HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-5, Page 3• 417114,74•271.- t.. • i Job Printing The Signal is prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing at reasonable prices. For your next order Telephone 35 r• q .,., • tl' „qv, "e 4 >:•, lir lk1 MOS 11011*14 niD1TIN0 00.. LIMITED, Publishers, nal Read the Advertisements r in The Signal. Buy advertised wares. It is a safe and sound policy. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1924 SE ENTV-SE%'ENT)I l F: IK NO. 23 An Intimate Knowledge of Business OIlc,• Ia a stall,• almost every man feels that he would like to talk frankly about his business with someone who bad an Intltpate knowledge of buboes. in general. Yuu will find the Sterling Bank manager such a man. His knowledge is broad -unprejudiced -valu- able. Because of our basic policy of rigid conservatism, the Sterling Bank 1s In a strong and stable position to -day. Our accumulated knowledge is always at our 'Bents' disposal. 308 THE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA what iv,A�.-vT�r,Tyiviv t><7Q, RADIO PROGRAMS WGY program In brief for week of Jnoe Pi. 1924. WGY, Schenectady. N. Y. General Electric Company, 790 kilo - voce. 1380 meters) -Easte n standard time) . Sunday, June $, 10 a.m.-Service of the First Presbyterian church, Schenectady. N. Y., sermon by Rev. Dr E. W. Rice, ar, of Phlla- delphia, class of 1854. Union College. 7.00 p.m. -Baccalaureate service of Union College., at First Presbyterian q church: baccalaureate sermon by Dr. Charles Alexander Richmond, president of Union. Monday. June 9, 7.15 p.m. -Address, "Home Economics in • State College," Professor Martha Vau Rensselaer, New York State Farm Bureau. 7.25 p.m. -Address. "The Poultry Situation and Related Suggeetl,ua," Professor H. E. Botsford, New York 'State College of Agriculture. ulture. 7.45 p.m. -Program of compositions of Robert Huntington Terry, composer and pianist, assisted by' Mrs, Marlon Aker, soprano, Edward Rice, violinist, Yid Edward E. Sti Louis, baritone. Tuesday, Juno 10, 7.45 p.m. -Ex- cerpts from grand opera, "Carmen," by WGY Opera Company. William Fay, director. asalated by WGY Orchestra. 10.15 p.m. -Organ recital by Stephen E.: Boiaclair from Proctor's Harmauns Blp' ker Hall, Albany, N. Y. }Wednesdays June 11, 5.9.1 p.m.- Adventure .m-Adventure story, courtesy Youth's Companion. Thursday. June 12. 5.30 p.m. -Organ Real Estate and Insurance Lite on lite), Accident and Auto ;mare Houses and Iota in Gdderich and Vicinity, and Farms for Salk :boar... to. f611i.t1M cosh. ! Ions :• aril Lot. Tref;::;,.tr u Bern .eiulpls•tl, rt(.,n and in flue condition, vivant. inn/•,i late posse, -'nn, 'tri,,,. ,,,,I terms. A moiler of a•44,41 prod„• t:•ni.rich tar ...:k•, to rel. •t tr Muth • for aa:,- ant rot Lent plan. Form 1St' ncres eel lent "-oil. well watered. an.•ee.sn la' hulldlpaa. erci.are song. timber. claire; to ...avail a cintrrh. als'iu 0 nnllre bole gatecrash. fine lattinn. Prle for quick sale $4,S11e.01r at. t will he a(ceptl(l• tasin, Anson, manioc goal terms-, if desired. 45 non'o • d wall, nll nseessnry Mttldla , good lur•:ati n. about 5 m14 s mu IFetterich. Close 10 se•htxt , Pbureyt and stone. Prise An. including .rap. all st . farm implement%:end heda. e r-nomber M farms Inc tele, at- tractive prices. Some small places near Goderlch. Ask about theme properties. Prospective b y. re will be tak- en M ace soy property. For particulars tee J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Persons' Fair P. 0. Box 89(;`orerich, Ont., recital by Stephen E. Botsdalr, from Proctor's Harmanos Bleecker Hall, Albany, N. T. 7.43 pia. -A Few Moments with New Books, by William Jacob, librarian General Electric Company. 8.00 p,a.-Musidal program by pupils of the lteusselaer, N. Y., High School. 'Friday, June 13. 7.45 p.m. -Drama, ".The Botta," by Edward Sheldon, produced by the WGY players. 10.30 p.m. -Program of Italian music by WGY Orcbestrs assisted by Antonio Caruso, tenor. Saturday, June 14, 8.30 p.m.- Musie by-orebestra of Hotel Ten Eyck, Albany. N. Y. C. P• R. Time -table Attention is drawn to new and Im- proved connections to and from Hamilton via Canadian Pacific, ef- fective May lelth. 1924. Leos,. Arrive Goderleh, 3.30 a.m. iiamilton 10.00 a.m. G• A• rieb 1.1S 1.m. Hamilton 5.3: .m. tiamlltnm, .._Sa.m. Goderich 12.45p.m. Hamilton. 5.In pm (:•alerich 9.:r.5 p.m. Train times to and from Toronto tctnistn as at present. SILVERWARE FOR THE JUNE .BRIDE -% \(elk ago it lady tole, us that She was .eriously s'tuhtarr;t..s..i at the thotl; i',! of having to tsuv 11resetat,, tor five friends who ever.. 1,. iuJ nulrric.i within a six weeks' perio.l. " 1 just can't ilffor(l to prig t4,eni oleo cannel. aha UXcluilIir i. A o Gut!•• .7 ..1 11.;x1 '- a 11,>iada `\ i -rel We mill:'•) 1 \t it -s kaon- hots t te e. 11. „ _.., rear �zr ` GiFTS THAT LAST ft F GODERICH VISITED BY A VERITABLE GLOBE TROTTER Jospeh Wilson Pollock Lived on all Five Continets again set off for Australia. llow,•cr. 1be 100 -acre lutein that country which were (wing then to WHr vel, ran. by 11.0 lirltlnb Goverl11011t un- der t!te Imperial srttleme•nt .chemo failed to luterrat hint. -Phe "tuts" were tea, tar from a railway trod , the inn joritr of them consisted n( ; Has virgin forest. with groat trees Ile:• feet thick. Christmas. 1920 Mr. P• 1 - lock spent nt Suva in the Fiji Wands., He wasn't permitted • . L•nrl at Nuknlole fit port In Ili.. Ti,ngn lsYttrlal, bet -muse he di J not Imre The Signal was pleased.last week atdficiwit money (25 polio's' in his 10 receive as a caller for a brief boor packets 114 +ati.fy the authorities. Js.aeph Wilson Pullek, globe-trotter, l Meeting in with a couple of copni cud brother of Rev. John Pollock, traders of Nine Island a uu•nult s• now of Dutton, formerly pastor of o�gat• age Island I. Mr, Pollk 'ettsn: eel to the iiaptlat church here, Mr, JOIN their fnre•c, whirl: !e did :n l'ollock's atory of his travels 'was en- Jununry•. 1921. u.suwhig ....lira,. of haixwl In Its Interest by the delight - their store .for them In the principal. Hilly original atory-telling manner In city of tl:► ial>tind of Nine•. \hue Is which he lightly passed off experiences an island with t ci rrumfe•'rtae of and Incidents which to others would : il)fl-sl.l mile. and I, entirely cut off have appeared of deep import and 1 from the outer world trout t n cul«•r taring• untll•May each rear. Early In April Mr. Pollak "started in early" o0 the Niulans got w- loot o'itp over sane - his trarela when. at the age• ••f twelve thing. killtid a loll. Ilan 1111.1 threnr- yc.tra, lie stowed away oil the steam - enc.! to kill the ml+sir lack came, the r. -.c aro. \1r. 1'01- er "IChl sa." outbound for India from to a h u f 1em Liverpool. whts-hport was not far alninry and in the colds . the r «alt- distanf trot• ads hnmP lawn. Birk trig frncaa an unfortunate .' ichor «nf- enhead. F.nRlnnd. .Srt'is the ess,e lu fere' a broken arm at lis ha els. The c" as many tales of travel, the "Ira, A poneumnu of the Nile. '.haul adman nuudng Haat fret" teh.ol. _ lis dux lstrat1ou were linable tocontr.. the discovered, however. and set to wore situation: They till down on the b «.y ere tic> '•Kilo." had as a cabin 1 At the repmest of .1 c. Orison, re. !left the Mersey river. He 5511151 to dant crnnmissloner (gc,t'rLor1. on he. India nd fullowed the Ste for the half of taw New Zcalntoi Coternment, next .rive years, 5r. Pollack assumed chars. of the t?u 4lc4o1w•r !1'1.151. when his ;olnel uatie.• constalutl:iry 4111•1 w,t- gic. n n the Cheshire Realm. nt at ('hdeateprl- r, free hand In the administration e•: ^flccu-ser-ol En,i and1 , as au ettha haw anal order within the pre - rate. Mr. i'ollck began his army (ducts of the Islnud, wad. official life. whl•9t .oaring the followin(ducts positi,m he he d from April :until twelve year- lel hint through. a ,u'rn's 84 rtee).•r. Willi"di+.•hntriug his of wars In Indln. Egypt and South ditties'. in alt • ...111-44. of chi I,. !e• had Africa., ilia fleet fire years 115.5.. "i", ll' 1."'".' ..f Ilte• and dentf. •at the tact were stent as a soldier in con- lslnud, noir.n.v9ton with the trial sone: op the b,• hanged elle men tor n der and per -mildly flogged others wed.•rn frontier of India. For hie for ynrion• misdr•1n nu„r lay way of sere ice in India he l+ntd+ the iridin t,,atf}lug 5.. Li, havh.g hell tLe• p«, - general w•ifyin medal with four siting :nal a+ to his . tbiiiti, • and t'el r,tlnu In the a t,t cln.ks, sigulfyllr line a 1 Rawl jodgm•aa to such a re.ls.:i61e relief of (7titrnl. Tirol' campaign. Iiini.,l fn•t,tier 41101 SAnruc1 netinn. esttietrion f 1i1, onlu'uoti6ssie4; !-1::;...2 h,uI,.trcolo•vlt lir., 1'oll.s•k then "ailionrn•sl•• t.' apwak+ l% do nn• f hi• Fgci,t. nlwr.• he sorrel in the last. yen• efficl.•ut c, n't: 1e• +•colas .•.tntlsnicn snit 1ptrr In tl "at'. ifrI.•nn War 4pot 190__i._11. The git 1.; part ..l•1ep.. war. h!• has "mmong those wits :p tot f: N -. I•Iauurlon in I1••• :lir.: pre -eat" at tturtle. of Tifton. pin-•inrncu,. Talons 1111.1 the defcne.• of Imdv-mirk. For serrfc.• lu • frl- cnn w•. r- Ito 1110.1. the King'. 14,mlalt medal. Eh .1fr:.•an modal' Ittyn .\filen 11 flu+cal (f!ve elnel'+, wish three rn'oli' l.ar- for Trinsyn•.1 ('al. Colon% - free Stilt • to 15.•'• c..t 'Ili t t1 „1 the Moo.,. - 1... went ,,,.,,e, 1.11E11. In low'. Mr 1'. !! ' ..nir.g n• n 1'•,iN r'is,n his .+i+ ha: `I• of the 5'.5111 • 'arc told end c,,.: \rn nrr�ra' !- •., f -ire . rt!flttnt . in do••. n . 1(M1 from thc f•rnt cats a 1 55,1!, 1 .Pr •it ° n nr N 1, nt • HOSPITAL AUXILIAP.Y leery fnr 1'." •t. t to the. o•s o le 1'1111 Mr. Pntle t: 75.11 "rnr«,rt, or 1>,.tnl CANVASS FOR MEMBERS n rebel 1A n,1 wt. ..,1111•,•..7 5„ 1401.1% --- , by the \te�ie n (7nrrrn,r. .,r of c.o., in view ,•r •t.,. r...t (bot 111, t1._. era? 1Tnnrtf. nt that in the 8o,lra lLtrin t i;erc•rel 11 ••u pont: of rho mict,tt ..- he 1,-1d Iw,ar,l 1al«s i r r U,e fender, for been In orison for ,boot t arca, nu•ntl.-4 the remalelling of Th. Maples nb, nt• the Tfrir isle Cen.o: • nlro 1n .oro^ lin. known manner 1••rr1 core'• to 55.'- r'.alliin JnnP 1(hh, end h, ! es 51!85 the work Innnr"ern lnn1 s . nr.sl 111. "rnnsse:' will pc enmpl••t.sl by fa!1, rho W; - and be ~moral fern•, the bonier at coon's T(nstritnl .\n'.111arr will make :u) rhongh 11 -111110 ye:' San Fro, r:umh 51,, Ile 1 -ft. ' 22 • ,Inde 5. •n CHINA HAS HAD A COOL SPRING, TOO Miss F•Uxabelh Wilson. Formerly of Gederieb, Writes Miss EIImalieth Wilson of the M. wtsalonary school at ('hengtu, • Sze, Cloven, %Vest China, w•rltes her sister. Mrs. LorneF+edy. of Walkerton, under date of April 8)3,: It haat iteell so (sail fila week that we had to hay.• the fur/lacer. going for nue day, anal .itiveroll a goal deal on ..•feral loiters. We 1Wt•P had a good deal of dull weather hitt no rain to speak of. Last night It thnn- derel and I thought surely we'd here a downpour, but there wasp't touch. Folks who have been here a long time say there hasn't been such a cool spring for yenrs. I am enjoy- ing my omit and my voile blouses. Some peepic are sick with a land of flu. We hail n basketball game on Weln.•slny ts•tw•ee•n the Seniors and Juniors 'In which the Ren:. r+ won again. The los. rigged 1111 several kinds of noise -making apparatus. among them the "pini' or Kang which is rung here for mends. nod their jubllanion •1411 1111141 a gond deft' li.kr a Chines.. funeral! Ler,unrvl. Craw- ford condnoted the •1.rcl.estnl•' in the refits between the parts of the game. 7.sterdly WP took all our 'family toile fair! r•a+t year there wasn't much to Is• seen and we didn't both- er going las a '.fool. This year It 'very good There were ex).lbi5• o5 ...eels In ova; Intl•• t.,xe- whic'.t were nnite annaslug 1 didn't know-, for in.r•u,.'s•, that there :ire four .1 tie:milts grown in "this ltr.o- vinee. The snc.11r•st 1fP4 ar • gneer- LoklIl 131'1e rongli thlug1. Th.. eoc girl -:ac rhes are 1111 nolle,' perk:11 is and 11.:tt thought smelt. they Were 411 differ, nt and very pleaennt flavor. A. mica' 1 found the hast.•••s most Int. r..ti,:2 .1 .11.1 not tiny ae urea' lea 1 es 15:t .1 for it takes so long to '•na.no•" the pet .e .tint :t ...•cmin_l esimpl• tran.nc,ion I. :, LsTi.o1+ and Iutricat'' aft lir. 1 1 t"1 tar -•'c,• 51 t'.• gir ith Ile• .bur g t' -r tnnrnl:._ :and al .,f • r . 1 do nota, hrtyinC !,t . '1• lar ,:e mei Mi-, I -:e- tnn - 1...1 70 Cn t1 U:.• L n 110'+ • . They had er.%t tai. s that ,. . ,J:t.}• iw'a E. C. ROBERTSON JEWELLER Ent Side Square Goderich, Ont. HOUSES --- IiOI SE$ All kinds for sale. 1t you intend lov- ing mying a home 1t will pay you to see the honors I have for rake. 1 have ' them at all priers, from $,00.O0 up. i Some real good tsargains on easy weans. .1 drop 10 and nee me. P. J. RYAN, Real Estate h iusura,,ee Phone 50 i.s-saw• T'iMmited Quantity of GOOD MiXEi) WOOD FOR SALE at 08 per tringle cord. delivered,' THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LiM ITER. (Foot of Anglesea Mt. Phone 01.) A Profitable Business The business of saving your own money is an exceedingly profitable one in which to engage. When part of your salary is deposited regularly in the Union Bank of Canada, it gives you a feeling of independence; you know your money is safe from fire and theft; and your deposit is earning interest all the time. $1.00 opens a Savings Account. f47 Fi 1-2,,,,, with nnthlna hilt the cloth-. effort to. R.c1l re the co-operation nn 1'1. hick. A rewnr'l of 2.nrttl pe.ne every woman In ralerich. i wAawe) pinecol x,w him If found deed or Cnnrasscrs wall Ir 1n sorry word. A11ve .within MPxtcen terrlMre nn commencing the SPrnn,1 week ltr/dnne. nnl Mtnre cx•t•a.lnrr to securenew ms cohere for the ,*omens' TTe fnnnd his wap A• far as Oxnard.; moots' Auxiliary for 1924rnnd 1925. MIs'. Mn,. Wilson, Parkhill: '•M i'.• of ' o f allfnt'nln. where he worked 1n A I Tho membership fro Is fl.y cents. n World ("illation." Mr,.1'i Iona Not. mtg'1r teetotal. for a short time. He 1 if yon cannot baconAn active lard, Ex. to ; "('Anedian Standard EC - 1 then 'iuest Ms wap" nern,s it, con- I member, he an asaoetn a member. And fleleney Traint,g," Rev. .T. I. tinkly. ,inset, the sum total of hie rellway i help the Women's splint Anxtllary Cunrtright. fare Mein( tn. And arrit•M 151 Gn4erleh :in one•nr more of a fnllowlalg--wnva: The moraines will to d,wotel 5c in the fall of MA some year,(1) Attend •th reptant. meeting of study, with n twenty-mlaute, racoon T'ptnn the m;Mrpnk of thin Grnnt �tbe Auxlllnry. hl the fourth Monday tion period at 10 o'clock, and the 8f - War Mr: Pollock retnrnM to-Fortino('1n the month t 4 p,m. Mrneons•11111 be Oren up to games, nt its own expense end on APCPm- (2) Put .1.10 in the fruit onion a visits to pante of interest, and sneIal her Wird, L014. rejoined hl• olivine. far off jelly or plekb-ss. puncults. Tn the evenings there will ?velment. the Cheshlrea. at Rlrkem- (8) fresh }colt or vegetables be fingerer tentce at 7.15, followed by a• hen.! fn 1915 he sena at the Dar- to the, (taplhl. platform meeting In North surest Annelle,, and . to 1018 he saw active (4 . Save sad roll In boodles any Y4kliodIat ('hnrrh at 8 &elm k. Among , service In both Egypt and Franco.d lintsor cotton mstettala for (hasp who w111 Rise addreesos at the • from whk h latae aeene of aettt►tt hP n!Mice*,bandages, ete., slap any ma- inning meetings are Rey, W. •T. 'JMr- Iwas lnvalid(f1 holm. to };nglas s1. PMuw, ',riot imitable for floor clothe. jtocre, from China; 'Miss Sybil Conr- Ito th?e. hnwerer. he had been atMPftM til) Bare your pennies ansi depositnee,fromJepan; Rev. W. 51 1Can- to fienrsl Rawllnsrmht etaft at fie in A hox to be noliectod ih tiep5P nawtn, of Hamilton, and Rev. C. W. 4th army headrynartera at tlaweatry her and (letober, proeeede to go to. De Mille, of Toronto. nn the, 'Flanders (feast. RP -woe ward. equipment In the new tv,apkal The registration foe is $2 per ata - formally and honorat4 M.ehartr.A in ("111402.detrt; but any League or Ronal England lR the Mirth of JannaImhof)) sending $4 to the registrar he - •>b19. !or service to SIP Great War An (Uel Maus ARM fore July lot may sand amy number of Do holds tie getlerel sorrier, medal delegate, without payment of Atelier Aare Vhtiwy allAal. Mrs. Blunt ",f,.hn says poi never reml.trntion feat. Miss Florence fl/wowing hta 'Alt! yr. had an offer." Mooney. of Gnderlkh, In eke reglatrsr. Pen.te41„ aeon MINN °Winn-- "That ix hla way et Programs and any further informs - landing at Ik John on Pt. Pattl(dlea putting it i never happened to me rat n may be hs4 from the 'secretary, jar. After �.msiInr "m11. mmttba to ;1111111"8150 roan i °�lM erongh fnr to perrrlt W. 17. 'foss. M. A., R R. No. 4. (loderIeh In tie early part of IOW. he I idea to pmpri.e_'--Rn.ton Transerlp,f retch. • re lam• •• girl.- • e,,. C RA:7: OF r' f) ---'7(.11H 'UMMEP ittrat•tit'e 'cell, of Feel) (-1 :,Hol Platt, lacy )irctiugs .,•,. t ECHO OP LAKES DISASTER OF 1913 Sailor Who Attended His Own Funeral Reported browned HAMILTON, May 29. --Word was received here today of the death by drowning of a man in the Welland ('anal early thio morning. who is thought to be John Thompson, 1'4 Strachhn street east, this city. He was on the dock. and rea•hel out to receive a mooring line from the steamier Stew) Motor, 'when he lost his lalsnee. fell Into the water and did not rise again. Thnmla«oi was reported drowned In the great storm of November. 1013. when a score or more vessels were lost on Lakes Huron and Superior. 111a father Identified a baby recovered as that of Ilia son. This -was brought here and was resting In a casket in rho parlor of the home the night be- fore the f neral. when Thompson walked in, alive and well. He haul been through the storm but escaped. The mart in the coffin. who was mistakes) for Thompson, was never bb ntifie , and was burled after bee- ing held in the morgue for ahnnt a •+mouth. 1, 1.„ Itil,!•. .ln,'kc, 1G'.. \C. '1 Knnc: in, M. .\., of P:. Totts,'- I'r, - h)�e• nu ehn1.' h. itonilli,,,i: reoren airy{. Ret tin, NI. 1'i:'1 i}-, 1'1nr'right r agio,t.-..fenpriou. R.. t. . t' W. 1),- 11111,, t,11111,• 11. .t . Toronto _citral sof erinteu.l.•c• olktm. Oita :..,, itoi2i1 Erdoen(i„n 'buu,fi ; study els-,‹ "Chinn, 5I1ss Mary Hoberl'nn. (lo rich: "Japan,' Miss Sybil Courti ,. mis•ionar; ; "Itnlldi:c the Nathan... BETTER GREEN TEA IMPORTED Many think that those who drink green ten are more• rritical judges of quality than those who drink black. Such would seem to be the case, be- cause soft).. yenrs ago groat qugrt- t'itte. of 1'.'nr quality Jafutn and ('Irina gr.•11-`teas were brought Into ('tuuetta. The demand fair this type of tett soon fell o(f. Now. h,'v.s -r, the touch (ince g11nlity u( i olin and Ceylon gredns. imported mostly by the SnI- ada Tea (•omlrany. has sharply revived the derua14d by tinso wit!, rntjny tin' ell•' i 5 .-I s. flan„r of greet, tea 1 GET YOUR Yteamer Gre%hoced Tickets tollerut t fr,•m J. W. CR IGIE Stenmbo..t Tcket .\,:.: t UNION BANK OF CANADA -. GodeTich Branch, F. WooUoombe, Manager -1 CHURCHILL FATALITY WAS ACCIDENTAL t•oroneer', Jury at Clinton Holds No Person to Blaine CLINTON. May 28.-A verdict of ac- cidental death with no blame attach- able to any parson was returned to- night by the jury In the court of Coroner i,r. J. W. Shaw, after consid- erable evidence had been taken coa- .er11Lng the death of Thomas Church- ill, who was killed on May N, when an auto in which he Wes riding was etruek by a C. N. R. freight train. n i a I I e J m n William Chumhlll, she was seriously injured when his fath- er was killed. to'tifiel that he did not etc or hear the train whinb struck the automobile he was driving. The Inquest had been adjourned until he could gate evldent'e. The engineer of the train testified that the train was not running fast and that cus- tomt8ey and leen' signals had been given. 'lapis -sIdeu.w was supported by evidence of sectionmett who were at work near the crusatug where the keeetdAirt happened. Charles Seager. K� (' , represented the Crown at the hearing and the C. N. R. .was represuuted by is declass agent. The d:erm:tn+ ore still making .ugh a fuss over reparation. that Lite world might almost believe 511e1 intended to pay them.- St.. Catharines Standard, Get Your Cyhound Detroit Tickets frcml Ft F. LAWREN =E V THE P .i yl t rat. ,a fin t " 1 t .e..";W• )p( 447 191.10, `01)'1,1 ,ora._.._•••. arras! ...••••.. o...e.......; Just What You've 11"e41 Wrftiting For! Annual STR. GREYHOUND Excursie,tl Goderich to Detroit and return. • Lt gh Tuesday, June 10 3.5O round trip SZ. one Way This is an event that come% but once a year tl:'t,'t c Take his restful, balmy laktride to Detroit -visit the amu-ern•'r•it indus- trial factories; and you ran shop there. too. There'll be dancing and appetising meals aboard. Be on deck with .o!i the h.nt On T .5147, just 1y, the steamer G'• 1,, ,.rod w0l laws Oodench et Q SAY a m , stopping at Pott Hums 1 3.1p m and ardente Mtroit K 3 50 e m. Remain le Detroit over Weiln�a and returnee. leaveofw Clrxieeieh undo'. June 12th. 1p,m. Saw Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth The New York Yarkees end De. trait Tigerswill battle for true belt lattnre at Navin Pied, Detrol, on Wednesday June 11. This is your own -tunny to see the two great est stirs of harebell in action - Ty Cobb and Bate Ruth. Lap iris to Dstrsit Is.v.. l:.It1� Friday. Jer.s 13. l:Je� MOpNL�II�O,,a.1T out of Cot' Monday, Jung * 8:3.11 m• Adakg S Bildt g� Zig all Nul 6esw orchestra WHiTE STS LINE - ""•at itlSr•a"s &3:..�.....¢�,