HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-26, Page 8• CI e.ettett • ROMPE&S in.41 s,tyls.taod rosea. 141111111116 INKE South Side Steam le: (iodericb 4 Bropthey Bros. TIM LRAM* rurincam. DIRECTORS AND DARAI- 14eders esrefslly attended to at all Hears. sight er day 000 Sunday Afternoon By ISAB�L HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont. tll O ring a song of Bethlehem, Threeuulwtwtd shepherds were O( ehephetds watching there, evldeutly tlrvout, Gal-fcarlug men, And u( the news that came to them cliewly aklu lu mind and /spirit to Frost angels in tete air; their aucester, ',avid, who mieslbly The light that shone on Bethlehem _watched his flocks upon these very raid all the world to -day; hltla. While rye and halal were en Of Jesus' birth and peaee on earth gaged in doing ordluary larks their The augels sing alway. ' Marls were tutted to hear angelic mu- -L. }'. Demote etc and ret they were ready for the. meeltage of the adt'rut of the Mlelmlah, told they hastened to verify Ibe Truth of the mewlage. They had only the Iorv,4 iin. thins to guide them in their s•*41eh. The)•. however, (timid Mnry a1111 Jlau•p11 not In the• inn. but in ant adjuulitle amble• fitted up for the lir brighttu.+s of Thy glue)'. grant !'uvt•rfluw of theme gathered up for the \ • a?...3a ', (► (ted, t PRAYsit • the Fountain • of all truth end grata. elm hast called un out of dormers into '1'hy uwrvelloua light by the gracious vomiter, of Thy lieu, ...at We way be so illumined and 11 In Him who i* the way and the truth stud tlw• life. that our way may Ian everlasting lite; through Him who, math the Father and the Holy Spirit> Is glorified, one God, ill light ever- - I aura. Ataela. (Beek of Common Electr1C Wiring ) We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. 1.et us give you an estimate for wiring your h else or garage: Private Telephones, . Motors Dynamos, Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems All Wolk Guaranteed Cook, iron and Toast by Um -tricky We -have an assen t:llent of the hest Electric irons and Toasters made in Canada. ROBT. TAIT Electrician Rest 8l. Phone 23 -IJ WI Order/. Sl'NDA1 SCHOOL MORIN FOR Jt L1 6th, 1024 l eltson Title -Te Birth of Jesus. Luaus Passage• --Luke .4-211• Golden Teal.. -Luke 2:11. (a1ing. The mean quarters and th• humble folk did not shake the faith of the shepherds. for they fouel the nue Cleo- *ought exactly 111 the angels had said. We ran /.I114Iy think of i 1111.111: lir stratioe thl•ulsl•lve.e and say tug over a1141 over the worth. of the :111grl-wrug. Mary. 1114 Well its Jos4•ph and otters, gathered r d them. w'aa uuwh impressed 11y the conduct 111141 tcon41crfut word* of the shepherds To ]Ivry 11 was a e,rroberatlon of %%lust N1411 already knewll to her and kept hidden IL tier own heart. 11111 to others It was n strange tale. ' Tle• sh4•pd•enls are never nnelti,11.41 mode after their return lis their home Intl work. They went prelsing and glorifying 11411 for the ,tlwlieeee that had lana 41111114 and ever :Inter 111144 44111141 ally 111 the words of the poet : •n..• ve• a s1..ry to tell to the 111111414144. That Khali Turn their lucre, to the right. \ story of truth lend sweetness. t story Of resew and light For the darklw•ss shell turn to dasvu- fug. 1,41 the 11aw-uing to u,Kln-dav bright : 1ud t'heist's greet kingd shall Curve 1111 Wirth. The Lined of let,- Niel light." We read 1n the first part of tide chapter of a decree beteg publisher) by Parlor Augustus that All the world abould be trivet Iliad tide re- gistration 114•0 conducted after the Rowel' manner, Joseph and ]nary tvnuld nut have lad to leave Nazareth and go to Bethlehem, but out of de- (rreuct• to Jewilsh prejudice it tree wade in the Hebrew woad• which com- pelled then to go up to the home town of their ani'eeters. And so it was that ProvIdence used tlw iwIwrial will and Jewish prejudkw to bring to pas: prophet.: "led thou, Ilethll4nw gphiratah, though thou 11• little awoug the thuusauds of Judah, yet out of thee shall he cove forth onto U. Hint is to he ruler Ip lentil- tl(lruh 5:_1. At11 air the loges, of sacred his- tory we see picture) the little (,IW- Iouy having Nazareth and going southward. a hem 1 ,1144,uw• juurey for \eery with Its inlsomitable end- ing. "And Abe brought .forth her '- GODERICH, ONT. elate malnteaaace. lie was of the WOMAN SUFFERED FOR MONTHS matting muco proal. one age at I which most pullets begin laying Is from six to seven mouths; some lay I at four and one-half to five months. and others not until eight or nine months of age. This means that If a htty per cent. egg yield is wanted In November the pullets should be Weak and Nervous. Made , hatched during March or April; May Well b L dia E.. Pinkhatn's hatched pullets will lay a little, but. Y 1 Vegetable Compound Webbwood, Ont.-" I was in a very weak and run-down nervous condition, always tired from the t �g ot rest until 1 went to bed. `Sleep did me at all. My sister recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound to me and others told me about it, but it was from my sister's advise that 1 took it. It did not take I, re until 1 felt stronger, headaches lett me and my appetite carre back to me. 1 am a farmer's wife and have rrany things to do outside the house such as milking looking after the poultry, and other chorea. 1 heartily neon nand the Vegetable Compound to all who have the h for it Is a Gne medi- c Louts Lisette - - finodwori tern, *awl emptied him In swu,1dlFug clothe, 141141 111141 411w 111 a °all •tor; Iweausr there was no room for Idem 111 the 11111" Irma• 7)• �'en.ra 0 14 -Heavenly Flattad.s. 1Vhile the shepherds were keeping watch over their fleck by flight sud- denly a bright light enveloped them and 141 angel 1t44s1 beside them. Daz- zled by the glorleue 115114 lend (111441 with fear, they beard a voice ...eying. "Emir not ; for, behold. l bring you peel tidings of great joy, whleh shall he to all people. For unto you Is born this they In the city of i►avld a Stevi..ur. which 14 ('hrint the iewd." They were th,o.glveu a Alen by which the)' would recognize the MrAsiah: "Te Khali tied the belie wrapped in swaddling clothes.. lying In a 1111111- Ft•r .. No moaner was the mecum. deliv- ered than a mnititu'h' of the heaven- ly lime joined the angel anti prefaced Got Keying: "Glory 44. Gel in the ghost, and •on earth p'slw, goodwill toward men" ••1t was but. fitting and ia•rfeetly natural that the Gospel that Heaven lied Iwen so long time preparing mdopa break upon the world amid the Iwrmuldes of m1111k•. As the pr 144 14.''m4s a fulfilment, and the hope a r,alIz.ltion. shall there twit he the coder of song sent Ovalness? The singers were there in their places, and they sang. not Iwvanee they wound. but because they must" (Rev. H. 'tartoz ). }'arae* 15 -211 -The Shepherds' Adore - Funeral Director and l lien. llydroEIeCt11C The People's Power $,I C. Electricity Wash h Electricity Ins by Electricity Ot Clem Quick 'Clasper than Coal or Wood An Electric Vac4tttnt Cleaner removes all duet. A broom just moves the dust. Walk in and see the display of Electric (.',reels at the HYDRO SMRE Nevth ride of Square Gederiek J. R. Wheeler Embalmer ,II calls promptly attend- ed to day or night PHONLS Store 33R Reeklesce 366w Hasdtes Street, Gn..erleh THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN 0111► Ttlttide with "Bayer Cross'' . mu Ai -N0 others! e ` At coon as the angel -song 14111100 the angels disappeared. (tut of the sllenee came the voter of ate shep- herd maying to another. 'Let 111 now go even unto R1•thleheru. and Nee this thing which 114 come to pens. which the Lord lath made knower oto nm." WOMEN! DYE ANY GARIENT ORDRAPERY Waists Skirts Coats Kimonos Dresses Sweaters W yes deet see the 'Sayer Crosse t;a tie tablets, refuse them -they et11 rat .iris at all Ieslal 00 revise "Payer Tablets of plataly stamped with tis safety i(rem-Aspirin preeerilarl by ph�*lslaws ler eiseteew ears and proved w e mnlieas fat Headaehe. Tooth• *eh% Rheumatism I.umha Gad Pair 1 4 stela g (y. Me bel.. of it table --ales M" Mthage*. Mede i■ 67 Is glia Mobs oath t' is la �p*451, et Dozer MKww 1MM6ssler 4 MatteeneerldM `r A_le nen hmww »ettNPot itis 111laeg►eus, ills Takleta M gr,, "Ml iei etasp,,l tom' 19319 Mart, this zt cress. Draperies Ginghams Stockings same trouble 1 F. ' cine for women sex, Hillcreet Farm, Webbwood, Ont. Moller threads Wawa' Feeds Relief as a rule, not forty or more per cent. dally. -W. It. Graham, O. A. College. Guelph. Htnta on Plow Adjustment. 1. Adjust the springs till the weight of the plow beams and bot- tons are practically balanced. 2. Hitch plow ata point on traitor drawbar midway between horizontal centre of tractor and horizontal cen- tre of plow. 3. Adjust vertical position of hitch to as to be substantially level in worklne position. 4. S1•t levers for Qat position and open first furrow. • 5. Change levers to working post- , (ion. I 6. When plowing is flnlnhed, set !the levers In transport position and take plow and tractor tb neatest Shelter. wyE..4.1 Fog P4c a Req G� • rho. •.: NEVER N '�-} s' FORGET You are mils to nerd Posse handy remedy for Insect Stings, Thorn Scratches, Sore Pisces. Zam-But has flees rP used to be the Crest. Take a box with you. 50.1....14 Unre l& .a/ Stone. ZilkM-suK opinion that the GovernmMt greet should go to improved roads and mot to' rotor that were merely dirt. Frank Bell, of Downie, thought that gals aad thaw tax would be a fair Nay to ralse money to pay for tloo needs. Ile was of the °pluton that Ole grant to lownahlp roads should he 30 per cent rather than 20. He did 11411 Iwlleve that the number or dirt nods was sufficient to make their classification net -canary. Favors Suburban Ares road from 1lluiraIII to lake Ilur 1 • wade a Provincial highway. Reeve J Stewart, of North Masthope: ,ted not think that the mileage in the ,county was well adjusted. Re was In favor of the stiburlwo are* system .end thought that the eonnty should lake advantage of Ute otuportunity M •ding•• to the county 11ystr n of cos - rolling notb. It war pointed est (list it war almost tmpoeelble to HD.. the -euleirben area system work out In Stratford. as It bordered on too manly township•. lie thought there sits a preiblllty of equalizing roads " i111 Ih4. lowmly syMrm one »\\' .4. Itearh, of Fttllartoa. thought Tie thought that 1111144• who ha4111'.741.11.11::1 :::::0117.41:71 hr png1n11111 of ,•xla•Iwlttur on rtlada 114 It part gut rotads and thee. should Iw judp.l by Ihr aNwnlnt tl: 1 5 'haerr got to nod+. tID, that was trade of them. 711 iipgi thee u• abostld la• a readjndul•ot ,.,Ina•»•, depended on their 141.1101.�� of n•id .1: fh•Allou. TI „• s maker Iwllered that more at- �. ttlusg fleece 0I iJgowrt, 1,.Itti.11 should he paid •to the tack .lancet largely Mr. Kenya opennwds. Ile was Infnrmwl that oft fart. k.e . Ile tlwogh1.;_1(11179"11, that the 1051 i(Il-luding five f,1d alt. hew, wail alae rtw11111Fel .4111144 .uppwrl for Ihr ,.uongh for r Iowltablp road. iteeve I hark rends *1141 poidrtl IRC, r rase t A. 1'nlquhoti expre'*wd the same , in (.ist0wel atwee a nod In the opinion. , 1055 55' kept up 51 itK expels"; \t'nrilen NI Hagerty. of Imgan. would • a of 4(1. euparal""' altlatalgh 1' like to wr the grant continued on was almost entire%) used In, Orme ,w-h•rn setas. 1111 In many eases It was ott.kk of I.istoweL '-Ilffi.ult m get gravy for them. Re .1 t' 11:1c. also or I.t"1••w••1, s4yd not .ugg4..Ud that name of the roads 1 think IIu11 tl11• North had bad a st Mare ,e,srled r aliglltlg. dent in grltiuc Gevrretlent r.un14.'He Should Keri Reeks rhnup l!l there 'I..ti1t1 lie Nun• ee14� Ilse representative. a McKil- tlrtiug',link* with tie Iirighwa414 � which mostly rail 44141 nail 14 4.41, This \kN/• F. J. believed that 5,11141 help the North 111 get murl• a iuuniform ayat.i re MOhkMylag s rvtr,• from the highway.. sh011kl erhlatn fK ilea setlld5 he v the rSlltlliee, lie was of the ear ion Ihall the (iaysasasrwl ehookil pa) a Plied ell st fInish'el road, Ile wan', $ elected reason for Smelts in l�iasskrr awl Reels -Reeve It. Arm'*sang. of Ellie, waft nppow.l 141 /little syethtn of county Pal e Ind of r,nlAo helot the preas� rlrwlutbil ryetem of twitting after !�e r.w0M. 111 event of a etgtlmittee for Ile whip county looking after the nods '1111• people not a44llnalrted with rouditbtu. end therefore-,Ineffr- dent. wosild lie pal In charge. Ile war of Ido• opinhol Ihat a paermahrnt •iugiie"•r In clta -g•' would Is• m1e+ awl exteudve. Mr Armalnxli ask ..1 for a p41My of retrenchment la hllild111C roads and believed that the entitle.. ehunld handle the I'm -facial r, 41411-. It...... W. Scott of FJwa was In fav- or „1 tb.' simpflfkrl eyatem of rued , laseirontltm. Praise Work of Board In .1. 1), Monteith, Y.L.A for North Per'`,, and W. H. Chamber... M.1..A. ter S.wth t►xfonl, spoke in e.mpltlwen- Port Huron, Michigan. -"1 suffered did Ir if I wonted very much I was nevous for two ears with pram* In my side, and I The three outstanding features of 1 t ti and just as tired in the morning as when I went to bed. I was sleepy all the day and didn't feel like doing anything, and i was so nervous 1 would bite my linger nails. One of my friends told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and it helped me ao much that I *eon felt llne."- ra.CHAR1.esBEELER, 501 -14th St., Port Huron, Mich. Women who suffer from any feminine� ailment should try Lydia E. Puikha re's Vegetable Compound• Holland's dairy Industry are cleanli- ness, efficiency and co-operation. Cleanllnere is a national, trail, effici- ency has been developed, and co-oper- utiou has been learned and spelled through long years of marketing huge surpluses In the jaee of the keenest competition. Inefficient cows are In the major - I, ity; they compete with one another, and all are unprofitable some or most of the (line. They are a drag on the best cows, but the latter, despite that fact, are money -makes most of the Gem SOME POULTRY POINTS' WORLD MISSIONS How John Williaar• Got His ('*11 Jebu \Tilliaw'. the f:uuous mi•siun- nry to 1 h w•nth 14.11 14111 •, when 'Oberlin; nluont ,11 n 44ablalth evening. was persuaded to g, and hear n ser- mon: the lul'weiagr w11s 11wr1 by the Ilot% Spirit to 1114 convershw/. alai he I'.e'*111 • 1115• 141 the great* •t iniee11a1- 4rh•s of m,1h•rn timers. 111• had I..•u Invited to chnn-Ii by Jelnl R'here1lg0. ails• Ilfe story has 14,11 1114 as follows: \ Ir*neper, p, -lig through 1ti1- eton, 1y Sl affonls111re. England, ob vrnel the" shops 4hwee generally a. ou the Sabbath. 'Presently a funeral ening. by. ret tended by the clergy. the magistrate.. 4.111 mote ,f the c1llz.er. of the town. Who could I. the 411.111151115111.41 per - •.,n to whole• n,,IuIliry such tokens of nubile ramped were 111111? It wit. fnhie Taheredge. n bachelor. eh() diel 1t the nee of eight)• -four. he (10141 Irunnllugery, o•hlldnsi s tut-•. L;• 41111 inmm,mge•ry, chlldr,1i'„ toys' and 11.1. Bible. 11 nil religions book. 114 exla•1141Ni nine or ten 1144111ing' II week 1114111 llimw•I1. and devoted the rest of h1,. profit.' to work.. of h11mw1- Ity 11)11 plett'. Among ,cher w-nys 44f Ikdng 'good. he used 10 go out a little before chareh time. 1411,1 If he raw a man loitering about the street, w•onld get pito eom- ...m.e11411 with him 41141 take him to Omni'. and haring fuuud hint a sent. would stet nut to seek for other loit- erers. Thus lived John EtMenalat'• to whom theme honors were 4h10w91. SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 1951 Selection and Mating Are Both ol, Much Importance Does "Like Beget Like?" -The Ques- tion of Selection-Inbteelllng and 1411e Breeding -Whiter Fagg Prt- ducthus-I'olnta on flow Adjust- ment. Following are the dates 4rf•the /school Milverton Wants Highway fairs to Is. help In Huron county thew I Ihr 1'. L. 'I'..• Reece of Milncrtuu. .was In fever of 11 grant for the lark (Contributed by 1inter10 Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) -There are two main points to be considered In poultry breeding. First. the selection of birds that have the characters desired; and secondly. a further selection from these of birds that can produce offspring as good as elves. w Ilrms or better than t DoesDoes"Like"Like Dere Like?' Many are of the opinion that "Like begets lite." in general. that Is true, but It 1* true for general and not for particular qualities. It is true that a male White Leghorn mated to White Leghorn female.. will breed chickens that are White Lcghorns,'rr that have white plumage, yellow lege. and white earlobes. But of the off- spring of these there will be no two chicks exactly alike. We find large and small Leghorna; most of thein never go broody but some do; some lay large eggs. others small eggs. And we find a great variation In the number of eggs produced by different hens. The Qlle*tlon of Selection. REPAIRING BARN HE FINISHED 62 YEARS AGO Not ninny men live to do work again of the !nine kind slaty -two yl•,r. thereafter. but Mr. John Tole. of Tts•kerernl,h. her heti eneh experlente 1114y11 The tb'at,rth Eepa1itor. At the ape of nineteen he flnllelled a tiny barn for his father. Ilse late John llolg• end glow Owned by hl! brother. R'. M. llolg. He made the rafter.. frqm round poles Newel On One side and they here 4111451 the Morino nelll Nil 14.4 of all thou• yenr5, and a few (ley.' ago. *t e IliNlge of 4.1`41r one veers, he enwed lien' 'rafters to r.pine• the one.. hp made ellen 1 ynnlh slttv•two years ,goo, and will Again put n new rood . on Ura first building that he 11111 hal. 1yDr. Is4g e11/1/11` to Tnokersrnith with 414 parents, when a bey of ten years of age. seventyAtte yenta ego. from 4.5ohnte. then tower Camelot. note 4),e Itwr•, and 11wt1tlen in (leering the farms land erecting building threat, and liar remitted le that omen/4111p ever 14114e 1►uring (bet time 1.e4 has en. led n great ninny hnlldingh 'o. het!1 •n.em end lents. I'hit will- Item remain as eel dente. of bis 4111 n• n Itwrhante and 4,1114er. ',or upward. of thirty pan. he lin. elms had 1 sawmill end ent 11 large quan- tity I1f lnmber Poch end orery year. and this veer. (termite lila fourneore .-*ere. Is will on the job am lively 411 ever. Reek 15-etsof "Diamoed ee Dyes• sttnea dlnetioes leo simple any WOMAN ea* dye or if t any kap never thing sew,va dyed beers Dreg stoma sell all .otos. CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASTORIA" Especially Prepareu for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletclwr's ('.M.oria ham t•rew in use for rover 30Mrs as a tdeaw*t, barmier", snh.4itnl* for fader oil, Paregoric, Teething Prop* mod S.wrthie `lye ('ordains no merso.tica. Provee recti,*m are en 1 oath package. Pky everywkere recommend il. The kind con have always bought heats sign.tur' of rear: .tehfield sr. Iielems innovate Wroxeter Repot.- 8 nettle in the 141%11 :41 1111 same rate Belt, 9 that we.. irlid for township roads. 11e. ., seri. 10 sued they wound Iw "4k•kle41 141 Math"Sept. 11 nail a hi)thaav Mllvrrion. Goan,, Sept. 12 W. 11, Sanders. "Of EXetsr, WAN '1 in1er0 411t. 15 5trto.gly in finer of Curtailing all Zurich Sept. 16 highway- work. 111 t1 ght the work Verna Wpt. 17 i11 baud 14114411bd 1w inuip14.1ul and all 1Aaslawomi Sent. iS other work prsctirally stopped. • He Sept. 19 wild the voile that were built were kept. mi us.vl T5 per cent. for pl1'nsun•. One 14rpt 21 rrn.on for slupgri p, work 1111 the Sept. •yg Idgheay14 WAR that 1111y erre helping Srp. 4124 to take :may too much from the parr a Srpa. 2&, .'1; pl.•'. ow -u r.eitwny. the C. N. 1t. P'a'ean Sept. 211. 31) high**ys would give the railways a - het 1 11•ttrr lilwlw eouwwee re a1s1 1.1 Oct. 2 be e.u5141rnd. Tor many roods Oct. 3 cauwrl the neglect of bueineee. Ile , urged the• Go0e•rn m.rlt to go rnuttlrlw,- r ly m1111 1(1e roads were laid for and did not (,'I1e•nr they shu1111 so The Little It ., 1,,w s --thew• of the on to the !lark street.. 114. thought 111e 4oufh4o --Orr ...id tah•vrn•r than the gi( cinerifil•4(lou of reads should he m Itunslans of the north; but they are 41114141 to tau. 114. did nut thick the tars jmrit Maw• lazy mac Is, grtherel G nus ret eau responsible for more r• Grand Bend Porter's 11111 , Colborne Itt•I gra re Ethel Myth \Vluglrsw Ilerwlll 4'rediton ls Wlaelmea .eta 1 ad - from this medallion from Mr. Maury -i than .4) feet t the r.wid in a Lary terms of the work that tete •god Itnrl.g'. book, "Itusslan Essays and town n• 11.410,,m,..• Iwfon vl'err committee was doing Stories.". Mayor W. 1I Golding, of S1'aforth, • errvseed the fart that value must be "The Lifter Itu11slnn." maid a i.1(11' Ithunght tlwl :1 larger grant than 40're•r•Ive.l for 10,10441 Invested 1* the Itnasleu gentleman to MP. "Is Ko lazy ps•r else. 'dieted 1»• laid on 11 415141 roods. The s1•ntimpwt la universal glint lie will any to hl« alfa, Little where the I,,tl,nn held already 1,19.n throughout 11w Province that we meat 'wife. .ay whoa to my horse. T have laid at the expwus• ,f the corporation. 1..,p Impruring our roads, said Dr. Selection Is made on the basis that like will produce like, but experience has taught all breeders that to secure uniform superiority they must carry on the selection through genetatlons of poultry. If we select bird.' that have laid better than 200 pegs in twelve consecutive months and mat.. these to a male of etmllar strain, we do not expect to get all daughters that will lay. 200 or more eggs a year, but we do expect upon the average a better production than had no selec- tion been made. Inbreeding aril Line Breeding. Having located a sureesaful mat- ing. one ran perpetuate easily no lone as the originals are breeding. but the problem beetne after the first mat - Ing ceases. Shall one breed mother and son, or brother and sister, or cousins, or what is the best pro- cedure, Our experience In breeding birds of very close relationship, such as mothersson, or hint her -slater mat - Inge, would not warrant us recom- mending such a prar.•dute. It la true that we have had 4onO• ,tie ' afnl re- sults, but It In likewise true that moat of arch matinee have been very bad. if one is elisio144 to breed closely, our experience ero4ld su^.g, at a trial of any rata rionehip. 44lrioc4 I: the birds are vigorous, but it la ser -w•la, to depend entirely 11 '•n 4411" a mating. A good In bred bird v. 11 likely be a valuable breeder, ,but snob a bird la dlflleuit to produce. it In very doubtful 1f dne can say what relationship will give ode beet reeult11, for the average ppraoo 1t would appear to be good advice not to breed too closely. and to look for new blood from some anurke, where the breeding ham been similar. Winter Egg Prelim -Gore Many p•op a abitpar to b; 11.40' Cha. the apernt 01 Retting eggt4 _par0e i- larly In winter, In la the feeds given .Ind the method of feeding; other It1•t•,• the whole problem In 111 th, ;weed Or etrafn; white other.. think that the hnuang Is the problem 4. solve. All these are impnrtmnt, but the main reason for poor rpaulta Is a lark of earefnl work months before the egt;i are wanted. While you are collecting the highpricedwinter *gee you should be slaking careful plans to ewcure the crop of pullets for next season. Where pgga In winter are wanted the early lunched pullet le, without doubt, the one to depend upon. Tear !Inge hens End threw older are ver rarely gond product -re during Novem- her and December They are unrer- talll even In Jennary and February and really do not begin to lay well 'Intl' March. Where the egg produc- tion falls below flftren per Peat dnr- in4r the vials '...144th*, One M nae a pain In my longue.'" Mr. tkluin,. thought that Gibs 14*4 \l.naeilh. nekh•g the mill to grind with the At the clone of the wanton a vote I water that hail mewed. of thanks was tendered to the cow- 1teevt• lheittle of Sew forth thought mines- by Met'nusland Irvine. M.L.A. tlwt Seaforth had no tr/mplalnts to for South Perth, arse was gradeesl7 Make as far as Government reeds rewired by T. J. Mahoney. M.L.A. were ronerrned. for South Wentworth. The deleRatse .pmahlr fur route than tweole feet. R(rere James More, of Itlanshard, of the elmmlttee were then takes foe Thore4 tchu had it should toy. was 1lmtieft(•,l with the township pyre a drive tiirongh the city Ito that they City Co-operates Well tem of controlling rends. 114 thought might appreciate Its beauty and Dao (layer 'lino Brown of Stratford the Government soo l 111 (ftribute to sydWu of paced roads. next asdre'sacst the meeting. He told of the coo-4gwrell,n that the city had given the Government In paying Its share of the highways in the city. He I, told of the negotiations that'had ►14411 541115 on 141 eget a higlrway between Kitchener x1141 Stratford. As an in- dication that Stratford wanted paved roads Ile melded out that twenty-eev- 4n of the forty-five miles of rote! in! the city were pared. Thr city was nine desiruns of paving St. Andrew street but the rowdy enn°1•II did not desire to co-operate, no It won't! likely stn)' ttupvol for the °ext twenty years. Chi being asked If he admitted any inik•ht•dnean on the part of the city for the 1'rovtncinl highway.. for wIdeh-lt hnd p1141, 1h.• Mayor maid • thnt he admitted nothing, (nly too much ills the paying indicated. On Iwil►g asked If the mnnlcilrllity was rl•sp oslbh• for gloat 41.111111 outside the city be ',idiots! out that the sire here wa4 for glow! roads. Aldermen 1'. E. Mtoore, the pest stwaker for the city, asked the board' to take a kook at Rt. Andrew sheet alta allvkwe the e44111ty runnel of ate condition. He ezplalnel the reason for the prerent condition of At. An- drew street. He aIso pointed out that the city WAR willing to co-operate Mr pavements . As a parting thrnut at the comity M41rrna n Nr core said: "The enmity Is fn n splendid shape fluent -billy. i won't Kay much for Its made." HHilIW.t S ADVISORY BOARD tl'quthao.b frons page 71 Suggenta Three Systeme Mayer H. Kemp, of L ••towel, sold the toteetion of road* wan not of tax- ation but of getting 1(10 per cent. value for the money inveigled In them. He helleved In three eyste's* of road.'. Tre &k linen that Ahonld he looked lifter altogether by the Gov- ernment. .tamrlerdlsed county roads to he looked after by the ninety and the Government. and the hawk 1-1444,111 * 1141 5t 14415 need/ by the majority of the Iastpi e to Iw canal for by them Although *rime seemed aa/lofted wtili the made 1111 they were rel• prem- 4nt he thnnzht that the I/nrt11 of the tenuity we11 not seffietently nerved Ip IsIgheray. He recommended that thea thirty-five miles between Mitchell and Palmerston, a very ;enrol toed 1411411111 be taken over try the Govern- ment as a trunk line; also that the ROBERT WILSON Frost Fence FOR Hard Wood Baled Hay Baled Straw Homestead Fertiliser Rock -faced Shingles Rubber -tired Buggies Photo* 168 GODERICH l RIIRMRR THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and London Free Pre... ............. • .... 011.72 The Signal and London Advertises. 6.76 Th. Signal and The Toronto Glebe 6.71 The Signal and The Mail and Empire 6.7E The Signal and The Toronto Star 6.76 The Signal and The Farmers' Sen 3 40 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Sear ...., The Signal and Saturday Night _. Tie Signal and Presbyterian Wigwam The Signal and The Catholic Rama ...„, The Signal end McLean's Mggosio...,.,.e The Signal and Rod and Gua . ..... ......... 3.10 (t Ti. Signal and Montreal Witless,.,,. ;r, r'euewsl 3.15 • new ... 3.10 The Signal and World Wide ...2.. L. "r1a...,e." .. Mnrwal �4 ..w ROOipam Clubbing Rates With Other Parisdiceis M.y Be Had on Application