The Signal, 1924-5-1, Page 22 -That sday, may 1, ION.
Member •f Canadian Weekes News-
paper Association
Published every Thursday morning.
sub•triptlou price $2.00 per year. To
United States and Foreign Countelea.
112.50 per year, strictly to advance.
Tekpbone iS .: Goderleh, OnL
W. H. Robertson. Editor and Manager
Thursday, Maly- 1. 19.4.
• • •
garden in yet '1
• • •
Ara ye t rwdiug '-Taw Mao NobodyKnow"- e Signal's new aerial
story ?
- 11
to the finest Japans.
is the best at any price -Try it.
borers pay more for article of f•NNi
whk'h they must buy during the s1a-
sun of low domestic prodction, and
we• tla. rrfore Ilk-resame their . .east of
Progressives Support Gesertua.rtt.
From the Progr-1nalve side of the
House. J. Fred Johnston. ehll•f whip.
heartily .olgnuulalel for Govern-
tu"nt on Its wore In the right tar'(• -
tion towards the re-eatablishlneut on
stand footing of the bask Industries
of the Dominion.
Inbrief, the Hest round In the de -
late .has amply first-day
5434 impressions of the budget. mutely,
that It struck 11 n'slsnislre ,horn in
111e hearts of the 111.3 ss of the ('aml'-
ian people looking for taxation redue-
tlon and 11 lowering of the tariff Int -
be lwposslble for a munlcilalily even) --
lu extend a lulu to u 1n4a1 holuatry,
. whether a "good guiut eoneern" or
otherwise. The !s•Kdstature has per-
haps wade the rl•strietion somewhat
too severe; it has left no way to meet
ex..ptlo11114 eir•u411aal*e, which solae- -
tinus may require cxrrptl.,,wI IITTAt1'.'., April _4. -Parliament ad•
juuruesl for the Easter recess o1, -1pr1
measures.- , 111 senor completion of the first.1.'a
• • • of the budget debate. The debate'w1
The British Empire Exhibition at probably ent11111e for a week or so
arued. Well1bley was formally opened by 111s after the ree•1s. but the, first•two
1s- Mfg- Mnjt•st, the King last creek. This ex days of the debate have hardly been
tul you
1:Ibitfou intended as au ,xhlbk o[ the pup to expectation., trout the Conserv-
• • •
A lr,•uuy f4.0%, tI is a peony 4
'lead the adv. rtis.•mente• ii. 79
11411 diligently and regularly. a
locations on the basic Implements of
production. Probably no • realizes
this more keenly e flan M 'Islam.
I w•bo is shrewd enough to read nubile
opinion, and will probably alalndun
' the parr-budge't' intrntiun of n long
fighting debate.
. Image Tac Kwlurllotul.
Amru.lment, to 111• Inutget. prom's -
* O. Jnr. Robb. 14 hereto. exemption
for children under 1111• lueonw Weir
TaX Act I% increased from three hun-
dred dollars to five 1uu11r.''1 dollar.
per rhi'11 wilt 1N• 4'('118,111•'.1 wit'h ap-
proval in all parts of Canada. This
fur"1.'r ant hl taxation for the pref..
enc 41.4x1 year will add a very cow
wlderable amount to thr. 4.111 of twen-
ty-four millions already dunuuned by
Mr. lt.'bh.
ley a nrembt'r of the 1'ress Gallery
will save man-(' a penny by dealing
where your mou'y goes farthest.
• • \• •
Toronto Is very Indignant 1144'11use the
Xing Go.enImelt refuses to spend
several millions on plltllic works In
that city; but that will not make the.
Government Unpopular in the rest of
the country. '
• • •
There is said t1, be a revival of
•Impale. old-fashioned 112111es for girls
41 England. such a* Barbara, Susati,
J ars: 1.rate, Maihhl etc. 840 while
the gib -l- are simplifying their coiffeurs
their parents are -bobbing" their
W mem. -
• • •
I1lrcuit manufacturers• have an-
llottue.I a redu,•tiou of prices 11) the
retailer. Its a r.• -all of 11,. r.duetion
of the Federal 84111•, tax, The fruit•
of economy at Minna are already
becoming apparent. .1.wl the good work
• •
T11• furrei:181 tariff iulp1•sel on
varied resources of ,tau• Empires will •
lie a great attraction..this year for
tourists ere& all parts -of the world
w especially from .t • British do-
1 h(
minions, As HIS MsJealy slated in
Ids 111141r1•ss at lh.• ceretnnnles:
"Thr exhfbllluu Way IM• said to re-
veal to us the whole Eull4re pan little,
containing within Its '.1244 acres u
vivid model of the architecture, art
add .industry of all the rales which
Conte muter the Itritish Hag. 11 repre-
sents to 114' world at gnlphl.• illustra-
tion of that spirit of free 411141 toler-
ant el-o4N.raltuu. '. llleil has inspired
-taw peoplll•a ,.f the different rales,
creed.. institutions and ways of
thought to unit.. i1, 11 Niugl,• eownl"h-
w-rn1111 nod 11, contribute their vary-
ing national gifts In the one t.neat
"Tads- exhibition will enable u% to
take stock of the resources. spatial enol
11ltentlal, of the Empire as a whale;
to enrider where thew• exist arid how
they ('1111 beset be Ilse1lopNd 1111 Util-
ized: to't14ke ,1ensel tugrt 4-r as 111.
111,w- 1111• peoples 1.1111 4.11-111e• It. to moll.
ply 44444, another's lieei s Ind to 1''
mot. Ulu 11:141,411411 wrll-I ng. it stands
for lh..s,-brlluntlnu i sur selentlfie
effort- to over -
letter the diffi-
.•h still surround
life In 1111111\' pallof 11.1.p F:mpfr:"
lauadfan . 401e11 e•tlt.•ing the• Stales kn0,wl..igr..snd /vnnnu
4.44.8 not AppN•ar. to Met d.rhlg what it ,4..m,• dtvnw'. lull t
was iut•ulksl 1.4' dot .1 deslat'•lr from i rntt 141t11ilti"1I% wl
at ie (/twos ition stout point at -least.
It has lien much more Inekadalsidal
than might hare been expected from
allran4, 11041.1'8 as to flu (lppe lti411
• o Rohn -King n the Ito 0 61uK tariff nac•
[iuu pruposala.
Fr,.nI the outset, all m•n,lN•r. of
Parliament recognize) that the budget
proposals weep of vital sigt341411lne:
that they definitely marked the advent
of 14 new era In fisea1 polies; that they
brought the tariff into the lists as 4.!u'
supreme Issue between the "m11111•
faeturers" and the 'runsuwers-t. riff"
parties 2t the next g''tteru1 e•le8•1t,n
• two years hrlpe. Puler these ('1r-
cumstatie14. therefore. a slashing tight
• from the outset might have Is•e•n•e•z•.
forted hl the (a'onlnl,18 from the Cote
sierra!ive• belches
A Mild 'Onslaught.
lint no. 'There 4428 1114 n 411 tight.
I Slr Henry ,l/ractnu former Fina�m}l/1a•
Minister,' led off for the ('unseryat tv'e
prometionl•t.. 1tut it WAN n 111 1141 un•
s11ntgllf. le .rvtive•red witch ground.
KigIft 111,14. W. S. Fielding ims 4.r.
turnwl to 1lthnc,l lifter n month at
.1011111 le City. The veteran Minister
Is feeling min•11 improved in health.
but It 1. hardly probable thai hr will
iso :161.. to hake any active 418rt in the
''..Illlllnll, this- session. •
60 pairs new Marquisette Curtains (a delay-
ed shipment). heavy Irish lae'e and in-
sertion trimmed on. hemstitch edges. Colors
ivory and white. Curtains are full 21
yards long. lake and Trimming of splendid
quality. Very handsome. Regular values are
$4.50, $.5.00 and $5.50. Ott sale
at per pair, special
Rutterick Patterns all in stork, and Delin-
eator for May 011 sale.
Exquisite patterns and .i'1,•1(.1i.1 quality.
21/p x 3 yards, $30, 338, $45.
3 x 3 yards, $40, $45, $55.
3 x 4 yards, $50, $55, $65, $75.
50 pairs, double bed size, with pink or blue
border, splendid pile and all first quality.
Regular $ 1.''5, at per pair
April .:Ile
Best seamless Tapestry, select patterns and
best colors. Size 4 ft. 6 x 7 ft. 10 57.50
Regular $10.00, at each • ..
On :special .ale, 4 yards wide, at per square
yard. special April price
W. Acheson & Son
brain-ps•wer forum • Very min►id,•rable
The Publk -at Large.
After all. 'how vitally .."e+pau-
1lamentary battle on the budget af-
fect the average citizen The writer
yesterday lust the question t44 111.r..1141 -
!tent Liberal member of C(Irliament ;
n man whose constituency contains
several towns highly lndu.trlal in
tiTTA11'.t,. April '.. -The two day,. character. His reply wag enlightwr
et hist week _on w•111,11 Parliament mat dug. "The budget ?" he asked. "1 dut.'t
were de1•ote'er-to le4l'nlatn8• of 1tv. hear 11 117011 ug a1N(111 It except f1 -.m
debate upon the budget, which had the press. The main impression taw
1,l»•11.4 wlw,•4hat frt•hlc I.•f"r• the piddle has 1s that there her 1'.11 14
Easter ree.s. 1.31.1 week's brief w•s- r,slnrtlien in debt of thirty. million
Mons preslrn881 little high -etas% dis•,i - &ljars and In• taxation of twenty-four
shot. the only foetus,' being th.• amend- mt111on,. These new• regulations re- ,
,ta••ut MOVell by J. S. Woodsw-orthgarding.the compulsory grading .11
I Labor, 11'innipeg ('entre. (nlllug for , eggs are 411444ing inure stir in Canada
for;her "Immediate and substantial- • than the .bndtivt. The town..? .No
tariff rolrn•tiono on the,ne.8aarle•a of tall( there. even among the factory
life. Mr. W,N.(Isworth sadly obstnl.•t• workers. Th,'v talk' more about the
eft the right-of-way of 1(1 i,1 Hun. • two cunt, tax on re-, ipt. t11nu I41Na,t
dealing with loth the fiva neki1 record Arthur- Melghrn. who- ntay now find the 'rats. of industry' supposed to fol -
anti the tariff proposals of the tido•• binlself. ender Comm..h. • rules show., to the budget." Perhaps that h 411.'
ernment- 11,- ,per'.tiou,d Mr,Itoll,s 4,5 ottlyuur 4w,•11.lttomt it • 11141.• t.• real shaman why the "debate In the
'n.41114114111of the 1141 4 10,1121 debt by 4.h•• Midget prgosals, rileharrell from House Is (e•I41,411)' .,ff cols and lark-
1hlrtrsml11b4n., claiming that the Isut l proposing at' amenoin 'alt • from the }Ing In excitement.
issue of fifty millions for the Nation- r"nw•rvntll•I• 4tm"point • I (lily probable result of the Woods -
worth Railways lo( tthi,h Illout ane• Ply virtue of the fact that It emit 'ii1- wnrtlt amendment t,?� the budget is a
thl , still r.I 41 exoe .1,8 1 . of h 14....k• from 'that own platform. the distinct shortening ?if the debate.
s- 1 I i 1,u ens un x u 1 L 1 1
be regard..-- n% a debt 'nervosa.. al- l'rogr,ssice. 4044!.! •1.1•11) to IN• for...1 Some Aay. ager, It swmnl meur--Is p'.-
•.',ough in regard to this. the Nin- to ...yore the anwndmei,t, They conk, sable that the dist•nssiun on the tariff
:4,!: in fuct, thy entire d.-l.,ll.• in •
•.4, a1la.ttee 12 likely to be Nowt! ell• 1
i:•e1y Ilp1111 1111, pr•ambin•, cath. -r than
111 4441 .4114 clu(1•.• .f the hill it..•lt.
'1..5111 talent will be greatly In . rid••uer
when the e•lmtulttee oletli+ tt" vs.,, 4
So 1141e1 sn, 11141444, ttultnu,• 4.•ry:
pry'tuiu'l.t K.1'. of the cnpitael. Ifilrelh•
I.rief .1 by one of the cout'st;ugt
(art ie•1 mum heard'to remark:.. ••1f'
the fight drags on .11141.11 Luger. ILere�
nil! be very few hew%''r'. hi 1'anada I
not currying a rrtafner (row .one side
"lir. the other." .1pj"lrently the Lawy"rsl
will be utile to no protract promwrdittgal.
that the. hill will wind up '•'lu•li•..l" 1
4\hen lrfl llalg11ti4111 (411414.
t G., 1: •(.,. - pointed out to the 11on.,
ase week That. of the sum of !•rl!MN1,-
MMI voted last •session to the Canadian
National Railway. there was atilt I1,
the rrasury 311 unexpended lallaul,'e•
'1 loon. than .44 13.1100..100. 1t would
l(4. front_thisthat Slr I1.4iry
rIa in
411 pro-
General sympathy g114•. out at pre.,
ant to the••r 0,f the opposition,'
whose nights ,,re, being spent al the!
lssisIAr of .Lis aged father. 1lr.i
sleigh. u, mentor. has leen a. conspieu-
tal• figure 1'n dh« 'gallein.. 1,t tin•i
House in former ,o"sl"n' hat this
whiter has been confined to his Ir81 ).y �
un (110.11 that has Left liitu 1n a
ratlitr *Priem., (•on1111ion. 1 Mr. Mrighen.
• ....War. ham shire d1er1.4
"t 14 1ga-.. P." -The Wait -Here.
The rank and ti. ..f Liberali-n, i1,
the Commons pays greater r.spm4f tu-
na man among its than 1.1,
Hon. George Graham, Minister ..f'
Itailway-s and Canals.. wiles•• devotion
']';...rut.•u h:11 leen 1,u a spending
of the , hara.ier ele•l'rllNrl by •
member- of the 11ppo.ltloll. i1,
11g the. 1.ratsA.1l11e• construct
spin of 1h. ('iluadlau
'1'h.• tree that never ins. 1..figl.t
F'br sunt and sky and ir-add light.
That• .1,1114) out in -11 ' open plain,
And always got its bare 1,t .rain.
N.•ver lecaus• 11 f wt king
Hat lixe44114.4 .li .1 A %.•rubor Wi4•g,
The man who I ter had to toil.'
Who 11.r.r 141 to win' his-h.r'•,
elf .un awl y :1(4.1 light and :.Ir.
BM ih .'0'-i 1 411,81 as 11. 1.•51111.
elm r doe. not 4.T'.w" 111 ease,
Th. +tr. ger wind "111e tougher the
T11N f tin c„sky the gr.:11cr length.
The uor.• tie %tore . -the.. more the
Irength ;
11," -ma and cold. by rain ant snow /.
11 'peg says more 1 nlwdian wheat
i -ter of Itltltcurs notal that at least rely Amon the Conservative: 'bang e011101 be P11,1111M I,r1 W11 Id" 144 thew to duty In the lad them• s•sslons of tow 1,r man g•Nml timber. grows.
'err liefore, Toro 111111rh ILrgulation.
1s going to United States millers than;
• • •
The Toronto T.I.5111n 4,1rs.•rvel that
the "type of politi,•Ieu who is lured
by a sincere desire to seri(• his rain -
try Is rarely influenced by 1141' armorial
condderatlou." The Telegram devil 114•44
to•acwpt the .1441Utn tits! higher
salaries produce a higher type of:
• • •
A woman may, for the first lime.
peeled.• al the opening of the Demo-
cratic mit Maul convention at New
Turk 111 Jule. The name of 111.• lady'
W ho is 111141er 'onsid.r11.on for tido
plosition Is perhaps rather unfortunate
- 1',irri. i hppman ('act -=hut It Is not
likely she Is that kind of lady.
• • •
One we'mlwr of the Legislature who
had increased his stature In the pith -
1 le
ad -11e ,esti iatlnu by hls conduct and
fearing during the recent session is
Mr. Manning 1n.hrrty. Mr. Doherty
relthrtnntly ae•e•pt•d the leadership of
(I.o on .tdv.'rtpas.r.o
a. vers rIwsideralde part of the 1. ti 1 the .ggs•8iti•: in which 4.4 4(1• with the . Weeks; now, 1t would see t that at 1iamrnt has wuu t1, 11 ludrntiou, 4.1111 • darkst stand• the inn•.t
issue w':1. -devoted to 4,Ipi11,1 exp.1l111- :tel•44,ment .1.•feat.•1. they then 1st1141 least one week will be ,ret um that alike of friend and fee -If '-c:wiryµ" growth.
i 1 I I 1t'. lin,' the pltrlarehs of -
'arllnue • t : etre% 1,u k•rmanl•ur . ttrrur • ts Sir . support the Government on the main tare . 1 one not 1'r mew s are may be std in have a fair. 11, .4en
,•lest nen 11, 1 p
J'll•• p coli
{ And cher hold ...inverse with the storm
once flier.
law.; 1 se haw. legn4e ,t 1,.w wt real Issu., namely, that (1f tariff Ir t. debt 1e•'hlar hruk.•n 1.raneh.a ■how- 111. s••ara
of om IN to administer t n m ,1 a 1,11 r I g s u m,4... v e • .nrtl1 (41 mane wind% alld mn.'11 of .(rife-.
°M In uul.t 111• paid 4.h. mar we renin rho %Ire was shut n high tariff w ,. „u. obJwtion on Frld2w ulght tl the .ff•sis This is the rnwuon Jaw of life. 111. more w. flay for it. uw•eswry to pn� ne f,lu11dh1u In 11.o.IswortL 2uNudme•ni. nrgu.g that - ,_,dill � -Anel.
CayHaI Paatlabaltwl Nsesarreliph i
clew miss laws and more Henry .1,-1111 rather gingerly with tlo. motion, or. in other word'!. vote for , not alit to allow any conmnming •Age•r- 1s--1Hea1 memo.. Thr lung Jlght 1,n
- tip 1•nd o•t. Ip•s4 to c.lndul t A latch• lasted up
i them: 1114•4e thief1nns and their .i141.1Heu1N•.. 111.1 f' . 11 MI MI •1 I i • 'I a r• amendment framed 41 a 'sumer o
' 11"41x4' whence 44)44 corer n•'th4144
• c.ptable to them In the Shape of tiea
dustry in the fa .. or .1,mtrival' and , it IN, thrown "ret 111141 thea 21 re 0211t• theories. / -
1 an
branch lines resolutions Ila. "left
mark on the genial member for
Essex and his fa'. shows the
of the strain." 11i•fore 141n I
5.141,4 41.21 of heavy work.
,••. ut,ni"n of the railway 'budget."
d••bat• upon the bran,' limes hills
elm the consideration of the raii44513-
),r.rh ms sure to he nw Itpl nn(G•r
his es motel. Mr. (i • ham 1s riot mo
14111114 a 114. us•a to N• 21141 wore. 44f
411m1 4.s 111 114' Hone would like
to s.4. hi (oke week ..r tw.' of
rest that he wore needs.
11, reply to
Farriers as I'unfiasers. European ean11411tioti-• nod 411411 the .,f -way to the u0e901 1 on+.rcnt4o i As to Charrh Union.
farmers 11,111sr proposed es-
protertiou against comp:litho) frotu
United States foodstuffs. 111,. ntdr..s
.coked no marked enthusiasm ,1111"ng
hl% own .Importers. and there were
many vacant chairs on the ('on,llrva•
tar(' .1414•. For the first l,ig gnu open -
Ing the alttick on the Liberal budget
it was decidedly unimpressive. n tact
II 412110441 prlcately by many of those'
Melted behind Mr. Melghen'm first
Another Record Majority.
Where Sir Il.nt e dill shoal of ex -
R•184 4e.rn•wl a 11igh,•r ;un.ndmrnt n' aswl be the new m.•nr About the tlnu• at
14.'ictoria Time..4
The 1louiulon 1:overunieut's tariff
and taxation changes nre aimed at
brint'Ing about a readjustment so that
the fanner. who 14 the 411144 purebaser
in 1(11a.4snntry, will clone hark into
the market again. Until he is brought
hack into t)• market prosperity will
(•,,noon• to 14' on 11N• 11-1411 .111/' for
other businesses and industries as well
A% th:• form uun•hin.ry business.
Brother Warner and the CAW.
IItt1.1 •
A few 0,f our renders can't 'limier- petlltolls others of hi- party who fol -
stand achy we .I'nl't 'thong.. the whole lower' ill the debate also felted to pelt
l .11(•y of our paper after they have 111.1444$ any read 114, INrn142. null n-
est unr attention to certain zti l.'ktl less n hour' 'uue.1011 A and (•ffe•tit-r
of whf(•h they don't improve. One attack Is furthe'ming after the Ens-
, sh,N ke} If ter adjournment the 'ounces will take
•k . faII ,1,snow
g(Nst wuu gefN il'a ell
' Toil's legs bet ndmlU ahs a ('oml21nutiray ndt.1 interest In the
w4. refer 1
dt8•imnted Farmers' party In the 11 sulNeepiwut debate. k1, "dug 14•41 the
read It over n 'mond lion•. Another ease. Red h. known what the nut- - vete In any ease is a fnr.g"ul• etm-
Ihink% w4. slionld nut report dances.
Cor 4 of the w'ssl,
bap. be a:meet not
pe•rsu ions to take
*mare ly uolod}
leaving 4. keit it 1.•
rel was to be, per.
have yielded to the
the p ...Won which
telae uantell; but
dis•L,'rged the ob-
ligations 4 Ishii devolved upon him In
• very 4)1 tilt •IIIIatioa with dignity
and' ,1 sense 1f public linty, at the
sante time oho dug a proper spirit of
loyalty- to ids former colleagues.
• • •
The old 'summing system of 14.1)411 lig
a hand to mauufactnr'rn never wa$
any gond and has been the loss of
thousands of dollars null no end of•
squabble and erokelorus. Where a
ltlk hems depends entirely on the mil-
nicitra1 aid supplied- often Itadwlnate
to notch more than half supply the rent
nee d. MOO cases "whit,' elephant -
can he since oil the roof fplul the
early .trll les to get along. The tub
Gun ,-11n11"t stand on Its own bottom
ha.' better be allowed 10 go to staves.'
for the u•na1 dMterng up. doubtful
hook keeping nn, legal entanglements
are almost ....Mita to Ise the exit. As-
sist ir0
s-sistliig a g(1.4) g"f11g (srne•rn, w•101
the .111 1,11t of a prelude that is a
nw•e.sirr, by a loan. /•31(411pt1014 of
taxes or a fee site. Is In another
class ..'together and possibly a nitre
procishire 401)1.1 ie to give help, par- I
Ualhlrl% where promisees* were re-
assuring . it's laughable, though how
many a town will permit a local In-
cadre" to wane and may -h" die where
• f.•w 41mllar. might save i( 11114 w111
be eaught and ready to Remora all kinds
of help to some Jaek-and-tin•-Ikon-stalk
31101104111114' that 144 A rapt' of sand In
les mfg's history, pt's a trier 1141.• to
S ift out the chaff 24141 retain -114 Wheat.
A eitizcl may rim the 4118 1,l•. of te•-
Ing the torget for brick-thr.rwIng by
ntim.• of the enthusiasts but often the
folly Is avoided by "neigh of such
,barking. throw Is not a M4041 Mntl1r(1-
tnt. for good firl'o..'d 0,r 44211.-Rrna-
r1_ 0...1
While another wants to know why on
earth we give a whole (•olnmu to 2
chnr.h anniversary service: WI there
you err, Solite t4uc when pnbllent101)
41417 falls on AprII 1 we are going to
bean' a paper than will embrace all t11e
ellgg.sti(n. 1,f our readers and after
flint w•4. 1•xp4'4t to go (1111 of business.
Osod Adrian for investors.
(MI Iverton Bun.)
Ao ao"a As the roads ngnin iss•ome
imitable for light trntilc farmers and
others will be liesleg.•d with the pur-
veyors of hotels .4414) other securities.
Ther.• will to slick -tongued snlesmim
offering to dispose of bonds and
stocks. Some Will he• Stood, /tome will
be questionable and some will 1A'
wholly worthless. and experience has
.horn that th.• offerings of the last
Iwo maned will IN•pushed the hard-
est, es the pronto to the salesmen. are
much greater. The losses In th,•
Province of Ontario alone every year
on improvident investments run into
millions of dollars. \1'idow.» pith
small capital and farmers with limit-
41.41 morph..'• .14411141 eon fiIle their In-
vestments to mortgng.•' on property
they know, to Federal 21141 Prot -Meisel
bonds and munl.•iptl debel,tnre'o. Be.
fore Investing in any other stack or
sr(•nrit7 no purchases should he made
nnttl a banker or gro.l reliable broker
has !leen r•onsnitel. 1f Oda advle
are followed much sorrow. suffering
an& heart -burning will he avoi.Ied.
The Teacher's Graft.
The Sunday w-h"n1 1.ach.r Ivo,) (w(
a lovely new frock which the e111lrle1 41
greatly admired. All of them ex-
preened their appr"raI of It het little
Marv. Finally. she remarked thought•
-We had to bring our mantra to
Monday school for lots and lots of
Nnndayw before 7d(u (weld buy cleft."
In a town t^: 'r,' the m r.i'•urts
(elusion with a Government majority.
backed by the whole Progressive vote.
espied probably to the record major-
ity of 121 soured in the division on
the debate on the address in reply to
the Mps841I from the 'throne.
The Nlnisterial Reply.
From the Government site. the two
main eontrlbutLons came from Hon.
Charles SI.M•art. Minister of the ine
terior, not 1Ion. J. E. Sinclair, Min-
ister will portfolio. the former
*Peaking for %%'.stern Canada and the
latter for the Maritime i'rovinces. Mr.•
Stewart eng•1la-l4.. •d the (art that the
tariff rdn'tlnns were designed to
help the basic industries of the eonn-
try - agriculture. dairying• mining.
lumbering and 41.11hlg. thereby /dim" -
lilting the purchasing power of the
whole people. and 144 vonsegnence Iona
fitting the mnnnfectllrer. themselves.
1l•spit. 114 lamentations of the con-
'on-servati a party," he declared, "tele-
grams are pouring In from all m-.4.
Canada cnngrnttilating the Govern-
ment- There Is now a feeling that the
Government is being eondacted for the
many and not for the Nele•t few,"
lion. Mr. Sinclair devoted a eensider-
able part of his argument to refuting
the theory advanced by S1r Henry
Drayton that what the farmers of
Canada wanted SAM prote•tion. 11.•
quoted comprehensive statistics show-
ing that of the total of ninety -Seven
1nlil11.n'nllar8 worth of fool products
imported into Canada Inst year, seven•
t'.-Hvc mlllicn dollars' worth were of
a kind not produced in Canada at all;
whlle twenty three million dollars'
worth were eomposwl largely of
seasonable Imports. such as lodes.
fresh vegetables, etc.. imported at a
time when Canadian farmers them-
selves had none of thew, products to
sell. To Impose a fluty on theme im•
ports, he maintained would simply re-
*nit In Incr(wsing the prk•.s to the
consumer* without helping the Can-
nd'an grower nt all. "If we Impose."
t•nler legislation p.. •1 ret int' hIM 111m'f l44'1 441• In A'Irertlsing then. Is no 1:.• mild. "further .11141..1111 t,'(, see cum•
park 'Mt problem. - ltrantfnrt 111x• modifies we don't IN'nctll our formers;
04...1011,! :ae I.•;:' 'a'4. It a:!I tMw pswlltor. we simply make o1r artisans and la•
wLlrh 14411
4.4 Masers in yriut. the .real battle- 1111
church 11111011 will Ile opening. Irl
11'.dnesday next tin• bill is to lie dealt
with I'7 the committee on private• hill..
nn.1 already the rnLorts of the pro -
Au' anti- camps are eo11eeutr•atIIg in
Ottawa. The issue probably will arise
the moment the preamble of the hill
8,,•r for Kent, N.B,..►.-T-ikrticaa-LCuu-
s.rvatir.l• Mfr, Derneet'a amendment
cilli.. frankly, for '•1-11.11slst•nt malnten•
ane. of ,1 protective podi7" for Can.
ada mid It will 1e the real ,nn/•udlng
21410011 s1Ilrnit Mr. Speaker aeept 1lr.
Mlagll.m's contention that the 1i'' Nls-
' worth amendment is out 4f - order.
Stole a March on the Protert!anista.
Parli:nn.11t rather enjoyed the •tier-
ation create' when J. S. R'eN1ds-
worth 41101•48) 111. am••ndmrtit. It had
been expected from the Deist tent 1)1,'
Conservative trader w0111,1 pet his
hens into' the form of ,1 resolution:
the only sm.'tllntlon In t • 'orrl,"rp
was as to what particular "form"
would xesult. from party eaUIuse4. Ret
the Conservative ILiefta4l. 1,4nnllp
very alert 1n so far n+ politb•nl •
Is rnn4ert,41. 14•ft it a few nobles 41M.
Int,: he relied. perhaps. to notch Ilton
the "divine right" of the. traditional
(Iplposltlon gathered under the T.ry
banner to move (11$1 reject notions.
Divine right to parliamentary peeved.
porn "n the part of any other Ginn
the group lit power 404 a thing 0,f the
post -...tar. at least. Is not a thing of
the present --and the Winnipeg Mem-
ber surprised everyone by .his temer-
ity. Trp surprised MA own seatmntes
In quite another respect: ttie ernfty
manner in which lie had 'milt rep las
motion from three planks of the Pro-
gressive platform. -liter his perform-
ance of last Mun.1ay..1- S. W4odswnrth
will be given eredlt for more "political
sagacity" than he was stlppnsed to
possess. Ills gtll.'(, sehoolmaster-like
exterlwr 4, n nuke -tip In which
After Every Meal
It's the longest -lasting
confection you can buy
-and it's a help to di-
gestion and a cleanser
for the mout
• and teeth.
Wrigley's means
benellt as well as
•' 14111 " said" Oklahoma Joe.
"Ft.- 'totter& That Olen one of these
111111118 gt't• him an antomlltrip,-. he
Wants to. table 1t apart and fix it 11r4 -
thing. Why Is*anse 4"
••I 111," replied Rill carelessly, "I sup-
pose It's natural. He just wants to
a gtteatlila. Bic '4lini4ler show his IIJtntllty."
Beautiful plans of real homey homes can be had for the asking.
Call and seeus about that place you have dreamed of. You are under no
obligation. Probably we can arrange to overcome that' difficulty which prevents you
from going ahead. Anyway lets talk it over.
$1.80 per bunch.
3x--- 2x" -
$1.60 per bunch. $1.25 per bunch.
covers 1-3 square. Only half a car left.
Lime Brick Prepared Plaster
Fresh car of Portland Cement just arrived.
Phones 47W. After 6 p.m. 47J or 385. P.O. Box 160, GODERICH