HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-5, Page 4ti
Brad Fist I-Taitored Clothes
You'll find in these Clothes everything that the most ex-
gptwe merchant tailor aaler
n offer you. alert more.. The very
newemodels, as worn by the beds dressed Wren in the biggest
cities, hand -tailored most carefully. and are to be had at very
moderate prices.
Reasdy to put on ar mada e to your measure, with choice of
200 patterns.
$35.00 to $50.00
The Prince Clothing for Boys
We have had sood succors. with'6ttr Mopes' Ckglplt this _t a
son. In Prince Clothing we have just the kind the boys want,
there is • style and make about them found in no other clothing
Try a PrinceSuit and be convine. 1 of their value. Prier
$7.50 to $ 14.00
Men's and Boys' Wear
in Their New Stand Next to Bank of ! on treal.
Iand Mn. Harvey Snyder lot Weil}
nesday evening was of more that as -
1 nal luterrat. Through the kindness
1.4 Mfrs Kilprtrhek, a piano was fur -
Matted •t the w•lioot-liouse last winter
and • rings of pupils was formed with
Mrs. Snyder as teacher. 1t was a
happy thought to hold a recital. by
which the pareettts might judge a. to
the nrogreen being made anti by whorl
the children sight gals experience In
nubile peldlgrl•ace. A splendid prn-
grnte. of *40 Rev. W. 11, Musa WWI
chairman. W given by the following
male: Bertha Cox. Dorothy Walters,
Eunice Long. Russel Pfrimmer, Ross
Pfrimmer. Mary McWhinney. Edith
I Fisher. Leola Snyder. Helen Straughan
ane! Carman Stevens. Beth teneher
Iaid pupils are to he eeongrntulatel
I upon the good form In which the sel-
1 eetlons were • glren. Other number..
I on the prltgram wPre 1•0laVA0lo. by
1 Mrs. ('ox and airs Moes..a vocal duet
by airs. Snyder add Mrs. Cox. reelta•
I tine hi Carman and Harold titerene
1 and Rnkseell Pfrlmmer. ars am a eon -
!eluding nnmher a piano solo by Yrs.
. Snyder. Atthe eem4elnAlon of the ee-
1 eft t'i F.nntee Leong exprenteed to cons.
Rieder the aigtrteeintinn and grad-
' hide of the Anise for what she had
done for them. and on behalf of the
i else praent(ed her with a lovely
I onquet of roses. Following the re-
HELF.iST I tit:tt. an rlaI,oratc tench wax %erveL
welleea nr a thall it he n• t
t 1 1 x41 eeelil
HAYFIELD, June 3.-A canvass of
the village 111 being made for sub-
seribera to Hydro. Bayfield should.0
have an up-to-date lighting syetem.
Good progress Is being made in the I
preparations for the Ford picnic. Ow- I
big to a conflict with Godcrlch races
w date 4e formerly chosen. July Nth
has been finally selected as the date
for the event. A large number of
Ford dealers In the district have
promised to eo-operate and every 1nd1-
catlon pointe to a great aucrees.
The Atktn.ons have arrived from De-
troit and are oeee•upying their ,ummer
The death rtecurred at Detroit on
May 24tb of Ellen Florence afef.eees1.
wife of Edward T. Page of Detroit
and daughter of the late Hugh Melweal
of Bayfield. 1W. J. and Lewis. MeLewl
broth**.of Bayfield are brotha. The re-
maine went' brought here for inter-
ment. the funeral taking plae.e from
McLeod home of Mr. TV. J. to
' Barfield cemetery. The wervfces were
vondueted by RPI. It, P. Colelough.
Mr.., Page was In her fortieth year.
Don't overlook the special attrac-
tions at the Model Theatre. Gnderlelt,
this.week. Rhehard Bttrthelmeas. Bill
Hart and Tom Mix. Program
Mae !l. '
toto attend the tieneral Aembly
at (Rwt
.n Round.
• %Mr. B. Naylor. 'terveeve of Weld waw-
attosh, ix In lialerielt this week attend-
ing the ....way council.
Getting Ready for the Reunion--
An euthuslnstic meting of the ieople
of school ser•tlnn No. 4, West Waw-
raursh, was held in the schoolschool.house
recently to make further pn•Iwretios
for the reunlou of the "old boy end
girls" of the slctlou to he held on
July 24. Conveners of ,the various
cuwmhteee atemiluted are as follows:
Groundse.tmwltteee, Frank Todd:
Held sports, Wallace .A. Miller; pro-
gram. Jiu. ph etnderson: retreehments
9041 booth, Darkl Todd:emeert, W. I.
Miller: reception committee, Rev.
t'larles Cumming; tivanee and billet-
ing. W. McQuilllu. Mr. MeeQtllllln; who
has en aetlug as secretary In
eoiup ctiou with the re -union Arrange-
ments, reports very favorable ret ul e
from the Invitation earth. sent oar
fatale flute ago, The "old-timers"
show the warmest Interest In the
re-nnlon moveemeut, and twiny ..f
them het n t 11me
e In returning th
reply earl expremshng their dewire to
be hark at St. Ife'Iets and among
0141 friends and old seem. on July
24th. From W. F. Gaynor. Superior.
Wist,u,sfn. elm ell' Is• remembered
ex n popular tevtcher hi the what
y :ors ago, come a regneest that the
gathering be matt a own-.Iity affair
Instead on one d y Mr. Gaynor has
never forgotten the odd hotae. .the
old eeloul iter the old school boy. and
girls. •
BELFAST. June 3. -Mr. Dynes I timeair. and Mrs Loth of
Campbell has returned home after •
amending llw winter at Algoma. i owneldp. the parentype gut'Riles of Mrs. S
Mr. 81111 st MTs I). K. Alton fatted were among d.. of the er,
with friends at Exeter a few days last
I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven and
! family, of Crewe. spent Friday Inst
with friends here..
Mrs. Samuel Sharwo.ni attended
' the W. M. S. convention held at St.
Th omaa last week.
Mr. noel Mrs. Joseph Ilaekett vise
iia with their daughter, Mrs. Ewart
Taylor. of 7.nrktow, ones dry la•t
Mr. and Mrs. chariest Alteon and
daughter, of Toronto. are visiting
with relatives In the burg.
Mr. John Cook spent a few days
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Jntnes
I Cook.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Irwin vi.Itel
with Lncknow Mena,. on Sunday.
BENMILLER June 3-T1wre will
be no preaching ,ervteee on the Hem
miller• eirotit next Sunday. nit Mr
Moss is attending (conference
A n teicale held at the home of
ST. HELENS. June 2. -Mi.. Mar-
garet Hinton" left for Tnronto on Mon-
day after four weeks' holitIvatj rat
Mra. Bt1e•lmnnn and Mrs. Rob. Bu-
.lt•utan and Ann. of Lueknow. were rt. -
bore et Mr. F. •T.s1d's daring land`
Messrs. W. Lerch and Geo, •Mee-
Dnnnld. of Dett alt. visited friends
here lost' week.
Visitor,/ with Mr and Mrs. W. J.
1lnnnnhr-y during the w -,.1t were! Mr.
and Nfrs. Geo. Walker and in Miss
.tlrarev and Mi.s Isobel F. of
tW it iteelnrch.
('ongrstnlatione to Mr. ;eel Mra.
.1n•hle Altch1.nn Boit the birth, of their
'little daughter.
Mr. Metnlf. of London. and Mr.
Sant Johnston and Mos.. Campbell. of
lime fi -Irl. 'w.•re vttltors with Mr.
at and Mn. Rohinsnn Woods Iast
Mr. Rer. C. (conning w•1❑ leave on Wel-
Pure Silk Hose
These a: a holepru,.f ion mai! of h -v:1 nl, s ){t sl:k, i r .:1 t lea of '..chit
black and Airedale. They area heavy weight Flose of exceptional value.
Specially priced, per pair e
Fibre Silk Hose
Of goal even weave of fibre silk with
cotton top. They have a reinforced heel
and toe. These are in rich shades of
brown, camel, send, navy and or
black. Specially priced. per pair •743
Lisle Hose
A heavy ribbed sport Hose. Just the
Hose for everyday wear. We have a
complete range of sizes in shades black,
nude, camel. dove, bamboo and 70
biege. Special) priced, per pair / J
These are not seconds. We sell Number On Hose only.
Just Received
A shipment of Bedora Voiles and Ratine, in a complete range of shades; also new
sleeveless Sweaters in attractive floral and block designs of attractive shade combina-
t ions. These are on display al: this week.
We cordially invite the Americans coming to our town to visit this store and
inspect our stock of the following goods.
Linen Towelling
A pure linen Towelling of fine weave,
trimmed with a dainty border of red or
blue. These are 16 inches wide and are
exceptional value. Specially priced, per
yard 19c
Linen Table Damask
We have a good assortment of pure linen
table Damask by the yard, in widths
1 1-2 and 2 yards. Ranging in price from
$1.35 to $3.25. Also a good stock of linen
- Table Cloths and Table Napkins.
Linen Embroidery Cloth
We have a good assortment of qualities
and widths in pure linen Embroidery
NATURAL -18 -inch, Per yard ••., .,.... 45e.
20 -inch, per yard 6f e,
36 -inch, per nand... • $1.00
WHITE -36-inch, per yard ••• ... • • 89e.
54 -inch, per yard =1.6`0
All Wool Blankets
We have a good stock of all -wool Blank-
ets, in plain white with blue or pink
border. also fancy check Blankets. These
are the noted O. V. brand Blankets and
are exceptional value.
Wool Sweaters
ore offering a complete penge of eleeveleea' SwenterA, Pullover;. and Sweater Coats for women
ren. These are made of pure wool and *Bragg ivy mrofrinations of silk and wool. •
Phone 56
1NGS111R11W F:. Jim.. 2.-Nir. Jelue
14 um. of Coder'. It. neotor..1 here
one . ty Inst week.
Miss Nlnrtiii n Hussey. of G.slerieh.
event n fed• clays at s. NI:trtln'x,
Mr. nod .Ir.A. J e:t!.i...ns_ of Wine
hunt, vi.it. lyre Led week.
Mr•. Jns. \l.rrison and little e.o1
Joseph of Nlar., ale, are visiting at P.
M tuilivnii s. "
Messrs. Frank y• -(':t,-!! v and J. C.
Keonr bare 1tr.--t 1 1, new rnrs. ('nn-
f \HI.(tH'
Phone 86 COLBORNE'S STORE Phone 86
We are showing a new line of Knitting Yarns in two and four ply weights.
This is a vett' nice finished yarn and quite easy to knit. There are fourteen colors to
choose from. Price 18c a ball, or two balls tor 35c.
Our one special line and we carry a large stock of them.
Ask to see our new S•port Hose, made with'a quarter -inch rib of silk lisle
thread, black and biege only Price $1.00 a pair.
Children's Hose and Socks
Kiddies' Socks in silk and lisle thread, in six shades. mauve, reseda green.
white, buttercup, cadet blue and black. Plain or fancy top. Prices 50c to 75c a pair.
Children's long Hose, in a fine lisle rib; in black, white and biege. Sizes 6 to
9. 50c and 60c a pair.
House Dresses
..•se are the do of good quality gingham, fn.( rnitttpnd very uettt pattern.. 11'.
n,l afire ::1 In :t1. Prie44 $tl.1:11 lei Z.i 1111 ea.•l.
leave retnrered from n visit with
friend.. at Kitchener.
Mr..and Mr.. Martlu. ut London.
1%eFII the mats or Mr. NLA Nlrx. Geo.
Vanderburg on Anility.
• Mr. and Mrs.. Alfred Nlelireegor not
NfrA. 1'. lief: mato mntttrel neer
front D troll anti spent the week-eend-
Nunicersnry servi.•es will he held In
C'ARLI)W. June Mr roil Mrs. A.
Jnhtl.tone visit .1 (rien.ls In 8 in:ham
18,1 We.hteedny.
31re..trthnr Clark. who wn• intar..1 •
Itt the recent" ant,. ;ier-ident. 1. en-.
vnleeeing at the home of her pnr rate
Mr. and Nies. .1. Gall tither.
'fes E. i.lweet -is anpplc4ec . s
,•att r
or nd...1tt•erfun.rrtl .fss it mann..
1:. .tndero.t of Lneknew•
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nfnelel. of
\orwlelu. ri.ited Mir. and Mrs Pnnl
Nfaedel ovar the week -end.
Mrs. lsaar Fisher. of Flint. Mieh..
and mon Herman, of Win. Nile)...
were vimitora at the home of the
former',. brother. Mr. Pant Maelcl.
Mrs. W. '•Meedel, of Benmi'ler. and
Mrs. Maggie Zoete!. of Detroit. spent
Sundry vimiting their relatives 1..•r,•
.tSHF'iEI.D. June 2.- -Nfr. and Mrs.
H. 0. -`t •IF:f• -'.1 v.- ;-- the Rae -tit of
Mr. and Mn... West the •week -end.
Mr, ami Mrs Rod M(Kensle Ana ,
Mr. and Mrs. Rol McDnnnld vluttedd
GalerIlt on Friday Inst.
TUI. 1'. F. n. held their regular
meeting at Mittel' wrheni hon,. on
Monday. May 'M. A number of the
farmer., ordered their anpply of twine.
The eommnnlon of Ashfield Preshy-
terlan ehnreh wns held this week.
Rev Dr, Hartwell. of Ripley. preached
un Friday, Rev. G. Gomm-, of Pine
River. on Saturday, and Rev. J. S.
Hardie preached at morning aro ev-
cning 'terriers on Sunday.
We are ''n•l to know that the Mem-
el- Greyhound will make her trip as
adrertlsitl next week. A Int of the
Ashneld folks Intend to take in the
usomfflght. alto the trip to Detroit.
PORTER'S HiLT.. June 3.- Rev.
Dr. and Mra. Barnby and Mr. Ivieon
Rarttby, of Snruha. were the greats of
Mr. S. McPhail Inst week.
0. W. Potter, of Clinton. wax milling
on friend! here lent week.
Mr, and :Mrs. Mnrray McDougall
The early Pullet makes
the Winter Layer. Ridg-
crest stock excells as winter
Write or 'phone for our
Circular. Inspection and
comparison invited.
Custom Hatching
We have some apace for
custom hatching. Charges
5 cents per egg.
ik H. & H. K. REVEL L
Bethune Preehyterin1 Omni). on Jute
2 2.
Mr and Mr. W. ivisnn. of Klppen,
%ter.. calling on friends Jtei"re this
('REWE. June 2. -Mr. And Mrs. W,
crozier and family visit .1 friend. at
Westfield last Sunday, '
Nir. Rnyneand Ftnuignn visilest wing,
ham friends one cin)• lama week.
Mn.%Gray. ..1' e:,sie•rieh. Is epr•m.Ung
n few dnys with- her dnnghteer. Mrs.
M. Shtutekictnn.
Mr. and Mrs, Sam Sherwood visited
frierad. at Mtfe•kiug hast' -Sunday,
Mr. and Mr.. John Mpnary vi.ited
friends at 1lnmiltoe for n few tinye lest
week. •
Mr. loaner Shackleton 11.0. teen on
the mirk list the I•tst week. -
Mr. Ortel Ihlrnin )un' treated him-
tte•If to a new Ford .•nr.
t!- -and Mr . 118y?.1 if "Wl.:ati. v
itet In Goderlch one dny ln.t week.
Mr. James Culbert loam been pri..ing
hay for a number rat 11' • farmers
around here the past week. t.. ----
('()T.1oofIN : TOWNSHIP. Jun. 3.-_
Mr. Chris. A. Walter. Is .forting. a
Gray -Dort ear.
I Me(aw station ham been reap Mier
for the !amt week. Mr.e Robt. Johne -
tem shipping dour ears of pressed hay.
the Farmers Vital) n ear of hogs. and
Mr. Jas. Elliott of Xlie nnloadfng
"••ether ear of a •men!.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mitchell and
!children spent Sunday In Goderleh
Mrs Get. Beata,- sr., Is mpending
!few weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
Howard Beer.
Miss Hteleannr Ninegnarrie .pent the
week -end antler the-pnreptal roof at
West Monktent.
thtr Iteeve Mr. 4'. A. Robertson. I.
attending the e.mnty e.tnnell meeting
In e:alerl•ti this week.
Miss Ruby Carter. of Anhurn. *pent
Snndny with her friend Mi.. Mary
LFERCItN. Jane :: The W. M. S.
held their May meeting at the home
of Mies 11. f'Inrk on Tu. -ably last.
This wan a memorable date. as on the
tome date. Ntsv 27th. the Society
held Ito fired meeting twenty eight
t•eara ago. Terre was n eplendid at
tendxwr and n helpful meeting A11
thrnngh. The Soelety neo -rima an In-
vitation to be pree.ent tit an at-home to
be given Sty the Sheppxr.lton Society
at the Methndi,t church nn Tuesday
next at 2 n'daek pm.
Mn.. Keith Meehtarrir and two
sono left last week for Kentvllle. N.
5. Atter epeneling •evernl works the
gra. of Mr. and Niro. E. V. Law -
mon. We wish them a safe jnnrney
Mr. G. M. McKenzie, manager ad
the Stectiug Rank, I. xpewling hie
vecaitlon at Toroutn. MrMt('nntell
iv filling the to•ltlnu dosing Mr. Me•-
Ke•nxic"so 9 owner..
Rev. J, Peters is ..tt. i.dittg the
Methallst 4'onfcrewro at Witole.r this
week. and Mr. it dray will task..
charge ..f the -erv!e in the Mi -Ib, .
dist church. on Sunday evening.
Mr. T. 1:. Allen and daugttteer.
Ihtrorhy here return. -i after %pending
two weeks rtaltinc friende at Toron•
We are sorry to r -port Nlr. Alec.
Peutlun.l on the sick 11.: this week,
amt understalul he is now en .1 fair
wav ..f reeovery.
Th.. 411.trict meeting ..f the Wu -
men's Institut.. will 1e le•'.1 here on
Friday of this reek. in the even -
Mit the Mateking young lr.uple will
put en a play in the parish hall en•
"Tie Gid-femidonel Mother."
This eonrmatdty a -as shocked to hear
of the sudden .Math ••f Mir. Ander-
son. wife of Get. Ander%nn.
of 1.n4-ktow. uu Snn.lay mnreing. The
d..•ea'-1 ens :tell known h•r.• nml
DItNlIANN()N. June 'S. The next
itaaehall game for thtm I.xeallty will
he playad on the ArieultnrAl groumlx
on Frldey evening rat 5110 p.m., he-
tween Dungannon and Anhnrn. Tot
rax twtn.t the Irroym In th^tr fent
'Mix. Daisy Ream of Toronto.
spent a hew days. at the week end am
a vlsltor ,at her home here.
•Mt-.ara. Orville Ryan and !' Oran
:notnrcd from Detroit ami spent •
hew clays •t their home. In the early
part of the wePkw
A danee wax hers In the parfd ball
on T esday .rPning. An nrdlewtra
I free Rioter ►applied the lender.
N(r and Mrs. le Iter kited ,
friend* at lnehal.h and Amierh'y n• .
noonday of this ween.
.i..• le,kcd upon as a person of ideal
1 iota lit lee. whoa. deep•rture I. n great
the e.ttamulty as well as to
I the home. Many of the friends and
1 acquaintances from throe parts at -
I tended the foie- al on Wednestl•y at-
' ternohu 10 liree'n 11111 cemetery.
Mewl sympathy is fell for the bereaved
husband and ...0 and many. otb.ra'wbo
are e erred with! the departed
A short ride. a gaol show. Rlehurd
ltnrthelme.s, Bill (fart and Tom Mos
aI! at the Model Theatre. Gederkhs
this week. See program uta page 3.
.\ it -w-. deespatc from Kingston
AAP.: Nlilton W. Harlow, a native of
Iheugannon. Huron county, has been
appointed general secretary of the Y.
A. here, xneceedbg Fred J.
Wilson. who resigned. Mr. Harlow
*erred In the Edmonton Y. M. C. A.
for aix years. He also served in T.
M. C. A. work In India,
Some folks Hover expect to get
what they expert.
The first time • girl la engaged
she Imagine* that tine is as Import -
:int a the heroine in it novel.
Miner Rubber Footwear
Th. rt- is II" snla:nna. t \Inter's. They have been tried and tested awl
fonts' satisfactory.
We carry a c4a9pleh• 1:111,:r in Tennis high and low dope. Bowling Shoes..
Seemly. mlr new 14awlee Work :dews, in brawn and black, with extra dnrsbke
melee. Children's -.toile and Sandals, Oxfenla and ItiRh Ilootme
Iloy.. and girl.. be .ore your Running Wows have the. GIN Guide or Roy
scout Emblem ..mobs nook'. They are gennnine. We have then.
Square Hern's Boot Shop P4 we
We have a full line of Garden Tools. If you are
doing any painting, see our line of Canada Paints and
Elephant White Lead.
K. and S. Tires Firestone Tires
Oils and
Order Your Repairs Early
Nlany a tnan ham erne to grief by
waiting amt long before ordering re-
pri►x for hi. nnehintes We tnnlntmin
a 1iene•rnl Repair t•eervk•e for your
benefit. and can meet any nnlinnry
requirement*. But ally take any
,, ri auee•s? .1 delay now may throw
you behind later.
Join tic increa.ing number of fore-
handed men Alen Inman• against rnt-
prgeuwiees by making repairs before the
oot g tttae.bit.,. are• i4.aetl.
ari.g In your masbi« ated let us
e•erb•al tbem he yus.
Hamilton 3M'•et GODERICH
TuisplicMs = th.. 205; R..Yeoes. 249 w