HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-26, Page 10ralte taxer `8111-Thurrday, June 26, 1921 d Sig NEWS OF SPORT Gederlrh 4--CUatoe 3 tin Join. 24rd the Clinton baseball teem played their fire local game against the Godorteb boys. For the visitors Butler pitched, while Lind- say twirled for the Moat. These two teams are the "claws' of the. Hue-, wn Dengue. and put up as good a brand of toll as has been Breen here this season, and although she home team won by a comfortable margin 1he game was Interesting. l'Ficton scored the first run on their twat appearance at bat. a double by Match followed by timely hits by Bovey and G. Elliott resulting in the score. Goderich in their half of this innings came right back to even up the score Lindsay creased the plate after walking. stealing and being sscrificed by /lapses. scortng on an error. ',Kitchell made the final out of the innings in n belated attempt to steal borne. in the third Lonluge Clinton jumped Into the lead. liberality on Lindsay's part in walking Mutch and Geddes re tilting in the scoring of a run when Mitchell erred on Elliott's roller. Goderich was then kept off the score .het until the fifth innings, when they cllncbesd the gave with tour musters. btatbi walked. Lhasa/ reaceled first on an error, Roberson doubled, Mitchell went out to Ged- des. "Jaynes reached first when G. Elliott attired up the play and scored on a single by Carrick after Spafford had earn* out, four runs counting. Auuther was stored by' the locals la the eizth on a Walt by Stahl, follow- ed by a double by Robinson wbieh 'dutch mtajudged. The final excitement was gives the tans by Clluton to the ninth, when they tilled the bases with hits by 0. Elliott and HJggInet and a walk to 'Kutch. "Norm" eddeet had a chance to pull out the game with a circuit cloutbut grounded out easily for the final out. The Goderich boys turned In another double play this game which was just made to order, the ball travelling smoothly from Mitchell to Spafford to Nairn. There were several stolen bases. both Lindsay and Haynes show- ing how it an be done, Carrick made a nice retch on McTh gart's fly after a run. Robinson aught a foul fly that would Dot have been attempted but by an ambitious young- ster. Mutch for Clinton also added a feature In an out on Nairn. Many of the fans remained at home, so missing the best game of the sea- OMINION r son. It's safer to see them all. I Goderich AB R 11 PO A 1.lndsay, p Roblusun, 8b 'Mitchell, w. Hayues, c. Spafford, !►i Carrion, lf. Weir, c.t. Nairn. 1b, Stahl, rf. 3 2 0 2 4 1 2 3 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 4 0 0 2 4 0 1 1 4 0 3 0 0 1 8 2 2 0 1 • 2 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 - GODERICH, ONT. e8truek out: By IQndeay 10, by But- s Iler 5. Double -play: Mitebell to Spafford to 0 Nairn. 1 Bacrinue hits: Mitchell, "layette, 2 Nairn. O Leh mabaana: Goderich 0, Clin- t) ton 10. O Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes, O Umpires: J. Muteh and R. Sperling. 1 32 8 7 17 Ito rf. AB t IftM » ef. 3 Gee situ. 2b. 4 Hovey. lb.. e. 4 .7. Elliott, e. Ib. 4 Cook, all. 8 McTaggart, 3b. 4 F. Elliott, lf,, se. 4 Butler, p. 4 T.Ivermore, If. 1 11 H O 1 2 1 1 1 0 O 1 9 0, 2 2 O 0 1 O 0 2 O 2 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 PA 1 • • s O Btiiyf1eid Rena Paid* . The next baseball game here will 9 4 be tomorrow evening (friday), when hayfield will be the opposing team. E iThe game will commence at 5.45 O o'clock. O - •:• • O BIyIB 11.' 0sissieh Township 5 ' 1 BLYTIf. June 2OE-.41lyth baseball 0 I team and Goderich tele ehlp team 1 A 0 2. 0 6 1 1• O 1 0 O 0 3 0 0 0 36 3 8 17 11 2 genre by Innings: Clinton 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-3, Goderich 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 x -fl I Two -base bits: Robinson 2. on balls: Butler 4. Lindsay 3 - 'Hit by pitcher : I.1 miss y. IN GODERICH TUESDAY, JULY lst, 1924 en's Games On the Square, commencing at 9.30 a.m. Prizes are offered as follows BOYS 41411311 60 -yard lice, 6 years and under 50 -yard race, Myears and under 1st $ .75 .75 100 -yard race, 10 years and under,.... ,,,., •75 100 -100 -yard rano, 12 years and uunder..... • 1.00 Three -leered race, 12 years and under ...... Running Broad .lump, 14 years and under ..... _ ..... .75 • r,0 -yard rnec, 6 years and under . ... a-. .75 .50 -yard race, 8 years and under •........... •. •..... •• .76 50 -yard race. 10 tears and under .... ...,. ,. '\.>, .75 50 -yard race. 12 years and under 7b 100 -yard racgt4 years and under ...... ''-1.00 thread-theeedle race. 14 years and under 1.00 ')toot rare ()aced shoos), 12 year, and under -,76 / .50 .25 At 10.30 o'clock, on the Square, there will be a Baby Clinic, conducted by W. j, Tillman, M.D., of the Institute of Public Health, London, Ont., assisted by the Alex- andra Hospital Nurses Alumnae. st prize, $3.00 2nd prize, $2,00/ ;' 3rd prize, $1.00. `°ir k Unveiling of Soldiers' Memorial 1 played •k good game here yesterday. The severe was 11-5 in favor of the local team. in the ninth Inning the pilcher for Blyth. Jack Colles. made a spectacular play when he ran and caught a foul, having to reach over the wire. An unfortunate incident in connection with the game was the injury sustained by Robert Somers, of the Blyth steam, when he and the catcher. Cotte+. both trying to cutch the ball, collided. Dr. Milne was on the ground and attended to Somers' Injuries. He was taken to his home in a semlronwetous condition. SHALL BASEBALL DIF.! To the Editor of The Signal. - Where are the baseball crowds of two or three years ago? This question must arise 1n the minds of the few loyal fans who still attend the games and follow the fortunes of the local team as they see. week after week. the mere handful of spectators, the same faithful few. at every game. Verily, we don't get just as classy ball as we used to do, but we were fortunate to get games of city league calibre as long as we did, and if we had the' right kind of opposition we could still' make them bustle to win, but it is un- fortunate that, so far, our opponents litre been rather week, but neither our boys nor the management of the HAVE YOUR WAGON TIRFS Cold Set for a permanent job. Dominion Road Machine cooky �y Road Oil FINAL NOTICE 'No eetilbris for Road Oil will he oonsideasd later than SATURDAY, JUNE 28 It is proposed to order another car of roast oil if sufficient petitions are sent in at once. (Signed) B. C. MUNNING9, Chairman Public Works Coto. local team can be blamed for tbat.I 1'he few men who are lryiug to keep the game alive here have had an up hill fight dila season ao for, and only by sheer hard work and by sacrificing , their time and energies were able to; help form the Huron County League, which, while only In its Infancy. prom - lees to be a good thing for the sport) here, but' It strikes nee very forcibly that if we want that league to grow, as other runt county leagues are growing. and really want baseball in our town, we must show our loyalty to the toys by attending all their games, not au occasional tit -bit. We few who saw the game hist Mon- day evening are unanimous In de- claring It to be a good clean, «nappy game. sad we'll get more of them if everyone will turn out and boost for "good clean ball in Goderfch." A 10F:AL BASEDALlir FAN. Goderich, June 24. MARRIED. Me-('ARE-THL'RLOW. - On June IStb. at the Victoria street parson- age. by the Rev. J. W. Hedley. M. A., Mary Myrtle. eldest daughter of Mr. and Yrs. Hugh Tburlow, Colborne township, to Cherles James. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCabe, Goderieh township. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of t- he Estate of James Johnston, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons having claims against the estate of James Johnston, tete of the Town- ship of Ashfield in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, to send the same. duly verified, to the under- signed. on or before the twenty-eighth day of June, A. D. 1924, after which, date the executors will proceed to distribute the said estate among the persons entitled thereto. haring re- gard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice, and that they will not be liable for the pro ceeds of the estate so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. I Dated at Goderich this 5th day of June. A. D. 1924. HAYS & HAYS. Solicitors for the 'Executors, Goderich. Ontario. NOTICE TO QRODITORS. t'IRlie.estate of Catherine ,MClntoeb, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf. that all persona basing claims agatnet the es- tate of the above-named Catherine Mc- Intosh. o-Intosh, who died on the 10th of Feb - emery, 1924, are required on or before the b d of July, 1924, to send in the seeps duly verified to the undersigned solfdtors for the administrator with w111 *Veered, and that atter said date the administrator with will annexed wi11 distribute the assets of the said deceased among tee persons entitled thereto, and w111 not be itable for the said assets to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. PRO1DFOOT, KILLORAN &HOLMES anSolicitors for Administrator with will nexed, Goderich, 7th June. 1024. TOWN OF GODERI H, , 1924 Taxes Discount of 2% off first instalment has been extended to June 3Ut1-. Penalty of 5"'; will be added to first instalment if not paid by July I st. Pay your Taxes and save the discount. WM. CAMPBELL, Ta 1y' Collector, Goderich. In Court House Park, 1.15 p.m. Address by Rev. Dr. Cody, of Toronto, . At Agricultural Park. Game called at 4 p m. ` Batteries : Stratford -Young and McKenzie. Purity Flour -Haines and Mitchell.' The Stratford pitcher is Jack Young, the former Goderich ace, whom his ad- mirers in this district will be glad to see in action again. Stratford is in the Southern Counties League, where airtight baseball is played, and the game will be a first-class exhibition of the popular sport. Witt ?. • . ;fit Admission : Adults, 35c; Children, 15c. Grand ;ening For Sufinmer, 1924 Saturday, June 28th PAVILION of Highland Dancing on bandstand., (GODERICH, ONTt ( NEAR SUNSET HOTEL) Dancing 8.1 c --11.43 Mesio 1►T ' Nadwin ElEs Orc`estra, Loudon During July and August this Orchestra will play every night at The Pay. Meet Me at The Pay. Miss Rose Strang arrived last wet* from Kingsville and will apeud palls of the summer vacation In town. Capt. Nubbins of the Solvating!) Army, who has been in charge for the lost year, hate been ferrel to Halleybury. SOB &ALE -HOMEGROWN STRAW - berries. WILLIAM OONNBLL. !Milford Heights. ltd FOR SALE. -.A DODGE SEDAN, late model; condition new ; good tires; low price. Apply to DOMINION OUNDRY'S SAIF. REGISTER ' ROAD MACHINERY 00. Wednesday, July 2 -Auction sale of Mantling hay at lot 7, nes $i ,u 7, 6, C. SHINGLES, -Carload of B. 0. W. D. Ashtteld, property of J. t, ar XNXNX shingles and cedar MAIDS Iwltuu. at McGaw Station. ROBERTSON & TREBLE. B.R. No. 5, Goderich, Tele- phones -Dungannon tied Carlow. lh)R SALE. -ABOUT TEN AOBAMI of good alfalfa hay with timothy mixture; also right acres of tlatothe hay. CHAS. MPPHEE, R. R. No, 8. Auburn. Telephone. Colborne Muni- cipal 1813. Thursday, July 8, -Unreserved tac- tion sale of farm stock, implements and household furniture, property of Mrs. Lewis Taylor, West Wswauoah. Saturday, June 28. -Clearing auc- tion sale of house furnishings, prop- erty of Mrs. Whitehouse, to be sold at the residence of Mr. Monday. Keays street. WANTED AGENTS AND SALESMEN N WAN- ted. whole or spare time. Exper Sense not neessery. Free eq Ipmtot. Liberal pay. WELLAND N ' WRY CO., Welland. PUBLIC NOTICE PT'RLiC NOTICE. - Dl .ING MT ten menthe vaatton from Gewle- rkh my machine whop will be open for repair work as usual with Mr. Harry Hunt In clsrge. I am In a position to repair threshing outfits; boring cylinders and fitting new pluton 5141 rings: electric welding cracks In Ateliers: ensting'. cutters re- built. patteiss and new csspinse made to order. ga. line engines rebuilt as goal as new, lawn mowers .dtarpned, stell water troughs and eerapere for sale. Itrireg ,along your avoid the rush. 1 w bills of 810.00 and over ork ettrly and earry your 11 fall. TAGS. \eA NR►Y, AUCTION SALE \\`. /BLEARING AT'(CTIOX SALE OF A quantity of gnod House Furvlate ingst property of Mrs. Whitehouse, to be sold et the residence of Mr. Monday, Keays street. Godertch, on SATURDAY. JL'NB 2811 Sale at 1.8Q o'clock !beep. The !let includes: 1 French polished Walnut stand: 1 3 -piece Ii,Kal►og- ny parlor suit ; 1 Wal- nut who 1 old English Walnut framed mirror ; 1 much ; 1 folding card table; 1 Oak table; wicker chairs; dining chairs; easy chairs; 1 Wal- nut dining table; 1 Raymond drop - head sewing machine; 1 Columbia grafonola and records; 2 complete bedroom suite, mats and springtt ; 2 complete toilet seta; several pieces new linoleum; 1 large rug; 8 pair rtains; a number of English car- penter tools; a number of volumes on Electric Engineering; nearly new window screens; 2 English trunks; 2 cheats: 2 movable baths; 1 Perfection, 3 -burner store; 1 Weleome range; a quantity of alumintam kitchen ware; china, crockery, glasewsre, lamps, cutlery; new brooms and brushes; 1 aviators helmet and root; old paint- ings. pictures, cushions and nnmerone COR SALE. -CHURCH BUILDING g and lot on South street. Sim of building is 20 x 36 feet and is In goo& condition. Apply to GEO. JOHNMTON. Bayfield road. R. R. No Z Goderie . or A. BEAVERS, Elgin Ave. L`OR SALE. -4000 CASH AND BAL- I. AITIf once on terms gets 28aer'0 farm facing Provincial highway two milesfrom Goderich. Six room house, bank barn, mina bush with spring water, well at hoose and barn. plums. peaches, curran berries, apples. pears and eropa. HER- BERT SCOGGINGS, Huron road. 81 L'()1; SALE. MODERN TWO -STORE A brick house with double lot ane steel garage; stone foundation; deep cement cellar with Al furnace; grounds and house le excellent condition; every posslble modern coovenleaa; two minutes' walk from Square. yes in exclusive dlatrict. Ideal location' I for trmall children. Apply SiGNAL OFFICE. MUST' PROF. W. H. , JACKSON, Organist and Director of Music. North I street Methodist Church. Instruction Igiven in Voice Culture, Organ, Piano, Violin. Guitar. Theory, etc Studio and residence, Church street. Phone 891 AUCTIONEERINO THOMAS GIINDRY, GODERIC(L LIVE' /MOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give atl faction. Farmers' sale notes diecountsd. j M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER for household effects tarn stook, etc., for the County of Huron, Address all communicattleas to J. PL. STALKER, Auburn P. 0. 4442 1 i MEDIC*L DR WM F. METCALF, Bayfied, Ont. Office boors -2 bo 4 and 7 to 8. Other hours by appointment. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER other articles.EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT There will es be no rerve-- on any.I Late linage Surgeon New York Opb- thing, as Mrs. Whitehouse 11 leaving thalmlc and Aural Hospital, assistant Cane da. - t at Moorefield Eye Hospital ane TERMS : Cash. dim'En[ T. GUNDR' ,- Auctioneer. Gnlden Square Throat Hospital, Lon - 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tsi- ijN"RF)8ERVED ATICTIO4' SALE OFephone 287. 4.1 FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, At Hotel Redford, 0Aderich. on AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. June With. at 7.30 p.m., to June 20b. a t 1 p. m. M178. LEWIS TAYLOR will sell by pnbllc auction at LOT 13, CON. 1, WEST.WAWAN (1/tmlle East of Nile) on THURSDAY. JULY Brd commencing at 1 o'clock tbarp: feIRSF.f( LEGAL 0, CAMERON, K. C, SABRES., TER. Solicitor, Notary Public, Hamilton street Goderkh, third r from Sqnare. Trust funds to 1 span of draft geldings, 7 and q loan at lowettt atm. !years old, about 3200 lbs; 1 span of OLTDFOOT, grey 1'ercheeron geldings, rising 5 and KILIAAN & 6 years old; 1 rosdeter gelding. rig- HOLMES, Bt Ing 5 years old. sired by Elmer TARIFABA1sR1STERA, 60T,IOTTOus, NO - Dickson, dam Little Net. TAPi?RT,iC- arm CATTLE AND PiGS icon Office on the Square, sed door 1 Ayrshire cow, 7 years old, due from Hamilton street. Galerkh. to January; 1 Ayrshire eow, 4 years Private funds to loan at lowest old, due in January; 1 Polled Angus rate.• cow, 6 years old, due in January; 1 J. L. Klllbran, bildley E. 110111n05, - Polled Angus cow, 4 years old, due In ! January; 1 Ayrshire heifer, rising 3 years old, due In January; 1 grey Naps heifer, rising 2; 5 yearling steers; Ri Rtwale►rxsnt, Phe. R. O. HAYS--R.C.HAYS,B.A- 4 spring calves; 1 sow and 15 pigs about ten weeks old.IN' MACHFSRY, ETC. I Haml(aors 8t., Oodsrfsa� 1 McCormiek binder, &foot cut; 1 Massey mower, (1 -toot cut; 1 Massey - Harris sed drill; 1 single furrow rid- • ing One; 1 Fleury No. 21 plow; 1 walking plow; 1 horse rake; 1 sot of r SEAeIER, R. C.. BARRIUTE.t, :.-*ectton barrows; l buggy; 1 set of SOLICITOR, Notary Public ands double team harness; 1 set of single Conveyancer. Office -Court Hon" hnrnees; 1 pair horse collars; 1 racing Godes-If-h. curt, with new tlrest; 1 root slicer; 1 apple press: 1 meting box; 1 No. V481'RANCE, iAANli, ETC 12 improved I)e Lural cream separ- ator; 1 burg ph6 x 50; 1 sand point. PURNTTtTRE S/cKTT LOP'MUTT'Al. FIRE i? t1R- 2 complete bedroom suits, mettlesome 1 ANCB 00. -Farm and tselatee and aprfnga; 1 neew feather tkk; toiiet town property imsnred. sea; gnllta, woolen Manketa atwl gait- I OTnrs-Jia (bnnolly, GoAs pews, rsg a rpet ■ nd rnga ; 6 perfora- ' rich P. 0. ; Jaa. Evans, V Iee•Yras.. ted sorted ehaire; 3 roeklug chairs; Beocsliwnod P. 0.; D. F. 8(e0regor. 1 couch : 2 easel* ; 1 Rhea cnptoard gee. -Tree*,, Seaforth P. O. 1 fancy bot stove And board; 1 kft Direetort�--A. Rroadfart, cben table; 1 clothes horse; 1 No. 4 ' No. 8, Reaforth ; John 0. Grta►e, 1!.. Daisy ehurn; 1 !miter bowl and ladle; 4, Wilton; Wililam Riem, R. R. No 1 waabfng machine; etnrnA, eea, 2, 2, RethennMweod gem jar*, rnasdng pan*,piLmps, p1pdlsheA hags'u; ()eo.aforMtCa; JohnsrtseRy, R. lR.s, No.Br8. granite ware and nnmeroo.t other I Seaforth; Robert Ferrets. 'Harlot*: articles. Wham BrwsetWd; JA There will posltivsy be no rewervlc Evaita, 71ew wood ; James Cee Everythlag advertI ed must be mist. Goderlch. posed of. A8enh1-T. W. Yeo TItAMl9: A11 mem* of it10 and ander, Alex. Leitch, R R. Ne, cash: aver that amonf, 12 isonthtf John Nnrtay, see 1. tY11r4• reedit will be given ea forntehtnl, a . I Seahnrth. Policy -ladders eaa /F aD prnvM joa, a .i maet tbssfr es per cost. alloweintaetwd for A rashdlon , t efeditof li'dlayate71.ta 3. and Mtwrlah'egt Asseeats. 1 Chafers ; R. R. Oatt"b YRS. Lim TAYLOR, T. GUNDRY, otos street, floderlela, Proprietress. A dctfoseer, Oatmeal Store, Ea 4 H1 ri e