The Signal, 1924-5-1, Page 41•-Tsrada7, May 1, 11124. THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. • W. C. PRIDHAM & SON IN THEIR NEW STORE We are now settled in our New Store, next to the Bank of Montreal, and are in position to serve our customers with the newest and most reliable Men's and Boys' Wear, at close prices. We feature Society Brand Clothes for men; Princ# Clothing for boys; Brock and Borsalino Hats; Forsyth Shirts; Headlight Overalls. We invite you to come any time and see the new store with the new stock. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON Phone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear GODERICH CARLOW. • Carlow. .\prat =1, --Rev. Miltou!Tyn- dall left on Monday on hie return t,, Regina, where he is pwstor of one of the city churches. Mrs Slater, of Blyth. who *petit ln,t week with her tousha, Mrs. W. W. !\'alter• returned to her home on Friday. The funeral of the late Mrs. Tyndall.. on '11uteday last, was largely attended by old ueiglevors and (mends, showing' the live and esteem in which the was he'd. Rev. W. it. .\Ip had charge of the s.•rvle•. Mr. Jarvis Llcllri.le Los Ia•• 11 tom- tluel to U.• house for a hew days with a severe attack of "tlu,' We holo t.• hear of Ids speedy r.ruvey. Mfrs. \lcitride, Jr., vlslttd her sister. \Irs. 1f. Tufford, for a few days hast week, .\ uuwl,•r from here attended the funeral of the hate Mrs. .%. IWgie, of Goderith. formerly of L,r•buru. on l'hursday. To Colborne ceineter. 7911• Alis•, Jean Hull Isobel Young returned to their schools on Alouday. NO.. rind Mrs. I1 Crawford. of Flint. Meeh.. with their ehlldren, Betty :and Allan spent alae week cud at " Ittde-a- we•,•' the Lowe of Mr. and Mrs. A. N-ilson. \I r I:ordun Wilson retlir&td w ith then. t.. Flint on Sunday I.y motor SPRING FOOTWEAR Attractive in Variety of Style Appearance Quality Price \\-c• have put forth our Etest'effort to secure for our ctfstcniers the BEST in Footwear for Spring. Our Travelling Goods Department is Complete Shoe Repairing the Best We invite you to do your bt:Wing at TSquare re Hern's Boot Shop Phone 43w SPRING WORK We have a full line of Garden Tools. If you are doing any painting, see our line of Canada Paints and Elephant White Lead. THE RIGHT GOODS AT TI1E RIGHT PRICES TIRES K. and S. Tires Firestone Tires HILL'S HARDWARE CO. AUBURN A Christine Rubertsuu spent part 01' the Patiter !'u1(du cN ail, St ruthr.. Arraigennents are 1n•i11g made fair a tlrst-elu.s entertainment to h.• given in the Presbyterian chun•h in the near (utter. \yat•h for date and fur thcr puartlrulars next week. Lir. and Mrs. \\'ill ('aunt,•11 ,lieu. Sunday with 1.18• latter', parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Afr Millon. t:ud.•rirh town 8blp. MIs, Mary Addison, of I.ondesboru', visited her whiter, Mrs. 1). Bean over (h.' weekend.' Miss M. Robertson left on Saturday for Niagara Falls to resume her t,vaeh- lag. Miss \ortna Mellouald, of Toronto, is *ponding some tine with her sis- ter. Mrs. John Keruighan. \\'e sym- pathize with Ifni. K-rnigha n and Ler sister iu the loss of their dearly lover. mother. Mr. and Mrs' Charlie Young. of (:ueler•h•h. visited Mr. and- Mrs. Paul Maelel on Sunday. Mr. Robert Glen and Miss Margaret Olen visitetdat the home of \lr. and Mrs. Melvin Tyndall on Sunday. A number In this 1eir;hburha,1 are Suffering from very severe culls, A Genii Hanan Gore.- A woman of splendid ,I,ualitit_ Los been -remove) from this community by the dealt ur AL's. William Tyndall A blah o .'urn•,I 1111 snnday, April .n. a: t1.• h cue uf' her d.tught•r, Mr- \V:aru,•r %V \\'alter. after a long I,•1 -b,1 .1' failing (health. Mrs. Tyndall, vi hose maiden name W:134 \Lary Jane Slat•khuus•. was born In East %Yawuuus!' in 1.47 a d.nlglder.nf the late William Stacklnonse of that township., .\ year after her marriage she,ame with Mr. Tyndall to the farm on the rah enn.'ession of 1 'ol .,r11.' which has shine leen the Tyndall home.. Mr. Tyndall' died in 14410, lav-. Ing toile widow the care of the young family. a responsibility sibility which was well Mid faithfully discharged. Mrs. Tru- uln!1's household duties did nut pre- vent L.•r from useful i1,114lty- lu natter gad works. Site was a member of Smith's I1ill I'r`eshytertan,chnrch ever sine a iag 1.: lhls township 81141 craw energetic ha eliurela work as we11 n8 In other movements for the good of the e,.mmwulty mod esps.dnlly 111 those Things mishit 414111 1111111,1.1,1 In the w•i•1- , f:are of the young ponph tit h.•r fain- . BABY CH The early Pullet makes the Winter Layer. Ruh - crest stock excells as winter producers. Write or 'phone for our Circular. Inspection and comparison invited. Custom Hatching We have some space for custom hatching. Charges 5 cents per egg. Ily of four daughter- and Iwo .4111 1 to dun.hter. Mrs. ethanes Patrick. of le,lmlott is ,l,r,-tissl The surviving members of .lye family are: ht.'' M11• tun \\'. Tyndall, Al..\.. 1:.1)., wiulster ut 1'haluter,, Prtwbyleria.. ,-horn'. Re- alm'. Sask.: Mrs. Carlson, of (Roblin. Man.: Mrs. W. II'. \\'alter. of Io'• borne: 31.-Ivin Tyndall_ on the Inoue- ' stead in Oils township, and \Ir.. I Arthur 1'ulla•rt. ..f .tshneld 'rhe 1 funeral took place on Thursday from .I he home of Mir. and Mrs. \Y. \\ Waller 10 the Colborne cemetery and w'8+ largely otteud,sl. Rev. %I'. 11. .411, emiduct.rt t la• stn ices. soil the pail bearers were Messrs. .\lex. l• --dug. .4 W. Young. %\'m \\'alter, John \\'alter t'ul, J. A. 4. \"arta• and Ileorge Fer- gus,n. Iter•. Milton arril.rl from Regina in time to be present at the funeral. I3ENMIu.ER. Y.enutill,•r. Aprl1•211.-.\u Installu- tluu sort h,• firr the newly ap{s,lutel officers and tette her. of the Sunday school was held Inst Sunday mt,nliui. The quarterly 1n1mum11.11 wen i, will he in -fit in Zion ehnreh li.•\t .tui (Inv. ,'ouuu.an iug at in341 ,.m. "The I IIt Ituttle" was 11111111 ,.%y. by tit. large andi,'II , .telt', heard In+t 'I'i•nrs.la3 eveding. Th.. Seri street \lethuli.1 \Ii-siou Circle are ' Iw congratulated. not otdy on' t' finished form In vv hi 'h -the play vv prewut.'h but also upon the gnarl 1h, have done in Iucr:aslug Interest :. missions, - _ - PORT .f,IJIF:RT. Port Albert. April 1. The fillip. are eery busy on 1114 0141 Iter, :R'. B. Hawkins and family. , ltly,`vd,ltel wit)) his sister: 'Sirs. \\ O. (:ray. of this•pl:n•,. one day I.1 w,r•k.tli' Miss Marion Tig,•rt left for 6, stents.] at .\nburtt this week. Mars. W. Ttruwu nod' rh111ren. of- Rnro11. Spent a date 8-Itt1' friends in Ile. v111ng.. Air. hick Bradley motored Irani -Sea- forth au.l slant The, May with his moth. r. Mr 1.:art Mt'timalil. we la•t', Is h1s1-• ed with the numerous nwlfers of eats. F:art's is it F..rd. tri,, We arc sorry to t.gslrt that Ar. h:lcer Is not Improving a,.fa8fs8s t►i. nel gh,lrs and fM, ods metol- tkr--t.r rase, Mr. Jns,•ph I. \it31i1lan tntetwls tear iug for 114•1roit shortly. Mr. Will Voting 1s Improving vert , nicety. tr.• are glad to Bay. Schad op.- .1 after 11U• Easter vaca- tion with n untilber of new pupils. • The vnctlnntiug done In err whe,d by 11)r. Simpson and nurse proved v.•ry satisfactory, as we have 1101 t,-:11'41 of any rases hl which it .ti.1 not take COLBORNF Colborne Yeah -hip .April 29,- S.s•.I- dog is iu fall swing In this tn'Ighh.r 1.0..41. the',tltter being 114.' very best. I The farmer. have ranch to he ttnunk tiff for. ,. The suckers have been running well ' fhb. epring +omt'w-her.• about 1.sts1 !awing euuglu in one night a1 the falls I of nenmlller. • I Ur.. Harold Illeknulu and two ,1.11. 1 dren. of 'Toronto. are visiting her par - eats. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Roan, sr.. for a few weeks. I Mr. and \fro Rrne.t Mitchell and , cle{ldr-n visited at the (home of Mr. F.d. .11nlerson. Thingannen. on :11111,1:1y Inst. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Tl. exec T1811ed frteu.ls in Goderlela fownshlp on Run- ' tiny. .\ little girl has Mme to etay at Mr. .T. T.ar„•h. s 1 • nt the etatiou. Congrut11 lit tions. Messrs Robertson and True have a env ..f -1 ingles in at Nee;aw +fatten. Phile 86 COLBORNE'S STORE � 86 P OFFERING EXCEPTIONAL VALUES TO FORE- SIGHTED BUYERS Beginning May 3rd to May h Read this list of articles on sale, and sa real money. Linen Towelling for 23c yard. - 72 -inch Sheeting for 65c and 55c yard. Colored Flannelette, 25c yard. Silk and Wool Dress Goods. 10. per cent. discount. Ladies' Lisle Hose. 49c pair. kiddies' Lisle Rib Socks, 75c for 50c pair Boy's Wool Golf Hose, regular $1.25, -aria I.15, for 75c a pair. Ladies' Pullovers, $2.19 each. Hisses' Pullovers and Sweaters, each. Ladies' Rain Coats, $4.98 each. Skirts in Silk and Wool, $1.98 each. Sateen Bloomers, $1.50 each. $1.79 NO GOODS SOLD ON CREDIT COLBORNE'S STORE " THE HOUSE OF REL/ABILITY" 1• t\1.�. hue., .%pri S.. Mr :,ltd \Ir-. ,1..'nt • Lotman laud Guiltily f t:ehrith 11 t- (.1 at Fhiyak .\uglp on. $isd,,y Mr.: Tarns. IR..tyler aril . u h ,•e{du of St..%ugustlue, were n u'•,• ; 8hi{o. aronud here. Th.i. -William.: of Flim. \I 4.1 :u John 11.,8 I. r'• )piss Margar.•t M.-l.,•od..4 1.•., halt' r.•lorn.4r3u li,i .1WlNasa :44, here. ' Itori-tu Mr. and %Pr.. tie- !wenn:in. a daughter. 1'ui.gra!n4rti• Retort 11it•Id,• has refuted Lane's farm. as Mr Lott, and fan hat-,• rrwovel 10 Itipley to enndu, • furniture store.' Master 1.I.•y.l Stein ha- renal I..1 • Lueknow Schad after sp.-1011.a 1 at home. ween• ,J,• aa. to s{Ma„i ., ' ., . • . 1 for, t feu'uilg to •1 .Several-It.vil.atleus•:,,4J .. • ST. HELENS,. The 1larrls Mlsa!ou Bawd 8111 118+'t the ehun•h parlor ,.0 aatgnlay. May. 1 at 2.311 o'clock, An Invitation iw et'17o att,n,I i' N I„_4 1h gr.. '.i _ .4.14de.l to all the young 'woo, eh:en•Ise. at I h a: h:, 1 .''' . ••_ ' 31rs. Work 'arid daughter, Aliso of .\1n' ,r, al. . \I -- In 4' •. I: i'h. of Smlth'S }'all*, were ;14.418 i c r• i r •!, .. twig Easter 'week of In r .l3ugh- 11rs Moroi. Salkeld. St. Helens, .April reign.. Tel...be - tool pupil, have rctntued to their ...vend location's Rev.'('. at •LIS week attending the I'r• -I,. ,... Synod. Mc.\re•. of 31.44 ,;, , It who wa1 a t•Isitnr•nt •lir. :lour. eron's for ,t hew week's. h 1. 1... 18'tn,it. - Mr. .1. 11. Webster returned •- I ri-' .lav from London„ where 14e 11:1.1 gone for an .poral lou 'in St. .To •pia'• t o.- p1ta1. 11e is feeling fnlrly welt 1 Mrs 1'nyl.•r. who heel hero in lain- e-.Irdine. a visitor with her s;st, in-' la w. returnedhone on Frida v. \Ce re. gree that ACT.. a'nt'ler on- sick whits' on her visit. Airs. Sandy Mt1.',.1 and 4htlght.•r, Grin,. of Klulncs, lire visitors with! her parents, Nil*. and \Irs. Lava.. Miss \Indere Fer 11..8:. ..f .Althorn. urns n greet with her sister. Airs Ch. - ter Taylor. .Mss 31.1v Inn, ..41 r . ' .. ELKAY'S STRAW HAT DYE Makes old hats loo';Akenew, -Sixteen different colors. 30c a Bottle Lyman's Water Glass Egg Preserver 20c a Tin One tin will preserve 10 or 12 dozen eggs. e now stock Eastman Kodaks, Brownie Cameras Eastman Films, Film Packs and Amateur Supplies DEV�L.OPING, PRINTING and ENLARGING \ PROMPT SERVICE H. C. DUNLOP THE REXALL STORE Phone No. 1 GODERICH i eat Selling Event in Curtains, Curtain Nets, Linoleum Floor Oilcloths, Congoleum and Oilcloth Rugs FRIDAY THE OPENING DAY NEW CHINTZ and CRETONNES CURTAINS --Ready to Hang Extra Special 50 pairs Scotch Madras urtains, full 2 1-2 yards -long by 1 yard wide. Five patte s to choose from. Pair $1.95. Dozens of other lovely Curtains just arrived this Waek, all reedy for your choosing. Priced from $2.25 to $10.00 pr\jr, caoLEcMIs 4 yard wide, best quality Linoleurr.s, in all the new patterns, in light and dark fawns, browns and lights. Square Yard $1.10. Come In and Look Around CURTAIN NFTS--By the Yard Extra Special -Five patterns fine Scotch Madras Curtain Ma- terial, 36 inches wide. This is one of the best values of the whole season. Yard 39c. 200 yards American and English Curtain Nets, in the season's best and newest patterns. These are both dainty and very durable. Choose early. Yard 48c. FLO4 OILCLOTHS BATHROOM LINOLEUM Floor Oilcloth in all widths and patterns, in block, the and bathroom patterns. Priced at Square Yard, 55 Cents The,,e nn• mnde for the hard wear of the Bath- room, in pretty patterns of blue and white, green and white, and allover patterns. Square yard, 'IN cents. Extra heavy weight, 81 10. Square Yard, 68c and $1.10 GRAY..' & CARTWRIGHT Bright, new American and English Chintz and Cretonnes, in lovely new patterns and designs. just fresh in this week. About 10 patterns for your choosing. At yard 59c. 50 -inch finest Scotch Madras for side drapes and over -curtains, in rose, blue, brown and green. Very pretty materials for any window. All priced in this big event at yard, 89c. CONGOLEUM RUGS MATS O x 12 9 x to 1.2 4 9 X 9 Gold Seal $15.95 ;13,95 . Congoleum $11.95 48c Everything in House Furnishings