HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-24, Page 10a weswwweiewfw lo -rturada; April 24, 1924. 4. PUBLIC NOTICE • WARNING TO AUTOISTS Traffic. regulation, lutist be !strictly observed In order to avoid accidents 14CEEPTO THE RIGHT At street intersectiia the auto approaching on your tight hs Lite right of way When stopping, auto t�* os right side of street, with right kde to walk . i Autos must he properly betted at night when on the street, whether being.driven or parked . 'Any infringements of the ttaffic regulations will be dealt with according to law '. R. C. POSTELETHWAITE, Chief of Police 'THE SIGNAL, 1 the ehttreli at Litua. Iii Azuericrii. NO DE II ities he was,a Republican, W hilt. iii , Canada he favored the Conservitti4.• I I tiart y Fraternally he was for ma uv !years a prominent m•oulier of t• United Couflin reial Travellers. Li Connell, in W1111'11 lodge he had serv- ed In the majority of othees in the gift of his fellows. C. L. MOORE PAYS NATURE'S DEBT Ia His Death G.drr4eh Lobes a Loyal, Public -Spirited Citizen. Jost o genuinely public. spirited citiz••n when. on Thursday af- ternoon last. death claimed Curtis 1,yult -Sloora.in is lifty-ninth year. Mr. Moore. who was the al.e.011i1 of the late Mr. aud hits. John C. M; ion,. of Butler, Pa.. had been In fail- ing health fur over a year. Right up to the end: however, his thorough- gwng optimism aud interest in the evoryday affairs of life stood him In good stead. He remained conscious al- most 1,, the last Vr- Moore Is as married to Mrs. 4:, lticliar,i4 (formerly Martha Craig. seventh child of the late Mr. and Mrs. Join 4. critig • at Topeka. Kansas, in Feliruary. 14'49. the, ceremony being peeforme,1 by 'Rev. Mr. McAree Re- sides hiwidow. the deceased is sur- vived by a half-brother. Itrv. Samuel H. Moore, DID.. of the United Preeby- tesian c.Jattrub. Eustis. Florida. and fear sisters: Mrs, John Grossman. Men's Specials in CAPS at 95c, $1.45 and$1.95 The very latest ials and shades. fawn, in mater - In grey, light green. Donegal Tweeds and Homespun Materials. All the very latest styles, at lowest prices. All sizes, in all shades. M. ROBINS The Square Goderidi Slippery Rol*, Pa.: Mrs. C. K. Brown. Cambridge ,Spriugs, N. Y.; Miss Henrietta More anti Dr. Sarah Moore. Amerienn Mb:noc ne Sialkot City, Pun- jab. India. Th latter, following in the footsteps of their mother, who. before her marriage, was a mission- ary amoug the Indiana in Canada. lutvt• served as missionaries; in India for periods of twentysfive and seven years. resptsolvely. Miss Henrietta Moore visited her brother here for two weeks. about five yearts, ago They are lath on their way home from In- dia on furlough. unaequainted as yet with the feet of Mr. Moore's demise. Mr. Moore's mother passed awsfmore than twenty-two y.ars ago. his father mix years ago. Mrs Rrowu visited her brother in Goderieh just two weeks ago. - Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. )Ioore lived at Topeka for four year. prior to moving to Butler, Pa., where Mr. Moore carried on a whole- sale grrcery husineas. at the same time being agent for the Deering liarreseer Company. In 1903 they moved to Lima. Ohio, 3Ir Moore beeoming manager of a large foundry in Del - phis. a nearby city. owned by S, Jones Phillip.. of the American Road Machinery Co., Kennett Square. Pa. Details.. of his connection with the latter gentleman 3fr. Moore came to Goderich in 1912 as manager of the Dominion Road Ifitcb- harry company. When through ill - health his offieial connertion with the plant here was severed in 1922 the employees. with whom he was remark- ably popular. tendered him a ,compil- mentary banquet and presented him with an Illuminated address and a gold -headed cane. On the same oe- casion Mrs. Moore was presented with a beautiful bouquet of ehrrsanthe- mums. Out of respell to Mr. Moore, who et the time of his death held eon- siderat,le stnek in the Dominion Roads. the factory flag hung 3t half•mast from Friday until Monday, In religion Mr_ Moore was a mem- ber of the United Presbyterian church of the United Witte:, having joined TOWN OF GODERICH DOG LICENSE The on nor or harborer of any dog without a license j5 hall. to prosecution under the town bylaws. Dogs at large without a pro- per license tag will bo destroy- ed. Dog tags may be obtained at the Town Hall from the Tax Collector, Mr. Campbell. H you want to keep a dog, get a license. R. C. POSTELETHWAITE Chief of Police. - GODERICH, ONT. ND FOR VOTE N TEMPERANCE PUBLIC NOTICE ACTITIIE ttoI)EttIc it t:i.t:V AMU n • TRANSIT to. lIlITED. GODE 141C14. CANADA. Resoltitho ttlopted at Meeting Of a ootid *midi Senice ( 11. Having, been horn in tia. United States and earning to Calialla only teelre slot& ago. Mr. Mnore's Un- tsssitii.1.I toltuiration and entlitisiesm for II* etimitry. inul more particularlypis for the town of his adoption, were ell the more to be admired. So thorough- ly 41151 Mr. Shire 'become taken with Goderich that shortly before his death In. expreieved the wish that he I* bur- ied pert.; Goderieh, he said, is a beau- tiful ..pot. It was ever Ida atm to pro- mote the beat &tercets of the town in erery way poesilisie. He was the ener• retie pretsideet of the Board of Trade 1919„ in White' year, following the ternitnation of tle• -Greet War. that organization was rejuvenated and In- spired to function as an exceedingly Retire hotly. Mr. Moore was a valued member of the executive of the Gode- rieh Baseball Club in 1921 and of the Purity Flour !Umbel' Club the fol- lowing year. He earned the hearty thanks of the baseball club, and of .fane as well, for hie practical &mist- imee in this connection. Moreover. whenever there was celebration to be put on -July 1. Pew.* Day, Old Home Week -Mr. Moore was "right tbere." He could alerays he de- pended upon to work up splendid in. tercet when placed in charge of the trade* floats, decorated autos, et('. In itsself a notable acidevement was the anpeth arch of evergreens at the inter- seetlon of Cambria road and East street erected under his direction for the festivities of Old Home Week in 1021. He was generous with both his thee end his talents. ii•o concrete examples of the gen- erosity of the man--memoriale they will brcome now -are the rockbound macadatiesurfaced interseetion of East street and Canibria road, w'hich sev- eral years to he had eonierneted en- tirely at Isil own expenee. and the large band -forged anchor which he preaented to the town in 1922 and which rests on a ralemistement base in "Anchor Pail& at the Interseetion of Cobourg and Lighthotme streets. overlooking the lakebank. The attendance at the enneral sere - le, beld Monday afternoon at big late residenee. East etreet, aud conduct- ed by Rev John W. Fiedler. B.A.. R.D., of Victoria street Methodiat church, was very large The pallbearers. all employees of the Dominion Road's. were Mesers. James Smith, Rod. John- eton, Wm. Barlow, Wallace Iforrish, Humid Rivers and Wm. Farr. luter- ment was made in Maitland cemetery. Among the many beautiful floral offer- ings were tributes from the Dominion, Road Machinery Company. Goderieh Board of Trade, United Commercial Travellers. Goderieh Organ Company. and Mr. Arthnr Feltz and Mr. '1'. Brink, both formerly of the Dominion Roads. In•lieatire of the esteem and apprecia- tion of the Board of Trade was the card accompanying its tribute, whist rend: "The Goderieh Board of Trade mourns fel beloved pagt-presideut." Mrs. John Story, of Cleo, Oldaboroa, a nieee. who 14 still bere with Mrs. Moore. was the only one present at the funeral from a dietenre. The deep sympathy of Mrs. Moor" friends, as well as that of Mr. Moore's personal friends and admirers In business and other circles. goes out to her in her sorrow. The Signal joins in extending to the lsereaved widow its sincere regret In the passing of one In whose mind and heart the town's best intereste ever occupied a prominent plae. It might be geld of Mr. 'Moore as a resident of Goderlets that be had three great and eonsnmiag Interests in Iife--his wife, to whom he was deeply devoted. "his" factory. and "bit" town. Man Nobody Knew," on page 6 Of Read the opening chapters of '.The Engeli thls week. Sale Continues! And drastic reductions are still being made on all Suits and Coats in stock. The balance of our suits must be cleared immediately, and for that reason only are they marked at such decidedly low prices. SUITS COATS Regularly up to $45.00 -special prices $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 Regularly $38.50 -special prices $29.50 $24.00 $22.50 SWEATERS In Cardigan and sleeveless styles, different designs and all shades and combinations. FROM $2.75 to $3.50 Silk Slip-on Sweaters in beautiful colors and all sizes. Reasonably priced at $4.50. ROYAL LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CO. Est Side of Square GODERICH, ONT. esseseks A , a% retecutiVe Meet lug of the Huron C inty :Social Service Council, held at baton on Monday, April 21. tit,. foil •ing resolution was (twine inteisly pissed: Moved te Dr. A. J Irwin. of Hing- ham. mud beeouded by A. M. Robertson, M A.. of Goderieh: Whereas the county of 1furon in Jeunary, 1914. voted on the introductiou of the Canada Temperance Act, which was carried by a majority of 2.008, and was In successful operation until De- cember. 1920, when it was temporarily suspended; and whereas the county of Huron in (Sootier. 1919, with the rest of the Province. voted on retaining the Ontario Temperance Act and gave a majority of 16,168 in favor of the Act: and whereas the vote in 10e1, against the importation of liquor was carried in the county by a majority of 10.793; and whereas the experi- ence of this county has proved the absolute and assured success of these acts. as they affect the best interests of the people, and have resulted in better homes and home lite, have in- creased opportunities of education with improved moral and cultural posei- bilities for children and youth, have largely removed the drunkard from our community life with the burden of charitable support of his family; have taken away from the young, the weak and habit -bound the temptation of the organized liquor traffic with its attractive inirroundings. Its social in- fluences. and its convenient supplies; have improved our community life by redeeming our best business corners from bar -rooms to useful trade end in- dustry, and at the same time given better hotel accommodation; have en- abled us to develop our industrial re- sources. our industries and commerce, thus providing increased employment for those needing it ; and hare brought to oar people, our homes, our trade. commerce andindustry, innumerable other benefits aud comforts; and whereas the Legislature of Ontario has recently enacted a law giving the Government authority to submit to the electors of the Prorinee any questiohs as to the enactment of legislation re- pealing or amending the 0.T.A., or as to probibiting, regulating, eontrolling or otherwise desliag with rhe sale. keeping for sale, hiving in nos,ession or tratisportation4f liquor in Ontario: they may also fix the terms in sybleh any such question or questions Mali be submitted and the time and man- ner in which the votes of the electors shall be taken, sod may in and by the same proclamation provide for voting on different question.e at different times. Therefore resolved, that this execu- tive committee reprsenting the vari- ous municipalities of the county. in- form the Premier of Ontario that it is our opinion that at present there is no popular demand from our people that a plebiscite shall be taken on the queetios, with the attendant ex• pense, otertnaion to business and other interferer*, with the conduct of af- fairs. That tbe immediate need of the community is for the Gov- ernment mid its 'members to give erery passible assistance to the officers charged with tbe enforcement of the Temperance Acta, and to use every available Means, of preventing the brewers and distillers of the Prov- ince from supplying the illicit traf- fic, and also discontinue the licenses to Ontario wineries to make intoxicat- ing wines for beverage purposes. That title organization shall continue to nee its influence to have the citizens of our county give all possible help in carrying on the campaign of educa- tion as to tbe evils of the liquor traf- fie and the benefits of prohibition, and also gire personal help to the local officers charged with the reeponsibill- ty of enforcing the temperance I we. That copies of this resolution Nerd to the Premier of the Pro the local members, and the press. MARRIED. FREE-SILLIB.-At the Victoria street parsonage. on April 16. by Rev .1 W. Iledley, M.A., Mho; IdaSIIIih. daughter of Mr. Alex. SHIM, of field township. to Mr. Harold Free, oleo of Ashfield township. WIGGINS-EN-ANS.-At Der mit. nn Wedoesiday, April 16. by Rev. Dy, -Rodman, Albert N. Wiggins, yoUnis• est son of Mre. James Wiggine, of Ooderieh, to Odile Lotilise Evans, danghter of Mr. anti Mrs. Charles M. Evans, of Detroit. DIED. MOORE.-In Goderieh. on Thuraday, April 17, 1924, Curtis Lynn Moore, In his 59th year. BOGIE. -In Goderieh, on Titeaday. April 22. Martha Willows. widow of the late Capt. Andrew 13ogle, in her 87th year. TYNDALL--In Colborne township. on Sunday, Aprl 20, Mary Jane Stack- house., widow of the late Wm. Tyndall, aged 77 years. McDONALD.-In Colborne township. on Friday, April 19, Mary Alice ()ardner, beloved wife of J. W. Mc- Donald, of Goderieh, aged 53 eare. OUNDRI'S SALE I Retards's April r. !of household effects at of Miss M. G. Worthy, • street. MITER. s. Auction isle he residence Cambridge, The annual general meeting of the shareholder* of the Cloderich Elevator & Trausit Company, Limited, wilt be held in the Board of Trade lteome. Masonic Temple Building, West street, Goderieh. Ontario, on FRIDAY. MAY 0. 1924. AT 12 • O'CLOCK NOON, for the election of Directors ler the en- suing year and the transaction of any other busineesithat may properly be brotight before the-meetin . d-. L P SONS. Secretary 'freasurer. WANTED 'WANTED --CATTLE TO PA TURPS aa for the summer months, or y the , month Beet of grass and pie of water. Apply GEO. flOWERBY. 'BR. WANTED -IN GODERIfili, GOAD " plain took, end to do general itotteework, no washing or Ironing; two In family; good wages. Write or apply immediately to MRS. MarlIONALD, PO Drawer 116. Goderieh. • r r ' TO RENT 70/CO RNER LOT for gardeu purpLbses. 41pply at SIGNAL OFFICE. 'OR RENT. -APARTMENTS OVER Mr. Wigle's Drug Store, now oe- cupltel by 31r4. Lillow. For informa- tion Inquire JAS. WILSON. 06 Avenue Road. oronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE CREDITORS. In the tot e of Catherine Troy. late of thr. To n of God Widow, deceased NO E is hereby given. pursuant to the tatute in that behalf, that till perso haring claims against the es- tate qt the above-named Catherine Troy who died on the 8th March 1924. are ref' 'red on or before the 14th May, 194, to .end in the same. duly verified, the undetiigned 'solicitors for the ecutois, and that after said date • he exrcutors will distribute the assets of said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, and will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim notice shall not then hare been received. PROUDFOOT, K I LLOR AN & HOLMES, Solicitore for Executor-. Goderieh. 19th of April. 1924. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Wil- liam II. McPhee; late' a the Town- ship of Colborne, Deceawd. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having (Anima or demands against the estate . William 11. Me - ?toe. late of the township of Col- borne, in 'the county of Huron. farm- er. deceased. who died on the 6th day of Aprik A.D., 1924, are required to send or deliver to the undersigned, gelid -toles for the executorfull par- ticulare of their claims, duly verified by declaration or affidavit, on or be- fore the 3rd day of May, A.D. 19,I. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said Srd day of May. A.D. 1924, the said executor will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of tbe said decease' among the persona entitled thereto. and that the said executor will not be liable for the said &mete, or any part thereof. to any person of whose claim they shall not then have receiv- ed notice. Dated at Goderieb, this 9th day of April. A D. 1924. RAYS & HAYS. Goderieh, Solicitors for the Executor. FOR SALE "OR SALE. -1 FRESH HOLSTEIN a Cow; single comb White Iegborn hatching eggs. 0' per egg; after May 1st. 4c per egg. G. M. KIDD.. FOR ,SALE. -SEED BARLEY AND Seed Peas and White limall Beans grown Ofl light soil. AINIA THOMP- SON, 11.11. N,.. 1. 4:oderich, Phone 13r11111. . • VOlt SALE. --WHITE 111,055011 Sweet Clover; 1923 seed. Apply to MELVIN JEWELL. Colborne town- ship. R. R. No. 4. Goderieh. Telephone is 16 Carlow. Roll SASS: - THIRTY BUSHELS a Willie 1.1 n.som WPM 'lover steed, good quality. Two Aberdeen Angus Isitik.isle eighteen months old, one seven months old. from registered etock. JOHN HOARE, R.R. 2. Au- burn. Ont. Pilot* 13r9, Dung -enacts R SALE. - HOUSE. EIGHT rooms and bathroom, electric light end fixture*: range eonnected; hot arsi col/'water; ecreens and blinds to fitzall windows; good gard- en: no •rcationahle offer refused for quick stale. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFFICE, ROR SALE.- ';(on ONE-HORSE F dray, graref bee, wood rack, 0114 - horse plow, cutting box, carpenter's and garden••estoois, gladiolus bulbs, four -burner New Perfection coal oll cook Move. --Apply MRS. BEN. HOGGARTIL corner Reynold road and Raglan street. Phone 361W. RADIO SET FOR SALE. -Improved n Marconi Radio outfit, including Ioud "peaker, A battery, three tubes, head phones. etc. Property of It••neses tune Celine* Club. This outfit eost 1270 new less 'than two yeers ago, and will be sold at • bargain. Demonstra- tion can be arranged. Apply to 'I'. R. RUNDLE (phone 001r15) or D. D. MOONEY (phone 250). roR SALE -Five acrea excellent gir- 1 den lend, orchard of winter tipplers strawberry parch. Good barn, cement hamment, (thicken house; three -roma &waning. In/means* 11.200. Good wolf; property well fenced; very fuse from weeds Adjoining Us- general more at boys], near the femme sum- mer resort platelet. Goderich, Ont Coat *1.900-S1.200 for quick ask. 0/1:0. F. MePHICE. R.R. No. 6, Gede- rkes. eteentor of the late W fi McPhee. • • CARD OF THANIiS. •••-- - "flit. JAIN 1,Al'EY AND FAMILY. ua tals titi- mete,- of expreiiiing their appresiarion of the sympathy and kind. uess shown during their recent be. reit vetuent. MRS. t'. Is MOORE AND NIECE, Mrs. John Story, wish to thank their newly friends for their kluduees and loving ss utpathy during the Mums and sad bereavement, also for. the many floral tribute* to a dear husbaud. -SIRS. 0. L. MOORE. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SAM: nOf a well -located, two-story frame residence (bath and lig tit ; garage 12116. barn 20:27, and ,seven tom; also all the furniture; garden tools, poul- try, etc. st the premises, Regent ernes lioderich, on SAT('RDAY. IL1Y 3rd at 1 34) oSiock. Full particulars in next aeelea Signal. CHARLES E. YOUNG, T. GUN -DRY. Proprietor. Atictlower. AUCTION SALE OV A COIIVORT• n ABLE FRAM DWELLING ON 1\ EAST STREET. 0 DERICIL I am Instructed y Mrs. Agnes Stokes to *ell by pub! e unction at the premlaes. FAY( street. crich. on SATURDAY.. SY 10, at 1.30 o'clock sharp. t e first house west of the C.N.R. freight offices, at present occupied by Mrs. Altokee. The house is in good condition a d contains parlor, dining room. kitch . 4 heti- rooms.. summer klieheo goO4 cellar. town water, etc., and a fair lot (pt. of Lot53.1). This property is con- vt•niently ',Ruined to C N.R. (111104 and to the factories, and must b# sold, TERMS.- 20 per tent. of pu se price to to paid at time of sale, the balance in 30 days; or a portion of purchase money may remain on mo gage with interest at 8 per Cf0t At the same time some hotuiehol furniture, including a good "kitehen range. will he sold. T. OCNDRY. Auctioneer. eLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Ne NEARLY sew HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS. ETC. Mrs Vipood will sell by publie auc- tion at her residence, Trafalgar street. Goiderich. larcond houso wee. of Vic- e:Isla wt.) 012 WilfeNESI)AT. APRIL 30, at 1.30 sharp,: 1 parlor suite; 2 ehalre and daven- port in brown leather: 2 mahogany Utiles; 3 eongeleuni rugs: 1 bedroom suite, drreeer and stand: 1 iron hed, tnattrews and springs: 1 kitchen table: 1 kitchen cupboard ; 4 kitchen chairs; 1 Corona range, good as new, bas water front -and reserveir; ;dove pipet and elheirs; 1 liathreom oil eloth: 2 hall tablea; picture.; toilet ;tete; 2 %tenths; 1 coil nil store; 1 ale; garden took and au:Denims other artielee No ro- oter.. ea Mrs. Vipond Is leaving TERMS. -Cash. T. GI'NDRY. AlietiOnse r essommimmillinliglimenemeammummemesek t -r;• a number of beaters; 18 -ft, IN - .1..c ; 1 step ladder; 1 Iowa louse', 18 lie cut gardeu tool.; a Utimisor of briny Leshoru Imo; 1 cutting box ; 1 grindstoati; 1 hand cultivator ; other articles too uunierous to mesition. TER/10.-Oaak • YOUR() T. OUNDRY, Proprietor. &we loafer. AUCTION SALE or NOV44E1101.1) n F:Fi'rxrrtig. There vi ill be offered for awl, at the reit-1.1..1e, of Miss M. 1; Worthy. C841hridlro• street. on s.iTURDAY. APRII, 21 eommen.•ing at I p.m., the. follow- ing: 1 Brussels rug • 31. 1 tapestry rug 3x3S•i. 2 bother phord rorkers;• 1 small rocker; 2 parlor tables; 1 oak pedelitni; 1 steel bed emic'h; 1 oak hall> reek ; 2 bedroren suites, springs and mato-sees: 1 Singer sewing meets ins.; 1 oak sideboard; 4,dming chairs; 1 pie'. linoleum; 6 kitchen chair -s 1 'dolen cupboord; 1 dropleaf tals,.; 2 smaltstables; 1 cooketore; 1 leundry store; "Stoat oil stove: several jar. (sinned f it ; window shades • picture frames; 1 toilet set: rag rugs; kitch- enware and eiookine toenails; wash - boiler ; tubs and board; and other a rtieles. TS:RMS.-Cis '' \ MISS 11. G. 'MT/1Y. ProWetrest- THOS. GrNDRY. AtictbIseer AU \cTioN SALE 4 k' A REVAI.I.A:LIS SIDliNCE 1it OPERTY ND 1141("SEIIOLI) Err EOTS. ••••• Mr. Chas. F.. Young will sell by Put, lie Auction at the premises. Regent Moss. Goderich. on SATURDAY. MAY 3, 1924 at 1 ,o'Hock sharp: The two- story frame dwelling and 7 town lots. The house is in good condition, has electric lights, bath alto garage 12116, with lights. and a barn 20x27. There are a number of fruit trees. ppech, cherry, plum. pear and, apple, also light and dark grapes. This is a good property and will posi- tively be sold. TERMS -20 per cent. to be paid at time of sale. balance in 30 days, or half the purehnse price may remain on mortgage with interest at 6 per cent. per ennum. The following linti.ehold effects will 1w. sold without any retierve. 2 betliew•m ettio.s: 1 iron bed; 1 con Bering's: 1 ash dresa'r and waehatand ; I oak stare!: 1 pair solloa-s; 1 eine. Mei crochet quilt ; 2 trtinks; 1 snit ease; 1 book came; 1 coneh; 1 tapestry firm chair; 2 oak rockers; other rock- ing (-heirs; tables and Rtands; a num- ber of pletnrea and fremee: 1 Kodak developing set, eompiete; electric wir• ed lamp; aluminum ea -wrote; muffin rings and griddle in ; silverware and Mattes: 1 China tee net, eomplete, white and gold; verandah rug and small mats. 1 eIghtday eloek ; 1 atone (Urn; Chenille eurtains; 1 kitchen sideboardi-i.nget si wing machine In good ?tinning order; 1 coal oil heater; 1 self feeder stove and stove pipes; 1 Quehre heater; 1 Petition" ranee; kitehen chairs; 1 extension table, ash; quarterent oak extenaion table; querterent oak sidetword. Mack lealber oak diners to mateh; 1 wring- ("LEAR I NG AUCTION SALK esp, CHOICE novas FURNISHINGS. 1 am instructed by Mrs. Doe to sell by public auction .ett her residence on St. Georges Creteent, Goderieb, on TUZgDAY, MAT 6 commenting at 1.30 o'clock, MI the contents of the house, Including: 1 Oriental rug 10x12; 1 Oriental rug. 9x10; 3 small Oriental rugs; 1 Bros - eels rug, 15110; 1 Brussels rugs.10xL2: 1 Navaho blanket ; 1 pair portieres; 7 pairs lace curtains, all alike; 1 oak hall tree; 1 walnut couch; 4 neat tables; 1 mahogany table; 1 extension dining table; pedeetal. 3 leavee; 1 fum- ed oak table; 3 side tables: 2 card tables; 1 mahogany fall leaf table; 1 pair Sconce; 1 braes plaque; 1 buffet; 1 set of dining cheers; 1 Rosewood desk and chair; 3 Rosewood stoole: 2 ot- tomans; 2 ebony and gilt chairs; 1 handsome glass cabinet and gleam ware: 2 brass beds, genuine hair mat- tresses. coil apringa; 1 enamel bed, genuine hair mattreee coil springs; 1 French walnut bureau. very old. and perfect ; 1 chiffonier; 2 Creasers; 4 C4 DC seated chairs; 2 clothes hampers; 2 large mirrors: 1 Eogiander couch; 1 Peninsular range; (Mahe*, pictures, cutlery, glassware. nen* aad numer- ous other articles. Everything will be dlapoaed of without sae reserve. as the property has been *old TERMS. --Cash. T. OUNDRY. Auctioneer. pftor. w 11 JACKSON, Organist and Director of Music. North street Methodist church. 1111/4 ruction gives in Voice Culture, Organ, Maw, Violin. Guitar. 'Theory, etc Studio and reeidtmce, Church street. Phone 384. At'CTIONZNIUNG ri.VEEfl,OCE ANI) GELNERAI. LIMAI4 OUNDRY, GODERICEL A UCTIONMER Telephone No 119. Salt -4 •ttended to anrwbere and every effort made to give matisfaction. Farmers sale note* Miscounted I 11 STA Ult. AUCTIONEER IF* for household effects taro Meck. Ste., for the County of Horoa. Addrevui all communications to I. STALKER, Auburn P. 0. 4441 DR. t J. R. PO EYE. EAR, NOVEL THROAT Late Howie boreetot Now York OP.- thalmIc and Aural Hospital, moldable& at Moorefield Era Hospital sualb Golden 5.u. re Thra tai. Law den. Dag 53 Waterloo St.. IL tford US. • *'phone 267 At Hotel Bedford. Oeikitich, 40 April 161h. at 730 p.n. 10 April 171k, 51 1 pm POSTAGE STAMPS WANTED WANTED TI) PCIICHASII TOIL "Caab, Old Postage Stamps and Envelopes with mentos attached. MS fames of Canada, United States. Groat • Britain, British Colonies, preferrsIL_ No modern Mimes wanted. It may pay you to look up your old lettere. Reply to Box 22, The itigusi. UMIAL M G. CAMERON, K C.. BkR.RIII- In TEL Solicitor, notary 018c, Hamilton street. 0ed.ricar=1 door from Square. Trost tusk to loan •1 lowest rata. pROUDFOOT. K I LLORA N lb Hw.MICS. BILRRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NO. TARIES PUBLIC, ETC, Office on tbe Square, second goer from Hamilton street. Godorieb. Private foods to loan at Ionise rata. J. L. Inhume, Dudley 8.Haim. Napa a Nape A merges, kr. R. C. 11A YS--R.O.HAYS, JR., B.A. Hamilton St , Goderica r dEAGER. K.C. BARRISTIUL Is SOLICITOR. Notary public sag conveyancer. Office -Court Home' Goderich INSUILLMER. IllegILLOP MUTUAL EIRE DIEM UR ANCE 00. -Para and Willed town property loom& OMearo-jaa. Ontoolly. Pow. °No- rtek P. 0. ; Jas. avow Vloo-Prda. Beechwood P. 0; D. T. McGregor' Beatorth P. 0. Dtrectora-k groatItoot. R. b. No. 1, ...forth; Job. 0. Griers, Mk 4, Walton; Milian' Rhs, R. R. No. 2, Saatorth; John Boonsiwtoa. Roe& kagen; Geo. McCartney, R 8 No at Seafortb; Robert awns, Harlot I Murray Otbion. Broomfield; Zama Deana. Oseettwood; Jana Onallag• Ge"Aganrieb-te: .1 W. Too. JAigizatue- Mitratella . llealLtortliN.* ;1. Ikatorth. Polley beide, ele worts ang got Mob suds MN* NI at R. 3. Meow' CIMIllig OWL all streak Oodoeloh. 04:7381. euserajOallan:stag%/Laissig.Oott's