The Signal, 1924-5-1, Page 8• I Warm the liniment, spread it on brown paper and cover the affectcxi parts. It eases pain, r;:itves stiTness. 771; ,; r: 4'y medicine chest. to THE SIGNAL, Sunday Aft�rnoon 1 By /S�IBEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont. By IS,AB£L HAMILTON, Ont. My blether. Mother wine soy heart remembers Weeks and yelrr of tender care, Glorious tales of song and *tory. lIappineus beyond eompare. Vlslour fair of friend a4M1 pleyuwtes. lndnlug love -Sight -all (trowel. .anus of comfort everla"tlug. Strength 11 1141 refuge always found. Singing, rot -king 1n the cradle hreamlttg peneflllly of thee. rowing. struggling out of (•11114111x,1 Intel Ilfe's waturity. ),other aline, In dedication All thy children bring thee pruner Por thy Mllcritkr, furgIvenees. For thy help In wondrous way's. Pleeeet. twist or Unknown future, Repliru of Udine own most, Proudly of thy hest thou gayest Life and 'home, the perfect whole., , I)ay of days. tt4.thee In memory. Joy and Marrow, 'nee and rest. i would think of thee, ply mothe . - Guiding star, forever Mesterei. --Sele•tel. COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Restores Its Natural Color and Lustre At Once Comma) gardenbrewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux. uriant. M. the Sage Tea and Sul- phur recipe at thoughte trouble. some. An easier way L to get Me ready -to -use preparation improved by the addition of other ingredients a large bottle, at little cost. at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Safe and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful uthtul a peannce and attractiveness.By dark- ening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, be- cause it does it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning an gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appy yeas yuuuge. women! DYE AY GARNENT OR DRAPERY Waists Skirts Coats Kimonos Dresses Sweater, Draperies Ginghams Stockings Each IS -sent package of "Diamond Dyes" contain. directions so simple nay woman can der or tint anynil, worn, faded thing new, even if ate has never dyed before. Drug stores sell all oilers ?HERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN PRAi16R. CI Lord. we 1 1111 111/4 Thee hat 'Thou haat taught 4454 to tellers. the "Rheas a tattler pitleth his chlkhr•n, )) the }Hm. Lon' pdNrth them that tear And we w011141 come to Thee with the hearts 'of children. end pray that , the Spirit of the Yon may he with 1114. that we may cry "Aloha! Tether." and may en1''r into all the bee esing toed the pure which they Should have who are 1lie «41115 11141 tinudltrr' of the Lord Almighty. Through •le -as Christ our laird. .tinea --Itrlti-14 Weekly. - GODEBICH; ONT. pr:s.•rvl The ngwl 11 Ile of the reign lug 110041 Iver«•" 1$). Tit• former wtrmmu was .\lllulhall, daughter of .flush. king of Israel, dud his idolatrous wife Jezebel. They 14rraugtd a 0)44rriage with Jt'.wrha- pAut1, king of Judah, for the latter's nun and .4thalimh. Thin met is said l0 be nue of the few status upon the character of the good king Jehoshel p11at. Had ]e' not (W441 SII willing. even anxious, to ea)neet himself thus %%911 the ldoletruus home. of Ahab. many evils ami 11111411 1110041511141 might have IM4.11 Spared to the royal family and the kluipdum of Judah. When Jetloram 4544411 to the thnlne he walk - tel In the ways of the 1 • of Ahab. for he lord the daughter crf Muth to wife. She. early lu- her ea 'tacky as wife of the heir to (he Ilirout' made her illfllle:tee felt in public arra Ira On the death of Jeli.n55u. their ern, Ahazlall, sueeedet to the thr •, but he was seouudel in battle *1)41 111111 after reigning but one par. His nei- ther at l.M•e• rem/AVIA to seat herself donut 41w• throat.. but there were oth- er's wIIU 11111 to be disposed of before Ode etluld be an•umplldlud. The cruel nature She hail evidently hiker thud (rine her nether, Jezebel. over- rode ally lanthcrly feel 1111111 She may hare possessed, for she hesitated not to give enters that ail the ante branl:heS of tle• royal family he n1aSs- y4cnd One graudenl 110.1111•41. 1HS t, Jehu4HebL managed to save 11i - she was sn tertirl•ly different 1)pe W411111111 r.41(11 athallah--Ihe one :1 1 0,e11.411.1'0141 411 all queenly 411111li11e4 „ 11.w•11 111 history 544 a un1n1t.rer: high priest. ui SCSI le. 4115514(1. 1511 enerel history us, MOTHER'S 11.%1'. The origin 41f 1hie u1u.-ll observed they which !trnmiww to iwcona' tini- verell le given 545 follow'«: A young Iranuln by 1111 11/e of .tuna Jar yes ll.mt her mother. to wIsi 111 she wee more o i arils attached, in the triol[ than rd u W of 1917. lei her tole: ug for the lora e41nlp4 • ship 5114. 11.141 11 borne in upon her mind that hi re w:4M nit .011- lury en4e and 0i1.11 11115 thought ever present In her Mind .lie weight an Interview wtill her mother's nthli+ler. 11e. bang 0 11111 11 01 vision, readily grasped her meaning when 1/114. slid to him: Would le'. In Minor of all mothers, bold n memorial service un the 'a1111iverrtlry of her mother's death: and would he invite all wile at- tended to weer a white carnation s Thus was Mother's tiny Nlnngurnt.•01 In the spring of IW4R in a small ehnrel4 In Philadelphia. its reeeptlnn was more than either daughter or Minis- ter antieipsteil, for in 1911 President W1.4011 mato it n 1111ti1111111 dna for the honoring of mothers. and emerald - 1.11 the 5144)1441 Sunday in stay for its utrrrvanee. it blame intl"rliat1111w1 and ham grown to Such 4411 extent fMet white rarnntions hid t0 give way to warring any flower that plefteem the terve of the wearer. 1t lam made the name Anna Jerrie famous. th uel1 her thought was only of others. 8114' fns done mare than eslabIldh a special Yin -lay service for thoughts of borne 4114(1 home -folk m. Bring tokens of n•- m,•wbran('e from far 11114 near aril leave In the heart of the menders a warmth of feeling that enriches the soul. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR MAY 11, 1924. Lemma Tklt•- Jeholada m Vktery over Baal Lessen Paisage--2 Kings 11:1.4, 11-11. Golden Te et -Epi. 6:10. Two women played N IIrl'n1111e1,t part in the history of Judah at this time. The type. were directly omits - to each otlePr. se different 441 day from night. One may lie taken as representing a witlsh. worldly woman stripped of all motherly inotheis arlcl Qtly Tablets with "Bayer CM'S" ininble to sew In her attitude and eon - are Aspirin -No others I whither she was tending. The ale.r wtood -for a really human wo mei willing to take risks In1Srring .Jsoger to her own life and home in macer t0 nave a child from death end Z1 yea don't see the "Bayer ('ream" ea the tablets, refuse them -they are we Aspirin at all. Insist nn genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" plainly etamp•d with the safety "Bayer t'ross"- -Aspirin preserib•d by physicians for nineteen years and proved safe by million. for headache, Tootle sehe, Earache, Rheumatism, bumf/ago, Colds, Neuritis, and fain generally. Handy tin Nixes of 12 tablets -also larges "Bayer" packages. Made ia' Canada, Aspirin is the trade mark (registered 1i Canada), (if Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Fa1,-441cacid. IWkite if is well known that Aspirin menus Bayer manefnetore. to assist the pabtie against imitations, the Tablet of Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped with�p�their gegetal trade mark, the -/payer SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAR UP UGLY, BROKEN OUT SKIN I 1 Any breaking out of skirt irritation On face, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Menem -Sulphur. sacs a noted skin specialist. Because 1 of its germ destroying properties, moth - fing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparatpreparation'that -instantly brings ease from the itching, burning and irritation. Medtho-Sulphur heals eczema right up, leaving the skin clear and 'mmooth. It seldom fails to relieve the tortnerlt •nt disfigurement A little jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur may be ob- tained at any drug store. It b Used like cold cream. CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASTORIA" A Harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups - No Narcotics! Mother' Vletcher'a ('astoria lima ben in use for over 30 years to relieve Labies and children of Constipation, }latulncy, 1Vind folic and ]diarrhea; spaying i 'veriahnets arising there and, by vegetating the Ytomaeh , *ids eke asalrailation of going nalnral .I,.•p altittsM4 Ipial'-s. The genuine hears slgnslurs 4f other, Ilio wife of n it lowwer i the eyeful fro,s, ‘I1W sig,;s of e type of 11 that was reeourceful. eon, igt',u5 an mo- therly. She stole hind,\she hid sins. mill hi,. unrsi, 111 'the 11k1equ1w11er of their trlup'e house for elk rears, Dint his very exbter"'••we* a . towel - tell by- Athallah, the 411194., uing w lrere•ign, In the 5eyelt It j'4'Ur the Melt prlest..lyhuinikn. de•i/el the ti w'as ripe for die•loming the presence o tilt. }•snug prince and eleinling for him the crown which his 41r:nuli41,th'r had sol mielghti4auly usurped. 1n verge •i WP 441111 111144• 111' 44111111111441 4411)1 Ill/' i11tslu•h1111 pa•rwnls of the kingdom and. ihidiug (he111 Invurahh' to his 110 - AMIS. h• 4.4retly but admirably ar- ranged the proteelure by which Ji met should le- yrn itet1 .411 this wn5 clone 4ilholk (temerity{ bitty mitspifeleallon flue part of .\Ualbh (verge's •11-1'24. It wits 4,111• 4.111.11 the 00iw' of the clapping of kends rind the shouting of -awl Saye the King" penetrated with- in 1h• when. 111141 1141 144 her going out 11110 1 h temple hurts That she rellizel Ihe situation. There she he - 111.41 the• young Jutish standing as a rrow'IM•d ki1141 Iu411 she rent her cloth" and !Mel up her voice and er1e1, "Treneon. rreaw,n." This however, failed 141 appeal favorably to the peo- ple all her behalf. and Jehniada, 111L1w'- liig no time far such reaction, go'-.- orders to the guards to remove her from the raered cart and put her to death 4rerse•: 14-181. Thum in gloriously ended an inglorious titre Jehuituln'M reform having b eglul 111 the throne now extended to the peee pie and their Worship. He 11a41e :1 ('(111114114 between the iord. the Klug end the people while they were still together In (14.4'.. house. 'They env emoted together to he heat's people: the King standing on the same level as his reinjects and as much Isand am the lowest to serve the hoed. 111 further made n covenant IM'tween the King and his subjt'c•te by IsJlieil 110• King was 0111lg011 (41 govern aright and the p erple to obey and give hint In1e allegiance. The pe.0(4(9.. 4., elute- their 'A'rl. ,at- tacked the hong' of Ball 1., pnlliug down ids temple. his altars and his )must's And allying Hie one priest who had not fled on their upproneha ltut 114.441 rio 11,11) of falx• worship must be followed by 11' 1n.tltution of trait' worslrlpl so Je'huimdn upp44111ted of- ficers to take• charge of the ,e'rvleea In the house of fila Lord (verses 17.1M), C LEANS EVERYTHING You use so little and achieve so much. A tablespoonful to a large tub of clothes. 2 for 25c at all Good Grocers t 5(44)14441-411144)14 44111111)44 4'115 unvt'11- (41 a few 111011tH. ago. September 114, 1923. iu the Albert 1114tit11te. lhtudt\\ Scotland, "iu honor of Mary Slt•s.or, 'Mincer tuiseloamry 111141 llrills 1 l'ut Sul In \Visor .\fri-a " -- The Children's Record. THE DELICATE GIRL What Mothers Should Do as Theirs Daughters Approach Womanhood- I 11 growing girls a0' 10 1,1500)4' well- drvduptd. he,llthy' w•o11a•u, their health most Ile cnrefn!ly . guarded. Mousers should not ignore their un- settled molsls or the various- troubles that tell lit 4ppruuchl1141 womanhood. It is an important nt tine of Iii: Where pallor. headache. luleknl•he or eitfier signs of anaemia are Pr' )dent you iuust provide the teifferer. with the surest 111141 114 of 111:1k111g new blood. • Jtvme•nd,'r. pale b100411t4s girls 14.141 1111.14(1• of 11,urishu1l'ut. plenty of Sleep. and regular open air exerthite. Ifni eu reeve the bh",Iless sufferer She 11111«1 11a1'1• new blood rind nothing users the ease so well ne 1)r. 4V16 haute' Pink ('ills. Thew• hills iu- t `I4I*1' the supply of nets. red hilted; th 1• et imuliite tee appetite and r'- til n IIS• weary hark 111111 11ud.S: tilts -store 1041 and 1harnl, and lues• u •'r •Irl • 1e r es elee eu Il , uu 1 pv 1 �4 1. S tag 11 114 trig t' ,'yes ..f strung. happy girlie 1 1'4111 1 dealer b1- cent$ n lSlz Medicine 4'n., •f the4e•pills through nu)' euUcim•, 441 by 441:111 at :el fr 'nip 1)r. Williams' rtickefille, Out, HATCHING AND REARING The Best Way of Handling the WORLD MISSIONS. The "R'hite Quern of Okoy'ong." leer name 4.441. Mary Ylesw,r. n SeotelI girl. Iyer fnmuly WAS poor "1141 ne a young girl she workol he a fee - tory. getting nt old lime, what little elne,itlon she e,uld. As n child s1* had 11111IlyS WA 11t441 to he a miesloeary. 81141 when I14.w5 came home to Britain of lir. !Awing- stoue'4 death In Africa, ,leu' offered her Kers-lees to her entire)) in Scat - teed and In 1878 she was meat to ('ata - lar in West Africa. A(n)n after re eltIng ('ilibir, She offered to go to Ilknynng, one of the darkest "Tote of "ilerkeet Africa." the home of snp,erstltlou. sort, 111 rip nn t cannibalism, when. no tender buil ever ventured. and wlyer.• she en. the firma white person that had ever been seen. For ninny years, She Used 1111,1 lab oriel among theme people with mans a ttirllHng experience The 'tors of her life la an Intere.ting book yelled -no White (pont of Ilkoynng." When 41)e Brltlsh fleet-mm(40 look over the sdministrntion of Ilknynng. Airy Siemer was appointed the first Consul, a pnwition of high tenet end groat rrspxlltalMllty. She had found (1knyrmg In the depths of sin and hen4h oilier. sn4 Abe left 11 with the 1151(11 .f 4'111•Islbin Ile breaking ever It nil. At last 111 J44nnnry. 11i1 .. "in Ile• t6Mdow of the finest Wer," sem' passed away- "the elln(m'1•Ing Queen of Oko- yewlg who roiled the henrts of even tb a Aerest cannllwils through 1111' power of the faith. by which out of weakttrsm she we/ trade strong" Young Chick. Great Variation In Mortality per Mash - Feeling Chitin; Kith Nees -Weight of Chick - Value of Manure -When to fruit. (Contributed by Ontario Uepertmabt or Agriculture, Toronto/ The use of the Incubator an4 brooder has forced the poultry keeper to study the methods of growing ch lets. A mother hen and her bruo'l, when allowed to range. can be fed a,... "dove the coup es, es tee. uayd. When the Chicks aer a tell err ks old gradually change to oIdluary feeds. Raise the chicks un met 81 Wind. Keep off the old ground that has had Chicks running upon it year after year. Keep the hen tree of lice. Dust with sodium fluoride or nae a small amount of blue ointment. A piece one -halt the alae of a kernel of corn. placed on the skin below the vent. will usually kill many et the lice. Weight of thick*. One hundred baby chleks when hatched wtl1 usually weigh between seven /and eight 'pounds. . W hep. the chicks have reached an age of twelve weeks they should weigh between one hundred and seseuiy-flue and two hundred pounds. For sake of comparfauu we rfel tate a calf at birth with a wt•Ight of eighty' p0uuda Should the calf a If: the same rate of gain as the chick, It would a twelve weeks of age weigh a ton. This will help one to 1tiderstapd.why -a broods of chicks vary 440 Much, and will also assist the fee tar to appre- ciate the ()ppm tunity at and to dis- play his "11411.---11 11. l: ,sham, O.A. College, Guelph. SPACE SOON SNAPPED UP. (ktluµllan Vatluual flallwa)s' Paillasse Headquarter" Belt-sustalning. "There is every reason for conn - deuce that the Hotel Scribe in Palin, which has been acquired by the Caa- adieu National Hallways, will not in- volve any whittle.... to the burden of the system," said MaJur Graben) A. hell Deput3 Mlulster of Beltways and Canals. on his return from sev- eral weeks lu Loudon and Paris on business related to the Dominion's big public eutrrprise. "All the door space in the Hotel Scribe which will not be required by the Canadian National Ratlwars or for DominlOU Government pur- poses already has been reserved by various financial and other 'Bathe - Goan., many Mitten' Major Bell. ' . yW�eare persuaded that the rewe44ue derived from rentals will not only pay fur the maintenance ut this once building. but also will en- able us to lay aside standout to build up a sinking fund 10to a care of the capital outlay The min- ion Government, for the spar:. It ocqutiles, will pay rent on the same basis as the other tenants." . Major Bell devoted every energy to make the proposition M sere ao 1 possible for the Canadian National Railways. With the retirement of Mr. A. Ronovlcf. the original promo- ter of the transactfou. a special holding Company, subsidiary to the Canadian National Railways. was formed under the French company laws, with Major Bell as provisional president and F. A. Young. of the London oaf ce of the Canadian Na- tional Railway's, a director and gen- Some Some alterations in the Hotel Scribe are necessary before the best possible use ,*n be made of 1t. • When to Prune. The dormant season is th logical time for priming. Mithuu,n w• •u tbo wood is frozen 'the wore may of lee very agreeable to the grower. here young trees or stone [tufts are U41- cerned'It 1s probably adtaaabfe to c- lay the pruning until late winter r early spring, but bearing apple tree can be pruned in sero weather with out apparent Injury. Pruning Is the\ one major orchard operation whlcn can tie performed to advantage dur- ing the whiter months. At that tiwe there are no leaves to interfere with the vision of the minter, and conse- quently lie is better able to judge which branches should be removed. Furthermore, It is only during the winter teal the grower has the time to give to thin work. Building Material in Africa. The natives of South Africa min a plaster which Is said to be stronger tilt° burned brick to build their houses, from material used by ants to make their hills. Sometimes oue mound thrown up by the Insects will furnish enough material for several good -abed buildings. The plaster when hardened fs so - _ tough that only an experienced p,..- \":u."11%W :nim- 1.1 hsoue' the grain eon can succeed In driving a nail epee, ..r e':umdu It is ulrald, the through it.rain sped Sr. 4'idle-rine. Stu u ia rd. Palace Becomes Restaurant. The old palace of the ex -kaiser In Berlin has been remodelled, and con- verted into a popular priced, com- fortable restaurant. It is managed by Mme. Halnlseb, mother of the tWsident of Austria, Dr. Eugene- lrarswald of Vienna, and Mme. Frits Krelaler, wife of the violinist -- all Auirtrians. They are catering to the class of citizens of Berlin ruined by the war. The patrons who attend are very proud to eat In the halls wher" Kaiser,Wik11am once entertain- ed h is gltista many feeds and the chicks do w'•Il simply because the lieu and the ehlcke balance tRe ration by catching In- sects and selecting tender green feed, and, It may be several other things that we have never observed. (L•eat Variation in Mortality. There Is a great varlatiou in differ- ent broods of chicks reared by the inflicts! method. and may broods have a high mortality and a very unthrifty appearance. The chicks can be reared easily with reasonable tare and attention. The use of a little common sense Is essential. One should remember that, given a brooder, a Colony house, and ray three hundred baby chicks, it Is the duty of the, operator to keep tate chicks comfortable, and that every need of the body must be taken to those chicks. Thereis no clucking hen to pick up bits of gravel or to catch Insects. The feed mast bei taken to the chicks. At present the department of Poul- try Husbandry at the U.A.C., 1s coat ducting a series of experiments, the object being to find a simple, tries pensive method of growing a eorme. Chicken. It may take years to get of answer, but each season we add a little to our knowledge. Hopper Mash for Chicks. The mash used at the Poultry De partment, O.A.C., In the hoppers, 01 feed moist, where the chicks are ranging consists uf: 169 pounds of Corn MsuJ. 100 pounds of Crushed 1)510. 100 you red. of Mlo,rls. 100 p'nu.31 „1 141"0. 67 pounds. of Meat Scrap. 60 pounds of Hone Meal. The whole greln hopper feed usu ally consists ut fifty per ceut. ea( h ei wheat and cracked corn. if souk 4. given to drink, nue-half, If not more., of the meat scraps may - be taken from the Inaah. The pullets slay on range• unit ready to lay, which period t when they are about six months of age 11 they prefer roosting in trees to the house we allow them to do so, in feet we rather prefer that they wow.' roost 1n trees. Shade, tender green feed. Pleur of clean drink, and enouah to ca: are seeentlal. Deeding (,'hleks With Ilene. Where chicks are being reared' with hens, and have access to teed, , gran or other green feed, a ver, good feed le raw or cooked Winn, Bake made with an egg hl It. Gil. milk to drink, and have a quart or a.. or 1 was • *bA, corn to tut Doll To Sell Farmer's Wives if the roads are bad, many a prosperous farm- er's wife postpones buy- ing something she ac- tually wants for herself or family, until she can get to town. Later, the teams will be busy. She won't be able to get to town. Experience shows s h e will buy now, if you give her the chance. Call her by Long Distance. She will feel complimented. Know your stock, so You can answer her ques- tions readily. A little experience will moon show you how it works Don't judge by 'one or two attempts. Try a dozen, lo- telligenUy. Others do it successfully. Why not you? Seery Ball Telephone if a LOSS Distance Station. v Make Your Trip More Enjoyable by a Refreshing Night on Lake Erie (Ye.., rag t1sa.t u feed .n 11.. boat.) Thoq sda of wet bound traveler. ray they wouldn [ live mired that cool. comfortable nicht on one of sir Foe nmeamera A anal t 'I is a darn stateroom. ■ long sound sleep and an appctlsfng breakfast in the morn.,.- Stelae,* "SErANOSEL" - "CITY OF ERIE" - .CITY OF BUFFALO. Daily, May lat to November 15th ve Bua.I" - 900 P M l Fines J l.,aveCMelend - 9110 P M •A .ve ClwsMnd - 7:30 A M.1 .S14s/4r1 1.wt 1 *envy Sea.b - 7.:10 .\ Y (binaesoow. for (Mar Pilar. Pal-1a.Mv. Tohto, 1 [ sat other MMU Aer roc44 [wart ageet .•r t ac t aaey tut 1x111 yr 4. a • Lee N'lame a Aaw ...ep, "ase-ru. S5eessa�me tree rto uateeal 1,:411 eharl of the Greet '.t►.p'-S,vaadbee".w 11 paw booklet. 'if. Ctwel.nd and Bua.b Truer Co. t;4v.Mnd. (bio The ('treat Chip 5.10 free Merl h..01) • test 610,444,. Fare tS.S0 wet WHERE A MISSTEP MIGHT MEAN DEATH l A el 8 tc 01 hi of EI JI ('I 1]• B, tel w. Fs cel lk 1 ws W, '1 1 h «'1 I4. 1 In Tit th. her 44441 of e re O ur 011 for ins 4441 mh Mn wit 31' • The Hoodoos on the Cavell Motor Highway, Jasper National Park, cunnus stone trauma brought into being by the ero,inn of the earth under the constant wearing effect, of air and water, draw exclamations of wonder from thnus.•Intl. 0f tourists who visit the largest of Canada's Na- tional Parks Csery year. 111w flat stones, balanced a. hats, atop the pinnacles of earth which have stood up firmly when the mountain side all around them crumbled or was washed away by the rushing waters, earn as though the slightest breath of wind would he sufficient to send them hurt- ling to the bottom of the valley hundreds of feet below. A favorite sport with the tourist fa to drop large atones on the hondnns and pee them sway back and forth drunk- enly, yet finally vagain their poise and remain balanced as firmly as before. The tourist in the photograph who was hold enough to scramble clown and us. one of the flat atones for a table on which to Asst his arcus, had a strenuous climb before he Apia regained the level surface of the Cavell iligghway, 'ehkh minds up from the Athafmsra Valley almost to the font of the glaeies of the Ghost, that peculiar m -old formation of ice a allow whir:h hangs on the wide stretch, of Mount Edith Cavell VIaftees to Jasper Park Ledge may travel by motor or Addle from the Lodge 40 tM loot of MAonsg Cavell or any of the other alt Istirrwnding the kw -raisin of the Canadian National Ratlw6ph, e