The Signal, 1924-5-22, Page 1,,.anter + (Advertises ent in The Signa,, pie of Goderilad by the beat peo- peopk wad district -the qtr NINE. 'Y AT HILL HIQUEST AT AUBURN chile to Explain Cause of Loci. deaf on C. P. R. Jigger Which Had Fatal Result Anlnn-n and Myth se-ttonmen os the 7'. 1'. R. motor jigger Obeli haat*' Iteury 1,111 fell 04: ..loe.4ay morning, alae) 7th. i*Jane Injuries to 1.1. n.rk widen, s.srk..l In hi. death at Western hoe - Toronto. on Friday. \fay 1nh. tbis was one et the most important f its e$t•b1IA+ed tot the dttttyt of h inquiet Into 1h.• death of Mr. Hill d in ttv' Fort../.•r.• li n U 11. Aturn, sr Friday afternoon before ('oroner Dr. A. ('. Huot.•r, fe.i.t.l by Crown Attorney t'. .t. Sieger. K. 1'. The C I'. R. Company was representeeel by Korman Price, Investigator and claims; • ° i agent. and H. Lamphrey, roedmaster, Guelph. Beelike the deceased those on the jigger at the time of the accident wen- Charles Bell (forenoon of the Blyth Lection gang. who was operating the machine at Aloe tinsel, Maitland Allen 1 foreman of the Auburn sec- tion) Clacton la.dd. George path, Henry Platze'r, Benjamin Leekharte ; ploye.ve of the ode...need e;teyn Mr. Iaoyd i'Prgnsua. Archie Itimuey Included An and Mowu,ug the floral of- Jobn Yonngblht. saI tering% were trihntes trent) the (:ale: The .ovine r'a jury Includes William rk'h Elevator & Transit ('owgl ny and -TIiowp.on (fnrotnnn., John Arthur.,I from the employees of the Elevator t John UU.•i. nigl+t, .\ J. F.rgnsnt. E. Co. as well. The large atte4ldanee at mill tps. clerk., .\.quith. James IM. the tuieral the sympathyted and expremed of the community " J Th•' inquest and J. Lahila at large :n the great and sudden lose The lnqu1'st ssAnds adjourned nsttl «uttered by Mn. Bell and her family Thursday ntteri. o.•n, May _0(11. 'at 2 of elft.*' "'lie pat . In the For,•sters' hall. Auburn.; Held the adjournment being mate to secure, Inquest Being the evidence of Archie Tunnel. who' A jnry was empanelled before 7. 1 toot sufficiently recovered from , Coroner Dr. A. C. Hunter on Satur- his Injuries to he nut. and also kite day afternoon to enquire into the er.dehee of Youngtdut. .;death of George W Nell. Shortly after the sitting opened on I Atter viewing the remains at Friday the (Droner. Crown attorney. Brnphey's undertaking parlors adjourn. jury ■nd witnesses repaired to the C , menu of the Inquest was made until P R. station at Auburn. where the• Monday evening. May 28th. at 7.30 Ill-fated )inter was placed on the p.m.. when It will be resumed at the track and ten men ranged on it in town hall. The jury Includes: H. R. the positions ocenpled by tluose 0n It Long (foreman I, Harold Blackstone, at the time the accident occurred-- R. H. Reid. Gavin Green. John Mr - some sitting, 140tn0 atendisg. Seven Klemm. leeward ijeberteon, Join of the ten men were present; thee Robertson and George Bates. Dr. J. settee* were awed for the other three. Benson Whitely was appointed by the Dr. II. C. Weir, of Auburn, and Dr.4coroner to perform the lost -mortem. A T. Emmerson, of Goderich. were the flat witnesses called as having LIBERALS LOOK FOR per tnrm(• I the lost -mortem. I)r. Weir's evidence indicated that death had fol- lowed dislocation of one of the ver- tebrae of the neck, which had resnited In the crushing of the spinal cord and .ubeegnent paralysis of the body below the Injured point. There were iso other internal Injnrdel,. while the external Injuries were only of ■ sup.' on Tueeday next. May 27th. prom- ertleial nature., Ilees to be more than nemilly Interes- Chatks Ltis17 was the first man Balled' ting. Mr. Duncan Marshall. the Fed - of those present at the time of theoral organizer, and other speakers accident. He replied in the negative, will le. present, and If poasfble a to Mr. Ssager's question as to whether weather from the Ottawa House now be Mod any printed instructions from' sitadng will be on hand. Mr. [Marshall the Company with regard to his is aril known al an eloquent speak - duties as foreman. Neither did he er, and he has an Important message have any inatructions as to the for the electors of North Huron. Dumber of men to be allowed on the The meeting is billed to commence at jigger, wbleh he lad equlpped at his 1.30 o'eloex ek. and as there Is a good own expense with a gasoline engine, deal of business to be transacted it is permission to do so 'having been given the intention to call the meeting by tie Company. Bell admitted that promptly. there were ten men on the jigger, I instead of having separate meetings. which was about six feet long by four for the Federal and Provincial As - feet wide. 1 sodatlorts. title 11 a joint meeting. "Didn't you think that quite a : celled by the officers of both Assoeia- crowd on a car and that some caution 'Hong and convening together. Tile would be necessary?." "I don't Malt will save a double trip to Wingtulm so; it dldn't seem to be crowded." ! at a honey time of the year. "Didn't you re•Itze there Was . A general invitation G extended for danger* "No. I didn't realize there this meeting. and it Is hoped the ladles was airy danger. We weren't going will be out In good numbers to make any speed.' Ithelr influence felt. "How feet?" "Probably four or rivet muss hour." ' DISSOLUTION OF PARTN henn pressed the Witneta sold ICIISHIP "alooat five mile•) an honr." 1 The firm of Gray & Cartwright, who The jigger Was proeeetling west have been conducting a drygoods and around 12 o'clock ay noon 1 hon•efurniahing bnsinees In Goderlch abaritwo miles from Blyth and four for the past two years, has been (Ha- ng 1r nl from Auburn. The two gangs solved, had been unloading ties oft the way The business will 11P continued by freight. Coming back on the jigger Mr. Orly. Mr. Cartwright retiring. of the men noticed a tie close to The (Lange took place lent week end the new firm will be known as The S. A. Gray Ca An accounts for goods porchased from Gray & Cartwright trill now be payable to The S. A. Gray Co. FATAL ACCIDENT TO GEORGE W. BELL Itywat Being field lo Ik4ennbre ('Ireumetaneea of Death 11'hile euguglv1 In the discharge of his dutlee a. au employee of the Goderieb Elevator & Transit C'o. (braking ears, loaded wide grain on the C. P. R. last Friday atternaeu, George W 11411, In a manner that 1s to be the subject of enquiry under Coroner Dr. A. ('. Hunter, suffered Injuries whek•it resulted fu his death at .7lezandra hospital about no..n on Sat- urday. 114 never regained emestiou'•- teosa. The deceased, who w'Ng In his twenty-etghth'year, was the fourth en. of the lets Mr. and Mrs. -Jame. Bell and had spent practically h!a entire life In GaMrich. HI* tanner died only abient «Ix months ago. Surviv- ing him are his widow, formerly Miss Stella Jewell, to whom he had been marries) for six years,' and three small children. Thelma, newt fire. Jean, aged throe. and Helen. aged two. One slater and four brothers ata.. aur- rlve: Mrs. Jerry Healy. Charles. John and Thomas IA•11. all of town. 1111111 James Bell. of Toronto. The funeral, whirls was held on Tuesday afternoon from the fatuity imute. Regent street to Maitland cemetery, was condnf•ted by item. R. 1' Metter- ' mild. The pallbearers were Metiers. J. C. Mora, Albert • Hewn. John Boyle. fel•rt Mindy. Fred Masterson and I1orpe.' ieewrence, all fellow-ern- The ellow em BIG TIME 0If TUESDAY Antral Meeting at Winding to Be Interesting Beat The annual meeting of the North Bur- en Liberate, to be 1*M at Wfngham The News of the Town Parses l'lwtmaey Exams M r, };. Lawreure Reidt of itruce- field. formerly of c'amjJ)4•11's Drug Store, w•11N n Wellow*' week 1-'. • vlt• _ iter lu low n. Ills many t -,ends 'were - pleased to be able to eongr:1t11'ate },Int on passing his whin? ions in ROOM course at the Ontario leekxe of l'harnmey. the *suits of whhi etre' auuoreel Iu Saturday's papers. Apple Bods Net Injured Messrs. Kenneth Cameron and John Miller, of West Wawana''h. were 111 town yesterday and gave The Sig- net a eall. Mr. ('[merit, w1l0 is a lending apple -grower. 1n reply to a query as to the effects of title week's loose.. said that he thought the apple buds were not far enough ad- vanced to have mnffe'red any lutrm so far. rens and mid: "here's a tie.'• "We were about ninety or one buodred feet front the tie," testified Bell. "wbetrT released the engine from puliing on the car and started to lett the Drake on slowly. I saw the men drop and I jumped op and pulled the brats right up." "What made the men drop?" "I don't know." "Ws. It the sadden stoppage of the ear or anything in conne'tlon with Ifs operation?' "No." "Don't you think the real cause was that the ear was overcrowded?" "1 don't knew ; everybody seemed to have room. It might have been a little bit entwded: We were un- loading creosote ties and It had been ralSlnS; lis tiven's trousers might have been sticky and slippery from that." "Don't you think toe car was over - tor safety?' "I couldn't say fit^ "If there bad not hen 1'o many men a It wonld the accident bavo hap - SWIM?" "It sight not have hap- " Dr. Hate : "Did. i*'• Hill ay itcling Wien you plaited Mn, npl" only thing he soli Wag, 'Solite belly dewed n1''" (Oeotlseed oa Pas 10) Jar. F. Toole a Prizewinner , The attendance at the U,meek ('hapter, I. O. D. E., "500 and dance" to Fridny evening las not large. Those BIND attended. however, en- joyed thenes•les. The prizes for enrols were 0..11 by Mrs. J. S. Hoe -He H1141 Mr. Fred Towle. The consolation prize went to MGs ('1.1.-.' The mus - 4.'. for daneing was provided r, ry ac - (•eptnbly by iliaekstnnes orcheatrn. T. G. Cannon AMrr.aer Convention >T. G. ('onn..n, C. P. R. stat' agent at Go4.rtch, was one of the three- official. to give addre'e(M•s at the monthly meeting of the Ontario District Association of C. 1'. R. of. tielali. held at Louden last Tburslky. The other two speakers were W. J. Collins. of Montreal, *nil T. H. Mc- Guire. of Parkdale. High officials of the road were present from Torouto, Galt. Loudon, Montreal and other points. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORY for fancy boxed chocolate., always froth. .At the Home and Reboot Club meeting at Victoria school on Tuesday evening, May 27th. Mr. C. 3l. Rob- ertson will give an address on "Loyalty" ABE YOU irannintib IN GLADIOLUS CUi MMILI The gladloine 1s grown ertens- itrely In Goderlch and many readers of The Signal will be in- tertested In the article on this beautiful, flower and its Puffier* wbkb in publl*bet on page 7 of this Panne. A lint of some of the good popular sorts of gl dioine. with their colors. is given and will be eft value n making psreJl*.e.. .e. Cadet Iltapeetion en Friday Lt. -Col. Geo. H. Gillespie. of Lon- don. cadet officer for military die- trlct No. 1, w•111 be in G/slcrich 01. Friday to Inspect the 7;. C. 1. C-ulets. The Inspection will take place at Vl - torte Park. at 2.30 p.m. Company Commander T. D. Anderson and Pla- toon Leaders D. B. Orr and D. Nairn will be the Cadet oflkrre in command. The• citizens are cordially invited to attend at the Inspection, as Colonel Gillespie desires that as many parents and other citizens as can attend should be preaent. The Baal Cerlttee The newly erg/tailed band committee had another meeting at the town haH on Wednesday everting of last week. Mr. H. E. Jenner, wbo has been traln- ing the hand for the last few months. his services so far having been given gratis, plaesd before the committee his view■ as to remuneration for his services. No action In this matter was taken. the committee not being in a position to make any decision. It was derided to have the secretary write the various women's organiza- tions of the town to ascertain 1f they will extend their support to the band. 3kpie Leaf Bess To Be Repeated The May -time Maple Leaf Revue. which captivated two large audiences lay Rth and 9th. le to be repeated at the 0. C. 1. gymnasium on Monday ev- ening next. Those who missed seelnn it at the original performances will thus have an opfortndty of enjoying a delightful program, and doubtless some of three who here already. seen 1t will he glad to repeat the ex- perience. Several new features are being Introduced. Mr. Fred Holmes will sing a group of wings, and a "stunt" hy Harry Sturdy and Walter Buchanan promised to be interesting. Tenaia for t RMlday The tennis club wl have a A meatier. received from Montreal mens in singles on a '24th. this (Thursday) morning by Sheriff will be play ntorul11 toll after .ymdda aunuuncwa the death early tommenelug at 1s nil It 114 expe•- flus morning of MIMS 11441'11 Hutchison, ted that booth courts 111 IN• lu .hats• formerly of Goer/lel.. Thi• funeral will for play. ' , ink.' leiter At Montreal en Friday After. 114N,11. i 4e41p13 mace -i Uisfriet Wosaee'a Institute Meeting death un tyre The annual district meeting of West \Ins. H w Huron Women's Institute will be held • T® 00.. LIMIT®, lswsw VOLUNTEER FIRE HARBOR DEPUTATION Ejl;IGADE RESIGNS RECEIVES SYMPATHETIC sew lnderandea .tboil Our Ownq i Other Brigades HEARING AT OTTAWA f Desai of Mists Helen Hutchison The letter from the fire brigade ad- dressed to the town council et 1 744 regular meeting last Friday night. whk1 appear§ In the report of that meeting elsewhere lu this Issue. calla forth some information ou the sub- ject,' with which it might be well to the eitlaens of the town to become ac- quainted. Goelerieles volunteer fire brigade consist. of fourteen men and the fine warden. The latter official is a planted by the ,ounell at a salatle of ptugnriatinn in this year's estimates for $75 per annum. Appdkation' for any w,wal( at (:.blench harbor. Ocher mem- vairaneies on the brigade itself are 'ln of the deputation were M. G. coiside•rel by the firemen and later m.ron. K. 4'.. John 1. A. blunt sad r:ttifiei by the conncll, though this L. G. Parsons, reape•tive'ly prerldent end of It has rather drifted into and manager of the Ooderleh Ele- tlu• dim and distant past. The conn- rater Co., J. W. Framer. local man- ed makes an nuuual grant to tit' ager for tlw• Western Camelot Flour brigade of $435 (whleh 1. In addition Mills Co.. and XV. 11. Roberton. editor to the warden's solar) of 175): sup- of The Signal. plea all the uewsaary equipment Mr. J. W. King. M. P. for North (waterproof bet, coat and boast, and Hurn, introduced the deputation, carries :n1 moident insurance policy which meet the Minister on Friday at- . fur each of the men amounting to ternoon. and other membe•ts of Perils - $1.500 and covering a period* went present were Wm. !Hack, South tw.nty-four hours' etch day. e Huron: .1. F. White. London: R. J. fin men divide the'-$IS•S amuug tt •m- Words, DuKrncn: J. D, F. ltrummond, selves on the Weis of ou/e .hare for Walt Middle...‘ : .\. 1» Hodgln.. East ,11.-11 Monthly meeting a11,•udc.I, ' Middllesex, p.4 .1. J1':-Flndlny, South altar.• for pitch false alarm au. two ]iron'. ./Autres for each Pepsine fire et I nn• 1)r. King. tip Minister of Public severed. Works. gave the deputation an ntte•n• \loaf four mollis (ago the rrigade the.• std sywinwii,th.'bearing. and tepte•atwt the council for an tweedierloromisd to give enruoM eon.lderntion of jun per went. In their y The .t1' the nepreneut .Bette that were pl7u•- tsinnell 4- promisors! •by" offering HI IN•for.' hili Lc the sq.4114.45. A re. them. twenty per rent.. w ici hater meet pr •,utpd he Mayor Gallow, and wile -ed..' to thirty peer- •n(• Til« cordially . edorae.l by other menders '4114"" and ,of the deputation. ora•• hot Dr. King Igratlou to should at 1►is'Ca,Itc- nor.,rtnnity A•Sad An event which 1 the t•"Immt11111% was day, at Brockville, ('raigle, formerly Nile. Ailn Mcl'i , . ill the ptrish hall, Dungannon, on toe of this t.'wn. The remains w.•r'- Friday. Joule 6th, at 1.30 p.m. Fob brought to Guderich awl th.• ftiuernl lowing the butlnews meeting music will took place un Wednesday afternoe.n be furnished lir menilwrs of the ae•y- lo MAIM:n.1 cemetery. A Portlier end branches in the district. Mr. nutty*' will he mule next week. Geo. Putman. auirerhtte•taleut of the Women's Institute of Ontario, will Canada Win. give an addreMa. Tee will be nerved An Int•netl.g debate took plaice at after the meeting and, all the ladies Victoria street H realest church on are cordially invited. Tues.iay evening. whom Wages Grace, Maitland Golf Club Holes Hedley and Delight Butch. represen- ting flu• ('. G. 1. Tk presented the Mr. Albert itancox arrived i 'ues- afttrmative of the resolndon that day night to assume his duties as -Canada la of more )rnlortauce to "prote•saiunnl" for, the Maitland ("it (.net !trestle than Australia." while Club. Mr. Hnn:ox hag had a similar the negatl•e was upheld by Handl Position with the Guelph Country Medley and ('hoe. Breckow, mitre., -Club and before wring to this country voting the Victoria Leaders. The isnot several years' exla•rietu•e in Eng - young &bittern hn4 t •ir snbje•t well laud. - lu haat and made cry creditable' MIw Mel"." aid Miss Wallace. of speeches. The Jed i• Messrs, G. 31. the University' of Toronto. who wI11 M► ) id a Elliott. IL H. Reid and J. H- 3111• Is the caterers at the elHh house this Iian--gave their die:Wet for the of. season, will arrive thin week. firmntl'r. After the day's play on tit; holiday (May 211!.! there will be an Informal lasesn Here Ni %lttsee . Mine; In the lice hu111u+ In the ere Not U.1' lea* interesting fen .fire ening- also the firemen have of the unofficial. opening of the brs,"•have handed in their r/ P ball M•ns,n nni Victoria i►ny, when the twentation to Jura, t Wm, *radii" nuke effe't Jute• .4th. TI • re»Ignetion• Ir Goebel" and •'R for himw•If what Lucan Irish 'Nine of the ?loath crA pleasant f7 .utre of the senalmn of as forty:erd44 to the ro Hell, do's suet Knox ehnrc,h 7nudaty school' test Is is•ing n11d what needs to be Lpagtu• will be entertained by the' include that of the fire wnnh•n• dune •q Oil• h.rlNor. To this snR- ;Snblorlh afternoon otIS the rwognhlon Purity Flours In morning and after -\Villain TxlL.tho11gh• a the cj1*pp uf' ration the Jtii i.te:• g,ye a "ready made of the n" le work of Mrs. Wm. ( hewn games, will 1N' lx rtwontsel of Strachan a• n Smnday shad timelier the flry tue•n ihrmsel es h,1 tappetwt spent. tie 1«al nine. J7..' the J. B. Rey- aI844 t" be fire cadet 'rhe snm of k:oae,faso i. nln•n,ly In thenoli baso'[ had alvei ott f a mine"of morn than for,y y.nr4' service. The members off he brtgade-. who twenty-five of Which have been to tent Nh/e yen es estlmaf1's for Goderteb to look over his band of hopefuls. ern , ince resigned due 7de: Wm. A1w11. at teacher in charge of the young of tlilr. lea es all fir n .moll portion - account of the very backward Ives- (: 0rge iieae old*' TnnnR, Con' ladies; Bible eta*. of Korx chunpt, of tide will he required for the dredg- ther, The Purities are almost eertala Stapleton. Wmladlfnnl, Simon G. ce.ntrnct *Trendy *'wailed. and a to provide. some real smart baseball Mr. J. P. Hamm, ea superinte•u4ent, 3lcKny. J. E. • tel Fre4 . Creigk_ Ing with such men as Joe Lindsay, Roy read an address. while the preaenta- 1','rcr Jnhnaton Jnhu Burrows• Dan great dent of other work 1e Impera- S,aril Leonard Ha p- tion of an onyx and pearl ring was lively demanded be the condition of Sperling. Haynes, Earl na Mci..sil, \Veal )..'Lean. Vint. Doak made ou behalf of the Pellet byMies - the hnrlNor and the growing tide of 1'r, etc.. in the Ilne•op. The manage- and Cherie! 1 s.et. May Stoddart. for a.otne time Mrs. the ponrt, the deputation raked that mens eofe the team would I ' pleated to Ti stand Olken by titre *'ones in Strachan's nSaistnnt. Jars. Strachan u further sem be appropriated. It be greeted with a bumper crowd .t the matter le that the brigade to replied hrJetly. the nether Is to be granted. Shp finch both games on eattttday, The Address, dated May 17th, 1924, "trial) 114 •duuteer tone and that the them will appear ht atepplementary The Lucan team & not come as and signed by Mr. Hstae, anpprintem• and100 not 1.1 the t firemen •a a Moues' estimates •tenger. to towu and. moreover. they and . the nature of pap of ne- rnt, ChAa. K. Saunders, amistant hare in their teem Mots. Fahupr end null .al ry. The conncll feels also superintendent and Miss May Brod- that CHURCH NOTES O'Neil, formerly o[ Crediton. tl amount allured the brigade dart, was at; follows: coutpn • o favornhly with the atm -- dart. Presided of Maness Motors "When some months ago you were mud n the firemen in other muni- Flower Snodny and ('hildrSn''. Day compelled to discontinue your teach- Mr. G. Montagne Williams. of litif-heel La t February Town Clerk L. L. at North greet Methodist church will Ing In the young women'. Bible cdass, talo, president of the Wire Wheel Kn. forwarded a qnery ton number be of special lut•rea this year. The Corporation of America, end son of owing to lllneat, the teachers and of- cif Hata Similar in size to Goderieh. I Sunday tblwnui has aiteady he•gnn ac- tor. George jprilllam. manager of the facers of the school held eagerly to (, clerk. of municipalities regarding tfve preparation* for this event ton hasbranch of the Bank of ('ommeree, the hope that your retirement might t els fire brlgaile, with regard (1) der the direction, of Prof. Jnrksrn. has Dept elected president of the be only •temporary one. Your Pro- n flu• number on the brigade, lei "Hearts of Gold" 1s the cantata eel- Nordyke k Marmon Co., of Indian- tracted illness, need we any. caused the amount testi the fire warden and *'•ted •unr the ocenston. and its bright us concern and sorrow, let we antici- autom manufacturers of Mahon chief. (31 the total sum allowed the mutdc and beautiful nwasege will he hated that a prolonged rest end rev automobiles. lea brigade, dal whether the council an inspiration to young and old. The While lir. Williams will retain his lease from responsibility would fin- *upplied the firemen with teleran -me date ha. not yet Mr•n fixed, but to - place to a member of tba hoard of ally reetnre you to health and ultimo in their homes and 151 whether the wards the end of June the children directors and executive committee of tely to our ranks *'gain. Let us /AM- council protevtrd the firemen with will oak the m mle'r,. of the cottgrr- tie Wire Whelel Corporation, with sure you today that the necessity any insurance The 'reformation gation to join In their yearly festival. which organization hel7as been connec- which compelled you to retire from Re'r•nred by Mr. Knox under these. The choir PrlcetIons at Wit Sun - the high office which you have so ted since going to Buffalo about six heeds from severe! towns in Western day's services at North street Meth" long occupied with . 'h distinction Sun - months ago, he armon lila new Ontario is Riven below: Mat church were good. Mr. J. R. Wheel - dnttea with the Marmon firm almost has filled re 4th profound regret. 1 2 3 4 5 er was heard to advantage in the morn - We shall gre•t miss 7011 from the immediately. to Peril 11 ono $440 No No Inn, anthem, and Ile. F. Holmes and councils and work of the *'*'heel. Prior his appointment with the "P0 be permitted to labor a* a Kincardine 2.'S nil 676 No No Mesdames Henderson and .lacksnn In Wire Wheel Corporation Mr. Williams teacher covering a period Of more than Batiecehurg 13 12(10 No T4s the evening offering. was connected with the Dayton- t(eetnrth 2A 75 300 To No At North Meet Methodist Bhnrch Wright Aeroplane Co., • subsidiary forty years, and of aligoa twenty- Barrie '24 3f10 Ryrest Sunday the Men's ohist church five years of confinuotts and nn- R Mason and Mission Band will meet company of the General Motors, with broken service In charge of the young N In ham 17 65 304 Yes •Yew heagnarters at Dayton. Ohio. 11 mitre N 17 - Q5 1144 Yes No at 10 a.m. The srrvi(vw at 1I a.m. women's Bible clan., P a signal dig- Is•smbngton 15 V10 1500 No No • Unction, and one filled, with rich and 7 p.m. will be emu -Meted by the A molt spot U a DnU Day service h Mester. d Dunnville 25 25 375 No Tes pallor, Rev. J. E. Holmes. SermoD subjects: 11 a,m., "Thy Triumph of Faith" ; 7 p.m., "Too Murlt Baggage." Strangers and visitors are welcome to all the nervines. Hon. Dr. King, Minister of PubI 1 Works, Promises to Visit Oo(Uiicla Harbor A de'p» tatlortheaded by Mayor Gel- ber went to Ottawa lust week and se milted to the Minister of PnbIle ..the erase for an additional ap- Death of Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor (Inc of Goderirh's most highly es- teemed residents passed from this lite on Tuesday, In the person of LHlian 'Mary Kerr, wife of Dr. Alex. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor bar had a long Ilin*es and for some time it had been known that recovery was Impossible, yet the news of her passing was heard with deep regret by the people of Gnde- rk•h, who will long remember her gra('Inns, kindly way.. The funeral, which will be prorate, will take place from the family residence, Caledonia Terrace, then (Thnraday) afternoon. Interment will be In Maitland cem- etery. Reeve Gita Clete Supeintementry Mr ($weld Ginn, Reeve of Godes rich township, has received notiee of 'his appointment nnder the Provincial' Highways Department as road super- intendent In charge of the Huron road from Walnut street within the town limits east of Hnlnteeville, a dl.tanee of about nine mile*. Mr. Ginn informed The Slgnai that he did not expect that a great deal of work would be done on the road this •nm•10? other than the custom- ary dragging, gt g and gravelling ?o keep it 'iii shale. incidentally Hosea road 1* begin- ning to show imam emelt* torr the very eonadle'rtblP amount of time Gad money spent nn it as a Previte -lel highway under the redia, -(g the F 0. Government. An was turned In about 11 sero for the std`r. Your cep St.Marys 1(1 175 8(M) No Tea. o'clock alarm way morningrnedfor a fire knowledge of the flail*' and your gifts Midland 20 Yes as s teacher a made y``ar work In one of Jadig. E. N. Lewis' cottages during those t ny years Invaluable In the crap of Barrie the Individual on the lake honk on Lighthouse to the s hila who hire paanwd $2 for a of the 50 a are allowed street. The conflagration did not through your lasses. 1t most be n $2 for each fir. and 50 lents for ea? amount to much, however. Ti "en" deep and sin pre gratification to you hour sleeve four hours and tr for that ■ stovepipe had bean directed up n a' to ape from time to limp• mem- whlelu es tend false alarms or fires at a dummy chimney and that the result- her, w•Ito er(• your pupils of other Whicpt no water is turned on. Inhtend In smoke dleturhed mime of the of 'phones the firemen have house R days. ile Penrod that they who now signals operated from the tarp tell women In the neighborhood. In tears hall come again rejoicing, Itself. The runnel) paps $200 on the Gm. Beacom was working mit at bearing , reciou. sheaves, Tour long insuring of the brigade. which atm the cemetery with him "tire team." service hag compelled our admiration so a Ford touring car came to (1* amounts to about half the aunnce reecne in splendid style and (drew end gtattt t carried. The Barrie clerk *rote that the hose wagon to the scene of a1' -"We mast not fall to make special their brigade coat the town kat year g to the regret which is telt tion. The lathier wagon followed reference the hearts of the young `tdlnmen to the sum of =1,791.38 duringantthat there /tome minntea later drawn hy the Int- whose' class you were most clnaiely were forty -Ave calls the year. perial 011 Co.'s germline Forel truck. w;eloted. Mote, if not all, of diem twenty-eight of which were false . Among the first to arrive on the alarms or toren without the use of1 .cone on the heel' 01 the him. wagon frrew up In theach(ol looking forwent water. (The local brigade averamks were C,onneHMr D. E. Holmes, ex, to the day they wonld he pnil el about al= them during a year.) chairman of the fire eommlttre of lie to your clyRP. And while we all re- In rime of Midland the fire fly tsn town council, and the Signal reporter. gret deeply to *ever the ties which and chief Ie allowed tinhave Po Bloaely hound not together' here. just fifty per As the driver of the Ford car on the haver e M Will. Toe the more ;«•went cent. more than the individual fire• hose wagon, Roe Lnmhy wag rlgjlt fn and intlmatP. We ere elle*' tint your men, who are paid at the rate of R3 his element. he being drleer of one *ati,faetlAn t)i hrnaking the IMonrl Th fire and $1.50 for a false alarm. motor truck No. 1 in the Kitchener will be the knnwlel a that the work The Midland council payor half the fire brigade. Mp.arP. M*BFhran and g coat of the phones in the firemen's Tebbuttt were on the job pointing out firm been cnmmiftdd to the hind" of homes. to the town nn tits, Acting Mayor a *'senile and cow nartfwl mtsr'40!' The loeal gado. later has been H. J. A. Maeelwan and ?IMO Clerk "The ./service of the Mester brines referred to the fire committee of the 1,. 1. Knox, the need for securinga tts own reward. Nothing tint the town council, of which committee hurrtan heart can I*e*tmr can .'..miw,r4' Conmelll8r Carl W. Worsen. hlmmelf motor frock, and instituted the the 710*1y with thin r vol of our q,-rrtce, *orrice rendered bye} Ford, for pl>M an ex -fireman, 1s chairman, for eon- motor of (entree, fTl ami yet We bavp ktred 70» and we sideration and power to a('oept the py are bleat want to telt you *0. and ao. eve u agents' a email ontw.rd token of our *'mels rpMgnatlon It it be deemed meltable. Altogether the "fire" was one of and respect, we a.k you to ace•pt It to nnde4rttcod .'s. -melte. pt -d the the bright *poen Of an oth.rwlse faith restitution will he rlgndenl 'In good rather dull day. them ring, with the hope that It will faith and a new hrlgNde organized. { help to beep green in your misaptry In any event further development. The Orangemen are getting their the ye•are of devoted PPrvins rets- are awaited with Interest. dered In the Sabbath *shoot of Kaon fine new hall on the third floor of einem.- Friday the Union Bank bink in order, and I $IS Store Open MOS the *rat meeting in the naw rooms , A, 14. AllIn has pnrrhaa.d Jobe The L. R. Rteei rotary will be open will be held June 6th. • ; Acheaon's bone and lot nn Trafalgar on -Friday night of this week, owing ids. John W. (trsigie is hnlldimt a Oriel and intends having it reatd,l- to the holiday on Antnrday. When the new *saner cottage on the lake hank led *tore wnl be closed. near the Ilpththmme. it 1* nmier•toaf All kind. of Med corn bbl' a4 from - that when It le eompleted sir. anti the bent growers in Canada and UnitedThe Vktorta wheel Empire M7 Mn, V **gis wilt occupy it during th.. Prices guaranteed. State* at A. J. 00OPRH'e e►arrllohao. program Tran wen pro to Friday. (' tn!* ltrfmmM'. a May 30th. Last Snndny aftenoo'r, 'Mr, J. P. Hume infnrmel the teachers and of- ficers of Knox Rabbet!) *clod of hla resignation as enperintr'ndent. to take effect the first Sunday in June. Mr. Hume has been a0perint(•ndent of the school during the peat two year.. preps in which he was for Poore time tpa!!li' 1'r of the adult Bible class. in ► signing Al supN•rintendent Mr. Hanle VWpleaded Um pressure 0f otherduties.. The eighteenth none -orate of the Goderleh BajHa Bhureh,will be ab- s`rved next Sunday. 1tay,!Sth, its, A. It. ?remote, of l'alvary Bapttst church, Bran ttor.i. will be tial preacher for the day. SeMc'e. *H1 bP held at 11 n m. asd 7 pint, and ereryhodv IA ennilmlty InvIte'A to at- tend. There will he Modal muerte by an augmented choir. In Knox church the services next Sabbath will he (undue the miniater. SuhJ if a d07 *0pa 11 a.m.--"Faringh'*le of Bainam." Sabbath "The Lr. Sir school And t100' classes at 9 o'clock. V kt,lrla etre et Methodist drerei .metres nn gni dry, K*y 26th : Onn- dap sallool et 10 o deck. llforhleag s voice a7 it: ,uhject, "W3ti :ow at a T'ienic." TTY' Pvenlng atanloe at 7 w ill iw ,.esdltcted toy ileo_ W, S A1p ..f .\.wt8 A cordial trtr lMse rn alt. A rsaer ant salad tea tl g.r vac od 3Sse44llivt. Maw rinn at of LOOl chnmh, wU is toad in tYe m itetare room of the time+ °O sordee afternoon, May 31A. Trsa *MI es aerv.d fro4 to r n'clocts. .411o11 to begin at s o'etoeb• (' p to (h. Bspttat u•ASMb aenI- 4. ,erarlr servlees tont prnsd•y, KIT ,e' fstu gocg dal asttUk-r ?,s'^ +y