deputylt to I!te- w exempt from muulcllesi taxation turning Officer. soot W1+ laelown. AUCTION ION SALE ('TION S.1 . OI'NG ('(N\'. Dit i V I X1: 11Olt. :It the itrid. 1•erl Huron R.ad, 1;.wlerll•ll, n- I SATURDAY. JCT. .NDE ' FOR REFRESHMENT '1LF•(:FTS --Tenders for re- fro*11nt hooths (ante prlvlleges( at the Rriculturnl Park for Gnderleh lin : RMIwea on Wedneeetlly. Jnty 23rd, w 1 he received by the nflderslgne•.I up p.m., Saturday. July 19th. 1921. DR W. F. CLARK. Secretary Race (`alum 1 nee. Coderich, olds; 5 young ms's with calf at 1 to freshen Alertly. All these en a W11110nt Lorne. and In goiid con 414 7. .11..o 1 black- gelding. "Victor Atoll 118+ thick ! g,..11 11.' to ell d driting TERMS: *r M• Riven m1 notes..1. 'Hon' :Allowed for en T • CTiON SAT.F. AUCTION 'MAIN AND 001 1 (2) Icy way of further akl to ehe4:ole- tiff's**. and Ila rind alae -ketone. e rich /halt Company l.itnittd. the said 1•011 Clerk . l'grpM.ratiou ,4 the Tuwu of Guderkh polling Snhtii,i.i„n Na Q fit Jamal than Gtr a period of ten years 441111-late.'office on \Vest street. by H. 7 yen r. old. w5nnd ami fat nl - lug from the first .My of Julia -i,. Watson. Th -p sty Returning Officer, .m melee In 2.14, 1* n XOOM •r), 11025, deliver or tamer to be dr- aril \\'m Tait. full Clerk ' . rdp little horst find w111 i* ttsercl for" of Phfirg.• 1.. (be arid polling swimoi .n No 7. at J. I,wrinuer If given * Boater• The t1rlerleh Salt 4 .uq sity. Limited. N' IArid II ». n•skbar,. fit t-..rner of ihl.• fir any On". .1.1+13 sot fit 41. 1''111, eh,•Irl,• 11.1817 ne•,wwt) \Vt111:1111'1111.1 Corel.•)• street!.. 1.7 Doti. hntnn+.. for ite lrtrls.ses. but out in tally 0vl111t all McKay. Ih•pnty Iteturning (1ff1- $ix months' crept will to exceed twelve herregaiwe•r per c•r. nn11 Itchert Tilt I'll Clerk ' irnlshlug al1Peete'l j(dM month. any *mount In e•z'.,.s of (►n Wehiestav, the :Mich day t at rah. of O per cent• twelve horsepower unit by ehe saidn f Jul). 1'0.4, the Mayor of the maid l'ompway In any mouth to bepaid her Tows od4511''stted at U7,• Connell t'NDTRY. Anetlon.'cr by said Cowpony at ordinary rates. . ILumlierrt of amid Town at • torts 1: . r 'oudltluu pr.++pivot to the niiak e funnn(m to a F' FARM. (imps.;Araui)t1lgAs iotatrhe•filti har.iu px,ockl(rl pr•rwmne fIno othttani fit the v*rioufippobttt iwll- SIRS Itl('H.\ItD *111 14.11 by poblle *1)0414 ! Con, ; t, E. D. ('ollw.rne. o FRIDAY. J11L1' 2. AY. fur,'Mw sold The (;uderk•h ttelt COW Ing teams aforomid. M1141 at the final l iruy. Litultcl. doll meter with the summing np of the voflw 117 the (Term EW E1.T. - 1 Corporation ..f the Tuwu of (loderkh on behalf of the person* litereste'd at 'Lot 11, I to give Ifs (salmon. ill writing, to any ht and promoting or opposing the Inane or grant of gid prolawad to be {tossing of this bylaw reape•tlrNy. 1 given In the future during aid term The Clerk /1$ the Counel1 of the air : to any like industry In 118 'Town of „„„1,1Town of Corlerkil *14511 attend rNDERS WANTED. ' ! commencing at :1 p.m.. The fern and 4 -rope. eons %Iterntinna and additions for the • 100 nen-+. more or hoe. known t ng of Gish rich, at his'offkr In the Town Ilan at s the 1 (4) Tiw aid hrr•in provided for hen u'elock In the forenoon on Friday, .AT.EXANDR.A MARINE AND t;EN• \\'tn. Collinson Farm. will he 0 fered 1* grunted wpm the further cxtditon the first clay of Anguet. 1924, to sum ER.AT. HOSPITAL. GC/DERV-It, '0111 Linc. Thr mote c or els, of 12 seen•* 1 that If the ulwlh u -r of taud4 permits- ONT. the monis* of votes. for acid ONT. J i of ulixet gt'*ln, 14 nen, of mats. 10' e)tly employed by the maid Tiw limit.- noainst the bylaw. Sealed, 5149er*te or bulk tenders on !wrest of h7.•kwhent, 10 timothy rich Salt lbntpauy, Limited, slat i.. T. KNOX, masonry, caepelry. roofing and g11e't ' .i * 'r('. of 2nd trop alfalfa. if to , I fall I*•low the number of forty for ' Town Clerk. metn1 work, lathing and planering. an together, the .'nap will Ir• 101(1 1n\ a period of six mu-0,481re muuhilsr C,wirrkh. I+th of Jnly, mos painting mad glazin electric wiring• lots w•arah•Iv. At the tame time `01* If the Maio Shall be closed ,own 1 R' 1 d [hot Un ramal . option, ter L7 —� 5 plttmhLnR mod hr(1t.ing, must Ise In the ,part of 1111 !•. con. 3, N'•D., Colborne, 'S1e hondg of 11. J. Meaww, Chairman of . known as (hi• Brickyard Farm. coil; / (1))11. rntiuo only lutrrwittrntly for m I ad of three sweeten month Ont , by Jule 2141. 1924. Deposit of ;1... offered fur ode, with prmmendon these, le with r of 811011 event's the the Board of Governors. Goderieh. 1 tnintne 4k) ncree• (mere or less) wil • ' r • • *'15,00 rein/red to procure pinus, for 1n he Rican 1171* fall. 1 ('r figuring. wtliril will he returned On TIi1tMS.—On all lend. 10 per cent. Town return of plane, T.nw(est or any tender of pnr'h* a price to h• paid or Ise- , Ixw• •, mot necwtaerily accepted. Planta, enrol at time of sole, halloo* to make 9")4'^1, r,;Peeling this I,ylaw and .Irrlfit*tione, tender format and In- 25 per cent. ww rred within 30 Hays, wirhdrewlltg Moe mid hereby-grqutel. form/Won may he bad from R. J. the irklnm* on terms to shit pmr- *mal th. naB4•r *11 obllgntfuu imposed 1fF.G,\W, (inderkh, or at the oftlee of cbnw•r• mem the 1}1nli.lptl 'Corporation to a, B. COON k SON, Architects, 4 Rt. If crop hag to i*' sold separately. furnish *ny further *111. as herein Thomas street, Toronto. Ont six months' credit wilt le• given cprorklel for, Mod' e,w.•, it 11/.111U un- fnnlishinR approved joint notes. A ders(411w1, I,,nvever. that the above two. PUBLIC NOTICE dinning allowed for e,Ish• closed visions her not in apply Lot caw• the PUBLIC plant ie *7, down owing to fire. There is prat/holly net nemerve. price nn thle Ixtri, *s Mr.. Jewellis accident or other 111• ..14 11 or unforeseen NOTT(`F. TO CONTRA('TOItS AND itkulty.. lu which event the staid Con- deh emitted to melt BUILDERS. T. GI'NDRY, .Anetion0•r Intl) shall use 4411 exp+lltitn 50 over - Tenders will he rre,elred -try the (come and refill)• the sold difficulty Goderich PianinR Mills. Limited. or A1'('TTON SALE torHnl'REHOLD and to resume up nttlen at the by the undersigned np to ti• 31st day FURNITURE and Fi•ILNIMIIINGB earliest I'sr.eYde . mm u,•uf. If the of Jttl., A.R. 1024, for the following Company Mils to few glue d111 - I of the C.wettratiuu 1.1 the .f 114*lerit•h easy ease a by - out eulgnl01178 It to the rate - work: 1. Repairing barn nn the wee? hall Lot 5, (toneesgion 5, Aehflel, town. ship, 2. Rullditig a eMMgo on time east half Lot A, (bneeashn 4. Aghfleld township. 3. Repalringdwelling hang,. on Tart 1. Cntwrgsinn A, Ashfield township, 4. Repnlring barn on Lit .1. Con'e,i- elon 9, Ashfield To►n•1)ip. Plans end /merino/Ohms awl other terms in conneetlon with the e'en- strnetlon work may he o ambnod on applieatLon to the *Move Gnderkh Planing Mills, Llsltel. or to the un- dereigned. Nn fender necessarily nemptei. it4lated *f Barrie. Ont.. 11114 24th day fit Jnnr, A.D. 1924. BOYS & Mi'R('H1fN1N. Solicitors; for the Owner, Rnrrle, Ont. HAVE YOUR WAGON TIRES Cold sot for a permanent Jo+• Oleo Rid Machinery . J. K. DAVIS • Rem,• In Ow removal of the, cause )i R R'fll sell hr .1.M (wldDAV fit hog rest_ of the closing dowtt of the plant the deme•. itrltnnulfi R. Galerlaih, n (''nwlcll ,d the f'(irlo u*' right shall in SATIRE/AY. JULY 20kh I Its diw•retfuh have the right In the manner afonwlhl to withdraw the mid h rW1y granted. (•i) 111e said The Galerlch Salt I's metro Llndtvd. Atoll milker Its enrts.r.it,. on' enter Into •tin agree. 111rut wit!1 the Curp4ratlou of the Town of (ialerich prior to the final p1''.InI of Gobs hyiew•, whl.fi t,gr„•• went shall embody the oldlgtnttoits Iwreby impose.) or Intenlerl to 1M• Wi- llie/ell upon the staid lomlany nod mesh ,other protlsluns for the slur pro- tection of the ('or orntinn of the Town of (lo erleh is to Its m'sekitor may "WPM 'm1,•lw rpt (0) The said lila liewler's*. Salt Company, Limited, shall .egrter with Pee ('urpnrnNon of the »Tien of (ioderleh to hear all • the expense In eonneetl(n1 wills the push - mission to the ratepayera of this by- law, end Ineklent*l thereto. (7) The amid Thr fiolerRli Salt Company. LimIt.d, agree. that there be embodied In the agreement le the fifth parsgrtsph hereof mentioned a clone' pr►tensrg fhr Munk'l*tli car - potation of for Yawn of tw►tktich. and mush member thereof, against any him no matter of what caract r that may be Weltered by It, him er Meta. It WM byline 'book* be /.- Marcel by any Jlek M1 antllottfy M be (,.mmeneing of 1.10 oebook sheep: 1 davenport 2 fink rockers. 1 .mall rocker. 1 Gi'ld's Morrie chair, 1 lib- rary table(nnk5, 1 hall cock. 1 d1n- ing room oak w,itr. e•onsisting of i ehnirs. 1 nrm chair, round Mhle, hof- fat; 1 come -ileum rug 11x12, *Imoet new: 1 t*p,stry rug 9112: one doi4le white iron Mrd. epringe and mattress. 1 three-gnartcr aline 11114, epringe end mitttre*., 1 yonttn'e whirr heti with side ewlls, spring. and mattres.: 1 white elnnal dreseer; 1 white enamel dreaming table with ehair to match; 1 oak simmer; 1 Quebec store (O(wel Cheer). ,m'w; 1 Quebec- kitchen stove (r•nmpnalte ), with even; 1 New Per- feCtion comp oil atom- with Oven; 1 electric heater; 1 kltehen cabinet: 1 amsll table: 1 kiteben table; kltehen ebtalre; 1 Raymond Oshkwet searing machine; 1 May Tag rlrtetrie washing machine; 1 etre, frame Ironing board: 1 medicine (tent; 1 Binnels carpet sweeper; ilnMatm, Whole, wmgh tnh; wank Anent, 1 step ladder, 1 lawn mower, elothr* reek, garden tools, Intel. other articles. ton nnseronse to mrntlon. No memo ossa earthing. Mr. harps ie hotting Godmit* end eseryltiing will be disposed of. T, OCNDRT, Auctioneer x4 LEGAL MY G, CAMERON. K. C., BARRIS. . TER. Solicitor, Notary Public. OA1ee 1Tamiltnn street, Goderich, third door, from Square. Trust funds 10 - loan at lowest rates, DR017DFOOT, KiILO*AN k HOLMF.S. TBARRiSTERS. 140T,I (TORS, NO - TARTER PI'Itf.iC, ETC. Ofire on the Square. armed door from Hamilton street. Goderich. Private fonds to loan at lowest rates. .1. L. Killoran, Dudley E. Iloime► 'HMV it 11614 111*Itu.TENs, Ell-. R.C.HAY35—R.C.HAYS;ia., B.A. Hamilton St.. Godericn r SP.\GER. K. C.. BARRISTKR, Rl ►L1CiTOR. Notary Public and Uonvey7teer. OMee Court Homes► 11nti,Ticl7, • f INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC.. Nil: 11.1.OP MUT I',1T.9t'TRE IN UR' ASCII CO.—Farm awl Isolated town property maned. Otseere--Jas. Connolly, Pres., Gods. rich P. 0.; Jas. Ilvam, lice -Pres. Ree bwo d P. 0.• D. F. McGregor, Pee: Trema,. Seafneth P. O. Directors—A. Rroadfoot. R, R. No. 11. Reaforth ; John (1. Grime, N. 4, Walton; William Rina, R. R. Ifo, 2, 2. tleaforth; John Bennelwles, Brod- hmgen; Oen. McCartney, R. R. No, 8. Sfaforth ; Robert Ferris. Harlot*: Mnrray Gibson, Neocenald; Jaatse Evatal, BevltwaM; Jame. Connolly. (iod.rlch, Agents -J. W. Teo, • °odeeleh I Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, CIltltas John Murray, Re.forth; N. Hlaeblq. A.abrth. Polleyholdets rya pay all payments and get then carat reestpt• at R. J. 'tltarrtee's Olegaag Stens Clinton; R. Ii. Ostt'a Moo street, Oebettleh, J. r .. General Store. Bartlett . ) 1 k r• 1p 1, /. p'+ Ps lir VI RQ dr Ps Int th1 eel Col Ms tot CHI fie 1od Va tar bet on of 511 ma a C41 `ago 1 wa Air He. An spe in feta on, upo coo Inv ape of mel wet ham tial Ter esti teen ier Pn P111' I're mho wh l boy An lows and of 1 "th, you YOU of MW *hos gra, i* • PM. adlr RMI J1 Hut pelt] was men hat cmc find Mon golf he 1 en t (Wm tt of ete (1 ten le