The Signal, 1924-5-1, Page 3etestosigestsaMagestew1M
Job Printing
The Signal is prepared to do all kinds
of Job Printing at reasonable price&
For your next order
Telephone 35
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in The Signal. Buy advertised wares.
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There Is An Improvement
In Business
BUSINES8 In Canada has Improved. We look to the
future with confident..because we believe In
Uerauae of Oils, and because our position Is strong
as a result of the policy of d.cldedl) coua.'rvativ.
msu,cre•nitIt we have always followed, we can offer
generous credit accotu dation to businesses adios.
nuances and policies meet our strict requirements.
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Will' program In brief, week of May
i. 1924 WGY. Se•heneetady, N.Y., Gen-
eral Ele•trk• Compuy, 790 kllewyckew
(:4411 meters.. F:Ilstern Sta.olard time.
Sunday. May 4. 111 a.m.-Service of
Union Presbyterian church, Schenec-
tady. 'N.Y., .s•rnn.n by Rev. T. Rose-
IN•rry (:oral.
2.310 p.m:-WGY S}mpaony Orches-
tra. Killeen, conductor, emitted
he Lennard W'. (:rut.). bnleltoue, and
Ralph Steele, tenor.
11.30 p.m.-S.•rvl..• of l'nlon 1'rer-
hrterlan church. Seheneetady. N.Y.
Minutely. levy 5. 745 p.m.--Progrwm
toy t1u• Georgia. Servoete Choral Club
of AmsterMm. N Y.. Hazel Wehr. dt-
rtrtor. Address, "Radlcalfsm That
Means Real I'rogreees." by C M
Tne•wlay. May G. 7.45 pm, -Address.
"Facts and Fallacies about Heredity."
by i)r. Jat»e'i Mayor. aeso•late pro-
fe•esor of biology, Union College, Sche-
p.m. -Program by MusoloWs Sym-
phonlon Orchestra and Nina Merwitz.
Wednesday. May 7. L1n pm -Ad-
ventir.• story, courtesy Youth's Com -
Thursday. May R. 7.45 p.m - Muacal
pr••crnm. Lydia Steven*, piano: Mrs.
Lee K Haines. soprano; Janet Lind -
All kinds for sale. If you intend bay-
ing a home it will pay you to see
the home -a i have for sale. i have
them at ■11 priers. from $700.00 up.
Some teal good bargains on easy terms.
Drop In and see me.
Real Estate & Insurance Phone 50.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Life, Accileet lel Alto Iesuruect
Halo.. and Loot. in Goderich sad
Vicinity, and Farms for Sale
large number Merl tr cu•Iect from,
including e0111e of the lest braises
in town. A number are full mod-
em egnipped: many of the pmper-
ti.e. am very low- in prier. A few
can be bought on the monthly Iay-
tnetlt plan -A small amount down,
the balance In monthly payments,
the same es paying rent. or any
way to snit buyer. Ask about them.
A number of Farms for sale, al-
most any size•. locality, kind, price,
or terms for payment* required.
Some large fauns to exchange
for smaller one.. Some to exchange
for town property.
A few email places near town,
suitable for fowl -raising. bre busi-
ness or gardening.
A fine half -section near Regina,
Seek., well located, well fenced,
Plowing done, for .ak. or exchange
or property hem.
For all particulars see
Above Parsons' Fair
P. O. 11rz 89 Goderich, Ont.
say Stevens, violin.
Friday. May 9. 7.4.5 p.m. --(Comedy.
"Dangerous People.," by Oliver White,
presented by WGY pla}e•rs.
10.30 pia-WGY Quintet, Joseph
1h'rri.•k. plaun, and Ida Mae Pant,
Saturday. Mity 10, 9,:MI p.m. -Daae
music by Romano s orchestra. New
Kenmore Ilotel, Albany, N.T.
Th.• White Star Lino. announces the
big annual low fare excursion on the
steamer Greyhound from Goderich to
Detroit and return. The Greyhound
will leave Goderich Tuesday. June 10,
9.90 a.m. (RT.). arriving Detroit
5.00 p.m.
.t full day and a half will be given
all ezevr.ionlat8 In Detroit, the return
departure being. as usual, Thursday at
1.00 p.m.
The trip to Detroit is a most delight-
ful one, serosa Lake Huron, down the
beautiful St. Clair Rover, through St.
Clair Flab. the "Venice of America."
to lake St. (lair and the great De -
!mit River.
Thr fare la so low and the aceom-
motatlona of the Greyhound ao good
and comfortable that everyone who
can arrange to do no should enjoy this
annual opportunity to kelt Detroit, the
fourth city of the 1'nited States. and
one of the world's greatest industrial
A "moonlight" will be run out of
Goderich at R30 Monday evening, with
good music for dancing on the upper
deck. and there will be other entertain-
ment 111 the ship'. main cabin.
1t will be gond news for baseball fans
to (earn that the New York Yanks will
be playing the Detroit Tigers at Navin
Field Detroit, on Wednesday, June 11.
This %111 tee a great chance to set! Rabe
Ruth. of the New York team, and
cow). of the Tigers. besides other fam-
ous. placers on both clubs.
the work completed and 111111 criat, 011
11111111 lir. Hume intimate) that the
first payment would b• requi rel on
SLny 23. The communk•atiou was re -
ferrel to the Ilu8nc• committee with -
Mayor Gallow Urges Better Ac-
commodation for Tourist
Camping Ground.
(In Friday night last the town mule
(41 114441 its regular meeting postponed
from Gal Friday. .t, large anau
of rout
iso• bu•loo.. .
11V tra11
during the even g.lwhile two mwrticu-
larlr Important ubJecta toueheel on
were the project a 110W town hall
and 0dd11lonAI And Improy.41 nevwm-
modatlou for rite urist campinggrounds. All the mems rs were pre" -
ere. •
Tar Collector Wm, Cam . 91 report-
ed that since April bit he tai laid the
treasurer $1.221.:a( of taws, 0 which
$970.:12 was on arrears. .. -
A letter from Jos. Meletin, n
Ing secretary of the \'ir•torin L.O. -
No. 152. thanking The a» for it
donation to the July 12th celebration
fend we.-orde•n'l flied.
The water and light c,mmission
wrote thew.uncll intimating that.
dating front January 1 last. no eHa-
count 1, to he allowed 0a 4tr0et light -
Ing and that the payments are to be
mad.. by the town half-yelrly In July
and tiers -tither. The (nmmurt(atlon
4411 4 81.61.
T11o4. J, .\ndersau wrote the eoun-
cil with regard t.. the renewal of hos
eon! oil and gasoline pedeller`. 1100
and requested the usual relate' of $10
in errnne•tlon the•rewlth. Mr. Amler-
IlOti s Iterus• was renewed by the
council as requested.
C. C. Lee, proprietor of the Hotel
Sunset. wrote the council regnee.ting
l that the road around the hotel be
oiled wrath, the nemp am the Square
And the streets wlthin a hko'k thereof.
The e'ommunleation was referred to
thepublio works enmmittee.
The re queest of Cretgbe Broe. for.
renewal of their billiard -room license
was on motion of Councillor Humber
and Deputy Reeve Munninge referred
to the special committee for eonside'r-
orlon. Councillor Number commenting:
"i think that should gee to a es mmit-
tee. Your Worship. There has been
some talk of an increase there."
The purchase from the Dominion
Ruud Mach ('
inery o. of a large grader
with •eerrlfler and mould -board at-
tachment for $5111 and trade of an old
grader fora new "baby" grader. n(' ar-
411111 of $1'2,(5M) towards a new town
hall. providing It had a rent room arid -WHERE DID IT GO ?
uss'nlhIh hall. egg heeling his offer
open until July 1, following which. 11
nothing has -been done, It 1.1 hie iuten-
tlon to use his money for his original
I intention -a community hall-4hough
Hospital Tu)sa Sub '
i lsola1b1Y not on the Temperance hall
The request of the Women'. Meld- site-
tal Auxiliary for the lirli•ihre of hold-Ou motion of l'ouueillor Humber and
hog 8 lag day on July 1L!ne!Deputy W8' Deputy Reeve Stunning* the quew*Ion
granted by the (rouncll. ' of a new Nty'n ht111 was referred to the
;$16.4161 -ummltte• to look Into and
Further Debenture Issues.
The arrangement: for printtling. boot- s
XApril 2,5. -Looking back
from a ten days' p•rspY•tive upon the
prcxrrdings of the 1924 session of the
L4•gislature. the first unckr the Fer-
guson GoverHuleut. the 1111•1114,4tle.s of
the Hous. lades Into insignificance as
compared with the tremendous lin-
lortane front a public..tandpolnt of
what transpired before the public tac-
I re sort _ counts e•ummittw'.
HMI en11lu • for fernier.�or $'2.5.- '*e•tcer ate "ad "ad Ilii Pet
itiotaa Ontario's shame for her public life
kat, ►.
Iof debentures for theenn•+lliela•' A petition for a sewer received from is perhaps Nceuhatel INYatly the
tion of the debt 11 1)11 #101.4510 for hank,:yatep/ycr" on Park street. east from .l (:ncertuuent Inv.-.tip•It111rs left an air
patently dirt fluor still un
sw,- ,t In
1 Y
felling to Leong beforetie more -Wight
of public gaze the full facts of the (9,-
1 of Them • •nuns $250110 .1 ti
-onstruction were left with the 11-
uanee committee. Arrangement.- for
the eMlwnt(1res for i:dt,feet.•.leering the
G.C.I. improvements are to Is• nude
later: it 1a understood.
. Auto Parking Without Llilda%
Councillor Holmes introduced -the
queetion • of parking ears on the ' -t nn1u1N•r of appolcations were re -
Square al night einem! nettle Though .-.elves for building permits. the esti•
this was den.. In contravention matw1 cost of which amounted to $57. -
of the town's hylas•., ('4)1111041101 515. as follows: Reshingling kitchen on
Holmes thought it Wit not neyssary Trafalgar. affect, M. J. Bowler; barn
to have the Ilghls 00. at least while and driving shed on Britannia 'road,
pprkeil on the Square Somewhat Min- ('has. 11.11: summer kitchen on Britan-
liar 'ideas were expr0u.Yl by some uta ruiad. ("'has, 11.•11: new front for
titer nwnil'ers of the c'ounc'il. The shoe repair shop on East street, W.
nl•• question Was nedordlngly refer- IReg. 'Sharman: reroofing garage on
to the speeia1 ('1111111ttet''for n re- Cambria road. J. 1). \1'11..11: reshiugl-
hug house on 1'hurch street. Jas. lhn•h-
%vad(.tcew at the Harbor. anan i garage on. St. George's ('ro.rnt,
lowing letter from the hoard F. II. Spence; enlarging pres'nt ger-
ms referre'l 0, the harbor age' on Keays street. A. A. \%liilialns:
consult with the water summer kitchen 1111 (',IIn•rlll stnwt.
John Hall: reslttngling hoose on Ox-
ford street Thomas Sturdy: new ver-
andah for 1101144' oil Ihlylleld read.
Thomas Hawkins: new larch for Even eith the on; 'witness which tin• Saye Nova Sewn*. And Prince Edward
hoose on Photon street, Giles Jenkins: , e•0mmittw• wn• able t0 g.'( fur SI r. She Island, we flud that. In a general way,
new double pN,'bh 4)u W. coo '.y° 11: cr4Iriete favor varieties extent(ve-
jitnr•t. F. C. Webb &1141 I', J. roomy: t•hllr. the result 114-:11 startling. 'Slee f
three -.'tory and tutsemeut addition to \Chittaker, who previously had nor ly grow" to British Columbia. hided.
preemie Collegiate building and re'- thrown light on the (tistweitIoti of the i i ae� 81141 Wagen,'r.
Ve*It awhile sathlDeli-
modelling. including relighting (won- $' '.�4 in cash which the former Hoene
dew, 011 left .141 In an room.(. re. (tank manager. J. ('.ors r SLl,n, drew. ern 1'rorinets incline to Bpy, Graven -
sell' he rememl4'red that Masers hod stein. RS 141V6111. with King, Greening,
installation of .bean beating and fore. 10141 him the money w•8s going rep to Fameuse.'"lhti'hess, Red Astrachan.
ed ventilation by elctrlc-motor-driven. the Parliament buildings by SL J. Sweet-Lk/ugh. and Bishop's Pippin shoo
Lan, J. P. Hume, seeretary• of the Col-
legiate institute board.
o the
, . was referred t t
"l'aml roll road, a re
public works committee for crosidera-
tion and report. A petition for .trees
oiling on Cambria reed from Wolfe
street to (aoncester Terrace al., was
r4-ferre41 to this committee.
Applitatiorr for Building Permitm.
The ft
4)t, health
tale snit tee
and light 4Ylm isslnn and report : "The
local baro of moth respectfully begs
to draw your at ntlon to the need of
ile e.iaary and �. ern sanitary con-
venient -es at the ha or front. The in -
emoting work and h. lnews tieing ear-
mportanr part
Jaren sing-
e foe eon-
rid on along this very
of the town denials
along this line and It h
gewtel that a public 11)41110
struetd at the town w
plant. where light. water an
could be furnished at a minimum
It wen» Id 111'.0, 1N• necessary to 1n.
a proper eepti- tank."
Enquiry from Huron Castings Co.
A leiter was ncetve1 from the
Huron Specialty Casting.. Co, ('linens.
making enquiry as to the purchase
of the 0141 foundry building of the
Brock street plant of the National
Shipbuilding Co, The letter said in
part : "We would like the old foundry
building if roti could e•arry the mort-
gage for us. allowing 114 to pay It off
In yearly nr half -yearly laymets. We
would also purchase any machinery or
supplies no* in 1110 building of which
11 make use. if 61411 are In
1 l ranged by Deputy Reeve Mooning,' Igor sof our pt»p,s11°' kindly stoic
chairman of pnhlle works, was sane- price and terms." This onmmunlratlon.
tionrl by the cnnnen on motion 01
)Reeve Simi -Eisen and ('o'11)0110r together %Int genie other mattera In
conMe•timn with the . National Ship-
Ilel nes.
building co.. w -N. referred t0 e•nmmit-
tee of the whole council.
To Cater to Tourist Trade
Sfnyor Galloon advised the council
Chet If it were decided to eater 10
the tourist trade this summer some
A letter wn4 reed from the Ontario
Municipal Electric Association an-
nouncing a general meeting to he held
at Kitchener on Thursday and Fri-
day. Stay 11and 2. and requesting the
council to appoint a number of dele-
The Prince of Wale Is said to he an 1 gates to the riveting. It wa4 finally' Improvements .honld b• made In the
,Idept trap drummer. H.R.H. 1. also dceldel thnt Deputy Reeve Mnnnings, tourist parking and camping grounds
vernally expert at Meting matrimonial or Councillor Humber be the e•nunebl'a as operated at Harbor 1'ark last year.
traps. --Brockville Recorder. repr.'p'ntative, the Mayor and Reeve chief nln,ng %hick would be n proper
aw indlcating that they would be unable 'railway eitrand• into the park from
to attend. West street.
4'. C. Lee and J. 1.. Killoran. ('ouneillor Ryan intimate,' that
est and rl(rpr.erhlent. respectively. of Tbomns Elliott, of the Park House.
the Maitland Golf ('lnh, interviewed intended to open up n sort of restaur-
the council regarding tine rend lead- ant there to enter to 111e toutists,
Mg to the golf eonre' and asked that Some little eli4•nsstou took place as
steps ho taken to tont the road as 11 to ways and nr.•ans. after Willett the
10%n rand In proper shape. The whole subject t('a, referred to a joint
gentlemen wee promisel ionside•rntion committee of the barks noel piddle
and attention to the mutter nt the %arke committee, to look Into and
hands of the liable• works ,omtaittve. I report.
t'oanedller Turner brought to the ; Tpo flans for Beautification.
platin 's 11ttentbon the adrlvnhiittc of i A communication f • Messrs Sot -
dn4er sidewalks on Rritnnnla
road and also on Eldon street. Deputy t'IIffe and \Varrener request ing the
Reeve Monologs, replying to ('oune11- Privilege of brtntifying the boulevard
for Turner's question. stated shot the 1 fronting the Bedford hotel on South
cinders cornet be set•nreil from the salt street by means of flower Isr14 and
b10c•k or Big Stili for drawing: them fence ,'ne•losnre was referred Jointly to
away : laid down enielt lead oset about the park?. and 1,111110- works committees.
(11 cent.. he thought. The natter %at4 George' Stewart. florist. Interviewed
referred to the pobli1 works ono- the (routed reple•stlug permission. to
tnitt.Y,. remove one or two tees from In front
SfnyOr GAllow drew the attention of of his err•nhouse. Mr. Stewart told
the market committee to the fact that the (onnell that 111' would leave twO
the door on the compartment In which stumps on which he would place large
the nmhnlnnee is kept wee lying flat flower urns, plant n large flower -bed.
on the ground. "The gate. on the fifty feet long and six feet deep. and,
weigh -(-aloe(' at the C.N.R. station are km, prohnbly plant two ('Qhtmlria Mev
off. too," remarked - Depwlty Reeve sprule'e'• Mr. Stewart's request as out-
Munnings. "1 think the saner we fret lined was referred to the park. and
publte works committees jointly.
are joyously received and trees-
' ured from generation to gen-
eration. Choose
Diamonds Pearls Gems
Jewellery Watches
Clocks Silverware
East Sid. Square Ont.
Unlimited Quantity of
at $3 per single cord, delivered,
a new mnrkeet building. the Metter,'
iIOr itcan, who 11
CO., LiM1TED. chairman of the market committee.
(Foot of Anglesey St. Phone 51.) Conn(tllIor !lumber engnlyd who
had sold lumber from the National
Success Begins With Saving .
A Savings Account with the Union Bank of
BCanada will give you the right start.
y systematic saving you CM lay aha foundation
sone of future success.
Do not wait until you have $25.00 at $50.00. s A
Savings Account can be opened with $1.00. sss
Goderich Branch, F. WooUoombe, Manager
Shipbuilding Co.'s pilot. The in-
formation was given by the, ,SOlyor that
the National Shipbuilding Co. eom-
mitteee, consisting of-hima'If. the Reeve
and Deputy Reeve. had had the mat-
ter In hand and that the lumber had
been mold at the price In Mr. i,crv'.
Inventory. Councillor Humber ex -
pretested the opinion that the council a.
a whole mhonld sell may goods. maeh-
Inery, etc., from the plant* that were
to Inc sold. rather than Pet the com-
mittee. Mayor Gallnw Intimated that
some aimless end an eleetrie motor
might Donsibly he dlmpnsed of in the
very near future.
A enmmnnleltIOn watt received from
J. 1'. Hume am secretary of the Col-
legiate inatltnte board regnesting the
ennnelt to make provt.ton for the ne-
country fund(' for the ereetlon of the
new Addlfton and remodelling of the
Collegiate building. the money to be
paid over monthly on program eertlfl•
•eatee. of the areh'ltect to the extent of
eighty-flvc per centof the value of
New Town Hall Project.
It was the suggeett(n of' Mayor Cal-
low that the town hall project be re-
-ferrel to A committee of the council
to look into the detnils nt the matter
And prepare a report as to whet
stepe would he deemed feasible in
connection therewith. Him Worship
Mated that a large number of the
eitizwne hitt ew11d to look over the
plana prepared game years ago for a
new mnnl-Ipal hnllding. end 8180 that
he WAR in receipt of n letter from the
Women's inet Itlite risque/ding that
provtorian be made In the new bulldtne
for rest room aecommod*tifn.
Councillor Platt: "Yea. Tone Wor
ship. we should• to able to go on with
the town hall ncrw that we here til fin
take well on the way, the Collegiate
Warted and the hospital• looking Af-
ter itself,"
Reeve MacEwan : "Yea, and we have
the debt all nicely consolidated now,
too. By issuing the deb stores all to
*ether we might get a better prior for
CAhti':ming. the Mayor Mated that
Mr. Robert YaoKay. w1ao had express-
ed himself as willing to donate the
14046 I .
441114-1) wait drawn to ca.:lt by the Home
Itank authorities exactly at tin. time McINTOSH AND SPY HEAD
of she 1919 election,
the air. just at that point where Lib-
eral members had managed 40 hring
IL Assistant Treasurer Matthews
was notbrought • forward, although
Liberal members almost daily, par-
ticularly Messrs. Sinclair, Belanger
and Fisher. made 1o{ntd Inquiries.
Mr, Haney. who was saki to have
brought the money to the buildings,
was 111. but made it terialde declara-
tion -that he never handled the $25.000.
It Is to be remembered that the hulk
of tlu• G0Vernment'e de•Iring, before
the committee into Home Bank pay-
ments had to do with only $15.0011 of
$57.400 of rake -offs which the bank
Iaok4 V114,w to hate Aiwa made on
lank profile on Provincial transaction*.
x T. W. McGarr
'nrmer Tree uflr T
!' 9
swore positively before committee
that not :4 emit ofit remelted him.
W1u.t little the public heard aboutLIST OF APPLES IN DEMAND
the• .11414 fat 1011 of the $2.5.(1(10, which ---- --
w-as part rf profits ru a ('onsen-atty.• The io.minion Fruit Commissioner
Government loud transaction. it owes hes securer) some Interesting tnforma-
to the efforts of W. E. N. Rluclu(r, , tion from wholesale dettlers In the
K.('.. Liberal leader. After llc+tening 1 leading marketing centres as to tate
patiently, for -three weeks to the stns vxrietliet of apples most In demand
of the 1)rury`Government and its Min- In different 'Outs of the 'Dominion.
Wry. as elicited) from wltueseert by 1 The results of the canvass indicate
Government e•aamluers. suddenly. Jost that McIntosh and Spy rank first and
before the 44100-119 of the eommittte.' la.nud as the most popular apples. In
Ser. Sinclair moved for the aplavrcnne a the opinion of the trade. McIntosh
before the c,inusittee• of J. ('. Whit- leads in British Columbia, All,erta,
taker. supervisor of the Horne Bank. ' Manitoba. Sasl9Itehewan and Quebec.
31. J. Ramey, former preeldent of the Spy Is supreme 1n Ontario and Prince
Bank. Aseistaut Trcunre•r Charlie A. F,.f ap.l Island, and Gravenstein In
Mnithews. former Assjstant Treasurer New Brunswick and lova Scotia.
Sproule, i., C. Meson. Alld others who In all. some seeveuteeen rafted*. are
ntittllt be able to tell flue eonimltte' mentioned. 1f we omit McIntosh.
about the $25,4514). width ie named 1n all the Provinces
Committee Reports
Haney. That was brand-new evidence named.
for the committee and the intensity' of It must not be a..tlmed that demand
Intereet was evideneet by the brondsl.L' constitute-. the sole consideration for
of questions with which Mr. Whittaker the grower to take into account to
T]14' fin committee replete} having instantly deluged by I.ib•ntl and making a selection of varieties to
f4) pd upon bnveetigatlon that the ad- 4oneervntive examiners. plant Naturally. climate, *0(1, grow -
put to the garage aet constructed by It was also a fact that there was no ing ...neon, and proximity to markets
W. T."'ellow's toed leen ertnstructed ac- clams• to erose -examine Mr. ilancy 011 :10- iodine 'considerations, and have an
cording 'oto his Apnlicntion and as p8.64- a1'.- ount of Ili. 'limes and Mr. Clark- imiortunt bearing on the profitable -
d b4-• t Mn•Il Aon was :1140 eallel to give statement Mess of any variety.
The .�pxe•1eu°1 eommltt•r• submitted a In regard to Mr, Miley. and it should
bylaw nmen(ling the milk bylaw and he remcmbenel that Mr. McGarry
recommended that 1t be passu and swore that he and Mr. Macon handled
Toren riled to t
of Agrieultnre
committee reeom
Government be ask
(meet of the Amptltatl
petition with refcrenee
p•nelons as at present.
The finance committee reported hav-
ing examined the report of the howl-
ing contmieeion and reeommenele•d that
e Prorim•lal Mlnhcter the loan of $41110.00 from whkeh the
or approval. The ,rake-off came. it k 8154, a fact that.
•ndet that the when Mr. Me'(:arry left ottie• In 1919
to grant the re- the deposit in the Rank watt $3,500.000.
a Association's With that startling statement of
n leasing thle Intention to send $25!111 to the Peril&•
Ment buildings before the committee.
the Liberal and ('onscrvat(ve.question-
era .caned out en different Iinee of
attack. Liberal meml4•ra secured from
00 r Whittaker n recollection that he seen the hank's car with Mr.
C. A. Nairn 1s' mild the mum 144 $1
in full of account for eerrlce render
In ('onne'tion theerewith. i'pnn report Raney in it .tart for the Parliament
of (Inc., Reeve and Deputy Reeve the Moldings. a°el ('oneer•ative examiners
committeerecommended the payment secure(' n statement tltat he now
thought 318nager SgasOn'e explanation
of the withdrawal of $25,000 of bank
fund. to he "ta blind."
The committee CP11,141 operations
with that 125,000 matter hanging 1n
of T. R. Patterson's aceount of $4335
In connection with Victoria street
road. .The committee also reported
having examined the payroll of $225
for attendane•ee of councillors wt reen-
ler and rpeelAl meetings and of $52 for
attendance at eommtttet' meeting. for
the quarter ending Sdsr•l1 31. and rec-
ommended thst the amounts be paid.
The eommitree 8140 r,commetxlel that
the water and light eommtsdnn 1w•
rendered an Account for $50 ns 'tar
where of the ltr23 alnllt/rs payroll.-
atyroll:116P eommlttce reported tinting Merly-
n •sixteen tenderm for the $20.(100 of
debenture, for hydro-eletric pwupos's,
bearing interest at the rote eof five And
ono•-hl(If per cent.. to nun -for thirty
yen r.. and recommended that the tend
er of A. E. .Noes & Co.. Toronto, n
the rate of $101.07. iN• ne4•e•plwl..4. num
b'1• of aceonnts were 1814.41, Includ-
ing The Mail and Fanpire,'Overtes1
re Hydro debenture s. $20.25:
costs 're 'touting contbnis'lou, 12.33:
firemen's. suite and amts. $3870: Tho,.
It. Weir. Stratford. dog tags.
A. Tllgginatm. ser'l('," ;re Notional
Shipbuilding ,
Tren4nrer, fee. re (•nnsolidation of
debt. $7537.
Spare the Wild Flowers
111 the neighborhood of Toronto, et
pince•.c where wild flowers bloom, signs
have been plaed that read as follows:
"Spare the flowers. Don't pull them
tip h,v tome roots. Don't piek many of
them. Don't take the rive kinds at
all. You can eke your pert. Oa Pe our
native flowers from .Iestrtictlon. Help
to preserve them for future years.
Help keep Canada beautiful."
His) Only Orawbaek.
The taws was dictating to the new,
pretty and sophisticated stenographer.
Suddenly he stopped.
".\m i too fent for you '!" be asked
sin bouely.
She conshk'rd him and then re-
plied: '(111. no, indeed. but you're a
trifle old."-Amerkwn Legion Weekly.
The Kincardine ibysorter puts It
this wry:
We hove heart ' 0me people ask.
'•\\'hut is ton' g•oe'1 of ton• Blue Water
Highway 1t %"11111 he hard to answer
tient question \C.. might In return
nok n business m,nn allot good is n
customer twit spend. mousy with him.
11e would reply thst 411.11 wag ceueenti*l
to his remnlninc In Misin.'me. We plaint
mut that the telde Iminttcr with the
United State, is against Cwnnda.
Every .lmerl-nn dollar that 111 left In
(his mnntry help, to Pgnallze that
trnde Monose. The tontt(t (pends
money once he eros.e'm the border. That
I( new wealth re the eolmtry, 1t
4hen1,1 1s• en-onro rd. Permnnally we
may not receive any immediate bene-
fit, tent natifnnlly we are Ming help-
ed it tenets and In tarn will reach
the tndlrIdnel Thle may not anti' the
one who t. looking for Immediate per-
sonal gain. het 1t amain to the man
of hread vision. to the one who th
nettnnslly. hese ground( thmtink(
for It (rappoIs oa trt of sash pmjceis
ere male The taany can help hr
small rontribotions. TMe tottrUt trat-
5c I( growlltg i..4 os reach out for
our shags.
of Canada
To the men who till the soil and who there-
by add to the wealth and prosperity of
Canada, the Bank of Montreal extends its
complete facilities and the helpful co-opera-
tion of its Branch Managers.
In all parts of Canada the Bank has con-
veniently located Branches to which farmers
regularly come to discuss their plans and
seasonal requirements with the Managers.
Sena accounts ere willingly handled.
E. V. 1.1109AL1m , Manager
Established owe 100 ys s