HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-5, Page 81101111111 DYE DRAP I 1 Sunday Afternoon lilmosiew‘ Draperies Shigts Diem Ginghene flialin • Meters ‘' Suckle. Iiy16AftilL HAMILTON, Geolerich, Ont. PUTS HEALTH RAISE MILION DOLLARS AND vim INTO To Make* we forth lot UsmLI 01 044 tbatkogiving found In Pa 136. every with WM Dinner Christ llb-1 votes of which ends with the refrale WOMEN Loyal Orange Association to l'elee brat e Centenary by It:Using This Large Sum of Money -- Order hided, hFor his mercy endureih forever."Wants to Help •t g Protestant Thu tbe lye* et tbe *Mem Gospel lir% lewing their year* of captivity SO Sur Mrs. MacPherson of hot end the'r t wonderful deilver- L E. Pinklmun' V e- I 11111ligrall(P tO aaaaa e to Canada. T table Compound the sore, with their progrtes thus far, Lydia s eg et ema on!, dna* tarot'silmerit gteit gmb Zikht witsorrow and they could Nay: -Truly God is good Se. to *et their captives free, to Israel." They were differently af- t the earth spay be filled with the retied, however. The people shouted Brantford. Ontario.—" I was always glory of God, with a great shout so that the noise tired and Um Utast exertion would pit , —A. C. Allier. the Levites, having lived in Jerusalem PrelleelhoPete en the top of my head, !knowledge of Inc grandeur of the first ousttotolepispd. overuor ,:t.tfld nont rtmuyp JLback. - noise. I k t 7 16 -sant pane el itiencroad opentalas direetiems so DM* any mewls ma dye er tbills say 661, were. AIM thing aew, trees lf Me has sever dgeal before. Dm stereo sell all oolors, Meal with telpher It Darkees OD Mitterally NOW, Can Tell As the waters cover the sea. was heard afar off. The priesta and nte out for a day or two. ha a before its dentruetlou, had retained a fain M of my peck. and when PRAYER Vino Thee, 0 God. we would lift temple and realizliag that this one gig not sleep well and rsuanee up our hearts and voleso ba Prater magnificeuce they lifted up their was such &wreck that I co d not sweep could never resemble it in size and ei the boot eel To mark the hundredth annhe r - nary ot the founding . f the order lu Canada, the Loyal Orange AKPOP111- 0011 of British America is to rani( • centrunial fund of one million dol- lars, says Ole Toronto Telegram. MIA ti 10 C01.181.11Ute an endowment fund, tbe income only from which hi to be used to carry on the woik of the amociation. The method alld pur ENDS PAIN. .J41E2r isforNER SHOULD XEEP .4 BOX ON NANO All Dealers 5C4 box' and thanksgiving for Thy gracious , dealing Thou didst deliver them from butel- ' age with a strong hand aad a stretch- I et! out arm. We give thanks to Thee. with Thy cho•es PeoPle Zerubbabel and Joshua were the ing down afterwards. A friend living detail by M W. Bro. Hon. J \t' Ed .leaders in this reconetraction work. near me told ma what Lydia E. Pink- wards, hi D bvputy Grand %Lister ut 1They appointed oventeera to set for- ham'sVegetable Compound had done for ward the work in ramrod. No mon- the floor nor wash the dishes without ly- pose of the plan was explained in the Grand Lodge of British Alueitea .L.O. L.O.L. . cokes and wept, I er were they well twain' then the her so I began to take it. With the first ituu ay low estate and elitist provide a tia•- 'rounding diatricts, appeared mei, un- t° lie down. Later I became regular The Orange L 613 remember all children of men lo thelt Samaritans. who essoupleti lite tour, without hl acvolunigd iten:LUangilal,C3Taunr"olb°tioi ttIP tiod of Heaven, that Thou tildst bowashttledlishefelit banridghstewreeiri lour to deliver them from the enemy der the diagulse of offering to- a in in rily monthly terms. I have ita mark on the pages of Canadian Assoctatiou lots mad. — kank6 interfered with them. Their leeip taken ten bottles all told and am now all better. I can trul say that your 1 r th sent ovemeuts " said Or Edwards, -and of their souls. We would irlv t unto the Lord, for He is good; for Hls was deellared anti immediately tin'Y wonderful dicIne cannot he beaten with due- regare e t mercy endureth forever. Amen. 11111111c false representations to Aha- for putting health and vim into • wo- has ever undertaken any proJect do not think the Order - of the past. 1 PlIer113, the successor to Cyrua, kills man. —Mrs. JANES H. MacPnoasom, Y SCHOOL IZSSEION FOR of Persia. la the letter they said: finite the wattle magnitude as the SUNDA909 Greeowich St., Brantford, Ont. "Be it known untei the king, that the If you are sufferin from a displace- raising of tide milliou dollar centen JUNK 1624 - nial fund, nor will anything cutup,— the prestige of the Order as much as the successful raising of this money." Dr. Edsarde explained that the in come only from the money would be used to extend the work of the Orange Order lie lostaticed deter*: cases where the funds 01 Inc Giallo Lodge of British America bad been used effectively in the pat.: Two years ago a campaign was run 111 op- poeition to the cilium ot Archbishop McNeil and 11111110p Ialtei, win1 se,. making specific dentand•. tor funnel special pile.depot for the Separate schools in Ontario,'ad Inc outia) oe that work was $10.1100. 0.• also re called that a Ica ..14 Ca agu tii. A Mallon speut $15.000 In carry fog the Tremblay mai riage case to the J udi- Mal Committee of the Pri‘y Cobucti. and the victory won at that time wit, sufficient Justification for the camp diture. Much money had also beet. spent on charitable work, as iu stanced in the -collection of neari) half a million dollars for the Loyal True Blue Orphanage at Itichniteoi Hill, which was doing and would cot, tinue to do a -very luiportant took providing a proper home for Prete'. tent orphan children. It was nu idle stat.unent, continuo.; Dr. Edwarda, to.point out that thei. was a very real danger in Canada a the present time to British cuunec lion. He was in Quebec recently and learued of an arrangement be tween the Quebec Legislature and thv Roman Catholic Hierarchy to settle 15,000 Greek Catholic along the line of the Transcontinental Railway ia that province. as the French Cathie tics had settled along that railway ia Ontario. It was Intended to bring 5,000 of these people out thls year. In the sante way Hon Manning Doherty had brought out the Hebri- deans, who were aft Roman Catho- lics. There was a Roman Catholic Immigration organization in Quebec that employed several priests in Rs work, veho were paid out of funds eoted by the Parliament of Canada. and recently an offer had been made by an organization in New York to send to Canada 500 families from Northern Italy, each of whom would be nut:Tiled with sufficient money to keep them going until they were self- sustaining. Canada should set her face against Immigrants front continental Europe TIM old-time mixture of Sage Tea e el Solidest for darkening gray, Meshed and faded hair is grandmoth- e r% recipe. and folks are again naing it terldiep their hair a good, even whicb is quite senstk as we are Liv- ia, in an age when a youthful mopes?. n em, is of tIM peewit advantage. NOwadays. though, we don't have the temMesome task of gmbering tbe age and the messy mixing at home. All dreg mores sell tbe ready -to -use prod- uct, improved by the addition of otber ingredients, called "Wystb's Sage aed Seipboar Caompoomd." lt is very popu- lar bemuse nobody can discover it hes hem applied. Smutty moisten 'war comb or a soft betook with 11 .54 draw this through yoer hair, taking me small armed at a time; by merging the gray lair disappears, but what delights the ladies with Wyetles Sage and SodOur 0. -1 is that, besides beautifully &rheas, the heir after a, few applica- times. it Moe peodeoes *at soft lustre and applaraece of absindimm which is S 0 atilreolies. • GENUINE ASPIRIN HAS"BATER cRow VOW, vittbeet• "barer Cross" assmost Aspirin at all - 111$ ipeeiso 'Mayor Tablets of Aspria" eg a 'Mays?' pediagme *holy marked abide satiety, `Bayer .oes Tblet"Bsper soe Is your oaly way efillseerbs thee •yee are geNiag semis* AmplriaJ pownselbut by physislaas for engem years and proved safe by emit- ter Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, , Lumbago, Nenrttle, and for Med* la Cataada. Ca boxes of 12 tablete--also ie the 6.54. ..&a IT Med "Bore is CCial, of Bayer Maaufsetare of Menemetismidease of fielleytiemid. • While it is -well keine& that Aspiria limas Bays seasetesturs, to Desist tbe Saphist'imitatieee, the Tabletop of Company, Ltd., will be stamped I,their paws' trade amok. Um lalimi-Qmosee 1016=1111111M1111Molmommusemmolmosoomoor summir CLEARS 211111611.11Z11 SIM Pim Meek and AM. rainy, liktio Nem" OW Spsetallse ere AGory, selleimim can be overcame applyk599(71159a little barb- iipiV1 eat at ass *IL orml Selpher, declares a noted skin special- ist. Itentase of its gam destroying properties, this subplot preparation be- gins at ones to soothe Irritated skin and bed erupeisiss met as rash, pimples and rimg.wome. It seldom Ms to resetrie CM WOW and distioresseat. amd you do sot have to wait for relief from embansesenotot. Improvement middy show& Sallorent from skin trouble should dads a mall ier of Rowles ifeetbo-Se•dour from any good tintsgla mil use it like 544 COVIM Tbe fleet time a girt is engaged she limitless that Alt te WI import- ant as tie berobse la a novel. feste•-• Leese. Tidie--The Return and tbe Rebuilding ef the 'Temple. Lemen Paseage—Ezra 3:6-13, 6: 14, 13. Goldoni Tit—i**. 40:1. With the first deportation of tbe Jews to 1141110u, DOW of them. !night men of valor, went to swell the army of the conqueror and to fill up hie titles. On the 1401.011(1 invaeliin of Jude* jts existence as a distinct nation was deetroyed and all the peo- ple hut wine of the peasants were removed and Settled along the blanks of the Chebar river and here they lived in exile for seventy years. During rIvse years some of them found favor at court. nte 'Weird and his three companions, others presPer- .41, learning in time the habits and intaineas ways of their neighbors, but the greater number WPC11 III voor cir- cumstanees, heing under the teover of their ea Worm. The) lute, no temple where they could worship Jehovah In their own way. and When they .5* by the river* of Babylon they t1c111 when they remembered Zion and hung their harps upon tto- willmvs, for "how could they eing rhe Lord's song in a strange land'?" In spite of all this( they were sustained by the hope of mine day rettirning to their native land :---1f I forget thee. 0 Jerusa- lem. let my r*ht hand forget her cunning." , In the course of (line Babylon, the Grteit, that had captured and destroy- ed Jerusalem, was Itself made captive by Cyrus, king of Persia. who Joined It to his dominlone, and then lite time of the deliveranee tyl the Jew., was at hand. De It was of whom !salsa proi healed 150 years before, saying: "He is my abeplierd, and shall per- form all my pleasure; even saying of Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to Lie temple, Thy foundation Khan he laid" (Isa. 44:28). In the first year of his reign aver Eabylon the Lord stirred up the mph. - it of eyrus and he caused a voice to paw througbont all hie kingdom pro- claiming liberty to the captives. Thlp decree was also made In writing. giv- ing perrulaslon to all the Jews living In his dominimis to go up to Jerusa- lem and build the temple of the lord there. He not ooly gave them per- mieidon hut furnished them with what WAS needed for the undertaking. "All they that were about them strengthened their hands with veasels or silver, with gold, with goods. and with beasts, and with pricions things." Not aU the Jews took advantage of this opportunity to return, hut the chief of the fathers of Judah anal Ben - .Jamin„ and the priests and the Le - Vitra. With all them whoop opirit thcl had raised to go np to build the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem row up and made preparations to •-re- eatahlist theraneives in Judos. When they were ready to depart Cy- rus pot joto the care of libeahbazaar the vessels of the house of the Lord width Nelsochadoessar had brought forth out of Jerusalem'. and had put them in the house of his gods. Iti consequence or the decree of Cyrus 4E300 Jews of Bobylon with 7337 Mares and much cattle set out for the home -land. It took thelm about four months and by the aeventh month they were settled. Then by common convent Hwy, se one man. went up to Jernaalem. the devastated city. where they bonded an altar, and observed all the set feasts as corn - mewled in the law of Moses. After- wards they Armin their preparatione for this intilding of the temple. Workmen had to he aormed and brought from Tyre sod Sidon and Moller from Lebanon In tbe Imihi- Ilug of the temple In Solomon's day. Walla 6-13—A Heenan Melba As anon 55 the fmtndations wren 1 laid the priests with their arumpets and the !ernes with their cymbal.; led the people in protein( God, all joining 64 -artily In the song of Jews which came up from thee to us ment, irregularities, kache, or any arc Milne 111110 Jerusalem. tinkling the ether form of floosie weaknes• writs rebellious and the bad city, and have to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., WI Up hp wallet thereof, and JoinedCobourOntario, for Lydia E. ruok. the ttttt itlath.115. Be it known now m Priv•te Tex t-Book..0 upon A11- ito to the king. that if this city be menta P.cuilar IA) W°113.11. builded. and the walls set up again; -- Then will they uot pay toll, tribute 111)1 4lip10111, and so thou shalt en- d:linage the revenue of the kinge." The king sent back at reply wide the work to eease for a peril., of at 1111111 nine yearet. 6:14, 15.—Work Resumed. l'odcr 11.e athiceuiil eneuttrage- Dieu( of two prophets, Haggai dud Zechariah. the building was begun again but again their neighbors he rfered. This time, however, their leaders were 'oval of different type to these who. had agitated against them before. Had the ease been as truly represented to Ahasuerus as to Dar- ius it Is quite likely the work would sot Inive been hindered. The elders of the Jews when asked gave a full statement of Why 51141 by whose au- thority they were buildiug the tem- ple. This was nent by hotter to Darius with the requeet that he would ceusult the records to see whether Cyrus bad really maths such a decree and then to make reply as, to what should be done in the matter. A roll was fouud containing the decree of Cyrus and therefore Oarium homed another decree forbidding any iuter- fereure with the work mmi ordering that tribute Money he 115011 to help it on; and else that everything needed for buret offerings and meat offerings afti r the completion of the temple be senriplied. them (lay by day. Thni he dhl in °Met* that the priests might offer toterlfices of sweet savours unto the God of heaven, and pray for the life of the king, and his moot. To this; decree Darius added a penalty on all who iihoulci &milli in- terfere with the progress of the build- ing, The work went on eppedily, they being encouraged by the won- derfnl goodneasi of God In inclining the heart of the Ring of Persia to allOW them Mich favor. In four years' time It W11111 e01111110441 and dedicated with joy. WORLD MISSIONS Mr. Y. Y. Tau, eecretary of the Chinese Chrietian Amociatlen in the I". ie. and professor in St. John's Theologkeal reellegr, Shanghai, Paid that When lie landed In Amerk-a someone said to him. "What are you - a Chink." and he reviled. "What are you—a monkey, a donkey (sr a Yan- kee" He said race prejudice was based on the fallacy of race pride. We can make disciples of all nations, osit by government, but by the mes- sage of the goepel brought by Chris- tian people. PTV:. !MARIE. Celeheateee ttiniverrary This Year. oiling lands of Huronia, 11, eig of 1649. 275 years ago, .seel the greatest traecely of In- dian warfare in this countr). result- ing finally in the. dentructiou of the great race of the Hurons There had been warnings of the menace of the dread Iroquois. who hovered near the Huron village -a nestling in the fertile valleys of what is now Sliticwe Coun- ty, and making what was, censidering al1. a rich farming country Remains of the villages are still to be seen in the relic,' discovered In the townships of Tiny. Tay, Medonte and Oro. says the Toronto Globe. The Jesuit Fathers had neCOMP part of the life of the red wen. giving counsel and aid in their primitive% life. Realizing the ellingers from the Iro- quois. Fattier .00forne Laientent chose the site of Fort Ste Marie, on the banks of the Wye, three miles from the Midland of to-dayand built there a stronghold, the remains of which, are still to he traced. and though the oldest masonry in North America, it Is in private hands and far from a satisfactory state of preservation. Ste. Marie had ten years of life, • Mecca of faith, where thousands of Indians were entertained yearly, and where the industries of civilisation were carried on in a small way. In the winter of 1646-49 a war party of 1200,Iroquoln remained on the upper Ottawa, and as the snows be- gan to melt started for Huronla. Soven miles to the east of Ste. Marie was the frontier village of Bt. Ignace, and on the morning of March 16, Just as the horizon began to glow with the flrst colors of the dawn, the war whoop of the Iroquois., was heard. The walls were breached and St. Ignace was soon destroyed. Three Hurons escaped to warn St. Louis, midway to Ste. Marie, and soon the invaders were at the gates of St. Louis, where they captured the two Jesuit priestelirebeeuf and Gabriel Lalement. The Hurons lied to Ste. Marie, where an attack was hourly expected, but the battles at the first two forts were enough for the Iro- quois, and they completed their thirst for blood by martyring the two priests. They were led back to St. Ignace, being beaten as they went; were stripped, tied to stakes and made the victims of terrible cruelty and death with boiling water, red- hot axes, pitch and resin set on fire. The fortitude with which all this was borne has given a name for the two Jesuit fathers which will live for all time. - Convinced that they could no longer live at Ste. Marie in safety, the French and the remnant of the Hurons burned the fort and, placing their valuables on a large boat and on rafts, they set out for St. Joseph (Christian) island, 20 miles away, In Georgian Bay, and there built a new fort, the rettialne of which may.still he found. By next June (1650) the continued menace of the Iroquois led theni to abendoe their beautifel }Juniata forever and set out 10 a flotilla of canoes for the region of Quebec. They ascended the French river and went down the Ottawa and St. Lawrence, and after more wan- derings finally settled, late In the seventeenth century, at Lorette, where a handful of them still live. From there a delegation came to Penstanguishene in 1921 and smoked the pipe of penee with derteendante of the IroquoLs 11111,1 the Brant Res ervation, which fact is marked by • tablet In the pretty park in the town by Georgian IloeY. carguitteRY -FOR "CASTORIA' Amnion Substitute, for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing *ups — No Narcotics! rteleber's easteria hos war36 yawl is Mien rem of Osentipaties, Colic sad Distelmas arieieststraa tam tie the sesImIlMisa • 1111110p, ". From Shinto to Old•faahletted Garden An .1411111r1-11 111 od OW aihicel writer s,sst rasis, the respective char- acters (if the city and country papers signifleatit -111111 miry: "Turning front tise city rapers' to a rurn1 weekly which COMem to our home Is like stepping from the slums of vile ildnra into an old-fashioned garden /tweet with honeyomekle end the scent of perrmalal flowers. The page. of tlw big dallies are se full of mur- der. thievery. imsnorellty, the !trunk- ing up of homes. Is, 1111 M4.1 f I Sh het* that the better 114011'..1 IN Mc acurril. One pot' the paper aside with a feeling of depresakm and heartache that the world le no full Of Patch terrible and unhappy things. Then picking up the papers; Mitt re- cord the happenings of the manlier lowna around ita one pine renewed faith life. Here are set forth only that which uplifts Ilio eenninittilty the aetivitits of the Immineep men, ehnrch news. the civie good 551- svmipllshsid woolen. the sellool Hempthe happy inrial galls rings of the people. the marriages. births. dentin*, farmersitems and all the thoonesid.- amt. nes_ daily octstr.reneen that mtalte np the pimple annals of the t 0111111111Mil people fe-teo ere really the fonatiation of this brond emeetry of owes. Orsailsis err wi- dens pnblialvell in Ow country 111•W paper.. tint II On Iteppciip that rii.eigie, demands It, the 'tiller de- tails are oneitted, or ere given a kind- ly touch that & widely different from the onfeeling pnbiktity of the city prows. Ma wonder. The off...Mere tisay he 011f migttletee, or people we have rubbed elbow's nur liree They are real human 1.4ags whit, io the glestt dank* 1 Ora 10prply of a sport t Are firmed met betty la their i II. "- - A effort row Press. — --- AEILERS SEND !MESSAGE. throughout a little to the north of tho 711 men imeet Hardship, Night line of greatest attraction, white centres on New York and Chicago and Imy. site, therefore, puffer, You Fair One Milli Your Jewels That Is not precisely the same queetioa. 00, gIVe ear to the voice of New- Tmhdie,rre. a(r)eneon: thaor ttwthoo tesshingstr, toot opz- cftreui:dalet:edt, of the seal herds which are to decor- ulation gravit,y moves northward as ate you and )ours tor city frivolitiee! man become -a more civilised and ao The deeurture of the sealing dert better able to be comfortable. In SF fur th( north to await the cumin ; vere condition*. The centre of gray - of the seal herds. Is neirked by th. Non ran through Room E% ening Ad. ..c1.- of John's by Athens anti Itithylou, now runs through stone:, of the indelAiry lot many y.a...s Parise, Berlin and Moaeow. past V. litie h.or beru such (-haws, however, come about roui reel tio•ru 00010• 6111,t Aumiter fact Is that it is se Chatoldalll's t1111.' "'k c"d 110 '11 ackuowlielged rule that the products of Grand Banks, ur %%hubs In Ur ;.. tie. Northern hemisphere reack their Lawrtocc, ships trout Noultv'10 highest perfection' on their northers Furapc ha‘e been ler some tiLie ..w. . It. It events to be the Naas with terested lu the PeAlb off Newb the human race. It is the northern land. pcoulc of Fume. that are welcomed In une year. 19'2.2. it wait tepee -led that the catch %ad i43,".;;;", s to .tinerica. And we know that Caw When the crew of out- ot the e.t.11 are the moat welcome of reel- Dunde..• ships first saa. the *wale:, grants to the United States. Where skipping o; the loose ice. Jutiepths there has been either conflict at co from guill 10 oun with the de-lb.:lel ..1 petition het Weill North and South the athoolboys, y were fairly scat, el, victory has been with thi. Noe*. to aaoried ittie:ti,ewnoltitittSucolusuntactutesaiel.": but ITtaitirtirwe.nint. anttr etrheall.mrsotai. mad, crazy loons after the mule Th,: call to the soft -handed foik et twir-ith;r1:-...kshi:iwKraINN:1:bsdlifYI:.k:: li tba the cities to give a thought to in, :rut- h u titer la v oiced by a "rw A iii124':lautirki. atid true and teoder ifs* maker in the Ad4oe ate. w ho. while lets poet!) might It win a Nobel Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Rime A .senteowlint litonterous and laugh- nhle hient happened to Rev. D. If. Gallaghcr, the new pastor of Knox church. ellen he first arrived In Port Iihgtrn a few week, ado. sole The Port Eight Times. Stepping off the tra huu end seeing Morison Bricker drawing op to tins platform with Ida hlg ear and imruoising that he was there to meet 'him, the new arrteal walked .11, or the ear sod extending his hand to Clorksion, who is some - wing of wit, mild, 'Ts Mr. Gal- lagher- Weenie( the *wig hit mod thinking someone was trying to have some fon with MM. Clatilaon ans- wered -That's all right, I'm Mr. sheen." and drove off. keying Mr. Gallagher motaewhat thumblostated. I North" Prise, has a incssag,•, ail the foitow- , The epithet -dark" *Indira In Europe 115 ve•rses sill show: rather than .1merica What is cer- tain is thatiither things twIng equal. the North, will tinniness the finer breed of !nen and that is the ertateet thing a country can do. AM as for lbeicil to Sir Henry Thorn- ton. Speaking Itt Buffalo at the same moment that the Dean was In Mon treat ("bidding t'ariadians to gia potithhe wig eloquent. In parody oa the %%ord. liorace Greyly. osayilig. G., mirth. Young END; that way Ilks fortune amid countlowa unexploited .5 iu4 unused opportunities. You fah- one si(h )our Jewels on. who while your hours away Unmindful of thc alitch thOse men Merl toght abet day, Who court ille's fleeting pleasures, which are woven round .our heart. Oh. do you ever think upon the men who (rum us part, To face the northern regions --there's 101 other path to chuost— Nilo keep you up ,t, glandeur, they're ow hardy sealing crews? reseurees Now, YOU young twin, with kid- glet),s1 handa. 1110 visa about the town, A blush my cheeks have reddened as On them Fee seen you Duvall While you to music hails and plays each day and night go forth. Those men with death doth wrestle. 'mid the daugets of the north. I'm sure they &nett) leer this lansi. all true men share my views; Those brave men, a0 free from sham our hardy scaling crews with the possible exception of the Scandinavians blo Rid of an experi- ence last year when the Grand Lodge of Ontario Eart blought out forty Scottish lade end plaeed them on fermis 'elected in advance Ever) OnP of those' lads knew where he was g.olng before he left Scotland, and every one had made good. The result was that tat year the lodge received applications froni over 200 farmers for bo):; from the same lo- cality where the fnrty had been placed. He believed in directed immigra- tion, and not have people COMP over here who would flock to the centres of population and enter into competi- tion with those already looking for employment. The Orange Amocia- Mon, through Its primary lodges. all over the country was best equipped to take care of Protestant Immigrants seeking a home in Cahada. The farmer to -day was not making suffi- cient tnoney to enable him to pay a married man a prnper wage to main- tain hip familyand consequently the call was for boys. Officials of the British Government Mated that there were over 260,000 Old Country lads waiting to come to the Dominions, and if these came over under the di- rection o,f a well-planned Immigration policy conducted by the Orange Aliso- elation, the members of whose lodges would see to it that they were pro- perly treated. There must be • place for the Immigrant tp go before ho seta cut from the Old Country. It was to create such.an organisa- tion as this and for other purposes just as obvious and as beneficial to Canada that the endgerment fund was rentlred. Thera Mild then not he the sponstaele of such Protestant comlnunitles as the Eastern Town- ships of Quebec Wag lost to Pro- testantism. Federal aad Provincial Govsrnmenta also amend take otore *nuisance of the toluene* and im- portance of the Orange Association. and he did mot doubt that within fiv• years there would be a demand in Alberta and Saskatchewan for so - Goma' schools like they have lo Manitoba. A Iseploy Smoak, Jailie--itaire You anything tardier ta say? Prisms.- I should like to ask that tbe IMO occupied by the sonse•I's won for the defence be nerivelsoi apse my terns et imprisonment. .kfer the rug is hanging out, It then 1.4.0011)141 Ileec.001 l'y 10 aacertain where the head of the house is hanging out -- Detroit News G. Novas. l'eung Man 1 Mont ren I 3Vit nese Dean Carlisle, in addressing the y g men of the Dioetesan college, adjured them not to be seduced by the greeter comforts of the murk to leave Ihe land to which they lovvell their powers. Ile signifienntly mid Hite ad- vice was 1111cfl fl. It la indeed tessied by more than ministerial students Just as the inoronents of tbe upper air are said to tend toward a ventral tote% NO there P14.1101.10 be a constant tendency of population towarda III cen- tral line of Gee temperate gene ra lhy speak itig. t he Nort Is Temperate 'how. for then is COM. iteratively tittle eof the most isenicu climatic e Mon in the Southern hemisphere. It CrOluW11 Americo, at Chili and the Argentine. 11101141pp Nm• Zealand awl Tasmanin and jumt calls at Southern Ainetralis 11111 South otf rho. There always be that cur- rent. and Canada win lose hy it, Win& 1 EAST ST. GARAGE Cars overhauled and re- paired by an expert mech- anic. Agent for McLAUGHL1N CARS Batteries re -charged and stored. W. M. BELL East Street Garage Pima. 343 smudge_ toesemeseeir Is bea thisSh Nrm.. veer enissains. fast vs. een r theism alai Wart 111 =rib ras oft everawlsaris kirtare=ispasessumst A.01110PIMIDAss. mo ansit THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List no Signal and Leadea Fre. Press The Signal and Leaden Advertimr Me Sisal and lAcom Toronto Globe ttt ..... The Sleopal and The Mail thepire Tim Signal and The Toronto Star. The Signal and Th. Fanners' Sam &MO Tae Signal and Th. Family Harald and Wieldy Slav UAL The Signal and Saturday Night HEN The SIgasi sled Presbyterian Wholes . The Newel sad The Catholic Romani Slissal nod IdeLeaa's Illagemice The Signal .54 954 and Gue . The Mimi sad Maltreat Weems 3411 3.11 4.119 'sae The 31gmed and World Wide Aueinrai 3.36 sew 3.1. Clubbing Ratee With Other Petiodieele Mar Be MAI ea Application we" area ,oes