HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-7-9, Page 3NO Job Printing The Signal is prepared to ao all kinds of Job Printing at reasonable prices. For your next order Telephone 35 inaI Read the Advertisements in The Signal. Buy >i.'vett';e 1 wares. It is a Safe and sound pole y. THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00.. LIMITED. Publishers. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1924. Exact, Impartial Information MANY a successful bualneas wan has recela,d trutu ler- banker the particular information or advice which started him on the right road. For a balker gains au insight Into conditions which an ordinary person would Crud it almost impossible to obtain. Consult the Sterling Hank manager. His opinions of business conditions Are based un exact information. HD knowledge of conservative management comes from out ,w■ policy which has brought us to a strong and stable position. THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA RADIO PROGRAM AM WGY program to bri'ef for week of July 13, 11024. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y., Oeeeral Electric Company, 790 kilocycles 1340 meters). Eastern rtandard time. Sunday July 13, 9.30 a. m..--Nervke of First English Lutheran t iurdh, Schenectady. N. Y., sermon by Rev. Hertwrt 1). Shinier. 6,50 p. m. -Service of First F:ngllah Lutheran church, Schenectady. N. Y. Monday. July 14, 7.15 p m. - Address. 'Control of Potato liiswsee by Spraying." Prof. M. F. Barrua, New York State College of Agriculture. 7.30 pm--Addrtr, "High I'o!nls In the Summer Selection' of Poultry." - Prof. L. M. Hurd, New York State (bllege of Agriculture. 7.45 p. m. -Musics' program by pu- pils of Mason Plano School of Alhauy, J. AusHtn Springer, director ; John Cowell. aged sixteen, pianist, Linda Noble, soprano. Tutway. July 15. 8.00 p. m. - Dinner musk t.y Joseph A. Cblckeoe and his Clover Club Orchestra from Hotel Ten Fyck. Albany. N. Y. 7.45 p. m.. -Musical program Ity El Kaye Saxophone Orchestra, Mabel Khmer, soprano. and ('ora L. Wbit- mvre. contralto. 9:30 p.m. -Recital by Emily C. Rull- eon, violinist, of Sacramento. Californ- ia. 10:15 p.m. -Organ recital by Ste- phen E. Rolerair from Prnctnr`s Har - .*nus Blerek'er Flail. Albany, N. T. Forever and a Day Smuttier (Inuds in an azure ekv reet awhile and Host away. The summer moon gleams only 'til the dawn is born again. Sununur blossoms blow to.Iny and lo. w their heads tlnlorrow. But \\',dreads}, July 16, 5:30 p.m. - Adventure story. ,.,nrtesy Youth's Com- panion Thursday-, July 17. 5:30 p.m: Organ recital by Stephen E. Botaclalr, at Proctor's Harntanus Bleecker Hall, Albany. N. Y. 7:45 p.m -Program of Polish mnak by Liberty Bell Male Chorus of Am- sterdam- N. Y., Anthony Grzegotze- w•sk1, director. Friday. July 1•y. 7:45 p.m.- Radio drama, "Come out of the Kitchen," by Thomas, presented by the WGY Stu- dent Players. Edward H. Smith, dir- ector: musk by gIlY 4)rcbestra. -10:30 p.m -Musical program by millet- oak) 41 that for Square he rtgsol q'(:T Orchestra. off for that day. This was left with Saturday, July 19, 7:30 P.m.- Pro- the puddle works committee. gram by New V.•rk Philharmonic Or-' met. S. C. Wi1.,clsio applkatiin for ,b,•tra playing at Lewleohn Stadium. { is'rraissiUA tt erect a booth in obs C. C. N. Y . New York City, Willeem lteluarr OH ]uta 12 Sao referred to the van Il.staxtraren. conductor. parks committee. 9:39 p.m. -Dance music by Joseph Twe Seta et Tuggers A. Chietra ane and hie ('lover (Aub Or- Several delegates; were yrees•ut .from c►swtru farm Hotel Ten Eyck Alb•tny, N. 1-. TAG -DAY PRIVILEGE TO ORANGE SOCIETY 1 Same t.'olttrilior* of opinion There Can Be Too Muth 'fagging .\li ah.• w.mlwra wen .reue1 ut the taxes lx' received without �J,yµ,e• five per cent. penalty until July 13t1i, The public works eommlttee advised that another oat of asphalt oil be or- dered, to be used on suss to as petl- tioutd for and on the Harbor Hill road- way. The fire committere reported that it uor•ttug of the tuwu cema41 on Friday had defined to IMne a tertnit to W. T. t'viiuder Ir,c,•;' .w ..rig.iu. u,nskal evening last. Johnston for a dwelling au Llghthlatos p,nshtet1au, ".0 E .i 1. g ler 11aoaall.. The wxtou of Multllioel ccwetery r I `tart, ad 1114' fuuix}nllon w•asi feumd to and other spl, i 1 .1 altnlctiuus; h•- I hr richt ou the line of a public lane• htr s hr such h. ndlln,•rs ar 1'aI t. T, ported seveu burial. darting the month I fie s.• reports were all adopted with• l)asulor,. 1'pta, : unique chlldn•u'd of June. ort aul.ndmetlt, eut,'rtdruuethts: $iducy Inuduu, avldetv•, A petition for nod oil on St, 'hale motion' requiring the attention kiwwu iwL.ers,.lI l t of gr.cat Iit.rary I patrkk'. street, from ;Colborne to ' 4141 the 1,111,11,. worts department were -wen-- these are a11a•uK the exc.•ptio11111 N'uterlo, was scut to the public iuewtouerl and the tegttar hrlaW to attractions which will itigovlr here 11 works committee. prov1de for 1b• ,.•mittnuual la)•went the bits 11124 hich ill I1..Ipat14 Chau- u u -t . t,aud con- - opens .\ an t.\\':K R. IMIIML t t tl . t er which \n appu.-atietl from the 'fruttiug, waw pn tangos. NII 1 awl Racing Assoc'iatou for th • nae of its wveral Mtage•.. nasi 1110 couii'il Gnu,. for five days. I Agricultural Park for the rto•e meet then adjourned. The Dunbar Male Quartet and Bell un July 1.3x4 was granted, subject to Hiugers, oak of the uartkuuand nd the supervision of the parks commit. NEW BOOKS AT THE Wort di011111 !ice• musical best-known IZ*Goad i appearing on the platform, will launvh ter • PUBLIC LIBRARY Alt appeal against lila income tax as tis• l'luntnudlua, 4'•u tin• flr+t atter- se.smetlt by kir. Jawed A. Wiggins was ' n.on1, with •n ont$trndipg program oft rred to the, court of r vt-ion. }allowing an the titles at u.•w Iss,ks 1 of songs and bell-rlugielg• Following a prelude by the Dutdrard on the fire: Building Permits at 1110 (:dslrrk h public lil.rary : Light, a py the D hcturer, abode Apl.lkatlotat for building permits, as Fktlon name will be sten ,.ones, later, will be !.•' pop n I FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT ` )' EXAMINATIONS L� I scale, or a* we may say ser{tet-duos,• CHAUTAUQUA PROLIRI�[ I Speaker, was used In e011nectk.o with . an address before a large Canadian' ort of the In' audiets•e at Vancouver, 11. C., in July The fellieettig Is the rel Outline of Program l'ahatisenatetg I S year ago By menus of til. radio promotion examinations held ler the GaderiNn tugust 9. SF;1 ENT1-SE1ENTH 1 EAR NO. Zs Well • a loud rpeaker oli a very large SEPARATE SCHOOL device. 1're.hiFot Harding of the Cult- a ;,Mitlrieli iegwnite , 1,.wtl. The lamest The great pr, ., � 1 dry milie,ly, "Six ta1 ettat:w. w•ho N'as waking; :11, unuf- are gtt,•n „nlphaheticHlly: tical rlslt to l'uuadu, w'a. otic to Senior 111. to Jr. I. make hlmse•I1 herd by .111 •w.t1.•1144' Ml1r)' It,snell, Teddy It.ochler, Ern- ot :'"..,Mat pr,pt.•. The M111ue e.Irl111111 itt est Crowe. 1•awreuc,• t:ereuiette, Deo* was ufl.rwanls till: 4:1.1111' 1n >lw1t1.1.4. iu Jeffrey l'InretMe lauww. 11,.i'y kfo- cuulleet laA with tit• visit to 11lis 4(1111• Kay. 11.1,'11 Page'• Harry Phalen, T.rkly try of 41(10 of the world's great raur.o, Planta., the Itt. Hou. Davi) 1.14)41 George, who • • Jr. III. to Sr. IU. by It* Weans a'as melded to address hilly 111rmw, Ituvn Italrhlrr, Harry au aadlvuae of 111aM) 1Mrrph• .1 the Bubb. F:dw'ard J.ffrr-y, Irene Ketttaetly, 1(untreal arena, nnle11 to his Murpriee, F::lrl Slee,. 1rer•. Augus.thw Page, 81117 t,.ee,,ttse•_h..b.ol previously 11,441a some- what \Ye•hb, }:I.aro.r \\'t$ttp. :u'luud I n } 1. r i UI. similar erluipw tit U. % iia, xithout wove Kw. Lloyd Georges sweet Violet Bi,1u1r11. DhrWhy Carney, nano ulna. ghr.i out bt rad14 frotu Mia.- Then•+:) ('hlsholm (hr'ii. Lucille (:rat. tion l'liV(' at ltontraml, ao fiat polde Jos ila.•kett (re)• Ra 4'r Lanran, icer u w'Ide aro ler 1'a111adIa and flu• John l�aelhl:,t1, Tluad klci.'p u, Ellern Pelted States were able to hear, his , o'Itrkr+ .ban ., Vsruni.a lt)aN, (hdnl.1 worts. An Iwlwrtant 101.1111 to lo• wade ' \II.ert \Veit i hoer. t, ataeleilt a G.•r- lu this c •Ilan is that shortly after- I owe[te. wands a speech by Lloyd George was 1. 1. t• IL - '.road.wst from one of the ►wericau ('lain' 1(a.c•hicr. Jean 4'hishilnt 104, broadcasting stations and glveu wide` I Rayin.iud IN•an. t:raee Darri, a ree.1,, publlcttr In the American newspapers] Lllliu11 Keuuely. Margaret Men). Almax follows, were rent to the fire errwm tor: T. R. Wallis, rtnl brk•k veneered pottage ori \'Ictorie street, estimated Cort 42,500; W. H. Jewell, porches over front of dwellings. Foot start; Wm. Phillips. shingling dwelling ..it til. Dav- id's siert ; J. K. Britxlley, frame gar- age. Britannia nod; Andrew llilltan, kitchen to dwelling on Britannia rand, e•stimatd+l ;..wt 4250; G. P. Gould, re- modelling dw.411ug on Elgin eveuue, new ,c•unellI foundation, funnel., lath. e•te•. estimated e..st 41,x• The 12th of July (•eMhratio� cote - .curd ler a }stare of IM It pp+a • \ {sq.ular .ouc.rt gi ('t on the a•- Atsl slavishly copied by many (Ana- O'ltrleu Zhou.), Thr s. part.;,David 'caul attrnu.ou b) the Betty Routh Blau lalwrs, who urges' their re iilersTobin ars.•rt Com{aay will feature ceaetutned to listen -in on the world-famous states o lig pnrsaltatIona from favorite light num, although they did Ilii n•ahize p•ras, and. other voted ae•Iet•llutl*, as that they should have dome the wimp well a, excell'ut Instrumental num- thing' when Lloyd George watt be•11,1 airs .tt alight, following a concert by bntadeast in Canada. Apparently :he his talent..' k Imo)', Skdrey Landon. habit of ;spying what they sow to i 1.•ly knowu for his imperaenwtlons Aluerleau papers had become MI strow4 a f,.maus literary men and readings that they were unable to se the neva r their work's, will 1o• a feature 11 rout 1x11. (ler the third afternoon will he given 111 int, rest Ing entertaltlulent.lemon- trod ion. "'rhe• Potter and the l"lave" by Smith Ih,mr..n, p,f,t+r-(•ruftsume. The gnat mode a e.5W.rly alleattti, 'Nix Cylinder Love," w111 lit, given on le third night by a east of mc(ropoll- A t actors organized especially for I. Fair i..dy Londe lit -mon 1N Rate Horse* in Law Suit The Exeter papers say that ('onsld- erable lntersot has been amused in that locality over the legal‘actlon tak- en 1.y William Richardson. of S1meoe, ,formerly of Stratford. agalnet Thomas Yearly, of Stephen township. the well- known race hors fancier. The trial took place at Sines* before Judge Doles, of Norfolk e,untr, without • Jury. Richmond to a trainer and racer, who Is widely known In Western On- tario. in 1919 Yenrly gave him four horses to train: Teddy Gratton. Lee Grafton. Teddy Ttar and Queenle Smith, all goal proapecta. The tint two were sold by T.'srly subsequently far 11000 w pt.n•, although picked ftp by him for 4^-(M) and 4150 respectively, Richardson set up a claim for half of the money. alleging that he was to have a half Interest to these two horttee At the trial he had difficulty in explain- ing how It was that he claimed an Interest in these and not In the others whk•h had not turned out so well, Judgment w -as given in favor of IYearly and his friends are congratu- lating him on the roult of the trial. like the love tiler o . endure forever. i)iantondK, Peary. Gents, Jewel ry, \1'atehee, ('locks, Silverware and Cut (;las'. E. C. ROBERTSON JEWELLER Authorised Dealer i• Genuine Orange Blossom Enaaassoaetand Weddiag Rings Fast Side Square Godwick, Oat. HOl'SF.S HOUSES All kinds for sale. if you intend buy - Ing a home 1t will pay you to see the hoagie's I have for sale. i have them at all prices, from 4700.00 np. Some real good bargains on early terms. Drop in and see me. P. J. RYAN, Real Estate k Inaaraace Phone 50. Unlimited Quantity of 000D MIXED WOOD FOR S.4LE at 43 per single cord. delivered, THE OODERiCH MANITFACTURiNO CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglaise Bt. Phone 61.) the Orange sos•ietiee to 'support the request of l'rtncwss Mary Lodge for The Interns, Pyramid 11 itertrend 11'. Sinclair The City of Comrades.... Basil King Midwinter Joint Buchan (' Justice of the Peace .. Fr,41.•rick Niven is 011rin in italie O Donghas The (Near I'rteieler ...A, R. Oliver Heirs .%l ,,rwlr I11,11I Gthb1 The lL,tiug of Marius t M. Har•' -/minty w The Sial -hawk ... It. Sabatini The Stack Seat 1:. It Stern f F"a 111 .n1. Deep K. S. Payne 1. The Exli• of lariat • 11. Wiltsie The Test o1 Donald Norton 1 It. E. Pinkerton s The Hidden It..•,id .. Elsie Singmast.r Alitho11v Ware ... .Anhilsakl Marshall t stern Marsh ... ileaum,nit cornett ' The Mantrof( Mystery...I. S F'lct.•her t The Doves' Xec,t Katherine Manefteld t gluon.) Printery to I. Mary, itaerhiir. Edwin Dean. Gar- field Itenomy, Cameron Killoran. Catherine Littman. Anna Overholt, ibrts Plante. Cyril Rollin -en. Mary Stapleton, Clare Webb. Primary Joseph Burke. \Ville. Burke. Joseph- luh na.t in a groat English stab smun I in • K. uuwtc, \}•ria ''hiller. Robert being hnoadimet until they were `191'' 'n, .I1ck 1'111.•n, Robert Sita, pr t 1 1 y American papers. amp 4'v 1, Vers,.• \\'hilly. I11 *meteor radio, Canadians are In HO way Is'hlud the rest of the world! Miss Nora Hurley's Recital. and their doings shooed forte inter- sc. The 'Sarnia (deserver of June 26th A number fur Ude (e -Ila 1 prams .\ numlwr of Caine -Ilan trams- bas the following account of a teeclts: mit amateurs in Montreal, Toronto, by Mho Nora hurley. formerly of (:osh•rIo11 : Susi solder parts of Canada herr obtain- The pupil, of Mss Nora E. Hurley, T..1•.('.kl.. gave a very One piano re- cital, ne.istd by Mist; Anastasia La,- gan. soprano. 1n the K C, hall last evening. The pupils, who mostly .played from tnoniory• gave evidence of t•i•ry eari'ful training and ,' onsderable aptitude. A song. "Blaby Jim," by Dorothy ltrxoka. Helen Cooper. ivy !Turlock. Velma Clark. Ena Runner, Edna Iljowse'r, Elizabeth Bell. Emmi acountry like ('erred* stili haul Haskard. Dorothy Cappt, Irene Clark. re wide spaces in whose develap nt tY- Ruth iackle, Fan Allingham and n din will play a prominent part. Cor Marie Thompson, was splendidly rend - esu it be weld that we are lacking in eras,. The aetritu;.,niat was Miss Irene re- Canadian writers on radio when we M. D..imhue, 1,1..0 .M.. and the pupils ,µ have teen like W. It. Cartmel of the taking part were: Helen (\oyer, Dor- othy Brook.. Leonard Bryant, Eva Al- ens cognized as one of the greatest Huth- IlnKhnm, Marie Thomism', Marisa of oriole* tel this subject, While we have Wyse'nuan. Murgnri.t Meade, Roth Incite. Jackie Lembert, Melba ra- gS to the'e.outh, yet we realize that the Stover. Jean Millman, Leila Kennedy, enormous; c potion's is Winnie Thompson. Agnes Jolly, nal rich In minerals mud other rosonrces .Anastasia Langan, Beall Haley, Miln- er.; which look very temVting indeed when leech Bell. End,. Bonner. Emma ore viewed from arrow; the homier by a Haskar. Mary 1'r rt, Freda Hal- m people whose heritage has already been lhm. Mona Man(, Iton Day. Edna , , largely exploited. if we are to have Howw.r. Dorothy Ca Ivy Hurioek. til Strong national Ideals of our own we Leonard Hnrlock. Win hay, Irene ro- ,eahno1 allow Hr:' writers of another Clark, L. Hower, L1111 F.we•ner, of tntlaaY tO do our thinking for ns. Our Willie Douglas, Bertha rklnahaw, st-deatlnp is In our own lands and we Freda Videau. be any sorely kicking in vision if we do not realize that, properly guided. with $lmrtnau's great white Sade 1. atilt for iaourage and faith In the future, ('an-' eontinning in the little store aim ,d ads will stem! out to the later years ; the comer. 11 you dare been 11 nuc a(1 of the twentieth eentnr one of the purchaser yon will know what tithe domilutting fivires of the world. l tire Missing : they don't. '1 r minion Itarlrth afternoon I al regular two-way lommtudcatlon l ler tile (mirth aftetauon the w•e11• . /wrote. tie• Atlantic. The accomplish - known Laura \Verner ladieoi Quartet' mento of 111.• maritime dhalon of the will give n grata. concert. Musical and I AItItI., of w'hi.h Mr. Borrett In traffic drama tie s•krttalls lel costume, sit manager, are of apec'lal interest. as ars and wrongs 1 ea.,,ry one of the members of. this div-. e � Ision has achieved two-way communl- 1 cation with England. e We must admit that there are a Never Fire First J F. IMrrane•e Trodden Gold ... H. V, a o'Itrlen I Na►fletion the privilege of selling tags on the (Tartan -making 1.. 11. Bailey plctlug the dress. nxann 12tH for the benefit of the orange The Conhssions of a Priam [tonna of endow; hlatortcal Is•rldsla, ar orphanage at Richmond 11111. Chines• innternp wprfal features; of their offerings. This application teed to eoowideruble (:race TJ1oiulw,❑ S•tnn }widowing a prelude by the quartett diwul.slon Tin Moor pointed out Life 1111(1 Letters of fiir Wilfrid f oar- at night, Capt. T. Monitore Upton tat tis tag-dlny prfrit a for July ler known as "The it g Brother ofa tt Ju I O KkelMa many topics of Interest in a U 4' B he H a� 1'dh had •Irevdy Iswn granted to the .lobo RklaMson ..-. Wm. R. Itiddeli dyed 'D,ourland Kkls," will give h1 hospital people, The privilege w'as not 'Win. Kirby ... ... Win R. Riddell1� iuoplring address, -The Four-Squa exclusive, but rather than have the Autoblograplly of John 1L•toun I Builder: which is a plea for des two argauizatiun. tagging the wase John killMnn whoksiowe recreation for children. 1 .ay the• hospital ladies had tlgge.ted , In, Fland erg Vieeldw John McCrae ' On the last afternoon, following a p that, as it wens (lrangennett's day. they Morning In the West..Katharine Hale ,-hale convert by \'terra's Hawaii* � would 1. willhtg to withdraw. 1111 The Book of Roberta , . 1.Inyd Roberts Virginia Sade. entertainer and pia: Worship sngge•sted that the -Grunge Jtmke'n Rarthenwar•.. fiarnld Regble reader. will he !ward in a wisellame society rake • donation o a portion s program cnida r ng o the day's who was to the bctslsma Rine Water A. S. with the short sketches' fraw the works of p kindly feeling, towards our imighla.rs Mr. Mew, solo was the spokesman Coufrm►tknR Yonne Men w•Ith the !iv- ' mtnent authors, as we•11 as (lutist n. that we Is/rlsr .r ofrthe orange delegation. thought there in0 (• 1 $ John R. Mott from well-known plays. was norm for both sets of tuggers, but The Fun Jteook Fwlna Gneter "An EV1•ning 111 llaw-otl," origi it waw pointed cwt that It would not Dalin w•nh Tinys .... Helen M. E<llpar musical prodtietton presented by Vi be the most pleasant thing for visitors Men. Maidens and Mantillas .......- 1 rd's Hewett:tem. will be the feat and It would be a detriment to the Soil* B. May on the last night. The production Is hewn. As the Reeve remarked, there Jack Miner and the girls trays moot vividly the music and <•t was a certain amount of irritation Jack Miner Nine' !Jewell, Novel lighting a when people were tagger. Councillor l'lu• Story of a Great schoolmaster . • I wc•nlc elfert•. together wtth app /lumber said there were tome towns H. G, \Vel1A priute costuming and the artistry that abwolutcly refused to allow a tag Pierre ('nrle 1larle Curve the i.omlonny, make 1.1,1 one of the inn (Jay for •n7 1rur101as'• Traeillir,g liale•smanship dllstfta•tly enjoyable number* on t Councillor Worrell men -ed, seconded A. W. Tlinngaa cnida• program. 'onaillor Turner. that the request r....er..00y oo ,ire Antiproton-T11ree tinieue entd•rtalum of the delegation be granted. This was The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency lift (Sat lite), Accident aid Add Insurance Hca.« and Lots in Goderich and Vicinity. and Farm. for Sale \ J. W. ARMSTRONG AMn a 1'artoon.' Fair P. O. no: fA Go.lerich, Ont. CRAIGIE'S 'INSURANCE aid REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO REt4T Modern 2 -story (mine, 4'i ht-r.aon•- ed honer, newly decorated through- out; two jots; corner :•ouch and Blake street+. Sauer Cottages to Rent. J. W. CRAIGIE 1 f tin More Twist -1 oru Men ilamld Dnghie 1 tl f a number of Insurance Payments Systematic saving is an easy way to meet life and fire insurance premiums, taxes, and other fixed Deposit in a Union Bank Savings Account each month one twelfth of your annual premium and and you will have the full premium in the bank when it comes due. plus interest IS UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombc, Manager Farm tees by 4 sitililom. each to be presented on carried. Councillor l'hitt. alone rotiug Smlf"811111`.11111 . n. Hoover different day, will be given in nay; but it vvas evitheitly the wish of dition to the reenter program. or 1114 - the council that the two orgenizetions ults. The Columbia Marionettes will Thrown lit 'Newton MeTnykli 'Mould get together and make scone give .511P entertainment ; Ada Ruth arrangement wherebi a double tagging should 144 avoided. ' - . Kate i II 01)&11. W1214111 TEACHERS -ALL ABOARD win be given by the Miemes Winnifred A letter from the Goderich Salt Ce. Kart reed and after dieeuselon was re - FOR THE PACIFIC COAST! fi attire. In costume, moldings. eketchee ferret] to committee of the whole coun- anti wings based 1)1) inVeilile 'dory - ell. ITI11/1 unit:er lo reported in another 1 ti on 4 Th county clerk notified the eoun- iron convention for 1924 will he held ell of the county le+y for WA: For et VletocIa.'.D. C., 0•0 August 12th to general courtly purposes. 44.552.32; for ion!, • highway rate, $2,1X11119 -total„ 46,606: To feellitate travel for those In the 22. , East elle desire to Attend. a special A draft agreement between the , tole bast been planned 'by the Ontario tows Am eaanty with riqt,,,renee Pitlille 'School Federation's, fmen's end women's iieetIonsi in Cenadien -Na- to the grant by the county , • 45.000 for the immurement of Cambria .road was referred to the !addle works cola - ?Otter. The grant im made • for a from Timone, to the Pacific Cooed nn - gravel mad: der mord feroreble conditions._ The Mr. M. G. Camevon. town eolleitor. 'medal trot% on the weetbound trip sminnitted * draft agreement between will leave Ioronto at 1.00 p.m , sitand- the town and the Dominion Government aril time. Saturday'. litly 20th. end nunierons optional routis re present- ed for the return jouniey. Full information in connection *Rh the triP, also rail and sleeping ear Hon to any of the follovring oft leera of the Onterin Public teeheol Feder - to Public School Men Teachers' reder- *thin.' 44 Silrerthorlt ave.. Toronto; Mr. T.. J. Coning. preeitletit. Onterio Public Scheel Men 'Pinchers' Feder - HMI. Itirnodele ere,. Ilemilton. On t. Ifs Fel 0. Roberts. president. Federation of Women Teneheme Soeth. Hamilton, Ont with reference th the new stater intake whereby the town agrees to remove the pipe at Ds own cost at any time the Government finds it. neeetwary for this to he done for the extenelon of the harbor. This alert wet' referred to the piddle works committee. TIte water and light eonimission notified the manner! that the cherge on 100 e p. markt' street lampa would ik,11 R year from January let. 1024. 'This 'is rislortion of 41.50 per lamp per year.- As the town wax charged on 293 lamp,. tlw. new rate would mean reduction on etreet lighting eharges of approxitnately 4439.30 per year. Couneillor Platt refused to show tiny enthimlaam over this annonnecnweit. "it abonid not cost more then $439 do the whole thing." he remerked ' .1. number of medal aswAg.ment for lneal Improvement Newer,' were sent to the public /mike emnmittee, Cammittee Reports. The finance committee reported that to June Msh the aTIM of 455.74324 of 11124 taxes had been paid to the treats- urer. The total tax roll for the year wee 4104.3/4.45. Current aceonnt de- TrIA nd Mane hall been reduced from AA Old-Thner Salesman -An early +Wrier? Why, treat that gentlemen very reepect- early aettler. Saleernan - An early settler? Why he's not more then forty yeere •Mereheot- That mey be tree. hut demand loon of January 15th, 13.750, 1141 POO's hix nn the firot had been refitted. The. eonsmitbre resew every month. -The Progreenve Oro - mended that the first Installment of erre 0. book elistrach.ra. CANADIAN RADIO NEWS At the preeeet time Canada is liter ally flooded with American maga- zine.' giving Ile AM. -riven 1"11sis andl American %lees on all :he topic. gof th il.ty. Not Only Is this the catte. htt) /114.0 have inflieted 1111 ns in ./1 111111 111 11 magazine,' mei 1141w.popers WWI.? and write-ups that home been copiell from American- MA WI'S. Every trifle! happening If only it token place In New York will he copleol by papers ell over the United Stateio and promptly re -copied by many Canadian papers. ,,Thia makes difficult situ- ation !or 4'09411'1Jan writers of 1111 kinds 111144 Carmen. the Canadian poet. has been foreed to expatriate him - pelf. while other Canadiau writers of ebility are writing thing, for the Am- eriefen 'severe flavored to tiekle the American palate. In radio we find that this hoe led to the absorption of Amerkmn ideas end idt•als on a Very Wide Reale 1A4 110 look at things from e Cenadieti view- point. Hew many people knee' that the firet experiments with radio on timing took Place in Canada on the Grend Trunk Railway in 11104, Pert twenty Universilty, Montreal, WAS one of the very melee( pioneers In re- dio and Wa4 the Inventor of the mag- mene deteetor which he used for redio reception over distancee of two miles 111 his escperiments On England In VMS. The radio experiment. on mov- ing tralna In Canada In 1904 were actually (-wiled mit by Dr. Berne.% who wall esenciated with Prefeeletr Rutherford at WOW Cnirersit. It to start that Canada alumni he 1f91111 the world at the preient tiny, In con- nection with radio reePPtIOR on traina of the Comedian National Railways. Another Intereeting ntollo feature, the SIMPLIFIED SPENDING rad Chequing Account for current expenses necessary to maintain a home and a farm greatly simplifies the business of paying bills. The Lank of Montreal makes a specialty of handling small Chequing Accounts and endeavors to give courteous and satisfactory service. You can arrange to open an account avith us by mail if a personal visit is not convenient. GODERICH BRANCH E. V. 1,11INSILie.. Manager K OF MONTREAL Estiblished oVer 100 years