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Promotions, Commercial Diplomas
sad, Scholarship Wieners
The following aro the promotions
to Form II., based on the average of
the June examinations and the aver-
age of the three previous series of
A. Full Promotion
L Honors -
B. J. Sandy
H. M. Zavitz
IL Honors -
V. Osbaldeston 73
J. Wallace 73
L Bowler 70.1
M• A. McKay 10
J. Groves 68.6
H. Russell 67.1
III. Honors -
G. Cornfield .G4,6
A. E. Baechler 64.4
F. W. Warnock 64.1
8. M. Johnston ......61
J. F. Andrews 63
J. W. Abell 62.
P. U. McEwen 62
M. J. Johnston 6').
C. M. Jewell 60
Credit -
E. F. Currie 59.1'
E. J. W. Porter 58.0"
- G. G. Goldthorpe 58.8
B. Partial Promotion, -having t,t
complete the subject mentioned.'
P. F.. Sheardown Art)... 75.5
G. M. Haache (Art 1.... . 652
E. A .Humber (C. His.; Lat.) .-63.8
D. J. E. Mutch (C. Hist.)... 63.2
J. H. Walter (Art, Bot.).. 63.1
J. B. Allen (Art) ..63.1
L. P. Sturdy (Let.)....61.3
H. L Straiton Liter.).... ...60.1
L B• Ferguson (Art, Bot.) .... 5J.5
R. M. Winter (Geog., Let 1...59.3
J. Worsell (Lat.) •••58.4
J. Bell (Arith.) 57.7
A. B. Sturdy (Alg., Fr., Lat.) 57.2
3. G. Black (Arith., Fr.)... 56.4
T. H. Brownlee Arith. Comp
Fr.) 55.5
M. Et Johnston (Lat. Fr.) 52.3
F. M. Vrooman (Comp. C. His.) 50.6
J. F Roe. (Comp., Lat. Ft.)50
Promotion to 2nd year Commercial
A. Full Promotion
II. Honors -
C. McKenzie.... ... .66.6
D. Panzer 1► .66.5
B. Partial Promotion having to com-
plete the subjects mentioned.
E. Thompson (Stenog.) 66.1
M. I. Garrick (Arith., C. His.) 62.8
H. B. Hamilton Bk.-kp.). 61.8
M. M. Tobin (Comp. Stenog.) 60
D. L. Plante (Comp.) 57.7
P. Hunfalvy (Arith. Stenog.)60
A. Freeman and E. Fel's promo-
tion -is under further consideration.
Form 1r to Middle School
A. Full Promotion
I. Honors -
M. Redditt 76
H. Medley.
IL Honors -
M. Falconer 72
A. Johnston 67.7
M. Cutt 67.6
III. Honors -
R. Hoey 66
N. Ryan 64.6
K. Gardner 6:1,6
R. Homey 63
M. Middleton • 62
Credito -
E. Fowler 59,1
G. Jewell 54.9
B. Partial promotion, -having to
complete the subjects mentioned
M. Naftel (Arith., Geom.)6.1
D. Brown (Fr. 64
S. Jefferson (F 63.7
L. Bruce Gram.) 60
I. Bisset (Arith,
Middle School Adamson Scholarship
with 71.5 per cent. Both of these
are of the value of $25.00.
Those having to complete in Al-
gebra, Ceometry, French and Latin
will have to attend school in the Pub-
lic Library Basement in the morn-
ings of the week before school opens.
Rev. C. J. Cameron, B. A., of Toronto.
will conluet the services ut,the Baptist
church next Sunday.
.4 At the Young People« League meet-
ing at North street Methodist church
nest Tuesday eveuing a wlsstonary
buHetiu will be given. The meeting
will be In charge of ![laser 1)orutby
Westbrook and M. Howell.
The services next Sunday in Vict-
oria *trete Methodist church will be
eustwtrd by the pastor, Rev. J. W,
Hedley, M. A. Morning serve at
11; subject, "Supp.k,g or Knowing."
2 Eveolug service at 7; subject, '•Ae.
conutablllty-" A sordid! welcome to
1 all.
The ('mice" at North greet Meth-
"odlst church next Sunday will be con -
1 ducted as follows : 10 a -m. Yen's
Club and daunt classes. The subject
" How dauld u young man study the
BIhle.' will he Introduced In the
Club try Rev. .1 E. Holmes. The ser-
vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. will be
tree charge of the Irntor• Sermon sub -
Joon : monolog. -Peter and the Lame
Mau at the Cate," evening, "The Val -
Ile of the Seoud !tate." The chunk
school and Ezceb,lor Bible Plass meet-
ings are held at 12 ciclo-k strut the
Golden !.inks Bible ('lass meets at
3 p. m.
A Pair of Accidents
Are You Taking Advantage
of The Signal's clubbing offers ? We
can save you time and trouble, and a
little money, in renewing for your
papers and magazines.
The News of the Town I
For Beat Decorated Store Fronts North Huron Conservatives
In eomm,•tiom with the 12th of July
eelebnulcat hl (;olertcb on 14nturday
text, prizes of $•i and $3 are offered
for the I.et-decorated store fronts.
For the Metsrarial Fund
Mr. Coo. Williams, treasurer of the
Soldiers' !Armorial Fttttd, acknow-
ledges the receipt of a contribution
14-$10 from Mrs. A. W. Rougvle, Itay-
flrhl rued.
A Feast for the Editor
The editor of The Signal hag to
thank lir. Johp Fell, of town. for it
generous gift of new• ant , of the p.nsllk+ut, A. J. Goldthorpe° Colborne
Early III 1. earfetr, They an• • pre.dttownehlp; se•rrtary, 11. J. A. Mae-
earlwell grown and am retn.rksMy Ewan, l;uderiehr
; tesun•t, Dudley
y Hnimes. K l'.. Winglaw.
The annual meeting of the North
liurou t'ous•rvative Aasoelatluu WV/
held at 11'1,,glww os Friday Iasi. Ati-
'Instates were given by Juba) Joynt, M.
1'. 1'.: Gorge Stp,ttou and br. Stewart
1Viiglatu; 'troy.. 11 .1. A. MaeEwau,
Campbell. Dr- ['lark, G.olerkeh;.
Joseph Kerr. Fust 1t'aw,11100,11; Rleh-
and Proctor. Morel. towu.hip. and ex-
%Verde•n 1Villl.iii McQuillan. West 1Va-
n-sMrsll. Resolutions +ver,• passel ex-
Drowsing confidence in the party heel-
ers at mime and Toronto. Officers'
were elected as follows: 1'regldemt,'
Yater W. Se/t, IAelgrn ve ; vice-prt•sl-
drat, W. H. Gregg, Currie; *mond eke -
Poultry Isspesveasemt Pa61k School Board
Poultry -culling demonstratkm. by i
n representative of the ()uteri. De- At the regular meeting ,,f the public
partmtnt of Agriculture will be !held
next week Re follow -it: -At Ito1.•rt
I)avldson,.s, Dungannon, July 14. 2.30
p.m.; loam. Miller's St. Helena. July
1.5. 2.311 pni Mkehael (►bier's. Malt-
' lana eat',•".Ion, ('oli.rtlt•. July 17.
10 11 IA.
Committed for Trial
A. the outcome of the InJurleo suf-
fered liy Norval I'n•elon* s•v.•rnl
weeks ago while drlvityt with Gor-
don Hookah on the Hayfield rood.
Hanlon hag Igen ,ommlttel hy Mogi. -
trete 14041 for trial at the twit a.
sizes nn a charge of resklese driving
e..i*ing bodily harm Ilanhn wits
mottle to proctr.• ball and was taken
to Jail.
Notable Celebration of Jubilee Arent-
versary Held Last Ween
The petariug of the fiftieth milestone
In the history of Masonry in Colborne
towuMilp was mafked by a notable
celebration held at Smith's 11111 on
Wednesday night of last week by
Morning Star ',oder, No. 309. A. F.
and A. M., G.RC.• Brethren were
present from Gederlch, Clinton, Sea.
forth. I.n.•know, Rrussele, Blyth,
Stratford. Toronto find Wowdlstock,
the gathering nnmis•ring. with ]Morn -
Ing Star m.'nrtwre, over a hundred.
Reeve C. A. Robertson. W.M. In
opening the helm. exited I.t.-(col. J. A.
R Vanew, who wag Master of the
lodge when it was Tn.tknted fifty years
ago. to aaenmc Mw chair. The re-
msit.ieg .mc,'.' were filled he old past
mestere. and the work of opening
ami eloetng the lodge was exemplified
In the war It wean dons in bygone
The lodge then adjourned to the
banquet -boil below. where the ladies
hod prepared a bountlfnl repast on
h'flutlfndly drmr'ete.l tehhw
nod. Varve sere a brief se.ount of
the bodge in th • 70's. stating that
there were only nine memlw•rs when
the lodge was hi.titutrd. Since that
time *tome two hundred tore znne
through. Of the nine rhirter mem-
bers only three are now Hying: Will-
iam )faille. of (;o,lcrlch: Major Jos-
eph ite•k, of Toronto. anti Col. Cer-
Speeches wen• glren also by n num-
ber of the visiting brethren.
Morning Star lodge first met In
the tall -room in the obi hotel bnlld-
Ing at Smith's Hill. After two years,
the site now noel hr the lodge wax
vowelless,. A year ago the hall was
, greatly Improve) and Morning Star
1* now quite comfortably housed.
E. Ogram (Gram., Lit.)... 59 ' TAYLOR'S CORNERS. July R -A
R. Kneemhaw (Fr., Lat.).. b8.9 Y7 sh*t'es.ful gtrawlwrry flottival,
nnder the RURpic•s of the Ladles' Ald
A. Davidson 1Arith.) 56.8 of Taylor's Corners. was held on the
M. Murney (Lat.) 56.5 lawn of Mr. Austin Sturdy on Thurs-
.,. McKenzie Arith., Geoin.)56.2 ,pay evening lt"t. Although the wenth-
H. Quaid (Geom., Gram.)...,66 er was semi there OAR a large crowd
H. Crawford (Geom., Lit., present. Following g Isnultlftl sup.•
Comp.) 55 per of atrewlwrrtw, plow, cake. teat,
G. Ryan (Geom.) 53.5 ere,, a cohort but excellent program
C. Archer (Fr., Let.).... 53 was carried out. For this Rev. ('. N.
Grace Hedley and Bertha Wagner, Dewey acted am chairman. The pro -
who were unable to complete the June ram ln.•ln,l(d mutle•RI *eie•tlonam by
examinations on account of illness,
Rowley w'hool or•he'tra of Knox
are allowed full promotions on their eh»mina Geol'rl, h ;elan by Mimes, Jean
year's record. l and Marion Holmes; Redo by Mrs.
Rllealreth ikwey, of London; reAQl.ngs
Commercial Diplomas by Mr. Tom. ('utt; platen duet by Mtn.
Grace Sonley secures Diploma with 4'. N. Dewey and Mire F.Lewey, end
I. Honors in Shorthand end Type- quartette numbers. Tile prnceede
writing and III. Honors in Bookkeep- t amnlrnte.l to $120.17.
int. Miss Grace also won a Bronze
Medal with two bars and a Silver Me-, GODERICH M.4R61[Ti
dal given by the Underwood Type-
riting Co., mpeed 63 net words per W
wdneselny, Jn1y 9th
minute and a gold medal given by the Shona per inn *31 IM) 82 00
Remington Typewriting Co.
Bran. per ton , , , , . , , eft 111[ 30 W
Mary Dalton secures II. Honors in HAy, par 1011 1100/591111141 11 OU
Shorthand and III. Honors in Book- iTRy. msec t"" (Weil)14 MI 1515[
Wheel, per hnWwl 1 15 120
Onto per hurdle! 43 lip
In tekwheet. per bushelto (S
keeping, and will require to imprdve
speed in Typewriting to complete.
Marion 1Vilson secures pass stand- i,atatoe.. per bus. (okll 00 ors
Ing in Shorthand and 1I. 'Honors in , Potattee, (slew) bus. 2 50 3 .10
Typawtitirlq. Barley, pet bushel.. , , tUl 0..
Wellington Donaldson gestures 2nd Cnttic, chole•. per ewe. A 311 7 .1)
year standing in Shorthand an.i ('attel, medium. per cwt 5 324( AIM)
Bookkeeping Cattle. export ser cwt. 7 30 6 (14)
Scholarships Veal ('1111',., per ewt ... - 6 50 9 00
Margaret Radditt is the wanner of 0141e"• per Ib 94 111
7 25
the Adamson Memorial Scholarship ipT,ttgsn r ptettt t per cwt. 7313 1141 400
Is Form 11- with 78.2 per cent. and is Flnnr, family, per ewt 3 75 315
closely followed by Harold Hedley But ter, creamery, 4od lR
with lees per most '1 Rtrtte r, O ktri, p1r Ih A► tic
Jan N. 'Misr irwtllo wham et tbi Rgg)s. fresh, par ties23 Ire
An unfortunate a(rldeot occurred
shortly after noon on Wednesday of
Mils Week at the Western Canada
flour mill". A pile of hags toppled
over and struck Mr. Was J. McNevIn
knocking him against a pulley, with
the result of a lordly fractured leg.
While working on the dredge at the
harbor nn Sntunlay afternoon Har-
rry Prang fell from the derrick .pd
su.taines! a harken leg,
Salt Cemptgy Bylaw.
'After some negotiation with the
Golerk•h Salt Co. the last week, the
town (ounell has deckled to nub -
mit to the ratepayers a bylaw grant-
ing n renewal for a period of tin
years of the concessions at preaeut
enjoyed toy the Company. namely, a
partial exemption from taxation, and
free electric power np to twelve
horsepower per month. The rote is to
he takeu July 31st. The text of the
bylaw In published In the local papers
this week.
A Rai OM -Timer
Mr. Wtn. J. Johnston, who Oat
barn In tinder -lel, In Manch 1837,
eighty -,.even year. ago. 1" 1n tow;t on
a visit- He Is n•markabls keen
physically and mentally for n man
of hie age. am! h1s remlui.,, laws of
early days In Golerleh are ez(wwd-
haRly inten•Ming. One of his enrollee -
Hong Is that he help'd draw some
of the material for the building of
the ennrt house. In the late 44)s. He
ling lire) In Chicago 1h.• last forty-
flvt• years.
121,611 for Gederieh Harbor
The supp1ene'ntary e•st1mI1.. tabled
In the Howie of (commons at Ottawa
on Monday (entail' nn Item of $20-
(65) additional for repairs and Ini-
preremente "t Go,eri,•li harbor. Tltla
1e not as large n rote as was hoped
for, but considering the general reduc-
tion in Dominion Goyernmen1 expenl-
Iture% it nosy be regarded am n rcnsem-
able i(.guitinn of the nerds of (lode-
rk•h harlwr for this year. it Is not yet
known herr on wlint portion of the
con tem plafed berbor 1mprovcmen1
the [money is to be "pent.
A Small Fire.
On Tnemday nfterm,r.n the fire de -
pertinent o•Aa called out to extin-
guish a small fire which broke out to
the rooms used by Mr. Hfldebrnml to
the Wheeler stor0 Mork on Hamilton
street, It 1s saki the fire was caused
by some esthete which had been thrown
out. No great damage was ohne, how -
Peer, ant the Etre WAR extln nilshed
withnnt'the tow of the hose. The aitirMi
wan answered very promptly. but once
again 11e• fire team eras "owed In the
humiliating position of having the
how wngon polled hy en automobile,
"s they welw osit doing r'nndP ork
when the alarm was wnnoll'tl.
A Live Deer on GNsrieh Streets
On Monday a deer was seen by
several people In the ,northern part
of the town. 1t wee conning quietly
along Waterloo street when It sena
'startled and made off. h appeared
also on Napier street, rromwed Vle-
toria and (Ilse ppeared alnna the river
lank- it 1s described 'ss n ynt...g dee.
quite small. The prumene of a deer
has on reported from Port Albert
awl other place" to the north, and
thin may be the same one, 1t 1a many
,cera *Ince It live deer hid htwl
win In (lodcrk•h. 14 1" illegal to k111
deer at this mea"on, end this enter-
prising young sowings m.y wander
afoot the 4rmsp/ torMMtlha.
school hard, held on Mconday evening,
the rl'gwgt•tuent of tem -h one for next
year was cutup le•t.il, with one .•xvrpr
tion, that of Miro 11011, who. being
out of town. had not 'signed her
tract. The pri,c•I
of (',enrol shod
feport.d 1111 av a att•md111se ill
June of ne; boys nil 51 girl., a total
of 116) ,nt of ti total of 17.1 1a, the roll.
At 3'icturla school the average ittt•u-
iLnac• 111 June was 2151 (144 boys and
154 girls 1 of a total enrollment of :611.
The lent sitt•mhun(•e 1. to be so -counted
for by the ,pidemle of measles. The
tar,tl•r of n'pulrx all. pulnting at
Vlctorin school Oro. Left Iti t1.• hs•tlds
of the groutpl" i.nuwlttre and an toe
I.lieiitioi tram J. A. Harrison, eon. -
taker of Vietorht echoed, for an in-
crows- In salary was hold over.
The welding was solemnized at the
hove of the bride's parents at high
noun. Juts ha. of F'Iort•n a Mary.
• third daught. r of Mr. and Mrs. T,
Watton, town- to Frank Wilfred, son
of Mr- sal Mrs. J. (;ardHner, Surat•
furl. The bride sus given In marriage
by her father and entered ttie drawing
noon to the 'amino of the Lohelagrin
wadding man -h, played by Mrs Geo.
Stuart. of Stratford. The (en•wnny
was performed In the presence of :he
ttu'nestle te relit tive" of bride nn,l
groom beneath an arch of prangs
bl,ss.ms and rows. Rev .1. P,.
Hulme', of North street Methodist
ehureh. officiated. The tackle's
dress was of Ivory- satin, with reit
In e•ap efre•t 53.11 wreath of I
orange bloenews, and she earrlel a
bouquet of Ophella roses. 'Attie Elm,'
ane,• i'rieto in a goWI' of white organ -
111.• made it charming fhrwrr-Rlrl.
After the ceremony, He. guests en-
tered the dining -room, w-ler,• dinner
was served. nod later the Iridal couple
left on the 2.2(1 trait for a honeymoon
trip to 4)nelpit St- Catharine,' nod Ni-
agara. the bride tray.'llIng in a cult
of oars pnlret twill. On their return
Mr. and Mr*• (;anllorr will make
their home at Stratford.
Clayton -Treble
A very pr.•ttz welding Ls,k place
On Monday morning, June :p). at the
home of Sir. end Iles, John Treble, '
Colborne township. When their elder
41,111,:hter, !Mum! May. love•ame too•
bride of Mr. Will Clayton, moo of lir.
and Mr.. Albert 1'leyton Woodstock,
Ont. Rev. 1V. H. Hos. offleiii ,.I.
The bride entered the parlor leaning
on the• aro of her father, to the
atrnits of the itridal (chorus from t
ia/h,•nerlu play,el by the bribe's sla-
ter 1;b1011'R, mrd look her pine.. uudb r
an -lo of prink and wbite ribbon and
sorting, blossom*• kinked with piulk
and white peonies and ferns. The bride
• At The Harbor
The ("fleeing hats arrived with
their elrgows at the G,rIerk•h elevator
during rip• mai'st' week:-oilentiv.t
Thursh.y, 80..1561 bgsiels s're.•nhtgs
And 111:01561 Inas):els Oita; ('auadiau
Trailer. Satnrduy, 143,1146) bushels
tats: Glem•aini. Monday, 18000 bus.
oats, 115,101) bushels wheat ; Glenlivet.
Tuesday. 1118,1145, bushels wheat.
Tito pleasure yacht ••Nikko•' was it
port on !Sunday. This yacht Is a con-
verted submarine chaser, laving done
service daring the t;rat loan It
was i.ouglit from the Guvernmett and
t'nnert.l into a iiI.asure yacht by
.John Me4•,,rmick. the famous singer,
and at hlo death imaged into the
land. .f the preview owner".
Novelty Nlgrt al tits Par.
The tlrst "novelty night" to be hest
ret the Pavilion this 'season teas It
great e!ueee•tw.. Netrly fire hundred
people took this opportunity on Tues-
day night of spetsling an enjoyable
evening. There would probably have
been a still Iarg-'r j'rowd had 1t
mot Ia4•11 for the thrrnt.•hhlg weath-
er. .1s it was, ears came from Wing -
ham. Lnknow. Clinton, Rlyth, and
other neighboring towns. T11.. monde,
which wit. Mrnieltel by l'am'a Har-
mony our. the tow orchestra which
le to play at the i'a,IIi., through -
nut the ;swoon. wits of the rest and
the success of the evening was due
largely iu the effort, of he mmsi••-
hens. One of FTP' novelty ,loner, west
it balloson waltz, w•ihcit W11s much
eij,.yeil. Daring another donee molter
lata were dlstrlhuteol laid the next
dune went free to anyone wearing a
paper hat- The management have ar-
ranges fur -extra fewtnree for Tuesday.
July i:wh. and will make nrraugementa
ho have spte•LI IlIhtilog for different
Maitland Golf (club
The drew for 11.e nest rowed in the
1.iny41 trophy (e•mpwtition of the 'Mait-
land Gel( ('lub le 8s follows: S. Hardy
-I). I), Mooney: : R. 1.. Lloyd -A. .1
MacKay: H. C. Young -A. C. ('em
pion. The fine draw for the flerrnw
trophy w-111 he posted In Ih• ('lith
house Immediately and all pinyon. are
requested to play off a" soon as
31r. J. C. Black.toue, of Owen "ond,
win+1 I.ie permits lien• at the week -end.
Miss Nora Hurley, of Semis. 1e
speeding holidays lel town.
Mrs. E. J. How.on and son, of To-
ronto, are viaititg at the home of the
toner's mother, Mr's. Knox.
Mr. Fil. 1'ridluam, of \1'iuniprg, . ta
['siting hie parent., Mr. and !tin.. 11'.
C. I'ridhatu.
1114 Jean Reynold., superintendent of
Heloolter luapital, is the guest of Mrs.
Ilaller J. Buchanan. -
Sir. ao& Sirs. Jos. 31. Neale, et To-
ronto, visited \Ire. Snryd over the Week-
end. They hate shortly ,,n their annual
automobile trip to Kentucky.
Rev. ('anon Seager, D.1►„ provost of
Trinity College. Toronto, with Mrs.
Scalier and flueily, is here en hie annual
suuunrr visit W his parcnle, Sl r. and Sln.
C. Seager.
Slims" Film and Jean SIacEwen left
last weak 011 a trip 1.) Eorupe.
Mr. and Mee. FA. Glx, of Chicago, and
Mr. and Mrs. Benson Cox, of Leaming-
ton, are here thio week vi. icing their
rtatrr, 01*. 8. .1
31r. Jack Clifford, of Stretford, spent
Sunday itt •li,tlrrich. 1
Mime Eathcr Baker, of Stratford, i. the i
gust .•f her sister, 31r., M. Smith, North i
Eutertainmeat - r Auspieaa a:
H Auxifary
On Tn.'s,bly rut►ig a very plias-
lug enh-rtatuw t was given before
an apgrre'iatb'e iu•Helsee in Csllon
church tinder' the auu,pier., of the Wu-
awn's lioepital Auxtliary'ot liode•tieli
trwnslitp, The program eouslsted of
I "0104, choruses, recitations anti it play.
I._ 31r, H. K. Revell, titling as .telr-
Itutu', opensel the e,t'r(alum:m wIth
a torte( but apt aehlreas. Which suited
1 :he 0.1141.11 very nicely, He (ompli-
1 awutel the 1Vomen'r Auxiliary upon
the energetic way In whieh they went
I about their must worthy work otT*lr-
1 Lug tnooey for u new hospital and
West nu 1.. ...y flat few Iwopk' rea-
Ilae the number of w•eus of sorrow
ami o that take ace In the rooms
` j7 1)1
I of such an In.tltutiuu Ile alto point
el out that it wan the duty of
all who could not pefirrally ail snub
I a cause to help In any way that was
' in their power, and that they should
I emstder It an honor to be able to
give such uwlstane;
' The ut-xt retuulwr 011 the program
was it silo by Mrs. thwart•, whk•h
was mush appr.•.•luted by nil Mils
(:rue (comsat aet.l as aceinufnuoist
for this ...les -Goo and for the other
solo..- that were rendered during the
evenhlg. She a1.0 played several pop-
' tiler W101'1lum. (a•f.r1• the heglpuing
of the program. Th^s• were enjoyed
very un.•h and hiss 1'ot.tt.n deserves
cr.siit for 11o• willlii,it'., with which
she gic.-s her tulerlt fur ouch peva-
The cleirus. s were u.•xt on the pro-
gram and 4..'ge were presented by
the suave group that press -Met! the
h)uteh chornw•x in the G. 1', 1- gym -
nominal am a part of the "May -Time
itertu'." The grentp prsrntel a very
pleasing right in their etrlklug Ihtoh
isealimes and their .choruses nailed
'gnwtly to the , Truing s amnw•tlwnt.
During the e%rnlog Mr,,. F- S,11nc1,•rw
r.•nedenl tau silos in her usual de-
lightful [matinee. Mb« Tye also ming a
solo which was much appn,•Iat.d•
Itei•Itithnm were given by Mr. Tom
Cult in it manner which .1laplayel tJie
lathed he unloibt..11y ple44444.101444.
The play- ''The !tutu e4 !(alfoni.."
was prew•ulel by the some cant as
In the "May -Time He'vue." TIM. play
went off very eui othly ata] met with
an appreciation that well repaid the
player.. for their .lis•omfurt, iu play-
ing on .w -to a sntald stag.'.
.3(0 r the prograw the Women's
Auxtliory served a lunch to the enter-
tainers Int. lie .sc.rby odusdir(Miwf.
whl.4,, needles* io say, was thorough-
ly • d., -et
(h1 the whole the eutertalnment
proved a great stares. and the Wo-
men's Auxiliary le to be compllme.nt-
el upon the excellent program ar-
riingel for this event,
rt recta
.air. and Mrs. Joe Grittin and little
son, of 1)ttruit, an. visiting relatives in
tow n and in A.hticld.
Miss Slargen•t 3h,rtIn, ..f 1)rtro, is
spending her holidays with her cousin,
3164 Martins Hussey.
let .1, 14. 1w1...urr1, of lotnlot,- i.
spending a toot days in town.
Mr. I- rank lfurtin, of 1)etrolt, was
In tow a o'er the week -end.
Sir. nod 111x. M. Ainslie !ave re-
turned (row Detroit, where'.they were
visiting friends.
Miss 1n•mc Sault+. teller at tLe
Union Bank. 10 on her holidays. Ione
fug her aln.•ce Mist Mae Grlffln 1a
acting teller.
ltev, 1)r. i5. -kir and family, of
AK.ntn-ai. have arrived to occupy their
summer home at Menem -tong Park.
Mr. James Mitchell. '.1 town has
herrn eke•ted a councillor of she Om -1,
tarts) Historical Society.
Mims i.. 1-lnelgnne and Mr. Frank
Shields, of Detnit, malted at the •
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos- 1thields 1
over the week --end
• • •
Lawn Bowling
Goderfeh howlers were very suc-
trReful at the Hensen tournament on
Welne•,lay of title week, capturing
first and w.ond prows. The first -
prize rink was: Fred Cralgle, Reg.
Mr rmen, T. McDermott, F. flank
(skint, and "cernd prize was taken ••v
the cin'. reimposed of F. Toole, EI:
Symouek., J, Brophey and J. B. Swat -
field 1skl O. A Clinton rlok got third
prize end • !tensile rill/. the fourth.
• • •
.Blue Water Golf and (country (club.
The ithte Water Golf and Country
Club wax rcprfinent..l at the opening
of the new club house of the Strat•
ford Golf Club on 1Veeknrs(lay of (him
week by Messrs. It. 1.. iloyd. D.
Hustings, H. 1'bwlneke•r. II. Young,
W,•*Icy Reid nisi lfc'Paggart, Messrs.
Lloyd and Iteld we're- 1n good form
null 1.801 won R first prize.
The new eons"' at Blue Water Is a
great altractl..t, to the $tmm,•s ,-Is-
for.. and a dozen or more are playing
over it every day,
On Tu'tdny the (club "pro." Mr.
Dodd Ihuetings, made the first port
of the ,oars• al pour, 3'(.
• • •
(3oderieh Wine at Clinton
wore pert grey ,untou 0rep• trimmed
with .:.tin n1:IJ,; .reel held", rend
grey toile veil t•anght rep With orange
hlns.r,us and carried ( )phenol roses
and maidenhair fern. Little Walter
Sie srio,-n. .Ire..(1 111 a white suit
trimmed with 1' • and Goa rryiyt n
1,8.4.4 of pink nail whin• flowers,
made n pretty little lege boy. During
the "l.;ning of the register Sir.. (Rev.)
W. 11. 11oss gang '1;011 Slade Thee
lune." Following the ceremony the
gwieo.t., numbering thirty, mat down
to a dainty weeding breakfast whieh
waw served by four of the bride'. girl
friend*. Tater the happy tnttple left
by motor amid mhowers of confetti
•,fur their new bonito ret Putnam. Ont.,
Intending to *tart on their honey -
Moon trip to the ('/west n we -At later.
The bride's going-awny. .nit Was nary
bluer French (rieftne with p•neli-el-
ortel blouse of crepe-de-ehi,,e beauti-
fully embroidered and toweled, With
grey hat anti deem. The grainu'a
glft to the bride ween rope of pwnrii,
to the pianist and soloist pretty gtd.l
bar pima. end a "Byer petw•II to the
page 'soy. The bride Rn1 groom re -
mired many useful gift., including
w chegtie from tooth I"are•nts anti half.
ad(a5n 'Myer knives' and forks, ac-
eemmanipd by an address, from North
Zion timhrrlt, of which the bride One
a member. The many friends of the
bride Rro1 groom wish them ninny
years of happy welded life. They
will he at home to their many friends
otter Met:timber Int
The Ahme'k ('hep ter, 1. O D 3.,
will meet In the lkwtnt of Trade
rooms on Moseley. ,tnly 14. at 4 p -m.,
All the mewflwre Are re),wsted to be
3'l.r .rh1.dnled Lengne baseball game
bosses -en tele Purity's nut Clinton
.t bleb was to Iw• pint•rd ret ('Itntot, on
\londnt• of this week %'A. •sedpond
en account of rain mull Wed Y.
1k•.pite• the threatening weather the
I'trtty'. went M 4'tinhill rend rhnoel
the jinx •whieh that town arms to
hold for the Geodetic!' teems snot
sailed an 8-3 victory. This gleets the
Purity's first place In grnnp A of the
Huron (bunt- Teague, The Purity's
hive not hoot a League game Dile
Season. having Tenn nine and fled one,
that being ret Sc..f.rth.
Lindsay. on the round for Godee-
rleh. patched hie beet' gnmp of the
s•axen by keeping the few hits he .114
allow well setterel. In the Inst In-
ning. lie 1ad wveral hltn twirl.
ngshust ham which, heel it been lighter,
would Imre (wenn "arc 0111.4. 1111•:et
for ('lint,,,, emtld not hold the Pur-
ity'. nn41 Wa.1 relieved in the fervent!.
by 3f'1'nggnnt. 11.' however, was wild
and neve•rnl l'nrfty'ts received life by
four wild ones.
Heine« end Rnidnsnn for the Pnr-
Ity'. each got It three -rase hit. Ib m.
Py the hnr,l-hitth,g fir"( bowman for
Clinton. hint miss.) a h,mie run by
R tow feet when he drove the hill
over the left field! fear. T•Inde"s then
went to work on htm nmi stntrk
hlnl out.
in the loot innings Clinton "rand
two runs. The Purity's were Inky
flint mere rune were not *Gond, we it
wax g.•tting dark.
The "wore by innings.:
Lhtrlty's 1 00 1 20 3 1 A -6
Clinton 000010002- 3
Rafterlrs: Lindsay, Haines; Butler
Mil'agg"r►. Elliott, Horcy.
Mrs- W. H. Jackson underwent an
operation at Alexandra hospital 011
Monday morning and in doing as well
as could be expected.
Mr. H• l'r.ston Strang, of Toronto,
and hl" ncpbew, Ted Hewson, of
Newnarket, ore vieltktg at the home
of Mrs. H. 1. Strang.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin and family 1
bit On Monday for ',ninon after viuitiug
friends in G.derich Wand Kingr.bridg.'.
They were srompwuicd to Detroit by
Bert Martin, of Kingsbridge,
Mrs. Walter Sharman. Mre. Herb
14..1.1, and Mr. awl Mr., Bert Harland.'
of 1)1'trolt, who are summering at stay -,
field, so re vi.Jtora in town on Vigor -
Mr- Maelona'd Gild. "reenlist of
Knox church. left for the Pacific
l'..ast hist week on a nll.,irit s hell -
days, !hiring 1115 ahem•, Mr. Jack
Mele.rmld Is 111 charge of the organ.
1)r. J. A Itolllns, nn ex-1Vank•n of
the (snooty. was a pleasant .eller at
the ,Dort hotu..• one tiny this week.
The 1hs'tor practised at Exeter for
many y.erth but at preset 1s Ilving
retired In I.npdon.
Mr- and Mrs. Fre! It•ne•w, of De-
troit, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phalth
ard three children and Inmate! Me.
!wool, of ltuffalo. were visitors at the
home of Mr. Dun Mele.sl, 44:. Darld's
street, the past week.
Mr, 111141 lir, O. (;. Lynn nn.1 daugh-
ter, Mttte George -an. and Mr, and lir".
D. It. Faust and children, Mneter
Ge.rge cud Mia Jane, n4 of Detroit,
W1.1-1. Jere over ter• week -,eel and
brought with them lir., J. Lynn. who
hafip'heen visiting thein at )k'tr lt.
Hs MEll Symonds. of Brantford.ht
herr on lila 1441111131 11011 10 the n1d
hone' town oral 1. stnyhig with his
brother. Mr. 1V. :1, Symonds of Salt -
ford. 11e Is acomptauiel on' the visitby hi. son, Norris, 41 young haat whit
has just com plted his High Schoolur,m'.. -
Out-of-town Rut.••'s tit the Blue BIn1
ten nhop:Mr. end Mr". 1', E, arrivesend femlly, C.slerl.•h twitehlp: Mrs,
roods-. Miss .igncs (101111w', 4'1111(1M;
Mr. nap Mr.. W. itrydour, Clinton:Mr.. E. J. J, -skins. London; Miss Oral
Stedriart, ieteoit; Mrs. A,-('. Mae19e•
ar,,Torn,,to; MI,.Young. Tomntn;
MI". M. E. Jenkini., Woodland/4, (Tin-
ton; Mime L,. MneVirar, Welland: 0.
E. Holt, Toronto; Max Ket'helces
11,l le, Santa .F1; New• Mester); Doug-
ln. Cultism/v. Stratford
Mr. 'IndMot .1. II. Kenny and two
sone, Lune cud Jackie, Mr. and lens.
McKee Johmeton, Mr..lark Rot ler, Mr.and Mrs. !linty Trou,hley stool inn
Jointer, .11 of Ik•troit. made a jolly party
which spent the week -end bens the
gond,'of Mr. and Slr.. J. M. Heeler.
. mlo
Le Healer nc.mponk.I them on their
return and will ep•nd two weeks at De-
troit. Mr. and Mb.. J. M. Bowler soft
Mr. and lire. Relit. Standieh intend to
go down at the end of this Week for A
vineof R week or ten days with their
friends at ik'troit.
James McManus, the enterpridhg
('nlhorne• dairyman, 1m apilpping the
)...tiding on East street formerly or -
emoted n" Stolen,fruit warehouse
with " pstenrlsing plant.
A1'11i'itN, July 9 -Mr. Rohl• Mc-
Gee Is visiting friends at Klneardlne.
Mr. and Mrs, (ha*, lturronl. of
Winglam, were %letting relate...* here
this week.
M.s. Huy- Farrow and little daugh-
ter Dorothy, of IAtroit, are visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs- J John -
Mrs. IT. McTtee', sister. of Detroit.
s visiting with her at present.
Mr. and Mr.. 11'. Meld and family,
of 'Vimlwor, formerly of Auburn,
spent the week -end at their home
Mr. and Mrs. 11'. T. itilhlell and
Mr. and -Mrs, W. Moe;ill motored to
Niagara this week
311..' McColl, of t'llutnn. is visiting
ter sister. Sirs. 1V. Itotlnsrtn
Mr. and Mrs. It. i). Munro, Sibs S;
II111r and ling D. E. Munro, motored
u :molt Ste Marie this week to
pend 11 couple of weeks with rela-
lvt* there
Mr. and ll r., Joe. Carter and little
on. of Port Elgin, visited with the
°rimer'. toren[", Mr, and 31ra. Jas
Cn rter.
Sirs. W Jackson and Miss Margor-
t .I , -k.ut left ern Monday to visit
'Santos inAlre West,
Mr. J. 1). Murdoch and his (laugh-
ers, 31i... Ethel and Mime Laura, of
%enkindle, Sate., are viedMng milli
ii,tiv.w here.
Miss Mildred King, who 1111!• been
bolting at lVhnlsor, returned dome
to Saturday.
Niemen. lien, 1-bi Into, Albert Ke1-
.teg!l ami Harry lteedle motored
coISetrolt, spending the week -
ml at their home here.
Thefuul•n.l .d the late Mrs. Ilelw
'osk platefrom her late remittent* ou
'teny to Bull's eeme•tery. The sym-
pathy of the community Is extended
o the bereaved ones.
Mr. ani Mrs. Jae Jark.on having
m ornlel from their weakling tour, a
nevennmhwr of their friends and
i-ighlorm met on Monday evening,
red preeente) term with an address
nil two handsome w•M'me
chairs. 'e
room mad* a suitable acknowieelg-
en t,
The Methodist and 1're terteian
hme•hee" in the village pare agreed
4) il
confider. their millers Wille thou,
eape•MYe gakfhatere are sway m
at holi-
lays. The floof three *them merriest
will Ile110111 In Knox church next Sus'
lay ',rooting. July 13th..at 7.30, and
will liefo,dueiM by the Rev, -P,11.
Ranee, There will be no 'terrine Is
Knox (introit In the morning. hot the
Rablath wheal will meet as tsMal
The following Sunday the nerrtee will
he befellat 1030 a.m. ail h Keen