The Signal, 1924-5-22, Page 5tV Is ,.r, er 'n. Of D. lD• K• t, Developing and Printing Done Promptly Kodak: t i Brownies Films Supplies Etc. DR. MILES' NERVINE A Nerve Sedative, is recommended for Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, DPw papal& llitiache and Palpitation of the Heart due to func- tional or nervous disturbances. $1.25 a bottle CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90. Dr. West's Tooth Brush Cleans Inside, Outside and Between the Teeth. Adult's 50c Youth's 35c Child's 25c. .AUBURN Al BURN. May '.1.--Mr.Jobua- ton lett on Tuesday for Detroit to visit his daughter, Mrs. *toy Farrow. 'S1r and Mr.. 'Bert Nowt tl.lted the latter's sister, Mrs. W. Robison. Mr-. N. 14[11. of Clinton. 'Lent a fes docs with Mr*. H. 11111. Mr. and Mrs. Rogereen. of Itlyth, spent Sunday at C. Asqulth'sr i BABY CHICKS JUNE 1st $13.00 per Hundred. FOR SALE- Helmets Cow airing 12 geerts el ea& G. M. KIDD Gederieb Pedtry Yams Amateur Finishing Our d the better kiwi. oping w7e�s i. Leave yeur Films with es ler geed W85 *d prem,! 'service. We also carry a full stock .f Films and Printing Materials. J. T. FELL Pens 187 G.derfeh Mr. and Mrs T. Me•Na11 motored to JMtrott on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Herb tGovler tnoter.d to St. Marys one 'lay last. week to vis - 1t the latter's parents Mr. W. Fremlln. of Clinton. visited his father -In law. Mr. J. Fergnwon, thl. week. Unison tiro.. shipls•,I hogs on Mou- T.'nr pl:4y .intailel -Safety Flet." pre. •efts' by the .%rthur ('bele of Knox church. (;oderkll. on Frfday evening. was well attrnetf' Proceeds amounted to $55. Rec. W. R. Alp condneted 'anniver- wry servle•s at Kipper Presbyterian church on Sunday last. HU pulpit here wad snuggled by Rev. Mr. AiIIn of Goderk•h. l The community was shocked to hear of the death of Mr.. Rohl. ('ralgle of Brockville. formerly Mir, Ada Mc- Clinton. mister of Mrn. Rohr. Taylor. Th.. sympathy of the community is extended to the tereared ones. . Miming ter Two Days. -Quite an excitement was caused by the dis- appearance An Friday last of Mr. EAST ST. GARAGE Cars overhauled and re- paired by an expert mech- anic. Agent for McLAUGHIIN CARS Batteries re -charged and stored. W. M. BELL East Street Gary. Phone 243 SALE OF HOMEMADE BAKING ON FRIDAY, MAY 23rd 1n the store formerly occupied by the late F. J. Pridham, North Street Under asepioe. of Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Come and secure your holiday bakiaa and bring your fri.sds in for supper. Supper served from K.30 and Afternoon T.. from 4.30. John Youablut, situ wsa expected to testify at the Inquest which wait held burr lu tlw• death of the late Mr. H. H. 11111. Search parties were organized. boat were unsue'tasful un- til late Sunday afternoon, when the missing man was found in an exhaus- ted erond1tlou In J. (1louw•her'a wools, near the scene of the &evident. He was one of the employe* o1) the railway and was on the jigger when tlw• accident happened. It Is thought that the !luck had !tartly uubslanee'd his mind. We true that no serious results will follow. AI'RI'RX. May 20.- The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will lie admin- istered in Knox ehun•11 next Sunday morning. Preparatory servlee wjll Ir• 11.141 on Friday eveuIng at 14 ocLa'k. An evening settle,. will be held in the Presbyterian church next 1unday at 7.30 o'da-k. Rey. J. W. Hrdk.y, of Victoria street Methodist dumb. will eondact the a.•rrite. A well'* eholr N111 render spsrial tousle. PORT ALBERT 1v tltT .4, :11T, May 21, -Rev. J. T. Taylor, .Io,ay on furlough from India, w111 adeke** the 8t. .tn drew's eongregatlon o1) Sunday after noon at 3 p.m. Dr. Taylor spent over twenty-five years In India and is the author of the missionary book en- titled. "The iHe•art of India." He re - tarns to his post at the end of tbis year. It Is hoped there will he a large turnout on Sunday afternoon to hear Chis di.tingui4led visitor. This is missionary week at St. An- drew'. chnrvh. Next Tuesday night. at 4 p.m., the rulnlsrer. Mr. Rms. Gray. who 'pent four summers on pioneer field' in the far West, will give his llhtstratel address. using fifty e,lor.sl s11doM. Subject', "Ex• p•rien•e of a Sty Pilot Ont West." Spiels! pragr►tu of mu -ie• and retia• thou sill complete an interesting ev- ening. The Late Mrh. Dunbar. -Mrs. Car- olina Dunbar. wi.luw of the late .baa. Dunbar. wlwre death took place a.1) Tursda. May 1311*, sag a very highly esteemed resident of Ashflehl town- ship. A daughter of the late Mr. and arrs. Thud_ Simpson, she was one of a family of right. of whom only five remain. three winters: Mr's. It1•b- ardson and Mrs. Young of I'ort Albert. and 344.. Wm. Johnston of fahop- pardron, and two brothers: Willinnm, on the home,tead. and Jnme.. Moth of the 2nd cntwesslon of Ashfield. Two other brothers. Thomas and George. predeceased her '4ome years ago. Mre. Dunbar came out to thin country from England with her parents when only a ehlld, nettling for a time In Onondaga (Brantford). Later the family moved to the 21td cronceealon of Ashfletd, where the de- ceased lady married the late James Dunbar. She Laves to mourn her loos ber only daughter, Mrs. Harry Led - nor, by whom she had been tenderly and lovingly eared fur for some time, and from whose home the remains 'were laid at rest, also by three sons Jas.. Alex. and Joseph, who reside OD the homestead. ]fro. Dunbar was In religion a devoted member of the An- glican church. The services at the house and grave were conducted by Rev. E. Hays, of Dungannon, who has been her pastor and visited ber during her illness. The floral tributes In- cluded a cross from the congregation of Cbirst's church, a sheaf from the W. 24. 8. of 8t. Andrew's church, and a wreath from the family. The pall- • GODERICH. ONT. bearers were Ily. Hawkins, Jas. Hay - (10,1, Angus Gurdon and Thomas ltalyd. ar. etch sympathy 1e extern• dad throughout the community for the bereaved 011011. St. Andrew's (1tiureh duNlea.- Thr dates for the jubilee servtl'ea of $t. Andre'w's congregation have been definitely set for June and and 23rd. Rev. Messrs. Maltsffy, of .Irauge•vtlle, and (;oma, of fine Itiver, oral the late minister, Iter. A. G. 1th1- toul. have aeeeptel invitations to take part. The elders are making pr'para- tlons for special 'services on the usuro- Ing and evening of June while 31011. R. McWhinney le in charge of arrangements for the garden party to be held on the Monday evening. A s.nyrnlr bIMorital record is in course of preparation and will es,ver the fifty-five years of St. Andrew's his- tory. A -congregational meeting is called for Thursday evening. May 22nd, at s p.m., at which time rout- mitteee will he 1114101 titer, and plans furthered for this great event. RENMiU ER • --atr Toads will lead to ILtuliller 011 the 24th. when a tea -meeting 111)1' concert in the church will afford good entertainment. Supper will he served on the church grounds from 5 o'clock p.m. and after the supper there will be a first -chow program; including murk by the Knox church Sundry reboot orehestra of (iolerkh, and num/ere by Mr. Fret Holmen, Mr. Tom ('uta and Rey. P. S. Banes. B.I A. of Auburn. Etrrt o.Iv goal fume for a11. BABY CHICKS Single Comb White Legbertia, $15.00 per Lusdred. B. Rocks, $20.00 p.r hundred. Our breeding stocks are all from heavy layingstrain, such as Guild's, Oldam's, O.A.C. and Delamere. We guarantee 97 per cent. safe delivery. After June let our price will tw 2c lower. Order at once. INGLENOOK POULTRY YARDS E. J. Tr.wartka, Holmesville, Ont. Pkose 22-611, Clinton Central - Special Prices in Ladies' Coats and Suits For the iloliday We have the Clothing to give you that smart, up -to -the minute ance for the 24th. Ladies' Dresses Silk embroidered crepes, with crepe de cbene trimmings, in mauve, new - blue, honey dew, beige and pink. Normandy Voiles. lace and ribbon trimmings, in mauve, 'light blue, brown, navy and black. Ratine, sport materials, in striped color. appear - Men, Get a New Suit for the holiday. We have a Targe stock in the popular shades, latest goods, and at very moderate prices. A full line of Gents' Furnishings, Shirts, Hats, Caps, etc. Tilt SQUARE A. CORNFIELD i,ADiES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS SHOP WHERE YOV ARE INVITED ro SHOP GODERICH DUNGAN'NON _ Di1NGAYNON, May 21. -Mr. add Mrs. J. K. McE*chren, of London, mo- tored up at the wek-end, and visited at the *tome of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie. 31r. and Mra. I. Smiley Motored to ltelgrave on Sunday! Mrs. Win. Elliott ..1)d daughter. of New Liskeard, W.110 had leen visit - lug her mother, Mrs. J. Ryan, for the last three weeks, returned home 411) Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson, Mr. 14. Gray. Mrs. Win. Stothera and Miss 1.. Elliott. attemle'd the Presbytery Ad Presbyterial meeting. at Walton un Tuesday of this week. Mrs. W. Crawford. of Port Albert, is spending a few days at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell. Mr. Lorne McKenzie has sold two new Orerlaud Cara one last week to Mr. Raymond Finnigan and one this week to Mr. Wm. Crozier. Who Is next? Mr. S. Stothera is still confined t0 lad. but we hope soon to be able 'to see him about again. Remember the illustrated addreme to 11e given on Monday night. May 26th, In Erskine church. The suhj.rt, "Extw'rleare of a Sky Pilot 111 the West." fa one whkh is humnrou, and instrmtive, depicting In word and picture the life on pioneer mission (lelds In the far West. LEEBL'RN LEE'RFRX, May 20. -On Friday afternoon of last week elx old-time friends were entertained at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) J. Hamilton. Goderieb, on the Broadway of Goderich to renew their acquaintance with Mins Grace Oliver and Mrs. Keith McQuarrle, of Kentvtlle, N. 8. Miss Oliver expected to leave for th)' Old NOTES 17tOM THE- H.1RItOK [;p to Tuesday nlgbt of this, week twenty -our brats had unloaded a tot a1 of 3,340,439 bushels of grain at the Goderich Elevator Co.'s elevator. The boats unloaded during the past week included the flimflam. with 102.000 bushels of wheat; Mapleeourt. 1410,041. wheat and oats; )Drummond, 15.'1,135, wheat and oats; Olenlivet, 113M22. wheat, oats and seteeninga. Shipments by rail from the local elevators have been heavy lately,' though there still remalu to storage about 1.750,000 bushels of grain. It 14 understood that Wm. Forrest has secured a dredging eontraet at Kincardine and that he will one his dredge "Menesetuog•' In eounectlon with the work. Engineer A. M. Kirkpatrick has been slllwrriRing the "sweeping" of the har- bor bottom to locate the "high spots." Dredging of the bar at the plerway entrance le proceeding apace. Thr fishermen report catches of trout as rather smart, the hauls vary- ing from 200 to 700 pounds. The pruml..•.1 liberation of 800,000 trout fry at this point cannot enure too soon for the local male -hunters. Some effort ahonld be made by the nlnboritles to "clean up" the wharf in ilea of the v1.14 of the steamer Grey- hound just a little more than two weeks away ties. I#rause of the un- e•nmtlb•t.rl pier fronting the town freight alovl where for yeas the Greyhound tips tied up. the Detroit excursion Isar will have "to come awesIn at les -t 11. for 1111 the W. 1', F. M. elevator leg. There 1s still ro1std,rable scrap material lying about as n "memorial" of the slitter fleet. IIon. Dr. .1. H. King, Federal Min- ister of Public i'urks, has been ten- dered and has aeee•pted Tun invitation to make a personal visit br G41lerirh harbor soar tint,. during the coming summer. tine i- eoufident in saying that when Itr. King .Le- .r,mr to see 1 for himself he will be doily impressed and that he will fled that a;.slerl.'h petitions and deputations to Ottawa Jove been more hclines! to understate the ons.• than „v.•r..[1114' It. Gale- rleh's elaim for a large extenditore of puddle money on the harbor this Tear is justified ,'very way one may look at it. The Federal Cnnetlru.•tiou Co.'s tug. I J. W. Ward. towed into port from Toronto on Ttte'wlay the dredge "Al- fred," which will be 1)..d to the water Our Business Is to Save You Money We positively do In New and Used Furniture Call and be convinced. Tbie 1. Your Store Use It. Blackstone's Furniture Exchange home near 8t. Marys the next day. The pupils of 8. 8. No. 9 planted their mcbool garden aeedn on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Hamilton Clutton woo laid up for a few days with a bad cold. hat be is now able to be at work again. • Mr. Malcolm McKay, of Goderich called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Clutton on Friday last. Mr. and Mre. Arch. Horton and family, motored to Ripley on Sunday. Mrs. J. Sprung returned last week to her home near Dungannon after spending 001114 time with her niece. Mhos Marion Wato'on. Misses Fdith and Elizabeth Horton spent n week -end with relatives at Goderich. Chnr'h a ervice will commence next Sunday at 10.30 a.m. There will be no Sunday school. The children are asked to comp earlier and practise the singing before service. There will he a children's choir. The Cheerful Woman Is One Who Has the Moth, Red Blood of Good Health The fact that one woman to bright- eyed, rosy -checked, strong and cheer- ful, while another la pale. weak and depressed, is doe more often than otherwise to the condition of the blood. The way to remedy this de - pranged state is to bntld up the blood, and for Ms purpose there is no other tonic can equal Dr. William!' fink Poll,. A came In print 414 that of lira. Melvin Abell, Oraveley street. Van- couver. B. C., who says :-"•Ahont two years ago 1 watt a very sick woman, 1 srmel to he wasting away and get- ting thinner all the time. i grew m0 weak that the doctor gent ma to the hospital, but the treatment there did not help me and 1 returned home. Then i tried a number of torch-. with no better results. At thta Mage my mother came to me, and ne she is a firm !waterer In Dr. William,' Pink l'111x. she atarfed me 00'this medicine. 1 can only gay that they did wondera for me. 1 began t0 get my health and strength after i had taken a few Moxas, and day by day this Improve- ment eontlnuo4 until 1 was again well and apse to do all my housework, and 1 have not had a mirk day slnee 1 can- not r.00mmend your ptlla too highly and urge thus' who ars looking for health and happiness to give them a trial." Yon aeon eel the Mile from roar 11 Olt 0r by mall at 50 cent. a box from Tire Th. Williams' Medicine Oo, lIroekvllle, Oat. MILLINERY New Hats of fascinating com- bination of Fabric and Straw. New Trimmings forthe dressy Hat. New Modes in sport and tailor- ed Hats. Flowers, Mounts and Ribbons, the three essential millinery trimmings for sununer. Miss MacVicar Kingston St. Goderich MODEL THEATRE WEEK OF MAY 2)) TO 31 Mon. and Tues. A Symphony of life i11 t1"' high and low place! Fdwtn ('arewe present, "MiIiITi- LAK' A ROSE" with DOROTHY MaeKA1LL and JAMES RENNIE ('hriatfe Comedy lousy Buddies'. Wel. and Thnts. GL&V HINTER and NAY McA1'O% In their great elasrncterizatlun "West of the Witter Tower" Ben Turpin in "Where is my I'Vanrlering *toy this Ever" Fri. and Snt.- WILLiAM RUSSELL to a popular crook drama "Roston Mackie" Imp Comedy "A La Mode" "Fox Newt" Reel No. 14" Note! %Inoue•. )foo. nod ant of 300. Wednesday at 4.15. COMING : "The ltottcntot." Men's Furnishers t*nd Dry Cleaners Made -to -Measure Cloth* a Specialty UNDERWEAR- SHIRTS AND TIES Balbriggan Underwear, Camblaa tion and two -per. B.V.D. gen- uine line. A splendid now assortm.d a Shirt& and Ties. W. bard/4s Cur- rie'- line of Ties. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR DRY CLEANING and PRESSJG W. C. SNAZEL Phase 3$11 S. uth *die of Square I DON'T MISS IT May -Time Maple Leaf Revue ADDED ATTRACTIONS Monday, May 26th, at 8 p.m. G. C. 1. GYMNASIUM Adults, 50c; Students, 35c. end of the Intake job. The dredge Is MillinEmmmimii equipped with a yard hueket. Ali the pipe for the intake job has arrived, those for the water end being nearly three times the length of tboae for the laud end. Work In connection with are more than gavel photographs. the latter proee•edR but rery ,Icily. They are true Portrait. bringing out A nest of weeds and Mirk.' varying in .best in character and in- rhickneso from an itch to six( niche(' 1 dlt•idualitl. constituted Itself a costly barrier dur- I R. R..1LI.OWM. hag• the past week's work. The gang II has been split up for some two weeks .� past into dayand night shift., with the pump working "tout to tem17"•" I -t Our Photographs NOTICE I wish to announce to the people of Goderich, and Dirtrict that I [.aye opened alt ftp -to -date Shoe Repair Shop on Colborne Street, at the rear of the Bank of Commerce. Your patronage solicited. W. J. BRIDGE -e Men's Summer Underwear At a Special Price 10 dozen nien's fine Bal- briggan Combinations, short sleeves and ankle length. Sizes 34 to 44. Special at $1.35. Men's Athletic Combina- tions, sleeveless and knee length. Sizes 34 to 44. At 95c. 20 dozen Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. All sizes. Special at 59c. M. ROBINS The Square Goderich The Ideal Gift A PICTURE This is the ohne of Brides, an.l the quest ion, ''11'hat to (live?'' Give Pictures ! The ideal wel- ding gift, a gift that never grows old, and is a constant re- minder to the recipient ofthe donor. In our store you will tinct :. selection of pictures, artistical- ly framed, that will make a splendid wedding gift, with less ehanee of duplientiou than is found in any other present. Cottle in and we w 'he to shoos• you.11pleased Smith's Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street W4re1. Ns. XM Music, The World's Recreation ! We laugh to it, we weep to it, we rest to it, -and we fight to it t The fighting is all done out -doors. of course. A VICTROLA supplies all kinds at all times. H. E. JENNER FOR The Best, Newest AND MOS T Up -to -Date TRY F O O T W E A R FOR Men, - Women and Children SHARM AN'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE Phone Q,$W. REG. RHARMAN (;(*DKR)�H 1