The Signal, 1924-5-22, Page 4{--dAarioay. MAY L7t, MR(
It Pays Good Profits
r well -cats clothes and you invite opportunity. Chances
eqwekearto the elan who looks ready to receive theta, and
700 will probably be. judged by the taste you've displayed in
Tour clothes. We have everything fabrics from Gere to creathe you Britain, t ne
rngly and xtuurt4
NVordrdand Tweed Suits and Spring Topcoats.
$22.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00
,made in fine English Herringbone Blue Serge, very popular
jolt now; perfect fitting. young men's and tibneervative
models. Serial for Saturday, $29.75.
pia SCE CLOTHING FOR BOYS. Try a Suit -they are good
In Their New Stand Next to Bank of Montreal.
CARLOW. May 20. -Rev. W. tit.
.Alp conducted anniversary serclees at
Kfppen ou Sunday. Rev. stir. Allln,
of Goderich, tilled the pulpit here
very acceptably. '
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Macle•unau and
Meas Henderaon, of Heron townahlp,
Itruee county, and Mr. John Ross
of leultr1h. called on friends here on
Friday last.
Mr. Peter Liuklater, of Wiuglam.
spent the week -cud at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. It. M. Young.
Mrs. P. Courtney. of Kinoardtue. Is
spending the week with Mr. and airs.
We have a full line of Garden Tools. If you are
doing any painting, see our line of Canada Paints and
Elephant White Lead.
K. and S. Tires Firestone Tires
WIII RaHOW a The latter is a daugh-1
ter of Mra. Courtney. ff
Mk. and Mrs. Alex. McKay, of Rip-
ley, spent 111.P week -end at the home
pf Mr. and Mrs. W. Sallow,. I
MJss Vanderburg, of Leeburn. els• 1.
lied Mien Julia Young and took In
the concert on Monday evening.
Mrs. A. W. Y g I. visiting for a
few dap' with friend.- at Stratford
and Kitchener.
Mrs. A. McDnsald, of Golerleh, ,IR -
lied Mr. and Mrs. A Johnston.. re-
Tile enirrtalument 1:i the chur()i on
aloodsy evening was very good. The
entertainers were ex.••Ilent and all
took their parts well We are sor-
ry more gild not come out, for, those
who did not mlsaed u great treat.
LANES, May 19. -Mr. John August
Kennedy and sister Katherine, of ('ul-
rose. visited at William Ho gan's.
Frank Murphy, who has teen on the
Niel; list for acme time, Is not doing
!1• \\'1•l1 AN we wnllld w' Mt1 a TNI int. -MIR
to go to St. Joseph's hospital. Lon-
don. 1\'e hope for his spasdy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Itnyttanl. of
Paramount. flatted at Jame., Dren-
na n's.
(Inc of our old landmarks is fast
barnring w leh . of the old
Taylor tarn, which s Harris
lots sold to Ackert Rees.. Holyo...d.
We can safely say it is the largest
Iwrn in the world. its size Is 175
ft. by 'i feet., la•afdes the approach.
CREWE, May 19. -Mrs. R.
Crozier spent a few days last week
with her mother, Mrs. Campbell. at
Mr. anti Mrs. Jot):, Meuary made
a bovines,' trip to lawkuow last
at r. Raymond Finnigan ha- trented
himself to a new Overland car. If
reports are true there will be others
doing the same.
Mr. .t. M1•Iliold and Miss Etta vis-
ited at .lames Little's, Lothian.
hist Sunday.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
NI. Shackleton is not improving in
Mrs. John tlwlary, Mrs. S. Sher-
wood. air.. Dave McWlituney and MINI
Sti•:ut Kilpatrick attended the W. M.
S. muv.•ntion at Seaforth last Wed-
i 'tat y. They reported a large- nt•
teudtua•t• at the gathering.
We have just received a large shipment of Wilton and Axminster Rugs and
Mats, with many new patterns in shades of fawn, blue and brown. These are of
heavy weight and low priced.
In Qualities
Sydney Wilton
Arabic Wilton
Woodstock Axminster
Rugs in Sizes - 9 x 12, 9 x 10 1-1
In Qualities
Earnscliffe Smyrna
Empress Josephine
9x9, 6ft. 9in. x9.
Mats in Sizes 36 x 63, 27 x 54, 18 x 33,
15 x 27.
You are invited to see these in our House -furnishing Department, where they
will be on display.
Special Prices in Ladies' Wool Sweaters for This Week
For one week we are offering our entire stock of pure wool Sweaters at special
reductions. These consist of Sweaters and Pullovers, in attractive color combina-
tions of blue, fawn, white, black, brown and mauve.
6 only Pullovers, regular $1.95 to $3.95, to clear 95c each
5 only Sweaters, regular $2.95 to $4.95, to clear $2.25 each
6 only Sweaters, regular $4.95 to $5.50, to clear _ $3.95 each
3 only Pullovers, regular $5.95 to $6.75, to clear54.95 each
7 only Sweaters. regular $7.50, to clear $6.50 each
Special Value in Ladies' and Misses' Sport Hose
This is a ribbed Lisle Hose with exceptional wearing qualities and is made in
attractive shades of blackr°dove, beige and bamboo. Special this week. per pair, 79c.
TheS. A. GRAY CO. .._.5.
Bos 47 2 tree Blue
ASFifFIE11►, May 111. -Miss Lois
MaeKetttale and Mr. harry West war
home for the week -end from Octde-
rich Collet to luttltute.
Mrs. lie rt Ma(D♦aald and Mrs.
Rol Mae male visited Mrs. A. Beck-
ett at the wtek-cud.
The sucker-fishiug in the creeks Is
a great ~MOM
The barn -raising at air. Dan hose
un Friday afternoon was a decided
rto.-es,.. Mr. lla.t Maclean, Klntell,
and Mr. Mitrtlo Mae•(1regor were the
framers. The cwlltalns for the rais-
ing were Mr. Dan McLean and Mr.
J. al. Bowler. Mr. Mclean won. Much
of the success of the raising was due
to the managwneut of Mr. Jack
K1XGSIRRID(.E May 10. -Mr. and
Mrs. Williams, of Detroit. and Mr.
and airs. J. Boyle, of Goderk•h, mo-
tored here one evening last week.
Mr. Robert Moran, of Detroit. la
spending vaeation here.
Mra. !limon Styles and vies Peggy
()Loughlin, of lh•trult, are rlaltiltg
Mrs. Jos. O'Lmtghlin.
Mr. 1). .1. 1)onuelly and sou George.
of Veneer. t'ul.. paid a fl}'lug visit
to tricot's here.
Miss E'iraleth
e 1'('onnur Is visiting
her sister. Mrs. G. Kiunit;ut. at St.
August lie.
Mn-. John - Lannon. Miss R. Me-
culr.•, alis. Flnrenee and Master Thoa.
Page. l.II of 1:,alerich, spent a few
days w i:h Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
WEST'FIET.T►, alae 24) -Dont for-
ged the play, "Robert and Mato.- to
be given In Westfield (buret) on Fri-,
day. May 23r.l. by the C. G. I. T. of
Vhoorla street Methodist tattirch
Goderlch. ('ome one :old all and en-
joy a good play.
Inspector .1. E. Tom paid his tenti-
annunl rlslt to our school on Tues-
day. May 20th.
The baseball sea.on has arrived.
The first gnnle will I,.. played on the
Westfield diamond. Dungannon rt.
1\'estfi(Id, on May
-The Ladies' .Alt) of Westfield chureh
intend holding a Is,• to (1.•111 all the
Iray.•y,tr•i on .1 AA, 31'd. .\11 thole who
are interested please ,omc acid help.
(a11tEit11'll T(ttVXSHII', May 10. -
Mr. }•ran(Is Chisholm returned home
Inst Monday and is feeling fine atter
his operation.
Mr. Richard ay•T.t•Ilnnd sold a fine
Hnletcin eow to Mr. Harvey Beattie
last week.
Mr. Percy Warner i- hired with Mt.
William Cook for a month.
We are sorry rn hear that Mrs. Me -
Kee Falconer WWI 011 the •lek Inst the
past week.
Mr. John McClure lost n valuable
horse one day last week.
Mr. Reg Snwerby Is working with
Mr. Wiltlam Fuller and sena. on the
cement confit at Mr. William Cook's
on the Bayfield road.
The annual meeting of the (ode-
ri.•h towar/hlp Hospital Auxiliary
will hp held rat the home of Mrs.
Groves. Huron road, on Tuesday, May
27th at 2.30 o'clock. A good atten-
dance is desired.
ST HELENS, May 1!1. --Mr. Robert
McQnillin, of the Sterling Bank.
Shedden- tent., is home for a two -
weeks' vacation.
Mr. F. F. Phillips and daughter
Lena. of Listowel. spent the week -end
rat Mra, R. J. Woods'.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollock. afr. Joe
11 -de an.! son and daughter, of
Glamla, spent Saturday here with Mr.
and Mrs. Hyde.
Cnngrntulations to Mr. and Mrs. Will
Rutherford on the birth of their
Mr. and Mr.. Rnthig and daughters,
Misses Lnrrene and Dorothy, of Strat-
ford. ne•nmplanied by Mlss Mabel
Woods sol Miss Florenee afaefvrlde,
spent the week -end with friends here.
Mrs. W..7. Humphrey and Miss M.
4'. Ritherford are appointed na
delegates to the Presbyterial meet -
Ing ml Tuesday at Walton, in nil -
(Minn to officers of the Women's Mis-
slnnary So•ltty.
A play entitle! "Bashful Mr. Tints"
will he pit on in St Helens hall on
the evening of Frldny, May 30th. by
the St. Augustine Dramatic ('Inb,
under the anspiees of the. St. Augus-
tine Women's Institute. afnale will
be fnrnlahed hetletsen acts by a
quartette from Tlnngnnnoit. Every -
!Katy wplenme.
BELFAST. May 2f1. --awing to the
illness of her mother, our teacher,
alias Johnston. had to go to her home
near Owen Sound. and 11 WAR 1m-
possi1.le for her to return to her
donees. The trnsteea have been very
fortunate in a.r•nring Miss McLeod. of
Kinloss. for the rest of the term.
Mr. William Twamley made • hna-
boss trip to Winglaim one day last
Mrs, John T.'mmerami, of Klnlough,
spent a few day lash 'week with
her parents. Mr. and M'rs. Ralph
Mr. ,inseph Hackett attended the
WInghnm Methodist dlatriet meeting
held at Wingham nu Tuesday.
Jr. and Mrs. Herb Stothera and
daughter Lenore, of Dungannon. !pent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wonderful Silk Sale
$i.69 a Yard
These are of the best quality, bought at a bargain, and we are offering
the public this wonderful opportunity of getting first-class quality at a very
low price. $1.69 a Yard, 36 inches wide.
All -wool Crepe Skirts in wide and narrow pleating. Colors, black. navy. cocoa,
brown, silver greys and biege. Prices $4.50 to $8.00 each.
All -wool Cream Flannel Skirts, pleated, at $5.00 each.
A beautiful range of Princess Slips, in English Broadcloth, in all shades, at $3.50 each
Thins. Henry.
Mrs. Millais Hunter, of T.ucknow,
spent the week -end with her daugh-
ters. Mrs. Alex Marken and Mrs.
James Hackett.
Mrs. James Hackett, sr., It visiting
friends at Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morrison, of
Whitechurch. visited at the home of
Mr. anti Mrs. I). K. Alton on Sun-
Mrs Charles .\iton and mother,
Mrs. Campbell. of Toronto. are spend-
ing • few days with relatives )here.
Mts. George Lane, of Lanes, ful-
filled the duties of teacher for Bel-
fast athto.11 for the past week.
COLBORNE, May 20. -Mr. Dick
Reid shipped a carload of cattle to
Toronto on Saturday last : also Mr.
Joe O'Connor a car of hogs on Mqn-!
Needing is shoot over. Some'
farmers were delayed by the recent
Quite a number of neighbors and
friends from this township attended
tlw funeral of the late Mrs. Wm.'
Treble Inst Friday afternoon, Mrs.
Treble had made her home with her
111e0A, Mrs. Thomas Tab'''. since the
death of her husband seventeen months
Mrs, Harold Hickman and two
children, of Toronto, who were visit-
ing Mrs. Hickman's parents, Mr. and
Mra. Geo. Bean, sr., for a few weeks,
have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S.•ahro9ke anti
Winces Jennie and Stella Morrish
motored from Goderich and spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Allln.
Mr. Will Tartan. of Goderk'h town.
ship, visited friends at Zion on Sun-
day. WP think Will likes North Zion
very well, as we hear he intends to
make ills home there In the near
I'OI1TER'S HiLL, \Ivy 2(1. -
Mr. Frank Murray. of Detroit. anti
Miss Nellie and Mr. Wm. M••Dongall,
The early Pullet makes
the Winter Layer. Ridg-
crest stock excell9 as winter
Write or 'phone for our
Circular. inspection and
comparison invited,
Custom Hatching
We have some space for
custom hatching. Charges
5 cents per egg.
R. H. & H. K. REVELL
of Egwondrille. were calhrs in the
neighborhood last week.
A Targe and euthusiastle meeting
was held here ou Thursday night and
by the interest taken this fair prom-
isee to .urpa.s anything held here.
Mr. I1. C. ('ox has exchanged his
old car for a Chevrolet and not to be
behind IV. McDonald has turns, his
old one In and now sports a new
We are sorry to report the Serious
Inness of our oldneighbor. Mrs.
Arch. McDougall, at the home of her
.r,n Norman. A party of her old
friends motored .town to London to
see her, but taunt' her in a very
criuca 1 ruudiliun.
Mr. lluward 1'ox ha- left here to
-pseud part of the summer with friends
in and around London. and his mother.
Mrs. J. Cor. has gone to visit tier
daughter. Mrs. Milton woods
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bison, of Klppen,
sp.•ut a day last week at the home of
Mrs. Reid Torrance.
Mr. McFarlane and Mr. Symington,
of Loudon. exehanztvl pulpits on Sun-
.A man wags his tongue. • dog wags
ld• tail. but the do;'. wag I. n 3.9
trntlltul.-Lexington Leader.
Miner Rubber Footwear
There is no eubetituu' for Miner's. They have been tried and tasted and
tomtit 'atiafactory.
'iS't' carry a complete range in Tennis high and tow Silos. Bowling Shoes.
Sae our new Bowler Work Shoes, in brown and black, with extra durable
soles. Children's Straps and Sandals. Oxfoals and high Boosts.
)toys and girls, be pure your Running Shore have the Girl Guide or Boy
Scout Emblem on the a.c. They are genuine. We have them.
Here's Boot Shop Phone4
Forsylk Fabric
A highly silk -finished cloth, made
from Egyptian yarns, that retains all
its lustrous beauty after washing, and
will give unusual wear. Fully Cov-
ered by the Forsyth Insurance Policy.
Exceptional value with collar to mattth,
_ way.
Our Aim Is to Satisfy Everyone.
Phone 398 r 2
Day or night, by our new latest device Automatic Air Compressor, also Air Tower, which enables you to get
air at any time you wish; no waiting, no fussing, or dirty hose to handle. Just stop and help yourself when
At BARKER BROS. Tf'RIt:c The battery Distributors for the WATERLESS STORAGE BAT-