HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-26, Page 5WILL YOU MAKE
TUESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1924
the beginning of your most euc-
eeesful year by enrolling at the
The only school in hich
you can have the advantage ee orio at f
$fust System sf Actual Meioses
from the start.
COURSES - Stenographic -
Commercial - Socretaiial -
Speatal Canoes.
For Information apply to
B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal
M.A. STONE,Com. Specialist,
Vies -Principal.
Phone 198.
at 7 o'clock p.m„ to Knox Presbyter-
ian Church. Rev. R. C. liccDermid
will Inc the pastor.
AB members of L. O. L. and Royal
Mr. A. 1'. Whitehouse, left title week lawn of the.places. Born at 1ta)field•,.rf fancywork. A g•NN1 program Is. Black Preceptory are requested to
for Detroit, where they will reside. 01,1 in 3I he harm+l the prlutlI1 being prepared. We weh.,ne every- meet in their lodge rooms over the_
Mr. I'hrls. J,41nu5h.n wna't11P scores 0nP.tn 104441 with ns and sp1•id a sorlal t!nlon Bank at 11.30 p.m.
lousiness ane after working at lbti Visiting lodges are cordially Invft-
eutative of Court I:,.4I••rich. No. 32. C. fruit and other pg...s wrap to \ask ,,11y11ug• ed to attend.
O. F.. at the High 'Court meeting de. where
at Montreal. he became in time the ".a
a proprietor of newspapers which were
Sister J. Sproul. Slater M. Lee,
Mr.Joie J,K. Ily 1, -ft yesterday for 'later am�IR.lmutwl`See
AIM 'rt.. Frew Pres- REV. R. C. McDERMID W. M '
New York after spending two w'oeks ptoto.,ss. 1 polo refiring from news -.ADDRESSES THE MASONS
at the home of hes parents, Mr. and pala•r work a .few yiar44 ago 1.44 tee ,
s4•Ipt,1 hlpnself actively with build -
!Maitland Lodge Holds Annual
Ing and flnanclal concerts. The 1.4.44
1x1 44Il*l r paysEx warmtN1ut,• tobaa Parade to Knox Chrrvh
memory.It sa"111thetrue st .tlu.ut 1L4 ,w n.lers of Maitland
• tw•n-o 314.Wilwas p 1Pa,Uug vltl- •iA,dge, No. uCi. .lucic•►nt. Fret.
and Ae-
sen in Nokomis. No worthy enter- C1'1414114 3111114111N. and visiting brethren
prise was without lila endorsement atop 'eroded tut(KIN.x church last Holley
co-,.peratlom daring his long bra -lions. t ,',•ging. Rev. 11. C. atclk rldkf
carver as editor of the Frw• Prv.s•
preached to the order, taking as his
Gazette HP wens a man wh(Ne ,outs subject "The Temple ►u Building.-
*415. '44.•1 sure yon are r'g11t. turn - His text was 1 King.. 6:7 ---And the
gas Ahead,' HP always made,," .'aro- bonsr% when ft was in building. was
NI study of one subject h•-fon• nr- built of some made ready before It
riving at a .•endmub.n. bat o(Ic. :1 r• was brought thither: so that there!
rh•,I rat he (o.k n firm +tend 11Iw1 was "wither 'hammer Torr axe uor any
lacked 111.4 judgment with pal- ,•011- tool of grin'h.'ard in the house, while'.
vlelh•ne. He was fair-ndudr•d nn.l at w•as in building." Ile also refer- ,
decor,' to his ihry as he saw It rat reed to 1 ('ur. 3:9. -"For we are
e All tine• s. 11'e• loner M m a-.eelnt•"1 laborers together with God; ye are'
• With 111111 for a number of years and I:,sl'e I1u•laistlr,. ye no. t:•Nl'N buJld-
t never did we hear hint speak ill of ing."
any min.- .end In a farther amble 1 eery noble work man is ,h.in(G
lion'• brother and s Nurse r, • be is 11"'"' wan.
of as "a su,cessful bus- valet the "'peaks*. 1s the building up
Graham and Yrs: Jams f- In,.wan. A 441w•,+a1f41 "than. a enc- ,.f .Jaractrr In thus 11191e we 111141
'town. and other relatives In the 1'1- ,.,,Fshd /'hrliettnn. w limn WP people of ,pony symbols of ,rnNtnxtleol. For
((inky."ok Is lire Ornnd rat" Tic 1. 5111-' instatlee• the Word edification, which
Mr. and Mrs. ClamOa.rrnw 11 1.41 rh•ed by his wife nod fa -n daughter's.' meats to !mild in.. We are nil busily
1 family. of Toronto. a1:• making thele ,awl Woo by the following brothers and „nog,' in Wilding rap a .ul1elsfrnc-
summer Nolo( at their termer residence sisters: Mrs. Ellrtlw•th K1lntip /11111 tore of charm -pr. The object of every
t on North • r•et. )114. ()arrow was Mrs. Anton Res-•. of R'. LoaL Mrs., mason in 4o 1.111141 11 shrine for god.
ove1 Saturday and Sunday ttnrrc Yonne. MI5 " Ent. and Amin The first foundation stone la faith.
the pest week. Wild. of Ooderleh: Val Wild. of Lin!' In other worts. ••rhe you honor,. in
Dr. Graham Elliott, who has thrid: 31r+. Wm. Johnson. of God?" Seentelly. there is the hap/of
recently gM.itM1041 at 11440111 l'ni- earn-,: Miss Fannie Wlld. of Geneva., palmitin. This la a 1 latnegftal
versify, Montreal. is here with 91. N. V and Angled and Lonle R'11d.• principle _which Lies at the 1111/1P/ of
turrets. Mr. and Mrs. John Fa of NPk„inn. North Dakota.
structure. Thirdly, there I.
lott, ut Forget Wank.. visiting rclnth•es
in -andvicinity.
Thursday. June 21, 1024- 1
Reduced Prices in
Gay Paree
=1.N Fan Powder • 75e.
7k Vanish* CreanSec.
7Sc Cold Clan Mc.
T.Ici P.w sr 35c.
'Yes, toilet goods are
very much a spec-
ialty here. --
We specialize in Toilet
Goods, just u we specialize
in medicines. Naturally we
have a large stock and
wide variety and have
here listed some of our
most popular sellers.
Yardley's, Gay Paree,
Garden Court, Bohcilla,
Three flowers. Pompeian,
Un Air Embaume, Mary
Garden, Armand's. Col -
gate's, FJcaya, Cory's, As
Petals, Hanbizant.
Something New in Stationery .11
We have just received this fine offering in Stationery,
including all sizes in Letter Pads. Correspondence
Cards, Papetries, Envelopes, etc:".
Let us show you this Stationery and the money-
saving price and we know you will be sure to buy.
Phone 90 The Square, Goderich
unbar allspice•
Erskine aiiwch,q Dsngaaaon
un Manse Gr•"1111a
Geed Sapper. Ea selle.t Progress
telly Tleet$1 ll0•�
know where to get the bargains
Nov aid Used Felton
They call regularly at
Blackstone's Furniture
.� Exchange
on the Broadway of Goderich
�_ .I ONE 50c sox
)Ir. Ed. Watson is here fres Hasa fora holiday visit.
Mr. D. M. Altkaa, of Burbank, Cal.,
is visiting friends to town.
Mr. Morris $i►anlw►u, or Windsor,
la spending a week's holidays to
Mr. l'. II. Humber le attending a
convention of jewellers at Ottawa this
w1' ek.
Mrs. Jednu Frances, of Thornhill,
la visiting her uncle, Mr, Thos.
Allam lileatrke Lauder, M. A.. of It.
( tliarines, la house fur the summer
]rev. l' J. • Gnaw of Galerich
end v. W. A. limen of Ashfield,
es we'F as .• number of parishioners,
at. aided the elloceion Eucharietk
(',;uresis at Parkhill do Thursday last.
Bei. M. G. [►'Nell. formerly ,of .lsh-
field. is parish priest of Parkhill. and
hors of Coostlpetloa
By NFrait-a-tires
nls Wssisrtrl Frltlt Media
Anyone who suffers with miserable
health; who is tortured with Head-
aches; and who is enable to get any
real pleasure out of life ; will he
tatertsted in. this Miter of Mrs.
Martha de wolfs et East Ship
va(wtpu. Harbor, N.S.
Mat 11. J. 1). Cooke 1104) Mlas Louise Mrs. de Wolfe says, "For yearsI
Cook., of Toronto, are visiting in vas a dreadful sufferer trona Consti pa.
PORT ALBERT, June $3.-A lane
number of Port Albert people expert
eto attend the Presbyterian lawn so-
cial to be held at Dungannon es Fri-
day night. An excellent ,osteal pro -
green la being prodded. Admission:
Adltttli. M cents; eblldr•ts, 30 cents;
family \ et, $1.30.
of Dungannon, 111\
ter. Mrs. V. Cue
Mr. Fred Willman. el
little daughter visited
parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.
other friends for a few
11e 25. -Mrs, Brown,
visiting her dangle
tingham, for a few
Coi.krahe, and
the ' former's
Wilson, and
ys last
IJon and Headaehes and I was raiser- week.
Mr. II. Karl Elliott, of l'pper Can -
Nothinglathe way Mrs. McBride. sr.. Is vial at
ads College. l TYruuto, Is home for the of medicine seemed to help me. Port .Ut.ert, taking In the ensile nary
ads Col vacation. Thea I tried "Fruit-a-uvea"and the se rvlees end lawn sea•h.1 at the. es -
smuttier was splendid; and alter taking Irvterlan church.
Messrs. W. T. Muriey and J. 11. only one. box, I was completely A snapper from herr attended t;1
K.41y aur attcudiutr• a Ifydro,0onvee- relieved and now feel like a new , anniversary .11rvhwa rot •Port Albert
thin 11t Niagara Panic, l person".oil Sunday. •. �.►
Mrs. E. J. Ilow•wxr. of Tomato, 50e. a box. 8 for $2.80, trial size 25e.
At dealers or front Fruit -a -fives Several from the Carlow Meanie
with 11.4 IItUe on. is visiting her t limited, Ottawa, Oat. lodge' attewwltrl the parade to Knox
mother, Mrs. .1. Kuox. 1 _ _ church. Grah•rk•b. 4.0 Sunday evening.
Iter. 4' X. awl Mrs. Orrery motor s err. W. Clayton visited in the neigh-
ed to St Mary'-, Tlilaolburl, Wood-OB/T VARY wg ,INrrIs-NI over the week -end,
stock and Ieaulou this week. 1 in kir Smith', HIE `hmti►daary.-Annly-
Mra. A. 4;. Hovey and .bUght�r'e of s' ••r.*ary aervlceN will held In the
Kltelien•r. are visiting with the form- Jl)SEt'H W.
The death occurred at Nokomis. iI- resbyterinn chump ere rP nn July
rt''. ,Debre, Mrs, J Purves. I a. iter. 4:. Telford, o Blyth, will
11 will be
Clinton News•Iterord: Miss Edits llnols on June Nth, of Joseph \\.Wild.' be the prt•scher and th
Juhurfou, hue of tows• baa' gone t0 brother of the Misses Anna and K11t J Nr•lal anisic by the choir. 11'11 Irrrlk
e:,NI••rich for flit' to es. uwruths• lt<)H1, of OudcrMD. Mr. WiI4Anita
sulx'umt.rl •f .r a full hm11!•. 1►i 1\'edue any •`v -
3I; Mildred Stokes. undo.-Indrait, to meningitis, after au 111u0Na of see- ,,,Ili•¢. July 0, there will Ire a lawn
lug at Slratfunt hospital, Is visit, ,sal merntba, Ile had lived at•Xok •{ni.4 I social en 3tr. Alf F.rringthn'a laws,
lux et her home Lew this caret. for over forty y.ara mei ore one of will tee +rrvvt. There Will
Mrs. H, 11'hltebouae• and her son, the sncc'rsaful..and Jnthu•nt1st busbies.+ also be nn le cream booth alai a lade
We have a full range of Straw Hata at
$2.50 and $3.00 /
A new shipment of Auto Rugs just received. / Be sure
and see them.
Always at your service for Dry Cleaning a11il Pressing.
t is
Phone 339
South Side of Square
Bon Voyage
Mrs 41ex. Iawson and daughter,
Miss Jean,,, leave uu Saturday next
for Quebec. whence they will eau
by steamer Empress of Scotland o0
July 2nd on a tour of Great Britain
zed Europe. They,wlll be away three
Hut or more. Mauy friends-wlah
a pleasant voyage.
L. O. B. A., L. 0. I
Princess Mary Ledge No. 443
the Ladles' Orange Benevolent Arno -
elation, will hold their annual Church
Service and Parade on
When she wants a portrait of blab 011
he one of her we make check•• -the
kind that ukases.
Mts. J. 1t. 1{elly.
Mips 11141'11 MI•Nee. R. N., of Tor-
onto, fa 11114.1111111g 1t few days with
her peri -ata, Mr. Haat Mrs. Jamie
\h•Nee, Itritsuihl road.
Rev. S. S. Hardy. Mrs. Hardy and
their baby .lankhh•r wero guests
with Mr. and errs. Harold Thump -
Rev. J., 11 ('hl.holm of I.ondoo, who. s.a1. Flmriew .14'ari1Pllts, London, wet
delivered the sermon at the rooftrees'.w.,,k s
is n CA... me ploy:\ Kincardine Reporter: Mies Violet
Ilnrtwiek. Tor• ilo, and Mies Carrie
Hartwlek. of theirrlch, are at the
Lode of tlwlr 441rruM. Mr. and Mrs.
Georgellartwick. • -
Mr. .awl )Ire Thew. Sandy_ and
family leave on .in1y 1st for a two
months vacation trip. Tiley will trave•1
d,y uw.•nr and will visit points in th
1'nladlan West aid the United States
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, n
Forget. Husk.. are casting Mrs. El
31, -Nees, o
Mrs. W. A. /thymus hue returned
from Blslrmore. .t11N'kta. where she
had been .guts last Xoretehet vlelt-
Ins her danelitrr. Mrs. y"\ad
.rmer. an
her sun, Mr. Melville Ithwnas.
.4 •11101
"Qre Pictures as Gips"
For Weddings, Aisi.e Kies
and Graduation Presents'.
Nothing Is as geed for such occe-
sines as a nicely framed Pieter..
The giving of it elbows the .
d a
taste aculture o
.re of the dor.
the see who receives it will
be greatly pleased.
Celine 1. and see emir spled
d id as-
sortment. aselect year Gift.
Sib's Art and 6111 Store
Phslss lea gait street
Sale of i
Houde Baking
The Eureka Bible Class of
Victoria Street Methodist
Church will hold a sale of
Homemade Baking on
at Mr. Hay's Grocery Store,
commencing at 2 p.m.
West Street Bakery two
Having purchased the Bakery business formerly condueted
by Yr. H. a Stevens, I am prepared to supply the people of
Oederiek and vicinity with their needs in
Bread, Cakes and Pastry
Bealthat any saeeessful business must be built upon
QUALITY, I shall make it my object to turn out goods that
will 1111..t the Quality test.
a«de delivered. Telephone °alb attended to prompt.
Telephone Ne. 114
LIT vs nava YOU
46.11:: Lr: 111,4', ,,,M14- ,/r
William V. Richardson
West arm Opposite Masonic Temple
i► ae tai:: . D tt
Amateur Finishing
Our developing and printing is
of tke better kind.
Leave your Films with us for
good work and prompt service.
We also carry a full stock of
Films and Printing Materials.
Phone 187 f oderleh
"1 charity towards aII men. 3rgrnnr)•
town -a CHURCH NOTES - is Lased upon „justice. One of the.
Mr and Mrs Netter and daughter chief alma of Masonry i. brotherly,
Doreen. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ye1111(rThe services at the iM{AMt church love. '11w• only difference Ietw,wn
aril sou Ardis, nod Nr. F:t lin Mc next Snnlay will 1,,.las chars. of ,"..! brotherhood of the church and that of
(*math, who were here attending the next : 1! •1 t'. v. 1."-n es' sender Macaronis that the one n•Inn•s to hit-
funeral of the pats rule 3. McCn• 111.
left on Saturday meriting for Detroit.
s,hrrnl •! 1:. ncteck. 1'rcn•Ling seer- inanity and the other to the society
:desert.. T. R. Wallis. R', F. ('lark tic'••s n1 11 a m. and 7 p.m. Taylor's: Another fundamental principle was
and J. E. Muhl repreented Huron Conners at 3 p.m. truth. One of man's highest Ideal
Lodge at the' I. 0. 0. F. Grand A g.•1r.•rnl meeting of the Deaneries' declared the speaker, i44 trnthfnlness.
Lodge 1n.ettng at Guelph 'net week. of Perth. Huron and probably Grey Mr. MeD rmid's final words to the
brethren were 1111 Injt11N•tinn to P11 -
The Rebekah Assembly was held at Will be held at Witty/ham next fall. In -
dearer to cnmp41ric their linlrtnm
the same place. the loyal Rebekah stead of three scnnrate meetings in until 11 ehnnld sthnd out In .ym-
Lodge bring reins -molted by Mrs. F. the sea- rnl deaf urtrw,' 1 tnctry : floe rhbd . thl,lI • of the ym-
Walls. Mra 11: R. Pinder and Mrs )p•glnoll;c Sand 1y. July 0 h, and ; Is Jr•snN ,.'i)iChrist,
W. T. 3hvlwy, untinetnet .111(11 August 11.1. the Snn• ( The .' anthem 'The R,NuatP Hltr. of
31'lmgham Alrau,,' Tisurs: Friends ,t •v school-.r•sinn at North stmt Early Dawn" way rendered by the
in W ingbam will he interested to learn Methodist ehnrr•f1 1.-111 M• he'd rat 12 choir. and a solo. "Router the Gates
that Mr. ('arm in Armstrong. son of oi•loe•k. hnmedintely following the sere I of the Temple.- was sung by Mrs,„
Rev. E. F. and Mrs. .lrnlstrnil; of tiler chnrch +ervhr. 1 W. F. Saunders.
Wallai.eborg• formerly of Wingham,
has been assig11,1 n+ a supply for
one year to tilt' Methodist church at
Tiverton, mine milers 'north of Kin-
Kincardine Review : On Friday. Mr.
Thos. Welsh, sr.. Mrs. Lot Culbert
and MIss Janet W.l.h went to De-
troit by motor and the Greyhound. On
their way hark they ended on Mr. and
lira. Andrew Johnston of ('olblrne,
well known in KInenrdlnet And Amber -
1.y. They found them very well and
mm•h interested In Huron views,
Miss May Riehartsnn. formerly of
the G, C. L staff. who has been at-
tending the University of Toronto the
past year. woe here over the week-
end vlslthng her friend, Was Burn..
She hue been engagedby the Cit'nton
4'nlleyrint.' Institute hoard as head of
the classk•s department In that wheel
and *111 enm0PileP her work their In
Mr. and Mem. John Elliott, of
Forget. Reek., Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Graham. Mr. sed Mee. J. B. Graham
an,l Mr's Janos McNee, of Oederle•ll,
attended the garden party at Port
.Miert, In eonopetbon with the tiffs
fifth anniversary of St, Andrew's
Pr'slrytPMaa ehareh, on Monday ev-
ent115 Iaet, and renewed acquaintances
with many old Port Albert 1rieode.
Kr. We. Roger'', of the Depart-
ment of Mine.. Toronto. wag is town
nn Monday looking np a few old
friends whom he knew from big school-
day. In Goderich a quarter of a cen-
tury ago. Mr Rogers le a one of
Th* to rri es in Knox ehnreh 'next
Sabbath Will,' In charge of the min-
ister. Subject's of sermon.: 11 a.m..
••The Gospel In Trnst " 7 p.m.. "Les-
sons from the Book of Ruth." The
members of the Ledtes' Oravigr Ben-
e1'nlent Msoelatlon *111 attend divine
Ferrite at 7' o'clock. Sabbath echoed
aid Bible dairies at 10 oarlock.
Next Sunday w111 he flower Sun-
day at North street Methodist chum's.
10 A.m.-Church cla)SPs : MitFfon
Band: lien'. Club. Subject for Men'!
Club: "Whnt 1. tnterAtton and how
far 'should It go? --to lab introduced by 1
air. W. C. 1°11411111 in. 11 a.m/-i'ro
gram by the enn.lny raehool, p.m.
---ee•nam,tmbjt'et.•11.0.'MeF.adt' f the
North street Mo'hodb.t church Snit.
day *sham will he delighted to wel-
come yon to the children's day sPrylee
next Sunday horning at 11 neloek.
Floral deeoratlnne bright and joyous
musk., anti the happy faces of the
children 1144 they join is prnl.,P and ad-
orA'Ion to the Father of all w111 .ur•ly
cheer and gladden your 1114411, .i l
make yon feel that It is a gond thing
to meet tore her In the Armee of our
At Victoria street Methodist church
next Sunday the p'rvk+' w111 be
coudltet.rl by the :smear. The Sunday
urban! will hold a sree1441 0ervle* at
10 o clock. followed by a flower ser•
vise at 11 ., e'eck. S'shjsc't • "1Te• Mee -
Page of Flowers." 19venleg !orrice
at 7 : .nbjeet : "'Thankful for *ere
Rev. 11. Rogers, who was Methodist thing."
'Mabee? at Dungannon and on other At the meeting of the Rums
chargee in t)M diatr)ct a gold many Preehyt.rlal W. M. fl., weld at CHHtr
... " n•' nt•d Isle wife. who at.- a"w 1,111, i *'h, arrnIti(Fta4nta were
••d 11'w 4111 hlF vlNit to One,- 1011,1" for the endues moferea•s,
r" •'• Herr been holidaying at .Bay whir!, will he in the lora of a jubilee
field. , , e r at leveSSt.
r AVS':. ,ze rs ac:w is••s aur ,"putts amp a•efft a I.wv'?x::e.
Mr. M. 3V. Howell brought Into nils
only. the other day It sample of oats
from the farm of his brother.
finro!d H. Howell. of Onondaga town-
ship. near Brantford. The stalk*,
which w.•re 111111erd JiinP 20, were rap
to thirty-five Inchesp in length, which
i. remarkable for the :season.
Men's Oxfords
at $4.45
Black and Brown Oxfords
with French and Round
Toes. All are Goodyear
Welted, Leather Solettand
Rubber Heels. ' Sizes 5 to
10. While they last
The Square Goderich
We are showing a number
of new Summer beats of
unusually graceful lines.
in the newest shapes and
shades. - .-•.M=a
Come in and see our well-
chosen stock of
New Summer Hats
Miss MacVicar
Kingston St. Goderic6
UMW. Ne. lIM
Did You Ever Hear
a first-class band play
"Colonel Bogey" March
er The 1812 Overture i
You can hear them at
home on the
• '.4444,
31 lay and 'Tuesday
in a dynamic underworld ',knife
J. White Spacial Christie Comedy
"b1 111.1168"
Wednesday and Thursday
Kndyetd-4ipllnRs fa moue story, with
Regal Comedy
n J . r385 Days"
Friday and %Murde .
a hard-r'ding rough -Net Ion Western
"1)01111Z Dp:ALiN(3"
Century Comedy
"Down to the Ship to Iter'"
"/Wax Maitre Hood"
Nott* cbzage of ztatlzees--Thea., Wed.
and Sallied,, at 3.00 p.a.
CO1111N4 : NORMA 'TAf 31ADOR in
"Aims of Veng ssce•1"
For Something Nice for the Table Try Our ,.,
Fresh Home -Grown Lettuce, Rad-
-- ish, Onions, Cabbage, Tomatoes
We have a good stock of firm Silver Skin Onions and
New Potatoes -
Phone 46 Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Town
A complete new stock of Ladies' White. Shoes, in the
popular straps and sandal effects, awaits your inspection.
Prices are very reasonable this season.
Fleet -Foot Running Shoes
gym.. afro
tor all occasion. for every member of the family. Some-
thing new. in a play -shoe for child
sren, Canvas Oxfords
with leather soles. You will like them.. -
ts.r .:,w=
Phone lbfl W. REG. SHARMAN (:(1i1E1:.01