HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-6-5, Page 1Are You Taking advantage of The Signors clubbing rates ? All papers and magazines. ionat Your Advertisement in Eke Signal is read by the best peo- I,lr of (:odrrich and district the I,rol)le who hue. $ VR111TY-ME1'K\'Tit 1E.41t NO. !I GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1924 TJX BIQNAL PBll Wog 00. MUTED. rubllabea. INQUIRY INTO GEO. BELL'S DEATH IS CONCLUDED No Blame for Fatality Attached to Any Person by coroner's Jury The inquest into the death of George W. Dell. who died an the result of injuries received while braking a loaded t'. P. B. car at the Goderich elevator. was held at the town hall on Tuesday night. The jury. composed of H. R. iwx,g (foreman,, Harold Blael.stone. B. H. Reid. Gauls (been, John McKlonon. lloware Robertson, John Robertson and entree Bates. brought to the fol- lowing Treelike: "That the maid George Hen .came to Ills death fr.•:,'`11"Jurlea received un Friday, May 16th, while discharging his duties as an employee of the Ooderk•h Elevator Ji Transit Company. In the opinion of the Jury no' blame Is attached to anise. fee the fatality. We would recommend. however, that in the future wher.• u bar Is teed In braking a ear greater are he hewn to the use of the same." Dr. A. C. Hunter, coronet, was In charge of the Heinen met was assisted by ('rows Attorney C. A. Seager. K. C., wbo examined the witness. 'County Conmtatole Tho., Onadry alio was pres- ent. reyent. as was alae Norman Price. in- vestigator and claims' agent for the C. P. R. (bmp.anr. Dr J. B. Whitely, who condoned the putt -mortem. was the first wit- aies called. He stated that the poet- e loetess was conducted en the evening of May 11. and tlu.t dsogased diad about 12.80 o'clock the mete day. Death, he said, was doe to a blow re- volved on the left side of the bead from the stick which Bell was using to brake the car. G. L. -Parsons, manager of the Godetieb Elevator & Transit Company, explained tate operation of the ars to and from the loading spout. lie said It was the choice of the amen them- selves to urs clubs In begat* the ears Heil to hie knowledge no onters had ct.•r been given for their use . John Keelson, superintendent of the elevator. was called but could throw no light upon the ase. air. Albert Bond, wive gapers -Wee the loading of the cars, said the ear on whkb Bell stet his death was some- what hard to hold. 'Her saw the. car jump the track and sotkid Bell fall. Ile had told Bell before the accident that the stick he was using was too long. Mr. Cheater Johnston. an employee of the Western Canada Floor Mills, saki he had seen the car derailed, but did not see the stick bit Bell. as It happened so quickly. Horace iawrence. an employee of the Goderich Elevator & Transit Co.. Wm. Fltapatrkie Fred Barnett. Ar- thur Turner ami Thos. Crawford. em- ployed by the ('. P. R.. and John W. Nell. brot.t.ot the deceased, also gave evidence. ... The Enrrka Bible ('less Of Victoria street Methodtxt church will bold a sale of homemade Irking 4111 Saturday, Jane 214th. Mr. and Mrs. Cyplian Jeffrey Have Been Married Sixty Years • MR. AND 'MRN. Mr. ani Mrs. Cyplian Jeffrey cele- , boated the sixtieth .nniversary of tbefr wedding in the midst of • happy 1 family gathering on Saturday last at the home of Mr. Gilbert Plant. Cambria road. tMr. Jeffrey. who 1s seventy-nine years of age. wait born at St. EHsa- hetb. Prnvinee of Quebec, and comm with his parents when three years of age to the farm on iot 10, Lake Road west. 'Stanley township (north of Drys- dale). where he has need ever slate. Mrm. Jeffrey, whore maiden name was Odelia Mayon. is seventy-elaltt years of age. and was born In tee same neighborhood am her i,neband, and. like him. eeme et an early age to Stanley township, where she has lived .ver sine. They were married sixty years atm (May 30, 1404), In Rt. Peter's church. •DrynAale. by Rev. Father achnelder. and the nnlnn has been bloomed by a large (amity. which now eumhea eleven nhlIdrrn (mix sons and five danetters). neventyelvs granA- eblldren next forty-two greet grand- children. The sons and dengdtMa an: lira Regis A. ilrnntntrle, tiara. Regia N. Denorna.. aura. Joseph Dneherm.. all of fng township; Joseph Jeffrey sad Fra* Jeffrey. of floderich ; Peter Jeffrey. Of Grand holm. N. pekoes: Jelin Jef'fr. y, et Hay towaabtp; Ar- thur Jeft/07, of 41o4erb'h ; Mr*. Dav- id Deobet me, at Hay tnwnakip; (ieore m Jeffrey. of eMnelhy township. and Ma. flOber, Mast of Oednekh. An more C. JEFFREY here for !ant ttatnrdny'e celA)ratlon ex- cept 1'cter. ir. addition there were prevent th' wire. of all the married eons and the hnslande of all the daugh- ters. in all the gathering numbered forty --four. Ikoth ale ami Mrs. Jeffrey are ati11 heathy and vigorous and the an- nir.Rsnry was a very happy one in- deed. The celebration Intended an addresm delivered by Mr. David Duch - erase in the fallowing words: "Bretb.re. Sister. and Frl.nde,-On thio day we bare with OP oar beloved patents, celebrating the sixtieth Wane vermin' of their happy married 11te, sheering no plainly the hand of God he - stowing upon them a !portal Meering. He In his Iatlntte wisdom las legit fit fn blestLfbr•m with eleven children and In order not to mnr Meir happiness has kept than in health, both in body end mind'np to this day. We are pleased to have time fit present tont one inn who iive* away off In awe of the Northern States. alio i am melte would be overjoyed M be present at this great reunion. On a great neraston of title kind we are reminded of a gnat commandment of (end whkb He has gives to man - "honor thy father noel mother." My frtendn, H1101 10 the only thing that eau give them real happiness In their •14 age. We do wish fat God may Mesa them with health and hap - plena for many peers to mm., that we may in tare do them honor. Ion. and 'respect unto the and of their As yrs." The News of _the Town ratlike Open Monday Night I The Opera leg Game The Pavilion will be open nett The baseball Season 1n (Indeed' Monday night so that visitors In town will open on Friday with n Huron 011 atroant of the (lreyhound exeniataa County league match between the may enjoy a dance. Then will he the Purity Flours and Wingham at Ad- elina! Wednesday and Saturday dances (*tura' Park. The game 1s to be called as welL at 3.4.1 p.m. it in hoped there will be k a good tnruoot to encourage the boys Meaeaetuag Park Opeme June IMM In their first home lame of the Penson. Mr. J. E. Jackeou, of Toronto, ar- 'WIaghem end Goderich are old rivals rived in town Monday and will again In hsPPhall• and there will Iw much be manager of Menesetnng Park, whkb Interest In the game. opens June 28th. All the cottages at the Park are already anted for the Dr. MaeGlWmy Returning season. which promises to be very Toront° Glolw: Dr. Donal.! Mac - good, as the bookings so far this year Gllllvray. Mrs..Mate1111irrav and their are very heavy for the hotel. daughter Edith left Shanghai on the Mr. harry 'l+sfterui 11/eided • steamer Plassy on MAy 13 for London. They will attend the World's, Sunday Mr. Harry Tufford. eon of Mr. and :pelmet rost-entlou at GL►ngow as Mrs. Hume% Tufford of town, and a 'deli -eaten of the China Rpnday School T•nlon. of which Dr. MacYllllivray is president. MIP. )1aeGtllivay grad- uated from the Ilalveratty last year former Signal "typo:' entered the Mate of matrimony laat Saturday at New York City. where he is now Itv- More Auto Aetldents A ear driven by Gordon Hanlon. of town, went Into the ditch on the Ttayfleld road atom two miles this side of Bayfield on Tuelday evening. Hat,Jon escaped with alight injury. but Norval Precious. of town, who was with him In the ear, Was not so for- tunate. snstalniug a fracttyre of the right leg so well as a severe shaking: up.He was brought to Alexandre hos- pital. where his condition 1s reported to be very satlsfa -tory. The car, whleh Hanlon had bought only that morning. was clw'itlerably damaged. Another automobile accident oc.' curred on Sunday at Kingsbridge. Angus McDonald. of town. was driv- ing when his ear In some manner went Into the ditch on the Iake Shore road opposete T, Garvey's. Nobody was injured. but the ear uveas rather badly wrecked. A Towhees Compeaeatlen log. The lady of his choke Was Mies as bee father, a native of Goderich. Margaret Gadway, of 100 Janis street. Ors.. bed dot* year. before. Toronto. The Signal exteudn Its eon- gratnlatlona and good wishes to Mr. BarBuuvray- Bead'a Anna Bazaar and Mrs. Tufford. -Knox church lecture -room presented a bright and lively appearance- last Saturday afternoon. the °cession being the annual hamar and salad ten under tbs• auspices of MacOtlljvray Mission Band. The tea-room and dif- ferent booths were attractively dec- orated with flags. red. white and lithe atrrwers and red. white and blue flowers. The fancy wntlt. homemade up to a high standard. Hie announce- baking and candy tables were well meat w111 he found in our adrertisiog patronized. while. those In ehirgr of columns this week. Change at West Street Bakery Mr. H. S. Stevens has dtsponed of the West street bakery to Mr. Wil- liam V. Rkhanimon, who mines to Goderich from Merrltton. Mr. Rich- ardson has had an extensive experience •In the baking Des- iree's an-dlntends to keep his ontpnf Tice Weekly Rag-Aetlda,)r The weekly half -holiday is now being generally observed in the towns and village% of this dlstrlet. Klncer- dine. Lacknow. Walkerton. Brussels. Rayfield. Hensel' and Zurich tyke Thursday afternoon -off; while Wing - ham. Blyth. Seeforth, Exeter. Clinton and Auburn, an well as Goderich. holi- day on Wedoeeday afternoon. and Teesw•ter on Monday afternoon. Deatb of Termer Dederick Girl Word waa received in town last 4tard•y morning that Mrs. Clara Wei* Logan had Aimed away In Chicago. the previous night. Mre. the tea-room were kept busy until al- most 7 o'clock. As a result of this ef- fort a autatantial sum has been added to 11w funds of the Band. All Allard for Detroit! Next week Is Greybnund week. On Monday the hug host w111 arrive from Detroit and the same evening will take out the annual 'etnonlight" exeurnion. Tuesday morning, at 9.31). 011. Grey- hound will leave for lh•troit. returning on Thnr,wlay. :end on Friday morning she will lest.- again for her home port. Detrott has maw attractions for the vdeltor, e.pelillily at this time of Year. and some of the exevlreIonimte may take the npportumlty to go on I often was the only daughter of the to Cleveland. ere the national Re- late W. T. Welsh and her girlhood publican conrentlon is to be held next days were all spent In Goderkh. week. and ser how our rutted States For some time prevkws to her death Ieanslni nominate a Preeelential condi- she had been making fur home in date. Chicago with her brother Willie. Huron Old Boys' Pinsk The annual picnic of the Huron Old Hoye' Annotation of Toronto will be bell on the smith lawn, Exhibition grounds. an Friday afternoon. June 27111. An attractlre program of sports and games in being arranged. for which wettable prises will be awarded to the mermen! competitors. Every Hnronlfe In Toronto Is Invited to be present and take part In the proeeed- Inge. W. e/. iday Appointed W. J. May. formerly a railway mals clerk rending in (Inderiebe hes been appointed dtatrk•t superintendent of mail :terrier, with quarters at Lein - dem. Mr. May. who has spent twenty-six year. In the raijway ser - vire. was formerly inspector of.' pnatel ,service. Since the death of D. J. 'McLean. district superintendent. two months ago. he has been acting In that capacity. Dederick Druggists Eieetr4 At the annual meeting of the Re - tall Druggist' Aemnelatlnn for the menthe of Huron, Rriu'e and Grey. held May 25th at Port Elgin. Mr. J. A. Campton, of Goderielt waa elected flee -president. Mr. E. R. Wigle, If. P. P.. of Goderiek. wan appointed to represent the dtatrlet on the tonne(' of the Ontario College of Pharmacy. Mr. Wigle he attending a meeting of the O. C. P. counsel at Toronto this week. 0. L. C. t. Celebrate Next Week Mise Gladys TI.Id will attend next week the "golden jubilee" of Ontario ladles' College, Whitby, of which she Is a graduate. Extensive prepara- tions hare bees made for thie fiftieth anniversary celebration. which la ex- pected to be a teemorabl. o(radon. A inrge attendant. Ot tonne? stnAente 1m already stuped, and to large gronp of (ana4lan weave who regard dein old college affectionately w their alum meter the eraefeal of old same - la ,tone will mesa a peat deal. 1. O. 0. Ir, Risetlen The semi-annual election of officers of Huron Lodge, No. 62. 1. O. O. F, took Ono on Monday night. The fol. lowing were elected by acclamation: N. 0., Jnhn Hoggarth; V. 0.. Charles Tlxrmen ; R 5 . C. A Reid; T. R.. W. T. Clark; tren.nrer, W. Abell. Plans are under war for thet holding of a joint Sunday tlBt. the lodges of I. O. O. F. A rkof No. 5 to he held on the Agnar. here on Jane 2204 A enwher of Gan' Ledge ofiksem are CT- peetM. sada a large gathering of the ♦t•(to*•n th. Thr licks 1. iewokM for CellegIate Institute .r High Schoen At • meeting of the Collegiate In- stitnte board on Friday last the resig- nation of Mr. N. D. Reid, who has been on the staff the pant year as teacher of the commercial department, waa received and *merged. The board' ,sill advertise for a sucreenor. Dr. A. T. Emmerson gave notice that at the next meettwg of the board he will move that the status of the .chose be changed from that of a collegiate institute to that of a high school. The change would give the band more freedom In the appoint- ment of teachers. as specialist stand - Ing ie required for the teachers cd all the main departments of a collegiate Institute. The matter will he dis- cussed at the next regular meeting of the board. to be held the first Thure- dny of July. Gederldt Players at Blyth The Blyth Standen' of last week has the following: "Safety Firot." the play presented by the Arthur Circle of Goderich, un- der the auopleen of St. Andrew's chnreb Y. P. R.. prorldhd an evening of interne and amusement to a Mem- orial Hall audience last Wednesday. The play. wltk'h belonged to the class of light comedy, was full of amusing Situations and dilemmas'. Each mem- bee of the cart a nine gave a clever Impersonation of the charaetera in the story and the endience entered heartily late the spirit of the comedy. Special mention shonid be made of the work of Mr.. Dentop, who acted the Trees maid with Hill and sent; Mr. Thom- ann. wbo made en excellent ennatahle McNutt, and Mr. Weir, who gave a vivid lmpersonetlon of the ferocious Turk. Doings at tube Herber Arrivals at the Ooderich elevator the prat week included the Olencalrn with 123.1)00 bushels of oats and 20.- 000 teethe!. of wheat and the Maple - court. with 142,000 hnsdlelm of nate Ind 34.000 bushels M screening.. The Steamer! Sarnia and Bele/term are doe today (Thursday) with 140.000 and 106,000 hnahele of wheat. reapee- tively. The Federsl Coestrnction Com- pany's dredge "Alfred" eommenced work on the water end of the Intake job on Saturday. It will he a mnrae of two or three weeks before they will commenee laying the *pee to the lake, es there is considerable land work yet to he done. the tag Charlie Jones, In charge of RM Tomson, formerly of Oexlerleh. arrived In port Let lerldey with 8111,000 eslmann treat fry from the dent 10 Dominion fish batehery at Rooth Kr aslptan. The try were deposited in In town t He Mk* epptrlte the Point Pam. Mlltnn (e A teacher 1n one of the public schools In the city is of the opinion that. wblle much is written of the trials of teaching. tai little 1a said of It. compw-nsntklnc. She told the following amusing cam' in instance the other (lay: An Halides boy In one of the lower grades made such progress with his studies, especially with English. that him grateful father felt it incumbent on him to call In person at the reboot building and expre•c. his gratification. His speech was not all intelligible. but there .was no doubt of his slneenity. for he concluded with Mix generous offer: " IlIssa Teacher, I hat -ea de tar' shop arm de corner. You Faille &keel Beard In the absence of Trustee Saunders, Trustee Acheson was appointed chair- CIVIC BU may at the regalaro meeting' of the public school board on Monday . even - butt. On application of the Collegiate In- stitute board. the use. of Vietorla school for examination purposes os'July 2, 3EZpressiou and d was granted. e Miss E. May Stoddart snbmltte9 her resignation from the teaching staff of ('entntl school and it was accepted with regret. Mb.s Bailie applied to be transfer- red to Mies Stoddart's room, and then was also an application from 36sa Vert Elliott for • position as teach- er of the primary, class in ('ental school. Theme applications were laid over for eonmideation. A report from the finance com- mittee reenmmenied that no *Mien be taken on the request of the teachers for increase of salaries. and that each teacher who wishes to be re-engaged be requested to make individual appli- cation before June 10th: I The principal of Central school re- ported for May: Boys on roll 102. girls RS; avenge attendance, boys 83. girls. 72 (A2 per event.); Penny Bank deposits 846.75; number of depositors 1110. For Victoria whose the principal reported: Boys on roll 177. girls 193; average attendance. boys 156, girls 100 4 MT per cent.) : Penny Bank de- posits 8113.32; number of depositors 232. The board will meet again on Tues- dey next. MKT FOR NEW ILDING WELL LAUNCHED Iter. Messrs Ford. Holmes and Medley are at Windsor in attendance at the Methodist ('onferencr. Mr. H. R. Long is the lay Peprewentative of North street church and Mr. J. H. Million 41f Victoria street church. at Public Meeting Strongly in Favor of the Proposal Judging from the general expressloa of opinion at the public meeting held at the town hell on Friday evening last. the project for the erection of a new civic building meets with a great degree of popular favor, The meeting waa itselt a good argument for a new building. The council cham- ber -the only part of the town ball suitable for a meeting of the kind - was overerowded, and many people stood at the doorways throughout the meeting. Mayor Callow ranked the gathering to elect a chairman and was him- self chosen tor that position. Town Clerk Knox being asked to act as secretary. The Mayor spoke of the develob- menta which had led to the calling 0f the meeting. Some years ago prises had peen offered for the best plans for a new town hall, the late J. A. Fowler winning the first prise of $100 and Mr. Ban -lay, architect of Vic- toria school. the second prise of Ido. For financial reasons the project had been putt off from time to time, The feeling had grown Heat there should be some sort of community centre and Mr. Robert MacKay had thought of building a small hail, then the two projects -ball and civic ot- (('00111411 d on Page leo bring• .me your hair anti day. an' i Riva you de shampoo. or eutta de Huron County Council bob. Costa you note de cent." Is in Session This Week Beard of Health The lona hninl of health held 1t• retnlar monthly mfternnon. with the ch olr In the McLen n. The stealth. London In- .-o.r•,enta-ex meeting nn Mender Mr. W. F. •eaftel In nbsetxe of Mr .\ :l. Tnetltnte of FnhIM . resorted Abe follow of hatter fat In a^l.,nlrs of milk stet ere.m free, the 10.yl dairlrs: Milk-Reattlr 521: r: Mm•^facer n II • t9.bo' 5,45! •G•- ifnnn. 3 73 : nice. 4.fM - fr..Ptt. s er-- Moll. ft ft.": ('r•,-•,n-rb-ll. 0r - n••net,, "n• )f•Af••: it..'tt Fitter. 31The h^.tth nfil rer renorIe a largo n.umber of eases of mea.le! Inst s,m,th,. hit ,hated that no new rosell had been rcmrted for some .1,,r.. Riser this n oetine Dr Molter his token no with the ehlef l'rnvinel..1 '«'.1th °}tree the m:.tter of the D.'- rrnit cr•'nrslnn. non tin. r enived an ndvlee to the effect that there 1. nn neraslon for alarm end that In am caw' the' matter Is beyond the pewee. of Hieeletea1 or Proeinrial anthorttl.i. Empire Day Freemen The postponed Engrire Day eek•- bratlon at Vletorla stool was held on Friday afternoon last. it proved to be a very ,meepasfni event and there was a good, representation of citisens present. Prinetpel Roy Rtonehou.e acted aa chairmen for the program. which opened with the •aalnting of the flat by the school children. Chaises en- titled "Home, Sweet home." "The Land of the Maple." ''My loved Can- adian Home." "it 1en't Raining Rain to 'Me." "Tobe Maple Leaf Foreler," and "Reeesstonal." were well rendered by the pnpll.. Other nnmberm given by the molls were: Reading entitled "Empire Day." by ivy Clark; recf- tntions by Bertram M.('reath. Win- nlfrcl afnrrny deet seven poplin of SMI.. Potts' elate: speeches by Charles Mittel anti David Wenger; solo by Donald McDonald; exercise. by Mims Mittens' class, drilia by girls of the entrance 'class and Miele Wiggdna' clan P. inspiring addreas.s were delteertd by Dr. W. F Callow, E. R.R'1gie M. P. P., and Rev. J. E. Holmes. At the ctoeeeof the program Prim. sepal Rtottebofiae tendered thanks to those who had taken part and to Mr. James Buchanan for the use of plank need for Beating. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT. June 4 -Fort Al- bert was represented at the Deanery meeting. held at Clinton ye,terday, by Mr. and Mrs. T. Dougherty Mr. and Mr.. H. Hawktnw. Mr. and Afro. Jas. Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Gray. and the Mlaaea Hayden. Ir. ier and Dongherty. The eddreema giv- en by Ulna iaaaNe mladnnary on fnr- IonRh from mid -Japan, to the wn,ben wax meat Interesting. The a44reasem of Canon Vernon and Capt. Rockland of Tnrnwtn on social a.rvkr work were a .ronderfnl revelatlnn to those present. Mr,.3... F. Thomson reeeefred word tht(week Mot his mother, Men. O. W mann. who 1. starting with her elan r .t Rr1Agepngt, Owl.. had fallen end hrokem her hipbone. Aa she Is Avaneed In ylra the neei- ons ane Mire?. a Amass*. was week rldMng his mon_ Mr. • Huron county council is in session at the court bone with all the mem- bwa In attendance. Mr. John Hence - berg. who was recently elected Reeve ot Wroxetef. In place of John Douglas. resigned. took his seat for the first time. Warden Erwin in Jibe remarks at the,opcning of the session referred to conditions in the county. which on account of the cold, wet spring were not as prosperous as they might be. However. he still hoped that the year's harvest would be a more bounti- ful one than present condltkmv would indicate. The chanty roads had come through the winter In good condi- tion. He had visited the County Home at Clinton and found It neat and well kept: the manager and matron were lining Komi work. The work of the Children's Shelter In Galerich also was going aheari veru nk.ly-• After mentioning briefly some of the mat- ters that would come before the coun- cil. the Wprden expressed the hope that the nenainn would be a profitable one and that everything would be done in the Mast Intetcsts of the connty. Mr. H. Irwin, dletriet superintendent f°tt the Ontario Highways Department. addressed the council on road matters. He stressed the widening of narrow places on the roads. which could be dole this year inst,a4 of gravelling. He aim urged early attention to the ntollahing of mtatutte labor. • The members of council asked many gneetions ot. Mr. Irwin with reference to road, matter. and there woe nn in- terewting and Informing dloenvilon. Mr. James stays. of 6gmondrilie.l appeared before the en 11 on Wed- nesday morning with n complaint as to time charge for oiling the Egmondville . main street last year. He claimed that' Egmondville did not get the gnantky of nil charged against It end that the t amount chafer(' for laying It wan 1.x- maaire. After conatdeahle dhsenesion a error-. 'mince wanappointed, consleting a� Reeves J. L. McEwen. C. A, Robert - mon and J- F. Johnston, to investigate Mr. Hays' complaints. Adjutant Wright, of Stratford, ad - dreamed the council in eupport of a request for a grant in aid of the Salvation Army's rosette work The ',resettle* committee ie eonstde•ring the regent. ' .A hospital deputation. eompooe d of Mr. R. J. 1Megaw, president of the finderleh hnmpltal board, Dr. Gandter, Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Maann, of Cllntem, appeared before the coun- cil to ask .for a larger h!ispital grant. Reeve Maeltwan of Goderich and Reeve'McXthhnn of WIngham spoke in nnppnrt of the r.gnemt. A motion to toenail. the grant to each nettle. hospital in the county from *51)0 to 81006 (the sack ea in ISTD wee sent on to the erecntive' cum m l t tee. Mr. Peter Dotg of Rowick. ex - Warden of the county beaded a depu- tation which asked tot a Stent to the North Huron Plenghmtm'a Associa- tion. Which 1e helding a ptneghhig match near the Allege of Brussels than year. t► Some. nbJeetlnn was mode to Ike sectional appearance of Ate prosattlem an InAyated try the name of t • d► Perris tinn. hn1 Mr iMfg misted etsf that 'mpetitlnn won open to the whole county. The fernier Wa rden aegne, that the ptnwthing enmpetitIm would Interest the Toeing men and help to keep them on the farms. A mo- tion to grant 3100 t0 the Aomociatlon was referred t0 the executive com- mittee. Mr. A.gnith of Auburn and repre- sentatives from Walton. Rrueefield and F.gmondville •ddreaoed the coun- ell. Waking that the county eontrlbhle in the same manner as lent year to the east of oiling the main thorough- fares; In these rlllagem, , heave Henuelerg of Wroxeter waa appointed to the tisane'. rommlttee In plan. of former Reeve Douglas. The equalisation of the county as- sessment was taken Oiled to adopt the ma Ira<t year. On the Invitation Seaforth n wore or Mars of the conncll Tuesday evening for the re -opening of th that town. The eonncll had by Photographer forenoon. Ex -Warden J M up and It Was de- me equalization at of the Reeve of more of the mem- went to Reahttlh. the celebration of e main Street of Its pletnre "took" Fell Wedneedny Goyentork frstern. 17.1 with the members of the emunell on Tneadny. BRIEFS Vletorin street is getting a gnat of tnrt-ta this week. Mr C, if. Humber Is remodelling his residenep,jaltt the corner of !:net and Victoria Street'. making a double 1411/Irtment house. It's getting eo that the young tel-• low. de'Inre: "I ean't get shared. I'm in despair-- Th4res n girl In erery barber'. chair." There were no fine. payable by Magistrate Reid to inspector Pella, under 'the O. T. A. for ape month 0t May. Tula is the first month this hen been the ace .once Tnspe etur Pellow'a appointment. Mader Doted Wenger, a pupil of Victoria echeoi, waa the winner of a prize of 1.11 given by The Landon Ad - 1 rertiner In the Save the Forest Week competition. I On Fridny and Saturday last, for the first time thin season, many rare !from the States, partlenlarly from Mkhigen. were to be seen cat the etreetn. Friday was Decoration Day acrotism the line and the long week- end' holiday gave motortsta a good opportunity to make ttoe trip. C. 0. F. Church Parade Cadian Ordof ]Nseeafrra Oexirrkhnastn. 32.er will held 10* (kart en• nasi church sprvfre cad r ea 'antsy morning, Jun. *, at 11 e.m., to Knox PnwhyteAM Clet'b. Rev. R. C. McD.roid wig k uhf ewe tt er. Brntbeea are rpaStted glo(1ge > L'lam'a ,lune at th. etc► store, at Ias0 *'reek. VIeting beetbmes ar. ro,gatit' t$vlar to at- htad. c, Jr)til'fgITOM Af.I#RT * AARRRR C. It, lbw. !> r tjlt_ rapialadomelre from Moron ytery et tits ll/lmer& A•Pene l v this week at Owes Roan, are: De, $e ebee. Jas. fatrilton, J. A. of RI*. Rita of fedi M rite of Medea nal •