The Signal, 1924-5-29, Page 8'Iwc71,11,7 7'7
yew Ma irslir
"lerY�saera "Dismal
law shah wises. Dare►
pgso p
crease s*at$ Mglpg
Wahl Oak Char sad
Lis In Sole
Teti rasa ewe sew hied Bait her
113.11, dirk patilt Wase abash over
OBI Sgat !tai aCompomor abottle of t say
oeseo� of bottles el Ohm
fat Sege Teo Recipe. improved
•ititina sal ether ingredients.
Sea add emonollf` say well-known drop-
is -
oop aattlerdb mad so one uta
otiose hoar is tuning gray et
abemniitg faded have a parptwt await.
sasitat after one ee two sp-
as grog hair mashes and
booms. limowbasfy lurk and
is the age of youth. Gray-
.enpraetire folks mrsat wonted
Melsad. es got May with Wyeth'. Sage
del Salphow Compound to -sight and
Etdelighted with your dark,
hair and your youthful ap-
tbrithb a kw days.
air tNO .r *me Cram"
OPO -I__11i'dowel
11f j1e1• Aeati see ret :risen.' Creat
ei• thea tobldea
a, mhos fbse—tbsy en
�3aaisi ila se MIL
ea gasuiass Tibist. of
�epiis" tw..r.h
pei�plewimsa �' to,��prvebd
sok iRNss or uhoolessadaeb�.,sift iiiehe, T.sth-
W. sof Pala
y'se" Made is
ambits Is traria
1111. et1 BayerBayer]Lisa of
Ilbmeseseieaeidister of Balteylisaelt
• Wbl b N r. well knows that Aspirin
meas. i * naantaettere. to eaglet Um
bri. imitation. the Tablets ot
ayes pan. Ltd, will be stewed
wf4 their resni Inds -aim% the
ohmage t'rw.
IMalsw Out Skin and HgbIM
Osten f1s//M Over NIg 1
Per weigh* Ma a -'--.herb or
bloeshel m tact. meek, trans or body.
you da met have to watteer relief from
9e�1tgm/ea esr mtbsnrraars/M►.p�fdyec *res a
hhetbsiSolpf +md iryre►e
gbST• mast day.
Because of its greens destroying prop-
Orties, Nothing has ever been fond to
tab' the place of this sulphur Pi=
The moment you woe
log begins Only those have had
tly stir troubles am hlnw the
t this ifesgho.Sdphmr brings.
fiery. itching eczema is dried right
a small jar of Rowles Mentho-
ftom say good druggist aid
lase cold cream.
his Swpefad
A y-ntn.-yearold woman at
8*., Pa., has smoked for the
last . ygoir-five ekes. Nbe' a 'eat at
the slily eV slow where *he'll prod
113 fall !kg the bobbed-halr tad.—
�� Asa
re shall be showers of Wearing;
Two is the partse of love;
Vases shall ha asasoos refreshing
lest tress the Saviour shore.
There shall be abeam* of bl.rudng ;
Ob. that today they might fall.
Now as So God we're oonfeasing.
Now as os Jesus we call.
—Janice McGrruahrn
We thank Thee, 0 (hod. for the lift
et Thy Bon, the good shepherd of
Mrs. C E B. writes. "1 washed some new blankets
with CHARM and a little soap and you ought to see
them—they are beautiful.
2 for 25c at all Good Grocers
the sheep May we, having tasted------ - ---- --
the joy of sins forgiven. ►Duce too the
psootae of love that there shall be
showers of bleating. May we know
that we are blest so that others may
through es give glory to Thee. To
this rod we pray that our efforts to
extend Thy kingdom to the utterniat
parts ot t1 earth may be owned Gad
blessed of Thee. And to Thy name
be all the praise. Anima
the Rilhs.
1..... Po•ssgw-iask. 34:11.16,
!b. 211.
GsMis Test—nark. 34:14.
All That 4a known for certainty
about Ezekiel Is furnished by himself
In his, writlaga. We know little of
what he was or did an i man: but
only what be was and did as a prophet.
ile tells' ea his father's mane wan
Rust and that be belonged to the
priestly order. He wan carried away
captive tato Babylonia at Ow same
time as King Jnhot.1In and many
of his subject's. They were settled
by Neb,whadneszar on the bank% of
t►r (`berhar river anti here Eaektrl
was called of Grwl to be a prophet to
hl• exiled countrymen; ■rad here he
exercised bin Cod-glreu p»were on
the hearts and conscience. of his fel-
low -captives. They re...pitied him
as a prophet of the Illgh (:ort:
and they frequently gathered round
him to bear what mew.age he might
have received on their behalf. lie
ever contended for truth and righr-
Pou.oeae and strove after Worm.
He wan raised up to show them. Grwl'ft
own people their tranitgrenalor#, and
how this In their captivity the&
.sight MMMT be repenting 4nefcad of
1n the tint part of the 24th Chapter
leneklel (.11ed to aceount the kinga
and rnione spoken of a. shepherd,
of 1.rael. Thew had betrayer) their
treat, and had dlepleawed God. They
were r•apnmAtele for the people being
POW In exile. for their land lying
want • aad for the destruction of their
holy cfy--Jeraaaless.
Vena 11-16--Gsd's 2i.aeage le the
Bering that they had neglected to
care for their ■beep God wax purely
displeased with them; —"Beheld. f
am aa+ain.t the .h epberda." He
would require at their hand an ac-
count of the way they lad dlveharrrd
their trout and w•oukl deprit.• Them
of office, and take the ,harp under
Hie own protection. Ile would gafh-
Tal Salto w Plush Kidneys and
Help femetrslis:s Irri-
Diad and bladder irritations often
result from acidity, says a noted au-
thority.The kidneys belp filter this
acid 1the blood and pass it on to
the bladder, where k may remain to
irritate and inflame, causing a burning.
scalding sensation, or setting up an irri-
tation at the neck of the bladder, oblig-
isg you to seek relief two or three
times daring the night. The sufferer
In constant dread' the water pisses
aottL ea with i scalding sensation and
is a erg profuse; again. there b dil&
cehy in voiding k.
Bladder weakness. most folks call it
because they can't control urination.
While it is extremely annoying and
sometirwes very painful, this is often
one of the most simple ailments to over-
come. Begin drinking lots of soft water.
also get about four ounces of Jac! Saks
from your pharmacist' and take a table-
spoonful is a glass of water before
breakfast. Continue this for two or
three days. This will help iiewtralise
the acids in the system so they an- - =
are a source
kihation o the
and urinarynegais, which then act nor-
mal again. is reads
jad Saks is l.sxpsnsly. end
fmm the acid of grapes and len,os fake.
combined with lhhh, and is used W
thousands of fonts who are subject to
urinary disorders mussed by acid
father. Jad Salts causes no bad effects
Here you have a pleasam, efferves-
cent Ikhia-water drink which may
quickly relieve veer bladder irritation.
7 all mean. have your physician exam-
ine your kidneys at least twice a year.
k r Infants and Children of M Ages
reeasssssmd N. M. k 1.4 7011 isms
always has- barn eig$atere of
ser them together again, ew•ar'hlug out
the lost. the injured and the sick .ed
restoring thews to their own land.
12ate wan actually drove fir the trap -
'tree in Babylon. for many thousands
mturnal to Judaea under %erubbalel
and Fera : and they found greet 'pas -
tuns' end quiet waters there lu their
noneI*nl. 1h.l re•slund them, not
duly to the milk and hooey of their
nwu land. and to the enjoyment of Its
fruits, but to the privilege« of 114x
v uctusry on Munn Zion. where they
had au altar and s temp!r again. end
the benefit% of a settled 1.rieethood.
Then Iudewl erne they made to Ile
Jowl] in grad posture«. it 64 thus
lar the Seine metsseg• that we have
the 2'tn! I'sahn —Ile• Shepherd
1'.141m. It clone, hr.w•e'er. with;
"14111 1 will destroy the fat sod the
strong. 1 will feel them with Judg-
ment." The Lueri he.. always been
tied is agninet at hentilenneeaa of Ike
f1.w•k against every kind of neglect.
against all uongsdv and tyranny.
Judgment will follow in the footsteps
of trattegrestiet1. Justkc will be
done. 11.«1 has riot for troubled
solid,' but tcrr,r for pmleumptuons
Verses 23 -24 --The ('orrrrnl.
The 'prophet 1111.1 It, more to Ray
to the false aheplerde who. Inntemd
of pr..tectlug. fleeces! the flocks and
.I.•liveral theme no 11 prey to the wolf.
Ile turned f Theca to the flack
eith a tender niessege. in it the
Personal duel In dee•Iarw1 141 he ■ env-
enant God :— "I. even 1. Ile Lord will
he their (led, 1 will WIT( my flock;
they shall no store be a prey. i will
set up one sheith.rd over them; even
my sereaet Florid. he .ball feed them.
and ohm!! he their shepherd." in the
messages that came frown 00.1 to
teeth Jeremiah aril Ezekiel alwont the
restoration of the Jews' there wqe al -
en foretold The coming of ('hrlM that
crest Shepherd of the aherp. Here
he It declared 4n 1e of the lineage
of inevid. and that when he Should
,nine hill kingdom wonted be eienhtlah-
.1 upon the earth and Heil 10t11 Jew.
'I MI GenMhea world be of him fold—
'here wnukI he one alepterl. Rae-
klel further mays' that they whin be-
long to thin fleck who, throng' the
cevennnt of Renee. here 'relied the
.•evennte 0f !MVP. shall henceforth
••ujoy a holy .wcnrlty nnder divine
nrotrr•tlon, "I will ramie the Pell
Ire/1.f. to arae. mit of the land: and
they shall dwell safely in the wllrler-
I11•411 and 'beep In the wtwwl,." In
these wools Fin and Helen. death and
hell. ere 'p.nketu of flgnra lrely ns
Ii•Int rangnlehed. and pence and
.Inletn•te assured. in New Testn•
anent language 14 woukl be: "Ftp
dny•spring from on high hath visit-
ed nm. a give light to them That nit
in darkness. and 4n the *Widow of
death. to guide nnr feet into the way
of pea.P" Through ("brief. God 1..
liver! his people not only from thing.
they hnve erasion to fear but from
fear Itself. "They .hall know ihet 1
am the Lord," for there shall be
shower' of hleaxing. They that han-
ger and thirst after rightaoi, nese
obeli he filled. They' who are, the
'sheep of the Bond Shepherd are lel
In his p.Rtnreew and blessed with all
spiritual Meowing:. in he•arenly things'
and are. therefore. hound to do all In
their power to mnkr themselre. blew
Into to the world. "Freely ye have
receival. freely give"
"1/ They Knew Him"
(By Miles F. E. Clenrihne Khnrnnl
Seven hnndral women. and ell
einging to the nerompanlmrnt of mi-
erRdwl Internment's. and clipping of
hands' ' ' Thlx extenhbing debt
wax met with In one of TueNtti. !m-
o-ealled mitered ekIme. The women
were widows', and had .rante from ev-
ery part of incite. hnping In this mar-
red pinee to atone for the eine that
11a4 mode them, that de'splsed thing
In non-rbrisitlan India- a widow.
lint what are they Ringing. ax they
alt 1n the temple garden, many with
.54 and Apathetic Nees? TJsten'
They nre chanting the nines of the
Hindu mule. The menotoono strain
gots. en hour niter tom?.
The Righf fewinet.•.. wlrlle it .ad
dew rate. Thnnghtx flew to the trent
.marelty of Bible-wonMn In Cnufrnl
India. if thew wnmrn only knew
J.•.ete' If iher were singing for Him
In the Illtle convene who peiddle%
tied ridings. what victories, might he
won strong btu. women of 1041.'. vll-
laget where. of vet. Rmlvatlon's story
has rear hero Mkt
/ ...mer.
As the .parting InsIWetlatlm were
being given" the fresh )taril eom-
merelaI traveller picked rap hie hag
and Mortal on hie InINel tip. "flood
heck to you" mild hie chief; "wire
no important news."
The following day thin
was ree.lred • "Reooh.d here safely.
gond noone with hath. feeling fine."
The ma nester wired hack: "Ire
glad. lore and khans, good-bye."
Assistant to !•resident 1J. Y. 11.
Mr. Charles J. Smith, who, in ad-
dition to his duties as general man-
ager of elevators and warehouses, has
been appointed executive assistant to
the president of the Canadian Na-
ti/mud Railways. is well and whirl)•
known le railway and steamship cir--1
cies, baring beeu connected with '
several of the leading traaspurtatlea
compaalss in both Canada and the
United etatsa.
Mr. 8mlth is a native of Hamilton.
Oat., having been bore on Marsh 10,
lags. He reoelesd his education at
the Hamilton Collegiate Institute and
Wentworth College. He married, in
June, 11194, Jessie L., daughter of the
late Robert Rrown, of Montreal, and
entered the railway service in 1879
be was for some time connected
With the old Grand Tru.rk /tenacity,
and before Joining that organisation
he was general manager of the
Richelieu k Ontario Navigation Coutr
pony, prior to which he was general
tragic managed ot try Canada At-
lantic Railway. He has been aloe -
president of the Canadian Railroads
Accident Insurance Compauy and
president of the Dominion Marine
Radio Waves.
Bankers have their human traits,
too. A story Is told of how two To-
ronto business mem discovered this
the other day. The two men, who
have lived In or about Toronto prac-
tically all their lives, htve beenaneet-
lag only In Atlantic City, where they
seek a brief winter holiday. Ths
boardwalk being a great sltterout,
they became acquainted ,there. but
seldom saw each other at home. Th •
other day one of the men happened
to be In a trust company other down-
town, where he offered a cheque for
cashing. The manager did Got know
him, and, while not doubting, decided
to take precautions
"Do you know anybody around
this corner?" he asked his visitor.
"Yes, I know Mr. So -and -So. across
the street—there be Is at the window
"Very well, wave to him then."
said the manager.
The man with the cheque waved
hle hand to the man across the street.
There was a brief he.Itatloo, then
cams a wave back.
"That's good enough." said the
manager. and paid the cheque.
Alaska Salmon Fisheries.
The capital investal In the Alask■
salmon fisheries runs Into mass mit
lions, and the average value of a sea-
son's catch la 17.250,e00.
The Nov Orpeist
Two men w•niked Into Weetminntrr
.ti,ley. and nue of them listened, en-
n lptnred. to the strains of the organ.
"That's Handel," he mnrmurrt. "He
gainer rery well," returner) the other
la Proof That 111. Blood is Thin
and impure
1t Is the blood flint Ore. color to
the cheeks, end lip., ,is well at bright -
'ices to the Pyre. If your blood gets'
thin the valor will fade and the eyes
grow dim. Tlv the time this, happens
run will notlP that yeti tire welly
not rare subject to itisdaehee and
haeki, tt,e. for the blood gen every-
where and the entire system feels the
elfrets when It berromeee thin. I)r. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills t•ontaln the elements
netemery to enrich the blool, anti this
tetter blood etrengthena the nerves
rind all the organa of the tidy, brings
n glow of health to the cheeks, bright-
nema to the Pyre, and it general feeling
of renaJFed he•*lth and 'strength, Mina
Flnrenee Johnson, Stratford Ont..
who ham proved the valne of T)r. Wit -
Hems' Plnk P111. in emcee of this' kind.
exp. r—"A few rear's ago T was great-
ly elan down : mr Wood woe very poor
And my nerrona ayetrm In bad .hap..
The dneMr geld my condition wax tine
to improper dirt and leek of fresh Or
I. then commenced wting Thee fond he
adwIFal and went nnf daily. fora walk.
1 414 not Improve. however. and was
ranch dler onragal. A friend marbled
me In try Dr. Williams' Pink P111.. 1
lost no time In getting n termer end
can truthfully any tint when 1 had
finished the firef iw.x i could note an
Improvement. Prom then on the prdg-
rrue was Moody. My erne ;dee ion
which Tied been pale end wallow, be-
gan 10 'eke en o healthy glow. 1 felt
a great dent stronger anti my appetite
hctme normal, and None my heellh
wens folly roomel. Hetnre tieing T)v.
WIhibam.' Pink Plhha 1 did not know
anything about their wnndrrenl gorier,
Hem. hnt now 1 recommend them to ell
anffering from abettor ailments,"
Ton con get these pills from gee
memlclne dealer or Lr mall et 111 Bente
• le.r from The Ihr Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brndtrfll . tat.
Oeorp, In His Rook of Reses ata-
oroop.. TeUa of Life With Moms --
lied Kspes•teooss W1th Wtld Ani-
wrals — One is:lepbant Walked
'elokt-Rope. Another Chased Elm.
The death 1■ the United States,
within the last few months, of both
Pete Conklta, inventor of "pink lem-
onade," and his brother George, the
famous wild aaimal trainer, removes
two links with the rough and tumble
strew of days guns by. Both of
them worked for years In "the great-
est show on earth"—Barnum and
Bailey's, which a generation ago used
to erect its big lop on vaunt com-
mons where solid blocks of houses
stand to -day. The first Job be had
with the circus. says George Conklin
In hla book of ramtnlecencsa. was
with the Haight and Chambers' show
la legit He used to ride ahead of
the outet on horseback and advertise
Its Doming. The bill -poster was un-
know thea, and Oeorge's mods was
to canter Into the public square of •
town, ring a bell, collect a crowd, and
smoother by word of mouth the int-
peleding event.
Tights with the toughs of the
towns through whish they passed
were daily events with the clrcu.tnen.
The cry of "Hey Rube" and the thud
Of stakes in the bands of sturdy can-
eraamen as they repelled the advance
of the townsmen were part and par-
cel ot their lite. Tor more than
forty years George Conklin lived the
Perilous lite of the animal trainer.
and had one elpertese' similar to
that of the lion -tamer at the Toronto
lexblbnion Coliseum last tall. To the
day of his death, Conklin earned the
marks of • lion's teeth. Tama aced
again he was called upon to capture
wUd beasts which had broken loose.
Once as audience to Madison Square
Garden, New York. saw him dragged
up two pair o1 steps and out lulu
the street by an elephant that had
suddenly gone mad. Conklin, who
finally got control, was haughty ouzo
It by an iron hook which he had
jabbed through the animal's ear.
1 On another oecaalon, iu Bridge-
port, Conn., he arrived at a stable
wherein one of Frank Rostock, the
3ingllsb showman's lions, got loose,
was surrounded by • gang of men
(outside) with drawn revolvers. The
animal was .allsg • horse, but Conk-
lin got Into the 'table, and by Judici-
ous use of a revolver filled with
blanks and a whip, drove the animal
Into a cage. Samson, a monster ele-
phant, however, nearly did for him
out to Idaho. Cage atter cage was
wrecked and hurled aside as the mad-
dened creature made for Conklin
who, getting out of the circus tent
mounted a horse and galloped away
After him thundered the elephant,
trumpeting with rage and gaining
fast despite the shower of buckshot
and the bullets fired at him by a
group of cowboys who joined In the
melee. fortunately Conklin espied a
string of loaded ore ears and was able
to get through a gap In them, and so
elude his pursuer, who, wedged Into
the opening, was finally captured.
First man to make an elephant
walk a tight rope was George Conk-
lin, who taught a pachyderm named
"Tom," this trlek. He began by mak-
Ing the animal walk • six -Inch plank
on the floor. Slowly title plank was
raised from the ground until finally
a timber was subetltuted. When Tom
was sure enough oo his feet, the tim-
ber was wound with rope so that to
all intents and purposes It became a
cable. Another favorite elephant of
Conklin'. was Lalla Rooth. This
amiable creature one day ate five
pounds of tobacco and gees her
trainer an anxious time. The ele-
phant, according to Conklin, 1s the
only animal which will work over •
trick In its .pare hour., and strrve to
master 1t. Again and again he would
find his elephants practicing by them-
selves stunts he had been teaching
them. Once he took a baby elephant
Into • children's hospital to amuse
the youngster.. Travelling on the
road In the old days he got many •
good free meal at farm houses en
route, by getting Queen Anne, one
of the big beasts, to put on • per-
formance. Queen Anne, wielding a
monster stake, also put tear Into the
hearts of rowdies • who wanted to
rough -boat the show.
The lion that moves about Is not
a dangerous animal, declared Conk-
lin who, though he had trained be-
tween fg and 20 cages of them, was
only attacked and impend once.
Hyenas he lamed, and zebras he
taught to pull a eart like horses.
Once, after a rhinoceros had broken
loose and rushed at the eases folk.
be charmed the ugly brute back into
a cage by a simple .xpedleot of lay-
ing a trail rt its favorite food, car-
rots, to a spot bobbed the bats. 13e
tells bow, In the old days, when the
circus was touring the west and
southwest. bad men demanded tree
'tickets at the rad of revolvers- aad
got them—and bow feudist*. gun-
ning for each other, came especially
to the show to gat a •bot ■1 their
1 His brother, Pete the clown, qult
the Jerry Mable Show In Texas, In
1817, when the owner refused to pay
him the same salary u the famous
Tony Pastor, whom he succeeded.
Twits then, they say, that Pete, by
sheer acoldent, Invented that (easels
circus drink "pink lemonade."
Bqulpprd with a team of mules, a
democrat, a bag of sugar, • lemon
and, a large package of tartgrle add,
the erstwhile clown has malting a
living ..1Upa drinks. Reins s crt of
water one day• in a Ory oognto, he
•nn.;ed a pall In which a slrsus rider
had rinsed bis pink tlgbta, and made
ble lemonade in this water.
A Sew '*vile..
tee takes four and a half years to
travel from the Annie Ocean north of
filberts, to the Most Greenland est -
rent, where it begins is affect ear
own weather.
Soothii7g, .'eco', s Safe For
Pat Macre." was in search of •
sew house. and at last, after many
weary months of unsuccessful .earth,
be• found one which be thought would
1/e• Just the thing.
Accordingly he went at once to see
the agent about It -
That gentleman at once gave him
the keys and accompanied him on a
tour of lnapectlou around the premises
Looking out of 'one of the back win-
dows, That remarked tient the railway
nu rather close to the house,
'The trains do make rather it
volae;' the agent admitted "They may
interfere with your sleep at first, but
you'll get accustomed to that after
the first two nights."
"Arrah. &burr. 01'11 not want to
get accustomed to It a1 W. !lir."
swered rat, -caw Ot da .�-
an' stave in me aunt's kisil
couple o' sights!"
A lady bad curve to u artist's
studio to leek at his *toms At
end of two hours she had
lndkatlot that aha would like 10 bel
ore, tboltgb the artlet bet pstie!fikr
Vile round explaining their tiltfPF
points. At last she said: "yl 4012
man. I seceder 1f there h avows
rather In the world than yea artiste.
ever your pktur'esr
"Yes. nidam," was the reply, 'liar
effort• to aril them."—The artfai
Just What You've seen Waiting Foci
Annual STR. GREYHOUND tseunion
Goderlch to Detroit 't
'calm Tuesday, Jump 10
•3.50 round trip '2.25
It to use
for er. %o) t1B t-Z7t is ib�r Pres ookl rk
11tlrita Hsmd OftiOR
Frost Fence , •. FOR , Hard Wood
Baled Hay .6 Baled Straw
Hotnetitemd Fertiliser Rock -Faxed Shingles
Rubber-tird Buggies
Hamilesp Serest
Pham. 1M O0DU,CH