HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-5, Page 6oes-a-is . Although the season is getting on we stilI have linty of Patterns to Clioose From - in tact, wet '‘ItIkVe just 1111- infosatiod our btock with another thousand rolls. You are sure to find just what you want. rfie rAAN NObODY KNUJ 110INVOITIY HAIL Porter's Book Store • SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER L-45 a Num hospital at Neuilly. France, his face disfiglarlid ble fond recognition, an Arribricaa soldier serving In the French army attracts at. tention by bits deep despondency. Asked by the surgeons for a photograph to guide them In making over his face, he offers ht derision • picture of the Saylor, bid- ding them take that .s a model. They do so, makine a remarkable likens.* CHAPTLit 11. -Invalided home on the boat he mane Martin Harmon. New York broker, who Is attracted by 1s remark- able feature. The ea -.oldie gives M. name as "Henry Hilliard," ant: his home as Syracuse, New York. He left there Mader • c(oud, and le embittered ageinst hM former fellow townemea. Hannon makes him a proposition to sell mining stock• to Byremse, concealing hieWan- gle. He -accepts it, seeing in It • chance to make good and prove be has been un- derestimated. CHAPTER 111. -in Syracuse "Hilliard" Oa reality Richard Morgan) Is accepted as e. stranger. He visits James Cullen. • former employer, relating a story of the death of Richard Mortal), and Is sur - Prised at the regret shone by Cullen and Ids youthful daugt ter Angela. While at the Cullen home Carol 'Durant, Morgan's Stormer fiancee. makes • can. CHAPTER Ie. -Hilliard repeats to Carol We story of Morganin 's death and la deeply moved by the evidence of her deep feel- ing for the supposed dead man. He re - Spites. however, to continue the demele lion. NEW BATTERIES Diffoomt Makes, Capacities and jut arrived at the Auto Electric and Battery Senrica Cor, Colborne St. and Square, H. JANE NUS AND BAGGAGE SERVION -o- Bus meets ad trains. Calls made for passengers and baggage to any part of the town. Prompt service guaranteed. Telephone 51, Day or Night -0-- H. E. STOW. Residenee. CaMbria Road. opposite -the Organ Factory Office of Water CleanstiCidneys Mks a Little Smite If Your Beek Hurts. or Bledner Is Troubling 'fed No r -in or woman can make a nsio like be nusiting the kidneys occa5ion- ally, well.knovin authority. 1•:at- much rich two creates a:.ids, wbidi excite the kidilleys. Thee eretoc•,tked, Iran the strain. get fail to filter the waste an,l •coieen- frosts the blood. • Then we get t Ithesitnatier, headaches. liver I ttroulle, 1:ervonsnr,, dirriness,' s1•••re • ,Iceent 5; atm! ti rin:, y dieirderis , • • n ',Come from sluggish kelotys. • . ; reirnent yen; Lei a dull acbtir the kidneys. er your leck hisfki-of „If 1the ine offessilve, full of ' nt irteniac `of, ratite or at- tended -by a sensation Ail scalding; brgte dril.kiee a, quart of water each day, gee i.' ..t four deices 1,1,3riencv: rake n We *x:r - --ID, in ;••• o( r twiner: , • and in few days vOgr 'S ; fire, • 11 , splt, rrtsr, crow" cto (,7 greet,. and letnore Juice, hived Vali aed les• !wee ;; .10e )(Cars u. Arith and Itimulatt ' kidadysi 00 ter help....petetralizs„ t • acids JO aS,Ifein. so fhty tco•.. cause irri';01(41. • the's' with* retkIn, • s wellotegS. • , d Sni,;' itsexpenflvt: in141e, CHAPTER V -Next day IIIII..trd gath. ors from Angela that Carol hal always loved Dick Morgan. and While .1.•lo.erIng to her a letter supposedly trorn her for- Iner fillaCe• realizes that hi. kffection leac';':;*".Rne‘H".wrt-nreael \ pli,ni. iti.;:e.,,,:i 1 . pity tug epic1 s, , *Lie He Int hie lip sharply No reproach fesuld have gone deeper. e ••That war your letter, you saki?" '�I, ye.," she said. "It secouldn't bevy been for anyone eleel Thauk yin. so sou h .. for bringing it ..." tie ene •ry ng to nualyze the emo- thine e Well etirred hen. He had told himself over and over again that hie luse for her west numb; and yet here he was ... unsteadily balanced . .. tormented by her grief , . . fuel IP Ins to her In the next e,nieuee--te protect his previous lies, and, te give to her svhat comfort he maid. "I want ou to have his war cross, Miss Durant . . . 1 think it belonP to you more than to anyone else. 1 . . . " ile seeped and Wood Irreso- lute; for else had broken down cone govit ton as. to toe stair ut mutant Iseauli. and before Agsgels had found au opportunity to get a word In tide*. wise. "Undenstiind you're a mining mats. Mr. Hilliard." he mid. pleaiantly. • "1 used to he," said Hilliartl. "I've retinal. 1 hought I told you so the first. night 1 was bete." y* -you did My something shout it. hut-" Mr. Cullen laughed with the funnel's of one who bas iste .ed,osecrets. "It twit songs of OW t young newmpaPer crowd to fer- ret out the facts. You're too modest- tbaes what's the matter with you!" As Hilliard smiled, In depece, Non Angela) crowing triumphantly, snatched for the papers. "Where le ttr she cried. "Where . . oh!" And relapsed Into beatific mem, nevourIng the none too corawrsa- t Sped Knitted Be sure ar MISS I. South Side pleteiy. lie e :itched her and slowly th., paragraph, a it h the blood bunied in Ms cheeks! He The cold -typed repetition of the well - proms or n®, sooner or itITPT, tr ne tried to order his thoughts, to select known 'story sobered her consIderably; could have come home decently and sole her just the same. even if it took for the panegyric of Moneta. tt was which was *treed -1' hla- jawed; haeadr fan; stayed oa here. rat positive a ow his action . . . If he still loved her. be was there to console her: If 13°I litthienr%sittu:::::sfothar IsTelar;twill 'Pity!" Hilliard straightened. Thls was the third nine in two days that hal • • • he ought In all humanity to coo - humbly and been forgiven. another of those inexcusable &Kew sally an added- garland to the wreath had taught' the Intimation that he "Not that I pity him for what be ac- tions. For an instant he was on the .Rusalan and English syndicate point of succumbing to a wfld Impulse wann't ttr asked Ur. Callen. compliabed, or what It cost him: warned the doctor. "I don't; I wax tO blurt out the truth and take the 44y To coasequences . . „. se, said Hilliard. "English and very fond of the boy. Mr. Hilliard, but Bei started; for she had motioned illelianically. he hewn to rehearse Wined Min awsy. Ile - 11611' the technical subtleties which he Rurl,a•m. I eouldret for the world have had himtn do anything else thee what he did.' Hated ... was It love, or repentance. No -but I do pity him because he can er eely hie disquiet to see a woman never knovr what we think; because be rrY? She motioned again, hysterical - eau never know how much we gladly forget; because he can never know why we are proud of him." Militaries pupils were distended. "You were rather harsh with hist, doctor. as I"- with tears. Ills jaws came together; know why it Is, but it sort of tie - "We were just, Mr. Hilliard." he glanced at Mr once more and then, relines me --guess It does everybody. "But 1.1 you recall the gist of Por In otesliene• to her, gesture. he turned More romance In tt than most lines." letl frotn Incroous. H re Angela looked up sharply, and le• • • Hilliard's brain snapped; /Mem" prospect la willing. had sung his praise too late, The doe- omighty- interesting game -mining," tor with'hie Isms ats,t1 CleallieeiOnns•wal mid Cullen. "Let's wander down by t late -Carol herself wok too late the fountain; shall we? . . . I don't hadn't expected to find use for within a brnce of fortnights. It seas well, 1 hOws•ver, to be prepareti; and the time to plant the seed of desire Is when the 1 tin's speech ..." and tiptoed qu y e pacifically. "And It's very 'seldom that "I do!" , The doctor regarded him front door chased quietly behind The danger of succumbing wee gurgled with wicked satisfaction. and sent a lifted eyebrow signal tierces§ to ' e ••• • •I' "'' i... eioneyoseeu user mercy Is asked to temper justice ex• er anti. he bettly.ed. •pepnanentle. Hilliard. eigee to ilillhiel, rep. after It's become es dear that i and yet ... "Yes," said Hilliard, "but them's "VI're was thI''''-hi Sloolaaar "Stiverleiw i•ounty. Near Witte. justice Is actually going to be just. I "Even Stephen!" he whispered as he more tragedy. too. I suppose that's i to , Tee there ho totitenee In that country. not put each other in the poson — the lee Id compensation getUng work. Big profita call for big risks." Let's not deceive ourselves. And let's. Neut down the steps. Mr. Cullen. It's in every tree and ev- Get this nee book Think of it! A big 200 page book with 700 well tested recipes and house- hold pointers for about the cost of paper, printing and postae! No wonder they are going rapidly—edition limited. Send 30c for yours/Co-day fpostpaid]. For an your baking— for big loaves that rise right up out of the pane— for delicious pastry, always insist upon Purity Flour. FEATURES Tested, economical recipes you can depend upon. Weights and measures. Household information. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY. Limited Toronto, Ontario toe PURITY FLOUR LsrThirtjd"erl:RisEttEE•KaAMr: Bropli at all bot GO CHAPTER Vi. This was for sand In Cullen's eyes; ery rock. Still In every hill sod valley It's not the tine for that now. Ile's, and it had Its effect. anit under the ground. And Frit afraid done all that any man can do. and he; Ordinarily Mr. Cullen watt leafletted i'Oh• but the ratio's the mune In al- just euongli tar a realist to find was meet lotabie boy -most lov- to bring a single even it PliPer home most any business. Mr. HIllierd, Isn't meet of my outi under the surface." able." with him and when laid it on the ft? It's about the name theory. Bay- "To save my I:fe," said Cullen. "I Hilliard nervously addressed himself bail table it e -as nerally creased Inge banks pay three to four per eent, enn't hell1 1W`diti'?: tle that region as either of attacking or defending Dick'. .h. ftar P! bat taailh a Malt Twain sort of conntry--eom- t "'""-'''' vg; • - — but they never made a man rieh yet. . , ',tenet end six-shooters and vtganntes enchanted. Ills welcome by Durror De- "1 hope you agree with your father, he brought two, and each of them But copper has. 1 and stage tesach hold-upe and ',id duet . ...quer. It.. • and wen' t°Idedjiw as to ft.ature the ' nightie. "that the odds are on tbe side eft • Meal= of eirelmege. 1 know It's 1 • Its "III have to admit," said Hilliard rant, Carola father, also shakes his MO- Miss Durant -that eventually he'd • wrinkles across the market repo Mutton to continue the detaptain. SIM he Dave meowed 10 symettaer • "I never doubted, it." she said loy- , departments detoted to locul news. of the experts. But as for the ro- ree.i.eli. but rye weer beets out there, ally. . , ' The Journal hail beaten the Herald by matice_. He smiled at Angela and, anef it's hard to ^et "Ter what we. And then the three of them fell si- , twe sticks and a eubliene, but the Iler- wondered if he dared begin so soon to learned at school.' 110 surveyed hiS 0. ald had honored Dicky alergan with a build lie the framework of- his mission, vaunted zirlen les. ereeiuntly the pti e of sere. set tr., pare .ne auto, laze me tools cut a the delivery body on be- hind. anti pitch In. And you can ins• agine the other changes that arrow patsy that one. of course, that's IMP pedally typical of Acteona. but we gee It In Montana, too, l'm not saying that the color has gone out entirely, bm cause it hasn't but in the old days the West was the West, and now it's move Ing East as fast ea Al convenient!), cam so that If you want to get the pure spirit of it, as it today. you'll have to go down to Wall street. That% • In ov 11. "Why." mite' 111iitatli. *for duo Minx, ;:.uelt stress on his grand- reat.,. I eat wits the one who went r -••.is•, Itte grandparent' didiet , I Me grentipareate dldn't go 10(0 ar- m on the western front singing Stir- - _upon a wretched sinner who sat there , he ha n . . wondering how he could ever escape I In each paper; and this is no more a own experience," Angela had dropped . • "The tilet,..do,,. .,ti ,,,o,..0 1,, fetid front the toils of his own cleverness. 1 reneetioti upon his visits thin the fact the papers. nnd was listenthe 411 ellete• . 1111110rd. In.ezitits::. -le,. 0 a g....1 mrny "How long are you to be In Town, ; that he cherished.** lively enticipatien . ly as ber fathers, "A few yenre ago eliatigte In them- The West of the Mr. IIIIIIard?" Inquired the doctr, ir- for what the Post Standard watt going some friends of mine bought np 911 old , early eighties is ell vle. the tenure . releynntle. ; to eny alma? the case tomdrrow morn- abandoned property out In the Butte phare Is 'all gone, th, old style minere • I -1 t 'It foe a pone and it are an gime; You teoei ei •-••• some Or, 1"' OtbPr erratul than this." Netertheires, there was n fly In the was a very quiet peaceful littfe gong turesqne Melee even 1..11 yrs -ago. but i "You've never been here before? ointment -not veil tench of n fly. to at that. beeanee suettile had been dull. nowadays vet h..; n•n:ize how the lie I I -i recitible; and aft- etel-- }CI (4411119UP the metephor--my titulary hal changed ehen you see a multaneonsly to mueing, and for the , space of a minute or two there was kindly editorial and both papers had ' "Fve been telling Angela that it's feWiltaill. 14 lali it in h • mom t quiet; tbe sore of quiet which -omes stated explicitly where Milliard waa mostly hod wiork. .Once in n -while eteoplecel... huil t.,I t .e attributes of just 'Met the benediction, )t was the making his headquarters. Mr. Cullen you do run into 'something lurid. of a gry,er lar him. u.1,. soddenly a benediction which Carol had bestowed , would hatte been seriously offended If • course -romantic, If you want to call feeble feu !pi tar tidy la-.:, was' . slier one lilt out of my 1 no more solitetke not, ft wind. \%-hot. •1 ed at least onee r wher. It 114 . -"stintn:4-ttlintng!" mused Mr. Cul, len. "Studs athenturone joie 10 117 it" lie g.treal nt the fountain. I'And rie industry Is leas underlain. --even by Intelligent men. Mr. (Nellie As a matter of fart. the public doesn't even understand most of the complain* Iget terms. The buying public doesn't even know what it Is buying. Thar/ Irby It's so easy to sell worthtelli stock." "Oh. Mr. Hilliard!" "Tor Instance," bisaid. 'I spoke a a certain number of torui In sight. an/ that's one a the very commonest elP preeslons in a take prospectus. I sap pose you know you couldn't see tla don't your "Why, no!" gaid Mr. Cullen, stasis le "Vorildn'il VW, IP "'That 1 can't any, Mr. bed no hsg. re , de?revistful cirt: recent Thibia•vratet dr , Witlett everyone should talce •ngst nett -14., '"' . 1gh• eri:ng. hope we shall eee you agn independoutly weelihy to boot. It was ,F unsuepected vein -threes basin 1,, • ta help keep the C.Iciitseys cic4 • -V1 .1i" YOU CO." there '1'i hope so" sold Hilliard, dully. HO enough to dinconint any hoet! it was, any ottterop showing; it we* sheer That Is. you'llaven't friends herer , be sure. but *1 111 ale " Ile. bed expected this question and er all, it hull the size of the 'milder Metal% weren't In particularly rood couple of ptsle hunting for work in all vvice just then. Bot after they'd trik- auto drive un to a num. ask for • , ProParQ tor It. tle,t cotutts. Mr. Cullen was generoes: ___ . Ceilen el* al•e• the ileieilt bit of a sung the .flrit yen, of the song. and — (To be eontlinsed; "Severn! rearm ego:* he said nom . Cull . was hosjh.hle• hut .M,*. eft 1111e, thee realized .ihnt they'd only enob--not a carping'. eoriteMPto'm4• there were n lot IllOre v.1-ses end a eved ImPereilloles see', hut T1 herl11. vretty •••flit,111- (lons. There was up- • 17, "1 panic 10 S:.aeuse Imlf a t.I4 times one winter-- -,,n bluenose, pose I caul,' fled r'y way 'mount IIONT, If 1 had to. IMt compa r lIk "You're a hue!le ••••1 113.10. Mr. 1111- ane of them 'sio ee he somebody. aqd for n 1,1g .sp.-1.4.. and ti.eir crept hod Speaking, Pro n s•; .eger. , . i. Itartr . 1 bare the neighbor's -kilo- le rt.- itt...1 too ros::. Itot thirty yaris -from the: leek's in lb and the outiool,: ‘N asrs 1 May • 1 "I told you be was, deur," siel to fratertils.:. siitti ler. etatit. me:. : I:e liked to see his n ,1.: th- ,,., "r : 11.1419 VO44V11.!, there 1`1"44. fl f.11114111; 4tfilined nodded. ' I . nose end the', ; he ll1 to feel F,Ip. :•;,1' 10:-,. Of ttfr11.4. with the sten Of a. Cilit"r:est. . -I). odor Mattant. That 1=-1 -.1,10 0110 lloroll' lilt!.' decre' m'Ir'' 't --that's a blind str;ti .rotminiti was, 1 hay. tul'br-tIrregg connections enner"leentiel-'11" Wit 'n".419.1. 1 Gown (4)11,piety froni n 11-,,r1rontIO tent.1 110w. Thee* wily my plans are so un- neighbor. And th nclghtone, of csitee. n.ie-nnd it 11- s:reiglit toirard i , had to sheep the: ,..,nvietion, er there : the main -!..,fi, nr.,1 it (weltered to - .._.... eeethIn," wesiet any pureeso In IL 4 itu l'.. . they. .aeial contleee that . Again n heavy -ilenee. Hilliard was ' .1 1 canons the impetuous haste which lend And Mr, Cullen. with all Isle ingenn- 1 wife., tinother few lose. strike thee - mood elm to lie toroode eito Rs hp One Weakness f: - eroloinence. hadn't ' mien st.s ft 0,0111 the hateleet told • "I'm Sorry:. Mid the dotter, rising hltu so, hadn't even euspre;,tiverilly(aile- none•al tripenee that way by getene a abruptly. 'but I've a consultation at , thetigh 'now he sins trying n approach to, lee shaft teeieee half -past twolve• Thaak Yoe again, Persunfie himself that ho hall susPect- 1 of taking a lot of bon,cr with it hr 1141 . • ii .. :,t 1.1, !ni, or thAr •„,„ ..,. , ed it all along, from onc thhig and ere i decrepit condition. Well, they began I 1 ' wore Innis" of Internationnt reputation. an4 ' ten feet they struck n hrteiti new ieid : .! wil:, mighty mar. clibleiel f.o. coming to ea; you•ve - ilginene•I iny heart trernendouirly. I ether/ that his guest was a mininiteu- to go down Mei whin.. and fnelde of ti; Ply • henetY. Peen -1'101-'1 1•11011. a .left 1,1 he minatered -and n Int *Of I tot to • .1 - 11, t!ht,or-r vil• hi• they '1 ti' In vulnerable network. known until the evening Paper* told fifty 1,oi level. nr,.1 save lot Of town( • on 1 01411 and active and the Ision4 .Pure, ' often ;A -oldie'', settous kkinejr comptei- tions ahi meats have your plied; clan examine your Wine' at lust twice a year. enough to annoy any men. whet er unatitilterested luck. n , average or not, who prided himself credit -they- rertatnly did! Te notice (and mat of us (1o) that he had nu- a long story short, they pawned their usual and n'n5 000d futuree, feel begged and hore,,weo ev- Judge of Hutton Nature, And so. when i„ry pmny 11,1 0,,,d4 lay their 11110,1,, he met 11111Inrd and Angela at the on, and they developed that property 1, h d of the gnrden he lieges to ere , to the last eent, and when they had 1 I teas a Tour per emit copper in eight, I perhaps two hunOred thoesand or se , and there were Ind!, stet! ore reserves Of another half a million tons, they sold that property to a group or New Yorker,' for an utterly phenonwital price, without ever having so much lig tonebed the metered shaft for n Web they'd hotight the ee•perty I" ethic,!" mild Cullen, anti "clOOtle ,neerq meld Angela "And," said Hilliard, smiling remi- niscently, "If the oriethal owners had pushed that wlnxc for $ couple of days more than they dee or if My friends hedn't &witted to go at the problem In exactly that way ... well, as 1 may, what% one manes romance Is another man's tragedy. My friends got their inveserneet back In 'something lees than four months, end after that It was vel- vet. And the **lithe price wee in the neighborhood of two hundred times whet they'd paid for it. That's rain- ing histney. Mr. 0.4Cullentat."TireAtniand inad bmieed t It wee and the it tree Hilliard% ealm of friendship auf.reeoth.ellteeduckyf,tniellePeerliMisereThisan'ss ihic.oneeu T•f-"rianimPri 11 007 refulasseani °Pers. ter ill Ho Began to Flee Away. orsposeeweere nbodrighdef. ttsonlAssetahtiowas117:41:: away poIntblenk at Hilliard; and seeriT rememnag et. ,sitb mamma roes barely after the Ireetnax. see • JEROMIWINI.1.1 Automatleally Speaking "How'• did you lose your tooth. Johnny r. asked tAo, neighbor, se-, cording to an eTchange. "Shift's/ geere on a loll pop, motortit's boy, with a bread r. Tr inseript. the Boston . "No." The doetor's negative 155'quiet. hut dectrilve. • "A man doeen't Mee to height's of W 11 Woe? without ^101 reasnn for it. Mr. Hilliard. But n mar can resist hie inheritance or n good nanny years. anti suddenly stop resist Ing end revert to his fetidly tpe. He can do It voluntarily or invniunterily It's whnt cell atavism " Ile panned and smiled mull). "The pity. of IL" hesall, said that in epee of hie having failed In everything he tried to do if Berle -nee. be would have made ei 11111.11111Wm4 "Eczema on My Face Completely Relieved" NW Winifred Ernest, Bea 46, Btocidowsse, N. 3., Wriseer "'Ever fees. At nmc 1 was a little chat!, 1 suffered with etzewta on say times my face was completely eovered with large sores. and 1 tried nearly evety kind of medicine that I heard of with no resides. This lasted for over tweedy years, until ose day 1 asked the advice of nry &sadist. who bade me give Dr. Chase's Ointment a trial. After using the Oletweset for a few days, she spree began to heel. end Noe I was oempltsly raised if A tie theeme., lab r• Chase's Ointment 111.1141.4", illibismeana. nese no., ma., mimeo. err a - was whipping out; but how could he explain those manifobl. cruel fabselsoode which once he had thought to M his retribution?' The doctor ',nye kin 11 cordial smile, hl I rein to find a way • parting pressure of the hand, and ieeet ma directly, leaving the two yeller e;•opie quite alone. Filliiard. Impelled to go and equally constrained to stay, fidgeted In his Be was uncomfortable and unhappe. yet nu -lonely. enough he had no Inclisetion to depute. Ile no - 'lured himself that h.. cared not the /map of his Mager for Carol Dunneo ., n the contrary, lie was intolerant of her very present.; still he lingered. wish- ing that be hadn't stultified himself. "And you really come all.the way np here just to land to nor she said. "Jest to be kind to Met." he cor- rected. Carol was atinking hard; Hilliard limning to ide feet. He could neier beer to see a woman cry; It was Im- material to him who she wiz, or what the ctreunistance; he was powerfully effected -distraught. Ills single aim we. to ',onsets her -It mite a selfish aim designed primarly to relieve %im- self. "But it's sexy to see," he maid des- perately, "why he «se IN anxious to have me clime. . . . I have twice Se many reseals to envy him now, Miss Durant. . . . I really have. Ani .. ante malice your ffther. 1 can pity kiln. too. for - O " "hl" she mm titionaly up st him th yell of her tsars. "But 7- 11 sev Mr. Hilliard . . yorre . . car es Varnishes & Paints SURFACE SATISFACTION . When Painting choose Scarfe's‘ —not only beautifies but safeguards your home from • webr and weather. Sclille Pr CO., T !tutted Had Office shod F3CtOry - Brantford, OWL VARNISHES PAINTS ENAMELS STAINS for every purpose Electi We ',IWO all estimate 10! Of g•Ilagr Private TI Dynamos. Burglar An W Cook, Ira We him the best 1 Toasters ni ROE West SC Hyth The Pt Commie Cheaper An Klee' removes j ust Walk iti of JUC HYI North la Goderich Store 31 Has, Make Your Trip More Enjoyable by a Rcficabing Night on Lake Erie (Tont rail ticket is teed on the beet.) Tbe. jowls of street borin.1 travelers ray they enaddri have nem4 that cool, comfortable Mein 1 nm'.1 our line ...earners. A ITOOTI WA la • clews onmesta. • 10-,r wee( • .4 J.,1nr ..pvit,ini,rniklAst the1114,11011t. Illemesee eltANOSe_e- ocITY OP rats.. eCtTY OP ilitirFALOo Daily, Mel, ist to November 13th 1eIt.r4asose 1111:11: 4=stse 1.cecLsn, Ceder Plat. Pett. shit UV et amain sesesv tor ticket vie C & IMite. New TOM« Pans - AO SOriZitlinedstankg.th feet 6 odes. Fara WM ilteN,V=Itrlan44;:r.bez, 'be Clinelamil nuaalo Telma Co. Cievellese• Ohio 41t .7;4•41.., 44t, .7• .4,4-.r ' 4... .1111"I'14 - • :1,4111111111111.111111 ..-17. *him t pen trould Spl heel tessu • 13