The Signal, 1924-5-22, Page 9•
I r'i hre l That
1,, ll sit ;S1:r?,
., �;.. .,,. w. 1 Ilya n.rut
rvl1.)li " i ..•1
W rruo )'lreas ed
{gr.l inn.
.u',I, �, ne.IneullY Nee at
, .�• , d,:, u. ; tin•
flirt tet'
t u 11 , ,e blood atarea
cur.u,; , foals ars re -
labor 4" 111. u. Id The sore
IV YIII.'at .1 Nnl sad Mal
'ruts, Il.. n ;u: tttr or ala
Vhrr. •h. . al 1001
tad uc r'u a '.,, oppeut-
IIU1., .t. .. art sot
that 11 * (. I> ♦t. o• erruppl/
)r won' milk lbau .04w!
agry at sue tune, Yd
u also pn Wtd) altered
dub to the utuheauug of
during labor to the held.
is permitted to uurse sad
• lays et ruck pt'ac111r, di.
1202.108141. 7be dla.a4e usual/
10114 uta duirruura. The
ass Hull, way brie ab4ute-
Iles down a that ut
Loses &sprint, ata) b. as
;hag 41.4 1.1.:1.111,01 aukpuro.
atgu from tar 4)13.
;.un Is the must desirable
'q this dtsurdrr t.1. n.4 kept
cresting no4:.tri t• udl•luul
ale'aud brat. 1: t.'•• u:arl
1, este should b. takes uta
al her ?Y item. .rad mot
er away from 1tot tut
a curer ur .(uu,..:ett,. 11
• is distended
ut the C011..•ti. .••••i bf
are permituug i ti t u
it aal.11.44) coudh. • ,J'uul
or 101 s e•Ula le the Let,
9041 that 4n. bra s g,•su W
should We euvu as to pre
real, healthy milk 4t.+.
ant --l1 'there Is a comp
mate veterwary pracuuus.l
It la *d►lwble to II Itis
• u./ veterinary lstawe
toe witowan* t lure*
.en. Give a swan 4
rad tulluw with au 1 lata
tt diarrhoea cu sae
checked by glvlur
r chlorodyne and u.
Id eggs, or milk eel
••n lrequeat:y and 1 ,d '
mtil condllseas are a a.
.r) Inpur.aat; out rift
tiled the colt? A &amble
re lost (sacn year. Is evtt?
rough gastric I.updcI .$ _
.cc.rnue during the art
•wu.g weaning 1u foals that
d loo young. The nail
•as been dealing with wile
ich during the first three
rad it has u.,l developed to
•n that "will in .mit of the
handling of coarse feeds.
hat is weaved too early la
t disadvantage. It has de.
on Its mother for the great.
Its food and also protucUoa.
ly deprived of its mother.
eta quite a shock. it may
Darned to drink and teed by
may not know the where.
the feed stud water supply.
have beeu with their stable
usually know the ways d
But the colt that has run
a pasture field with Its
1 its life has pot had an op
of such experience, and
fly 1s at a loss when sud-
en from the field, trend*
the stable and separated
mother. The colt alts*
Is excited and may fret foe
a, refusing teed, or eating
au, which usually occur
e oays after weaning. '114
le down a good deal of the
ds, becomes restless, show-
n.. dowu and gets ups
rgular, some distension pf
1 evidenced ea touching rse
mach, temperature may t»
1 at start and Increa..tug
antes sleepy and stupes,
fait. Post mortem @Luwe
ch to be full, much ear
Its thin and pale 1n cuh,g
intents a doughy mass.
•nt--1t the case has react,.
of development whet.. tail
•py, stupid and *tassel), la
cast be done. Tim earlier
be rcileved by the appht".
staid, hut blanket, or a
'Unseat to the abdomen .1g
vartu enemas given. Y&Y
1t to•driva 0y putt►ug sal
t mouth. Glee' bay t,;
lee, hypvsulpbate of s•••4
ant warm water. Komi",
f little use. friction t...,r
he abdomen gives souse tea
or la very Important.
Bing of colts should be gross
not until tht colt is well
be ways of feeding and the
to of teed. A little stress
c.i.t a month ahead
'that it is deck'rd to 'emus
i its mother wits sere oar
rouble islet,
t Sunflower Stalks.
of soudower stalks 1* maid
tbtest vegetable substaie.,
lower pith Is 1■ tact tae
er than cork.
Ill Russia wows the plant
sly cultivated. ever? part
It is put 10 SC41 811.
• In particular is carefulltr
'Om the 'tad( rod used MI
mviug app•►u.ces,
O a (creat P00));,
ever look a uua 11
vas talking cLout some.
knew ail about and so
did gat you kat, be
At Is the feeling sad th1
tat tame to use tt10
Dila sad tams orbit he r
- GOD$S[C8. ONT,
Thursday, May 22 1924-9
County and Distric
Walkerton's population increased
by WI the past year and le now 2420.
aamue1 peddle, an old resident of
Wbltechurcb, died May 1101 In his
seventy-third year.
Irene the 11tt1, titre -year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rus -
.ell, of Hay township. war recently
the victim of a very uupleasaut and
painful accident whk•h may result In
the loss of an PP'. The little tot
waa playing out In the yard and
going up to the bark of the manure
preader caught l.ld of some of the
pins In the cylinder. Just at that
moment )jr. Russell, not noticing the
yuungider. Scnd ut e spreader in of the revolving Motion,pine
struck the Little girl tin theface,
inflict/MI "'coral very painful wounds,
e being in the eye. 14 L Joubtfnt
the eye can ly) hared.
R,.t•. s. E. MfKegney, M. C.. of
ord slid a former rector of
t. Paul's runrrh, Clinton. w*a el -
tel president' of Huron Dlocrsan
leriells at the ala4ua4 meeting of that
organtxatiot. In Landon last week.
provincial Road Engineer H. Irwln
addrt'wa41 a me•thul at Clinton Isar
week su unit -I by reeves, conneitlora
and road suls•riutendenta of a num-
ber of Huron county mnulciptllltie..
('lutrl.•s Hoye.., 1...t year ,atelier of
the Clinton junior N. V. 1t. .1, t.•tin.
has Rit..ed up with the"ittrathroy 4.4410
of the Southern Ontario !.rogue. Mr.
Hovey was r.*•ently transferred to
Stratr:toy by the hank with!l he
is (•unneeted.
Rev. Farther c'or'.•eran. of Alt .Car -
mei, assisted in the forty-four hours
devotion. its Zurich Hou,.u, Catholic
dlur•h Last w,.'k.
Hrtwa•cr )1ro•. have purchased a onP-
inn Ford truck fur use its ..nine -110u
wlttt their bee St.dnes..
nevi H Remise. Zurich, w111 Lave
conferred upon hint In Jana. at the
annual meeting of the EvangeHeal
Lutheran Synod of Canada, t0 be
held ut liorabohe, Ontario, the Lit.
It. S. degree from the University of
Eugrue, Oregon.
Joh.. Schluter, of Cavalier, N. D.;
Mr told Mrs. Q. Taggart. of South
(tend, Ind., and Mrs, 1). Ellrabaum,
also of ('auttl,r N. lig are visiting
friends In Zurich.
Rev. 84. M. Haude, 01 Winnipeg,
preached In the $vaogelkeal churn
Sunday. May 11th.
Dr. Aubrey Crich, soh of Mr. and
Mr.. W. A. Crich, of 11eafortla. *r)41 a
nephew of 1)r. and Mrs. Fowler, of
Clinton, who ha* been practising
dentistry ,ht l`alcdonla for some
months. has accepted a idaft,poaftion
In the Mayo hospital at Rechester,
The three bylaw'. voted on by the
ratepayers of Seaford] on Wesh slay
of last week were each and all car-
ried by anbatantlal majorities. as fol.
tows: hell Engine Co. bylaw, Vitt to
71: Huron Flour M1110 Co. bylaw.
3114 to 211, and Canada Furniture Co.
bylaw. 273 to 61.
Seaforth intermediate W. F. A.
team la grouped with Klidnrn,
Itrucetleld and St. Columlwn.
The grafi-1W' (hilt end County Club
utfirinlly opened the season on Satur-
day. May 1021. by means of a
president v.. vice-president 4..t,nul-
me..t. In which the vi,4-president.'
sup1:•.rters were t.twces4fttl, losing ..Illy
one game In five.
Ler. .lanes'. Walker. won of Mr. a:,'!
Mrs. Wm Walker, Ex' -ter North, •yJ.a
lists •nr,•easfnlly
completed Ws conn.'
:.t the 400:trl' Ilental 4'tiie_e. f.
op, ni:.¢ :u, ..A4•.• III Hurllns;t..u.
itlnrr tae ...dinette.' 1404 ..f tu•'.11.I
ling .4$u;pw...t to :•lhe town 14411
by eiertr:rlty iw . ily $12.5. a. veal- I
herr. Mr. Kerr war appointed re-
eerding-steward and Ise. Hamilton
treasurer. Lay delegate.' to the dis-
trict tweeting are 1t. J. 11•M.ver and
N. ai. Kerr, with W. IL Maunders
as eltcrne:". The ('litireh member-
ship sun repo -ted as Loring 225.
Walter Huse, of Brussels, baa
climbed to ,.'ecoa.l position witb his
peau of white Leghorn* in the Govern-
ment egg-Iitying .4101+4 at Ottawa.
7')H• eout.•at rules mull next Novem-
Thousands of people owe Out
splendid Fruit Medietne-"1''ruit-a-
' 11ter"-a lasting debt of gratitude,
whish they gladly pay by testifying
to its merits.
Mrs. Laura Alford of 28 Florence
St., Ottawa, say's: For years, I was a
martyr to Constipation and Dyspep-
sia. 1 have tried cathartics, salts and
so called vegetable laxatives but all
were unpleasant and gave no per-
manent relief. Finally,I decided to
try "I-'ruit-a-t:ives". l have bees
using "Fruit -a -Lives" now for seven
year:; never have Constipation or
L.10 'lack Trouble; and have been in
the Iw•a of health ever siaee. Aly
ton- si..l and children use "Fruit-
s" regularly"
'.Fruit-a-lives"•contain intensified
fruit juleps combined with tonics.
2:n.•. and : )c. a box -eat dealers
- - or .reit a tires Limited. Ottawa.
Stomach Trouble Vanishes
and Montreal Man Gains
14 lbs. on 4 Bottles.
"diner I began taking 11,14 s..Hd4•r•
tul Tenho.. 1 seem to be getting 'ming-
er every day. I have gained 14 lbs.
on four bottle* and everybody speaks
about how well 1 look."
Tbe above statement .was tussle.
recently. by Eugene Lepage, proprietor
Prince of Wales Hotel barber shop.
Montreal, Canada. one of the most
exclusive tonsorial parlors in this city.
Mr. Lepage further said.
..Weon' h trouble had alutu.t .•..m-
plet••ly wr.ek.41 my health. 1 was a
were .ha,low of my former eel? and
s.r nue-dmvvn and nervous 1 thought
1 would have to fire up my work.
"'noble ..ron h,pl me eating every-
thing, sleeping like a log at night and
feeling as fine a4 one eo01d oak to
feel. Aly only regret Is that 1 did not
learn about Troia. long before 1 did."
Taman in for sale by sill pond drug-
gists. Aeept no substitute. Over 40
M1111uu bottles sold.
' Tarlac Vegetable Pill.. for oonaH-
tuition. made and recommended by the
nuatutarturer• of Tanlae.
Writ L. S. Reisinger 'vas made the
redolent of an address and salver'
rewrote by the ladies .of Or Roman
Catholic church prior to her departure
for (oyuga.
eleventy-tbr40 delegates Wert. pre-
sent teem different auntcittalfties at
Wingham horn ball on Tuesday after-
noon of hot week to hear the (ipvern-
ment representative. L'roclnelal En.
giaceer Ii. Irwin. diw•usa tin• grant of-
fered by Bet Oovernmcut to muni-
cipalities abolishing "astute labor.
After a sojourn of eight year. 1n
Whghaw as manager of the Ralik
of Cowmen*, R. S. Williams 1+ mov-
ing to /'ollingwood to a3llm-e the
Managership of the lank'.. branch In
that town. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liams will he greatly Timed in church.
social and club eln•brs in Wlnitlu11n. 11.
all of which they hare played a
prominent part during their reolden.40
pined with 475 to have the held runt
by hand. 111•.' Fa.•ter .•'Snell lona .le.
ride* to electrify the bell. and as'
well b;rave the fa.••s of the 1'a•k t.0 -I
ca.el with glass 11• a protection
against the -dements.
A softball league 11:1s le'on formed
am0110 the rhur•hes mf Exeter.
trthur itrookw•.-il, representative of
the Lions International. was lit Ex-
it. r last week with regard to organ- 1
axing a club here. '17H• pro.l►rts of
a cluto lw'h,g "rgau1z.41 are considered'
Very favorable.
Allss Tenn M.c'nnly he. sueeeded
Edward DItiII% as tuauagcr of the
Dominion Stores. Exeter. Mr. Davies
1N ring s.•VPrM1 III'. 1.0111111.1 ION with
the company.
Rev. A. A. Tniniper .4•I,bntted his
ninth atinieersary a. rw•tor of TrlvItt
Memorial chore!. last Sunday.
On 1Veln•••day. Mac Tth. at Dian -
dart Pentre Il.'t141111•1 Omni), Lon-
don. Mrs. Emma .1. ('anuli.. of
Bowmnnvllle. was married to Jahn
Miner.. of Exeter. Mr. and Mra.
Miners will reside in Ex -•ter.
liev. 4'nnon Gunn.% M. A.. rector of
Christ lurch. 1.010111. is to he the
ep.chtl p exciter in St. I'nter's chnr'$.
l.,w•ktovc. on Jour 5th. 111 celebration
of the fiftieth anniversary of the
opening of .tlgllenu senior* In Lnck-
Goderich District
W. M. S. Convention
The. district W. Y. 8. coureotlun
at .8erforth on Wednesday of last
week was attended by Mrs. Hedley,
Mrs. J. Randall, Mrs. A. Randall.
Mrs. Buchanan. Mrs. B. Wilaou.
Mrs. S. Allln. Mrs. �raig, Mrs.
1'ostelethwatte and Miss Mow. of Vic:-
terga street Methodist church. and by
Mrs. Y. A. Howell. Mrs. Girvin,
Mrs. Aitken. Mrs. F. •Elliott. lire.
Brown, Mrs. Geo. Andrew$, Mr,, W.
T. Murney, Mrs. J. B. Graham. Miss
Mooney, Miss Washington, Miss M.
Robertson, Mrs. Honors, Mrs.
Mel.. and Yrs. C. M. Robertson. of
North street Methodist church.
The following exeelient retort of
the vouventloo is from The Sea -
forth Expositor:
The thirty-rwcoud annual conven-
tion of the Goderich District Women's
Misslntury-So•lety, held to the Mrtbo-
diet Manch. Seaforth. ou the after-
noon and evening of Wednesday, May
1401, N11s most s1H•(rssful, there beteg
a large iiuu►lwr of delegates In at-
The afternoon session began wltb
a hymn and I,,vuoatlun. followed by a
Scripturo !season and devotional rx-
erebie. by )Liss Bessie porter, of
Iwmde.Irorr. Mira. W. J. Andrews. of
Auburn. dist Act PutM•rhre'mien..
tank charge of the bnwineaa (lla'us-
sluu. An ['what Mi. to hold the next
Meeting In Hulut,.yllle 0.1ts ace•ptet.
Prayers were offered by Mrs. McKin-
ley and Mr.. Campbell. The secrotarler
of the various Aituillarle.. Circlet. and
Alissluu Itands reed very Interesting
reports of rtu• vyurk aecomplikhed by
Iter. Finley Mat he..xr of Strut- thptr n•.pa4 tcc +.M•it.tit.s daring the
ford. preached In I.tu•kuow Presbyter- pis? year. Mrs. cork."... and Mrs.
inn church on Sunday. May 1lth. an- F'1trwltlllllon. wain a plea.lne vocal
atvvrsary dry. The offering for the duct, lifter whish )Lr.. AL.rehouae. of
day Was over $:401). Clinton. gale smut. llrlpfn1 sugges-
)tee J. R. Mass. of (:rand Rapids, ion. on "ITow rn milk., our Me•tlug
Mich.. a Kinloss hey, son of the late inier.•.ding.•' \V.• nerd more workers,
I). A. itoww, acopte41 the pnlplt of she *gid. but most of all 8 larger at -
South Klnlow4 ('hurt t 1a14t Sundgy teud111s•e to snake our ww•ting.. in -
iter. Mr. Russ. accompanIe(4 by hiw tcmati..t. con �nyinnr stye Hlg 1i1e
wife and three chlldretl. is vigil -lox -for u.: 1. It tau unu'h to ask that we
-relatltees and friends lit the vicinity give teelve hours a year to this work?
after an alwrncc of several years. Two The meetfllg+-.1.amld tea• 'rp.u.'d and
other w"uw of the late Mr. Rn4s are in closed on tint.•..:V--contest is u mitten -
the ministry and have ehnrg••s in Rask -
did thing. giving ti,.• T1111Jles of the
a)rhrwnn• church missionaries, eta. `Sometimes
Mrs. Donald M4(T)Onnld, one of we are trouh1•41 by a disease celh'1
I.IH'kIIow'. oldest n•sld.'nte ;n.aw1 ••Ruts," rnus.41 by Improper dirt.
away 00 Mondnc nftertaoon of last snmr prayer.. .alar songs, shame wo-
week In her eighty -set -nth year. She men on the program. We .honed have
Juni ieen in failing health for the new spicy pmgrnms.
p4,.'t two years. Sly Is survived by In the nhs.•nw• of Mr*. Peters. of
seven datlght.•r,'. two of whom reside )hIngnntlou. Mr.. .tndrew-s read a
its Llx'know. A third is n missionary paper prepared by her on "flow to 10 -
stud Mr \1'. U Bright was notch ap-
'921144'. v 1'•alnte.', who lug a very
pleasing Ie•r...nulbty, resumed her in-
spiring talk ..n Japan al the ellOglog
laeedN. tine stall she was very
Arad 40 rat the Wumeu's Mise
stonary to the' people cf 341.pan and ninety the greetings
of Iwndr•ta elf T$ttng people there to
the Canadian r.• 1' o
confronting" the Japanese people and
(government are tulle& greater thin
gales. to Which Yrs. 1t laky, (41 Gtdt-
rich. mud. a graceful reply.
The Reeving Session wsileY 'n r blew+
nos'. 1t. Fulton Irwin oe•upled the
chair at the evening aeMaluu. The de- they were, on account of the recent
vutienal exer'etses were conducted by disaster. Arrangements are p••ndise •
Mils'. R. Thompson, of Donnybrook, fora ('hristtau nwa..agr t0 tw lie' and Rev., W. Weldon, of Holmeavilly. In the Govornm,.nt w h4Mols once a
engaged in prayer. Rev. Mr. Ire n week, tout Japan 1c, fur fr.'m twlag a•
In it few rernjls referred to the l'hrlwtlan tuttfuu. 'Chen' ate not tlastsw
Women's eelsblonary Society as being then 225.4040 t'hri tions tun land of
the most economically adminisjerrd seventy wIlliun. \Eloy ..t invent t4'a11ar '
Lr.tltutlon in the world. He made rellglon 11114 their h, I'. but a..t with
dpprectatlre mention of a lady coes their hearts. There encs Lowevor,
ted with the district society who bad many encouraging Ir pr"dnetw ut
not only given three sons In the (creat
Christianity. Anslnus t" emulate the
War hat had also memorialised their
Western nation.' the Hattie:. law taken
lives by making three ladles life -hold of the 1.01x1 wrrlee idea and
mrmMre. The choir gave a well ren- the.suiv*the-children work. The .V1.I-
th. present staff being rZippo ntel. as ('atlonat departments ars• quite dewor-
triet superintendent Mr.. .tudrewe, slued at present on 44' Iuot *'f th.,
read a very encouraging and optiwls- rnrtlaguak.'. Japan Is a Irnd of cortex
tic report of a guc4pge.fnl year. dieting*, changing from old Japan to
There are 114 auxiliaries with a n.•w Japan. They haven't wan anf-
llPrshlp of and 1 "LP nirnl- truer yet. but it meeting was held
Mra, a decrease570. 4,1 1, 114.^34, 14 D'.'. recently 1n a theatre which wait titled
In overflowing to adt.t
life -members, with an !ueren. • of 1. an.• unicrrxal
suffrage. which shows tir•y are eKr!v-
The a111111ary eontributlou: amounted
hut after things they have seen In
to $3,322.70. au increase of 1"_1._7• foreign laude 1? th.•y i .44,• 4,.t Hetually
Thr harmer apxillarlPs are Goshen. tn•t.41 431, 01. The Ica 4.•11 ..f 4'hristianity
withii rnewtwr.Rllp of 15 and an of -
IA at work 1.1 so mnnr'a.t.//. that ono
Tering of $106.10, being an 444erwge .room tabulate!•u. is fast
Iaer eolith' of $7.07 per member. Seen- IMa,nuhnt :u. 4nd i'Irial u.tri .,i. Thirty
forth--mrml,eratlp 52. 1..ntrlbutirag cetIre ago there were :',...1.1,0 ;,....ole
86.77 per mrmlwr, and 4)0- rmployel in fa.tort.•s : ow- 114 r.• are
fano street church. Clinton. having two and .i -half million. !m• too'mnlh
et membership of 124, an offering of child hd.'.r is ew:dmce .I :ted o4,u-
4525 Ind an average per ••:pita of (Lill,4u: rv•gxrding •;I..stnti.•u stud
4,471. The Ins of the /bn•tan.w Clr- morals are 2401 what tli••y .Luna 1w.
ale. which has h -en disbanded. Is off- F• will sell 44 .4r
their de
girls to play
set 1.v the orgunfzatimn of a new circle n). or ...incite n•r. tJes
at i)ungannon. There are now four
prices ranging rap t., 4400. Tlnt•n• Is
4'!n I.•s will.. 0 nnemlw•rship of, 117, more roman...• than re,.t!ty. gala. -
runtrihittlul; x::•1.70, :old three B:11)4he tils.nt the it
icy mf the t.'l' it girls
with ler. members :and 1111 offering of Iu,.l the flow. -r ft.stitai- 'rh.•t.• Is gra
$1(..77. The total amount rai.,.l by urn h w!nnhsr awl 1 drnnket:nt ss at
the 4:oderich district of the Women's tin :pinnal Acs►teal that W.1111! t1 are
So,..ary Siety (vv.• $3.W3:21. 1111 atral.l to t.. out t,. th.• cherry
.f Irl' 1 llitl n el
to plat .1111 Irifk u
The following F.
ill an, m1.y .v is a great u1s•liing f•a• wart among
Air.. R. }'. Irwin. •w•oud.vl by Mrs. th.• faetnrr •Iris. MI•. ('onrtiee ad -
hereat the Girls in 1114 4'irele4,'• to
which she emphasized the advisabil-
ity of getting -.Me point of contnet
and ?hiding some special work for
•h tad
tRp;}'i}I1.1, 4•ac 0.
Miss F. Ncxoncy. of GalcrIeh. in a
BLl-TH • ! conn,-iI met .tpril 14UI ; all Hien)- siewt address 0n "110.' to interest
hers present. Minutes of 'lxrv'11 the ik,ys and GIrlw in the Mission
int•..firm read and adopted. Mrs. I;and; tw4el the iropnrtanoe of tWv-
1Mvidwn. of 14. R. Na. !1. asp eote.d bile a herder who 14 ictally interested
on behalf of said section that a walk In missions and able to get a
ie built from the village to the sympathetic' 1n•ight into the life of
Win. (tell. of Hullett. brought a
Mm's egg Into the Blyth Statelard
office. so say. thin paper, mellowing
"seven by eight inches in cir•umfer-
enteP ..
In.p.etor .1. Ii. Hoag. who paid Ids
tinkle! visit to Blyth continuation
school to Fehrnary last, has for-
warded lila report to the school board
showing everything to be In a rcatiR-
faetory condition under the two'le•rq, MIR* Reba Worsell and Miss
Evelyn Goldthorpe. "The pi -Mello!,
Miss Worsell," the Inspector wrote,
"is a very promising teacher. Her
organization Is 'satisfactory and dis-
cipline gond." Mites Goldthorpe ha.
Aeon granted a temporary certifientr
In physical culture training.
Mr.. Noble T. Adams. an 4esteemeb
resident of Blyth. diel on May 7th
at the age of *ecenty-two year*. )'or
many years Mrs. Adams and her hus-
band lived in the townnthip of HnAPtt.
Resides her husband, three sons and
three daughters survive.
The Brn,'aels Intermediate football
teem I. grouped with Ethel. Wroxeter
and Monkton.
The tulip Mop In front of the puh-
library Is blossoming lurtntlfully
under the carr of Druggist Fox. an
oak•er of the Horticultural I4o elety.
Fordwich. Min)P*worth and Bres*els
telephone directors met recently with
regard to the broadening out of
Meld exchange rates. The Brussels
Poet c omtnente thug: "The plan sug-
gestrd look* as if it would be of
advbintage to all concerned:"
The following hare been reappointed
stewards by the official board of
Brn*selo Methodist .church: Dr.
Hamilton. H. I.. Jackson, R. J.
Hoover, W. H. Maunders, Walter
Rave, Stanley W1ii eler and W. H.
mimed; ale, a grant to the village
library. Regarding grant -moved 1)7 t'mWe. told bow their Auxiliary
Farrlah and Sullivan, no action be works its strangers' secretary.
taken rat present. Regarding walk- Mil., Rai. Andrews. daughter of
0101-01 by Farrlah and Campbell. that the district superintendent, gave an
this 440111411 meet with Wasvnnosh Informing address on ••Orr Work In
esmoel1 at Dungannon on a date to the Fred Victor Mission" in Toronto,
be arrange) by the clerk. The app11- where she Is its charge of one cit the
cation of A. Johnston to withdraw departments, after which a quartette
from R. R. No. 9 to S. S. No. 10 was by the Constance lathes was much en -
then null. Moved by Parrish and joyed.
Jamieson, that conndl notify trustees. Miss R. Courtice, who Is at pr's -
to attend next meeting and show wily ent nn furlough from Japan: was the
request ahmOd not be granted. prlmtpral gpleaker. 51* dealt pnrt1e '
l►n n)4ot1.41 of (oI)t,willory Sullivan Iarly whit fh. work among the cht1-
and Ferri/4h the following solders dren to Japan. In almost every gta-
were drawn on the treasurer: tkm there are from two to tsar kln-
Wm. Holm, lutuling 111e and putting dergartenra. Ther• sr' 196 grott70
1n same. ,rood 1, 44.50; R. Nixon. who are learning the story of Jesus.
snow d O1'eIIig, road 1. $1.01►: F. 1n this way they tmleb 8,000 children
Anderson. snow 'doyenne, rued 1. in whose heart* the aped 1* planted.
41A(►: S. Reid. snow shoreline. road The Japanese children are very re -
1. $1.00; P. Gilmore, snow shoveling. eponelve and fond of their teaeIteril,
road 1. $7.50; M. Igo an. .OMs The kindergarten training school can
shoveling. road 1, $12.75; C, Hackett, never get enough kindergarten teach-
rctuorbag stove, road 3. $5.00; H, era. The training In the Weston
Treleaven. removing *now, road 4, ,'chool* 1e much In advanee of that In
$4LSA): Jno. Scott,' removing *now. the Government *drools and COMM. -
fluently Is mach In demand. The col-
lege at which 200 older Ririe are in
attendance 1* growing at such a rate
that it 1st almost a troubl4. There
are 618 pupils in the high achoole.
Mire ('0nrtice also *poke on the
evangel)*tic work In which she ham
been engated for the pant six years.
The election of officers resulted In
th preaent 'tett being reappointed. an
follows: District superintendent. MIS.
W. J. Andrews. Auburn; a,al.tapt
eupertntendent, Hrs. A. B. Carr,
Myth; seeretary-treasurer, Mr.'. H.
Fowler, ('Ilntnn. t
The afternoon -pension elnoed with a
ulet halt -hour presided over by M1.e
Holmen, of Hotmesvtlle. About 200
delegates partook of a delicious re-
past provided by the ladles of the
Methodist ehnrr1, During the tea
lour the pewter'* wife, Mrs. R. Ful-
ton Irwin, In a few well Minton -words
extended a warm wPICOn[P to the d.le-
the children. Mrs. R. Sherwood, of
tnert•It-r . ',.en.. n a.. .' + - LI".=outs. The men iasis! nn the right
must every 1ux!1(4ry ..cul a bale of , , I and sink their
clothh't la ilit•s 1" th.• lowt•.t 1'114 I": Tharp
I i 1 T
.t. R 4'arr, was pa:•el lulauimnnsir: 4?r.--.•'I ue0) mn ort• ,.,'a•inn at the
"That the member- of the Guderi''th boon hour. Slue 440• also Inviter!
Diatrtr•t ..f th.• 1Vouien'• lli•.!"ny . 1" "i'' in h.•thr•n t",144,. a•.
Ww•1e1y• euuc.nwl In Tho Reafnrtbnrt invert. wn. u.. other a.l••qu:VT ae-
\h•thodi.t church. take tlrl• nptw)r-odatlo4:1,1,:‘,
htnntiv of coking a protest against 1t fh ,I s
road 2. 42.00; R. Menary, removing
snow, road 4, 41.00; F. Austin. re-
moving *now, road 3, 4500; Jae.
Hackett, removing snow. road 2.
$11.25; G. Barger, removing snow,
road 1. },0; Robt. Ritchie. removing
*now, road 2. 44.50; Stanley Hayden,
removing snow, roach 6, $10.50; J.
Bennett, removing .now. rood 0. 110.00
Robb & Bveglai. removing annul. road
1. *3.75; Tho,'. McIntyre. remov-
Ing snow, road (1, $6.00; Ktt�eld &
d 7.
Tigert, removing .now,
$5.00; R. Park. removing snow
3. $7.00; J. Petrie. removing
road 5, $5.110; Wes. Twamley,
moving anew. road 3. 112.75;
Gardner, removing .now, road
422.00; King F•dward Santortuhl.
balance on M. O'Reilly'. board, $719.00;
Board of Health, expentwea, $1A.50:
A. Quigley, ditching, road 4. $2.00;
C. Camphell. grading and removing
MOW, road 2, *10.75; Borne Far-
rlsh, dragging, road 2. 41.00; R. Mc-
Gee. dragging. road 5, 42.40:.1. Sul-
livan. filling washont, L. R.. rad
3, .30; R. Bhuett, dragging, road 1,
$114.00: Jno. McNamara, grading,
road 2. $5.00; F.. Jamfeaon, grading.
road 2. 47.50; Reeve and clerk, ee-
pewee. to Goderich for advice, $6.00.
Alan t» following grant. were even.{
or Jammed : , Ashfield ashen! •fair,
425,60; Dungannon fair. $15.00:
Lueknow fair, $15. C 11 adjenrned
on motion of Jam'Pson send (lampbell
to meet on May 26 no mutt of re -
Oaten it 10 eclat a.mmeet-
.. Regular Pet-
. In* 1n the afternoon.
/ Clerk,
e ¢ r'
A aerial meetlyn11Pd by Reeve
1st clerk's oleo n • May 12th All
present except Cannellini Campbell.
T'•r n•hu...Teflon hoard of No. fl .'tlon rere-
11111..t6•11.the efainell Ow • dei"•ntnre to the amount of $7,000.00 for the
erection of a new wheel, turntable*
n r n .• of 1141. most Inf.-onset-
any change ieing made In the On- int ad.1r...s ;he girt. of Mrs F.
taiga Trmpw'ranee Act that would in t'1,.,4,4211,'. itnnd,n 4111,4"1 •':4.. Bare
the smallest degree bring about the a henntitul mi..lotirry•'a..1 en-
relaxntlon of the law a. it now .tends titled. 'OW Zion. Ha -t.•." Mrs W. D.
In the statute hooka. 01'1. feel that lir!ght and mi... Ah rl,'! wink grovel
every fair-minded person will admit (.apIhlc n'Pnmp.nist,
that the said law has done and is
now doing untokl gaol, both mater-
ially and morally." You need not he afraid of trotting
A quartette by Afro. W. 0. Willis, dizzy from doing ton nary good
Ming Beth Willis. Dr. F. J. Burrows torn,. -Boston Trnns.•r1pt.
11111innuuuu1nuum1MME MOMMmmmaiiIMMMIMmtmammu
/ e . �/ I�
G i
iti �t r
' 4. • I ll��l �Itl,l�
N-_ I11i II1I
Hardwood Floors
sold that how"
PERHAPS no single feature of a house re -
rcommends it so highly as "Hardwood Floors
Throughout". Hardwood Floors make a
house more sanitary -easier to
maintain. Consequently hardwood floors make
it easier to sell. Seaman -Kent Hardwood Floor-
ing is so perfectly matched --so exact in grading
-that it is the standard flooring of Canada.'
There are undoubtedly rooms in your home which
would be brighter. cleaner. pi, R they had
'hardwood Boors. Measure thein up. Give us the
sizes and we will tell you how little it would old
to lay hardwood floors.
sank and purchasing site. Deleon -
tures" on the ten-year plan. with
interne at five an.l a halt per e0ln4.
Moved by Farrish and Sullivan. and
camel. that clerk take merrseary
step% to have debentures ioom,d..
Moved by Jamieson and Shcliran.
and carried, that school board of No.
9 seeder de anthertsed to !borrow
nenseary money. until en(•h time ns
the d.Mntnnea are sold.
The ratepayer's of the Hend*roon
drain having been called to meet the
council to dhows. the claim for tin-
nier payments, Vier dile conakMra•
Oen it was moved by Parrish and
$nllivan that the clerk go with a dele-
gate of the ratepaycra and get kcal
Notice nt meeting in Windom re
h•gllwsy re cried by Jamieson 4.1)41
Fartl.h that enunell attend. Meet•
lag adjoorn.d.
C. R. pdcDONAGH, Clerk.
PLAIN OAK. $125 00
1t. " Mkt, Grade Clear 95.00
%' thick, Grade No. 1 ..............
% " tbkk, Grade Clear $ 9000T6.00
I " thick, Grade No. 1 fret, B.If.
Abet.' ke
pree are per thousand
See Sample* In Jas. Carries IW'dware *Barb MI
Swum For shy further ww 5) use47
write Box *
(4 plumeh, or plume 47W. --After
Makes old hats look like new. Sixteen different colors.
30c a Bottle
Lyman's Water Glass Egg Preserver
2Oc a Tin
One tin will preserve 10 or 12 dozen eggs.
We now stock
Eastman Kodaks, Brownie Cameras
Eastman Films, Film Packs and
Amateur Supplies
Phone No. 1 GODERICH
Writ L. S. Reisinger 'vas made the
redolent of an address and salver'
rewrote by the ladies .of Or Roman
Catholic church prior to her departure
for (oyuga.
eleventy-tbr40 delegates Wert. pre-
sent teem different auntcittalfties at
Wingham horn ball on Tuesday after-
noon of hot week to hear the (ipvern-
ment representative. L'roclnelal En.
giaceer Ii. Irwin. diw•usa tin• grant of-
fered by Bet Oovernmcut to muni-
cipalities abolishing "astute labor.
After a sojourn of eight year. 1n
Whghaw as manager of the Ralik
of Cowmen*, R. S. Williams 1+ mov-
ing to /'ollingwood to a3llm-e the
Managership of the lank'.. branch In
that town. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liams will he greatly Timed in church.
social and club eln•brs in Wlnitlu11n. 11.
all of which they hare played a
prominent part during their reolden.40
pined with 475 to have the held runt
by hand. 111•.' Fa.•ter .•'Snell lona .le.
ride* to electrify the bell. and as'
well b;rave the fa.••s of the 1'a•k t.0 -I
ca.el with glass 11• a protection
against the -dements.
A softball league 11:1s le'on formed
am0110 the rhur•hes mf Exeter.
trthur itrookw•.-il, representative of
the Lions International. was lit Ex-
it. r last week with regard to organ- 1
axing a club here. '17H• pro.l►rts of
a cluto lw'h,g "rgau1z.41 are considered'
Very favorable.
Allss Tenn M.c'nnly he. sueeeded
Edward DItiII% as tuauagcr of the
Dominion Stores. Exeter. Mr. Davies
1N ring s.•VPrM1 III'. 1.0111111.1 ION with
the company.
Rev. A. A. Tniniper .4•I,bntted his
ninth atinieersary a. rw•tor of TrlvItt
Memorial chore!. last Sunday.
On 1Veln•••day. Mac Tth. at Dian -
dart Pentre Il.'t141111•1 Omni), Lon-
don. Mrs. Emma .1. ('anuli.. of
Bowmnnvllle. was married to Jahn
Miner.. of Exeter. Mr. and Mra.
Miners will reside in Ex -•ter.
liev. 4'nnon Gunn.% M. A.. rector of
Christ lurch. 1.010111. is to he the
ep.chtl p exciter in St. I'nter's chnr'$.
l.,w•ktovc. on Jour 5th. 111 celebration
of the fiftieth anniversary of the
opening of .tlgllenu senior* In Lnck-
Goderich District
W. M. S. Convention
The. district W. Y. 8. coureotlun
at .8erforth on Wednesday of last
week was attended by Mrs. Hedley,
Mrs. J. Randall, Mrs. A. Randall.
Mrs. Buchanan. Mrs. B. Wilaou.
Mrs. S. Allln. Mrs. �raig, Mrs.
1'ostelethwatte and Miss Mow. of Vic:-
terga street Methodist church. and by
Mrs. Y. A. Howell. Mrs. Girvin,
Mrs. Aitken. Mrs. F. •Elliott. lire.
Brown, Mrs. Geo. Andrew$, Mr,, W.
T. Murney, Mrs. J. B. Graham. Miss
Mooney, Miss Washington, Miss M.
Robertson, Mrs. Honors, Mrs.
Mel.. and Yrs. C. M. Robertson. of
North street Methodist church.
The following exeelient retort of
the vouventloo is from The Sea -
forth Expositor:
The thirty-rwcoud annual conven-
tion of the Goderich District Women's
Misslntury-So•lety, held to the Mrtbo-
diet Manch. Seaforth. ou the after-
noon and evening of Wednesday, May
1401, N11s most s1H•(rssful, there beteg
a large iiuu►lwr of delegates In at-
The afternoon session began wltb
a hymn and I,,vuoatlun. followed by a
Scripturo !season and devotional rx-
erebie. by )Liss Bessie porter, of
Iwmde.Irorr. Mira. W. J. Andrews. of
Auburn. dist Act PutM•rhre'mien..
tank charge of the bnwineaa (lla'us-
sluu. An ['what Mi. to hold the next
Meeting In Hulut,.yllle 0.1ts ace•ptet.
Prayers were offered by Mrs. McKin-
ley and Mr.. Campbell. The secrotarler
of the various Aituillarle.. Circlet. and
Alissluu Itands reed very Interesting
reports of rtu• vyurk aecomplikhed by
Iter. Finley Mat he..xr of Strut- thptr n•.pa4 tcc +.M•it.tit.s daring the
ford. preached In I.tu•kuow Presbyter- pis? year. Mrs. cork."... and Mrs.
inn church on Sunday. May 1lth. an- F'1trwltlllllon. wain a plea.lne vocal
atvvrsary dry. The offering for the duct, lifter whish )Lr.. AL.rehouae. of
day Was over $:401). Clinton. gale smut. llrlpfn1 sugges-
)tee J. R. Mass. of (:rand Rapids, ion. on "ITow rn milk., our Me•tlug
Mich.. a Kinloss hey, son of the late inier.•.ding.•' \V.• nerd more workers,
I). A. itoww, acopte41 the pnlplt of she *gid. but most of all 8 larger at -
South Klnlow4 ('hurt t 1a14t Sundgy teud111s•e to snake our ww•ting.. in -
iter. Mr. Russ. accompanIe(4 by hiw tcmati..t. con �nyinnr stye Hlg 1i1e
wife and three chlldretl. is vigil -lox -for u.: 1. It tau unu'h to ask that we
-relatltees and friends lit the vicinity give teelve hours a year to this work?
after an alwrncc of several years. Two The meetfllg+-.1.amld tea• 'rp.u.'d and
other w"uw of the late Mr. Rn4s are in closed on tint.•..:V--contest is u mitten -
the ministry and have ehnrg••s in Rask -
did thing. giving ti,.• T1111Jles of the
a)rhrwnn• church missionaries, eta. `Sometimes
Mrs. Donald M4(T)Onnld, one of we are trouh1•41 by a disease celh'1
I.IH'kIIow'. oldest n•sld.'nte ;n.aw1 ••Ruts," rnus.41 by Improper dirt.
away 00 Mondnc nftertaoon of last snmr prayer.. .alar songs, shame wo-
week In her eighty -set -nth year. She men on the program. We .honed have
Juni ieen in failing health for the new spicy pmgrnms.
p4,.'t two years. Sly Is survived by In the nhs.•nw• of Mr*. Peters. of
seven datlght.•r,'. two of whom reside )hIngnntlou. Mr.. .tndrew-s read a
its Llx'know. A third is n missionary paper prepared by her on "flow to 10 -
stud Mr \1'. U Bright was notch ap-
'921144'. v 1'•alnte.', who lug a very
pleasing Ie•r...nulbty, resumed her in-
spiring talk ..n Japan al the ellOglog
laeedN. tine stall she was very
Arad 40 rat the Wumeu's Mise
stonary to the' people cf 341.pan and ninety the greetings
of Iwndr•ta elf T$ttng people there to
the Canadian r.• 1' o
confronting" the Japanese people and
(government are tulle& greater thin
gales. to Which Yrs. 1t laky, (41 Gtdt-
rich. mud. a graceful reply.
The Reeving Session wsileY 'n r blew+
nos'. 1t. Fulton Irwin oe•upled the
chair at the evening aeMaluu. The de- they were, on account of the recent
vutienal exer'etses were conducted by disaster. Arrangements are p••ndise •
Mils'. R. Thompson, of Donnybrook, fora ('hristtau nwa..agr t0 tw lie' and Rev., W. Weldon, of Holmeavilly. In the Govornm,.nt w h4Mols once a
engaged in prayer. Rev. Mr. Ire n week, tout Japan 1c, fur fr.'m twlag a•
In it few rernjls referred to the l'hrlwtlan tuttfuu. 'Chen' ate not tlastsw
Women's eelsblonary Society as being then 225.4040 t'hri tions tun land of
the most economically adminisjerrd seventy wIlliun. \Eloy ..t invent t4'a11ar '
Lr.tltutlon in the world. He made rellglon 11114 their h, I'. but a..t with
dpprectatlre mention of a lady coes their hearts. There encs Lowevor,
ted with the district society who bad many encouraging Ir pr"dnetw ut
not only given three sons In the (creat
Christianity. Anslnus t" emulate the
War hat had also memorialised their
Western nation.' the Hattie:. law taken
lives by making three ladles life -hold of the 1.01x1 wrrlee idea and
mrmMre. The choir gave a well ren- the.suiv*the-children work. The .V1.I-
th. present staff being rZippo ntel. as ('atlonat departments ars• quite dewor-
triet superintendent Mr.. .tudrewe, slued at present on 44' Iuot *'f th.,
read a very encouraging and optiwls- rnrtlaguak.'. Japan Is a Irnd of cortex
tic report of a guc4pge.fnl year. dieting*, changing from old Japan to
There are 114 auxiliaries with a n.•w Japan. They haven't wan anf-
llPrshlp of and 1 "LP nirnl- truer yet. but it meeting was held
Mra, a decrease570. 4,1 1, 114.^34, 14 D'.'. recently 1n a theatre which wait titled
In overflowing to adt.t
life -members, with an !ueren. • of 1. an.• unicrrxal
suffrage. which shows tir•y are eKr!v-
The a111111ary eontributlou: amounted
hut after things they have seen In
to $3,322.70. au increase of 1"_1._7• foreign laude 1? th.•y i .44,• 4,.t Hetually
Thr harmer apxillarlPs are Goshen. tn•t.41 431, 01. The Ica 4.•11 ..f 4'hristianity
withii rnewtwr.Rllp of 15 and an of -
IA at work 1.1 so mnnr'a.t.//. that ono
Tering of $106.10, being an 444erwge .room tabulate!•u. is fast
Iaer eolith' of $7.07 per member. Seen- IMa,nuhnt :u. 4nd i'Irial u.tri .,i. Thirty
forth--mrml,eratlp 52. 1..ntrlbutirag cetIre ago there were :',...1.1,0 ;,....ole
86.77 per mrmlwr, and 4)0- rmployel in fa.tort.•s : ow- 114 r.• are
fano street church. Clinton. having two and .i -half million. !m• too'mnlh
et membership of 124, an offering of child hd.'.r is ew:dmce .I :ted o4,u-
4525 Ind an average per ••:pita of (Lill,4u: rv•gxrding •;I..stnti.•u stud
4,471. The Ins of the /bn•tan.w Clr- morals are 2401 what tli••y .Luna 1w.
ale. which has h -en disbanded. Is off- F• will sell 44 .4r
their de
girls to play
set 1.v the orgunfzatimn of a new circle n). or ...incite n•r. tJes
at i)ungannon. There are now four
prices ranging rap t., 4400. Tlnt•n• Is
4'!n I.•s will.. 0 nnemlw•rship of, 117, more roman...• than re,.t!ty. gala. -
runtrihittlul; x::•1.70, :old three B:11)4he tils.nt the it
icy mf the t.'l' it girls
with ler. members :and 1111 offering of Iu,.l the flow. -r ft.stitai- 'rh.•t.• Is gra
$1(..77. The total amount rai.,.l by urn h w!nnhsr awl 1 drnnket:nt ss at
the 4:oderich district of the Women's tin :pinnal Acs►teal that W.1111! t1 are
So,..ary Siety (vv.• $3.W3:21. 1111 atral.l to t.. out t,. th.• cherry
.f Irl' 1 llitl n el
to plat .1111 Irifk u
The following F.
ill an, m1.y .v is a great u1s•liing f•a• wart among
Air.. R. }'. Irwin. •w•oud.vl by Mrs. th.• faetnrr •Iris. MI•. ('onrtiee ad -
hereat the Girls in 1114 4'irele4,'• to
which she emphasized the advisabil-
ity of getting -.Me point of contnet
and ?hiding some special work for
•h tad
tRp;}'i}I1.1, 4•ac 0.
Miss F. Ncxoncy. of GalcrIeh. in a
BLl-TH • ! conn,-iI met .tpril 14UI ; all Hien)- siewt address 0n "110.' to interest
hers present. Minutes of 'lxrv'11 the ik,ys and GIrlw in the Mission
int•..firm read and adopted. Mrs. I;and; tw4el the iropnrtanoe of tWv-
1Mvidwn. of 14. R. Na. !1. asp eote.d bile a herder who 14 ictally interested
on behalf of said section that a walk In missions and able to get a
ie built from the village to the sympathetic' 1n•ight into the life of
Win. (tell. of Hullett. brought a
Mm's egg Into the Blyth Statelard
office. so say. thin paper, mellowing
"seven by eight inches in cir•umfer-
enteP ..
In.p.etor .1. Ii. Hoag. who paid Ids
tinkle! visit to Blyth continuation
school to Fehrnary last, has for-
warded lila report to the school board
showing everything to be In a rcatiR-
faetory condition under the two'le•rq, MIR* Reba Worsell and Miss
Evelyn Goldthorpe. "The pi -Mello!,
Miss Worsell," the Inspector wrote,
"is a very promising teacher. Her
organization Is 'satisfactory and dis-
cipline gond." Mites Goldthorpe ha.
Aeon granted a temporary certifientr
In physical culture training.
Mr.. Noble T. Adams. an 4esteemeb
resident of Blyth. diel on May 7th
at the age of *ecenty-two year*. )'or
many years Mrs. Adams and her hus-
band lived in the townnthip of HnAPtt.
Resides her husband, three sons and
three daughters survive.
The Brn,'aels Intermediate football
teem I. grouped with Ethel. Wroxeter
and Monkton.
The tulip Mop In front of the puh-
library Is blossoming lurtntlfully
under the carr of Druggist Fox. an
oak•er of the Horticultural I4o elety.
Fordwich. Min)P*worth and Bres*els
telephone directors met recently with
regard to the broadening out of
Meld exchange rates. The Brussels
Poet c omtnente thug: "The plan sug-
gestrd look* as if it would be of
advbintage to all concerned:"
The following hare been reappointed
stewards by the official board of
Brn*selo Methodist .church: Dr.
Hamilton. H. I.. Jackson, R. J.
Hoover, W. H. Maunders, Walter
Rave, Stanley W1ii eler and W. H.
mimed; ale, a grant to the village
library. Regarding grant -moved 1)7 t'mWe. told bow their Auxiliary
Farrlah and Sullivan, no action be works its strangers' secretary.
taken rat present. Regarding walk- Mil., Rai. Andrews. daughter of
0101-01 by Farrlah and Campbell. that the district superintendent, gave an
this 440111411 meet with Wasvnnosh Informing address on ••Orr Work In
esmoel1 at Dungannon on a date to the Fred Victor Mission" in Toronto,
be arrange) by the clerk. The app11- where she Is its charge of one cit the
cation of A. Johnston to withdraw departments, after which a quartette
from R. R. No. 9 to S. S. No. 10 was by the Constance lathes was much en -
then null. Moved by Parrish and joyed.
Jamieson, that conndl notify trustees. Miss R. Courtice, who Is at pr's -
to attend next meeting and show wily ent nn furlough from Japan: was the
request ahmOd not be granted. prlmtpral gpleaker. 51* dealt pnrt1e '
l►n n)4ot1.41 of (oI)t,willory Sullivan Iarly whit fh. work among the cht1-
and Ferri/4h the following solders dren to Japan. In almost every gta-
were drawn on the treasurer: tkm there are from two to tsar kln-
Wm. Holm, lutuling 111e and putting dergartenra. Ther• sr' 196 grott70
1n same. ,rood 1, 44.50; R. Nixon. who are learning the story of Jesus.
snow d O1'eIIig, road 1. $1.01►: F. 1n this way they tmleb 8,000 children
Anderson. snow 'doyenne, rued 1. in whose heart* the aped 1* planted.
41A(►: S. Reid. snow shoreline. road The Japanese children are very re -
1. $1.00; P. Gilmore, snow shoveling. eponelve and fond of their teaeIteril,
road 1. $7.50; M. Igo an. .OMs The kindergarten training school can
shoveling. road 1, $12.75; C, Hackett, never get enough kindergarten teach-
rctuorbag stove, road 3. $5.00; H, era. The training In the Weston
Treleaven. removing *now, road 4, ,'chool* 1e much In advanee of that In
$4LSA): Jno. Scott,' removing *now. the Government *drools and COMM. -
fluently Is mach In demand. The col-
lege at which 200 older Ririe are in
attendance 1* growing at such a rate
that it 1st almost a troubl4. There
are 618 pupils in the high achoole.
Mire ('0nrtice also *poke on the
evangel)*tic work In which she ham
been engated for the pant six years.
The election of officers resulted In
th preaent 'tett being reappointed. an
follows: District superintendent. MIS.
W. J. Andrews. Auburn; a,al.tapt
eupertntendent, Hrs. A. B. Carr,
Myth; seeretary-treasurer, Mr.'. H.
Fowler, ('Ilntnn. t
The afternoon -pension elnoed with a
ulet halt -hour presided over by M1.e
Holmen, of Hotmesvtlle. About 200
delegates partook of a delicious re-
past provided by the ladles of the
Methodist ehnrr1, During the tea
lour the pewter'* wife, Mrs. R. Ful-
ton Irwin, In a few well Minton -words
extended a warm wPICOn[P to the d.le-
the children. Mrs. R. Sherwood, of
tnert•It-r . ',.en.. n a.. .' + - LI".=outs. The men iasis! nn the right
must every 1ux!1(4ry ..cul a bale of , , I and sink their
clothh't la ilit•s 1" th.• lowt•.t 1'114 I": Tharp
I i 1 T
.t. R 4'arr, was pa:•el lulauimnnsir: 4?r.--.•'I ue0) mn ort• ,.,'a•inn at the
"That the member- of the Guderi''th boon hour. Slue 440• also Inviter!
Diatrtr•t ..f th.• 1Vouien'• lli•.!"ny . 1" "i'' in h.•thr•n t",144,. a•.
Ww•1e1y• euuc.nwl In Tho Reafnrtbnrt invert. wn. u.. other a.l••qu:VT ae-
\h•thodi.t church. take tlrl• nptw)r-odatlo4:1,1,:‘,
htnntiv of coking a protest against 1t fh ,I s
road 2. 42.00; R. Menary, removing
snow, road 4, 41.00; F. Austin. re-
moving *now, road 3, 4500; Jae.
Hackett, removing snow. road 2.
$11.25; G. Barger, removing snow,
road 1. },0; Robt. Ritchie. removing
*now, road 2. 44.50; Stanley Hayden,
removing snow, roach 6, $10.50; J.
Bennett, removing .now. rood 0. 110.00
Robb & Bveglai. removing annul. road
1. *3.75; Tho,'. McIntyre. remov-
Ing snow, road (1, $6.00; Ktt�eld &
d 7.
Tigert, removing .now,
$5.00; R. Park. removing snow
3. $7.00; J. Petrie. removing
road 5, $5.110; Wes. Twamley,
moving anew. road 3. 112.75;
Gardner, removing .now, road
422.00; King F•dward Santortuhl.
balance on M. O'Reilly'. board, $719.00;
Board of Health, expentwea, $1A.50:
A. Quigley, ditching, road 4. $2.00;
C. Camphell. grading and removing
MOW, road 2, *10.75; Borne Far-
rlsh, dragging, road 2. 41.00; R. Mc-
Gee. dragging. road 5, 42.40:.1. Sul-
livan. filling washont, L. R.. rad
3, .30; R. Bhuett, dragging, road 1,
$114.00: Jno. McNamara, grading,
road 2. $5.00; F.. Jamfeaon, grading.
road 2. 47.50; Reeve and clerk, ee-
pewee. to Goderich for advice, $6.00.
Alan t» following grant. were even.{
or Jammed : , Ashfield ashen! •fair,
425,60; Dungannon fair. $15.00:
Lueknow fair, $15. C 11 adjenrned
on motion of Jam'Pson send (lampbell
to meet on May 26 no mutt of re -
Oaten it 10 eclat a.mmeet-
.. Regular Pet-
. In* 1n the afternoon.
/ Clerk,
e ¢ r'
A aerial meetlyn11Pd by Reeve
1st clerk's oleo n • May 12th All
present except Cannellini Campbell.
T'•r n•hu...Teflon hoard of No. fl .'tlon rere-
11111..t6•11.the efainell Ow • dei"•ntnre to the amount of $7,000.00 for the
erection of a new wheel, turntable*
n r n .• of 1141. most Inf.-onset-
any change ieing made In the On- int ad.1r...s ;he girt. of Mrs F.
taiga Trmpw'ranee Act that would in t'1,.,4,4211,'. itnnd,n 4111,4"1 •':4.. Bare
the smallest degree bring about the a henntitul mi..lotirry•'a..1 en-
relaxntlon of the law a. it now .tends titled. 'OW Zion. Ha -t.•." Mrs W. D.
In the statute hooka. 01'1. feel that lir!ght and mi... Ah rl,'! wink grovel
every fair-minded person will admit (.apIhlc n'Pnmp.nist,
that the said law has done and is
now doing untokl gaol, both mater-
ially and morally." You need not he afraid of trotting
A quartette by Afro. W. 0. Willis, dizzy from doing ton nary good
Ming Beth Willis. Dr. F. J. Burrows torn,. -Boston Trnns.•r1pt.
11111innuuuu1nuum1MME MOMMmmmaiiIMMMIMmtmammu
/ e . �/ I�
G i
iti �t r
' 4. • I ll��l �Itl,l�
N-_ I11i II1I
Hardwood Floors
sold that how"
PERHAPS no single feature of a house re -
rcommends it so highly as "Hardwood Floors
Throughout". Hardwood Floors make a
house more sanitary -easier to
maintain. Consequently hardwood floors make
it easier to sell. Seaman -Kent Hardwood Floor-
ing is so perfectly matched --so exact in grading
-that it is the standard flooring of Canada.'
There are undoubtedly rooms in your home which
would be brighter. cleaner. pi, R they had
'hardwood Boors. Measure thein up. Give us the
sizes and we will tell you how little it would old
to lay hardwood floors.
sank and purchasing site. Deleon -
tures" on the ten-year plan. with
interne at five an.l a halt per e0ln4.
Moved by Farrish and Sullivan. and
camel. that clerk take merrseary
step% to have debentures ioom,d..
Moved by Jamieson and Shcliran.
and carried, that school board of No.
9 seeder de anthertsed to !borrow
nenseary money. until en(•h time ns
the d.Mntnnea are sold.
The ratepayer's of the Hend*roon
drain having been called to meet the
council to dhows. the claim for tin-
nier payments, Vier dile conakMra•
Oen it was moved by Parrish and
$nllivan that the clerk go with a dele-
gate of the ratepaycra and get kcal
Notice nt meeting in Windom re
h•gllwsy re cried by Jamieson 4.1)41
Fartl.h that enunell attend. Meet•
lag adjoorn.d.
C. R. pdcDONAGH, Clerk.
PLAIN OAK. $125 00
1t. " Mkt, Grade Clear 95.00
%' thick, Grade No. 1 ..............
% " tbkk, Grade Clear $ 9000T6.00
I " thick, Grade No. 1 fret, B.If.
Abet.' ke
pree are per thousand
See Sample* In Jas. Carries IW'dware *Barb MI
Swum For shy further ww 5) use47
write Box *
(4 plumeh, or plume 47W. --After