HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-26, Page 4head. the gtu.tts numbering ninety.
Tlw lyase war artistically decorated
with sparing floweret. the bride's table
being b4-antltul with the wedding,
cake In .•t•ntre anal Murron,Nled with 1 ItE1.FA$T. June 24 -Mr. and Mrs.
reser of sweerjo•aas of many hates. 'toy Altoat atnl Timlly visited with
The evening was spent with music friends at fort Albert on Sunday.
-- 1 .1 ntN1 dancing. the bride wearing 1 Mr. fwd Mrs. John Bradley and
grey georgette gowna lth bead son }:Idt.u. of i.aurier. event Sou•
trlmmleg- The air t. were many and day ut Mrs Bradley's former bonne
iwnutHul afro belittled a number of lure.
Iday. Mrs. Tattersall. of Gads Hal.'
the represeenhatdte, wan present and' eulrtyntinE ,)taltws. Gu.+ts were twos- I tile. and Mrs. Walter Alton
AEX)g1i.1.FR, June 24.-'1 a heart -gave an t'x''1'ttent address on •.•flew trent 1.,t know. i•istnc,•1. Arthur spew a day liter went with Mr. and
Work Institutes Should Take top," also and other waive. After a sh.,rt honey MrM. Max Maynard, of Paramount,
maw trip the happy )rung comae will Misr Tillie SherW04111 lids
4•' laRandaa. JUN ss, 1281
are always found in
You'll get the style you like -the quality you need -and the I
value you want when you select a Pridhana Suit.
Prices $18.S0 to $35.00 Spacial Briers. $30.00 to $45.00.
Cool Summer Furnishings
Straw Hats, 01.75 to $3.h0.
COO l:uion Suits, Hatchway's buttonle*s Forglh'atailoe-
made, $1.50.
Cream Flannel Trow4ertt for sport, outing, drew-np
occasions all summer, $7.50.
Bathing Suits for 1aiikle and men, all -Wool, $3.50 to 0.501
Men's and Boys' Wear
was lett 'to a committee. Atter cone
unutlly siugitag the hostess served a
splendid lunt•h. The meeting closed
with the singing of the National
Ant Item.
Yard:lb-AVIA a -Thr ()wee Sound
San Times luta the following Which
will be of lutereet to many in !bit
township: A very pretty wedding took
laser at liromore ou \Vero eklay. Jour
401. at 4 p.m., when Mtge Mary
Hilda \\711)• was unitt•tl in marriage
to Mr. Elmer Fnrrish nt i.ueknow,
The cerewonv was performed by Rev.
W J. Burnett, in the prt•seuee of a
tea' relalvt•s and intimate friends.
The tartar was tastefully gowuwl in
1 a Butt of wind 1%4r.1 twill and cream
br.•utieluth hlon,u•. lint Dud *lyes of
' pretty shear of grey and a corsage
bouquet of sweet. ps tis and ferns. im-
medlately after the ceremony the
br14.a1 {arty ttao•ore•tl to the brides
• home. when a wedding rwrptlnn was
Pue•Maristic Congress at Parkhill last
alisat•a Margaret Garvey and Kath-
leen ruley and Meagre. Tom and
Gerald Garvey speut Sunday at ('hep-
Mr, and •Mr*. Wm. Lanolin, Mimi
Monica Martin and Mr. George nren-
nen sprat the week -rod at London.
Mins Margaret Foley. who haw been
attending the Stratton' Normal, is
Loewe for the holidays.
Mr. Michael Foley and airs. Sarah
Lawrence, of ('hlcago , visited tlwtr
hruther; Mr. Ed. Foley.
The pupils from this school who are
trying middle w•huut t•xaminatleu* in
Gode•rlch this week are Misses Helene
Foley. Helen Dalton, Lillian halton
anti al•trguerttc Sullivan 110(1 .ME1rr,.
Harold Collinson. Edwin Garrey awl
Norman O'Loughlin.
Mr. teenier(' and Miss llorothy
O'Reilly *Lent a few days witia
friends herr.
lest congratulations are extettkd to a talk uthe hen. There ons a Road
Mr. Eldred More and Lots briar.Oltattendance. ch waert'd. take reeldene Olt the gr.Inin, farnt twine after opt
The Heumlller ('fault Chill pre•s*1 Luns shear i.nt•know. e.eks at.I)etrolt.
Mr. Icahn }'1.•tiu•r, his motile hear Roy Irwin and Amort
Phone 86 COLBORNE'S STORE Nee 86
French embroidered Night Gowns and Step ins of the finest silk batiste and
nainsook. These garments are very handsome and dainty. Prices $3.50 to $5.50.
Silk crepe de chine Night Gowns and Step-ins in flesh and white, with Swiss
lace trimming. Prices $4.00 to $10.00 each.
Camisoles and Bloomers to match, made of heavy Habutai silk, in lavender,
flesh and white. 'Prices $3.00 to $5.00 each garment.
Fine cotton Night Gowns with lace trirrming, for constant wear. Extra
value $ I.00 to $2.50 each.
Kiddies' Socks in silk and silk lisle, 50c to 75cir. aft
Ladies' silk Hose. extra value, $ i 00. a pair; in all shades.
Ladies' silk lisle Hose, $1.00 a pair, beige. grey and black. it�ei ^•'
Ladies' all -silk Hose, extra heavy weight, $2.50 to $4.00 pair. 1'`1
Don't forget the House Dresses we have of extra fine gingham. $1.75 to
$5.00 each.
ted their play, I Ca, t Afford 1t." to
111. LEEBI•RN Henry alto Miss 1.IIa Irwin tare turning with them for a vtslt./
• of TIIIs.a1611rg, air. W. aia.r.•, u[ the re[ur,.*1 home atter spending a few
We are glad to report that Mr. tended was prettily 'tressed in white
1 West. atilt daughter airs. Nticktie who has been gaMy) Sdasol Plttit.-1114 jsolnt y' 1.F.F.R1'r:X, J1l►ae ^_4 --lits (1ttP_al 4L1yM with frle•uds at Ihwrlwtu. John Wright, Iii for crepe d,• eheue with trimmings of
R tae school picnic held for lien• of netrdL uu,tpre.l up rout spent a That and her rhlldren- from Gude- air an. sleet. T11. *. •Fera tta.•lt selae•'time. is somewhatAmprotel. lwa14. and riblo i s. wad carried a
miller, Bethel and Zion at the Falls couple of days In.r week k t11 Mr. W. A. rich, called on her father. Mr, Tine• 1 spent a day recently wit) friends at / bouquet of (aphelia roars and waldcn-
MIIIPr sand air. L i 16 Mr. and Mrs. W. TlRtdde 11 motor- twirl fern. After the ceremony all sat
hlwwar afterttaut was a jewel!. for a share time nn Rutttsay.•(:,*Ierlch• 1 M dikln ('nr,hpler td to ltipl,•c last W+lhtradtn)'. down to .a sumptuous repast. The
4.intcknow town hall last Friday even= ire Fletcher. and Mk,.
her f,t:ter, rod w11 otherwise aunt -
tinge saes•**• All present weaned to Mr. awl Mrs. Jor.•ph smith
e•n(1m themeelvee tlai rouartly. tatter- a motor trip to Goderleh. S
tag henrtlly Into the tatr.•bill, font- other pint,. last w•w•k.
stunts group gam- end-- Mr. not Mae. A. M. McKinnon and
by no means. flu least ins{
the sol , ter and the booth Ti*o e . .
Nina. Oliver Cook and Mr, anti Mrs. air. on, rr. i tote bride trot; the recipient sof wary
Fred Qnald :Mewled ire funeral of , and Mon. of Zion, visitwl at the home Ti* T"ulen Suuolay §e'hoo11 p1'
their emeriti. the late l(r. FA. (41%er.7of Mr, and Mrs. Alt \herwo.*1 on, will he held Friday in the grure on
beautiful Ritts. among them being a
the island behind the chopping mill.
of PDR .\loser, nen Weltssesltny at- 18unlay. 11eh tray Dna pyrex casserole from her
ternnoin of ln.f week. Mr. 'and )its. Albert Cameron fir play 'entitled. "I Caul Afford Sunder school teacher and times, The
Nin.. Jos.Barton and her sen In Auburn was nt in singing and social
venin the happy couple
by tow young Per) e'
the ansgdeM of the lTxrlmny Crass outeedon of East Wawauosh, nmdd
' t the Methodist church. showers of congratulations and hest
church will hold its w e ee
r= str•►weaery festival on 1P
needay evening. July 2. on the school
lawn. Much effort 1s being made to
male the event a great Peruse. lee
31110* the Knux church orchestra. whish
will ,.,,tribute generously. there w111
be n %pedal program otaalsttng o[
14)115* and aim -eche( by prominent ar-
tiste. .A splendid supper Is being
provided ntsl it IS P'ls•e•tet that a
tall rue*, moat enjoyable time will be afforded.
important- children. John and Jessie, of Walker-
Ii t slat -ton. and Mr. Nell McKinnon of Rivera. R 1 T n claltwl with \\aw*,,oslt friends one It 14114 ix' presented evening *pent The work of renovating 1'utonchnrch
Forester' Hall. 0o Thur rise evening. ogrmoes atter ahlhe iP. 1 !* well under way. Two days have
of the en,wd may los h/ nanny* judged dale. spent1. n ray with their consln.1 salt .lanM s. of mate+rireeh. v. her day leaf week. pl of ltenmlller nn lett for the groom's hew on the 8th is ll un by the *npmhers of the
toy alis fat{ 1 113 etch/ nanny* of 1!! Mr. D. 11. Murray. a'..•r. Mrs. Wm. (:tern. for a
congregation atop besides a general
40 1,.' were s,41. Thr Falls proved Mr. anti Nlrs. Jelin McQn111and few day last week.• D •�\\nv and thorough cleaning the intetlnr has
reeeto I*• an cy.vIIPnt posse for a pknk, rntul'.y. Fresh Dorothy and Frank. A nnmler from Leehurn rhumb at- i
I)1'Ne:.4XN'ON, June "_5 -Mr, B Knox annual. 1 h anti th r oar coat of paint. it 1s .' -
although e n ewhat difficult ,of se- I; ft last week fur 4 (motor trip to tended the jnhilee *orrice. at Port the manse ;prowl that on Friday the finishing
0(51, IT+ttnllton and other 1sduM. Albert on Snraelay evening. Gray's mother arrived here on 'Se ,
Death et C. Rtaadilraallia- There "Some of the 'title ('lab m mlwire day Dad will remain with her soli nn- grounds on Friday„July 4th. Supper COLBOR\E coat will he Applied. tins fn+nrin5 ■
twos .1 away at Clinton hospital last attended the enmity shoot at Salt- i'(1RTFR'S Hi1L I t fit be h M Gray's reran eei from 620 to A p•0(.• after *meadia job. The envier In Sunday,
Rnnitay afternoon Gottfried Fnraefi- turd on FrWgy. � u
• , Clinton K11 ><r. and Jars. t j hoot Immo.
11 to r. when
. r. ,err Program. COLBORNE T(,WNPSIIIP June 24.
f seri-Ice herr will end. � They, will which their will l+e n good P nn this aconnt. 14111 he held In the
Knife - W. .leu soon, of Rin- Mr Whitfield will
inski. after an Mapes ..oily three - PORTER'S HILL. Jane 24 --The an- arnpy the manse. We welcome Mrs. 1ueltetine male 1 y
weeks' duration. . The deceased was Die1etsera• aerrleee in Bethany church Gray to our village. land. number§ hy Harvey McGee. tall. visited the latter's parents. Mr. take charge of the eerylee.. The nth-
*,lorn In Germany seventy-three years nn !41ndny were conducted by Rev. `t Mr. and Mrs. Smiley and Mr. Man- enrnedtan. and nddreneees. Everybody and Mrs. John Fowler. last week . j,rt of the .address well be 'Can -
1 t. this sentry when nr. MrXalj of London. who preached' son Rrtl motored to Loudon on dun- aelmme 1 Mr. and Mrs.' Gro. A. Bean and ads. Our Land."
I M to McLaren MIi h which was to
ata0• cum uR ,
slant twenty years of n¢,. Most nt
the remainder of hi§ Loft• was *!pert in
Colborne township. 'a -here 1 wits a
saweerefnl farmer nn.l a highly rewp'-
ted resident. A trivet.• 'fit nera1 *.•r-
ctee^ son* oudurtel by it,•c. W. 14.
Mints Tneelay afternoon. .June 24. at
the home of lir Willard Ler'. The
pallbearer,' were F:reef 1L.Izhonem.
Ed. Hnlzhnuwn. 1)an. Sehwnnz and
Mr Frank. 11eIs414P the stricken
widow. woe, for two yenrs has leen
stiff. ring from paralysis. there nre left
to monrn the low. of the depatr'el four
brother/a. Anglsst. Edward. Emmet and
(;n.tace. n11 of Kitchener. sunt one 514 -
ter. Mr•. HOlzhonee,. one danght.•r.
Mrs. Tea'. anti two eons. Albert and
Edgar. of the. roman:tllrv. The shi-
ver(' sympathy of nit friends and
ro•Irt,l*ore to extended to this family.
loth .m nerount of the sad bereave -
Ment and Met•nnse of the pony health
of Mrs. Knr14•hinekl awl Mrs. Lee.
ST TTELF)XS. June 23. -Boss W.
D. Rutherford. who has heel) tench-
tng In Mitchell Iltgh School, is home
for the vacation.
The Women's institute held Its reg-
ular meting in the hall on We1nea-
Jf+1IFl}a.n. June: ..-Among the
n • ..k -end risitor§ was Mr. . AMg. 'Mus-
lntyrs. of Kln,'*rdine.
Mrs, Donald ][reGrecnr and her
-.daughter. lath of nnldth..are vIsking
at the home nt her brother. Mr. 1,111
MatKay. Lake shore. Ktntail.
\Ir. Ejs+oe•zer Armstrong. et Ripley.
ts visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Beckett.
al r. J*Im•. Grant is h,mp nttt•n.l-
It ¢ the fnuern1 of his brother David.
'1 lie sympathy of th.• .s.mmnnity goes
•cut In Air. and Iles. It. A. Grant in
Iso 1t*.s of their sun hy drowning• as
r.eport...1 In The Signe' last week.
I The new• bridge nt Mfr. Charles
Stewart's le completed and will anon
l.. .y*,i .1 ter traffic. The men are
busy building another on Sliver Creek.
near Kb 4*11.
Mine MfitnePhall ('nmhig.-The 1'. F.
W. O. held their replier meeting at the
110MP of Mrs. Charles Robb, Lochalsh,
1 on W.einwelay. Jntae• 1R, with the preott-
1 dent. Mrs John MacRae. In the
their. The roll roll was amewerwl by
"current eveNttn." A splendid program
l -as gees, and arrntrgements were
made to have n plenty at !Awl -Jew
Park. Klntatl. as noun as Miss Mas-
i Phall. M. P., can eoms. We will all
1 be dellghtc41 to hen* Vis liasPhall.
The nrrnngt•ment of sports for the day
two ver, praetteal and inatract•!re ser- I chi. They report Mr. Thos.Ai'BCR\. Jane .1. -Nor. and MYa• children, also M sw ar o • The font )nate
mnhs w tel Were much appreetated i Smiley and Ifni. M. Reid, who are T Fraise and )[a+h r Rfllle, nt (.alt, of Auburn, spent Runday with Mr. and to h,• played last Thursday night was
the large enngrr_tlmst.. We can lu hospitals in the Forest City. a§ spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mr... John Treble. pattetpooed to Wetlneftday of thio week.
assure Pr. M'Nalr of n good 1lrarty improving. Cnwl'e s sister, Mrs Ea. Leeann. I Mrs. W. Morrish. of (Ioderich, A real trot Is in store for God.-
bewelcome !f lie peer tomes to this Mr. ('..Pentland, Mrs. William. Mr. and Mrs. Itltsse1 Bills. acenm• visited her dangtater, Mrs. Chas- Ai• rich tnwnahlp on Tuesday. July A.
nplghls.rtiond again. The mnslsal ami flan Rofte of Ann sreor ykh Harry P aerie of De lin. last week. when a play and program ander the
^art ,f the .ceche' was furnished by
the• choir of Willis ehu,oh. Clinton.
and was march enjoyed be all. It must
1 1 d f old
Tice -
are the guests of Mrs. D Girvin. panted by Mr. arr• •• Mr, ant Mrs W. Feagan. of Code -
.staples* of Guderieb Township 10.
Onr baseball tram met their [volt' visited with their parents at the etch. visltrel with the former'§ rents
ae.-k end. t Ia nidal Auxiliary will he was In Cn-
Waterhoo at AaThirn lay) Friday C set rltc and \ors et H. on Sunday. inn chnrrh. For pat -deniers see Mill
Ince hero n peau. ay for an night. Ecerybooly seemed to play out lira rel n \frssra Robertson anil Trrhle nn- nest wseek.
s place lull returned home on TuI edgy of inward a ear of lumber and Phlntles at
, il pe trfende at
kilted choir render the music for the I creditable showing sn tar this sum Hamilton and St. Catharines
vele.•* on I440(1*y. I mer. It being the only game lost. •._ Will Ant mos of Winnipeg, eft
ir poop.. were WP represented
k with his
e~ net h e harsh lIke Rethany to PPP a f 1 However. theyAnte a very
t • • n11nR a sow k with
op to Gnderlch to attend the I. O. O. F. at the Port Albert Preehyteriau jubilee hams sl
Prrain. In rhe park on Sunday after- services on Sunday and at the garden mother' who Is very ill.
noon. party Monday night'. They all report Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ynnlrghlnt.
being highlentertained.
wL aft. Charles Elllntt and Mr. and MrP.
A very interesting Orange service •1"'Raeker spent a few days with
was held in Mr. S. Stother,i grove Mr, Wm Reuther at 11 rppott on a
on Sunday afternoon. A large crowd front flashing trip All reptort(d a
was present and Rev. W. H Snell, 500l trio. They brought • few
of Wingham, the chief speaker, de home_ 41115 of them measuring 18
1 lin 's t story "The
one of our old teachers here. was
calling op friends through the week.
Mr. R M.LPnnan. with r-1§ 'feces,
Mrs. Harry Ral,nm and Mews. Russ
Tichborne, went to Detroit on Monday
to attend the funeral of their slaters,,
air§. Geo. McCullough.
RTXC.'SRRIDGE. 3n1P 2.i• -Mrs.
Taos. Garvey Is vl§sting her daugh-
ter. Mrs. W. Dalton, of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin motored to
Formosa one day last week.
A number from here attended the
House Dresses
We are clearing out this week an assort-
ment of House Dresses and Bungalow
Aprons, made of the best quality o
print. Regular $1.25, clearing at 9&•
Afternoon Frocks
Made of the best quality gingham and
daintily trimmed with organdy collar and
cuffs. This is a special offer for this
week only. Clearing at
Special Bargains This Week
Summer Blankets
Made of soft flannelette, in white or grey
and trimmed with either pink or blue
borders- They are the large size- Regular
43.50 per pair, clearing this t2 95
week, per pair -
Fine Quality Sateen
We have a fine assortment of fine quality
lingerie Sateen which is exceptionally
weight for bloomers and slips.
ewidth is 38 inches. Special [QC
this week. per yard
New Voiles This Week
We have received this week about twenty-five dress lengths of f3edora Voile in shades
of black. navy, salmon pink, nik green. an 1 powder blue. Buy them now while the
season is early.
Fart ' ids
Of yore
The S. A. GRAY CO.
Phone 56
nectlon with the er. Rndyard K n, R Krell
Mr. Thos. Park is erecting a beean- Light that FailedPo1nR
tlJul verandah at his home. special attraction' at the Model
Mrs. Conrtice and sun Stnsrt erre Theatre. Goderich next week. Pro-'
f the
1e hut ane
McGaw last week.
Rer. W. R. and Mrs. Moss are
staying on the Rsnmlller circuit for
another year. W, all welcome them
hack again.
The Vietnrla helpers. of \'tomie
street cttnr+h. Goleri(fi, met at the
home of Mita Twnrel Treble for their
monthly meeting and while there
took the opportunity of snrprlsing throe
hossto s with a mlecellansoms shower.
Miss Treble 'had been a member of
the class sine,• she first commenced at
the G C. I. They .pent n merry Pr-
Mir. Cnnrtke, who hat. not been well Amro
for some time, had taken a turn for 11311 trartt Plavel 'her,' on Monday
t'he wnree night aisd met their first defeat of
Turn to page 5 and not(' the .4plPndtd the .eawsn. the Pore being 10-6 oat tar-;
nttraetien* at the 310,144 Theatre] or of the hutuv +earn-
Goderleh. Early marine..A all .um- and Auburn are now tied in grnnn R.
mer both teams luring won three
games seal Mat nnP. Tn Monday's
tame Dungannon need three piteheral
and Animrn ane. Antro had twelve
strike -out. and Dnngt nye The'
Thrn¢Annon-Wiggin, ef; Wrhb. e:
\tiller. 21.: Alton. 3h: Mehnl. 11t; An.'
4•'rson. p: Womb". rt.. Irwin, sal; Nit-
on. 1f, Trwin relieved Anderwnn In the
14✓and inning/ awl Nichol went tO
the mound In the fourth.
Auburn -Buchanan. 311: Craig, 211;
Pat'prenn. PP: W. Cart r. 1b:
' )lrter. p: Cook, ef: S lea. c: A. Me-
Dow.•lI. if : Tabery!! rf.
Stare by Innings:
Dentannon 0 0 R 0 1 1 0 4-- 8
.Anbnrn 2 A 4 $ 1 0 1 O x-111
called thlt week to Holmeavflle, as gram nn TMRr
ST, AVM RTTXE. June 21. -Mr. and
Hes. Je eph Wilson. of Miami. Flori-
da, coshed friend, In this vicinity
last week.
Mr. Fred Robinson and niece, Misn
Rohinsen, of Detroit. visited at Mr.
John Redmond'* last week.
Mk.. Cunningham. Mr.. Wringlsr
and Ntlst Wringler elsited aline Reeckie
Thompson last Thursday.
Mins Pon Wilson is %letting Len -
don friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Got, Cowan. and
family and Mr. R. Angildtine. of
Blyth. visited friend,' here one day
thin week.
Mrs. (ken. Decker and Mr. S.;
Dater, of T.n•know, and Mr Wi
Relwig. of Winnipeg. 'kited at NI:.
Wm. McAlllster's on Monday.
Ser. end Mrs Chas. Rnhin§on
and family visited Rlyth friends
Mr. and Mr* D. Parks vi*llwl nt
Mr. Mann McAllister'. reerentlr.
Mr. and Mrs. JMk Thompson noel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aviv. of See -
forth. were here for Mr. Rohr.
Qmvth's tarn -noising nn Friday.
Mr. Jnek Glenn. of Dun¢nnrlon. Is
hnlldintg-the cement foundetinn for
Air. A. F. Johneton'P §craw %heeti.
Mr. John (Tamney, of Westfield.
.I'IYd her daughter. Mrs. Jim
r'ralg, neer the went -end,
A1'Ri'RN, June 25 -err, and Stn.
Vivian Wagner, of Toronto. are fla-
tting the former'§ aunt, Moue K.
Mrs H. McTtrlen. Mina Jean Camp -
M•11 and Mr. it. Nh'Rris,n motored
from Detrntt on Ratneday and vla-
1ted with Nor anti Mrs. A. C. leek -
ant and Mr. awl era. W. B. Pat-
rt- •n,1 If•. 5.,e Skeet ani Miss
T"kIn mntnree4 from Toronto to
.I.It with the for•w er's father. Mr.
Robert Scott. Mor. Ocntt Intenols rt►
-The strawberry fe.tiral announced
In last week's Taper was pnstpooed
toeing to the diffleuky In procur-
ing berries and will be held on Wed-
James T.eatherland. the grand old
man of Seafort'h, died at his home
bere oe Thuraday last of pneumonic
after an IlMnes. of three days He waft
in his ninety-eighth year and wan to
bare been the central figure at the
Old Boys' renninn to August. Ile was
born le Htnpaton of hardy English
Mock. Ills great-grandfather fell at
the rapture of Quebec and blot great-
grandmother was a relative of William
Tyndall. who translated the Bible.
She was one of the first Methodists
In England and often entertained Wes-
erley. Mr. Leatherla'NI came to Sea-
ford( sixty-seven years ago. settling
in McKillop township, north of the
town where be, alone, cleared thirty
acme. Moving Into town, be resumed
his trade of carpenter and framer
and built the firm Lotter ern North
Main street.
WEST}'IlM.D, June 7'.-Mrs.1
Aikens. of Toronto, has been visiting
hor hreeher, ler. Robert Buchanan,
the. prior 't wt. weeks.
Miss Ada Stackhouse. of 111yth.
spent the week -end with her 1nit*ln,
Mrs. Wm, McDowell,
Westfield Runday .rbonl plcnle,
which was held an Saturday nn the
trround. of Mr. David Carter. wall
n great styrene. Two hall grimes
male the program for the afternoon,
1C.e,tfield juniors and Thintpnnod
seniors M•tng the victors.
Dr. James Campbell. of Weldon.
lane ap•nt the past week in our
A number from around here took
in the ball game lase. Monday night
between Auburn and Dungannon. The
Pore was 10. to n in favor rd Au-
burn. Congratnlattona, hors.
Cask-Rueluawa. -At 530 \Veanes-
tne afternoon al the home of the
bride's parents, conereminn 1. Fast
Wawanneh. the marriage was meetly
solemnized of Violet . yonnger .Mngh
ter of Mr. and Mre Robert Jinobanan.
and Mr. Stanley Conk. Pon of Mr
and Nr-.- Fred Cook of ihr nth con-
,..w..tnn of Fast Wnw•anesh. Iter P.
S. Banes offk iatl•d The home. wap
prettily ,)ce•nr■ted with sprint flower.
11e beide, who was 'tree away by
a �aN Yt
SpEaAle.We have just received a large shipment of
Travelling Good. --Trunks, Club Bags, Suit -
eases, etc. These goods have been considerably reduced in
prin. We have a large assortment to choose from, and at very
attractive prices.
We' invite your inspection of our
square Hern's-Boot 'Shop
We have genuine I H C repairs in stock. which' is
more important to you than if ws merely took orders for
them and had tr send to distant points to get them. But
your assurance of safety -first service is not to wait too
long before ordering repairs.
No machine ern he in need of repairing and be in good
running order at the rains time. Some day you may need that
machine and if it iv not read} there is a big scramble for repairs.
Keep your farm machines up to their maximum efficiency by
having thein overhauled by ria.
-'-4 ' f:»'1 dal.,
Neonates Street
Telephone t $11.p. Wes RasMwee. 245 w