The Signal, 1924-7-9, Page 7•
Gardening in Canada t. 0
for Amateurs
insect Pests and How to Fight Them.
Before one can fight any of the in- , favorite flowers or vegetables. absorb
sleet peids that take up their abode in their nourishment. For purposes of
our gardens about this time of year. I general slaughter, we may consider all
be must know bow the- ,particular1 our garden peens divided Into tWO
little beasts, that have camped ou bt. classes: ( 1) Those which eat, the
Hay Loaders
Hay Rakes
Hay Tedder*
Side Delivery
Rakes, Etc
Just a few weeks more and
haying and harvesting will be
Will you be needing any
new implements for this -
work? If you do, kindly
give tis a call.
We carry a complete stock of all Deering and McCormick
Grain Binder.
Corn Binders
Tractors, Etc.
Primo... Ball
Bearing Cream
Upend os
All Sizes
Also Beatty Bros.' Maple
Leaf Cars, I -lay Forks, Steel
Barn Track and pure Manilla
Rope, in all
Spreaders '
Oliver Plows
Disc Harrows
Land Rollers,
PHONES: Dungannon, 5 ring 3; 131fih, 32 ring 12.
"Fre-a-tiles" Completely
sjes Relieved Me
ruins . 1 ., V45CUCV, B.C.
"I suffered with all the symptoms
Of Female trouble, with chromic COn•Sa•
pasion sad cons:oat Headaches. 1 had
pains low down in the bark and sides
of the body. A doctor advised me to
have an opera t ion.
I started taking "Fruit -a tires' mid
this medicine lies complitely 44!.v
me of all my misery awl suffering.
/ am free of pain and liesauci.kes and
the terrible Conitipation, and what
plied either lu powile•r"2-stru1 or lu not it strong all any of .the others
solution as a liquid spray • or 'salt poet mentioned. It is good for house
For dusting. the active poisons mind and window plants wbere inksting boy
he diluted with mane ine‘nenulre lets are neither 11.0 strong nor too mine
powder. Dehydrated lime is frequent- prom:.
ly used for this purpose and All of the dusting powders can be
can he 4(11111 1141 upon to work well counted upon to glve good results.
through the bellows or dust gun. It I 1-11ebore and 'qr..% and the various
Is worth noting that when a cheap bocci powders are not as poisonous as
grade of flour can be (obtained. mix- purls green or either of the arsesuite•s
111 W 111, the 11111111 /11 BM 111111W141 10 awl may he 111414 14118.11 fruits anti veg-
stand tightly covered for le day or etabies are nearly' ripe.. Slug shot and
two before applli•ation, the poisonous tolsoss) uro both popular for suise
effect 144 wait noire widely vpread. agallivt aphis, thrlps. ete Neitle..r (1f
the flour itself having Income poll- °plata is Injurious to animal!! or
Spraying -or Dusting. to the vegetation upon A loich
11 Is notirettl.le that the lornetlre of Tyros may serve as a good example
af11;11'.i yl3,1:1,1:; soar fen.iempanlil(ymplitlav:1$41.atedmorse ar
of a group ed similar product. w 1.1.11
140:1041y ovinir pia", 10 dilating with ,e hot h insecticides and foogieides.
lite... preparations destroy-
ary 4pow414 r4 Ewell method 11'4 of Insect life and :ow preventive!
the if' 114, wed,: 144 properly done. Or mildew alai otle•r fungus eli.eases,
4pr,yll4g. '.184.11111 r411.4111141'0417,moni•lien4t: A .10'w "f "f 40111('
what similar istlar.• 14 ars the name
..oholoo will -.lea.. 11 film of the gor.1.4.4•114044,144•140.444.x,m4114.41,41‘.1.4rve ni:74
saved me is the trait medicine, ,_j,') 8414 1.11e Tnistitig. on
other not., tione when they •-een. to be .1.•....rvong poInt-
Madam M. J. GORSE.
50e a Lox, 5 for $2 ;JO, trial aisle 25s.
At dealers or sent postpaid by
Wrolta•litrort Gitaira...
tlie are -damp ss 4? 1. dew or fait art )) •
after 11 rain: The rose long. ( able to
I Spray oittfii.t. sidtal•14. t., eyery r .ist most pei....ens. ill II ly. .101141114.1141
Hurd 111111 8.V, ry lairs.. or, fadasittablP I't' the use I.f a.preparati.... known a•
' from the .16 AlSiners end department inelr..seine. It i. l'\ 1" stuff. hut
..toor..: and ••:e PIM' l4111.1141 11 re. 4.41:4:, 1.1 lillininit invariably makes a ,'lean
-- l'oortoler gnu,. 1••111,.y., And ,1.1...,.r, an. iol., Wise aorins 11111:1' be tillapiAled 01
Vet or other parts of the plantloot -so ninne.i
us 111 414,104 a ti,1 ace i v the no. of lir...mite ..f lead. either
Ivos. , :pray form or appli.11 as a .powder
aail 12 4 those which suck the juice usnally 14... 4.4gs-tole-v..
from the leaVON4 and stems hy thrust- - It 1$ of tit-. ):n."4.-"1 11111..011 11111' ".1,1.11 Ow r"11.1111:11 1: 41411„17,111,:i4v to apply
11111 their iondsiswis titriongli the our- 1 '11111 1114' ' 11/11 11111 1.111-1.1n.r. ilireetionn It .1- 1111W 1,11111101/ 1.
1..isio, by ,411,401.11• M.-, and fain:Vide, in elombit.- Mr. Miner will ,...nitinw,:: the 1 1.1u._
("r` 4111"' al.1"111"1.1.4,....';41 ia,i,m1,,, i,mr. :oho:. 'v...ii statan.y. litordeany nil: -
4 or" th. 4,11d 84 1,,,,,"1 110. horst of the fongio killer. and 141417 u..*.l...iil.:1 7r. i 111 W1i11/44 lias taken a ollo
fart! into the 4...II structure. The lin..
w.irms. paterpillstre MO oiliiir. Fmk, the .4m... natio, may oliff.•r .v.•ry Bore: and the ....pp:r ...lotions ore still 51 a 14.1,11 1411 ..,,,,,11 ..,...1 444006144::, au. 4
'11111 erially 11 . a . ' ,' ,.,'.: l
.. o go loo•nol 'hairdo- r.•
e1gudflentlion include* Nage, beestlea. 1.15,1441 1 1401.414:r•
...wool group takes In all the retie-
lifill ouc ha. Proved: 11' 111. 11M 11 11/1114, 1...44.11.4 wit n lioy 44f the poisons. ""''''' "'"' s- '.-
1 1 i t I . ...11,1,.„,.... b.'s, frioolo. Sill.,.• Henn Pickett left la .1 w.
ore Bread and Belly r bread "
and Better Ristry too
age and hail spent
114 l'linton. IsilVfo
loss two .1.11. ali.1 1.11
Mr.'. It. ti Johnston, of.
a mister
The firi....f Hawkins & M
ware inervioant., has
lost of
to mount his
4. 011 tighter,
4:0414.r14-11.,is '
14.r. hard
tips id plant her, aphids,
t. . ion that the olireilime, do 1101
_ 1.••• .11frit•ioljt P4E4.19.111 It 1"wl,• i. • 1.'0%4,41'. of, ..t.'4,111.r. .%,. 11 general
and blapk. white fly, ntrily blig; Teo . '
spider and scale. , 1.44"..w 4),,e, implid,ty. 1.4,1,,,,,,, pr• teutive of 1.11.1ois .11-.111,44, it i., booth
The means of eombeitting these 1)11- ..
tdo•Iligetotly 8101.1- at -fording' to *heap 711141 4•111114.16.111. 11 ail! also kill
welcome gnests must he putted lel ,,
1.. 1 11111... are ..... dila: .1 thd.; they 11,1 -1.likr. 81111 ill.his AIM 4.4 as a se -
their habits. Those whieh i•nt follow 411
-- 4:rnat pan. .1...iild I... 1••••!,......1 Ito
while tlie julis.-supking varieties ..411.0.1111'4' -•":
1-1..r the a yenta,. Tificitintr gar.' 114111, .1.1' itig or Illp•tilig alien fruits are
1 1 loofa' Nt thh, time the pni...1.4 are
.%rseunte of lirne. arsenate. id lead. .1.....ii. to 1...i.. ..i.. babel. It I. the almost sore to kill thp 10.4.. and otle'r 44111411114•k• KI:111.111.1V111... ,,Il .111 .• ::
.4 . harmless; teketati..n atoll to )").• .11...atratIem. lit 4.!
1114. Itinoa effectively .11,10.ed of by
the of poisonous insecticides, 116' "41.-- '1"""""I-111 1*"11 11 I" -14" •••
11111'4 114. k1111411 1.v contact po son!. 444.,„4444„4 how 1„. ,.111, .14 th.. 314.1111. of Mr Mi.-. .1..
on a trip t.. to, bete e
be the guest ot 1,..111.1.• ow.
Mr 111141 Mrs George NVat t
last noek on a trip to the :144,1
will lo-ale.ent two or ,.i.ree
Special Showing
in all styles dud. sizes.
.,. • r 1. -
SEAFORTII easaidaanimamossessow••••••••••••••
Paris 4r".11 °nil bench."'" are the • for most pia111.. and when is o`lirial ihs...111. 41 1111 111,11,111111S y4.1111C...4 411 11glite.P. NI 1-.: Ir.
Electric Wiring
oortunotily used and most efficlent „4414 maw,. „di 140, 1,41r4, r„fleie. the crop 1114r.Y4.111 .111f11.- Ito°. '4% Iva fitti14,1 notrriag•• NI'
- • , Wigitig
31 1 kinds.
e.timati• fcir
- gir,ige-
Private Teleph
'tnnuwitie 1)"bwrig. P01""n°'" I 1 ..nd 1/11111.1.s to two gal- 1 4 hail., -Artlint• Botta-n.4.1, NIr. ni ' .
RED HOT JULY DAYS 1{.•, W, 11 MA 1,0:1141 of E_
: ,dt %till kill off T111.1 i.f our leaf -
welt.. kerosene tenni oil) eMnigion• • • ,;:avi reefs, For ‘,.1,1•it;.?..•-• at...
• (1 11••• give 011 al.
n a t 4.r .0 ill 111a ke
a ri 144.s. TU.. 1.1.r. Imply •4 as perf,•r.•
.%rtitur IV. limier, .41)41. ca.
•tring your It
4' '-1 taw. rtaeless often Liitilte strong •
enough. are bog death. fir tree oil
.111: %hot,. pyrox." ete. Arot011ate Of ilitlowers. heron.. thi. hoot in )114. HARD ON THE BABY..
,I..• . es, Motors
!in,. l• *140): roiliest. ar-eaat4,
' left on .i• ,1..• A
..8 lot nti Is very generalet--------------------- ensive. eireeii..• If 14...1 a. a powder. Bells and
moiall .14.1r;-14 %ft. ,
. •
Dynamos. Electri
Burglar Alarm S terns
• ,• * •,1
Cook. Iron and Toas
\Vt' an assoitinetit •
the best Electric 114)1)'.ae
Toastels nlaele Cati.ela.
, .
fertive.. part-at...mite to font , part. de- .litly-the month of opt.r....sive heat. ou
Any of thew- `10,1•(1114 may be all- lime ge.oel eentiloinsitIon. r„1 }„,t HMI ,tn....11..riel;: tiii:lits w4.40,044444.r, it. 4.. .,46.1.44.- 4114444
Visitors to Goderich on Saturday
The Glorious Twelfth of July)
As well as our Townspeople should be sure to see the Special Bargains
we are offering in
Ladies' Dresses, Coats and Millinery, Men's Suits and
Furnishings. Bathing Suits, Boys' Suifs, Etc.
Ladies' Dresses
in Canton Crepe, Normandy Voiles,
Ratines and Silk, all up-to-the-minute in
style and at greatly reduced prices.
Ladies' Canton Crepe Dresses on
sale at $9.50, reduced from $17.50.
Other lines of Cantorr Crepe
Dresses at $18.00 and $21.50, regularly
sold for $25.00 and $27.50.
Ladies' Voile Dresses for $7.50,
$8.50 and $9.00. All reduced from
$10:00 and $12.50.
Ratine Dresses at $3.50, $5.50 and
$7.50. All reduced in price.
Ladies' Summer Millinery
Ladies' Hats, in late3t models, all
reduced in price. from $1.75 to $5.50.
These are at a big reduction from regular.
Ladies' Coats
Ladies' Coats in Duvetyn, sand
shades, Poiret Twill and Tricotine, lined
throughout, reduced to $16.50.. Regular
price $25.00.
A nice navy blue serge, guaranteed all wool and indigo dye, for $21:00.
Brown check worsted, for $20.00.
Grey Summer Suits, 3 -piece, reduced to $16.50.
Suits for Young Men
Have a Look at Our Big Reductions in
Suits for young men, in fancy stripe, at greatly reduced prices for the week -end.
Men's Shirts and Straw Hats
A large range of men's Shirts from $1.00 'up.
Straw Hats from $1.50 to $3.00.
01$41:4-rinikl‘tclgr4,1,13e1%., Bathing Suits
for ladies and men, misses and boys, both wool and cotton.
Boys' Suits, for all ages
A large asoortment, ranging in price at $6.00, $7.50, $9.00 and 811.50, all reduced.
Wd -AZ YOU AR 4. INVITICU (0 sH0.•
I , i ''' rtli1s.. -‘fl"r tl"' h""ls 111.4'11, 11Y,1,7111.1ry, eolle. and 41401, r,, In- 1 ,,ni...k: s..nort4,, 5 r... i ,,1.11:0...1
....: ,„....! Al .'tilittnw.T*. nue 11114.1 de nininin 4.141ry nrf., thou,..and., „f1)11::::- 1:11.:trerl:terA ..ifri .:M,Nri.r1:11:4.:i .1%, fl• N..,•%
1- died will glen dit 11141181* 1. . %imam 13 hard lilt 111 111* 1,11 ..
' A ' fill With :..'1,-.11.• .1.41, 1"41411' pions huh. 11%1414 every .11111iner. Tit'-' . st. 3:int,.., ..: Jaizoi .w41.... i1,.. ...„.,,.. ..,
..::.! .!1•1401Y of. .1•.Iii ?Hod . ill diw...lwr ;mord 1.. Interest !11.1...• 111.11101,11 or if 4 kiirPi. 43.111:n..,"*:19""1.)1141411,4,-4.4,".44 NI:ik'44,1.:1„11!'.... -7,•-:;41.14.4."•
, 111(3' 41.111" "II '11'14'14 111, nil" 11"9"' I daughter ..f Mr. -anal Ntr., .1:19,.
: .......1:::r"1,4.-1,•:-..4..1':"inn".114i"t:a4KII:m"siin'' Nos other no...11.1.w. is .of sio)1 aid to
Ili, 4-1...4r, .4..,,.4...4.,:-;.:. ine,u4,411 4:‘41111111411:11,:tilutlt;•ft::11),thil 7414,141yo.,rs 4.41norhilign101:41::1.11.1
1-111141.'ylurr4r.k481s111 11:1 74'41U1. 1'111:4 '',r,,,13.:11ri:,,,I..3,1,1.:1.:111",,, ,..t.,A,:::t1''.•
. Iltighps. was marri.-41.1.. Inoti... „%ig.,
.... 0, '-'!e•111 \v"rlo" It sent affer• the' hon -els awl st44:11114•11. 11 1141 1111 .14- ,,,. R."... n10,7 i;„ _
:..1.• ..? 17141111 .11-1111 11.1 11.11',gr'1111 ,a,.14.11 il dose given to th; vvell thil41 .
• ''' n virulent
rai-""rci• 45111 preveid siontio r ...mid:ilia. ..1. rf
l'l 1"1 1aPPII"1 1.""."riliT: 10 the trouble 111,... tome on ,114141•Illy .1 , ZURICH
.0, th.oir packstres. ,,.iii 1.311,4.11 it. n„. Ti,11..,,,,„r,. ....„1,1 , - . .
t-1. ar- 0101,01011Y efireetly'' by 441414i. i., /1411 1,,r.,..e lip indil at :!:". ...Mr.. I. -1,..A.ts ••!'
t. r &.... 1,1,..Vir•-grrnilld 1-3 rktig im ,..aits a isvc front T!..• 1)r. William. mat, Philip (Va.. 1'
• Ile% vill0 1•.• 11"1 1"1"1 toot -her miest 144.1'11e.oistantly 011 le r. n
' -it.: 1,
se, • • 11144'. ete. 14110.1.1711 pr111111111.1111 NI.P.1111.1111.. ..,...................4 '.... 1111•1•';V 1 I le., I 11i1.' , eft .•1, l.!' - it.. , .1-"'.
I Ili.' r.a.r 10,11 rd. 4in 11-• /11•AV .,.•••'!.:-••
i•• • ••• with polls green. situp. _
Nock oire.•ted by Si. 1 1Pielle.. •
fit.:1:,...,.• ..•••11...tig tendency to burn IN • .
. 1 1.1.'igharnt .1.4..41Pr day In , 1j
1 ' EIZrIllr- t t
Nr1.11. .1,111 1.1440. a bane /1it
. - 1.. istrtct News'
Leaf int1 Stem Eaters.
Ll . . 4111 1or manner. 11.• was riding hi. bi•
• .
'1:..le-ra;.:-..iiial "I'1114' of leaf -
('411.'and a dog meaning up to 141111
.6u Tuesday morning. .11111/' '24. (me
awl st...11-4...ters ar4; sometinos n hit
hard... t.a.p 11' 4,1 ,.I Iss.allse of Ill.' lilt' pf the ...I.I...r. re.idolts of WroNeter'''''l Willi 40 .15,..11..Ve' 111411 110 W/1 .
i fjeally .41 filk11111J4 ,,u' .1110 ,,A111111. 01 1 zi...4.41 aivity in-tlie loor.don orf .11.11141' thrown 11.4:1111.1 a tn....Jr:touring his
fl atty. reliod of HI, late Wm, limit- arm in the falt,
4,,41414; 1:44.,;-:. :I,. %:‘.141:.11!..11.grr'nt1.1.11.P(.11'1101'-tf7;t iiilicl..;* la.. alto ',red....A-ed. 11 •r .4glitee 1 NIr. and 4.1l'.Truemner. 14??. .',.n'
41.44.. abol :mt. are the ,00rlthion...t ot y•ario ago. Mr-. In.11:118- was a ottive " "'tol,. of iln)-• rol,'Ill:Y 1-.4.4.n111
their taent)-tifth wedding -tittniver-
41,,t,14-tinnin•-ss., bolt4 •.,;.t44111.4.41. ,1,1f.11$71,4t.t.a:tali 411:4114.11.44444,1411:14,;.pitilt !ter , mar -
with a • ontaet ppisnt.. anil thpr.a.. I( Isaac Jarrott. wrath huyer-of -Kips-1 Vin"14 11"''" li "r1a1" seerel""1
11„141. 1,.. •. r 0,311 a L.....1 tWto !NT 4,81 ' IN., mid uftlo a IA flftit .3,,,i.1.10 re., "D. st:" "f 11.".' NI 111114-11,1' 41..1/1"1* 1
1,444444:40,...41 .4.„, 44414.14.;.4.4, 1 1141041:4,. ar,„„ito 44 1403., who.. pow: 444, 4.4.4 row., in' ..lesdr.psil goods.. 4.1 fl1.111ITS. 141%. Caw
1)11. ,.1111111. 11111. 11? them "track him In "h'ill Inst """• 1.1"' "" w"
the 1,13:d• it AV1,1 :let a• a 11, r•dizee
1 he 4.3.4. %% it 11 her, 48. 4)1. 14 1.
•blerable 411.14Ar-- W14. done before it
n„, er...1 .11011 :1 f ter 1? 1.1-4.1. 11111 4.011•
rdtber r,..., .1.. 11113' hitnu to vegetation
known y4.1 wlietlir:r the .1g1.1 of 1 Ile
Fitt nuird, are, •411/11 k11114 ..11. if 1,11,.
n/.1,1.u1'4t.:111,1• ,.!...'......,1•111:711.11 1.11.4111,./101nr,1,11114olwini 111; t 111.1.4..P. , (.743.8 IVIII.11...,1,71.:
1. 1.11 Friday. .111114. '1'71.14, •
perm:mo)t I 1 sitTet. 41 ; "141141 114' " 4115111511541
,. . .
romal. Ir:14.. 1 p0111444paris gro.n. or hien, Mi.. Margaret .laie• Fee. at.I .. .• IIRI'SSEI,S
. ,
41-'1 Pt wi,1 1," 4"111,11. • fri•oly.': 25, there pivoted liwity at the (.483143' ("'14-
whit': 1"."."11% 1., g8 4191) 1114? n1"1"1".441 1 11-11.1.:, alogi.".1"trin.71.Y4:111113.1.1• .1551.:.4111::••'.4:17.1 1 4.1'Niisir111 I 1 4444:1'ill p4i4,1,-k, br. thoT of, N11. 11! '41'k
:1:1L4.1t,,-,.:,....1;:.::::1311‘1,1 Water. Nlix their- '
`'"alt':''' : '''''''11 l'''''P' nod "...IV'''. h'r 'N'll'"' 111" "‘-'11.1' ri1m"vilig th'''re .1 • au. from 11, ..ffert. 4of n blow
Alit,: 3:•• .,f :1 11111.1111,r than -1 she isbrother and
I trout Goshen TAW_ 1114- , towitship
lounlythe .h.sol frum a falling hale of I:
: t 1.1.1,11tonte. 444, lit....forr .., 1..
to v. -gelation. and fenr -.1stera. I Two hundred No.r.•., of tier ham twen I
1111 1)11'. year 141 this I.sallty and
111.1TH . 9
s11doing; well..
. I
The Preshytert:in nil.] Nf1.11/011111t •
The sYnipitths 4)1 ti.. . community ecoarregations of Itrtis-ek are holding I
gm- out to NIT'. 411111 NIr-.• Nlartin Arm- ' union servico. 111 .1 oily and .ingtort•
ng .
.troin the s. lothey lin'.',' ..
a..stained , Ntrv. illoo
s.g., liaeker left law
st eek
in the (loath 141 their •con. Ilarvey, on n trip to Nlanitohn and Dakota,
W,110 14 ,11. 1)r11W111.11 111 Lake Superior W111`19. -114' W111 11••11 relatives, She
on June Nth. Wlkile- workilig on the , was 411.4.4111111/11111,1 by her yolim,o•et
41.,..1: of the freighter Grant Ntordett daughter. Nli,.. Pearl Ilaeker :
lie in soul. way hod his 11111/111114` and Nliss 1)41):'' .In Thomson and 741111
fell. overnoard. T11011101 boats were Edith Willi. are Inane fr Roebete-
tbiverril immediately a 1111 11111.aat , ter. N.Y... for holidays. They are In
search was 11171111. no trios. of the training 11111 1111r111111.
yeling man emild be found, I
:'0n1':1.11.:ty. i'.(uintiqgmt:;e";"404; Mort.
and Mrs. S. 11. Gidley, of Myth, to
William Piitterenti. of Chipago, the
marriage to take pia.... in :4.140.113NT. 1
The l're•byt, rine and MethodIst
phorphes of 1(13 111 a -ill unite for set-
ilees 4litring .Ittly and August.:
!Or, l'noik Nletralf ham left for 1
Sa.katesni, ftn.k., to remota.. his denim.
les 11/ominion .frnit inspector. ,
• 44,-, '4;. 1111
We1,1.t tit.
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Dire -tor and
Embalmer ,
ll rails
• LII tit ,l0\' id' night
"tort-glefi- Resodente 355w
;Hamilton Street, Goderich
they 1111. 6 ..ry 1111rd rek 1.11.4frond a
spot tho 7.;ire 1.r., 1 1144141 111t their
own ..rh. ,.illy thing th •writ.r has
found 141. IS' P to 1141 diuto• of !hem
ls a comm. r' 1.11 prenara ti1.11 ant -
Vide. 4;nd. v iltaY
be goat rill of ler makinli IitoTal appli-
cation/it of ?tobacco dust or soft enol
Itoth of these an, beneficial to
1114. moll,
SIne,' inserts that feed by sucking
the juice. of plant. elo not take in
poi:sari with their fowl, thei Witiet
Rot Ar In other way. Fortunately
most of them are ...ft-hoilied, insect,'
kiliell h elontnet paieon... All
of them hare mitny brerrthing pore.
In their skins., Fluid poison14 kill by
nbaorption and poison dusts hy clos-
ing throe pores. so that either pray -
Big or dusting 3s an efficient IneolGil
The hest Insecticides In 1 Iq,i iil form
are Moraine sulphate (Mock 104.
fir tree oil soap, fish oil soap I whale
all noon), kerosene emulsion, and leo-
noon oll. The hest duets are two per
pent, tobstepo (lost, hog death. hellebore.
slag shot RINI pyrethrum, Pervitan or
Ihilmatlen intosi powder,
tree oil soap and whale oil wisp
are effeetire against mostly hng, wale,
r 81 spieler, *phi-, thi-ipa. worms and
Wluile oil 14411p. is especially
gruel for use where insects and Mr
affect th... hatii or stems of plants and
treesti It 1. .i good )r")+, ntlre of
worms and enterpillars crawling up
the trunks of trees.
Dusting Powders Rffeedve
Itemises* emnisimi ite fondly ma e
The. nurses' gr.:obi:Ohm eremites. of
Clinton hospitol were in Wes-
ley .11111 nu Thursday. .Tune 211111,
octant Miss Trowartha' Atte! Wee Jaen
were prewoited with their diplomas.
--.Inek.coi !amoeba's'. the di- .4
n'onas were pre.entes1 by Itr, tititin.
tool an adeirs-ieee na. given 11, ftev. Mr.
"ilooreh4mse. At the Mcrae of the
frograrn the foro•opitoll board 1.1144.1-
,81ms' the nurses, griests. and phy-
sicians at luncheon served in the Illn-
by addling half ti rake of twiptha
hia, room of Wesley flail.
soap to gallon of hot water and A
stewart or Toronto, *gm of
111,11n11:1 nate t visa mIprol,iy1...ThNki.otst ;nu leseutuirpbse *bouts 44.1d
he thoroughly Mates together and ale
paces, hi. civil aervice eratainatione
Ntr. And M11/. W. .7. Paisley. NIP
.11.1 te on the enstoms staff at TM,
der) to the emulsion at the rote of two
...1;re -41'4%•'rtit,:t" llWaiiloh
maf te
• inies•-.tvekina Inseets.
1.44con oil la )11.a11ank to nee but is 2611). erre14eY-011 rare of
rfq ,•1
Pid 1.10' 013,4i
r. 14•• ' • ;
I •• I io
II/f.1 r:11 , • 7;1.1k
11 •• set
1(45 caa.4.1
Tor. Jr*. A11/. U/111111, fte. le%
dor*. Qom.. •r1trr.- • • ••
"1 have 1r1,111.n1., 1111.411 WIT.' •
LitliTI nt 11.T.,1 6:90 rt. rrda. 4.r
sty, po!lente •leenre erIolo 11.s. 14.4'rl
Itrstifyinir rerLita.
AAA. hest s1-rrurod Liraw,tut-.
C. A. Kone, M n'oor recto/mortals
Mineral in the 1,-.11.wit.t -
-11 have toyed Atinerat • Lobirr,ort
oneself as urn he prroorrilied it Is
14k7• practice when a libie.nt Ofi‘e
required, emel have never fa,1441
. to get 1/141 desired effect".
Invited for the
week -end
--by Long Distance
It was Thursday afternoon
in the country. Hospitable
Mrs. Martin seemed disap-
pointed. The week tad
ped away before she knew
it. No one had been invited
up for the week -end and
there wasn't time in which
to write.
And then she thought of
, the telephone - Long Dis-
tance! What an inspiration!
. In twenty minutes she knew
the Smarts would come -
delighted to - and whit
train they would be on.
Aplendid! - and she had
ordered some extra supplies
front her grocer in town to
be shipped by express that
What a pleasant week -end
she will have - thanks to
Lou Distant& •