The Signal, 1924-5-22, Page 2$ May 22, 1994 THE SIGNAL, -- GODBRKt , ONT.
aiwaiss"' Asti Your Grocer
414 TilcaCANADA
Nildier • f 0.11•
p Weekly News-
ewt s-
Thuraalay m•raing.
pricy 42.00 per year. Ts
tea and Foreelgn Cumtrhes,
year, strictly In advance.
Telephotos is .. Getierleh, Oat.
W. H. Robertson, liNlitor and Manager
Thursday, May 22, 1921
:terms to be time for a thaw.
• • •
Read the advertisements and shop
where you are invited to shop
• • •
Mr. M.lghen Is a great Bleaker. nut
as a party st•utegl't be in quite
satisfactory to the literals.
• • •
We may come on warm weather
the first week of J0ne. e.1en the
Preebytertau/ General Assemblmeets
at Owen Round.
• • •
President C.oll.1ge Is a hay fever
t lcilm. Aril Go!dep Rod Is the 17. 8.
national flower. Calvin la "the logical
candidate." all right.
• • •
J1111104. A. Foley %AA 01e0te111 10 0110.
cee11 Charles F. Murphy as floe lead-
er of Tammany 1 In New York
l'lfy. That i- on.• orginiralinn that
evideutiv is not run by the Scotch.
The budget leaser! at (wawa by a
vote of 1415 to ,I1. :and the King Gor-
erument. which 4401)• :precut 1'onscr-
ta1ftr- fondly believet bra• tottering
to a fall. will be able to ea rry on for
a while !e•t.
• • •
.N man writing to a T,rngt.) paper
comfit/ilia null h' ham been bitten by
dog* threw tinee within n month.
lie should keep quiet about it. It is
soil known that dog. are g.o11 judges
of human character.
• • •
Toronto Globe: Ou Manch 1 MAY
webs at w•am 1100041 in ('h1cag0 at $1 10.
The tariff was raked from 30 to 42
s ., 1 Yesterday
�*• bushel u .� tel 7. S
1 IItM a LU .
Wt• prier was Al 04'i to $1.05. The
United States grata grower Is easily
• • •
tionwone writing to The Former.'
Run urge* that farmer. who cnnnot
mak' agriculture pay turf) th.•ir at-
tention to gold -mining. That's an
idea. 1'nfnrtnnately m".t of the
farms Iu 3113. enmity lar' 1101 gold
wines ---nut by any wanner of means.
Kist' riven.* auything be lad dune
before, at least within the walla of
1'arliseeute anti pa his c'oneIualue won
• for himself an ovation that telt an
echo even In the crowded galleries of
• the Chamber.
And nth tLet�were liberal
t,tete who
had jteedktrd a n't01t of the Menlo
from Quebec? Badly discomfited
surely. For never elute• he became
Premier did the members of his group
Who come from the IAIWer [eve -Ince
rally round their leader as In the
hour of trial, before division. From
Quebec tnembera came the cheers that
answered each eloquent period;
Quebec members were first to thump
their desks am point after point of
the Premieres indictment was driven
home, and Quebec nMmters were
tinea who vot.rl with nue l:eartlest
gond-will for the triumph of a policy
of tariff reduction and for the ter-
mination of that one -shied "stability"
NO dear to the /elute of vested priv-
rixileges behind the protctiy*I tariff
I Queb•e• to -day is apparently more
ay 19. -If uu!tblul, thoroughly and waually Liberal than
to emplutdze the on tete day when the budget ma.
invent In reeparrt brought down. 1'uuserratives w110 had
built up f I hopes of as•urlug thirty.
of the dtt0t• twenty-five ..r fifteen wears rho
day lasthu,-when Li wer Province --mud their ..timatw
majority of ;cover that optimis:ic gamut -got cold
the acting. comfort In 1111• cute on tt•'• budget and
A. Itohh. ! now are wondering wherein their
s alguiH- •dnpr" went wrong.
It wadi, The Issue In a Nutshell
r glr-
If you enjoy green tee you will be satin.
Sed with no other blend. - Try it today. ,
tariff reduction they will have to
vote for men who believe in tariff
rslue•t Ino.
• • •
Ottawa reports that of the 580
...tilers from the Hebrides brought
nut to Canada under the auspices of
the Federal 4ko'rnweut all have
leen plated on farms except four
fsililies; all those placed have re -1
mained on the farms; none are 1n ar-
rear. for the repayment of their flus-
.sag4 totot•). and none have glue 40
the United States. Three cheers for
the Hebrideans!
• • •
The Hamilton Spectator hits the
nail on the head when 31 remarks:
"Tie re eau he 110 questi,m that one
of tIte mo.) disgusting ae•owpaul-
1aeuts of every aur i.: the opportun-
ity given to profiteer. to grow
•weullhy ti safety while their f.;llow-
countryulen are fs.iug death and pan•-
.•rty for the rause. If It Is possible
to 111.11.•• an equitable levy upon all
bide 141na1s alike 41 should certuiu!y
le .btu•,..
• • •
We do not bear 1'u match of the Red
'Pelee n. we .111 in war -tiro'', lout the
arrhal of the annual report of the
cauadian Hep truss 'kel'ty 1. a re-
mind,r that the work 1.20111 going nn.
We learn that lu Dmitri.) the 1ted
Cross is -:111 cnriug for 4?,' comfort of
soldiers lu hospital or on lonely
farms: It is .orrytlg a nursing scrviee,„
to some of the outlying parts of the,
Protium: 0:romt:h the Junior Roll
Cross it is reaching over twenty
thousand children In the public schools
%v hu runts its an4plc's are learning to
play the game of health and growing
up straight 1111.1 strung to be good
('alamiiau citizens: through its 'tner-
g'm•y department It has 110111 out a
1101pt11g hand 10 liaileybury. ('ea•hrnue,
111"1 the people of Japan. The
tient of the (Vittorio division nays:
"Wi. want Ilntarlo to realize that the
It'd Cross p- still at work."
• • •
The people of Ontario want to have
the'et•Ide'nee of ('hilrle•. .t. Nlutthews
on the trau.aetioite b•tweeu the Home
itank and the I'rovin, lap Treasury.
The general respect in which .Vtoruey-
General Xirkle is held will suffer if
Matthews le not produced ns a eft -
• • •
Armand Lavergne says that the
Lllersle make the Natiunallet speech-
es and do the ImperiallatIe i'elm,
while the Coca •rvativcs make the
I•mperlalIatk• speeches and eo the
NatlonaIlat deeds. Mr. M'Ighen, whose
follower Lavergne now proclaim. h1m-
selt, will hardly thank ham for that
frank expression.
• • •
William Elliott, th • l'rogreaaive
member for South 11' iterloo, made
himself conspicuous by voting with
the Conwervativea against the Robb
budget In the division last week. The
explanation of his action is that he
mita for a rldlag that contains many
protected Industries and he consid-
ered that the majority of his ton-
lgltn4lota would he opposed to tariff
reduction. Mr. Elliott's attitude will
he an object lesson to the farmers
J'rolhtee Matthews
Ilttaw'a Citizen
T'he apparent Intek of ,•ff,•t$VP nc-
i w to hriug lack Clmrles Nlatthcw44,
fnrmcr Deputy Prurin -lap Trwaur.r,
le a reflection nu the pr'*.•nt 1lntarlo
I:overnntent. The Government may lie
as :11axlou4 to d1a4•14ver w'L•o were the
grafters before the i'revite-eat elections
in 1111!1 aq they were to turn the
searchlight upon the transactions hs•-
twe.11 Hun. Teeter Smith and the Home
!wank. Ther' is reason to believe that
seine corrupt financial trnnaaetions
w',•re put through kb.• time that the
Ina ('ona'ryntly' Government 44.•!1
Alta. In Ontario. But the officials
who might have shed w1111e• light on
the deal In quesli0n 1ptre Man al-
lowed to mak' themselves scars.
1'4.1.411c w111 draw their ow•n (' rx•1us-
"Net Married.
,Mr. and Mr.. Gunter were 4ls4um4-
Ing married happhnme :'Yon know
my friend Jenkin., don't you, dear r
said Mr. (:anter to his wife, after a
"Yes. of '.nlrst i do. dear." was the
"Wen, that man hall the moat happy
ideas about marriage."
'Tet, he believes that man and
wife ghoul.] always he in full har-
mony; tint they ehnnld mutually
yield every print to Ma end. rnd
have no thought In the world but
trite dume•mtle luappin'.."
"Splendid; and, of e'ourae, lbs.
Jenkins agre." with him 1.'
"Not Mn inst. my .Isar. Jenkins
'is other ridings, that if they want Is not married."
By an
tuber of the 1'n•as Gallery
wore were 1100/
preponderating ant
to Canada'. rs'.•ptf
it was proffered on F
I'arliane 11t metres! by
112 the fiscal proposals
}'1111111..•Minister. Hon.
The cote on the budget w
cant in wore ways than one.
perhaps. the largest majority t
u t , n budget In Cau•tllan 11
The high light. of the spechi'a"ot
11 ruutlrni's1 what 'ivad Neel. front the loth the IOad*•r of the elpp'sitiotu and
date the budget was tabled. the 03 n- of the ka.ler of the t.tterumeet hate
already been reflecttal In the press
fun of all c relent observers • •
Heavy pure silk Canton crepe, deepest lustre
and sheen, exquisite French make, dl) inekea
wide, Black, Navy, Greys, Brown.
$4.50 At per yard
Crepe Du l'henes. Extra heavy quality
pure silk in Browns, Black, Greys, Sand.
Special tier yard
Poire Twills, Tricotines and fancy plaid
and stripe effects, 50 new garments and
hardly two alike, many are silk lined, very
stylish full sweep and new milers conver-
tible. Clearing prices now in sires 16 to 44,
at each $12.00, $15.00, 1.00, 826.00, $35.00
Special reduced prices for this week. Every
size made in slick new patterns. No. 1 Gold
Butterick Patterns for June
50 pairs beat English Marquisette net Hem-
stitch with point lace and insertion trim-
med, curtains 21/2 yards x 36 inches wide.
Regular $4.50 at per pair
Reversible Japanese Rugs with extra heat,
cotton warp, neat patterns for bedroom.,
halls and living rooms
Size $ x 10 feet
6 x 9 feet
3 x 42 feet
x 3 yards $30.00 ar(d 840.00
3 0 3 yards $40.00 and $50.00
3 x 31/, yar(la $45.00 and 155.00
3 s •t earls .. $45.00, $55.00 and 875.00
in Stock. Delineator on Sale
W..*cheson & Son
That the endnr.nUuu of Parliament and neenot he rviewel here. Dow f Donations to the Huopital
W011111 he de
finite xwl uyc'rw-helwIng. , T. A. l'rersr'..ureinct summing of the I. ,U.•v.uulna Marine tool Gcut•rnl
It trued beyond shadow of doubt . 4141 1*suit g.'.' 11P .111'1 11 _
that`\.tbe 11.111,4" off Commons. repr's- • ah 11:- "if there• is any meaning In
entintt\nll r4'tIons and all classics of the words of my right hnn,rable
the IA,nlildun. reflected with fid.•lity frlen '4Nfr. Nletghettl they mean thea
the soler. t1,Ibias'd opinion of alae 1f he
elut:try in respect to the r thwtioIIM party
an living tend prahi.tiun rests. and ' office th
111 respct to lowered taxes, 011.1 rednct1nn.
low'rve.l Federal et4.•11ditires. t.a.L x rertuluty
bur not least, it drew a definite line t'l'• But 14
of 41e•ulan•aton. within the Llleral as 'Inlnrntr•41
group du Hr.. Homo.. letwe•11 the few tu.'1I01 nnytltlug
Lib•rsls w•ho stand for a .straight rn1 pull.' of th
protective tariff and the• gra•:at ma- shops• l upon t1t' n
jorit,' of "their eollengu'., to whom n Ing Ow great (1:rti•.n
returusl 10 inter and rhe
lends re•anm'' the reins -ef
is no farther 'hitt.'• of
11 the tariff but th.•xe is
that the tariff will go
u- Ged..rnm'nt's p*.Iicy.
the Prime Minister
means that the fee
countryit to ie
'n'•Iple of der. lop -
1 wealth of this
tariff is an instrument for ..fleeting rt'mluiou."
rev'une raft:Pr than a fortress of The closing Dns o
;print privilege. served to nn.•or•r the fi
Lil*crap "halters" ba.i ken 'openr, sire protectionist" to :fill
let cF w of the speech... of ...vent) Milan politics. 1t,had pang 1
01: 3411*' fewer ,inch b•nehe., .1 lel these stood that William Elliott
wen• forthcoming Rut In verV small 1Wafowl. ,I would pr*.3.,,1.1'
measure. Four Literal. st'MI for it -101.Iget niacc'ptal•l• t0 111111. 11q
n'versal toward the pretenve puller 1t en 30 his [.Iteral ellenttne fro
I--M.'sars. Marler. Euler. M.4't') and Same comity. W. h. }:nler. .41
Itteernon,--118 did one ton' Pr0gres- sum' Cline. 1t came somewhat as
sive, hill)tt of South Waterloo in surprise t0 n c•i.e-hardeuerl Flow' t
each ruse. the attitude of ale.• mem- hear one of Mr. Furke's followers
the l'ha(44
1't "1'rogren-
r In Tan -
en ntu'1'r-
Id the
t had
hospital gratefully 11ck11owleig'' the
following donations: _
Two chickens, Mr. ('arson; nursery
supplies. Mrs. McKay: nuc basket-
asketplunk. Mrs. Spahr; two jars plums,
Wolin ti'- Institute: one lask't plums,
Miss Whitely: three jars Jelly, 1
s:ineepaua. NIr.. Murrey; two sugar
sant cream sada. 31rs. Murrey: ono
losket apples. 1 basket grapes. 1 hag
apples, flowers. sirs. FIemhig: three
jars jelly. 17. Jars fruit two loaves
homemade bread. 1 jar fruit. Mrs.
.1. Foster; one basket plums. A
Friend; one ba.ket peaches. A
Friend; Cauliflower, 1 1r. Macklin:
five dozen (veru two eabluage, 2
*gnash. Mr. Huutalvy: • locket
is ars. Mrs. M. J. Bowler; three
quarts fruit. 41ra. Morison: nue bag
potatoes, A Friend; flute. Cauli-
flower. Mrs. J.mert-Bateman; Home-
made bread, two' quarts maple
syrup. Mrs. Kerr; one ,Wart maple
A syrup. Mfrs. Marney; one Jar cream,
1.adi'.r' Auxiliary: one hag apples, Mr.
Kennedy: Maus and Christmas 4ak0
her was letter Rile• by
1 In large rt
m g part
1 the ps•nllar ninke-40 of hes cen•rat-
uer0•v. the whnl' five i'nrliamentarian*
I being ilepeioleot for supper, men the
' voters of highly industrialized Hrhnn
or ...nil -urban aren4, -
('nn'.ernative lJbr'ralm
Lint there were m few Liberals who
1331 not need to -bolt." One of these.
}Inn. Walter Mitchell, r'signal his
*eat just before the rot' was taker.
Another. Sir Lerner 41011111. 'ararllert
1114 "pair" pritil'ge. and stand in
Qn'h.r' .•Ivy. :\noth.•r, Sam J114u1.4.
hurried by train to Nfontrenl. to
n4oiel -importing the Government.
Three ot!ler• w• .re nw•uy from no mo-
tive .ne'lt ns prompted these above
named. including Hon. Charles
Murphy. who 1'. In the 1'nitel Sttte..
And what means this seomp•rhig
away on the tee of n vote? Just t1114:
That the Issue has been made.'.r0t'r•-
tinn v". revenue tariff, and those who
are at heart protectionist ar.t de-
taching fhemaelvem from the party. .1s
one prominent pablle man (not a
member) put It on the night of the
rote: "The Toilet are pulling out of
the Liberal party." A few who tire
a4 strongly Inclined to the protective
principle as Sir Lamer Gratin or flan.
Walter Mlteell will remain Liberals.
In nam.', hut that, no doubt, will
soon Monet off and find for them-
selrem company mote .ongeninl-per•
haps aerosol the floor.
The Premier at His Beat
Member. and newspapermen who
are shove prejudice in the matter.
and who are competent by years of
experience to exprena an opinion,
were unanimous In declaring that the
mp4e411 0f RiltIt Hon. MacKenzie
King. on the evening of division, was
the finest forenalc effort of his life.
thus far. Warmed up by the flash-
ing sword -play of the leader of the
Opposition, feeling the effect of blood
drawn by the taunt. of the Conserve- Condemned man at London sings all
Jive group, cheered by Mr thundermts day long, but Chat Isn't what he's to
applause of his own followers. Mrbe hanged for. -Ottawa Journal.
.tan! inhis 1In••e nittl r t
by inlplieatien3 for the "preservation
of industry" 4per the 1.rencIple of
protection). and extol the benefits to
ngrh'ultnre of the "home markct.'.'-
I Mr. 1- Ilion breed itis 4e•Idon to op-
po.c the Ln41g•t on a conviction tint Jer ('rt
inquiry by n tariff board should pre-
ywl' any alterations of fiscal policy.
and stated that. In accepting nomin-
ation 011 the Progressive ticket. he
!tad wade il.i. n 'pr•iflc e,uditiun of
Readers Not Orators
An epidemic of
ham 'trllek the House of (`0mm0na.
Last sestina. it few members had the
temerity t0 read from written copy
11r•ir entire remarks, but they were
,'111 s to h.' rite
1'u few in ImIJ'r a q
noticeable. Thi. year. Hon. J. A.
Jtobh. noting in the room and stead
of Right lion. Mr. Fielding. decided
that heletter not trust to extempor-
aneous speech, or even to notes. In
submitting the budget. He read from
typed mnnnscript, from beginning
to cud. Teat set the example, which
has been followsl by scores of hilt
'otleagne*, to the dismay of many of
the "elder Statesmen," who can re -
.all from personal a(qualntanee the
forensic giants nl' an earlier day. it
1. da.tln'tly irregular and out of
order for a member of Parliament to
read his speech. hut the Speaker Is
loth (1'0 It I* whispered) to enforee
the rule. now that Ila breaking has
become so much "the thong." in fila
conneetlon, It ts worth while noting
that no man In the ehamher can so
charm the Howie with his chaste dic-
tion and the graceful. easy flow of
Itis logical sequences as W. (1.' Ray-
mond (Brantford) -and Mr. Ray-
mond's physieel atfllcUon is het ina-
bility to .ee even clearly typed notes.
IncBeckett ; teo .elibe ,.•• one 'Mart
a N N Mc -
le: fire Jars frit. Mrs. Jas.
kitchen gr.1Itewar.' •puip-
Women's IlospitaI l Auxiliary:
fruit, Mies C. 'Vaughan: one
one basket apples, 4181.
IN tutees; clue bag turnips. one hag
cabbage, 11 ' pail honey. • basket
pears. A Fr end; two quilts. : hep-
par.1tr.n Lad 'i Auxiliary ; twenty-
three Jnr. fat.. Dungannon Lltdirs'
Nnxlllnry : apt •s, Mrs. NI. Mi' -
Kenzie: two ro butter. two dozen
'eggs. Mrs. Gs/. .tardy: one dozen
oranges, three gra) . fruit. nue pack-
Chew it after
every _meal
1t stlsalatoa
appettts sag
alas elgestasu.
it sakes your
food doyenseers
good. Nos bow
M relieves ghat .fatly Sedum
eine Searty tatter.
Whiteaa teeth.
\rest\ sae
troths weer
age caprins. %ars. Leslie: one quart
cherrle.•'Mr,'. Robertson; 'ookle•s and
roses. Mrs. Parson.; turkey, 1)r.
Whitely ; linen for poultices. Mrs.
Howell; linen suppllt•t. Goderich
Township Laeli4'44' Auxiliary: linea
s11pplie-. Go.le•rl1:h Lille. Auxiliary:
electric Iron. 6011erleh J.adles' .tux11-
lay: 0110 w110e11arrw,1 nue 'I•s•trle
Piste for .terfllz'r. Mr. 151rmoum;
0110 JI•lly cake. Mrs. Elliott: nue jar
maple syrup. one Lag. apple.. Mrs.
Marney; three Jnr. fruit. Mrs. Reid:
OW lemon pie. Nits. theesey: 11pp1.a
nod four brleks icer e•n• un, Nlrs.
Calder: basket apples. Mr. Sale:
ire cream and cake, („atholl.• ladies:
.4uxiliary; buum, Munkeld;
4444143)' and oranges,
awn.. ammeme- Pacific 9IMding. Cassie. A__--vTbe Orsesseotal Imo' Falser •f t_lawf ,4 .ad r the teregra,._I
entrance to
Niany a man's e011a4•Ie11e•e Is nlnre
014/0 le 1111111 lila alnlla•tl.h•t•m 1'111-11414)
Daily New..
Th, Wealth of the World
111, , ou ever ser anybody who WAN
thoroughly satisfied and perfectly
c'ut•utet? Who suffered IN. Irking
cares "1 the present. entertained no
regrets for the 1.4.t, and knew no
driving ambit' for the fulanre•? Who
held right in the secure grasp of his
hands all that his heart desire. In
fart et -teething he might dream of
na wealth and e,wfurt and tennlanion-
alap? [hive you ever known nnynne
11k.• that? Well. then. this is where
We Imre Hu• bulge on you. 1se•anae
we haat. You ask. "When and where
and wham?" (alt' Just ono dsy not
Tong ago. 110 was a whistling barefoot
lad of nine years, or It may have been
teen.' Under one arm he 'nrriet •
union. and tinder the other a pup
('4.41141 116• gods gine wort:' -Ex.
Clubbing dist
The Signal and London Free Press
Th. Signal and London Advertiser _ ..................... ark
Th. Signal and Th. Toronto G1o33......... _ tin
The Signe/ and Th. Mail and t opir........_ 88.88 "_ 0.75
The Signal and Th. Toronto Star . - 11.75
Th. Sigel and Th. Farm•ri Sts ' . 3.40
The Signal and The Family Herald tad Weekly Star 8_••• 3.50
Th. 545•441111 Saturday Night
The Signal and Presbyterian Witness _,
Th. Signal and The Catholic Record .�..._...._......_,._.....
Th. Signal and McLean's Magazine
The Signal and Rod aad Gee
Th. Signal sad Montreal Witness renewal 3.844
now 3.50
The Signal and World Wide
.renewal 4.21
new 3.55
Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May
Be Had on Application
LIME (Hydrated)
PLASTER (Prepared)
CEMENT (Any Brand)
Lime, Plaster and Cement are all fresh within \ last
week from the manufacturers.
Hardwood Floors
(See advt. on page 9)
As cheap as any and quality guaranteed.
Your windows. Have screens or screen doors made
now. You will need them in a day or so. Why not
have them made to fit and made to, past a lifetime? Our
doors and screens stay put. They do not fall apart with
wear and are closely fitted and stay straight.
Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies
Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd.
Goderich, P. O. Bo: 160
hem 47W --After i p. ■. Plows 47.1 sr 38S