HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-5, Page 10.• • iest steA, rt. el. :At ee . • • ONT. igionter Tos egmp 11140 sgoaall.. 'Southampton and itlitit she believed :every Weaken pre*. i 114.4ereb ALL -METAL FLt1110 BOATS. ' (Continued troll' itis 4 e celaerefre Mad meetbers 411 .1:41Ittay a tew ter contelb *peso Wier edvbe • ego had intenile5 Tee 041 Olaf be olemmitrUS Memel? rolla room for veatefla acced8111104letteee Inri• • *AS 11.1. Tidy**, ee ent wilet,lu favor of the rrectioO of a I rrea. *ow spoke ,nt the condition uew e • • town liall-bilek-Wellk lloln thought then should be • -se „ie. tea • - and of Stracture Lighter Than Shatter r. CoMmunism s The all-tuetal hull for eying boats Wooden Hell. no PeoPer aetalliteedstlelit differmit site; the Wer building should Warr of deeielleMen flee ter appearance 3Lx. Compbeil. how- Is autleipated as a standard future destine according to a writer in Mittel ttse toMpt officials, ineaseettut deem , be lamed where It would have a bet- leeee • 'Of back of a mut. There was Itallitorturn iu town wil1H- uttblk meetings, tits people litsrving ter Mane Piero Irftere tiler If they had they could Mere far by local and tflittat. The new building MccOurniodate the Board of • • *MO •,nak, the Woolen.* Institute, the atone' yam eba Iwo. .gbterit of the Empire and such the niatiee' • erga al rations. felt that the should be placed la titer Heentete he ( Ills Worship then went into a con- eideatki a the rev. -nu, that might be expeete41 from a new hall. There would tw aecommodation for the written to sered war__ lieeurnii Hydro -electric offices. and fur the ad",r1401=1,,,,,,,./Inui.et,,,Pli:, potice-mscistrate cut the Phildretes 7 -the samorimi Las -4: Tyr°. Aid thagety officer, which would 1111.1111 bel a saving of $575 a year uow paid for ' 4141/Seil4Irs_' rei,„_.hin41,,46141, this accommodation. He estimated hillMatelte se "emee '-' $2.500 se the possible revenue In a year e 1 J, , from entertainments and other gather- CK'DA.R POLES WANT= e .. ' tags. He bad also estimates of the .eost of malntenance. the figures show- 1pg a good margin In favor of a new • - • 1 UR The townes ftnencial condi- - The Vi'ater ;tad Liteitteetuelbe non was very favorable, the amount lion of the 'Town et atederieh of debt whkh influences Lhe tax rate east to purcbsse 41401f eater tieing less than $100,000. Plays ter eleetrie lleed liaspoess, le the citizen.- were favorable. (be Pelekte be SO or le fat Wu. wktb Mayor proposed the formation of a phose • cinemas' committee to go into the ter fully, procure plans. etc. called upon to give their views. and the A number of those present were seves isch- top. t he t eti the gnme I trines," tied there ls at present "what tibli7..gFrirwinelling Meat. Industry. The problem of doraiumiti (lulus "This is a historic mite " he aircraft construction had been ale deelared. The lot ou which the town Recognition of the Soviet Govern- froached in vartoult wale by different hall stdoti was given to the town by meta by Great Britain, Bab aria sow- European rue Alnertean eolultreciere ever. was °missed to a change of lo - the l'auadtt Company for school pur- eral of the smallex couutries de popes and he went to school In a Kurepe brings to a teat One areutuest building on that lot in l4 --eighty la favor of lifting the international yeitre ago. He thought Ito better site. ban on the sovit,to. .rht. commultist could he obtained unless the old Col- , borne hotel property could be seeuredi. tue°rY In Ru6slia wita stIP9°" to are. s: K. samleee, who atresnno thrive on Isolation. The surest way the need of a hall In which entertain- to compel the evolntfon of Cotutpult- moults could lw given, by which. he lam into common sense was to bring elated. thousands of dollars could he Russia back into th, comjty of th,,,,, raised for charitable purpones and nations. ltp to the print mowers* community ,euterprisea, moved that such prophecies have trees belied; slits be taken towards the erection sap; the New York Times. We are of a hall so that the town migttt take witaessing to -day quite the °Proustl. advntitnge of Mr. alleKay's offer. development. Coincidently with III This motion wile seconded by Mr. Hol- break -down of the barriers betwe man. and when a show of hands was Russia end the outside world the called for the vole was practically un- Communist regime is undergoing au animous. evolution back to Karl Marx. The 'lleyorGallow mid It wonid be,im- bitter struggle of last autumn withiu possible to build this year. but It could the ranks of the Communist party be plauned to ge ahead next year. A has ended in a vinery for the orth- be -neeeeele7 before any etPenek11""'i latest number of from various sources agrees. In tits point the testimony rote of the ratepayers would, of eourse. ' °d°L 0n "Ill/ could he made. the Revue des Deux On motion of CouneUlor IFlutuher It."1"4" "Iv' pi•esstat 'situation in red gig a former Minis- . Kokevizoffr,hfiva!tur:sa with won or leas suet It aetoued at fliwisualogatistileimpausisbilet Pt" :.:4AtlibL, 441:111112 oat,usthepaeiroye' baInikr. nTorrairvicereettatie- !!!' 41Pt.r eigotibter. also 11 ti1111111rilt: o r lowieg Maras ,alitbit-.114-1111 rvel mptheitexte b940.c f1t,..rrtikite,117"000:ei- at en owaat swi • /net flag"' t'llhohrPht'a l'Itlito.De<P41"sse,r‘ *es/ism MIK& WITH Ft b' erlet' reform shortly le flika,19 1104av , •,, suil his Wes sec- bine Mt MORAL Toronto 1,,r. • „tit* AIWA* of to the ettgineers ateentileatille the ..ea4„1 ta ' situation that the mistake 'most lien ae 'Cy made was that of using too ''';‘:'• • metal, yet the machinea dtesigued 1 r:. ''1111411 tills -thin metal were *twain' 1011111. 40011itrazistively iteevy l'pon furtheradit.ftagt was derided that citizens' committee to be formed to aet in conjunction with 42 the too n council. Otte committee to be Tooth Airy person )awns, any such F. Tom, Ches. K. Platuvlers. E. Dong- compotoel of Mr. MacKay and one or Intheth,eNecwurreRne, station interested In the project. mare representatives of each organi- Affairs the story is tett by former. pores to sell, kindly write or s Godes•kils. 00. Dderick, Out. spoke Locluded-Mesere C. C. Lee. I. NEWS OF SPORT .411 Ambassador BoriseRakhmeteff. who ' convenience mitekt be described ns in Russia" are **ascribed by Centrist. la the latest number .1 B. KELLY, L. L. IC-NOX.. expresaione were almost entirely 1* festal. ' Reerets117. favor of tbe leroleet. Thaw who ine Brown. G. W. Ilolimui. Reeve Mac- tam Henry Chamberlin, who has -elle( service in that country Etna. -.W. II Roberteea, W. F. Naftel. June 20 61 file date eel...led for, Wm. Onaphell, Z. V. LeseHe, Oeo. county rifle shoot. which will.11;*those tone is sympathetic to the •s- t t regime. All three men are William, L. L. Elatt2 and Deputy at the Colborne range*. Reeve Monologs. Play has eommenced ..n the an cit in asserting teat the pro- leted -evolution" of Communism is course of the Blue Water Holf and I not/yet In sight. Kokovtzoff rejeets Country Club at Blur Water Beeeli: the facile optimism of foreign Nap - the standard of .bat a town like thill -vied " ' •-• the Mani" eltio'a tournament. The, Communism is yielding to the "de - Mr. Wriest Doak won first prize in servers In Runes who report that see4A/I .peise is not yet con- mends of life," and he cites abundant neeommodation WIN very much below gay evidence to show that the rigors of shoald have, and he would not be in • • • the Communist doctrine are still old building Orditeleh Wins First Game weighing down upon the peasant masses. Bakhmeteff dues feel that favor of spending any money on the The le Several Wilke were In the gathering ht R4 rs life will square accounts with Cont- end Meyor (tallow urged them to es- oli_ ft rat game in the Hur- munism. only not by transforming it press Omar views. Pisaily of+ Of ii* II !eerie at Whig- _ aday ntt„,,,,.,,,,h. Gode..1 but by thrusting it aside. As yet the ',pante troee and amid applause Mated r, Communist party as a whole has held 1 repreeent.si in the crowd fast to its "uncompromising doer a4 coritzliKin The Huroe Coed& Staid Council will UM Dada% usual Ceaveadso 14-Weeley Obtursh, Witte% TUESDAY, JUNE 176 THE GENERAL RILKUTIVE COMMITTEE. consistiUgLine (Mears. the Municipal and Ministers. will meet at 14 a.m. *ad the general session will begin at LBO 0.m.. ygbes the reg- • ular Saginaw the Coareatina • will be prominent itIll ee preparation plebtecite. be served in the 0 4 o'clock. to be fol. rt addresses. terrains nesting Oa 04 8 teCiaek sad be addressed by,,Atrotabutot opeakers. 4111.11 Church and Social Bernell, eirgandatioets are urged *0 Bold lar. delepptions. J.A /WI?. President. A. T. 000PF Inton. W. Wjar, Secretary. Field Secretary. Mr. Msereinlet continued that he was not very entlinsisatic *bout the pro - het. but admineril there were reasons wile a stew hall should be butte Ibt • Analysinbehe situation It %modes:Wed week. o , isnArttown last RIK)" TO WWI% tilPIPAI AT TR/I cru Can, -121.1 rl 'to the local SIGNAL GOTICH. :that the reasou fur thV. is .411 the fsct utIll. f.114eIl 01 408n7 that the skin or plastics: %.as used for 'eery* toietioall. reelli OP' eawae Aeon Ars. 0,4 gam* F OR RENTUHMISHED . .-F1lattiF covering only and in must cases was polotionst e, 1 hotel, for the summer 111104011. 040 &Iv ea -for -.fore 4 bad vo oes plets# avoid Or Oil thus 5 - Ott -streets and Ilse traffic be- rets is it*. Sy order of TOWN COUNCIL .........."..weeabbiwww.www.amaaaaahaaaameseleitiewsemimine. TOWN OF - GODERICH 1924 Taxes Now Payable lit ketallinent in June. 2nd Installment in December. Discount 2 off 1st installment if paid on or before Jute 15. If you wish to pay for whole year, 3' off 2nd in- stailumint4 paid o* or before June 1 5th. to - Penalty 5% will be added to 1st installment if not paid on or before -July I st. Pay your Taxes now and take advantage of the new system. WM. CAMPBELL. Tax Collector, Goderich. cot employed as a strength member. It was determined isejer aeremarine construetion ,in • use a thick "Sough skIdeso that it weak! Doe be Aro/ st litelIPALto OB ITU AR Y OFFICE. • eaMly damaged errd to make tints fitl •' IIAtli. BENDItt take the Asada. ' NOTE TO CIBED11,0118 structure. 'the integitar • gracing or 'fl* drain of •11.1eldel Harter, at the NOTICE.: TO CREDITORS. trainee and losigltudiellie 90044e were ace of atriantytIve year«, oreurred on II as stiffening niambers only to carry Thereto". May Zillt. al the home of ills 1 In th, "tate at deAkeos kie. Use loads to skin. According') Oen. WA George iteeder• e. N. R. LENNAN. late of t%e Township at in the hull r It wars deelded not tendoetor. fit. David's street. 'Mr. Ashfleld, In the County.. et sun" to use etal thinner thee .040. Dewier was born In Uwe 'ennoble of yermer. deceased. To litios;t4lese of all concerned it i'Wootwich. near Elmira. and at rineen NOTICE is hereto: given. pantoset 011 was num% tee wilt) ,hio parents the Statute ta that behalf, that 40 that tbe assembled eireara as ag,. Ageing indicated a structural weight • ib A-411,,,,, town,,htp, Peen •suintv persons having claim whist tbi lighter by 100 P°undli than the "fere he WM, married to Barlant estate of the abovenamed el. arks lie• weight of a similar woodes hull The Wolfe. elm survives h lin. After * few letunin. who died ou the 112nd ot tome ei (helim of canton flannel and! family to PrOmenton. where he roved- before the Mrd of June, 1924. to sell emblem of water tigheness was over- yggra of fanning be refine with his March, 1924. are requirea on gg asphaltum trite ed betweea the eti for alsuat forty :%ears. For the in the same duly verified to Jolde thicknesses:4 of utetal. There 64.4•11114 lafit two years he and his wife had CH meron. It. R. Mo, a, Locknoie, to be little question but that this al - 1111411 10. it h their son. Mr. George Charles %tryut, R R No. 8, Lack- loy elyieg, boat hull c instruction is here to May and It Is only a matter Render. Other eon. and daughters tir.• now, adminietrators, or to the ander- of time before all aircraft will be Ears. of Portland. Orecon : elute signed volicitorv..for the administrator; built of metal as is the railroad William. rtf Momiehov : Wm. Iln4t1P. of and that after said date the adsainko equiptneut of to -day and that this Ilarridon. 111111 111.144, Haller, 1/f Wheat- tratore will dietrihnte the snots of metal aircraft will be as far superlot to Me old type wooden planes as the aeir steel pullman coach is superior to the old wooden passenger car Guarded Boom Mystery., Col. George A. Shaw, the 4411 - known veteran mining promoter. who is over SO years of age and still actively engaged. likes to tell tho. fol lowing story as typical of Amerlean enterprise. It was back in the early nineties when the colonel was trying to drat the Silver Mountain Mining Conipauy. Packing a large tether grip full ot samples of silver ore. the colourl proceeded direct to New York city, where he was at that time practically unknown. -I want a room and bath for myself, and I waist the adjuhaing land. Man. The funeral took plaee maid deceased among the persons PD.. Saturday last le niot••r to Palmerston. titled thereto, end will not he liable fele where there was a large attendance of the agio asset,. to any perste, of whom relativee end treelike Rev. J. W. claim notice shall not then hen bet Hedley. of Vittoria etreet Methodist rpeelved -oodnctpd the funeral servIN. 14R01.11.1."641T. K I LLORANA NOLI11124 at the home in Godetich armi also at th•• 0stari0.• grevesi.1.• in Palmerston eemetery I leolkitora for the Admintstratoells 4irelerieh. may WM. 1224. Nuts. LEWIS ALDWORTIT ,••• After a lone illness Mrs. Iavvis Ald- ' MUM( worth mimed away early Tuesday morning of this week at her home on the Hayfield road, Hoderleh town- ship. Mrs. Al4worth. whoee maiden name was Elizabeth McDonald. own" born In (lay township eixty-three years age. Coming to Goderiell town- ship after her marriage to Mr. Aid - worth in ISSI eine*. which time she Seorp by Innings: one might call a Communistic re- 1 room to store my grips These are hed lived at their hem.. on the Bay- Goderieh ---1 0 4 0 1 0 0 2 x--8 „twit... fully insured, but 1 want a special ltrinchern _....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 O-4 The sciasors problem is one of how man to be put on guard. and no 0 11t1. field road two awl a -half miles north THOMAS OtfeeHRT: OderimilL ,• , Summit ry to bridge the great disparity betweeit not even the meld. must be permitted of Boyfbeld. Iliesides her hieduad. e jeer irroat Jam „aiennitse . . uns p ce II p . tees: .1 Frank rind . oy• . 0 , encs the colonel told the clerk at Wnterloo. Orit .. Baby (Mrs. John Dempeeyo, of tioderiell township: Pearl (Mrs. I, IleniPe I. of Morris townehip: Rorer (Mrs. rimer F.ate- man.. of Wnterloo. sod Mise lemma. ' at home. Joeeph McDaniel. of flay , :fownehili: Altham Mellnesa14. of Ile- ' tree : Clients McDonald, of BAUM' Columbia : John MeTionahl. of Collim- Ims. Ohio: Mrs..' Gould. of Hay town- ship. foul Yr*. R. Campts.11. •nf - In• i genoll. are surviving brother*, and tee- ters of rhe downed. The fanned takes place this (Thure.layt afternoon Dit- WM. F., METCALF. treat the family reeirlenee to Ray- Bay flekl. Ont, jield eernetery. liev. A Miefarlarte - officiating. All the WM4 find daughters °Mee hours -2 to 4 and 7 to a are home for the NO OeC1141011. Tee other boom by •Peolatunillt . th of the cum ▪ nnity sewn out IIRoir. W. H. JACKSON, Griming 1 and Director of !tont. Mai given 1* Veles Culture, Organ, 111S% Violin. °altar. Theory. etc eta street MethOdist church. IMO reeMenee, Ckgpitt atreet...prewe • tit Hits Errorstheri of a ricultural roducts to enter this room. except in my pre*- she testes two 440115 and four (laugh W II I f AUCTIONURR • • Goderi••11 4 9 • 8 now below the pre-war level, and the Witioham 4 10 1 price of manufactured goods, two or Bitoeriee Goderich, Cooper nnd three or more times above the pre- Ritnef.: Winghnen. 'rain and Me- war level. The Soviet Government's Lain. Strut -1, nut by Cooper 13; hi' present concern for the industries Irwin 7. i'nuitre* Connell and Currie. does not arise primarily from the in - Time of game 1:44:' dustrial emergency, but from the re - SPECIAL Open Monday, June 9th Enjoy ain hour or so at the Pavilion while waiting for the GREYHOUND. THE PAVILION otni'irtic (NEAR SUNSET Every ' Wednesday Night During .1 Open livery Night Ems* Smoky During July and A • • • I suiting a teral emergency. The For the Lleyd Cup peasant not buy what tha cities produce. fa 1923, according to Soviet! room adloining mine. Of course. 1 Following Is the firet draw for the figures Cited by Kokovitsoff, the peas -1 would my nothing -not that day The eon/Petition for the Lloyd cup by mem- entry purchased the products of the following day. however, 1 let it be bers ot the Maitland Golf Club Garnet; nationalized factories to the value of known that the mysterious room con-. Handicap Hendicap 8150.000,000, which means ,a con- tained samples of the finest ore ever to be played on or hefore June llth: summit !Rower of less than a dollar mined In Northern Ontarto. Within 20 E. V. Lesslie 13 and a half a head annually. Mr. twenty-four hours I was visited by E. Wurtele J. L. Killoran 13 T. R. Patterson 13 Chamberlin states that To per cent. vieveral of the leading financiers In 20 C. 1.. Wortele 20 of Russia's industrial production is New York, and within three weeks Dr. Taylor J. A. Button le E. libtaughlIn 13 consumed by 20.000,000 towntolk, after my arrival I was on cuy way T. H. Mitchell 11 W. F. Saunders 9 leaving 30 per cent. for 110,000,000 back to Toroutu with an agreement to pay rue 910,000 In cash. which they W. A. roulthuret 1t Rev. Hardy 17 peasants. A. Rannders 20 D. D. Mooney 25 When lt comes to the future. the Paid, and further to form a 1,2.000. - Jan Donaldson 11 A. J, MacKay 9 personal equation of the observer 000 company into which they were IR Rev. MeDermid 12 asserts Itself. Mr. Chamberlin be- to Out at least 925,000 for working C. W 20 11 C. Dunlop 20 . Ilene thet Russia is now passing capital and glve •n1( partner, Oliver Dr. Bolster through tis growing pains. Mr. Bakh- A. C. Campion C. L. Jaekson 17 , T. 1. Walker 13 F. Field 14 motet alai sees Improvement, though not so entphatically. and sees no per - Dr. Graham 20 R. L. Lloyd maneut improvement until Common- • • • ism has been displaced by the gtacial counter-advanoe of the peasantrY• Bat 11 thOlge are getting better, It kl only by comparison with the utter wretchodeess of recent years. The 1923 foto* crop was 65 per cent. of the 1 911111trop for the same area. Coal Productice for the year ending last October as 37 per cent. of 1913, oil WM 95 p4r cent., cotton textiles were 37 per n*t., pig Iron was sores per cent., abs were 5.9 per ceat. The progress Of getting twenty pat» of feet into one pair of shoes would obvlously0 accentuate the growing PaiThnee Otos t famine has by no means' been lald. though fortunately there Is no reason for anticipating conditions like those whieh reduced the populetton of the ProstInce of Samara from four and a half mil- lions in 1917 to • little over two mil- lions is 1923. In the winter and epilog of 1921-92 the famine suffer- ers were from fifteen to twenty mil- lions. In the following starvation • • • season the number was eight M the present moment the famine victims, according to the esti- mate of Mme. Kameneff, the number would be Rom ten to twelve millions. That is why Communism is making a supreme effort. "Unless the present situation/ is corrected." writes Mr:. caamberug, "Russia must recto& be registered Latino his eyebrows in surprise, the clerk asked no QUM- Oons and proceeded to accommodate his new guest "That afternoon." relate* the. colonel. "half a dozen newspapermen vlslted my room In an effort to get • story of the mysteriously guarded Group "11*:. Seheduk The reliednle in Group P. of the Hur- on County Bageball League is ac.- tot- lowe • . June 2-eloderieli twp. at Auburn June 3 -Brussels t Myth June 0-AnIturn nt Dungannon June 10-Anburn at Itlyth June 13 -Brussels at Gaiterieli tivp June Myth at Dungnnnon June 1S-Goderich twp. at Blyth June 19 --Dungannon at Brume)* June TA-Dnngannon at atiburn June 26--Goderlch twp. et Brrissele June 30-Anhurn at Goderleh twp. only 4-Thincannon et Goderich twp. July 4-Illyth at Atileirn July 0 -Auburn at Bruestela July 10-41oderieh twp. et Dnneannort Inly 14--Thingannon at Myth July 17-1317114 at Bruesels "'July 21 -myth at Goderich twp Jnly 23 -Ammeter at Auburn July 20-Ttruseele at Duneennon. Lawn Bowling Notes The lona lawn hooters operMd the season at MP Piston street greens on Monday evening. when a tournement was Milted between A Idea ea pta 1 ned Ay President Joe. Brophy end Vice- preeident O. Newton. Four rink* took part and the honors were won by a with a repeUtion, in somewhat rink on else vice-preekient's milder form, of the conditions ot composed of A. Goldthorpe (Alpe . 1 930 and 1021, when the peasants Prattle. tr. Weir and A. Porter.. Prattlingly byroad the Government tO Loral tonne -wenn .1111* held etteb go oriel" the now economic policy by Wednesday afternoon commoneing at refugia. to raise any appreciable 2.13 n'elork end es Monday evening, grain whintlus for the cities.- Gal,. commencing at 7.100 o'clock. The an- se watts showed, it was not alone noel open rink teurnament will be the cities that incurred the eongeance held on Wedneerlay. June leth. and the of the gloaaaatry. By refusing ta plant beyond what tatty supposed to Rooteh double. tournaalent nn Wed newlay. Jnly 110. be their owe seeds, the peesanta eiwb will brought down roads* on themselves. Sattrinture111.4 rilliglitrn"tournanicormaan Wedneeday. Jnly and it* °legend Hos Long filiabory. The Sicilian seaport knell of Oir- ,Afrinnbleecnot 201eVenemeelt wedlicioda7. Beate whence came the fint sf the fate of the miesing The Rt. Marys anneal rink conk Dirma4a, la a vary joatorte sea as - petition for the Victor briaphy is an- nouneed for Ina. le. and the Seoteb theleentc....spot. Otrwasgekasedwain tar isridaysies.of donblee tottrnamost telt Members of the local ably compete la Seth The *Teter iletiteh double. woodsy. Jump 9 a m. This tot)5 51 14 the South Anne trophy and toed seta " bee gsteeramboluttb. of nensble pri . The play cosines 460. et four 12-es4 tree sad flees Saturday "net 18. tom sad was a facet:PO resort 40*th0 will pleb. wanath+evlog faertelaas of ell willote• *emu jt mist, tee, 10 estatsis sway tennis, et Mae limiltisipa, sal rata' se • a= his held iNleared- of Davie tsekples are Ain to tie twatiseasi at Mere IM.? the Wire fell Bids am .,„,t will to ear billNa et tbe sumer., *&14 Telephone No. 1111, Salty *tended anywhere Dui effete 'bade to glee satiadae(Mee.7„.' e. Farmers' site .potes inteettntetAL_ tt,',:f", I F/TALKAR. AUCTION'S!'" . for aosiebest &Nor tarn' dasaa sec.. feu the Coast, of 411191w. STALKER. Amhara P, Address alt counimaireases 14.5 1011DICAL sympe to the bereaved bel.nd and family in their ireparithee boo. • • .. DIED 'Daunts, and me thirty per rent. of the 7- • company's stock fully paid up And BABB. -In Goderfeh. on Sunday. now, as 1 look hack thirty years. 1 June 1, Cetherine A. Babb. ant glad to sAy the venture on the !tart of ni) new American friends proved to be a great success. for OA far as I can estimate the various owners took over a million and a hat! out of the mine 1 sold them." BENDER. -Is Gederieh. on Thurs- day. May 20 Miehael Bereler. in his 73th year. TAYLOR -le West Wawanosh. oh 110nday. June. 2. 'Levi- Taylor. In hia neth year. • Taking Ne Menne ANDERe41N.-At T.ucknow nn Jung 1. Bet W notice that evert the KIM Bertha Pentland, beloved wife of J. who are mireet that botdoe'l hair it G. Anderson. here to stay take home the Inv:huts ae.„),IrnmFIR w .. an., township, and hide them ' away in the bureau """ on May 2.1th. Jane Sherritt, wife of rtgainot the day when they may want . Hobert Rcotehmer. egret 50 rearm and a switch-Detrolt Free Pre%* 4 months. ALDWORTH -In Goderieh township, pHOLMESROUDFtfOT. KILLO DR. Ir. J. R. FORST= ZA• R, NOSS. THROAT Late Howe Buremoi New Y= I Umiak and Aural Hospital. eat Moorsdeld Zee Hospital SRO C001455Square Throat Hospital. raw don. Msg. • 53 Waterloo St.. 8.. Sentford. ephone 287. At Hotel Bedford. Goderick, all ode June 240, at 7.30 p.m., to Jame tt 1 311ele LEGAL G. CAMPIRQ31. K. �. BARRIS- TER, Bolinder. astary pm= Guice Hamilton street, door from Square. Trust Ile Heide 10an at lowest neat PERSONAL MENTION Waxes Jean "Ince:wan and Emma Waif ACP are home from Toronto. where they have been attending Cni- eereity. Mr Alex. Donnelly. teller of the Bank ot Commerce staff Atwood, 14 spending his nettion at his home hero. /Ir. Malian Cunningham. of Port Alike. a former 0. C. L indent. has graduated in dentletry and expert' to 'intense at ,Mieiged. Meows. Benson mid Fred W'-.ton of Detroit visited at the borne of their parents. Mr. *ad Mfrs. John Weston, Bennett street.,the bitter pert a the wt.* re Mr and Mrs. aki. Loomis and fatuity. at Stratford. spent Smuts, with Mt. and Mrs. Allan McDonald. Brock street. Miss ellarmiret Strang was Immo from Toronto for the wissienal. Miss Evelyn Ifrcartoey. Do- trolt, is visiting at the. hemp of Mr. mad Mrs. M. W. newel!. Mr. Alex. attendees is at Montreal attending the meet* of the Canadian Manufarers ctu' Aseeciatior. Dr. A. T. massernos attroaai the atonal mooting of the Denainles Medi- cal Cionoctl at Ottawa 40.4 Week. Mr. A. Wilson.( Mt *tattle( his rine Omer- . Inas, Is a Wast Wawituesh Arne °Mow et Tort wag here not past mether-in-law, Mira. rut. Cedar street former reddest and is now • William. Mr. R. doll me burs Rays wets 0.2.11.sa- y Het week actin me our a an et OS aergeme overt .ltt tie**. et Intliter, of the Central •rbooi *tart gee 24t« Sestrigo Os*ry epsat the week -earl wtth friends at *Apia, and IthwAreise. it,. awl Wm Wm. Christie* a54 ewe . en Tneeday. June. 3, Elizabeth/Ole- Doneld. beloved elk. Lewls 414- BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. worthagd «t year*. TARIES PUBLIC. ilTO . e Offke on the Square. Maid MOO Hem Hamilton street (Iodated'. CARD OE TIAANICS Private funds to loan at IOWA t • IL BENDER AND TAMIL) of St. Deride *trek, wish to 41•• press tbelr sincere gratitude to filen& and retatern for tbelr kind mess - 'dons of sympathy and beautiful floes' frIbutter tn their recent sad beres4 ment. IMR AND MRS. Will. MKDD AND grandparents with to thank the many friends for the ktu their recent 3. L. Keionn, Dudley RI. lisbisall RA aittalltaa, R. C. 11 A YRLR.C. RAYS, . B:A. Hamilton KC, Ooderien REACHER E•Ge them 1* by the death of these e songillt, SOLICITOR. Mary grandson, *Do woe recently killed in eenveraneer. an accident at Windskami also for codeelee, the beautiful floral t oho. --e----•-"'"'"-- -MA -'-t I D IIISVIIANIM 1POR rHEVROLET TOURING pal FOR w sale eheap. Apply to 10111,11ADIT. 'OR SALK-A GOOD UI6UT 1 piano. Terms If &chit le 1 MRM. 8 J WINDLIC. "rota FOR SALM OWBOAT• 78 ° Waft by ties. oat, twill of sass dee. , a. . LLOYD, Nelson street. rooD roar,' AlITO P5 SALK V awing. wttb ll4pn.eI 95. J. W. ARIAIIMIRORG. DIM Slate Agent. *hove Pane** Palle Nods- ricb C. SMINOLIBB.--(1111 teed of B. 1• at mow Stades 110111211,11114g11 XXXXX shingles end Mild Tionmat sit Tle. L Oodereb. piless••-tosolpingso amdl dirties. 1 IeKILLGP MUTUAL ARCM 00. -Fara sad Othasits--itta=11. Proc. taws prepertf = at r 0.; D. P. licOor rep. Ilecesfth E 0. Ignielseir-A. Resailloot• a. tort•; mu O. Orley 4. trawls; William X Osithrth: John 18•111N.WIP4, basw dila MeCartamy, 5. flissfertli: Retort Perris, filanaph minty Mame Brsedltild; him W m* Donefiswour: Jules Oss,p, a•disekb. Assets: .11. W. Tas. £i Leitch. R. R. 110. 1, j m ggerweamaaferth: a plahreb. blame gas lormeste eall pal their earls dais*. Ibirresir• Olotsftrig : a. L04W. Ornery, awateMOIL fle=icer b Shen 1 " 411k. • 1,