The Signal, 1924-5-29, Page 9w-''+.,r:r;71
.County and District
M1 Ates anvil t at her bowie A former well-known resident of
1i 11b y te111nSNp t eke nese of Pordwies, 8. 8. Cook. died meetly at
S* -*ev0 Mtn 1►It home at Toronto. Mr. Cook (tar -
Dr. G. L. smith Las dlpuee'd of his
res$& pranks at Hansell to Dr.
Lapp of Toronto aid is returning to
4 blesgo•
Arthur Fiord. et VVrsrne, wan kicked
1a the fire b a horse one day last
rled on a private bank at Ford-
wkb for years and took an actin
part to municipal affairs, being War -
duct of Mitten In the year 1899. Tbs
remains were brought to Fordwkb
for Interment.
week. the wooed requiting four John Haller, who sold his black•
smith and garage business at Bruce -
Mrs. Joseph Beat. nae of the early
*Miters; of Howlett township, died MIDI
beth at the age of ninety years. Imo
had bees a mildest of Howtek sine*
)i,.s Sarah Orr .Ned •May 11ttb at
her home on the Sauble line, Stanley
township, Pneumonia was the cause
of death
Walter J. Stevens, of the 2nd c'-
cesslon Of Stanley, died on Sunday.
may lith, atter an illness of several
months. He is survived by his wife
and four tarried daughters.
TMs Rattle McQdeen, of Irma!!,
was a member of the caws of nurses
graduating at Victoria hospital. Loo --
dos, this year. A number of Hewall
people attended- the graduating ex-
field a few montl4 ago, left title
week with Lis !infill by motor for
Los Angeles, Calltornia. They wore
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler
of Clinton, who also ere going to Loa
The death occurred at .the lleafoMh
hospital on Friday lust of Hugh J.
MacDonald, of Henson, well known
throughout the distrk•t as a cattle
buyer. Mr. MacDonald was taken to
the Seater" hospital about two weeks
ago for a serious stomach operation.
He was prominent In the public life of
Hensall and was a member of the
cowbell for a number of years. He
leaves one daughter, Mas mdna, of
London, and one son. Wellington, in
the United States. Mr. MacDonald
was twice married and a survived by
his second wife. He was ih his six-
ty-sixth year.
Makes old hats look like new. Sixteen different colors.
30c a Bottle
Lyman's Water Glass Egg Preserver
20c a Tile
One tin will preserve 10 or 12 dozen eggs.
We now stock
Eastman Kodaks, Brownie wale Cameras
Eastman Films, FiIm Packs and
Amateur Supplies
, near!y
cam b�. It is a ffolioDc of tutees Institute titr
work. w`
I were elected: President, Mrs.
Yrs. H. Mateo baa returned to her strong; let %Ice-pre'atdent ktrt7or
1 Loose to lipondvllle atter apsltdiag
I " 'iMN1fOldki njellaNitilt
The Fruity Treatment away to be
tho only ridding
the system of the moos of of completely
i bliss Annie Ward, of 112 Haan it.
8t. John N.B,, gays: "I was a great
sufferer for many years from Nervous
Headaches and Constpattoa. 1 tried
everything, but nothing seemed to
help me until 1 tried "Pru►t-a-fives".
After taking/ several boxes. 1 was
completely relieved aad have bees
well ever sines"
t Practically all Headaches some
I from poisoned blood—thit is, the
t blood is lades with impurities which
should be earned from the body by
the kidneys and bowels.
"Fruit-a•tives"--ado froth the
juices of oranges, apples, figs and
potties—regulate the vitalorgans of
• the lady—Insure a pure blood supply
—and completely relieve Headaches.
lac. and 60c. • box—at druggists
or Fruit -a -tiles Limited, oases[.
A matter which came before the
meeting of Maitland Presbytery at
Walton on Tu eday of this week, was
a request from the Presbyterian
congregation at Belgrave and at
Calvin for permission to form local
union ebonite* with the Methodist
congregations at these two places,
the moon. to take, effect immediate
ly, The Rev. Dr, Perris. of WIngbam,
is the authority to deal with such
a request. but being opposer! to the
church union' movement did not
feel that be was In 11 posthinn to
deal witt, the matter and hail eug-
gestel that the eongregattons Inter-
ested submit It to tine Presbytery.
The meeting, however, dedRsrl to
take it out of itr. Perrle', hands.
expressing its tolIfidegter that his
senses of Justi.e would enable him
to deal ,talrly wtlh the request. The
congregations e•oncernel had tonna
It difflenit In recent years to pay
what seemed a reasonable salary to
their ministers. and hall decided up-
on union as a !mutton.—Lneknow
H. Edge has sold his hardware
and plumbing business or George P.
Ferguson. of Tee.water. and will give
his whole attention in future to his
c'oOtracting bnslnene.
Mr. and Mr.. R Frost. of Sea -
forth. announce rh41.''ngag,'me•mt of
t1u'Ir eldest daughter, Beatrice May,
to Howard F. Burges, t/l (twos -o,
Mich.. the marring, to tnke plane at
Owosso early In .lune.
Rev. James Argo. who diel re-
cently at London In ids sixty-sixth
year. was for several years pastor of
the Egmnndrllle Presbyterian church.
The new pavement oti Main street is
Thirty Years of Dunlop
Experience Certainly Tells in Making Tires
You cannot go astray in your tire purchases
if you buy this kind of experience :—
■■■■■■■� 1894-1924
Many a man is driving
a motor today who was
not born when Dunlop
Tires first appeared on
the highways of Canada.
`Thirty years is a long
time in the Tire business.
It ii the very beginning
of the industry. 1888
saw the worlds first
pneumatic tire; 1894 saw
the industry taking hold
to Canada.
Doesn't it stand to rea-
son. in view of the above
facts. that we must be
better equipped and bet-
ter qualified to serve the
exacting demands of The
Knowing the past of the
Tire Industry so well. we
must have pretty good
intuition regarding not
only the needs of the
present, but the possibili-
the of the future.
30 Years in Canada
Money cannot Buy More—Usage cannot
Demand More—than what you get with
present-day Dunlop Tires. -
There's a Dunlop Tire for every purpose.
—For Every type of Rim-
Ever y Pocketbook.
Dunlop Dealers Everywhere Ready
to Serve You
Also Makers of Dun-
lop Robber Belting.
Hese, Paeklag. etc.
Dunlop Rubber The
Flooring, Dunlp'Rub-
H..d Office and Factories t TORONTO
Branches in the Leading Cilias -,•_s,.,
A -list H' t'' -'t1112
Mr. duel Yrs. Wm. F. Brian are
moving their bousehold effects to
Forest.' where Mr. Braun In company
with another man to going Into the
pablug business.
$avcIle has been appointed mall,
car+ier on rural route No. 3 from
Zurich and begins his duties on July
Zurich luta numerous cases of
measles and scarlet ,fever.
Jacob Haberer bas returned to
Zurich after spending the winter
months at Toronto.
The rem.,lus of the late Miss diary
Campbell. who died at London on
May loth. were Interred in the
Wingham e•emeterv. The deeensed was
n Qnuttht,•r of the late )ir• 'and Mrs.
Italia Campbell. who resided 111 Wing -
ham for many, years.
The Whit/ham Chamber of Com-
merce ha-. I.•.,n reorgenlze•,i with the
following .(fliers: Hon. president.
W. F. Van Stone; prrsitleut. T. C.
King: let vlee-president, T. J. Me -
Lean ; 2nd vt.e-president. J. W.
Hanna ; 3r41 Tie' -president, 11. L. Fry:
secretary, Abner Culens; treasurer' C.
P. Smith. -
Wm. Jackson Inst weak re., fctsl
word of the d,Sth of his sister.' Mrs,
M. IS. Testing. which occurred at oaci
lily, lows. .n tb•• 20th In.t. The re- .
mnlus were brought to Clinton for in.
ferment. � No other medicine give: a. gr.
• The marring/. took pla.e,at the home isf.ction 111 Itlether, ns 11,n•s
of Mr. find Mrs. A. Tawas. on Wed. 114411 Tnhlet•. 'ri.•..- Table
n.wday of Inst week. of their younger 'rtnally good for rhe n'•wMor,,
daughter, Annie Marglretta. to John 11,. gran-ing 414411 11(11 :use nt
latewurt Taylor• elder son of Mr. nod .:eft. 'Chet' .•:uul.'t
Mrs. Georg.. Taylor, all of Clinton. 1 —always ,^•.sol. The Tablet, at
1 The .. rru,oar was performed by Rear. I bur thorough 1"x"1i". which
A. A. Holmes. pastor of Wester elmr,lt. the bowe•I. and sweeten the
Mr. and M}-. Taylor left nn the after- and thus relieve baby of 1 1% of the
tnso, train for est wedding trig, to ' minor Ills of childhood, shah ns eon -
Niagara and ou their return will re- stipatiou• iudig.•stiun. eulds' collo
lebmoad; 2ud vice-president, Mr
B. Herrington; set•retarystrestsurer,
Mgrs. J. l'ulc•lough; ■sdstant. Mrs.
Y. Chambers; datrict director. Mr..
J. R. Bell ; directors, Mrs. R. Itrown.
Mrs. B. Herrington, pre,.ldent 111111
secretary -treasurer; represents 41 es to
dlatrict annual meeting. Mrs. J. Mills,
Yrs. A. B. Carr, Mrs. 1'. (:ar,liner.
District .Eleputy (;rand Master
Samuel Wilton, of lime -el.. pelt' an
official visit to Myth Lodge, A. F.
& A. M.. on Tuesday might .li last
week. Their: were about one hundred
Masons in atten,latie Including bretb-
r'n from •Rrumeln, Wingham,
Galerlcb, Smith's Hill awl Lordlee-
torti. After the work . III flit• lodge
room the •brethreu repaired to the
Memorial hall, when the R'otn: n's in-
stintte had prepared a splendid sup=
Wan Edith I)e•adma1 is home tram
Edmonton, where :he holds a good
position un the 1' neer-It}- etatf.
341... -Robert Oliver Is re•overing
from n serious 111W -.. the r•+nit of
• no. ]date -glass •.yimdon- In the shop
of McKinnon & Mtn—.,r was broken h
11:e fall of a st<•lrt.t,;,b - while Ih
prw'.ws of window-dressing was goon
T'rngre•so 1.. being mad• In the Inst
!futon of the ITy,lr1-eL0:4ric syst,
111 Brussels.
t salt-
tn by's
s are
„le or
n harm
e a mild
regnln tea
,side In (Briton. ('/,m,.eriling thein Mrs. .\rt ntr Fillior,
Too. 11,1i/tory of Ilnron will sleet i Vit. `ylc,.stre' ,1ue, writ s:__••itnhy's
1n Clinton .,n Tuesday. J11ne 3r'i. 104 11 Tablets have leen f wonderful
R'illis C'oope'r hits left for Enrols Is frill to my'l,Iby, w'ho,1s suffering
for a two months' tour, during which ' from constipation and Ioligestion. i
he will survey the an 114,1 11ra! 81w11ys kt•p the Tablet
beauties of tnnnr of the large t•i'1'' would advise• all moth
of Gr.-nt Britain and France.enThe Ta Het. tr
-- --
.1.11.. dealers or by. marl at 2:1 cent: a
EXETERbox from The itr. Williams' Medicine
1'11.. Brockville. Ont.
Tho marriage took pine,. at"\\'indsor'
011 \iny 13th of tan former Evet••r'
people n a t e ri,l. nits of P.•
trot, ' ,1l -s Leila (;,tnhl. dnnghte•r 'f'
the late Mr. and Mrs. James Gould ((,I,Ij(1RNF.
..f F:�,t.•r, find Mr. F,rnca .1rtu.troug.'
Connell m.•t 1110. 20th as a court of
n former hnrf •rinakrr nt rhe Exeter reci.iou. \ft r .iguhlg the declare-
ere,uu.•r Td 1 Arm treng'tien the followl�g npgswiw were h,k-
t on hand and
rs to do like-
.e,ld by medl-
Tour Advertisement
in The Signal is read by the best peo-
ple of Goderich and district—the
_ people who buy.
.seed osiers ! PROJECT FOR NEW
maitut r.
NATURE produe s the lest of all�aMsWa daF-
In point o[ uty it is fres
and durability it .stands alone. Money moose boy sees
other material so suitable for doming as hardwood,
with a smooth and silky finish. It is perfectly matched ---ll le
seientllkally kiln dried --{t is tongued and grooved on aides and
mads so exactly that a perfect and permanent floor results. It "
you are building Re that SEAMAN -KENT FLOORING is used.
If you have rooms in your house with rough uneven floors—measure
them—ask us foe estimates. You will be dehghtfully surprised
what little cost is involved in transforming these rooms by lbs
laying of hardwood floors.
Red Oak, Quarter Cut White Oak, MapleBirch, Beech --sad each
bas its own individual character and beauty.
See Samples In Jas. Carrie's hardware store
Square. For any further information ice Ito
(.oder•ieh, or phone 170.—After 6 p.m.. pilon .17J or
Public Meeting
Favor of
.,-.Ill • Ward turd 1
.\I lu .
•11h•ert aura-.
*2.50; A. Good, road superintendent,
$1141 Minim Ttrindley, grading,
$2.:10: Edgar \'anstone. grading. $4:
A. 'Morris. grading. $1360: 'rhes WI!.
burning 'Intl 1 11ot k11ow-ittt whi,-lt side
to pct out. my fa,-, gut *chile and
white anti 44 (14,• -us white :I. your
Then. I'soking uls•u
son, salary. 'onstage and equalizing shirt. he lidded: -whiter
union school rates. $let0: Allan Wat-
son. grading, $12.:10; John 'Cobb, re-
moving snow 1:3 \\' ei 11
M. . a ow-., TP
moving .now, $3; Wm. Green. re-
moc•ing snow and resurfacing. $•i:
Tait ('lark. resurfacla,g, $,i; Jas.
Green. resurfacing. $:1: 1'. P. It. rent
TOWNSHIP COUNCILS ..f weigh scales site, $.i; Thos. Shields.
young repairs to township hall. $450;
Wrn. Thoth, removing snow, $25.
Meeting adjourned to .1nne 10th nt
Township Clerk.
y. r. nue )Ir-. c
will reside nt .Winnipeg. ; 4744 up:
Ms- F:•:;I Carling. do I t' of the McEn-,t1 Estate. 111 hove fru A resident of London's 111.1 end.
property' iu whom premiere had !ern bnrnel down,
late Thonu4. R carting. who has le•ett ! Salt ford lowered in nsse•esnl. nt. uu
ta4•tl-tnnt anTM•rt confront of of Luke's i motion of )pr, Ililt 111.1 Mra.. Feagan it met a frknd the next monling,
"A tefrrtAl R
.\ certain young 4ouple ala t were
autrritvl ant,• 118/111 11S ago 4„o• r had a
cloud 10 mar their happim.•ss 1111111 re-
cently. elle morning ,h. young wife
entire to brevikfast lit an extrtttely mut-
' len and uu6appy 0104.41. To all her
husband's inquiries sit,- rc nru.•d p-
! 'ash answers. 4(1, was .11 no better
frame of mind whet' he . ams hutfle that
1 evening for dinner, all ag which lei -ti-
tled the young hu.I.:n. -
F'Inally, Irate In the etening, in re-
ply to his insist:0d atmauds to,know
what The matter was. 44. , wife burst
into tears and rcplied:—
w'as ,....,1„,,,,i
!,•CGM1, e n ntr, he �,id. \ud I i "Henry, 11' ever i dream nguJn that
hospital. N,•w York ('itr, fur ern” had Insured only one side of the prem- i you have klssel another woman
veers. has been apt! dntrd snpvrin- 4 Mr.R'e•sle•y Fisher appealed to hove hies. I- had forgotten the other .ode. 1'11 never sle•nk M ou AA long AA I
asseAament on buildings lowered, an As I saw the pines burIing 1:111 live'.'
tendert of Melt institution.
onearose had leen removed. On mo -
Mr. 81141 Mrs. Arthur :Mitchell nn-
lion of Mr. Hill and Mr. Graham
nnnnce the enengement of their only
,lnn114.110.ghter, lin ,•lle, to .11vin Moir. sun 1t was r.duc,rl $]lq.
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mnir of i-ehnrne. Mr. Wm. Mugford wi.hel In have
the marriage to take place early in
Campbell Ware* has gone to Deer
1.nke, \e-w•fotmdlnnd to take a pe11-
Mon 411441 n 4.1I.(n(I loth enure/my
nn a large prover plant. John Prrde
will Join Trim In a few weeks and
will 1e engaged on the ,'neap work.
Mr.. Geo. .T .\nderenn h. Improved
11, henith and was able to return home
from O.haw lna week.
\\-. .1. 4--hneter of Teevtrnter Is
assisting nt the Ifoleon. Rank In the
aheenee of Miss Lorna ('nmptell. whn
has heti] granted six months' leave.
Mr* \f ,rl'hersnn. whn sun.4 visit-
ing her -Iter, Mrs. i.. McIntosh, of
i,ncknow, for some time. hns left for
her' home in Scotland.
Men /Intl t4 -am. tri; ngain at worn•
on the enmity road between i,neknod
and WInghnm. The eompleteel part of
this marl Is 1n splendid shape, some
travellers stating that they prefer it
even to conerete pavement.
Death enme suddenly to . Cltnrlee
TTatrnin, of Lneknow, on Tuesday night
0110.4 weak. He had complainsd dar-
ing the day of not feeling well, tint
wee able to tyke hitt prompter as 11.-
11al. Later In the evening he wet
found lying deed in the wnndshel,
where he had undertaken to split eannh
wood. Thoth evidently woe due to
hc'nrt failure. Mr. Dnrnin was In hie
misty -ninth year. He Is survival by
Mx wife, nnw, eon. Vletor, whn lived
et home, and a danghter, Mrs. Nomer-
Ball. of anderich. He watt a machinist
by trade and with his son Barred
on n .repair shop here the last few
resat. Thr fnneerel took pleat en
Fridny to i)tlnaannon cemetery,
John F,nglieh and Albert 'h►wle, two
( Lncknow motnrlsta, appeared l'efore
County Megtetrate 'MsXah at Walker -
tort' lest week nn (+hprgee* of epeeling.
Rech plaided minty. with the result
that English was fined 17 and effete
and Towle wee fined 13 and enefe.
The ehargea. were laid by Chief Feilow,
of rioderieh,
Et-Li.11 2
Mr. Strong. whn reee'.y,tly pur-
chased the oho Qneen'e hotel property
at the turner of Queen and King
streets. le having part if the fnundA-
tRtn elatred end Intends to erect A
bongallw this enmmer.
The poise for the Hydro Iighf In¢
ayatem have arrived and will lrw,n he
Owed. The MsmantNag of the old
eiretrie light pales will e,tatmenee in
1 few e'av-e '114 ''•r tow. nil le, el
erkneel for nt>t week* in two
At the annual [tae'Hat of the Wo -
.tr. Alls•rt Mugford and Mrs. Mugford
added to the roll. On mot ton of air.
Graham and Mr. Fisher these names
were added ,
On motion of Mr. Feagan and Mr.
Graham the mime. of Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Wald were also added as ten-
ants on lot 9, concession 2
The court was closed on motion
of Mr. (;ralutm a1111 Mr. }'e'agau.
The regular business meeting com-
melsnsl at 2 11.111.. all members pres-
ent. Minutes of Inst meeting adopted
as read.
(n, motion of Mr. Hill and Mr.
Fisher it was unanimously carried
that a bytuw should be prepared
regulating conditions in the cemetery,
defining duties of sexton, etc.
Mover! by Mr. Iftll. seconded by Mr.
Graham, that the township sill for
$5.(10 the strip of land once bought by
the Lake Short. Electric Railway
and shop)fit:'
neIre,: ley the
cipality and -%tollting jbbc property
owned by the nppllcant, M'r. Wm. Hill,
Goderieb, and that others desiring to
buy back the .aid -land fronting their
property may do so by applying to
council. ('arrieed.
The following accounts were paid:
Ezra Fisher, grading, 110; W. 1111 -
holey, (trading, 110; John Aloin, re-
newing sttow, $4; Tobias Fisher,
grading, 110; Irving Oke, grading.
$7,:10; Arthur Fisher, remotipg snow,
13.00; John Million, removing now,
$5; John F'lic'k. removing snow, $1.M;
John Ilnnnings, removkg snow, $5.:0; i
Edgar Vanstone, grading, 16.75; Roll- -
ert McCabe, grading, $11.25; Wm. Me-
Whinney, grading, 18; Harold Walters,
grading, 12.50; Wm. LI�t. ditching,
117.30; Dominion Road Machinery Co,,
Ltd., repairs, $25,19; C. Alibi,
ditching and repairs to culvert, $21.25;
Chin. Kerr, tile, $3.1to; A. Mugford,
ditching,. $1230; Harold Walters,
I:1; John Feagan, repslrs to culvert,
The best
for the
The Fight Is Still On
Anyone using
Counter Check Books
should take advantage of
for future requirements.
fighting one another, but
signed that will end the
again without warning.
ThTheconditions and order
e manufacturers have been
any day an armistice may be
war, and prices will go up
Don't Wait
A day's delay may mean a big difference in the price
you will have to pay for your nest lot of books,'
We are agents for McCaskey Systems Limited,
leading manufacturersof Saks Books, and can offer the
lowest prices obtainable.
Call and see samples, or a telephone call will bring
you samples and prices.
Orders taken at present prices for future delivery.
may this privilege ay be withdrawn at any time.
e. -Telephone 35
cur P141