The Signal, 1924-5-1, Page 1•
Are You Taking
advantage of The Signal's clubbing
rates ? All papers and magazines.
Your Advertisement
in The Signal RI read by the beat peo-
ple of Gpderich and district -the
people who buy.
'ZNTY-$PYK,NTlf' 1SAR NO. 1$
Naar) of Dat Id and Jonathan the Sub-
Jeed of Rev. S. S. Hard 's Address.
Hurot Lodges No. GL, 1.(0.1).1:; ob-
served tbe 103th Gush rsary of the
order by attending divine emotive at
%1. Geer's olnirch Sunday morning.
eighty-five strung. 'Fly. r.s•tor, Rev.
S Ilaed c
hose h
r :s
t«a1t 1. tram -
net 20:42. "The Lord be bi.e sen thee
awl me, and betwe.n toy see and thy
seed forever."
In stating it ae au open st •t
Mort fraternal,
societies N'1
fl, f
411 our or more passages of tier
Rev. Mr. hardy deelur.d that the
story of David Yui Jonatbau war tale
Of the 'most gh'riuns epiMale•a anti fas-
cinating stories of tlt. Old Testament.
/haul. Israel'+ first KItg. HaS it mighty
Matt of valor. a. man of strong phy46
cal powers am..1 great leadership. Said.
however. had a great &Mfeeet In hie
ebrrseter aa.1 that was the defect of
an envious send' Jealous dloipleillon.
H. was entities! with fitm of notate
(tidily and passion: "lie tle'w Off 'the
beadle.' frequently. David was rent
for n. si,vlJe Sau1's melancholy with
nen.ks Ile quk•kly beam. extremely
p isit7ir and to rid himself of him
Paul placed hint in the front rank of.
the army. Instead of being killed as
Kant had hope!, avid filled himself
with glory and upon bit return to the
eitc the people clad its .the streets:
"Seal has stain his thousands. David
lues slain his tens of thousands" Saul's
auger- was Intensified against llnvid.
Thins It is that friendship taker wing
when envy and jealousy enter a mater
hart and soul:
Jonathan was Just as great a sol -
j.' Saul, his father. but Jonathan
wits if magnanimous man. He was
gird to ser David riMng in popularity.
Thus Is maktiaulmtty, the large heart.
the field of friendship.. _111tere can lie
no real friendship unless there la the
tele heart. and Al. there Was a coven -
la hetwe•n ihn•id and Jonathan.
:.sen }.ars after the death of Saul
at Jonathan. 1/avid as King sougitt
nut their heirs that he might fulfill
the a venant he had made with Jona-
than And after much seeking he
fecund hitt far corner of the country
Jett/Atha'r crippled son, MIthrosheth.
rod upon m he iaviMheet the twat of
carr and ertlon. Thus was David
faithful and true to his covenant.
111 Sante le sit there was envy and
jealousy; in Jonathan's heart there
was brotherly re; in David's heart
to his e•nvenant Let
there was fidelit
-Mrs. {Wm Wallace
re•Intit'rr In Toronto.
Magistrate C. A. Reid and Mr.+held
motored to louden on Friday.
Miss Mlargaret Strang was home
from Toronto for a week -end visit,
Mr. {V. J. Shortred, of Pittsburg,
was 1u town on business this week.
Mr. 1161.1 Mrs. St. George 1'rkr and
family motored to London last Sat-
tMls. Margaret Stitt. of Montreal. is
the guest of Mrs J. 1t. ('raigit' Mon-
treal street.
is vlaWing esti.
Mrs. S M.V 1.10341 hate returned to
town after spending the winter months
in Florida.
3Ira. A. Hofs} on, South street, has
re turned from Detroit after spending
the winter tlu•re.
Ml.w M. it, Mai•Vicar wax at Toro11-
(0 this week lcskiug up summer styli*
in millinery
' Mr. It. J. Megaw is in Toronto this
wreak on business connected with Alex-
andra hospital.
Mr. Chamberlain. of Toronto, presi-
ent of the British Welfare League, Is
town this week.
Mrs. Sinclair visited her brothers,
-M rel W. D. and Ikens,n ('ox. ut
Le mfhgton last week.
ties ('a ueron has returns] from and Goierich township farmers who
Turdoto, %siker*. she attended the sum -
taking ]art in the reforestation
tallllnery openings.
movement. The , i*riients itN lode
M4s', iteniuger, of Dublin.sps•nt the
white pine. r•.1 pine, spruce and cedar.
week -end with her sister, Mrs. Fred Among rhos*. who are neeticidg the
ltobinwai, Wolfe street. tre•
Inane a are Roy Leo I.nlr, Iluthwaitr and gh 11111,
Mrs. John titration has returned af- ('utwrn. Gee, 1 nil'.
A. Robertson. Mr. Loath -write is getting
ter a week's visit with her son, Mr.
The News of the Town
The trustees of the hospital build-
__ - hag fund are in receipt of cash to the
• amount of $1 o:r►i 46 and Western
Rev. D. Mattallhray to Take Furlough I
'1'h.• Pr.s!.yterinn Witness rays: -71r.
and Mrs. O. McGillivray. ut Shanghai. ,
and Edith. Weir daughter. an- expert -
ed to take [whoosh this spring. but it l
still doubtful whether the party %%111
go to England via Slls'rl.., or vhf the
Placid, to Canada.
Rev. Dr. Meldrum Retiring.
\ford comes from Cleveland that
itrv. A. 1t. Meldrum. 1►.1).. has 're-
signed the pastorate of the Ori room.
church there. H3M retirement will
bring to an end all active ministerial
carter of forty years. Before going
to Old Stone church, In 1902 in. held
pastorates in San Francisco, tt.M'k Is-
land. 111_. Evansville lad.. and tit.
Paul. As a Geslerich "old b y•• 11r.
Meldrum is well knwwiahen• and the
news of his retirement will ler riseiv-
ed with interest among his G.slerich
Trees for Reforesting.
Shipments of trees from the Pro-
vincial Forestry -Department are com-
ing to town Gila week for Colborne
Watson Straiton. at Toronto. some young walnut trees to add to the
Rev. and Mrs. Janes Hamilton are plantation of walnuts oaf his farm.
in Woodstock thin Werk attending the '' township of Colborne I% planting
meeting of the. Synod of Hamilton and an additional 2.500 pines at the town.
London. Whip ..meter), where already Cher. is
Mr. Ernest'.Videan. of the Goderich a considerable pleurfitlon.
Elevator & Transit Co?* oRrn, heal - retuned after after 1r week's holidays spent Real Fate Changem.
at Detroit. I Mr, T. R. Patterson, county engin=
Mr. and Mrs. dlarold'1'. Warrener e•r, has purehasedl from Fred Solo-,
Tare relern d t4 town after their; mon. now of Stratford, his house on
hones -moon trip to New York and At• St. David's street and will remove to
lands. City. I it after extensive. alterations have been
Moe. Hawley and, two children. of made.. (Sher real palate changes dur-
Toronto, spent the Easter season in ing the past few days are the follow -
town. the guests of Mrs. J. Thomas.; log: Hale of tete Rivers property. tore
Elgin arenue. 1 ner Cambria road and . Neeson street.
Mrs. A. Koenig has returned to her, to David Ifeilwain; Sale of Thomas
home et Paris after a week's vlat In' Sturdy's house on South street to Mrs.
town. the guest of her daughter, Mea, I Horsley : sale of E A. Somcrsall's
James ('. ('arise. . ;'house on Anglewa street to John New -
Mrs. II Robinson 'returhed to town Bombe; Nle of Mrs. F. Snyder's house
on Friday after spending several on Itruce street to Miss L. A. Fere
month. with her daughter. Mrs W. L.1 gttson; sale of R. J. Acheron's house
Hilliard. at Edmonton, Alberta. eon St. David's street to John Snell.
Piste Gertrude Porter and Mise Gene '
us rentals., .able I ern- l'onn0n motored to Iondon on Satur-;
elusion, that the
jealousy kills friend p, but that mag- Jori kin
big h t-ls the fertile Mr. Eric Wilson has been awards
fle'Id wherein frlendshi fruetifien mod the eertilicote of proficiency In radio
that the test of friend ip Is fidelity telegraphy boned by the Federal De -i
1. Wore plighted word. partment of Marine and Fisheries. I
The choir. under the irecton of Dr. and Mrs. lie G. 34Tonell and
Mr C A. R. {Vilkinson, ganist of family. of Kitchener. motored up and
tete church rendered Stat es fine spent the week -end In town, the guests
anthem. "They Have Taken•y My of Mr. and Mrs. St. Geerge Price.
Lord." In excellent style. Mr. James Cutt, jr.. and Miss Tina
Cott. of Sarnia, motored to town for'
the week -end with their parents. lir.
MUCH INTEREST SHOWN and airs. James Cott, Elgin avenue.
IN BLUE WATER HIGHWAY Mr and Mrs. W. L. Rome, 630 In -
Mr. herd} ..
irit of envy and day and were the guests of Mem Mar -I
e R ner orer
th. week4nol.
Sarnia Reprvaentativew Report
Results front Recent Trip.
SARNiA. April 24. -- George P.
France. J. McAdams and Dr_ Doolittle
returned to -day from a speaking tour
of the Bine Water towns and cities
and expresaet thamsetves a. well
pleased with Intermit maintained in
the lake and hay town. over plane for
the improvement of the Blue Water
Highway. The large Influx of Ameri-
can tourists with the consequent cir-
culation of American money through-
out the district tends to make the
people enthusiastic and plans are
under way to attract even ■ greater
number of tourists over this scenic
route thin summer.
It was pointed out that this work
of publicity Is entirely voluntary and
printed booklets and tllustratcd pam-
phlets serve to firing this route before
Americans In ever-Inereaning numbers.
With a better road through the ten-
eamile stretch of wooda in the vtctntty
of Grand Bend, a further increase will
be expected. The whole -hearted sup-
port shown at the meetings wan the
direct result of the rumen achieved
In bringing new money into the dis-
tricts' and Is shown by the desire ex-
pressed to enlarge the plans. The
pisor% v(stted by the officers of the as-
'oetation In the past two weeks includ-
ed Grand Bend, Hayfield. Goderich
Klneardine. Port Elgin. Aonthampton,
Wiarton. Owen hound, Keaton.] and
The Collegiate evening cleric. in
basketry will hold an exhibit of the
work of the term 1'11 the Public Lib-
rary basement on Saturday afternoon
and evening. May 10 next, from 3 to
6 and from 7.30 to 9 o'clock.
The members of each elan
pd to bring any two choke
made during the term.
The eitisens of town and country
are cordially invited to attend.
Chairman. Principal.
are ark -
art idea
rune for May pictures. Ereah filmes
Mgtasteed. Superior remits. CAMP-
dian road. Toronto. were In town last
week for the fnneral of the )otter's
mother. Geis. (rapt ) Andrew Bogie.
'Rev. C. N. and Jtir'. Dewey are at
' Illsonburg today attending the re-
ctiptlotetn the new pastor of t'h. Bap-
tise chur`h there. Rev.. A. Carr. Perm-'
early .f Brantford,
Mrit D. E. Holmes and daughter.
Helen.have returned from a visit with
r •Iativelp at Wingham Mr. Holmen;
motored over for the week -end and
brought t em tack to town.
While n t of town for the Sauter'
vacation M Edith Wtggino wap a'
guest at the,Brokenshire-Rpker nup-,
tial* at file beMe of Mr. and Lire, Rich-
ard ]taker, RI and street, London,
when their daugbter. MLU Emilie Fay,
was united in marriage to Ana B. i
Broken.hlre. of Iondon.
A well-known and esteemed citizen.
Mr. Jame. Yates, celebrated his
seventy-sixth birthday nn Monday last.
Mr. Yates' its. suffered Intensely from
neuritis for several years/ and Is at
present unable to (cave file hough', but
we hole the warmer days will again
bring him out. Hit old friends do not
forget him.
Miss Thelma f.sitlrwaite, who roma
from Brantford to spend the Easter
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ger. l.nithwalte, Huron rued, brought
with her Miss Gilham. one of the ex-
change teachers from England, who
has been teaching at Brantford as part
of her experience in Canada. Miss G11 -
ham was much taken with Ooderlch,
se•nred some photographs of Oodericb
scenes'. and took copious notes. When
she returns to England 'she will give
addresses npon her impassion of this
cnnntrv. and we trtist that Goderich
will reeelve favorable mention.
Mrs. McTavish find danghter, Mise
Edith. of Edmonton, were here the pant
week rlattng their relatives at the
home of Gtr. Robert Andrew.. hayfield
road. They cam. East to permit Mira
3dlth to take part In The Toronto
Star's competition at jacks, the finals
in w'hk'h were played off at Toronto
on Friday. ,Mesa Edith had already
won the ehampinnship of Northern Al-
berta and she further demon.trfited
her expertness% In the .nntest at To-
ronto. where she was beaten by only
one competitor, a Toronto girl. Mrs.
McTarish was formerly Mls. Houton.
W.H A. Has Sueeesatul Evening.
The "500 and dance" given in the
Masonic Hall last Friday evenin under
the auspices of the Women's H pita]
Auxiliary was a very enjoyable and
suexrastnl affair. The ladies' pr
were won by Mies Ethel Farrow and
Mrs. J. R. Wheeler with 4,600 and 4.
100 points. respectively. Mr. Chas.'
Black carried off the gentlemen's prize
with a record score of 5,750 points Mr.
Oswald Gina was second with 4.200
points. Following a dainty lunch of
coffer, sandwiches and cake. the Lyric
Orchestra supplied the musk for danc-
ing until 2 a.m.
Attraction for Goderteh Exhibition.
The board of the G.xferlch industrial
Exhibition has signed a contract with
the Maple Leaf Attractions Co., of
St. Catharines, to provide the carnival.
or "midway." for the fall fair on Sep-
tember 3, 4 and 5. The attractions
include three big riding devices as
well as a number of games and side-
shows. The hoard has the privilege
of closing up any sideshow that may
be conslder.d of an objectionable na-
ture. The Maple Leaf Co. has com-
pleted its arrangements also with the
fair board. at ('ollingwood and Owen
Pound, according to information re-
ceived by Secretary W F. Clark.
Sorhlag Jahr Ihtroin's Relatives.
The Torontee rear has the following'
Fortin dead lo Itis cabin near if
Philipsburg, Mutltauat. John 1)urni11. l
who Was loon near Goderiele. (tntario.
stall is still to,have-releases herr, weed
buried by his ntdgldsrrs after u rain
attempt had been made to Mote eels•
tive... .t meaner Is .till bring made;
by 1G'clur MieDouald. of I'hillpdourg.
for friends of the dead roan, but ,su (
far It bets proves] ,fruitless.
John J. Page .tetitag h anagen,
Mr. John J. Page. won of Mr Thomas
Path', of tow'In, has been appointed a.t•
Ing general manager of the Western
Canada Fleur Mills ('ompany in sur -
cession to Mr, J. E. Macfarlane, who
has teolgneel atter nineteen years' ac -
Gee ;terries.' with the Company. Mr.
Page, who himaslf has teen with the
company for the past twenty years; Is
a Gal.rleh old Iso• whose success wilt
he a matter of interest and pleasure to
his `rlends here.
Joe Kelly's Magazine Display Contest.
The following from the Detroit Re-
tail Times shows what Joe Kelly (son
of Mr. end Mrs. J. 11 Kelly of town)
1's doing to make business hum in his
Hearst'. international Magazine has
inaugurated ■ monthly prize content
for the tent displays made of this
magazine by defilers. Every newts
dealerwho sends a photograph of a
Heerat'a International Mngazine di. -
play will receive $2.00 to cover his ex-
pense. The best display of the month
will receive a prize of $15.00 in ad-
dition. the aerond test will receive
$1000 and the third will- receive $5.00.
Display must consist of at least ten
corers of the magazine and to run at
leapt six days No limit ham been set
nn the size of the photograph. The con-
test. which will extend through March
I and April, is In charge of Mr. J.
Kelly, of Hears/to internwtionai Maga-
.kne, 119 West Fortieth .trpet, New
York, N.T.
u.tor Glendenning Retires.
(*omits tor Norman Glendenning. of
Torontos for orar forty -flee yearn in
the service of the C.P.R. Company, hate
retired from active service. making
itis last run on Wednesday of this
week. 6'uudue(or Glendenning. who
was senior conductor of the Western
Ontario division. was our of the most •
popular ween on the road. For the pant
tu•vru years Ile has )Ms•n conductor on
the C. P. It, train from Toronto ar-
riving in 6.wlrrich at 12.45 p.In and
heaving again for the tJue•11 ('Ity
at 1.15 p.rn. j
In Pollee Court.
Magistrate ('. A. Reid on {Wednesday
imposed a Ane of $10 and Costa ..n
Harvey Beattie for being intoxicated
in a• public place on Satunhey morn -1
lug last. The hearing of the eisr.1
with Crown Attorney Chas. Seager, 1
prosecuting. and Dudley E.
Diolioed appearing for the defendant.
lasted throughout lengthy sittings on
TuwwMy, morning and afternoon, and
Wedneshy morning. Mr. Holmes has
entered an appeal against Magistrate
Reld'r Judgment. The further charge
against Beattie for driving kn auto-
mobile while Intu$leat..d 14 being held,
over pending the re cult of the appeal
on tbe first charge.
Wm. Craig. alto pleaded guilty to
intoxication on the same date, was
Anel 110 and costs. Magistrate Reid'
promised (Trig a jnil•sentenir If he spa -
pears! before him again on a like
High-grade gold-filled spectacls' and
ereglsases with hetet fiat Spherical
lenses for only 34.00. All other styles
of framer and lenses' at lowest prices.
Ere, examined by Mritughsnn, form-
erly optical expert for Kenos Toronto,
and later for Henry Morgan & Co.,
Montreal. The brat optical work to be
obtained and at moderate prices.
Thnrwlay, Friday and Saturday -ray
R. 9, 10. Come early. Smith's Art
Store, Gnderteh.
Musie for the Pavilion.
Patrons of the (,sI.ri.h Amuse-
ment Co.'s Pavilion on the lake bank
will ix pleMwd to learn that the Lyric
Orchestra. under the leadership of Mr.
H. E. Jenner, has been engaged to play ;
at the "Pae," Saturdays and holidays.
until about July 1. At that date the
orchestra for the reason. Hedwin &
Ellis of London, will begin its con-
tract, which runs for two months. Mr,
Hedwin i11 at present leader of the
orchestra in the Allen theatre in Lon-
don. The orchestra includes four
musicians. who play n number of in-
atruments including the piano, violin,
saxophone, drums and concert xylo-
phone. Danee enthusiasts of Goderlch
and, vicinity are thus assured of good
musk thin coming summer. Al Mac-
AuleYof London. whose orchestra
supplied the musie at the "Pav" for
the past two seasons, is this year play-
ing at the Casino at Port Stanley.
The 1'arilinn will open for this see
son on Saturday, May 10.
'Carpet Bowling -League "At Hobe."
rho "at home" of the Inter -lodge
Carpet Bowling League held in the
Ocldfellowe 111111 last Friday night
was a decided s .cess, there being orer
140 people present. .Thr prizes: for
euchre were won by Mrs. W. Doak and
Mr. Matthew• Sprnte, while the eon- CHURCH NOTES
sedation prizes went to Mrs. 1'. Dren-
nan and Mr J. W. Taylor. Eleven '
l'aneteht Flour Mills ('obonds to the
amount of $900.00, donated to the
building fund by the Ableeek Chapter
of the 1.0.D.E. l'hr`crnttrih» thous up
to date are as follows:
General !trout/sit Chapter
I 1. 0. I). E. $ :1110.00
loothee Aid Hospital Fund, , , , 4410,00
Catholkr Women's League101.32
Women. Hospital. Auxiliary
. Board . t 1.0011.00
Gi*ierieh Women's Institute301.00
Gesierich TownahIp Hospital-- - -
Auxiliary j ux' are 100.00
Street Fnir 1,614.74
e 31aple Leaf Chapter, I.0.1).E650.00
Martha Graham bequest 3:13.07
Isabella Clifford bequest 340.00
Ahmeek Chapter. 1.0.D.E. • 2.158.06
• ' 17,312.11
games were platted during the even-
ing. -Three ladles lost but one game,
but Mrs. Doak was sucswsful in the
cutting. air. Sproule also won ten
panes. Before the serving of lunch
Mr. Harvey McGee. of .auburn. gave ra
number of vocal' at•I..etiuns In his own
Inimitable way. The music for the
dancing. w-hieh continued until3 a.m., I
was reapplied by the Raymond. Red-
mond orchestra, of Westfield.
Bath .Assured if .13uppert.
Thi' newly organized band. .under
the leadership of Mr. Ii E. Jenn.v.
made Its first public "pp•arams. of
the season on Tnesdny evening, when
it played ra nn 1114 of sele•tiondc' at
the corner of t Square and East 1
street prior to th • public meeting
which was .held in he town hall in
the interest of the .1. This group
of fourteen musicinus made a very
favorable Impression an deserve every
epaeuaragement. from the citizens for
their splendid' showing.
Although the meeting h d in the
town hail was not largely ttendel.
the general feeling of those ho did
attend i•nsitt tarot of giving th hand
all possible encouragement. Ren a 11..
.1..a. MneFwnn was appointed a ir-
man and in his remarks said he as
greatly impressed with the rple. 1
tousle furnished by the band. H
stated that he had a communication
from the Gotlerieh Women's Institute.
the members of which were willing to
do anything they could for the wel-
fare of the .sand. Mayor Galles being
ealle] npnn for an address assured the
band members that they eonld count
on eo-operation from the council. Ad-
dresses were given also by the ntis•r
members of the eonne'il, who were all
present, except one Others who
spoke were Lt. -Col. 11. C. aL iinlop. 11.1
R'. Holman. Chas. K Saunders. H. E.
Jenner. Geo Stewart and Fred Weir.
The motion to form a committee, con-
sisting of two members from the band:
two from the council. one from the.
Lions Club. one from the Boar' of
Trade and one from the Women's in-
stitute, was carried. the a11f1.intme•nt4
110 be mivie at the next meeting of the
inflow' organizations The hand will
.nntinue practising and will hold its
next practice 011 Vonore evening next.
The Token Council Payroll
According to the town tounedl pay-
roll passel by the finance committee
for the first quarter .4 the year. end-
ing March 31. there were sic regular
and three special meetings of the coun-
ell and five committee met-tin{a. In
accordance with the terms of the hy•
law passed by the council some time
ago (Mayor {V. F. (;allows Reeve H.
.1 A. MaeF7wan and Deputy Reeve B.
C. Mannings dissenting). members
are paid at the rate of $:t for each
regular or special meeting and 12 for
each eommitte• meeting attended. The
payroll as passed amounted to 122.
for council meetings and $)62 for com-
mittee meetings.
At the time t1ye paying of salaries
WINS first proposed Mayor Gallow de-
clared that he would not amp( a Cant
for his serviers and in this fulfillment
of that declaration he hAl• declined, as
first officer of the municipality. to
sign hi'. own cheque. Alt the other
cheques lore been sent out by mall.
At the time of writing it is not known
whkeh or how many of the ehequees
have been cashed. The opinion hit's
been expressed that the neeeptance of
the cheque. whether it ir ae•tnally
cashed or not. implies' the aeceptanee
of the amonnt mentioned In the
cheque itself; in other words. that
should a councillor be dextrous of
serving the town without remuner-
ation, am to the past, his cheque, con-
ceited. must be returned to the treas-
urer,. Mr L. I. Knox.
The payroll is made 11p as follows:
Connell Committee
Oonnelllor meeting.. meeting".
W. F. Online; $ 27.00 $ 10.0000
11..1. A. MaeEwan24.0n 1.
B. C. Monologs , , 24.00 10 00
0, W. Worrell 270(1 10
P. J. Ryan 27.00 8.60.00
J. R. Platt 18.00 6.40RAO. Tnrner 27.00 10 (MI
D. B, Holmes 27.00 8.00
C. H• Humber 24 00 (0.00
$22500 i 82.09
The :Colborne Rifle Club has alerted
the following officers for the enening
year: Captain. C. A. Robertson ;- vice -
captain. William Monet; secretary.
George Symonds: treasurer, James
]Brett : executive eo nmitttr, William
Symonds and Peter Bisset.
Fred ltickwooti. profesdonal of they
Summit Golf and Country ('hub, of To-
rontn..w•hu thls' sowing laid out the
course for the blue Water. (colt and
country ('tub at Bine Water ]teach. is
the only golf professional of the city
.lutes who Included supervision of the
mime In his season's duties. Mr,
Rickw00d is tltns even iette•r qualified
than the average professional In this
regard. 1t was through 11r. itickwoesl
that the Bine {Water ('lib secured the
services of Mr. David Hastings, of
Troon. Seotlanel as club professional.
At an executive meeting of the
Godericti bowling dill) held Tuesday
evening, It Was deeid,r1 that the club'.
rink tournament should tw Meld on
Wednesday. June 14, nod the Scotch
doubles tournament on {Vedne•sday.
July 30, Level rink tournaments will
be held on Manioc night of each week
and doubles tournaments on Welne'a-
day nights. Competition for the Pur-
ity Flour trophy. presentee to the
Omlertkh club in 1918 by the W.('.F.M.
Co., will be the outstanding feature of
the rink tournament on Jnne 18 All
the more Interest 1s given to the com-
petition this year since the lien.ali
and (loderieh clubs each have two
mins to their credit and a third vic-
tory gives either of them pnswssfnn
of the coveted trophy. The cup was
won by a (Joderlch rin►.In 1922 and
again last year. Pair. C. W. Chapman
and Dr. A. C. Hunter being skip. of
the winning quartettes. An Exeter
rink carried off the honors In 1921.
Work has elreavly been begun on the
green on Phaeton street and a splendid
season's recreation is being looked for-
ward to by the members of the club.
The services In Victoria 'street
Methodist church next Sunday will be
Conducted by the pastor. Morning
subject: "The' Abounding Rewotll'ees of
Go,l." Evening aphis -et : "Laying Aside,
Every Weight." t'ommn1ion and resew
then alert -lee at the morning service. A
cordial web -utak to 1111.
The annual th» nkoff.riug meeting of
the Arthur l'irele of Knox churc'lt was
held -in the lecture room on Monday
evening. The program Conelslsl of a
spkoullel relarrt of the i're.vinMal
Issue of $23,II00 Purr -fussed by Tetrads
Firms at 101.07,
The town officials are congratulat-
ing themselves un the sale last weak
of 120.000 of debentures for hydro-
electric purposes at a premium. The
entire Issue was sold to A. E:. AMPS
& Co. nJ Toronto, ro to, at t he rate of 101.07.
Not one is the fact y c t t that the lM,nda
were sold above par a noteworthy one,
but It Is also a matter of congnatula-
(1u1J that sixteen bond companies did
the town the honor of bidding fur Its
business. It is further significant [Test
the spread between the sixteen com-
panies s
W r mount eci to
but 307 points -
pretty- close and competitive bidding.
The fact that these bonds were dis-
posed of on such favoruble terms when
other towns and cities consider them-
selves' fortunate to secure par value
fur tient bonds speaks in no uncertain
.erten+ of the town's good flnanedal
condition ut the present time•.
The complete List of tenders submit-
ted t stlu' council for the issue Is as
follows :
A. E. Ames & Co. 101,07 $20.214
MuoicIpal hankers Corp.100.316 20.103
Sterling (tank 1905 20,100
Royal !ecurities Corp100.47 20.094
Bell, Gonlnloek & Co - 100.437 ,100.437 20,087
It. A. Daly A Co. 100.43 20,006
Nesbitt Thompson & C•o.100.4.9 20.086
3tci.eod, Toting. Wein
A Co• 100.23 20,046
C, 1i. iturge'aa. A. ('o. 100.13 20,026
Gairdner, ("arke & Co 09.73 19.946
Matthews & ('o. .. 99.60 19920
'Stewart. Senile A (b., 99.51 19.902
meeting of :the W_MI S. at Ilamllton lu 1 hair. Knuwlrnll & ('o. . • 99.27 19.934
Sirs. H. 6'. Unnlop and a sdo 1.y air.. ahicne•ihl. IPraham & Co, 99.27 19,934
W. Frank Saunders. The offering, W. C'. Brent A Co . fal.33 19,672
which anionnteil to $51. with more to A. J. Patttisun & Co. , . , 06 19,1100
Come In yet, is the lerge•wt on rvorl
in this connection. -
(In amount of continued HI -health
Mrs. Wm. Strachan has tendered her
n,aignation as teacher of the young
ladies' Bible class of Knox chntrh
Sunday whose!. In fuhtnitting her re-
signation. which was ac.eptecl elth
.deep regret last Sunday by the officers
of the sc•ho.d, Mrs. Streehan intimater
that she had had charge of that par-
ticular class (n,�[[ a CO10111110114 Is•r101i
of twenty-five 'ears. Arrangements
are under way for some suitable reeog-
nitlon of Mr.. Strnehan's splendid
seek e.
The Oen-les at the Baptist ehureh
nextSunday will he conducted by Rev.
Geo. W. Dewey, of London, brother
of the pastor. Sermon . objects: 11
.m.. "Gratitude"; 7 p.m.. "Power."
. Bible echoed cissa* will be held
at 10 a.m. and the s'rviee at Taylor's
(br.ers at 3 p.m. .t le•tnre on young
]sop •'s work will be given at the
71.V.l'.1'. meeting on Monday evening.
The p ver and praise stuck~' will be
held o Wednesday evening at A
o'clock 11 are cordially invited to
all aarri
At Nort street Methodist church
next Sunday the service, will he con-
ducted aa . !hawk: 10 a.m.. !ten's
Club. thumb classes and lCssion
Band. The to c to be discussed in
the ML•n's Club ill be "113' Value of
Promptness" and will be Introdu,.d
by )Ir. i) Mooney At 11 a.m., holy
communion and Ins illation of ne.wly-
ele•t..l officers will t e place.. ('hunch
school and Bible cls 'g at 3 p.m. At
tl.e evening steels t sermon sub-
ject will be "The PHI less Pearl."
Stranger% and visitors re welibme
to all the services,
The :annual meeting of \,rth street
Meth.stist Ladles' Aid Sec ty was
held nt the home o Mrs.
W. T afurney. OAlsrrs were
erected for the ensuing ,ve, r as
fnllnwn: i'resident, airs. Eli.[ Sin-
clair: vie. -president. Mrs. W, T. 'ro-
py; treasurer. Mrs. 1, Robertson;
retary, Mrs. Fred Wimpy: egoista
secretary. air.. i)ustow: parsona
The (;oderk•h 'Elevator & Transit
Company opened the 11.2-1 season last
Friday. Shen they dipped into the
steamer Glenliret. From that time un-
til Wtdne•eday, night at 6 p.n1 the Ele-
vator unloaded 1.300,000 bushels of
grain. ' a rmord atesleve•mint. The
(sats unloaded were its follows: Glen-
livet, 02,195 bushels of wheat ; Wa-
condah, 77.000, wheat : Mnpledawn,
134.400. wheat , Berryton, 397,768,
wheat and onto; Hayton. 208.896.
wheat and oat.. Luzon, 1: 0.363 wheat,
'and Glenrig, 102,796. wheat and oats,
There are in port, waiting their
turn, or en route: Home Smith, 162.-
499. wheat and oats (WC F,'M. Co
unloaded 50.000 bushels from the Bo
Smith) : McKee, 117,14)6. wheat •
oats. and Glenllve•t,`102.000. wheat,
The Kamerls. of the winter Ate, is
still in port, haring to undergo /eon-
sidera ble• repairs to her b ijers. Her
exterior hos been made spiel/ and
span with an allover cont of green
paint with trimmings of red. The
Canadian Signaller WAR the last of
the winter flet to leave port. depart-
ing for the north last Monday.
ev.1 at the ,
king it look
:a strong on -shore blow on Wedmore.
day improved the lake
harbor con.iderably,
not so bad, or .o low.
(uderieh has four
season namely, J
Donald, "Mac" .10rlbnutd, John Gra-
ham and John MacKay. All have bete
out during the past ten days, "Mae"
McDonald opening the season on April
19. Last year the fl.hing a/'ason war
opened on May 2 "Reddy" McDon-
ald's haul of 400 pound., made about
fourteen mites southwest of Goderieb,
wax the hereon of the flrat lifts. John
Graham llftevl hut 400 pound. In his
first lift on "The Meet." twenty-one
tuller due west. as compared with bin
first catch of 1.0501 pounds last year.
"]tat" McDonald caught 240 pound*
about fourteen mils northwest, while
John MztKay's catch ran about 200
Ishermen this
("Reddy") Mc -
committee•. Mrs. J. Aitken. Mrs. Pur-• pounds. This It ran be seen that the
W. Vnnatter. Mrs. Geo. Andrews. Mrs. ic'afchea of trout are by no means heavy
T. R. Wallis and Mrs. Hick; visiting thna far this season Neither hare
committee. Mrs J. Altkens. Mrs. Pur- any large ,'ntches been reported out
vis. Mrs. M. A. Howell and Miss Wash• of 'Held to date.
imam: : kitchen committer. Mr.. J. W. a Feder/II Construction Co , with
Vnnatter, Mrs. T. Johnston and Mr..
F. Bishop.Resident Engineer W. J. Rae in charge
of a )Lang of fifteen men, M having an
The,annual el.etlon of officers of the ••inter.' ting" lime with flu' beck water
Young People's League of North at?eet seeping n from the harbor on the in -
Methodist church was held on Tues.take Joh. Water la being pumped out
dray evening. with re'eultie am follow,! by means' of two pumps op.r:ttsl by
Hon. presidents, Rev. J. E. Holmes atld two Mental hoisting engines at n rate
A. M. Rotoert.nn; president. IffisS estimated at 1.600 gallons per minute.
Ikcllte: first viee•pr.aldcnt (d.votlon- The concrete ree•iving tsJnk has been
*33, afis. attend Hnw,5l ; ae'cnnd etc.- completed and several lengths of
president Imiaatonaryl, loss Aitken: twenty -four -inch tile laid The water
third vice-president (social), MIaa being pumped out Is mnking Its way
Mooney; fourth vier -president fitter- into the lake at the lathing b'ar'k as
aryl. Mina Mary Howell; fifth vice s miniature crock. F, R. Dillon, of
pore.ldent ( eft lz.ttshlp). Mims Icola Hamilton. is acting in thue capacity of
!tern: re enrdtng secretary. MI.e Msuper engineer for E. i1. Dere-
'Smiler: corresponding scretsry, Mie. ing, M.F,., of Hamilton, en¢;n..r for
Mooney : rrea.urer. lila. Dorothy the water rand light comms inion
Weesthrook ; pianist, MIs. Velma Fin-
nigan: assistant planlat, Mia. Flor-
enee Robinson; recreation committee.
Messrs. E. Pritchard, C. Carter, J.
Purvis, 11. Bre•kow,
Through the efforts of Messrs.
Philip F. Carey and Gerald G. Newton.
the local tennis tinh 1. being revived
and reorganized. There 1. every pros -
pct that bath cinder courts, adjoin-
ing the greens of the bowling club on
Picton will be ready for play
and In use within the next few days
The fees for the season have been
placed at N for 'testiest and $7 for
gentlemen. qtr. Newton is acting As
W. L. Forest has been awarded the
contract for dredging the pierw-ay (61-
tranee to the harbor t0 a width of
300 feet and a uniform depth of twen-
ty-three feet and also gem. dredging
in front of the God.rleh Elevator not
completed by the P.W. dredge last
season. Mr Forest t. to begin work as
soon as possible It is understood that
he will up. loth his dredging outfits
for the work, the T7redge Menes.tung
and 1)redge Gnderich, now at Midland.
Maple Leat Berne.
Maple leaf Chapter, 1.1 D E. Resew
In the Collegiate gymns.lnm, nn May
9 and 9, at 8 p.m Admission SAr.