HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-26, Page 2i1
f¢ . i'-'Otsaea7, JUNG SO. RONI
likITABLItillED 1848
Wiese of l'tutadlan Weekiy Neuse.
paper Association
Published every Thursday morning.
aub.,ripttou price *2.00 per year. TO
United thanes end Foretell Countries.
$2.5O per year, strictly iu advance.
'Telephone35 , , Godeeiel. Ota.
W. 11. Rotertsou, Editor and Manager
Thuraday, June 26, 19Q4 -
got here they would not be able to -break I
of the tour. Our Listowel friends
should mar another trip this summer
with Gcwlerlch as their objective.
None Will Satisf
U. pure, delicious
The finest green tea produced in
thus world. - Ask fora trial package.
Fine growing weather.
• • •
The June bride Is having
• • •
What do we care for a postal strike
so long as we can hear from our dis-
trict corte•ponei_uts?
• • •
Advice to people about to strike:
Dont. There are too many other
people looking for jots.
• • .
Toronto starter) the vadat strike
r much all to
ass Ile1N' mix a puff;
"Stewing in its own juice," as
it were.
away in time to make the remainder
• • •
Dominion Day. 1924. in Goderich
will be ns morable as the .wr•a,ion of
the unveiling of the memorial to the
• • •
Toronto, is getting the laugh from
the rest of the Province this week.
A postal strike. evidently fennentinl by
Toronto puliticlans anxious toe ler-;
rasa the tittawa Government. and
dt signed to throw the •hn4ness of the I
whole eeouatry Into turmoil, is con-
fined almost solely to Toronto and one
or two other cities. and while the rest
of the Province is doing business about'
as usual Toronto as a trade centre Is
W(Y program in brief fu
nue 29, 11k4. WGY Scheie•c•tas
T. General Elex'trtc 1'om9.4ay.
klheyclea (314) meters 1 --Eastern stat[{
dart time.
Sunday. June 29. 9.30 n.w.-4ervicr
Of Emmanuel ltaptist chnrc'h, Schenec-
tady; sermon by the lie.. Dr. A. W. (
By a member of the Preen Gallery
OTTAWA, Jnaw '23. --Although the
public may have been surprised, Par-
liament was not lu that state when
the Progressive "split" occurred lain
week. For at couple of years It had
been very evident that a revolt was
under way; its actual emergence
was a mere natter of time. The first
session of the present Parliament
had +scarcely got under way, in the
winter of 1922, when shrewd obeery-
ers noted the firat rift in the Agra-
rian lute. G. Garland of !tow River
probably was the first to show hiw-
w•If ux Irrrvoai •Mile and he soon
. found a teawtaate iu the young Cal -
Karla'', Joseph •T. Shaw. who came to
Reek Ottawa with a flourish of trumpets
N. but whose star of uw•eudatwy stood
still lu its course from the day when
paralyses' and' bttslnr•as Is going to'
other eentrese where the tail service
in in operation In time a in -W staff
wi;l le trained in for the Toronto'
petal s•n'ice, nod wlwn the disturb
suer 1.. all over Toronto business men
be failed to find on his shoulders
the mantle dropped by "Toni' (•rer-
ar. Mr. Shah became disgruntled retes-
t() attend caucus and g«terally
e trouble for Robert Forke.
illdually, others attached them -
to the two 'unit -entente Gar -
Medicine Hat was an easy
el Spencer of Rattle River
•ilial eeompany in the 'R-
eelects. Then came the
MAePhatl, 'from the
1 -settled riding of
who decided that
Itugers. selves
0.:10 p.w,-Se•rvIce of Emmannyl Bap- diner'
list church, Schenectady, N. Y.
Monday. June 30. 7.13 p.m.-
kddrnos. "Fruit and Vegetable Distri-
button." M. C. Burritt, director et
Western New Tork Fruit Growers'
capture +�
found con
tie tele u
women. Miss
good old Scot
t4outheasit Geerv,
•her native love ole ,personal freedom
7.25 p.m. -Address, "f'u operative and her undoubted wssioa for Atte
).ice Stock Marketing." S. L. Steer- prudence .reacted tee t fnyurably to
Ings, master of New York Orange. tete All.ertsu influet of Shaw-.
7.30 .p.m.--t•ildrvlP, '•Hardest Gardiner, Garland and . ender. and
Weather Fcti ti ," Dr. Wilfred td M. 11e,nn, months neo she dr Atilt cast
Wilson. '.. [lou director of Paired her lot with to Ihllistiu $he
States Weather Bureau.
will find man of their cu.tome smade the MAI. and now• I e 10ne
gallant fallen. y 7 7.43 p.m-i'rogratu he the Sd ens -.'I m,nn1.'r - from Saskatchewan, amp -
• • • tare opetnd neeoonte. elsewhere ani tady Salvation Army, Itandl. I bell of Marketnzle, las put (11e rger
Thr rush to p:l
pent of 11124 taxes showsthat there and went out on strike" will have
Is stili 1e goal dial of money in tJ11x p*'nty of !Philtre to hunt other Jobe,
We cannot profess much sympathy
with the strikers. Tin -x )ad fairly
glad jobs, while many of their neigh-
y the first instal- • the poor dupes who took _bad ,advice Tuesday. July 1, 3,30 p.m -Dinner j liberty" before tarty loyalty and
old burg -though moot of it may now
be In the municl!w1'1reasury.
• • .•
The theme -role national convemben
11)114' by Joseph A. Chlck..i• and his
(lover Club (lychee/gra of Hotel Ten
Eyek. Albany. N, T.
7.43 p.m.-3timkai program by E.
Arthur Hannay. tenor. Francis Hoz'
tertc violinist. ani Joseph h M.
In the city had none. By their ezynskt. baritone. I majority rule. removal .of "whip' eon- ;Itatni'
spit. argil on the dotted
sixth to disavow splen:
The manifesto Issued
Ing sus" 1s womemla4
that Its demands for
line as t e
inure to Mr.
Icy -:the 'strike e1
animal*. in -ria
frerrbna from bilit,
Summer Verandah Rugs or They Are Suit-
^' w' able for Any Room or Hall
Extra heavy Japan Sea Grass Rugs with
double cotton warp, reversible, in neat
stencilled designs, -Tinperiat quality.
Size 3 x 6 feet. Regular $2.00, on sale $1.35
6 x 9 feet. Regular $6.00, on sale $3.95
8 x 10 feet: Regular $3.50, on sale $5.95
In shades of blue with neat borders.
Size 24 x 48 in., $4.50, for each $2.75
27 x 56 in., $5.30, for each $3.75
Wilton and Axminster Rugs in every size
now in and on sale for June.
Exquisite quality size 6x9 feet, $9.75 for $6.50
l'ongoleum Rugs in every size made up to
$ 112 feet.
Tapestry Stair Carpets 23.inches wide
Special $1.25
Best 5 -frame Brussels 'Carr* 27 inwide
in body or witb the border at per yard $2.60
50 pieces new finest imported ,quality, 32
inches wide, in dozens of check patterns,
all sizes and every color. Ranging now
per yard 25c, 30c, and 350
Summer Dresses in Voile a, Refines,
Organdys in drawn effects and neat pat-
terns in exquisite styles. Ranging .. $7.50
W. Acheson & Son
he thought. The hill already tntro-
t,el• sill 'be advanced to its final'•
e by the Commons and respond -
for its failure to ,be made a
will rest with the Senate.
is being. held at \.w York this -Ladish attempt to Nicethe Govern- 10.15 p.m., -:-Organ recital he Stspten trop- and so forth, are cardinal planks The
west- At this time of writing there
is as much uue•rtainty as to who
will capture the !'residential nomina-
tion as there Was six mouths ago.
One of the Quebec members at Ot-
tawa suggrshrl that the members of
the 4'omnems and of the Senate cut
their lieh•mnities to $2.:410 to make
passible higher ply for the postal
workers. But nobody said "Curried."
• • •
It In much to Is. hops) that the
effort to secure an Improvement in
the 1... 11. & 11 time -tattle will have
*tome effect• Present coalitions, with
mrnt's hands and improve their own ltois•lalr, Proctors Harmanns Bleeeker i of the platform upon which nil the
hath Albany. N. I. I Pro rssives cant into !Parliament. ' Alar°
position they harp lost thele jobs and 2. g line bills 1
W.,, re story. July 3.30 p.m ----t, Ap{aremly In the judgment of the.
given thew• w -ho were formerly unem- Adcruture Story, Youth s COmpnM�on, though it is
bolters who have shown tlwmselrrs in
played an opportunity ofcocaina1lomP Thursday. Jots 3. .i i0 p.m. -Organ' pwlhlle. the i'rogr.•esive group has e'a11' lain w'
money, and If they now feel the pinch recital by Stephen E. ihdacialr, organ- , fall, n upon cell w.Ita not Is pecan lie iceman -Ant 1
from which their ont-uf-work nelghlars ist. from Proctor's Hermann))Blcceker heir to the awful evils that Its mem- Thontton's et.
7.41 p.m. -A Few oments
fortuerly suffered they have themselves lien. Albany N. Y. `� _ la rs ha .' been want to 'dements*, as salutary effect.
the 'epeeist birthright and endo • 'ut Senator not 100-
11 I tioual
oo"rvetioual system
express the opinion
Senate and the C. N. R.
al npp0,4(4 n to the branch
s not altogether subsided.
ess general Than was the
'13e arousing of pub -
respect of Sir Hoary
'cru 11:1•s La. nal it
1 more than our
rieedly to the
hem kn-•wn to
hat d:scr.•tion
plight be the better pus t ca;or for
the upper chamber., 1' s. a:td pub-
lic denmtdntlon Of the c gy of the
blit-slnughtelring upon tach the
Senate thought Itself cmtq ed was _
t -that
to blame.
tiomelimes itetter to Jump
New hooks. W111h1m F. Jamb. fibra•' of the "old parses."
rian. General Electric Companyr Unanimous Shim Strikers
�• p•W. • ••`adAef � �. Tie striking feitur.+'i.f the whole
• c Landon .\dycrtiP r 1 by WGT Orchestra and addresses by instal strike owas the
A M,te-achwietts court has ruled J, T. Jennbnga. prealdent of the Amer- manner in k..situation Parliament *wirer
that a pedestrian dews not need to'dcan Library Asssondattnu. F.. H Isolldly tin whichnd the Government when
Jump not ut the way of an auto, That ('leIlanl. Carnegie Library. Pitt drurgh. I pollthe flap came for action. w.e long
how interesting. hit hois the 1•a., Sarah B. Anker. librarian. New
estrlan to kraus that the driver has Jeerer poi's Library(umml••Icxa and, as abl
the strike was In the threat-er.
hewn alsnit this
de•Isi ,,' Asa Then Dleklnson. librarian. 1'ni-' era. of tie Hewes• of t'otnmoit
versify of Pennaylvanla. . were ra'her car lead of the Government
referetlee to the Galerle•h ennaee- land of the Civil $ervle• cnm,niswlon :
F I Ile T i 4 7 dei p t tot
teats, are no credit to the manag••--
\11 National t
Canadian t I
went Of the
• • •
Why not have the little plot of
land around the cannon at Light.
!Pune Point cleared of 1t*. weeds And
made an ornam4nt. Mitred of an
° eyesore? The parks committee could
make a great Improvement by attend-
ing to this and a few other little i
Jobs of the kind around town.
• • •
"The ('iyil Service Commission docs
not nlle ('anada." says The Globe In
diacusaing the postal strike. it wants,
the Government to overrule the Com -1,
misdon. Yet on other occasions The
(Alone has shown a decided disposition
to regard the Clrll Ser* -lee Commis -
Pion as sacrosanct. it taken The
(:lobe a while to learn, but It name -
times does learn,
• • •
Premier Smuts hap been defeated
In Seotth Afriea. The new Premier
may not co-operate eve readily wilt'
the British Government as Gelerel
Smuts has done, but there in prob-
ably little reason to tear an attempt
at secewrion from the Empire. Just
what the change of Government does
mean it is difficult at thin distance
to emnprehend,
• • •
The Parliamentary committee on
printing at Ottawa haw rejected a
peepoaltion from Bre-head of the Print-
ing Bureau to reform the spelling used
in Parliamentary reports and dotm-
mentp. There la some lattisefaetlon In
knowing that there is at leant One
person at the capital who mete the folly
of sueit spelling es "harbsar,"
"honour," -labour," ete.
• • •
The Provincial general elections In
British ('btnmbla have held an Inde-
MPlre remelt. The Liberais+ a1111 hate
the largest group In the i,lou,1P, hut
they have not • majority. There are
so fewer than fire troupe among the.'
memh,rweIe't and there may iw a
combination of two or more groups
to earry on the government- Roth
Premier Oliver and Mr. Bower. t
(Sorts.rrative leader, were defeated In
their own ridings.
i,I.towel Mtalnesamen had a motor
"Doke" one day last week to London.
itattkleig stop. at Intervening towns and '
village* sad returning home the Orme
sitar. They did not come by way of
Oederh-) . stn doubt ' er t:.. very gond
rstaeip•n . • a huy :f they Mese
F:xp -naive Error
ur con really
get rid of the cobwebs when
cleaning. 1'r • jest taken n
one off our hedp.st and int It
fire." 'Jane -"Oh, sir. that
madam's new dance frock"'
r c p. . i y e. a they n{cult sidwl with the postal ern -
program by WGT Orchestra and! o ,es step Irr.«eretice of arty de-
b !
must. I y
Kolin !Inger. hennas, .1ddress. •'Nett-ancisst that cora s.'ons le ttelde to
cnn're tit• Der•IarAtion ..f Lalwwtudetw•P came
butes ,..,,! them. .\t I act a k if -dozen 1.Ih-
$'r 0 Be'u�." h} Bch seals radically difh•r,') from the
ill they ('ampton.
ens - ' 10.30 p.m --Patriotic program by
WCY Orehe bra Asa O Coggeshait
t'uursr fol law el 19 the Ministry and
adviwel rerousieleratban. But when
tie.- bless- fell, when the m.11 11,411811ytenor. and address by Frnn!r 3'..
•went out. Parliament writ oyer. Hon.
V'hkh? (lark, Glenn of Annuli Evening News went
Stewart woo the ,•oopw'rt of
A nondescript kind of woolly dog and Knh'tt
kerinewPr Press, the dualist* from the moment et
felled over the side of the smart and
shining tar which atom! in Bond
at reset.
"Look at that dog." said Grp tO
Gerald. as they pained. "It's like 'a
h.arthtng "
Saturday. Jule 3, e.10 p.m.-lonnrc which he misted that -Parliament
inmate by Joseph A. Chicken. rind has must reserve to itself the right to
Clover Clnh Orchestra of Hotel Ten run the affairs of this country" and
Eyck. Albany. N. T. was aceordel a thunder of desk-
I•s.uneliug when he .pnuuunc.d that he
The average man pride. himself, was determined to fight the strikers
"No," responded Gerald, "it's a upon fie Is.asessbns hi. neighbor to the Inst ditch. Ones. It appeared
that a Isaly of sten. however just
the Ir Panic•. Iind 'winos] the tutu -throe
of Parliament. the latter decided In
Livor of law +and order. Tile whole
tartke situation wan n mutter for re-
gret while it lasted The more 1t is
•onslde•rel In the clarifying light of
"the morning after," the more It ap-
pears that the men were badly ndylsel
is evident that a few glib -tongued mal-
content* were able to stampede what
and badly lel-s.r misled ; the more it
Is acknowledged ledge d to is' n fine non of
the ei•II service, despite cautionary
adric.a of the older hexads in that
vA branch. It will he some tine [adore
•��a�s� - Canada wltne.sea ,another petal
The Alternative Vote ,
car -let." -The Lyons Mail. can't afford.'
err th. serves dealing with the establishment et the
Isom or Mwrat't. at representative points m CANADA
and else...herb
t .LHE completion in 1886 of the Canadian Pacific Rad.
way. a project that had received the moral and finan-
cial support of the Bank of Montreal. cast a bright
t+' ray of promise across the then somewhat troubled eco-
' 1 noetic life of Canada.
Canada at last was spanned by rail from coast to COM.
opening up for frofitable devdopmenz the ferule terri-
tory lying between.
TheBank of Montreal signalised the ce! npletion of the line by establish-
ing a Branch at Vancouver and later at Victoria, clue completing its
eanaconorrental chant of Branches and bringing to the Pacific Cant,
banking facilities essental to the successful development of the Feu
rommosic potentialities there.
Of rte 567 Branches, S3 are situated in the Province of r t
British Columba.
Established over IQO years
'anal Assets in excess QC 46so,000.000
Conservative member! of the COm-
mfmm are serlulolwly spreading the
rumor that the Government Intends
to withdraw the bill, already given
first reading, in respect of loch amend-
ment of the Election Act a. IP ares•
eery to provide for a trial of the
"alternative votes" er•heme lel single -
member eonetltltenelea. There Is no
Intention. as yet, of any such action.
nor le anything likely to influenee
tb. Government to that mum,. A
trial of the alternative vote principle
wan promised in the speech from the
Throne and, later In the stteeton. Hon.
Ernest f.npointe apecftically stated in
the Hous. that this promise would
le kept. Mx- Lapointe implemented'
hits promiee and brought down the
mces+wry skeleton hill, first rating
to which was given many weeks
The rmenn for the activity of the
Tories In propheaying withdrawal, or
atarrlonment, of this measure flee In
the feet that they recognize the harm
certain to acerae to their party in the
Brent of it. adoption. The alterna-
tive vote will mean. simply, that all
proem -velvety -Inclined voters In any
(•Onatttt1Prr•y (that is, votera nominally
Liberal or Progrendve) will mart
their ballots, first and Aecond choles,
for idtoeral a n d Progres-
adve mandate.. in either order of
pr•eferenv'e The '('nntserVAtiTP, to
very many riding!, will be left bow -
be.' 01,1
$s-'.f.t: Jr'we iter• persis•eee
of the Tory group In fir' 110111P In
promising that "nothing will he donne
thea aewelon." The wig& In datllc'r or •
Seventy hears of Life
(From the l.lviug Age)
•.,yume penman with a egotistical tra►
of mind has amused himself by tab-
abulating for The Lcorluu !sally Herald,
the Labor Government's organ, what
lie calls "a bill of life." Assuming
that the average mail lives seventy-
five days in .excess of the Biblically
u�.tguel scrruty years. he divides this
rime among the various human ac-
tivities as follows:
Years Days
00 thorough -indeed. so viol
the railway committee' of th-
CliiiWIw•r materially changed it
tics, Ilireit •oppOsitton now in
centred In what has come to
known as "tie ('. 1'. 0- group." wile
has for its personnel ,o,ule doses
Setintors including Sir Jam -•s I.ongh-
11.ss1, Sir Edw-arl Kemp an ':1 Sena-
tor- Reigns, Foster. Gorton anti Lynch -
Staunton. Of these. one. rat I(':t•t. Is.
a ('.' 1'. B. director. 0114' IP very
eio•e:y canines ted with the manage- -
meat of that road. and. undoubtedly.!
Several a re shatrh011lers, Tle pal.
lir 1s not entirely fooled and the
public eery quickly "got wi•e" 'o the
operations of the Shoat rai:wap com-
The (lurch (Ardent Hill
Those most dtsapladntel at [h4'
failure of Parliament to ileal last
11 with the chnrch union hill
were not the member. who 4-empr.cs!
that bialy. lint the hundre.u- nu spec-
tators who filled the galleries ' last
Tuesday evening. expecting the debate
in question to be on the lapis Hun-
dreds of members and adherents of
the 1 -print's churches rat O:tawn had
come early in the hope of enjoying a
rel -letter evening and their chagrin
was n the di,.•11.Pioi w•ae not forttw•orn-
ing WWI 111 (011eea!Id. Not sn 411P-
grunthd, however, was Parliament It-
self, whirl' realises that when it be-
gins debate on the church union mea-
sure it enters np,n what may prove
one of the most prntrweted and bitter
sittings of the present session An
attempt wilt be made by pro -union
sympathizers in the chamber to hare
stripped from the hill the amend-
ment made thereto to committee, pro-
riding for a two-year "bots[" and •
testing of vwlidky in the court!. The
debate will continue at leant two full
days -of this week.
After Every Meal
ire the longest -lasting
confection you can bay
-and Ire a help to di-
gestion and a cleanser
for the month
and teeth.
1 Wrllleys Beans
benefit as watt as
'.' i) (' (]
111 its
gJ;pt C'lE
+se c'" s
Sleep .. . ll -'i • •
Sickness 1%
Eating . - 3 •.
ing. obeying. drsssing 214 -•
1' 4
Work .. .•
Play .•'• It
l:nterteinments, etc. ..
Walking, trains, etc. .... '114
Waiting for trains, etc. .. .. 10
S w eel hea r rl ng so
111111/5 .... 21h
Sundries 7
Total .. 70 75
The anonymous statiatlean admits
that his schedule "varlets greatly ae-
conling to where we live. and the'
taste. te•mia•rament anti owlet COO -
of the individual." Readers
who feel tier such important Items
as Nos. and 12 are serlonaly under-
estimated may take heart from this
A Notable Selling of
Beadora Voile Frocks, $8.75 to $12.75
Beadora Voile Dresses with pretty applied pat-
terns in conventional dots or in floral effects. The
colors include black, navy, blue and orange.
Gingham Dresses
In checks of red, blue, black and yellow. Priced from
$ I.95 to $5 75.
Wool Crepe Skirts, assorted pleats, in sand, grey,
cocoa, white and navy. Regular $4.50 for $3.75.
Children's wool crepe and flannel Dresses in dif-
ferent shades. Sizes from 5 to 14 years. Priced from
$3.95 to $6.50.
Hats for the Bobbed Hair
Nothing is smarter for the bobbed hair than the
smell cloche shape. In shades of mauve, sand, grey,
iii(I(t), and black. Prices ranging from $2.95 up to $5.50
The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East Side of Square Goderich, Ont.
LIME (Hydrated)
PLASTER (Prepared)
CEMENT (Any Brand)
Lime, Plaster and Cement are all fresh within the iast
week from the manufacturers.
Hardwood Floors
Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies
Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd.
C`,(xlerich, P. 0. Ilex 160
Phone 47W ---After i p. ■. Phests 471 or 38.5