HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-26, Page 1�.,b . Y•'itl"rtn s
investment -not an expense. An
ent, too, that pays goo( divi-
s in better business. Newspaper
tising is the most profitable kind.
For the June Bride
Wedding stationery in correct styles
and at reasonable prices at
The Signal
Diocesan Will De Allowed to
June Nth
town council's regular meet -
last Friday night was a brief one,
nosiest bolus made shortly be.
9 o'clock. All the members were
Tax Collector Campbell reported
t $48.373.96 bad been paid to the
rune since June lat. 01 this
>IMIO were dog taxes and $902.42 arrears
gl:C2 and 19E1, the remainder 1924
`' Appltoatiooe for building permits, .1
*Rows. were referred to the fire eom-
'"1dtte' Robert Johnston. frame porch.
Wide road; Jobn Snaael, rebuilding
me abed adjoining present dwell-
, Newgate street; John Robertson.
tebuUdtng riled. Park street; J. A.
Wilson. rebuilding kitchen. Quebec
street ; 8. ('luff, frame prase Cam
aeon street ; Knox church. repairs to
toot and brickwork.
Apptitmtlona were received for the
application of road oil on Nelson
street. from Victoria to Waterloo;
on Bruce street, from Victoria to
North; on Colborne street, frets St.
IYtrick's to Nelson; on North street,
from Nelson street north; on Newgate
street, from Victoria to Cambria.
These were referred .to the public
works eommlttee with power to act.
A number of complaints regarding
tax bills were sent 10 the court of
revision, Moat of the cwmpiawere
with reference to Income
cumptatnatts were: Mist VP
midst now of Hanover), W.itman,t
Arthur Turner, G. W. Hill (for him-
a.lt, Mrs. Gamble and lira. E.'
Baker). P. H. Miller and hank of
A communication from W. H. Rob-
ertson, chairman of tbe Soldiers' Mem-
orial Committee, regarding a contri-
bution to the memorial fund from the
council, was sent to the finance com-
Mr. John Galt's rewignaton from
the publle library board was referred
to the special committee.
Couesmmlee Repsefe
The tisane* committee recommended'
papasnts of $1.159 SO the OoUeglate
institute board, 9300 to the public
library board. end $600 to the aspire**
w•bool board. on 1924 levy. Upou re-
quislton from the water asd light
commisaika, • farther special loan of
WINO was obtained ou demand note
from the Bank of Montreal. and the
auto of $5,300 had been paid over to
the commission for new intake par -
poses, making a tui 1 of 921,800 paid
over to the commission for this pur-
pose. The sale of $20.000 Hydro bands
to Mears. A. E. Ames lit Co. had been
ebncldded as per their tender. the
total sum of $20,39182, including ac-
crued lutereet, being received and this
amount turned orer to the water and
light commisslou, The payment of a
large number of accounts was recom-
meuded, Including $1,006.17 and $1,297.-
1,297:20 to Alex Murray for two can of
"Sour" and 1178.91 for freight on
same; $967.01 to Imperial 011 Co. for
a car of road oil; $2.331.2",) to the
water and llgbt commission for Mx
month: street lighting tt July 1st;
and 11,.'940.18' to the water and light
commitaalon se water rates to Decem-
ber 31, 1924. Owing to the groat
amount of taxes being paid the send-
ing ant of,the tax bills bail Ewen eno-
elderably delayed, sod the osdmlttee
recommended that the time fW allnw-
ing two per mat. -discount off the first
Installment he extended to J 30t1b
It was recommended also the
matter of payment of arrear an the
Gorlerich Organ Co. mortgage tak-
en upwith the (AmIa T
nv N
coop rommittve.
The committee of the whole coun-
cil recommended that the nesters
Canada door Mills Os. be gialik a
Mase of a gleet. of land otY t% as-
tern portion of the ITarbor Perk prop-
erty and below the hill and adjoin-
ing the Company's salt works, to be
used pa s acts for two Iron brine
iuflliWit lease to be for a term Of
Oa roe fhdf *MO foe �4ipany
io ' tri ' P the ttlittt and -paeste
the prnto*r•ty: a right of way to be
provided along the property below
She hi11. and the town to ba indem-
nified against any damages; the
(company to tete met of survey sad
len." and s rental nt one dollar a
The cemetery end parka committee
Approved of elf* sale of a l6 -foot
milt site at Maitland eemetery to
J. Ihta.nn Cot for 140; the etni 4nr.
to he tweeted under the anperrialon
and to the aatlafaettnn of the 'nm-
The polities wwrlm committee reported
that one ear of had hew
platers, on Victoria streef taadw♦y, and
One ('*r of llntar" and ORP ear Of
asphalt rcwe.1 (Al on other atp.eta.
The committee anted that it be ne-
powered t0 ent the tops off any tree*
nn NOW.- hanke that are etatrtwetlsg
(he tiros' of like car fiver.
Tho apetlat teronnaittee res'emtsesided
Sot the gelato be granted be4Idare
pe recometd, 48. making of arra/nen
59ltata fir limped, to he 1.0 with
5ets'rtwaa of the rotmmtter.; tad
I Hee faudees Deems for teoe-
Annual Meeting Held at Wlioginm an
Inspiring Event
At the recent meeting of the Wal-
kerton Associatluu of Baptist churches,
held at Wingham, paslprs and dele.
pates were present from the follow-
ing churches: Auburn. Godericit, Clin-
lio-ton, Kln•-ardlne, Ttvertoo, Glammis,
Atwood, Listowel, Palmerston, Hetrick.
Walkerton. Mount Forest, Kenilworth
.nd Monek. These were hospitably
entertained in the homes of the
Baptists of \Wingham.
This Assodatlon meets yearly 1e the
month of June, and those Present, -
who have had the privilege of attend -
Ing many such Fathering', report that
this was one of 18e best ever held,
in regard both to attendance and the
high order of the addresses gives.
Among the prominent apeakers pre-
sent were IIs'. liowiey Green, London;
Rev. J. R. Webb. Kitchener; Rev. C.
H. Schutt, IIs. J. G. Brown and Itev,
J. Marion Smith. Toronto, end E. A.
Therrien. Odtntrea 1.
The progress and nerds of the vari-
ous d,•partments of the w'o k being
carried un by the Baptists were ably
presented by the above mentioned
gentlemen and otbers, each one Mk -
tug theyart with witch he was most
familiar,. Home mlaelous, foreign
missions, Grande Llgne mission (in
Quebec), Bible !k•hool and itaptist
Toting Peoples work. Western mis-
alnns. educatlonal7aud publication in-
terests were all given a pace to the
program. much to the edification and
spiritual uplift of those present, but
Pe greatest heights were reached on
the afternoon and evening of the con-
dnding day of the meeting when
the duty and privilege of
stewardship and the absolute lordship
of Chino in the lives of His followers
were streamed. These are good Bap-
tist doctrines, more than nineteen hun-
dred years old. but liable to_ be for-
gotten in these latter days,
Where every meeting was nn a
high plane It Is hard to particularize.
but special mention may be made nt
the address of Dr. Itnwley Green and
the singing of Rev. J. Marion Sunt*
on the concluding evening
Rev. J. K. Fairful, of Walkerton,
was moderator of the kasoclation and
filled the position with dignity a
stints. Mr. J. J. Cook. of
Forest, the veteran 'leek of 1Le As:
soefatlon for nabrer. Won thirty yeas,
was In his place as usual, and per-
formed his dut its with all ha old-
time rigor and sound sense.
Mr. A. Hellyer. a layman from
Monet shunt, was elected modera-
tor for the coming year.
Not tele least luter•etting part of the
gatbeiilags were the Mtastos Circle
programs, a pleasing feature of these
being greetings from the .liter so-
Metdes of the different churches In
town, The meetings were in charge of
Mrs. John pndrnnn and Mrs. T.
T. McDonald. of Wingham. and
among threes assisting In the pro-
grams were 'Mw. Nephew, Kincar-
dine; Mrs. Paster and Mrs. Aitken,
Clinton; 1l*rs.. Edwards, Tiverton;
,Yrs. Falrfnl, Walkerton; Mrs. Weill
1 lI1-
day, Kincardine; Mrs. Consers and
Mies Cook. Mount Forest; Mrs. Wal-
ker, Giammla. and Wee. O. Thomp-
son. Mro. Wardell and Misses Hama
and Pickett Wtogbam. Mrs. Den -
gate of Toronto, wire gave an excellent
address on foreign mission% was the
only speaker from outtlde the Associa-
tion. The deep interest of women in
mission work proves they are M111 fol-
ioriing in the footsteps of their Me-
ters of nineteen bnndred years ago,
-who were "last at the Cron and Bret
at lbs Bepalehre."
Tour tel]Abort are an buying i
bargain shoes at Sherman's new
odors, jute stonnd the earner.
The News of the Town
North Huron C.eseer,atIves
The annual meeting of the Conser-
vative Association of North Huron will
he livid at Wlugbaw un Friday. July
Hospital Nurses to Graduate
The graduation of nurses w•hu have
been In training at Alexandra hospital
will take place at the hospital on
Friday afternoon of this week, at 8
o'clock, All who are Intereatel ar_
cordially Invited to be present.
Honorary Degree for Dr., T. (Magna
Dr. Thomas O'llagau, well known
in Coders -h. has received from Ot-
tawa University the hon -eery degree
of Doctor of Letters. Dr. (►'Hagan
1s the author of meters.' books, as
well as of numerous 'shorter produc-
t long.
The County C.useirs Picnic
The county council is to bold its
annual pk'uk to Jowett'a grove. hay-
field. on Friday of lhl. week. This
Jute become a meamonal Institu•lon and
is looked forward to with eager -
nes" by those privileged to attend.
A Boshares Change
Mr. E. F. Jackson has sold Isis
grocery business at .the corner of
North street and the Square to Mr.
G. W. *titterer, who Is naw in posses-
sion. Mr Schaefer limes here from
Timmins and his wire and family
will more here shortly They will oc-
cupy the house stow oreeuphrl by Mr.
Jackman on Brock street. Mr. Jack-
son has purchased a bushiest at Hen -
With the Lanni libelers
In Monday night's bowling tourna-
ment Fred Hunt. Dr. (;raham. T.
51cDermott and W. Symonds were the
prise -winners.
In the 8mtelt doubles tournament
on Wednesday afternoon T. Meflermott
and Fred Cnlgle won first prize and
Fred Toole and W. leg. Sharman
the second.
I The weekly night tournament w111
he played 011 Friday night next
week Instead of on Monday, ()wing
to the holiday on Taewlay.
13nmuer Sesame at the Pay.
The regular summer season at the
Pavillon will open o, Saturday nigilt
next. and during July anti August
the Pavillon will 1. open every night
(except Sunday). The Hadwln-K1114
orchestra, from !outdo'', has Gen ell -
gaged for the meson.
On Suspended Sentence
Fred Davison, of V aorue township,
appeared before Judge Lewis on Mon-
day for aenteoce, having been found
gutlty in the,,(uunty Judggs Crim-
inal Court ret an offence egalnit a
young sir:. Reeve Klopp and a num-
ber of other prominent people of Hay
tewnsbip came up to give evidence of
D•rlson'a previous good conduct, and
Mia lawyer, Mr. J. 0, Stanbury of
Exeter, made a strong plea for btm
ou account of his youthful age, pc-
es4eeo years, and other ctrenmstane.s,
DelgJion was allowed to go on suspen-
ded 'sateen"
�aptq.ts*tlllht! Eansdastissis
is examination Uwe fur esu-
The Departmental examine-
NOh. for students of the upper and
middle achools are proceeding at the
Collegiate Institute this week; with In-
spector Tum. Mr, E. .1. Wethey,
principal of Exeter High 19 pool. and
Miss Strang in charge. The lower
school examinations commence next .
week. Owing to the repairs ging nn
at the 1Colleigiate buildings it (will
be vacated on June 30th and the ex-.
animations next week will be e(tndne-
ted at Victoria echted The PIA IA -
Illations for entrance to high schools
w111 he held July 2. 3 and 4. at vic-
toria school, Principal flume and Mr.
A. M. Robertson, of the G. C. I. staff,
ars presiding examiner. at Exeter,
Harbor Nates
Arrivals at the Goderich elevator
dnring the past week included the
steamer Gtenlve on Friday, with
98.000 bushels of outs aol 33,000
bushels of wheat; Monday. Glencalra,
with 53,090 higheis of screenings and
57,000 hn.ltels of oats; Tuesday.
:Maplecourt, a -10h 31,000 bushels of
screenings and 90,000 htiehele of eats
and 30,000 bushels of wheat.
The steamer Mapletvourt has been
tied np at the north side of the har-
bor and will remain here tor two
Menthe. Tide in nn moment of a lull
the grain traffic..
- Work at laying the intake pipe in
the lake clone to the More was started
by tbe Federal Construction Company
the tatter part of Iasi week. '
tag plchire theatre be renewed at the
old rate.
The fire committee recommended
tbe lesne et building permits'.
These reenlist were ail adopted.
The ordering of a fefther (mpply of
reed Mi was ledt to the public works
email ttese.It Remo llmtnings
said pettUona ejrf rnmtng in. hot go
far not more than half gear WA. re-
quired and the freight rate was not
on f.ertr.hl. tinIPss A pare eArin.d
were ordered.
Coineillor Holme. obwrrel that the
Ontario Motor T.rnene tool n if.t of
rmutet and motorieta' enmp sires. int
Goderieh was not listed a• having a
camp or any innrist facilities. Mr
Holman wAR 104441 to enmmnnlcate
with Otte O. 'M. f., regartling this nwnit-
The speeiaT committer waa snthor-
Ised to prnrtute a wr.atli to he pared
on the meta1/41' Osnnnment nn the dray
of unveiling.
Ma.('ot ftarlerg my/meted that the
township (rnttttlli be *eked to meet at
tete town hall on Tlnmininn nay be,
fore the unveiling and go over 10
rete Park In a hotly.
Conndlltr Platt meld the plans
were reedy for the 15rsenry et the
barber. The mat ens eettmetel at
$tWIO. not inrlwding painting plumb-
ing, wiring .nd flztnre.. There was
anise dtareseicn over this *erne of the
(emneillnn eeldently thlnkimr the cott-
age* waa aosrwkmt eT.Mmtee No ac-
tion wits tabor'
The Moanaent Completed
Mr. Coeur de Le si MacCarthy, the
designer and sculptor of the sokMere'
memorial, was 1n town for several days
the pkat week snperintendh>R the
dsmpMtion et the Indenmen t erected
In t'onrt 'Home Park 1n honor Of ;he
soldiers from this town and district
who gnve their lives In the Creat
Wnr. The bronze statue was plare(1
In position, and the bronze tablet :n
front if the granite Inc. w:S, attached.
making g very imposing m *nnment.
Tion olio Rant the completed moon-
ment before It was drnpod. to pre-
paration for the unveiling on Domin-
Inn Day. seemed to agree In the opin-
ion that It was a veru hnndso ne
'dere of work and a memorial of
which the entnmunity may be prnnl.
lir. Maet`.rthy wan arepmpanled
nn thin visit to (ioderieb by Mrs. Nae -
en rthv.
High grade gold filled tpeetnclew sad
ereglsas.a with haat 11.1 sgt'eericsl
Irn.es for only 44.00. All colter 'tyle
of Trauma and Ismael at Ior.at
prlees. Eyes. examined by Mr. Singh.
son. foremely optical expert for
Kent's. Taxmatn, and later for H,-nrr
Mergsn S (n, Montreal The hest
nptie l work to he nbtelnw.I and at
mtelerstr. priers. Thnwar. F.1dae
and sat nrdar. Int! 10, 11 and 12. (lime
early. cml'h'o Art Store. nnlerirh
County Cour. Concluded
The County Court a iieltele'l its
sitting on Thursday of last week. The
only ease taken up that has not •1 -
ready been reported hi The Signal w'ns
that of James Priest r(rsng the vil-
lage of Hensall. the plaintiff claiming
damages for the flooding of hi. lands
owing to alleged faulty eonans•tlon
of drnnts. The rase wit. referred to
the drainage refer.• uuder Provincial
statute. i). E: Holmes connect for
plaintiff; J. G. Staabnry (F.xeterl,
for defendant corporation.
The court adjourned to August 229th,
at 1145 a.m.
In the action of Kerr r. Fowler.
reported last week. in which the jury
returned a verdict for plaintiff for
one dollar damages, Judge Barron
aswesael the e.'ncts npin:-t th defend-
Donations Aekanwledged
The following donations in Alex-
andra Marine ani C oral Hospital
aril grate'fui1r wIelged: 10
quarts fruit, Blk►hit '*'omen's InMi-
tue: linen sad (nttun. Mrs. Sale; 2
quarts pears. Mrs. 1b.•kelt : rhnbarb.
hag apples, homemade bread.), Mrs.
Kerr: upholstered rocking chair.
Godericll R'uigen's 1nstItIIt.: 1
quart cream. 4ftme•k Chanter: 1 jar
pickles. Mrs Elliott: flower.. Mrs'.
C. Dunlop: magnziues. A Friend:
2:o jar. fruit. Goderieh Township
'hospital Auxiliary (Huron read-$ : 2
jars fruit, rhubarb. Mr*. .t. Foster:
rhubarb. parsley, tc gnnrts fruit and
oil linen, Gtelertch Township Hos-
pitn1 Auxiliary; netgazln•s. ort.
Nnrlsmt: 1 jar fruit. W'orsen's .Uuxil-
iory : flowers, Dungannon MM.•hodimt
Snnilnr •rihnnl: rhnharh, 3(1. R:orh-
ler : ntngnzin's, Miss Strnng.
Stolen Car 1. Rernvered
Mr. Fred Johnston. East street.
left his Ford In front of Mr. TUn
Allen's residenee nt the noon Muir
Met SettirtIav and when be writ linek
to get ft it had '11saip•,irerl. (Thief
Po-teiwhw•alte wn' infnr•m'd and af-
ter some wiring the ear am. Located
nt Sarnia. The Chief and Constahle
Gundry went to Snrnht on Sundry
and brought it back in the mean
time the two ynnngYf•Ilnws who are
rhargel with the theft-('llKnrd
(111rer end James Pierre, of Sarnin.
OPrente•u and •elghte� n years of nee.
r.apectivoly-hnd got limn trouble
t n
with the Sarnia nu .t rillrw over snm
theft. titer they were freest all *00-
prodeil s.nLmee fir the Sarnia ehnrges
and yesterday they were brought to
Oo erich jail to stand trial for the
theft of the ear. Th. boys. It seem.,
were not on a lark. got strnndel s(emre
where north of here. end nn their way
hark to Sarnia noticed the unguarded
car and appropriated It ne a ennrPn-
imt means of getting home without
hurting their feet tot mneh.
O(kif(4Iows' Opeoair tiervke
An lutovatien in fraternal society
activities was the opwu-uir service
held in the ('hurt Hotter Paryt on Ban -
(lay atm -noon by the (ddfellnws of
11014(4 district. No. S. la addition
to Nie lootI Edge. Exeter, Hen -
sail, Sei1 rt1, Clinton, Itrumefield,
Dung:onion, Illy L and Brussels lodges
were represented. 1'pwards of 200
turn:lers formed in procession at Odd -
fellows' Hall atilt. headtd,by the Clin-
ton Kittle land. paraded around the
Square to the bandstand, where the
service was he'd.
F. Ilarbur•t, 1►. I) G. M., Seafortkt.
acted ns chairman, aol the program
included addresses by Mayor (;allow,
W. 11, Bertram of London, past
grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Optario; Rev. W. E. Ikrnnelly, pastor
of James street Methodist church,
Exeter: Rev. S. S. Hardy. Rev. 3
W. Hedley and Bev. J. E. Holmes, of
town. W. W. Taman, of Exeter, the
recently rle•tel 1). D.(: 31.. was in-
troduced by the retiring district deputy
The address given by Itev. Mr,
Donnelly. nti -'Friendship. Love and
Truth." the Irilde a:lt.14word of the
Order, was bh splendid effort. The
band rendered )h number of ap-
propriate * 14-1iuns.
The hope a -as exprtwsel by a num-
ber of the speakers that similar ser-
yic.s 0lionld 1s• he1d ill the future.
Priet*is Meet for First Time
Some ten or twelve years nen MIs.
TP.dlth W111fams, dangbter of Mr.
George W1111ama of the Bank of Com -
metre. with other rinse girl. engaged.
In a plan fnrthered by the 1langliters
of the Empire of exehengirlg corr's-
pondettee with other Yonne people In
dlmMnt torts of the Empire. Miss
William.' "mate" In this scheme was
Minn Minnie T.nml.. of Ancklend.
New 7ienland, and (luring the rear. em
Intereattng (-orrcepnnderw'e line Teen
kept np by the two cress 1, $'f . end
though neither had seen the other. or
ee(ger•tel ere• to we her. to rather in-
tin'Ate felemlahip developed. Then the
nnt-, pretest oernrred Mime Tomb Inst
wed" rerne fo 7toronto with A party
of ILt-r, tng from New 7.alnnd And
of 1 ' -1. ram. on Op to Goderich to
-Mit her Canadian friend. 'spending the
week -,std here. The -meeting *ft.e ao
mane years of long-dlatanee acgnaln
tent wan a eery pleasant one Min
Tomb to a charming young lady. and
1• erectly tppt.r.ste (1 (Maad*. and
Hiro has m4h of 1lferest to toll of
her home rvwintry 1s the Nstas*t soatb-
ern sae 1 '
Stott-Hownma ,
The home of Mr. James Bowman,
ex M. P. for North Huron, and Mrs.
Itowman, 131 Northcliffe Boulevard,
Toronto. was the scene of a pretty
June wedding Wednesday afternoon,
Sour 15th, wis-n, in the presence
of more than forty immediate rela-
thyte.e and friends, the:r youngest
daughter, Margaret Lavfua, wag united
in marriage to 1-Ieut. It, George Scott,
D.D.S., second son 01 Mr. and Mrs,
Ruben J. Scott of Port Elgin, Ont.,
Rev. Mr. McTaggart of St. Columba
Presbyterian church, St. Clair avenue.
officiating. The bride, who was unat-
tended. and given away by her father.
looked charming in a gown of kitten's
ear reps•, with pearl trimmings, and
embroidered Egyptlan veil, t•trrying a
shower bouquet of butterfly ros e,
forget -we -sots and lilies o f the valley.
Miss Wilma Galbraith of Brussels,
!Moe of the bride, played the wedding
nolo, and sang during the signing of
the regltder. Followllgp the ceremony
1 a t was served. after which the
happy young couple left on the
.reamer Kingston for I •ymobn trip
fur Mnntnal and points 'test, the
bride emitting n suit of wand 1ri(ctti110,
with bine hat and scarf t4 notch. On
their return IIs•. and Mrs. 8. -oft will
remide In ltuls•nygtmt. The bride 1s
to eb.ter of Mrs. ,1. It Wheeler of
Torotro Star, ,but. 25: St. Rnrnn-
has, Halton street. was the scene of
A very pretty choral wedding when
Marjorie. only daughter of Mr. asd
JL s. ,lo1n Sheridan. of Toronto, wits
united in inarriege to William Normen
Rabb, eldest .401 of \Ir*. Cnther-h os
Moble' and the 1111*- lir. William hail,
of Goderlch. The lte's- E. G. Burgeon.
Browne terforwel the eel -tensely. The
bride. who ens given nonny 1r her
father, looked charming in ;a gown of
white muton crepe find table cell
c tight up with erring(' binsw,ms. The
bride also wore A brooch Willett Is
n heirloom of the Sheridan family.
She carried a shower l ougttet of
Ophelin ruses and lily of the valley.
'dies Anne Smith. mith, ns mold of honor,
wore a powder blue mien of georgette
and tinhorn hat. Miss Emily \Weaver.
a bridegmald. wore pile sand canlou
crept with hat to match. 11.11) at-
tendants carrit(1 lenumt-t- of Colum-
bia roe, n Find baby's breath, Mr. Al-
len Kingcott supported the groom.
After the totemony n reception was
held nt the home of the bile's pnr-
eute for lnrtneliale relatives Mrs.
Sheridan, mother of the bride. received
10 mance canton crepe and corsages
bouquet of mauve swe•tpens. Mr*.
Rabb. the Ifrorm's mother, wore
.040* canton and bouquet of pre-
mier rosea. Latter the hippy couple
left for Muskoka and other points
*mid shower's of confetti and good
eddies, the pride trarslling t* , rey
and wearing an Isabella fpQx fur. the
gift of the groom. On tO'lr return
toy .111 r•wlle In Ternnto
The regular meeting of the (l(dle-
rieh Wnmen'n Institute will he held
at the home of Mrs. Junco Bisset,
Saltford Height/I. on Thursday, July
3141, at 3 o'cloelk.
The Victoria Home and Reboot Clnh
will hold a apweetal meeting at the
echno t on Friday evening at 7 o'efroelr.
All the members are regimented to he
Floret tributes Mr the war mem•
oral unveiling ceremony. Plower. and
flnral tribute. In any alae. deolgn or
'stye. !appropriate for this ors -salon.
Apply or 'phone before Saturday er
ening to M•R8. CHAS. f')ORle. Mat' -
land (cemetery, HOMO toed,
Colborne R. A. Wins the Trophy and
Hub Bisset Takes the Medal
The Huru) County Rifle League had
a succe,uefal day's shooting at the
Colborne ranges ou Friday last. about
forty men taking part.
Colborne Rifle Association won the
trophy fur the btgbest team score,
making 353 out of a possible 700.
tioilorich R. A. was second, with 520,
and St. Helens S. A. third. with 510,
The medal for the Met Individual
score went to R. Bisset, of Colborne,
E. Webster, of 8t. Helena, had the
same score, 63, but lllwset won In
shooting off the tie.
The ranges were 200 a•n,l 5110 yards.
The 'shooting was ('onstdered good.
taking into aeeouut that the rifles
were new and unfamiliar and that
open sights were used.
The individual prise -winners were:I
let, H. Ristwt, Colborne, (ti; 2nd,
E. Webster, 8t. Helens. O,i : 3rd, E.
1•urdou. St. Helens, 64; 4th, Jo.
Bowman, Goderlcb, 63; 3411, C. A.
Robertson. Colborne, 01; 6th, J. Bis-
set. Colborne, 61; 7th. C. Prouse, (1odt-
rieh. (a); &h. IV. Chisholm. Colborne.
ikl; 9th. W. Sym Is. Colborne, 57:
10th, 4). GoldthorpeG alerich, 57;
11111. lease 31111er. St. Helens, 57:
12th, H. hone. (;clerk -h, .ell; -13th. P.
leis t. Colborne, 56: 1401, John Web-
ster. 8t. Hele•is, *5; 15th, (80. Sy-
monds, Colborne. .14 ; 16th. J. Murl-
sum, Colborne. 54; 17th. IL Wateon,
Godericla 53; beth. 11. Piir,Ieu, St.
Helens. 53; 1901. '1' It. Rundle. Godh•-
rich. .i_': 211th. T. Foran. St- Helens.
52; 21st. Jas. Mtie•Vic•ar, G,slerich.
7.:!; 2'hnl, 3.• Itrophy. St. Helen'',
51; vrti, Meg. Wlllinms. Godcrich,
51; 2411,, .4. Henlersun, Geslerk•h. 47:
25111, Bon. Goldthorpe. Colborne. 47.
The tyro prizes were won by It,
Goldthorpe, Colborne. 47; 41 Mc-
Pherson. St. ilelen39; it. Hether-
ington, Colborne. 36
('esti al Posture of IJbndolon Day
Program in Gedetleb
The mowumeut erected in Court
House Ptak in memory of the sof-
offilers from the town of Gtwlerich and
the Pbwuship of Goderich and ('01
taro, trio (ell In the Great War la
to be unveiled with due eeremony on
Tuesday uezt, Dominion Day, Ven.
.\relrleavou Cody, DD., rector of 8t.
Paul's church, Toronto, and formerly
Minister of Edunttlon for Ontario, la
to officiate. The service in eannec-
tiou with rhe larelliug 15 10 eowmence
at 1.15 p.m.. In order to allow Dr.
Cody to return to Toronto the same
As UM solemn ceremony Is to be
the emend feature of the day's pro-
ceedings, the usual program of Do-
minlou Day spurts has been consid-
erably curtailed, but there w111 still
be a sent -rent number of events to
make it a very busy day
The cbUdren'ts games. an in-
variable feature of Dominion IMy to
Goderlch, will take .Vater ou the
Square in the morning. eommencing at
1.;.30 o'clock.
At 10,8*), Also on the Square, there
will be a baby clinic, couductel by
Dr. W,, J. Tilltnau of London. with
prizes for the Ions Isobars.
-It 4 u'clbrk. at Agricultural Park,
there will be a baseball game. Strat-
ford v. Purity Flour. The fans are
looking forward to a keen etiuteet.
The Clinton Kiltle brass band and
the 1.uckit w pits• band have Igen en-
gaged for the day, and in the ecenityt
there will 1. a band concert on the
Square, with some Highland daatc-
Another important event of the day
will be the official opening of the Blue
Water (;elf and Country ('tub's golf
(tours. on the Hayfield road, where ex-
pert profesdonal and amateur golfers
w111 give an exiarsltiou of the game.
Spechil events on the program are
timed fur 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.
Ik-nr Mr. Editor, -i nun n Godrrieh
rnteyeyer and eitizrn. and am writlug
to know if gou would kindly Insert my
letter in your jutprr, for the sole pur-
pdtsr to arouse Interest (If possible)
for a t:nderleh hand. 1 fare seen one
or two wtld letrera in your piper. mak-
ing the tame ef(irt of will, but all to
uo arab►, std Tam determined to make
nue more nim. )fay the arrow slidot
etrkigdrt ns to where the difficulty lion,
that it may 1a• r move:, and that
enl('kly, for 1 am dlsguettel that the
Kettle's( town 111 ($alalia has to go 1.
('Iirttml for its fin►shutg charm. mus -
1r, if a little place like that can
turn out n splendid uniformed hand.
what's wrong with Goilertch -that's
what T want tis know. There 1s not
It prettier 141.1c4' in nutdrin tI, God -
r:eh. yet our young folk have to get
not In cars to other (Mires for nrrnc-
tiou. taking tcllh them their money for
lir cream: etc., to other stores than
11nr own. whereas If we hiol a hand
it noted meet the nerd if voting and
1111 to sit meter the tr.-•. of a het et --
ening to listen to the sols$-. of what
ns' le It to fray taste. for n town that
git4•v its nothing in return or the dotlre
to remelt' herr'. 11 is high tin,• we
wake nli, or w'r' shall find fill our
voting life Isentivg it away to nthpr
town's. Shill we snatt••st ,a h•a- 11itrg.
01111 MVP where the trouble diet'' First.
the nil -hisses were l.lnmed. n'wynq
kicking but they got not- still w'e
hive no fin Md Tls•m n bond of young
nnteiehtns emelt- Wong. eager and
carn(•st to oily. They bought their
own muse,. Revernl of them their
own Inst rontents -0111 we his,- 110
hand. Aecording to a few on
the committee *but ens np!olnhd, the
bnnrltnnster Is asking inn noel
quote the eonnell-men's own stnt'm.•nt.
Every laborer is worthy of his hire,
Anal tousle not only loth (•linrnts. but
today ha. Its price like rent, A few
months two, we enoyl get n decent
hott*e with all quiiifieatons for %0
R month: today that same house is
$TT) to 113. tnke it or lenre ft. So
Is mnnlr. It 1. not what yet hare
Paid ie the nn.' ; it is what yon lube
got to pay to have it Then 11
ent.tMn nus- ihn: the IMnchmas•cr
hail a store, n.- l wont 1 not need Atli
mneh. So, 'slot. hove Owe r"nnr•I1 euro,
and yet they voted them*' ver a•a ^•s.
tar the little 'nhnr they render: so
where it the miff 'retire? time Is not:.'
le. the other Is tie • gift of tongue. i
prefer merely and we want a Land. so
trjtnever le hindering it. get nit. Or the
tnmmer wd11be firer before rot has -el
finished dliweis.lng terms.
' (Aerie!). Jane 24, 11)24.
•Iapres..ite Set" Ice. on Sunday and
Conal 4:tet* (11 310143) -
The 1'resbcterian eongreg.atlon ''-af
Purt Albert celehrnt,1 this week the
tnmpletInn of fifty -fire years of ae-
tirlty. with jubilee !orris -es of great
Interest told inspiration. Former min-
isters of the church unitt•I ttlth the•
(sn.rega t1 11. now 141 by Mr. itrts•e
t;. Gray• to stake the *i"iversnry tn•-
cndou ns•ntor.iI -,'. 1;reat cr11wds at-
tetdel the sortie•- nn Sunday, tie
('19)12.1 !Wing pa.-ke1 both morning and
evening. .1t the morning, motelce the
preach.r wits Bev. F'. M. )Inhatfy, 11.
A., of OrnIgevil•e. who sp.nt Tife`tglrly
rears tit fort .0 1, -rt. Is -ins .1 uerm-
I.er of a fnmily tt.-11 rt•tucml red there.
ion the evening tier, 1;. G.onnn. 1.1 fine
River. it former pa.ro:• of fort .\Iis'rt,
was in the pstlpit. In the 'misdeal
part of file w•rvire fhb• choir was
11,d -tett by members of :h.• choir of
11,' sister church of Dungannon. and
n ginrt,•ttt tram Thinitnt,orr, enols, ,-i
of Mrs. Rolt. 11:n'ldwn,. Mrs T.
1'. Campbell anti lleesrs. 0. Mc-
Kenzie and T. MoL.nu. snug with
min h neeptnnte. •\ most interesting
and pletsi)ig feature of the morning
'ors -Ir,• was the singing yf ,1 trio who
Pang It: th,•ehitn-ll fifty tents a:o 0101
Whose• mires ore 50111 II 11.1111: Mr.
net'chg; eP Gi„inrir7, nn.1 \it'wsrs.
Alex. Yonne noel W IIU,uu Walter of
Colborne. Mr. Rel. -her also sang n
sola ss-hieh wit, heard with p'enotnre.
Tics., serriee, ss 're 1111 04 'lnfpredlds o
find will ,long be rentemler.,l ly
Mos, who took port in- them. On
Mondry erehing the cnngregnti vl and
friends from far end near gntic rel at
the einem m
groo.. for n minion party,
The Male. hail mode nhnrwlnnt prori-
Rlnn. And, though the attelitInnee w -n•
greet nod o!enair appetites' ore prnv-
erbinlly keen. liter* was plenty for
nil, mei everything of the best. Af-
ter the sipper a program tn•er which
the pester In charge, Mr. Goy, pr-
s'ti el in tempo rrnnneer. kept the biro.
Pothering Interested •nl UMW,. 4 for
two !tours or more. The sprel it en-
t.•rtniner for ted r t•ening w, s lir.
lintto-n', Cow•tu of Toronto. who s'ng
and talked. mostly In inn-r•ms
ftsl'••n. rind •' rsnnnt(.1 various. eha
•:erg. 1ntersrere d with theee mute
hers were nddr•m's.s by the kit lag
clergymen : ,,)Hewers. J. R. Peters of
Dnngannai, Walter 11 Howkina of
Blyth fee Pert Alert '•0141 !my"), A. G.
Rlsptll! of Thornton, K. A. (inline of
A-HHosm, twinkle. Meters Gomm aol .34*
hsffy. Mr. and Mrs. Gomm Alan
sang a duet very sweetly and were
heard with respectal deRkht by their
old friends of the congregation. See -
1 among thorny proweet wen. witb
the chore's at N. heeinning and the
eha*rows inti dueed them to the
nndlertce. Mr 'Otter else read gr.etS
Logs from eereral fronds esf the eon-
gr.gatlnn who were nnahle to be peen-
ent ter the in -biles.
Thum was ems -laded a cert happy
NM memorable omission. the tiwer.sa
Of 'which noel be rrstifrine to aid
M,prrrnei. Mitch of the credit for the
mrtdrers* of the loan *octet I. dn. M
ora. R Mrt\'hInncy amt Mr. las
McKen,lc. .-'o were the- .naecn.rs of
tIM ant•I.ul *nd progress eos.rlltess.
Sordid Train on C. N. R.
Arrengcmenta have been madleirith
the C. N. R. for a ..reetsl train to
Oad.r14h from Strntfnrd on July 12th,
with a rate of fare and one-half.
Word received by the loeal Orange-
men Indleatet that ikdgees, from a wide
district will make (to1•'rk'h their ob-
jective OR flat day.
The Orsngn church parade stat
Panday evening. to Knox tbnreb,
he In charge of the ladle* eir the
net ynnr trunks'. elnh-begs and ptrite
masa at Sharman'.. Newest IInsl of
lowest priers.