HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-26, Page 6Is
:4 Min
*- Misfarday, ;Ube 26, 1924 g.=
lhffen•tit Makw+, lCapacitie's omit
I'rin jtlxt arrived at the
Auto Electric and Battery service.
Cor. Colborne St. read square.
� saw:. � •
s g ��',
tl',iA. �'"".4'"t �'.y•.'°i
. VAte ■f[MAL + ` ... GODERICK ONT.
..'"'--•��""' rfVl.d Ire It rlioleleul of unn.tlr.o«..
Ila• 16#41,11091111141' which .Uigl•I;i lord un
1 t ,slyT anircluualy gltt•u Into, still Iturtnten
fsi w t
N0130DY VON4^1V
ZK ioiwo� rw,.
4yw,�-. h$h
If 1 shtlUld sillier everything you-+ I
(tnr luuul Ivn+: prrsrwi cloete to her
hneost; the other was oatstrett•hwl, de-
•'I h.n't ! Don't I Don't xpo11 'what
"\'ou'II haus ni steswer me. . . .
419111 Nutt billy liesi:ei_ fill not worth
v„or little finger sled I know It. . . .
but 1 tcuot it chance . . . just u tight-
( Inc cltluue .. . you've gut to an-
i e•tt ter tor. Carol
SIle tvRK tri-loldhtg within nesch of
It never occurred to him to
luch beer• need It It had, he would
b;nr refrained, out of sheer conaciuus-
nt•,. of Ills lack of rlgkt. Ilia face,
tvurking Intgicnll,v, aN-ed her. m
"Yrs," site said, hardly alotP a
whi.ylrr. "'There's . . . one chance
47 .
In it tMouxand. There* . . . that I LJ
lunch, unywuy: [EA
--rilianrwx arnt out to her-ehtywl- I . � W.-K�"ST. GARAGE - 1 USE IT IN .,ll YOUR tiAKI�, dn.pl.wl. Ile xU•ppwl harkwunl, out I = £�limn t leu ,,,111 , u..r« sYNOP811vr
Thank you." ter went'aomplacetlt•Of the drngrr soup. .
erhauled and re- ''9'hen !'II hike It," he sold.
: {y forward: but Inwrnlly he wits , I • • • • • • •
by expert meth- QiIAMRR I. -In • base hospital at strrpwl In prrlurbao... a man
C-- Nruilly. France, his towt disfigured be- ! She knit given hfm a chance, on an
Agent t[v)T rood recognition. an American soldier woo *ti Aradlj' sure of himxrlf, Ould /
" I lugdfwl cvlrulltlun which he could urver.
aUGHL.W CARS wrvIng 1n the Frvlch a ny attract• al- It Ise that hr tuns iltcitly ruing tc mewt. Khr hail given blue ■ chance--
hance— n"' "lir 1e 1a ow•n prunrali
4ntlon D bb d•• dos despondency. Asked Carol,° In mpife n( what Angela d / hllusrlt Io bee a'elrtrr intralgnfor, sed h;^
as limit whet In the nome st heuvem could 1
a~ °«•. and by the surgeons for • photograph to guide surndsel, or xel neorly on the road alb,
e [C-Chargt them In maklai over hfs face, h• Deers he du with It1ro perk yntuling Uuw. lu':IIIInrA'r un• l nn understanding with her Ihrt HII ��' drncrltlnY, sent h.•n• h4 lhundrr was
In derision • picture of ted Savior, bid-
����I ding them take that as a model. They do lilt N'ax wily utakfug n flail let him CHAPT[11 IX.Molrtl Iwforr Iwo hxA had n chane! t0M• ■u, meklns a r•markab a likens. IWIf?stoke Ihr aro"+ •f hisrlrct•tttres.
tCHAPTLIt II. -Invalided home ore the Armstrong laughel gehily. It war "sorreethin s Troublin Yeo." "\Vile -if I.u'1 a C� mills. Is It!e.tG+raae Phone 243 •oat M meets MarttU Harmon Kew T•rk I:kr • dit;;;rr Ihnba lee Ililliard't a From the marbled dignity of tAe broker, who le attracted by its remark- Trust end I)ellrs.lt company, where he I undrrxllael-Sir. Calico
r fq able kraus•■ The es-pldls gives his heart bail appraised It highly; but It angered "it's .ltfer tie figure it raw • gamed*, I f
- ^- had bought ■ New York draft for tit -
1 _ name as "Henry Hilliard," an, him home hi:u. N'llv%. he saw this reference writ tern thollaand dollars, and smaller I
Waring. Il's +mfr Ile figure all those ' � J
+ " �- as Syracuse, New
York. He lett there CHAPTER V111, I fen Aown%r�m
rmon's letter, to have �� for ten and carton. Htlllard things that Raj'. Uf cnurxe, We thl•t
}`R<.M ander a cloud. and la embittered against _ I her nnmr ht Into the Instructions.y<bis former below town$m•n. HarI etnrrgM prPxently l0 tooth \Ynrrrn It's u wonderful pnn.lsst. and ■ CansY make■ ham a proposition to wll rinmg Fur thirty Any. Ili1IL•tr.l heed IistenPt even by Iflat. still bad M
eines. and stated then on the side-wall
( •t.� r%+ + l stocks In Syrwcuse, concwllns his Iden- to file rul.wwe. •.f hi. aav•rrl Reif. lit I not 'Invited thl*. Upon 1111n4selfl tl.•ully L +laity xua r••a+. but 1 •h•IIi ! ,
- ably. He adepts It, e•eing In Il a ehencv A be:tnl flims n hundrwl se.urces th1 for g moment, numbed by the flat.
11■ I It N'tl■ In a dlaaylhg qunndnry, then, nfud telling coil 11.x1 cot for 1 bactYl't
. p. b make good and prove he has been un- Mme Lrllrf repralwl. Ihrt Dicky ►lee! gnlranlaing Mn.ciouxnrxs Of eurcrss-
Nreetlmet•d. that Illlllanl kt•pt, his next up{allot- He bad Meese hark rPaoh•M to wtq tJluwt•tl x font who cuuldq'M-tffuM M /
CHAPTUR lit. -In Syracuse "Htlllard" ! about at the Uurautsi% Thr problela 'O"t• nix N hole .uhxrr p11uu-nod didn't
Is his second trial, the Inrxlthm he bed
(is reality Rlcbard Murgan) Is aceepted I Ilse, give• Haase end counsel, would JuA.*iluuw eery rlrally,that hr misht
gif ' u a Klinger. He visits Jsnwm Cullen. • I have made the city an proud at him tut failed to approximate In hl■ first ; he
former employer, relating •story of til• ! bad grown so many broaches, seed bad set himself a commercial stand --ts came In fur mo mm h rs x Pill- "-I
,.• death of Richard Morgan, and i■ sur- hire fstriesle womb a It cow was forth so many tentacles of bewilder• nickel. ,And that Nolld apply to yuel.
r' posted at the regret shown by Cullen and prreud of him for his military valor lag confusion, that he hardly knew itrd, led• Caused by It, be was ad -se. taw
bee youthtui daughter Angara Rabb all Ttllx pulse of Dicky Morgan had at what to nay, where to tern- His nee tai nplAly, for today's Mo of sub I The law •ttrtlebt Ga -ped. inc'tethr
! •' 'tiS "'� - • the Cullen home Carol Durant, Mtlrgar'■ I --" --- "
y bad exalted him; still later, It bed commutation was that the taln.0 acriptlonx, added to Mr. Cohen' check loos
ori xtuaned Hilliard; ober that. It
t X = ,raw {• �' - termor ^a^ee•• tnakae a Dail at yesterday (and At r. Cullen had ( You don't • to a It isn't a ,
p +, ' " t - !'} a - �•_�. CHAPTER IV.—Hilliard relieata to Carol I I which had been mask of i upon him Y i
_ abased ills soul. He had longed. acted as though he had pints s per, snrc thi11: T"
t + �, •. wee - _ ��: " Ill■ story of Morgan ■ death and to dtedb bad given him a mask o[ Impenetrable
moved by the evidence of her deep feel- ceaselessly, during that third period conal victory tory In persuading Hllllanl to �� a"
calm. At least, he didn't have to wfar "Is guy spt•firl at 1'ur I 1
Ing for the supposed dead taus. He re of ills latrospectlon, to tats the day occept It), made up a gt'"Wrig total, I
/deep a Kodak Story �e., how•r•r, w corunu• the decor I his forebodingx on his countenanre. not woe►Ilii \eery � 1 to iliac your � I
to him heart, to reveal hlmWf, to an -I a stupendous total; and already Hit- eve hundred I my fn lrn 'ou. Waring.,,
And yet, almost the first words Ctar-
of the Children .wer for Dicky Morgan's failures and 01 Ifard's earned comnlisalcws fbrmPA a
el Bald to him were: ".anefhing's The boy scotclwl. '
CHAPTER V.—Neal day"Htlllard Cath- to pledge himself anew to the schieve- mom to gloat about. Despised as t
we from Angels that Carol had always � troubling you, 11 r. Hilliard." "I *uppwr It's rrallr 1 smell fnr-
ery_ meat which Dicky Morgan's friends salexman, he had sold to four Impar The Kodak you want for the loved Dick Morgan, and while delivering He was momentarily demonllsed, you to buUeer with. is that t you're
had prophesied; and then he had been I g tial hpmltlesa torn kite commodity hard -
pictures you want is ready for on her n letternre supposedly from her for- and came near showing It-lHM to
aier fiances 1-eause. test his affection Is overwhelmed by the recollection Ih•t , set In all the world to sell. Scorned sew Dont Mean b say It IM's a
pato It off with • laugh. Hilliard smiled Mnbrlly. �, w
youl to See at our store. And unchanged His welcome by Doctor Du- he had made this course impossible. tar his behavior, he hod made his Wes Thlosl
rant, Carol's father, also ■mak.. his ran- I "Did I mete It as plata as all thatT" "It Is, and It Isn't, From any ontt i
we're ready .tee show you blow If he had only known that •ll his de- OR
on the heal. of a character which
elution to cosumus the deception, but M «N0." she wed. "It wasn't plain at I didn't know, I'd rather out touch it. h
c•eptfons were nredlesx.! if he had I hadn't IieePo quextlonel xlnre the day maybe I could run up this evening, R
easily It VYOrICS and to make &•nquera II. I only known That edles Morgan could all." Isn't a good plan• ordinarily, to have ;hut's all right for you."
CHAMICR VL -Tu Syracuse Hilliard M His laugh was remarkably hollow, of ilio arrtvsl. His mind and ills a lot of small starkhoiders. But from Eight
Worthwhile suggestions about booked spm u • capitalist read rnd.g have Mme home, and been forgiven! muscles demanded action; to relieve •That'll ale Just •■ good.
but he persisted In It. Toa -rod I[ It Isn't mute than you
eaperty^read .n that capacity, la pe=t" What anguish he corld have saved- the prcssurc i hi* exults, he sH off i o'clock? Floe." He held out her heed
your picture -making plans. "Why. bow aid you think of It, ought to risk—"
•f his object, interests Cullen 1a ill• s■•- and what repentance! And the pr•eb vigorously, swing(gi exultant. Waring talc it limply. r
slbUrty lot wealth to miners preMrtf.s. tem was retial the Rabe- *hould he I ter Waring snatched of the straw «I'm atraiA I'm catnip ._ • la
Axfographic KodakfidJSsp The Cullons lied Hilliard me to the Dural "Just from your eyes," she told him. On Impulse, he ertasxPtt the street i 7
c•ostinue, wfe Is his masquerade, t^ for the ler ase of pair • fior• 'Wall, seeing you're who you ore.
Kodak Film in your firs bom• for dinner. "What's the matter? Anything i could D I g of Autber," he said, "Dat It'd • 6"1
and I'm w'tw [ am, would yw De will-
you'lllikr CHAPTER VII.-obeervat at the
the goal he had set for himself, or ht's, where, Ignoring the conventional I I 'big thins ter me.... I hope you 8M*
help straighten out for your Or ins to glue for just a much Infortna• l i
Durants' convince Hilliard that the donor should he risk the worst• sort naiveemillinmwnirc of the l►sea dozen, he ordered tion a■ you would if I had for
a think it's aytblag personal
N. C. DUNLOP land his daughter had always leen bb coned t 1 listen? That helps a let,
ills conscience by renunMstlont o pra11Ca1 armful of America Hwa- � abeon els •e7\tVnftInued
[�ni It for gR•B
true friends, and his love for Carts be elllnetlmPs-" She droppeI her eyes. times •s much to {rut in?" come■ stronger. H• realise■ h• has s den By far the most dixtresxing factor Is and the dee ed In her cheeks. t1ea for Carol Daunt. Thea done, atoll DRUGGIST genu• rl.rl In Jack Armetro.g. air. ,err t►1• pusxle wog ills relatlonahl to Car- �r ` feeling very rich and indereehdent, ha "Come up to the room," RIA All- i'ly.
r' D "Isn't there anything I can do T" she IIaM Impulsively; and tee was actoat• � ig'',
. > Iris••No. 1 Godrer(cb morn m love Roil Carol .lid the Iwo men of Durent. He half seen her only halt said "Or ,.. that father could? [ore rounded the righthand corner, and got i { y
}s Witty ■are• to fight n out fecirti, a dosse times during the month, and himself greeted by two citlltaam Of sit d al by tile obllgx ;Ion he telt t0-
,� - a I frighten me. . . ward all of Mr. Cu11Pn'm friends. Arse u tlwi•dtvard
f Armstrong standing and Importance who, In call- I
If you
i suffer
lie InansM her in nix neart. nP sever ■Ikes or one -the e
had saved both Angela and himself, had circumvented Airs -but he was I
reed held hex pristine advantage. head over heels In love with her again,
and he Rossetti. from fw tive glances
But there was sit disputing the tact gl
d tword or two on her part,
I that he had made an active enemy Of roa sray
Waring, and an alert rival out of that gnP wasn't entirely ■rens to him.
Artnxtrong. Ile smiled grimly u he teat what would Carol think It she
tookM at the man ahead. knew that this grave and tender
••Mr. Armstrong seems to be very *flinger wee billing behind the wraith
[ m sorry. . . . No, please date t
think of it. i ought to be shot It t've Ing him, displayed • deferrnre Dot
ordinarily granted to the avenge rest-
made you unhappy."
The Altternew In ills voice was dent of Hilliard's ago. Would Hlllla
It was caused condescend to $peat of the next meet-
scute; and by paradox. In and dinner of the Cbamtwr of
mainly by her sweet concern for him, a
Commerre on France In wartime? Hit-
reatlwtiow of how little he I (lard would. And this Indication of
sed deserved
de■Tots It.
his new•wdn status seed blab afresh.
"Toll always sP,,m to be pushing til,,
his swirling
"You come along up to the room, end
I'll show Yours Witt -x {resalonl�'I'm
you everything I've got a
Will that dor' gt•ing b•ame to my mother!"
At the tut words the ■matear de- H�t°d Ital°tlyl Very good'
herr s money for your railway Care.'
IRctive had brightened.
Wife (after counting Irl -"Bat that
1 rant rnmP now wart wet. l.n"t enough for A return ticket."
i lee` from
I nervous." he said. "Not that i con
of INcky, Morgan --It was a thouwnA
world away from you," she said, ref-
Lngicaliy enough,
thoughts followed a well-worn toll
blame him for Renting to be In my
times the worse! If she were
truly In love wftb Henry Hilliard. It,
ter a pause. "Why do you, Mr. Hll•
which led him straight to Carol; and
the swing of the law, yo• know, and
place. Om the contrary. 1'iu sorry for
was Impossible!
"I didn't know that i do," he *aid
for the thousandth time he tried to
while It awoke Ills donnnnt passion,
Aim „
'That shows a very ;ood dlsp0*I-
And then there 'it" little Angela
dispiritedly. `And It Redd Ile •
get a future date, depending on the
of his mission bore, at which
he knew the AlfticultT of the market:
tion," she said doinurPly.
there was the seri-
Queer thing for me to do deliberately,
when [ went friendship mor.
coned confess. and ask ferltivoaess
he knew how timorous in the evenI �P
he knew that thP�F
"Perhaps It does, and perhaps It
And Is addltlon,
for his mummery, and simultaneously
Ino„*tor; and
Pa ally Mme ■time at whish
to contemplate! ! The lump In his
drwmn'f. I believe every man owes It
ore■ bumlnees of tasking good: he was
than anything else I can possibly Im-
nsk credit for his rPgenrratlon.
throat came nelir to sfrnngling him.
to hlnixelf til get wlist he w'antx. If
ao longer Impelled to It by resentment,
gginP-wouldn't It Y'
"But C'flrot
At this J was aware that
it seemed to illlllanl ,hitt Itnur*
mtemt hate elopmed before he had the
Hilliard, who didn't know whether
or amused, compromlmd
he dew *. hr's n .ucctexx ; it he dtreaa't-
nailer tee ambition;
a woman," Bald slowly,
xmme line had arrested him. It was
had air, st
Lmni .rw Ne.raw. . e..ws ether P•+�
$1s„rd'. L. -...t to tie. -h-4
It's hi* own holt."
de b
th10. too. he would see destroyed by
this, a wind
"almost •Iwapx has ro be a confidants
Angela's youthful suitor.
.p•e ad pt tlwcbe rdlA. Mm..d.0
tl,. remedy rets s••b'wther ""j'
A* he said this, they came abreast
Unit Armstrong. who
any admission of Ms deceit. care-
!once In tile game was to lose ills ptvrb•
before ehP becomes a friend.
They wt without stirring while the
'"h -hello. Waring!" said HIl11aM
"How's crime?"
of the others,
had hrnrd the final sentence, whirled
ltd, to relinquish It was to lose elf
clock ticked off a doren seconds. HII•
The student M law flushed at the
� e • ■ � r
towmrd Hilliard.
elm; and even now, his Joy and pride
(lard, scarcely knowing what he did-
live) salutation, which appealed to
anything else, Waring. tnnig that
• '
"Rrgnrvil.s,x of method.?" he do
wee contattied In preclaely those thingsand,
op, It he decided
It he knew, Indifferent -had pill
him an a reflection upon file majesty
•'\Vby--to slime extent," laughed
which be must give
to tear off the mut of hypocrl*y; and
wee rising out of the
both hands to bin forehead, ax though
to calm the vicious throbbing within.
of the bar. Also, his sense M bamor
was temporarily atrophlM.
- KK r
When Painting
` while fgMa .
Htlllard. :'WOW notT
kis self-re*pPrt
Presently, and mo quietly that ho,
"We don't handle c"Say. l cones;'
Armstrong, dehitel, xri that the two
mud of what he never should
never h„xM her. Carts was gale -sato
he responded shortly, "Say, when con
choose Scarfe's
lien tore a few pares behind the reit
Ione at nil.
had xlipped across the room, to the
youR and [ have a conference, together,
beautifies but
tKa",,;,,.'hPa",,;,,.7. "Ix that our rP u!sr
When he thought of ills worldly am-
lar. Hrd
-pot only
safeguards your home from
N.S. (J
erewl. lir. 11111Imro?"
bitions, he wax profoundly
that he had hiked priefensirmxlly with
A breath of music, light.
"Why. the *nomas the quicker"
wear and weather.
1 Yarmouth.
••Tiy- ere,•1I Isn't eom{ic.s.sl of
To he the taaliter
etrcxxlni. -
laughed Hilliard. "What's It nlloutr
g '
t +,p •
Mr. Armstroymi. tint of netiou.."
Mr. Cullen. sure,
bad lip raxually and naturally.
And there, on the safe where Dicky
Wnring coughed. "Business."
+ Scarfs do Co., Limited
r sa
They had spoken so quietly that no
the opening had tlermM too goon
Morgan had not, end smoked, and
The time to talk about business b
4 Head OSice and Factory - gimaid rd, omit.
Rabe {Irnrlt {ng thein wotNd hate re
be at the *nine time, HII•
taken ills happiness with the utmoRt
all the times -Isn't It?"
ntntrly aixpected flint a challenge had
to misted;
[lard couldn't help reflecting that It
nonchalance, wt Hilliard, In tensest
strained to the
Waring hesitated and finally steppe
Iins meets all trains. Calls made for
been offered and srreptel.
"Actions do speak looder, of MurxP."
bad Wen premature. it might
of soul,
lrnunue mNndy whish IlontM erroxx
into the shelter of a doorway, dmwfng
6 g 1 6
C. Cs
�J peso-ngers and baggage to soy part of
"Stine." said IiillinM. "will give you
eve'nteolly, to have been Jn*t the Drop
It might
to him, ■n @rho of youth and gladness
Hilliard with him.
••1 1 -11 lite •
+• til^ town. Prompt eenice i u•ranteed,
on offense. Rnt-[ generally art what
ter eourN to produce results;
which mocker] him, derldel him, In-
don't see Di'^sa seem
to he said,
6 ,
Telephone 61, Tia] or Night
I want•"
be that Cullen would become mo
dieted him a translation of
! very Important thing you,"
"hut It's Important
"anIto do 1 Shall we *Iwke hands oil
I tlwt tfli.t : �1^ .cent ain't restrained,
the »nntMnAlA madness whish welled
I rather nwtwardly,
wRx very affable, tint
I and would Iwp without Icwking, and
up 1n his throat and-fhokM him.
Pnodgh t0 me. Mr. Hilliard, to
`•1 CYCI Y ��111 a
$ , R. S T o W E
It T' Arniotrong
iwp farther than he Intended, and yet.
She wits playing 'the "I,Ivbe
worth taking time over -to to perfect-
- •
Residence. Cambria Road, opposite the
tremendously in earnPxt.
i eol on
ever gine,, that preliminary Interview,
ly frank with YOU. I've got Ave hum•
t Organ Factory OIBce
"With pimmnrP. ran
1 *4141."
Hilliard had known that he had made
His n11o111APM tient up convulsive-
Bred dollen i want to put In Rome
your aP»Pr/dty,
a breach In his own fortresses; that
I ly, and he ire* chilled to the hen ri.
high-claft. gilt-edged speculation.
vtia,�" • _ -
I be had rendered It possible for an In•
i fNlrt nnm it N'A-n% m a taunt, • sat -
Cullen gave me 'some polnten, Rod
formal (and loglcell enough) InvMtl•
to begin. or far mild suxplrlo^
age cyntrism, a challenge to Ilia in-
now I'm Interested In your copier
mine. Only -and this IS where the
f0 arise and [alO rnonlMflfm helms,,
ward xPlf. The waif* of It
blot ulnresixting ronselenre; the piers
httrh MmtM in—rte sort of got into
he had devised the me in* of rombatfnx
Ing tenderness of It dmmned him,
the swing of the law, yo• know, and
Make Y*ur Trip More Enjoyable by a
it. And mlthough 111111terd bellProd
In the goo,ls he had to Poll,
while It awoke Ills donnnnt passion,
that makes men -well, what you might
Call Judgmatleal. Toil get .o you want
Refreshing Night on Lake Erie
he knew the AlfticultT of the market:
end *et film will to vlhrnting. Lulea-
atntlm-and file dream of his love
to loot at everything from au four
Yavnfltklueb •wthe bea•)
( good
he knew how timorous in the evenI �P
he knew that thP�F
wax a Mtnnfasm which hfs brain reel-
sides. And i thought maybe Ireranm
MP -the attending circ»mstlincw-
Thousands d weak bound fnrelen ear they wnatAi t have mired that eget.
rn,pfortabI# richt rm rule d do fine wtear eta A good bed M •class stateroom.
Ino„*tor; and
Pa ally Mme ■time at whish
to contemplate! ! The lump In his
yon'd be kind enough to explaln the I
n Mug •otmi •leap and an appetinnt�reakfan In the seeming.
• of gaff« OF SUFFAIA"
might fiery
would tie rPruPtahr'i"d,
throat came nelir to sfrnngling him.
whose thing to ta„. Would ym•t”
Sa'a""r• SEEAr4DsJe"-"Cift -'CITY
Daily, May tat to November 15th
him harangue
gad remPsibPred adversely.
it seemed to illlllanl ,hitt Itnur*
mtemt hate elopmed before he had the
Hilliard, who didn't know whether
or amused, compromlmd
L "sioQ•le OMPM.l rosins /IeaveClevell.nd - tOOP.M.
Acomserrive n•1 - j vet-f-srd Tlta. ArrieetulAle 7�OA.M.
in this ronnertiou he wax Irrftat•
Ietbms•s to
strength to rime, and crmus the room. to he touched
1 by gravely
Oese,; A., " t.
Ctrerrt..n l.t erA.r Area, rat -Ito -der. TaMN. . slid n/her Rieke AR
n�ket sent .t ,.or1.t .■escy for uca•t aria C & ii -u. Ne_ Twrt•t A.as
M by the tone of Ilarmon's
file brain wex hufrPtod by wildly giddy
'TbPrr'a one thing i'll have to tell
■.ceded R.tr t:a o
The Or«i
him from Now Tort. fformon was
he re-
pmsaloom; he was only partly awns
he said; "1 don't advise
�I, IF -•r 11-1 oxaate rrrt et tee
ctsea SILL, "x•e.■•ae.• ed ll-o•a• b«la.t. Length
e �sdL h. Q
tboximatle, and confident ; was
Hilliard to brook
that Carol, trying to rise from the
yon, though."
one to gamble In copper -Ines, Or
*s�Sa 4",
TheCl•r•lerd and euaa4TmmitCo. fAe6inch.&
flying sturdily lin
thrmigh the telrinen of the lip -state
twitch, was wldt-eyed and Infultive lip-
prPhenmlon. Volition had gone from
anything else, Waring. tnnig that
Clevdand,Obi• Fare $9.50
c•gplfallxts; brit h,, thought that 1111-
him: he wax meting without reserve. person Goold actually afford to 1•0
Investo"t, said set be kart-
Iferd was making Amato too Otiosely;
wllhart prPmedltgllon. 1 his whole
posted that all Hilliard needed to
_Toll mP"' he maid thickly. "Hmve 1 And in this particular a
to control the wit" tllm%�
was to devote himself M a hard o -
ass ^t a ehxare? One Is a hundred! hepp
Does tint bit FM. Or d*oWt
elausht aCaln■t Mr. Cullo". and. after
(MP In a thousand? Rat a chancel" persalt It.
that. to Cather nlliseribPr* where he
„tom, , Mr. Rlillerd'" Hoer I Its"
ad is
man's I1/Mt!i
cbnoP IIP sold that Ifllllard woo
PMN was to his ehlvelry, gra had to be. l The rosea
wastime time. eaA ought to boon to
■ iwi most ... Would i breva
Y .
ere1r,.Iem■t.—ae Httllard hall in#"
• I 1
q� I ;" pl
!'a&Sa;.W9). 1'VtYiTrl9x''x^f':.,Pifr'44.s 'ides .G'4"a3tf� q u° •kr�*�". Rt �. e"i, 1
g '
t +,p •