The Signal, 1924-5-29, Page 4d--llrarsdae, May 2Y1 19011 A Real Suit Event MEN'S FINE SUITS $24.50 We got an opportunity last week of buyir Mill -finish Wort!teed Suite in blue with dne l' fashionable just now. When we buy cheap it is 0 our eustoltif[i. Made in smart young 'neve'. et eut and tailoring sire exceptionally gam. When it conies ' re are Suits that give you the idlest mcaaure-•iitura year clothing dollars than Alt antici- pate. Step in.i.tsaad see for yourself. Slues 36 to 40. Others at $22.50, $27.50, $30 and $35 ole >e -very W. C. PRIDHAM & SON In Their New Stand Next to E3ank of Montreal. Phone 57 GODERICH CARLOW CARLOW, '%lay 27. -Mr. Ikea Keehnie, of Stratford, and Mrs. Kechnle and son William, of Blyth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mandel ou Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Dick of Kippeu, spent Sunday with the Maedels. A number from herr attended the tea -meeting at Bettmliier uu Saturday evening and report • epleadid suppwer, a good program and a large crowd. Mhos Pearl Wlisou, of Toronto. who spent the holiday with her parents. ]Ir. ami Mrs. A. W fisou. returned ,to the city on ThesZ wiB"meet at the home of Mrs. John Young on June 4. whew Airs. Dunlop_ of Goderh•h• will give A report of the Provincial annual meet- ing of the W. M. S. which was held, at Hamilton recently. We are pleased to report that Mrs. A. !'lark. who Wag Injured In an antymoblle accident on the Huron mad on Ratnrdnv lust. •I: •freliug anm.what Metter and v111 be able to be removed to her home In a few days. air lint Filintt . f \it THS SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. cement work ier lir. W. Iteau'a house. POUT tL& EKT Mr. 24 • sat# tea. D. Dean visited • t Ix.o ItIfrdou �w�day. too w,•n•ta•,• was held ki the eterlan church on Sunday last, at which time nine persons united with the • hurcb-aeveu by profeaaIon of ttaith and two by eertlfkwte frau utlrer churches. Y Anstorsairy services will be held lu Smith's Will chorea, the first or see- nb sandy la July and the annual lawn medal eft tie following Monday evening P'uti particulars later. GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERiCH TOWNSHIP, May 27. - Mr. Edward $owerby and Miss Noble accompanied by his mother spent Sun- day last at the home of Mrs. $nuw•- des Stanley township. Mr. David Warner and daughter Gladys heft on Saturday 1.r• BaY City. Mkhigan.' where Mr. Warner's brother la very sick. Owing to the wet weather on the 24th the Inion Sunday aehoc.l ptenle %as ,m.tpwued, Mr. end Mrs Edward Loans. of Stratford. a wut Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Sowerhy. Rer. Mr. Whitfield otupled the pulpit at Polon church on Sunday la sr Mlaa Bessie Datldaon. of Loudon. silent the 24th at the home of her parents. The annual meeting of the Gods rkh Township Hospital Auxiliary Wax held of the home of Mrs. C..1: Groves. Huron road. on Tuesday af- ternoon. Turing the year the sum of 8223.00 was raised, intending $113.- SO 113:RO from sale of ticket and $ld).i.S5 from eerdeu party P oelsl evening and lee tea. 51OQ was donated to the hoe - Oral bnllding fund and the 'trooped'. from the sale of tickets were handed to the Hospital .auxiliary of Gude- • 1. 110inc tlteric•h. The S. A. GRAY CO. - SUCCESSORS TO ----- GRAY & CARTWRIGHT In extending our thanks to the people of oderich and vicinity for their patronage, we wish to state that the presen management will spare no effort in giving the public the beat service that a can render. Good Goods at the Right Prices shall 6\ our motto. Any goods we sell shall be backed by our guarantee of quali , and any service we can render in the way of special orders shall have our ersonal attention. i GINGAMS We are offering this week, commencing Friday, May 30th, to Thursday, June 5th, our entire stock of Anderson Scotch Ginghams. These' are a beautiful assort- ment of checks and plaid designs, widths 32 and 36 inches. 20 pieces of 36 -inch Anderson Scotch Gingham. Sale Price, 44c per yard. 50 pieces of 32 -inch Anderson Scotch Gingham. Sale price, 39c per yard. TOWELLING LINEN TOWELLING -We have seven pieces of pure Linen Towelling, 16 inches wide. These are a fine weave and are trimmed with a dainty red or blue border. Specially priced, 19c per yard. • TERRY TOWELLING -This is a heavy -weight, pure white Towelling, 22 inches wide. Specially priced, 49c per yard. CURTAINS We have several pairs of odd Curtains, in various qualities and prices. If you can use a single pair of Curtains you will find a quality and price in this assortment t° suit your needs. CURTAINING BY THE YARD in qualities $crime; marquisette, madras and net, in shades white. ivory and ecru. We have just received several new pieces and all are displayed in our Curtain department. The S. A. GRAY CO. Phone 56 1'OHT AI.10:1tT, May 2' .-The com- mittee in charge of tnvltatlous to the juthi ee service. la St. Andrew's ekurck segue* that all who dewire to rend inrltatlosa have sautes end ail deemed placed lu the hands of ti committee not later than Sunday, Jung 1st. DELFADT BELFAST. May 27. --Mr. 4,1 ,1 qtr. Will Lane and flatly, of 1111)1ey..rpr .: Saturday last with relativer in 111. burg. Mrs. Pap, Graham and daughter, of Port Albert, visited with her mother, NM. D. K. Abtun, laxt week. lir. and Mrs. George Hunter and emus, at Zloa, halted In the burg aNMhtrday last: . Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Henry visited at the•hotie of Mr. and Mrs. t; orge Hunter, .of Zion, one day Scat week Mr. and Mrs. John ,Bradley and 54.11 Sidon. of hurter, vhdt•il at Mr. Bradley's former home here ou'Sun L.y !aste Mr. irate Nixon and mother sl. •Lt Sunday at the tome of 31r. and Mr- John P;mmertou, of'Klplongb. ST HELENS ST. f1Ff.EJ'$,._ L 2li.-fhtt. t- for- get the play. "Bashful Mr. ,Bobs." under the auspices of tlit• St. An gnettne-Women 1 !not ltti .; to he giv- e n by the Rt. Aaguiitine Tramatie club on Friday evening In the St. Helens hall. Mr. Gallon and Mrs. Gollan and Dr. Taylor of IndIt were the g uests of Rev. and Mrs, Cumming ou 1onrlay. ' Mist Irene Woods spent the week- end at Stratford. t- .The Sr. HPIPna Women's Institute held thislr annual nieetinc on .Thurs- day, May te.. at tin• home 'of Niru T. Phillips. with .t good at- tendance. 'The follewitr officers were ehrted: President. Mrs. lien.. W.;hh: che-president. Mrs. 1). P./Milos: sec- retary -treasurer. Mr- R. K. M111er: district direetora. Mrs. 1I. Naylor. Mrs. W I. )fills r, Mrs. td. Thom: andl- r,•r-. Mrs T. Told and Mrs. W. 1 \ 'ler: planlat, Mrs. W. A. Miller NI.. G. Stuart. The financial report i •wed a very snceers:fnl year. HENMH.i.FR • PENIIILLER. May N. -The tea - non -ring nerd cnnert held at 1tAn- :nllter Methodist chnr,h nn Victoria flay proved o great srwec,•.a and wn• rtrended t;v a large crowd. A tantn- 1 .ars .nater was PPrrnd he the ladies In the church shed cnmmeneing rat 3 p.m. Following the tripper. at o'clnek, n splendid concert was mut nn in the ehurch. Rer. W. it. )foss. the pastor. meted as eharrman. frehee- rra music was rendered be the Enox hnreh Ponder school archer. tri rat e;nd,rir•h miler the Leadership of Mr. )tac,lnnald Gibbs (organ') and enna1s- Itfnr of Edna Hunt, Olive WhItPIy, rlolhrs: Clyde Curter, Rtdney Palmer. clarinets: Stanley Porter. cornet. and Fred Weir. trombone. The numbers r.:. -rcd fir them worn: March Rn- rmrine March Majexthe, Handel's Larne ComnntInn Orertnr.. Fifth Xoetnrne and lytrtotle Overture. Vocal *nine were Oren by Mr. Fred Hntmes and were well received by the indience, who demanded nn encore for cinch of the three numbers he ren- dered. Hnmornns nrltatlnns were elven be Master Melvin Good and Mr. Tom Cutts' and addreenes by Rev. J. E. Holme. and Her. r. R, Hanes. of .tuhnrn. Mr. Wanes also sang two suns. ` The excellent program was hrnnght to a close with the 'driving of (sol are the King. The procveeda amounted to about 5140. • DUNGANNON Di NGANNON. May 27.-M i R s Amber McKenzie, of London, netted her home here on the 24th. She and her parefits. Mr. find Mrs. M,Keindc, spent the weekend at Wing - ham. Mr. G. M. McKenzie motored .tnTer- onto toe the 24th, and returned on Sunday. lir. Lorne 'leKenalo maile a trip to Toroutn on Wednesday for another new ear. )tial R. Errington. of Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents, M'r. and Mrs. T. Errington, Inspector Tom visited the public achooi on Wpineeday of this week. We are glad to report that Mea. Chas. Elliott ix Improving In health nkrly at prexent. Lawrence Pentland has the contract of painting the verandah of Mr. Cnw- ford'a summer cottage at Port Albert. Mr. Crawford has Improved his cot- tage very much. and now has a beau- tiful, resort to while away Rome bot summer dayk. and enjoy a life of retirement and ase. The 1. etnre and views of Western Phone 86 COLBORNE'S STORE Wonderful Silk Sale $1.69 a Yard These are of the beat quality, bought at a bargain, and we are offering the public this wonderful opportunity of getting first-class quality at a very low price. $ 1.69 a Yard, 36 inches wide. SKIRTS All -wool Crepe Skirts in wide and narrow pleating., Colors, black, navy, cocoa brown, silver greys and biege. Prices $4.50 to $8.00 each. All -wool Cream Flannel Skirts, pleated, at $5.00 each. • PRINCESS SLIPS A beautiful range of Princess Slips, in English Broadcloth, in all shades, at $3.50 each COLBORNE'S STORE ' "THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY " euodttious exllbited by Mr. Gray in Erskine church on Monday- evening were much enjoyed and .appretated. -A goodly number turned out and Gots assisted the Mission Band lu tin nohle work. Moving pictures are too he exhibited in the Methodist church on Friday evening. - R'ESTI°7EL.D WE$TF IELD. May 27. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhnuse, of Brueef old, atom, the ween -end visiting friends in our vicinity Messrs. Fred Cook and George Snell made a badness trip to Loudon last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mellowell and fam- ily spent the week -end with triende air Brumfieldand London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell at- tended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Hiles of Londeshoro', Sun- day last.. Ju spite of the Inclement weather the play entitled "Robby and Mary" ea MP off last Friday evening. There was a good crowd and all were pleased with the program. Mr. F. Campbell attended the Gode- rich diatrkt meeting of the Metho- dist church on Thursday brat at Gode- rich. A lumber of the relatives from around here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. R. Cralgle to Malt - land cemetery on Wednesday of last week. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. BABY CHIX1 The early Pullet makes the Winter Layer. Ridg- crest stock excells as winter producers. Write or 'phone for our Circular. Inspection and comparison invited. Custom Hatching We have some space for custom hatching. Charge 5 cents per egg. RIDGCREST FARM R. H. & H. K. REVELL GODERICH KING$BRIDGE KINf7$$Rl1(3E, May 21l. -Mrs. J. C. , Dalton and little daughter. France*. are visiting relatives In Lon- don and Ingersoll. • Mr. and Mrs. F. Pope and fatally' are visiting Mrs. Pope'. grandmother. Mir.. Jas. Dalton. . were read. Mn. Das MacLean far- ' ored the meeting with an Instrumental number. Arrangements will to made for the annual garden party to be held In Jun, The unsung came to • close with a loetrty cote of thet:ka to Mi,. Bradley ti r the use of her home. after winch tee hostess served refreshments. The next meet lug. to which evrrytioly is invited. will be rlece garden par:y, some time le June. ASHFiEiJ) ASHFIELD, May 311 -Mr. and Mrs Hardie and Tom e'ameron, of London. are visiting rat the home of Mr. Ilar.11Pe parents, the Manse, for the week -end. Miss FIQn Mactouald was visiting some of her friends on the Gravel road this week -end - Mrs. A. MacGregor, who has been quite ill, is able to be up ■rad is doing quite nicety. -- Mr. Frank Washington was visit- ing ld• pareeta near Auhurn at the week -meal. We are sorry to report that Mrs. (Rev.) Hardie 1s not improving any.. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside are Irev- ing Ktnrail oo Tu -day, May 27. rhes intend making their home at Rayfield for the summ.r. The Klntale-t.'. la W. O. Club hehi It monthly meeting on May 21st at the home of Mrs. Jack Bradley. There wits • good atteudan•e despite the wet day. a large amount of business was discussed and very good papers Our Business Is to Save You Money We positively do In New and Used Furniture Call and be convinced. nu 1s Year Steer. Use It. Blackstone's Furniture Exchange on the !triads ay of (..slerich HERN'S BOOT SHOP Miner Rubber Footwear There is no Pubetitute for Miner's. - They have been tried and tested and found satisfactory. We carry a complete range in Tennis high and Low Moss. Bowling Shoes. See our new Bowler Work Shoes, in brown mad black, with extra durable Hoke. Children's Straps and Sandals, Oxfords and high Booty. Boys and girht, be sure your Running Shoes have the Girl (Snide or Boy Scout Fmbleenms on the sok. They are genuine. We have them. Square HerresBoot Shop Phone 43w SPRING WORK We have a full line of Garden Tools. If you are doing any painting, see our line of Canada Paints and Elephant White Lead. THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES TIRES K. and S. Tires Firestone Tires HILL'S HARDWARE CO. AUBURN KEEP YOUR BARGAI1V EYE ON THIS PAGE NEXT WEEK The Greatest Event of Its Kind Ever Held in Goderich FRI"n1,,°P�„ES6th It's Our AnniversaryCelebration- s�.eorens FRIDAY, JUNE 6th 0 vats 14r Lr Aitac: