The Signal, 1924-5-1, Page 5• THE SIGNAL, a+ GODERICH,.ONX. SWING A KODAK FROM' YOUR SHOULDER and then you'll f e house the trip. It's estey the Kodak way and you'll rid it flit from the first./ Put yo platin for pictures in our hands and well put in }'ours this 'ght Kodak for you to take along --it'. here. Autographic Kodaks, $6.75 up. Brownies, $2.15 up. FINISHING FILMS SUPPLIES CAM jBELL'S DRUG STORE h P!t rone The Square, Goderich Lite Is a t ggle The weeds - . sod the Rowers out, thepot o bugs calmly sit on the fence grimly waiting to profit by your toil, and you. all the while, are striving to pre- serve that sunny disposi- tion. Can you do it without a .7TROLA ? H. E. JENNER The 1.,yrtc Orchestra is '.!slug an- other deuce In the Masonic Temple to- night I Thurwlay II from 9 to 1• clock. Th0 Lyric is prodneiug tine mule coin will put on another p.pnlar program. In Honor of Mother Respectfully, we take the op- portunity of )lothres Day to suggest its eonimenioration by the taking of the mord truly beloved • photograph in the world -Mother's. J. T. FELL Phone 157 Goderich Automobile Owners Get Yoi\r Markers fr m J. W. M Vicar Geo. MaeV is Shoe St north side o Sgaare, dost Office Box414 Goderich MAY -TIME MAPLE `LEAF \REVUE NG8, DANCI and SPECLAL One AM Comedy " THE RUINED REDFORDS" (('alit of 40 people in the Revue) G. C. I. GYMNASIUM Thursday and Friday, May 8th and 9th At 8 p m. TICKETS 50 CENTS .r GODEKII'H TOWNSHIP. The 1ndh+' -Ud of Taylor's 14. will meet at tilt• church on day. May 7. at 2 oclotit. Al AM. n•gu.•.ted tit be litchi,t)t iMIRTLR'A alIll. T� ,shawl here on .May 2:e. fasten.' of on Porter's 11111, -141111 2s4. -Mr. Howard may 11. 'there will be a spacial pro - ('oz held a •ye•ry sueressfuh sale of 1 grant for this day. There was a flue fa5'm "luck AIM -Implerw•nts. Itatintfatt.-slui at Sunday o fusel and resat.! bl farm u. Mr. at. M.Le•Ilalal.;etiurch last soldier!' and we hope to Mho iffy Mel'lutll. of Sarnia Col - ,have more ye•t. Let na have for this IeglaIf, spe•ut the F:te-r.•r holidays at bipedal Sutulas .the bet attendance h,*" Ironic 141•r,. possible. Mrs. S Denson and Mrs. W. Mair, of Byrom. slant it few days at the lobate of their titer. Mrs. J. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. t'. McPhail, also Mr. Golf Course for Bayfield. -hayfield S. McPhail and Mary spent $ulKIay tit Is enlu aeing Its popularity as a sow •IKipp•u with Mr. and Mrs. W. 'vistas mer retort by the addition of it golf eourse tltia almoner. The land select- • KINGSI$RIIIGF eel fur It ix eonveniently situate i, one and nue-half miles from Bayfield, just King('1•rhlge. April ltd: -Miss Whin!. off the .twin ritual to (k• xrich. The favi (tria , l's. Me•.rs. Tho•. \Wallace. court; was laic! by Mr. riven, the preached tslucatioual sermons In Au-. . Tlubit. GrIIlu and F -hoer lrIniu. all of professional at the lfaltland Golf burn Methodist church on Rnday to Flint alich-. spent a few days with Cloth Goderh-h. who drinks It will an iuf tIV. Itte Mrs, (Captain) Bogle. who was at one time a frequent worshipper etre here, though for a evwsiderable tithe cdaes- not able to be present. 711.. members ;members will long remember lune "stony fate and motherly ways. Mother's Day and (lo -t .Stinday- Seh,w.l Dar will be d.se•rrel in the RA\'F IELD. lilt, I. 111_1. 1 parents herr, Mr . i l Mrs. John Ferguson: Rev- W. It. and Mrs. Alp have, pole to (Ironton for a few days. suss I.11tau Anderson. of f;tratfool Normal school, wits home for the Eas- ter vacation. •Yrs. (Dr.) Weir was at Strathroy last ry'i•ek slatting the Doctor*. slaters. Mr. Elwyn Ralthby' was home from the O.A.C., Guelph, last week. Ed. Iaw•son ham commenew.l draw - fug Togo to the .awMil l. Wr. t -old, ti is a.aieting him. Miss Sadie Howatt. of S,'aforth. I+ visiting her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo- Howatt. Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Howatt having moved Into their house in the 'village, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Craig, who were occupying It, have mored Into a part of the hotel. Mr. Walter Washington, who Wright the Mowatt farm. has moved to it and we understand Is go- ing extensively into tee -keeping. Rev. Mr. Peters. -of Dungannon, ppre,•iative congregation relative. Isere. make an ezeelleut yours... Owing to Death. et Mrs. J. Dingwall. - The Mr. Walter Cannon, of t;.»lerictt.I the rolling nature of the haul the sudden death on Monday morning of spent Easter week with Mr, and Mrsbuilding of hazards is almost' entirely Mrs. John, Dingwall -sof Est.! Wawa. Jerry I'Tomos ( eliminated. The work of the greens noels, formerly Miss EITa TMhle. who Mr. .1 J. Dalton. of Rt."Columhan, and - the building of n small rustic w•nk q resident here for some time, t .sited his- mother.. Mrs. Jas. Dolton. I (•tub house Is urulcr way, and the came as a shne•k to the community. Mrs !!weed. who spent the winter, cmarsr will ops -n formally July • 1. itf The tuuerttl took place from her lat.. months In (;csle•rielt: has mounted to the opinion of Dr. Newton -Brady, who n•sideto,rstoslay (Tuesday) to- the lite home of tier daughter, Mr.. Con.' Is greatly Interested in this proJeet Union ,rutetery, Blyth. She leaves her e 1'Ke•fe I and who has had - mush: golfing ex- hnslwnd. her aged father. Mr. Wtn. Mr, Jas: Foley. of (k)elejrieh, =pent perienc•e In the Old Country. having Ik.bir. cue Iona het, Williani. of We.t the week al Jim Garvey's. 1 ht•t•n a competitor kr the 3rtah open -Wawannatt, and a sister, Made. at The dance held in the Parish 111111 chatitplonship, 1012. this contra* Winnipeg. The sympathy of the last Friday evening. unlh•r the auspices - should Iso one of this flneat 10 Western c..mmnnity is extend, .1 to theta in their of the ladies Altar Soetety. was well Ontario. - bereavement. , Mr, hiugw;tlt wets attended The Ian-knowMe!.wty• 1- ittr forty-elght keen. . ego furnished th,• nit-ic and a good time was enjoyed by al. .. NOG GRADING REPORT I' \ - Loyal. April 29.-..t4e•houi opened on ' , JA/VV.. a ' LF'1Fftt'I�V • 1lnuday .with.. . quite an additlop 1 d 1. young pupils, 1n+•burn, .tpril !t). -Mrs. (1. t;.ey Mr. Thomas Chisholm seem. to have flout children. of Stratford. retnruwl taken the lead iii this aecttnu in, gest, `hoose the end of last week after spoil- flog through with h1. swe.Hag. Teal's lug Faster tette-atlun. with Mr. and Mrs.. middle nails 1.- Energy. Percy Stewart. )Jr. Frank Young lots taught a fine Mrs. 11. Fisher bus been gnife 111 heavy"Iraft Ins... frotn•Angns MeiTtnn. -with tutlamniatory rheumatism. At old, of Ripley. paying lu tits' deightar- timp .of, writing she is improving, ' i hotel of $200 for it: .V1 irk wants noth- lits. Vanderburg. teacher of S. S.Ing- but the best.No. 9. returnee! to. her work here af- 1 John •t'Iark 4 Bons have- sold their ter the holidays, ,bringing with her fat catile '(0 Druvi•r, McCabe at a good a Ford auto. • ' price. _ At tie church sorviees •4un(1at- spec-, . Mr. Frank 'toung has Twin .hipping Ia1 refers -nee wits mud! Jo the death Danner seed oats on an order fr.ht the Ontario Agricnitnral College. Guelph, for 700 hushels at Tee a bushel. F'rauk'• oats have taken first prise own years In suec.•aslot) In the field crisp and threshed grain eompwetitinn. EAST ST. GARAGE Cars overhauled and re- paired by an expert mech- anic. Agent for McLAUGHL]N CARS Batteries re -charged and stored. W. M. BELL East Street Garage Phone 243 BRING IN YOUR Photos, Prints and Paintings and have them framed to beautify your walls. You want some new Pictures to hang up after the spring cleaning. We have all our spring and summer Mouldings in \mow. Designs and finishes to suit all tones in your pictures. Special designs in Masonic. Odd Fellows and Shriner Frames. Smith's Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street i Sale Continues ! Drastic Reduction Are StII Being Made SPRING COATS Women's and misses' Spring Coats, all - wool polo cloth, tweeds, poiret twill and tricotine. Prices ranging from $9.50 to $28.50 SUITS In the finest French tricotine and poiret twill. Prices ranging $22.50 - $25.00 $27.50 Regularly up to $45.00. SWEATERS The smartest of New Sweaters, in Cardigan and sleeveless styles. different designs and all shades and combinations. FROM $2.75 to $3.50 SKIRTS In wool, flannel ancrnavy wool crepe. Selling at $3.75. ROYAL LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CO. Cast Side oi Square \ GODZRICN. ONT. DU'NGANNON, Dungannon. April .10. -Mrs. J. gran and daughter Mnrg:trrt •lent Easter holi.Ltvs at Loudon nil r. turn, 1 at t h, ginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie had a motor trip to London Inst 'Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Elliottan.l sister. Mise Margaret Ryan. of New Liskeard. are vi -trine their mother, Mrs. 3, Ryon. • Miss R. ilamtt(ou. sc•hooh nurse. visited the ..hoot here on Tuesday of this o, -.k. • The teacher.. aid Easter visitors all returned to their vnrlon. pines. of alwwle Inst Satnrdny- , The piny entitled "Safety First" enneted by ejralerfel, talent In Me parish hall on Friday evening was .gr.mtfy enjoyed. Each net was well re - ...rived and -IIgh1y appl:roiled. -t good- ly crs.wrl attended, notwithstantng the busy orison cif the year. We are sorry to. repwtrt• that. Mrs. Trelea-en's hetlth "IA la n poorly of late Vol consequently oh,• has been taken to Gakerieh hospital We hope, a .pe.•.ly rer•ncery will he the result. ASHFIIELD. Asltfleld. -tpril 2w. -The teachers and student= 'who were -home spending their Easter holiday. have !oft to re -1 snore their work. Mr, awl Mrs. Staul• is 'Hardie and i poo Cameron. of Lcmolnn. clotted at' see of their parents. 'Ir. and' )1 - t. 5. Tlnr,1!e. at the. manse. Mr. Albert Thnln nal Mrs Wi1He lohnstnne wore home for the week- end. - • - lfrs. Thomson, of (;,derl.•h. visit ed at the home aA.h!'r mother. Mr. Kenneth Mo. -Loan. Kintalt: neer the week4tul. Miss Annie MacDonald, nurse, of ltamilton. Is risiting nt the home of her mother Mrs. Finlay MaeT).tn- old, issehnlsh. Mrs W. If. Johnston has not been feeling well this week. hot we hops' to see her OK. hefore long. The fanners of Oda nelr#hhnrt)(m(1' aro hose seeding. ,The Land Is in splendid .haps. The play giren in Kintnll hnll'on Friday night was n •plendhl succests ere sena n large' crowd present. Af- tie the play n rery pleasant evening was nt ht dancing. Intel! Women'. Ttedltnte w111 onthly meeting at the home Mmin, Kintail, on Moe 1, nal tnc.ltng plan. 'n•hingtnn, teacher of 1 has -returned nf- ster h.)Ilday nt hold its of Mrs. This is the al Mr. Frank Pt S. No. a (Klotz' ter- %pending the his home near ,tnMt AUBURN. The Arthur ('irele of Knox hfireh. (l.wlerich, will tint on.thotr play. ' afe- ty Introit." in the Fose'eters' Hall. 3 y l0, nnrher the nsptr'es of the Knot-, , Helper. ri:e.a of tie. 1'resbyterinn chneeh• .%nhnrn. Anrlt 2!l. (onr school teach- ,•rs, MIs. Nairn and Mho. Taggart. are bark from their Estates. vacattmt. noel Rare resnmed their duties. i lift•. Roy Farrow and little dangh- ter Dorothy. Intend looming for Ih•trolt this week to Min .Mr, Farrow. who brie se.•ttrnl a position there. NIT. atwl Mrs. (!core.' FTnwat'• mere& cult• dyne os F!'!d r 'n;t, •r1 Wol- For Huron county for sweet; . elln;t April 17. • rich Total ... , ..21.101 t.7 Selects .. •3i47 24 Thick Sunset Iv 11 .3 3a Marie. .. .. 04 4 Extra ileytciss 21 Shop logs, .. 215 ' 22 Lights \n.T . feeders. •.. .. 111) 10 - Itoug!•= - 1 Sows A,-. 1 . 4 1 t.:ws \ . 2 .. 27 1 . Stags i Men's Furnishers and Dry Cleaners Made -to -Measure Clothing a Specialty UNDERWEAR SHIRTS AND TIES Balbriggan Underwear, Combina A splendid new assortment of tion end two piece. B.V.D. gen- Shirts and Ties- We handle C ,r• uine lime. rie's line of Ties. ALWAYS AT TOUR SERVICE FOR DRY CLEANING and PRESSING Phone 339 W. C. SNAZEL a $..nth Side of Square CRAIGIE'S Rest Estate an'Insurance FOR SALE. Two-story reit brick fully modern ,•il)s-roused hnuw•, full lot. double garage; eittiatol issuer Elgin ave. and Stanley. strrk. Immediate possession. Paint $3,31S. . . Two-story frame right - r.soeu d !tons.•, electric light. sewer ' and toilet, two lot... This property is in 'lirstclass . onlltiuu newly decorate1 in.ille tool 11111- Corner South sol Blake are,•t5 Ini- m(dtuti' Is.ssesslon.Prirr $101100. Gond terms. One-story frame six -roomed bungalon, .-le-trtc light, ul'wutt neo:sores of land with good fruit trees. tatnate.1 •w the south std, of Mill Ron.1, t;o.h•ri.•1 Town. -hip 1nimwliate is.psesdoa Prier $1.9(*. tither lis.'; < may be had at the oftice. J. W. CRAIGIE Ma- '- Kaiak finishing, on Velox padls r (1nu:MGnrn better results at t'.tMT'l1:1.i S111t1,i Ng, 1117 STOItE. ltt 00 . The \lay- ni.4•tIng of, the Chi,:: • ). Nl .\1.1 $,s-iety will he 1r•lel next.'1 ., -' 4 May it. at 4,15 p m.. ill tis• roots - the Union Batik. This will 0 Inst.mes''ng le•for,• the summer .0. thin an; sire, ,t • 'l1 IMEMNIMMINIM Our Photographs are more than good photozrtph•. Thr) ar. true 1'urtrtit- bringing out soh h, +t itt character and in - di. B. R. SAI -LOWS. Men's Specials in CAPS 95c, $1,45 and $1.9 The very latest in mater- ials and shades. in grey, fawn, light green, Donegal Tweeds and Homespun - 1 Materials. • All the very latest styles, at lowest prices. All sizes, in all shades. M. ROBINS I The Square Goderich MODEL THEATRE. %.-.•k MLcy i to 10. that. and Tnes, J.A('KIE (OMAN to )tie great IanN.in sp» i:. N.*. Mermaid comedy. "Familt t Ife" Weil. and Tions, GLORIA SWANSON ht .�ttnn 1►vvau', lig Kt, Z..%7..t" 9 POI ram.t1111 t'.,me,h•, '-(t•.tkeying Around. " Fri. and Sat HERBERT KAWLINSON In h1r'1(rhtlag hate of rho Arlie Safi "Ttir CICTOR." • Roby Peggy in -Tips.- rens cartoon L• el. .•me then. to Althorn. ' t tial- ;., Mon. q'e.i. ai ' 1 : Fat. at A.(ltl Nies Vesta Mohler, of Cl'nt.m, sepint the Faster %asatine with her 81104- Coining•-. "PnnJala,•, NOTICE 1 wish t.,.ecue.unce to the). •1•,t of Goderich and District that 1 Imre opened an lip -to -date . Shoe Repair Shop • on Colborne Sweet, at !II, r. -,r •.1 \the Bank '.1 Connnwrce. .\ tone patronage ,ec•licitel. W. J. BRIDGE DOUBLE CREAM FOR WHIPPING 1510. diesel enjoy delicieuts ,,!tipped cream ? Yon can procure ;10. teal arttale,, feint our Dairy, at 1I.11,1's tin.(•i•ry Store .daily (except solidity 1. G. M. K1DD Goderich Poultry Fans. Stop! Look ! Listen! SAFETY FIRST ! JACK HALL, an old. town boy, late of Hern's shoe repair depart- ment, wishes to announce that he is starting an up- to-date Shoe Repair Shop on Kingston street, next to W. McLean's feed store, on May 1st. Dont forget the old name. PEMBER'S HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES AND GENTS J. B KNIGHT' .Hotel Bedford, Goderich TUESDAY, MAY 6th Sole u:ukr's of the Dorenweud'a Sa» !tan Patent Toupees and !Wigs, Neu ...We. for theear 11924. in- cluding the new fleet. color sight- proZf I.a rt ing. M r. I: night will demonstrate and cite free adiice on all wait. tt•e.. s i A. T. ['EMBER STORES, II LIMITED .1 12'4 Vence Street, Toronto. Ont- ,'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP Iminommima Are You Doing It? GETTING YOUR NEW Mattresses, Springs, Strollers, Baby Carriages, New Stoves \T Blackstone's Furniture Exchange on the itroalway of Goderich Everybody else is doing it. The values are wonderful. Drop in any time. This is your store. Use it. CHILDREN'S WEEK i r A BIG SPECIAL EVENT AT SHARMAN'S . Dear Girls sad Boys, -- Next week Is to be your week, during ahich we hope to he favored with a talc from you to ihspeet the many new lines of Shoes, Slippers, etc., which we have placed in stock recently. i.ovely Patent Leather $ltppera, ():fords, »Masnde., thirlhnt welt Slippers other gond makes. $!toes ofHalla,kin(i., in black.brow and and white -yo babies, the kiniiiwe .ell here, theg.ewi'id "FLEET -FOOT-" There arid be a to look at, with the price big !twirl can w be sll nnf �'n dtbringnd, f Mother sandr Fatther to pep thern„ftnd then get them to come in nod buy the pair you want. I)nn'tforget, it's your week. 1rnt,o Satnrday.May 3rd, to Saturday. Mtq iII , lfiehniwe. We shall look for YOU. SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE Phone 158 W. REG SHHARMAN CODF1ttcH of 1 1