The Signal, 1924-5-22, Page 6—Til.trvday May '►, 19251 Twenty -Fourth of May Decorations Flags, Crepe P>•ner' Streamers Chinese I -Interns. fro* Sapples !,er Plates. Paper Cups, 'Taper Napkins and l_ungh Cloths. Golf Balls, from 20c up. Tennis Balls, from 50c up. Porter's Book Store HARM ranter (c.•,: t,. tc NEW BATTERIES Different Makro, Capacities and Price's. just arrived at the Auto Electric and Battery Service, Cor. Colborne St. and Square, H. JANE Have Kidneys Examined By Your Doctor Take Salts to Wash Kidneys if Back Pains You. or Bladder Bothers Flush your kidneys by drinking a ,quart of water each day, also take salts occasionally, says a notvd authority. who lis us that too tn►►ch rich food forms ac)tls whiJa al in their efforttstopexpel tit�from e rithe blood They become sluggish and weaken then you may- suffer with a dull mix • in the kidney region, sharp , 0 pain: in th back or sick headache, dizzi- ness. your oinach sours, tongue M coated, and w'ben the weather is bbd you have rheumatic twinge:. The urine gets cloudy, full o`( sediment. the chan- nels often get sore :i?vd irritated, obliging you to seek relief t or three times dieing the night. To help neutralise t ese irritating acids, to help cleanse.the 'kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste, get • four ounces of jad Salts from any phar- le snacy here: take a tablespoon l in a flass of water before breakfast \for. a • ew days, and your kidneys may then act fine. This fa nr nu sis is I 1a irbin the (acid of grapesmade Yi: - and lemon jute.+�� coiftbined' with lithia, and has been 'mud k'r!. for years to help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys; ale) to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer irritate. thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jed Salts is inexpensive; :an not in- jure and makes a delightful efferves- cent lithia-water drink. By all means have your physician examine your kid- neys at (east twice a year. THE SIGNAL, r,h4eg NOIX)DY war -_T 6�tiOLW01qfIY HALL GODERICIL ONT. t'•"'' ,n`• ~'w ,n • tow walrn woala here lathe' as 5 blaming upon the ears at any other man oohs, "for speaking as though you loved him And toe •11 you did for him. Perhaps you know airway . . . Perhaps you eaa•t know . • but Pm hyla• to toll yea. because be was . be was o•e of ray very dearest Mends." IIID brain snapped; ho peat down to her. "You loved htm—loop" as said, an controllably. SYNOPSIS, CHAPTSR I.—la a ease hospital at Meanly. Prance, his face disfigured be- yond recognition, an American soldier se^•`. In the French army attract& at - Walton by hie deep despondency. Asked by the surgeon& for • photograph to guide thorn in making over his fack ha offers la derision a picture of the Savior, bid- ding them take that u • model. They du so, making a remarkab:e likens•.. CHAPTLIt ll.—Invalided tome. on the boat he meets Martin Harmon, New York broker, who Is attracted by p•• remark- able features. The •x -moldier elves his nam. as "Hoary Hilliard." ant; hr home as Syracuse, New York. He left there under a cloud, and 1. embittered against lila former fellow townsmen. Harmon makes him a proposition to sell mining •tock■ In Syracuse, conceallne hi. Iden- tity. He aocepta It, seeing in It a chance to make good sad prow• he has been un- derestimated. CHAPTER III.—In Syracuse "Hilliard" On reality Richard Horgan) Is accepted as a stranger. He volts James Cullen. a former employer, relating a •tory of the death of Richard Morgan. and t& sur. prised at the regret shown by Cullen and his youthful daughter Angsia. While at the Cullen home Carol Durant. Morgan's dormer fiancee, makes • oalL She didn't speak, at 'ret; ahemere- ly looked at Ifllllard And sgrew\very white, ■nd her lips quivered. Ies- eutiy she swayed • little, and .reach out with her hand toward the bac of • convenient chair. Armstrong stepped toward her, mei Augela ('ni len Slipped an arm around her will "He's . . . deudr she repeat and her tone was not yet free from certain Incredulity, as thuugb'the fu were of Itself Imposelhle, and it statement mr It subject to dlecussie "Yen, Miss Durant." She moistened her lips; her eye were very bright, unnaturally bright Po that llllliord was fasclnatsd, and appalled. "Yom . . . You know that?" she eked. ngalrr with that queer Inlleelor: f amuses doubt. "Yrs. I know It." The Where were atiradln:; as 'w- ives; dlr. ('ullen, enntehing ill the lira 1)11)1 of C0II.ela1.111 t.) present Itself. fumbled for his ,hnit,•hter'0 mitt hand. w Lich 00111 rzhline)1 the tt •-phy u bet- ter man hnd icon. "Ilrre's whtlt Wry sure horn, Coed! 1.."•k' 'rile Croix de (iu.•rrei I" )11 t9 think at anything hit whet Le { 'Ip 1 /•t 1 r proud n f f F.In) • 1_ etre: yes." the raid ieerily. aril I •. k t arms/' la her p11110 F i• •Irul ped h v eyes for n r•lomvnl, thea' In ,1 •,1 v"1 to /he ierN of Hillis, 1 s. "1 3.11111 Tori ,Unna ward to user Hlrllard's steal wait very mho WeNul. "No, 1'in sorry, Orta 5410)51 .1"IUIUt"tl.'ally ; IIICU an at mare he flung himself out of the chair and took to tramping the fluor In a hurricane of emutiou. His face was set in granite; he .'aught sight of It la a mirror, halted and himself was suualed by the transcendent mask whn1, covtre,I his soul lu revolt. The work of the surgeons was not fat short of mlratvlous; he couldn't upset lt, not by any effort of his will. The eyes might Medi, or lower, or chill— the other features were still calm and strong 1n their splendid glory. itv.n nov, the face whlotl he saw rellected In the mirror was one to convert the moat hurried of n11 passing strangers to a new, If unformed. *assurance In the brotherhood of man. "You dirty blackguard!" avid H11 hard, showing his teeth. He went "1 wouldn't have believed it could be true." She gave a long, tremulous breath, and looked about her, half - dazed and half -perceptive. Her eyes strayed back to Hilliard. "Tell me about it," she said, almost inaudibly, "Carol, dear!" Angela was stimulat- ed to active sympathy. "Sit down -- please! Oh, Mr. Hilliard!" "No—yes, I , 1'11 sit down!" Her eyes seemed magnetized to HtI- Ilanl's. "Only I want to hear --1 want to bear!" "Tell her from the beginning," said Cullers, mopping his forehead. Get a glass of water . . . anything else. Carol?" She shook her head. "Tell me!" Me said. "I want to know!" So that Hilliard, Inspirited by the realization that he was under the pro- tectorate of the shadows, and gather - Ing fresh assurance with every sen- tence, 'vent through that tragic nar- rative a second time. And as he told the tale of Dicky Morgan, he was greatly engulfed by the surge o Morgan's grievances; his vole bled with righteousness; he lost his loathing for the part h ed, and played It with every a his energy; he was a defends a saltness and a Judge for Dick gen all In one --and 1119 venlict acquittal bliss Durnnt's eye. left hie fnce. "Miss Durant!" .,-.• • • • • • . Alone In the appointed guest room of the Cullen home—for Mr. Cullen had been as good as his word, and f Dicky sent a car to fetch hie visitor's be- e Dickyra- longings—Hilliard lighted a cigarette i gradually minor(an �d ption,uired 1e. but alnce he 1 pada been e Play- notorious for lira taste in cigars) and torn of I grinned expansively. Leisurely he be- nt. and gars to undress, but y Mor_ before his slices were quite unlaced, he sot back con - was far Portably in his chair and meditated. s never •'All serene so far." he said. "But st_ "And that,"she said presently, "Is when Carol came in . .." He shook all there la to tell?" his head vigorously. "Well. It's over til• . anyway. The doctor . ' II - "lint's the end," said Hilliard elm- !lard's face darkened. 'There's Hthe ri ply. And In the long hiatus which man I want to get at! Pious old hypo-' followed, he was wondering wondering mites! And he didn't think i d Her eyebrows rifted, and her nos- trils dilated the merest trifle. Her breath was coming more rapidly now; she was oearing the breaking point of her reeletance, and n11 of them ew It. The moment was agonized'', longed. Hilliard, gazing without a ver at the girl he had thought he ed beyond all else 1n this world or next, was singelnrly relaxed as observed her cytnptoms. She had renlly cared, thett so mach the greater pity that she hadn't kept him caring , . . na she might. "Can that be posslbler she old, hardly abuse n whisper. kn 111 BITS AND BAGGAGE SERVICE ` qua —o— lov Bus meets all trains. Calle made for the passengers and baggage to any part of he the town. Prompt service guaranteed Telephone 51, Day or Night S. B. STOWE kesideuce. Cambria Road. opposite the Organ Factory Otnee ltpays to use anrev-1,..• NARTIN -S E N OU R IOOZ PURE PAINT & VARNISHES For Every P}upose - Floe Every Sur -Pace Write t_o Heed Office. Montreal for Free Booklet HOME (aAINTINC MADE EASY • SOLD BY F. HUNT OODKBICH ALS AT McEWEN'S SECLEANING TIME Neta, Madras, Marquisette, Brooms, e, O'Cedar Oil, Liquid Veneer-, Polishes, Floor Wax, etc, the Heine Leak Spic mai Spa Oilcloths Just Received cEWEN Ye vered to AN Paris of the Tows aimless thought's. with no beginning and cnncluteve outcome, but the central ng - are. flitting, elusive, was always Carol Durant. He told himself fiercely that he hatIsi her, that for two vengeful yenrs he had hated her, that Ile hnd come beck to Syrneuee primarily to see her again, with his whole eon for " the wounds In his heart, the wounds of hle body, still . n red, why couldn't the surgeons hnve,cnt away Ills memory, and left him peace! He was prodigiously relieved when lir. Callen, well-meaning but awk- ward, blurted out a paradox of eulogy. Armstrong, eager to relieve the eon— Rested ways of thought, ventured Intim the realm of phatItiele—nnd something` In his manner caught illlllard'm atten- tion. The man was actually possessive --end ifIIIInM having no envy of his possesafon, cursed hint on general principles nevertheless. And then Hilliard was again In demand; .there was a flood of incoherent questioning, and he was giving details. answering queries, volunteering Information which might never' have been asked, describing Neullly, the hospltat, the surgeons, the nnr50it,- the whollj Indo- scrile hle atmosphere of France in wartime. Ile was strengthening his position, phrase by phrase; his Insou- ciance redoubled; he had laid a rock (foundation never to be successfully assailed. There came en abrupt pause; Mb'i Durant roes and came to him, and he was on his feet to meet her. "Thank you," she said, giving him her hands. Ills heart missed a beat; his Mood ran gelid. "Thank you. if you can . . • 1 wish you'd talk to me agnln before you go . . . alone . I wish 1t very much. You've made me to be in the family! Sort of hate to let him make money out of this deal, but it's all In the game. Coals of Orel But ten thousand's a lot from the dot. for . . • we'll nay ten thousand." He closed, bre eyes dreamily; cad his thoughts reverted from Doctor Durant to the doctor's daughter. "Carol—Carol!" he murmured, "One minute there, I thought I'd crack And I was 'one of her dearest friends.' 1 was, was I? And she loved me ----once. Once! Pity It Wnsn't twice! Pity she and the doctor didn't say so the night they kicked me out so neatly. Well• business is business . • After they've made their money out of it, and found out this man Hilliard's some little gold-plated g P ted whlrlwl•d all y himself . • . Gad! can't I see their faces when they get the troth of it!" With the eignrette drooping from h lips, he stood up and swept a cle space In the table. From les aultca he exhumed a tablet of thin transpa ent writing paper of a kind not sold America; It was the paper on ehl the letter tes Cullen from Richard Mo gen had been written, and ft was sheer luck that Hilltenl had brought the re- mainder of the tablet from New York with him. He tossed a blob of ink from his fountain pen and Inspected It cel t i ca l ly: "I foo black " he decided, and went to the bathroom, where he half -em tied the reservoir of the pen and refilled 1 with yyater, "That ought to be Just about rlgll . .. sort of pale and mysterious an war -strength." Ile dented himself at the table, too the pen In his left hand and Inscribed circles on the paper; scribbled a • • meaningless sentence and laughed 200 rages I' 'al - COOK BOOK 111 ' • • eyj f i recipes The use of this big new 200 page book will give you a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. It con- tains 700 recipes --all care- fully selected by ezpM►— also valuable household olls(a- ation. We will send you this useful book postpaid Write for it to -day. for Mc. For delightful, flak and big loaves of wh bread, rich in body gluten and health-grvi. erals, always insist Purity Fierier. WLlIENUS CANADA NOMA COMPANY, Tsssasa, Onuses PURITY FLOUR try me ding mla• {sa wmplacentty; tar aceouu Day or nu remarkable performance was begun. The Cullens, father and daughter, 'Dior I were wafting for him. They greeted him cheerfully; and he Was glad that Y. grief badn't clung to their eyelids; he ed It,, would have felt depress,s1, even al- though he would terse sensed the hid - atter den compliment. Quick to grasp the o me nearest handle of diplomacy, he flaw with that ebeerfulnese on his nen part ed toy would belp the situation. for new that, y of I lib duty as a courier was over, there as was no need for long protracted tuel- ould I ancholy. es a It was a cheerful trio th Hilliard Was Staring Fitted! pensively back to the letter, stud! gazed at the floor. "But after all!' he said, "no in what she or anybody else did t . .. and If I can kill two birds one stone, and he what I've want be—all except this damnable w•a going 'bout it She acted though this Infernal lying letter w please her—that's not the point; 1 quicker way to get at the doctor. . 1 Well, It gets her a, letter I never 10-i tended to write . . , and Dutout's war cross, too . . that'll make It all the easfer. . . . ell give her that - Angela wns going to have ft, still. • . . So i was 'one of her dearest friends,' was I? What's that worth to Henry IIIlliard. bringing back the' news from the front?" He sniffed' scornfully. "Ten thousand doltnr•s-1 hope. And the doetor'II make owe out of It... • Gad! that's turning other cheek with a vengean Hanged 1f I don't almost wlsh lose h1s rotten money! But that ea be helped—I'll get some satlsfact somehow," He reread d the u n nit fl h ell note, fold- ed It, creased It heavily for verslmlll- tude, and gave It the final examina- tion. down to breakfast; there was up ez- hllaratlon about it, but at least there was no somber clow of gloaming.Angela, I. -hind the cuffa urn, had oe- enelonal moments of pe teemed'', but that was to be expected, arid eon- doned ; indeed, Hilliard held hlulaelf to be greatly fuvnrpil by even terls. She was Imaginative, and Milliard's pose was calculated to appeal to it live- ly llnlglnntlun. Ile treated her nut as nty a young girt, but with the ren,,, the deference which belongs to a mateet( ce ! I woman, a mitre's' of a houaehold, and h'd a hostess to er own rtgbt. She was n't! -- - ion is I 'Business ... Is business," he said, nr ( musing. "That was a pretty sporty se , thing for me to do . to tell her r- there was a letter. Bit of • chance. In too. And after smashing our engage, eh ment she could stand there and tell r• me • • . oh, rubbish! So suppose we sal • • . fifteen thousand from the doctor! Rut confound It—the better salesman I am, the more I get nut of him, the more be makes! Whew! Where's the satisfaction in that? .. " His pupils had narrowed again, giv- ing the lie to the sweetness of his smiling mouth. Then the smile faded t and Hilliard was staring fixedly at the document In hie hands,, t "1 woftder who In thunder that man d Armstrong Is?" said the Masquerader who had prided himself that he no k longer cared, CHAPTER V. — 4 He wakened early; and in that state of half-conscious revery which bum less of worldllnees In It then perhaps any • other state of human existence, he lay vegetating, subtly aware that he was I very peaceful and content; but pres- ently, when hie brain had 'owned and stretched Itself, and begun to set about its usual functions (or, In other words, when Hilliard was sufficiently aroused to resume his usual Introspects tiveness) he was extremely unhnppy, and not In the least vningtorinum. m He scowled, and struggled to reme- whnt It wee that bad risen out of elr and fingered him Inst night, he very Instant of hest droppinteoff leap. Not the Cullens, nor Carol self, nor Armstrong , , . hot welt 1 moment i Who was Armstrong?d nee nnwhither, Armstrong? A comer to Syracuse (thnt Is, within yearn) rind already proprietary— lard frnned, and ruhhed hia eyes, wondered ngew. He was a trifle Recd and a trifle ashamed of him- wns It credible that he maid he us of a man who had merely sp- rinted what Hilliard had no fur - Interest In? How Inconslatent . yet how superbly eharacterletic of n naturist Hilliard chuckled to elf in recognfti(,n of 9 and Ma- d the proposition as unworthy of" er attention. Dismissed it yes a a child Illumines a rubber hall an Mantic cord attached to It gi m below stairs • Japanese g ed softly and Hilliard, without d• soother instant, heaped to the Half an hour later, bathed.seny and dressed het dald at least, I can be glad you were there , to help him, but I wont to know much more , so Infinitely much n ors . . ." 1 A fleeting imputes. clnwed at H11- liard's Judgment; he yielded to It blindly. it meant the Repetition of tilt plan of action, it meant a tri more of danger; tine a gratuitous re at thnt, but It wee genlus—genius! "Mins Durant!" He made sure th the,others were hey-nn(l the rndge Ms voice. "Mice Durant! I sold actor no word to yea; that alas true as far as 1 knew the truth, but there's one letter he started to write—Just at the lust ... It wasn't addressed to &dyone: I didn't know who ft was for. I brought It with me on the chance that 1'd And out. I didn't want to speak of It baton every one, heceues tt It's yuan, I thought you'd imer Ton understand, don't you? I'm almost poeltin it was meant for you. It's only a few lines . . . he wasn't ev strong enough to finish It . . r got It at the hotel now. May i bring It to you tomorrow?" She held her breath for an Instant 7. "Funny bow some people can be ambidextrous anti take so long to renlize It. if i hein't caught a bullet In my arm, and trled to write left - hamlet, in the hospital, Cd give myself away up here In no time. {Vriting'e fie I too blamed distinctive. Hut, as 11 Is, sk Left Hand. very Targe and Matti, la I Henry flllliarrl—" Ifere he shifted at the ceCn to the other hand—"And of Right—nnd, small and curlicue, 1s pone dead Dicky Morgan—'one of her he dearest friends.' 11111 glad i killed flint chop off—he never ane.nnted to a h of beans anyway. Rut this ifillia person—ft live wire, holy, a live wire Anil with a grin of so oniC hump he wrote on the fllmsy paper, slow and a little Irrrvitally, as though physical dlseonlfor-t : "Neullly, 7-19-15. "No matter what ,you ever. think, a matter what you have ever thought, have loved you." lie grimaced, pondered diligently, vs end made a eorrectlon. "1 have nlw•nys loved you more than my own life. Yo,, salt) my Ideals had • fallen— do yen think no now? 1 don't ill I her rd thin !" at r• to e lye him In a i Wile new n two i Hill and amo self; jello prop ther and busnn hims misee furth .a with Fro shim laying floor. shaved her mouth' quivered. Elbe looked at him searchingly. "Surety. 1 . . . 1 I l ve just scrotal no the corner. Mr. Hilliard. The brick house. Can yam come early?" "How soon?" Ha was telling Mo- sel/ that h1a former pass/Ions were atrepoted; she was no longer able to bin. Hts Inaplr•tfon was ctly commercial. lesorningt At ... oleve•r gladly." SIM I Wast 1e Meek vow 1 deareel ; 1 think they're almost what you would have (hent. And It may be Oat simply because of that, i've loved you more every day, and—" Hilliard sat back. and his eyes were softly' luminous. "Suppose, by the luck of the very devil, 1 should fall In love with her aralnr he said aloud. "Suppose I should!" He tossed away his dpntb ung reefed his head In his hands. "Oh, Carol! I did mire ...1" lila shoal- , • r and captevated, and no was 1 her father—most assuredly he was! 1 So charmed, In (net, that Instead of leavingfor his Is office at half -post eight. he lingered until half -past nine; so eaotivated that an his Ilmno.r"n .118111 'errs' nnwn ins tong, steep James street, he foul -I himself Ing a new degree of credit to slots:.' for the simple reason ►,i,•ky Morgan had gained the fu teem Ili such P friend as H111Iar,1. .1 mighty 'Mee young man, th Cutler. A man of soundest jud through and through. A man of !tent Intellect and razor-edged its. Had he not mild. and furl luntrntfuns from ilk broad . . exactly what Cullen himself -had In regard to labor, and that transportation, end produ half a' dozen yea re? Culla. and smiled triumphantly, man god to hear has Qet approved, expanded and ltlltfl axioms by another wise itack on the wide hadcurledup eourlortabee Mock and. beside her, 'lima Jnyinc n elgarette.' He Soo, this rare Interlude looked ucrons at Angela, his stars for the lovit . made 1111s quiet hour , Sbe lifted her eyes. Mulling et her and bl obi for any shame a use she had aryl easy blushes. r "1 . . . suppose to Carol'srett D y Strained M say so., Ing at the first avail. IT,e rte 1. carfe'f Varnishes & Pai SURFACE SAT/SFACTIL APa NOM 71. I___Irtsat wort When Painting choose Scarfe's —not only beautifies but safeguards your home frotn wear and weather. Scarfs do C.o.. Limited 4 Head Office and Factory - Brantford, OM.' VARNISHES PAINTS ENAMELS STAINS for every purpose ■ C.C.LE Goderich Make Your Trip More Enjoyable by Refreshing Night on Lake Erie ( Your ran tkket 1s rood b el.. best.) Th^nmmas of wept hound travelers pts they wouldn't have misvd that cr, i.1 .r(11,15 'fait on one of our fine Penner.. A goodrn51, bed In • long sound vireo and sn appetizing breaking In the memi0a.• clean aateroo,. &•amsri "SLEANDBEE'—•CITY OF ERIE" —••CITY OF BUFFAL Daily, May 1st to November lflth Arrive Levee B. fie" 0410P M. t Finns 1 Lear Cleveland! - 900 • 7:a0 A M. .Syu,.r, Tree 1 Arnie Buffalo - 7410 A. Castes -tints /or ('.ed:., Polak, P.t-►a-14v. roIM trelt fled rMr t,reos. .5.514:"Ratte-5)000 ee.rMt ',sac, (« ae5.t .. C ir'Ase. New T.e,t,t Seed f'e tete tertlnell paste rh.rt of las The Omit Shp' S,psedte'' .ss its f -p. 5oe51et ..•Areae 7h• Cleveland and sulfate Transit Ce. ., !CO feet; ciAand. olid. ,.. het 6 Inc '1.1. 1,556, ''"�-T • ZAy Fare