HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-24, Page 8S-Tburaday. April 24, 1024. Minted's is an enemy to pain. It penetrates to the root of the trouble, soothes and (disinfects. Splendid for neuralgia, backache and stiffness of the muscles and joints. 41 • 1 r Clean Kidneys By Drinking Lots o f Water Tel? Salts to Flush Kidneys if Bladder Bothers or Back Hurts Eating too much rich food may pro- duce kidney trouble in some font. says a well-known authority, because the acids created excite the kidneys. Then they become overworked, get sluggish, clog up and cause all sorts of. distress, particularly backache and Misery in• the kidney region. rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment sour back hurts or kid- neys aren't acting right, ' or if bladder bothers you. begin drinking lots of good water and also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined With lithi.•''. and has been used for years to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity; also to neutralize the acids in the system so that they no longer irritate, thus often relieving blad- der .disorders. Pei Salts can not injure ancone; makes' a delightful effervescent Mina - water drink which millions of men and seovi n take new and then to help keep the ',Moms and urinary organs clean, [gees ,often avoiding serious kidney dis- r Nv all means have your phv'i- 5i. • • :i a your kidneys at least twice •.-r_ Tat SIGNAL, Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont. in Judah's land God 1s *bell kuow•u, Ills Name's In larael great ; .. In Salem le lilts tabernacle, in Zion is His seat. Thou. Lord, even Thou art 11e that ab ould Be feared: and who Is he That may stall up before Thy sight, Ig once Than angry be 1 GENUINE ASPIRIN HAS "BAYER CROSS" without "Bayer Cross" WI not Aspirin at all M patine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" r a'Bayer" package, plainly marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross' is your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for nineteen years and proved safe by mil- lions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain generally. Made in Canada. Randy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also larger sized "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered hi Canada!, of Bayer Manufacture of liemosceticaeideater of Salicylicacid. • While it is well known -that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture. to 'Ionia the public against imitations, the 'tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd., wi,l be -tamped with•their general trade mark, the 169111 Wanes SAGE TEA KEEPS YOUR HAIR DARK Whew Mixed With Sulphur It Wings Beek Its Beautiful Litotes At Ones Gray hair, however handsome, de- motes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appearance. Your hair is your charmit makes or aaan the face. When it fades, turns gra and looks streaked, just a few • tau of Sage Tea and Sulphur its appearance a hundred•fold. Don't stay gray! Look young 1 Walser prepare the recipe at home or gpt from any drug store a bottle of =ysllss Sage and Sulphur Com- e which is merely the old-time roved by the addition of oto s ' Thousands of folks emealrg•d this ready -to -use prepare. ft_islaa.s it darkens the hair beau. Wass, no one can possibly tell, !uit1uiSS50 naturally and evenly a sponge or soft brush this through the lair, eta slat! strand at a time. By s gr fair disappears; af- t" or two, its w mom ,�saw i1 fMsert'd and it becomes Mggl(jr and ltllittout. and you a . pa Mrs Agfa Voss 10 11W incl your God and pity. .SII ye that rear 111111 11x, Tering gifts and presents onto Him; For to be feared la He. - Scottish Psalter. PRAYER. .Almighty Gal. we Imre transgress - .+1 against Thy covenant. and Thy (minute neltante. have often been of none effe•f In 0ntr lives. We have forgotten Gal, ire have lived . 111 omrs•Ives: we hare• !Wen our own Inw: we have ieen our' own gods. Trot'''. Them hast ba•ei angry with us. Now take us to Thine heart again. Me Seek Thee only through the ,mvennnt which Thou didlet make with Thy dear tion. We stall behind Him. !live us joy in Thy preacnec. Amen. (Selected.) SUNDAY SCHOOL I ES.SON F'OR MAY 4. 1924. Lamm `11110 --The Assyrian Exile of Israel. lemon Pio:sage-2 Kings " 17:9-18. /ioldcn Text -Psalm 119:16. The truth of the saying of Solomon: ---"That righteousness exults a' nation Mit slit Is the rep,(utch of any people," w•.as clearly demonstrated In the fail of the kiugelom of Israel. While Iltc ehldrrn of Israel were ruled by the judger with Jrltnra9 a', their ac- knowledged 11,•n,1 they prospered. be- coming a great and glorious nation, continuing until the death of tiolo- me'n• Thereafter the kingdom was divided Into Israel with ten trlls•+ and Judah with two. Then began its de- cline for "n kingdom divided signinst itw'lf cometh to destruction." The kluge were ab,llt ...pinny divided be- tween good and had. but the reigns of the good kingsi were generally long and those• of the had short. so that the fall was not wholly the fault of the kings. as will he seen In today's' lesson. it tires an aemunt of the ending of the kingdom of Israel. when king and sub - jets were carried study captive Into the mantelcs beyond 111'• Enphrate. Title happened in the reign of (lose*. who was a usurper. having slain his predecessor and s•Ized his dominions Tile first time Shalttanewer, the king of .\ssyrla, Mendel hose's kingdom. he forced the people to pay tribute m+,ney year try year. This became lr{.anme and HOR'n formed an alliance with the king of Egypt lo throw off the• .\seyrlan yoke. (its !tenting this, Rhalmaneser mnrehd into Samaria. devastated the country. and laid elegy to the city of Samaria. The Inhabl- ta,lts withetorsl the enemy for three ye.Ire. but at !net the city wee fnkem nil deslroyrd and king and isv.ple earriel aw,Iy into bondage. Yemen 7.12 -God's Goodness. Their Sins. Gud Bare them their liberty when 11e brought them up out of the hind i of Egypt. from under the linnet of Pharaoh. king of F.gypt, 11e• gave them the l'rumis•d 1'.nml. ('seting out the inhabitants to make roam for them. He oleo gave them •ommand- me•nts and statutes and ehnreel t1u'tn they Mrsnlet not do as the h. athen intn whose emmltry they hail noes.. : int , they *tinned against t1u• ford their Go.): they ,walked its the st:stut'a of the he,Ihen: they (111 e•retly those things dont were not rigid : they !milt them high plop••+ in all their iltiea: 1 tlu;y 4.'t np 1maget, and groves In ev,•ri' Melt hill. and under every green tree: they hnrnt incense; they served [dote and wrought wicked things to pro- voke the ford to anger. Verses 13 -17 -God's i'llrlher (:noel - Seas.. Their Continued Sin. 4kx1 sett prophets to warn them and show them their eine and -the fatal consequences should they continue In their reit ways, Thee prepheta were fo'thfni In denouncing .in, .especially t.h • sir of Idolatry. and pressed them to return to the worship of the Gal of thclr fathers. hal they would not !tear or heel. They berme sjnt,horl and fol'owe41 more elnwly than ever their heathen )1M,•t ieee, evl•11 getllg so far ns to came their edhtldren to Anse through the fire as' a sign that they esti n' d,dlmtel to the Idols: ,:n•l, 'net ly, they used dtt-hultiens and enelsnnf- m Ws tint they might be gulled aright by these god. whom they worslrippeel, A ,1 istnlehel them -when they would not hearken to lilt roles. 'spoken by the month of the prophets Ity !ring very angry with them (verse 191. They kn;q' He called Himself is jeal- ous (74.41. saving. "That dant ryas' hart/ down 51:yself to Them. nor serve them: for 1 -.the ion! thy Gal am n Pullen. Revel, vlelling tan• Iniquity fifth.. fMhers soon the children mite lite 1119,1 and rotten' sreueral'nn of them that Irate me." Gal. for their ,Msertlen of Slim. elresrtsl th•'m nntl let them 111.1.1 /MI' star again a nation of stare-. Thee that forgot God were fhedr•ivee for- ret/tin: they that smiled other no. e'en.' mode of life nod wershirp were `nsi :1,115Ing a +tri nee lsmplp nn11 the ramp of Israel Wits no more In re• nu'ndtrnt,.'. There wens 110155- left but thy• tribe of Judah only. cultic -s. David. has b,,: •heti.,, at some length a little problem of his, and stops to ask Jrrswlalt. his seDlor. whsther It Is not do. But Jeremiah wakes Hu answer. Ile 1+ sitting with held held listening to something else So, were we all. , A hundred sante away. forty or fifty S•111411 t,m'Ie're were singing loge! her. -Nearer. illy libel, to Thee." I had heard- not hiisg ebr' for some thee. 1 was away back nit the lull plain 111 our of those early excursions. trying to hell for the first time 4.f. u X111110. the Nafur t,bst '1. /111111'1' every Dahl;, 1 saw again the 11111ry she•k- ads's with the skullr'rowuwl (odes; the Outlet dark ,alts whew• only wor- ship wens about [hos,• shabby little eres•lleus for 111(• spirits' of the dead that stood in the clearing of the thlek- el. 1 slew again thine ,lays when I was the first 111 speak lit 1116.111 111 I:,e1 nod Christ. The years have pass• ed sines' tinea. and by the feeble efforts of native tenedlert-al► ao feeble and ao un+k111,91:-the lamp has been lit and kept trimmed and burning. Dimly emesgh at times -fur strong winds of eimeystition have sw'1'ot the and sometimes the rnnitlese moths and Inerts of sin have gathered about the light .and tilmusf smothered it. lint it hoe hem kept bunting. and noire and uHsre lamps have been lit.- Fron.Afrirsn Idylls. PAINFUL SCIATICA AND NEU Caused by Stared Nerves Due Weak, Watery Boal. People think of neuralgia a. a pain in the fend or face. bat neuralgia may affect any nerve of the body. Different names are given to It when t atria -tee certain acmes. Thos neu- ralgia `4.f the orotic nerve Is called neintiea but the elaanu•ter of . the Irvin and the uaturc of the disease is the same. and the remedy to lee effec- tive. must be the saute. The pain, whether It takes the form of ecintli'n or whether it affeets the (ave and hsnd. le caused by sfnrved nerves. The blast. meldsh n,!rtunlly carries nour- ishment to the nerves. for some rea- s.n no longer duels s, and the r.eru- elnting pilin yen feel is the cry of the starved nerves for feed. The redeem why the blood fails to properly nour- ish the nerves is usually because the blood itself 111 weak and thin. When you build tip the impoverished blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. you are attacking ,relative. neuralgia and kindred disea APS of the profit of the value of Dr. William,' Pink Pill. In esters of this kind w,• give the statt•utent of lir+ \tnrion Bell, Port Elgin. Ont.. eche says - "Some years ago 1 was attacked with w•iatien ht 4.:y leg and hip. The 15111 was excruciating and finally i w•ne force) to go to Iced. .tppnrently all the doctor mold do was to give m drugs to dull the pain. ns otherwise. i rimed no relief. i Ind been in hal with the tronile for right wiles when a Indy who game to .w• me said flint sir hail had a similar nttnek. and had only found relief through: the use of Dr. R'illiaine' !'Ink Pills. I derided at ane,• to try this medicine, :and be- fore 1 had taken more than three boxes 1 found relief.' i (ontinned the 4.+r of the pills and trader the trent- me11t the pain left 1n4'. 1 wens able to walk -again, and lore not .11 nee had the lenet return of the trouble. 1 fc.1 that Dr. 11'illlamm' Pink Mile bane been of such great benefit to me tlt,t ( strongly oras' similar sufferers to give then) a fn1r trial:' 1'4trl can get threw pule from nny melicln,' dealers or by mail at :10 ernts n box from The Dr Will laTIN' Medicine Co.. Bro•krllle, (int. WORLD MISSIONS. Tonight 1 nen sifting entsldr r '.mt In the light of the moon. F' oar or five 111 14.111.1. are with nue \1'r bate been talking together glom their „rk and experi•tr.'e, tint 111 have to+•n telling nM. with w 4 e• glow 111.1 hire of ethos• w-hn helve tat enter- , ,.I on et new ::nil foe im11 l4. w•rtl.• '.:nething nf their effort nisi Ilm. - GODEILICH, ONT. EvEry Wife Should Know that Zam-Buk contains in most compact form all the essentials of a perfect ever -ready home skin medicine. This grand herbal preparation is beautifully soothing for cuts, `burns, scalds, etc., or for chafed and chapped skins. 1t removes all danger of germ -infection, poisoning or inflammation, and heals the most troublesome wound or sore with reinarkable ease. ZAM-BUK is "A Surgery In a Two-inch Box,' useful for both• Accidents and Skin Cisoase. ea1111111r411111A horst, t:l. ne.lvh'--4'1lptaiu, F. A. Garnett. Sit. ('ntharin.•': engineer. F'. \Lnillul. Mont real. 4:11'11.ossh Cap- tain. 1(. til4., .t. 1\'. leeat[he, MI,llaud; en- gineer, live, W. Myron. T4.tvmto. 111e1 eerrle Captain. F. V. Mchttyr.•, To- ronto; eugiuev.r. Wena. ('harlsltrietu. Mont real. 1:Ieugeldit-- ('a pit In. Pre - gent. Montreal; engineer, Wilbert Smith. ieamiugtun, Glenliuuie Cap- tain M. Green, Mkiland; engineer. Robert Knight. Kingston. Iaenls•hir -Captain,. i). Charts' 114. Sorel. P.Q.; engineer, V. Parker, Montreal. Glen. .,rule --Captain, Chits. E. Seott. Mid- land; engineer. J. It. ,lnderson, have. fork. RADIO PROGRAMS SCOTT'S SCHOOL TO HAVE REUNION Ohl I'uplb. of East Wasson/di Seethes Foregather Next July. cast w'awanosh, April 21.--luvita- tiuus are tieing Israel 14. over IYMI for- mer pupils and teachers 45( sehaot wr- ttuu Nu. la, Fast W8%111'41,11', for s reunion to be held oIS the aehnol grotulds on July ,23 The event will be 111111 of t11.0 big affairs in the county fhb, year 111141 already wain• have sig- nified their intention In he present. The section has a ' must interesting history. lit the late fall of 1.492 tiu• early +Piller% lledll it meting to :11.1•8ulgs' for the building rel conducting of n sedhad - {ria program li brief. week of April 27, 1112-1. WHY, Sehene•tndy. N.T.e•Gen•rnl Electric ('o,. 7510 kllo- cyeles(3W1 metes). Eastern standard time. Sunlny. April 27, 9.30 a.nt.--Sterric. of First Presbyterian church. .Uistny. N.Y.. german hR Itev. Dr. William Herman ilopkhns.,, , 2.30 p.m.-\xGY Symphony pre•lees- f , dao Klitven, e'iidnetur: Caryl M rshnll. tuers11-sopr11n.. soloist. *'t0 p.m. -Seryl. of First 1'r•sby- terlrtfl .herb. Albany. N.Y. • • *utility, April •'2K. 7.1:. p.m.-.ld- dr.as, "Farm Buren' 1srlot nlen tion.•' J. ('oryell. Ncw Perk State Farm Bur - e111 Fe'drratlon. 7.23 pm. --Address. "Gardening in Prose and Verse," i ..b .!dams, New• York State College of .tgrieniturc. 7.45 p.m -Mush -al program by WON' (wette'stra. •hw.eph 4'ulhatie. tenor. Arthur (:gyne, lots., Cyril ('adieux, baritone. nod .tames Early. pianist. Tuesday. Aprft 29, 7.45 it.In - Addrws.. "Thr Blot' in Present nay Polities." Dr. lr.\ Lein) 4:.eelelaii, a ssists tat professor of, /wdltle:11 silence, Colon College. SelrtivMdy. N.Y. RAO p.m.--4'oniir opera. -The Pir- stel of Prnzauee." by GIIItert & Snlli- van. sung by the WI Y (sight Opera 4'entpany, Carl Jester. rviadurt.r. Wednsedny. .\pelt :4.1. 5.30 p.ut --.\t) write',„ "tory. (amnesty YuntII's Cent - petition. Thursday. May 1. 7.$ p.m. - Moment+ with Nee Book.," by -1 Han, General EI Appointments at Midland. Appointment,' of toasters and en- gim'ere of brats wintering nt Midland nor annoudrd as follow•s:-Gienehe' -captain 1♦'. A, Lavigne, Midland; englie,er, I). Aluelair, Windsor. Glen - isle 4'aptain, Jas. Tindall, 'Midland: engineer.. Percy Eagles, Midlut Gleu,rphy -- Captain, Fred ilnrk Midland; engineer, Gm. Price. R' 11- beIahele. Glenfinnan-('eprein, nl- (•nlm Stalker, l'rtte?ring: erg ' -neer. Jos Sfiverthorue. \tJQtnn.l Glen- tyon-d'nphin. Win. Taylor. Imre- few-n; engineer, Ed Hurl. lellaud. Gleulivet---Captain. Bs rt. Ito e. Peur- ranorm lshene; 'engineer, 1 ; Sinclair. Owen Round. 4aenhr e• --(*plain Percy Beattie, Midland; engliteer, J. it. 1'nlding, MIiland. (ileneairn- Captain. D. Hndsnn, Minitel; (met - eer. 74. Delman, Mid ml. Glemm�vis --(alptatn. Angus MncKny. Owen It.nmd ; engineer..1 King. Elgin. Ont f:l•n,mva Captain ,ins. 1'eeue. 4'01• 'ingenue!:.•ngltxe r, M. Mittlt.,•r', MI11- lun.1. 4aetx•I Captain. ain. 4'hp+. B. Kirk. Lnkepor : engineer. John (111- terl, llirltmu (ilenrig--4'anima. Roy iturke. Ih. , Itntt ; engineer. 1:.0. it. F'h•nlitut. T rontn. Glen's .•nmahlpo. i,td.: Women' - caws in. 1. 14. Plrk»ring, ('oiling- w,wed : ngiieer. 1.. .1. ielgg. Midland. taint n-C*14nin. rotor (Jarfl•rs. Lent end : engineer. J. A O'Brien. Ow, : Sound. Glendown t'nptnin. Er est Tremblay. Murray itay. en t iter. Jas. Iteuuetf. Montreal. Gl•n- eehorf 4'apfaln. W. J. !lawman 1'ellingwat,l ; engineer. .1 A Mwl,Ans h - Ian, Parkhill. Gl'm•aly- ('nptltl (1. Ferguson. WinrtOn: engineer. John Gilbert, Mldlatul. Glengerno•k -Cap- tain. W. Blant'holt. ieol%lneau, np, engine- r. Edward Fleming. Jtrrx•kvltle. Men Line. Ltd.: (Ilenhu,lrle --Cat' �s11n, A. iiunvier. Rtonrta, P.Q. ; 1'•n neer. W. Gosln-In, Alliston Gl•n- ntrttl. Captain. .\ E. inking. To• ronin: 4tsgineer..1. FL Readmit H. CralK- Jaeth. i.ih!a company, \ 8.(111 Jericho." Alf rnun. "Tear \r eel Smtr,' b I'Inyers. F.Iwnril II. smith. 111 Friday. May 2, 743 p.m pregrnm by 011ie 4:. 1-ettrt Walter Reaglee, toiler. Flo cr. s4;lira no, Mfrs. ,1'et v14.115510. 1(1.341 p,Dt.-\VG'' ATM Berberich, centr Saturday. Mar 3. wish. by R.mnts's Kenmore Hotel. .0 tr ric in the section. `Three trustees were ,'le•Ied, with Daci.) Siutt els Wrrl•tIr% - ,tn41 treastrer, whielt hr fa11h- ftilly filled for forty years ('alter Scutt dutultel a site, un the earner of 101 :144, ('oa',•ssiun 7, Timber teeing Plentiful.. they trade "INN," amt I.eaIi 11111 Ih.« tir+t evilest ,mtit11I•t.41. NU.. Ilear.•, now llr� Ja11111', 1iteriwlu. , Ilr.ae6.bridge, w'a+ ••Hga:;el :is Witcher: and 11111atasl . 11111 .••1111.11 4.11 February 1. iWCt, with two pupil:. 11 girl mei a h.q. pr, +cert. ' Grnetawlly others were a.141.v1 to the roll and in a few years over 1411) were in regular attendance. making time. very lively. with 110 dale 11o.lu.alts. The site wits au i.letl srue fur the ehlldn•n. as • the playgrounds extended a utile i4. every ry dlnr•IIotC Chime by ,w xe the u :. 111' hill, for sl,Igirriding, the 'big 1'r 1'k with. its Ie• in wittier and half-ta dozen rate[ 111 snnImer. the deep 114.4. fur swimming, the'lslende end 1uti of tree •:4.d bt:sln•+. The Days of Rat Siert. There were enough thrilling ltd ntree•atd 11airbrendth escape. he till n large vnitnue. %Ils: . ty "t hind" to one 0f' l.h.• old thine pa von want to e'er their eves art big smile on their Nees. The re-Ms.1 was also need nuuiity hall.. Religious hell i4. 1t from tine• t t' year. :i flourishing-, urn:;. '•ondu.-ted by Jai •s \\" wet 1' y. For e held 11'• arts held It a belle :t lar susestggemINININealiegglisgoomma it pays to use MARTIN -SENOUR 1ppbPURE PAINT& VARNISHES v./rile to Head Office Montreal tor Free poohlat HOMO PAINTING F4AOC EASY SOLO BY F. HUNT GODE it ICH gntel results. T township libr Imrtinus w tions al Aft (pitted suet :t train on tie, hill. with i led opened in .1 half acre wall 11' lunch to the el .\ ttuurishin •111 -(etc wit• yea r. 11 Nun, 1 •istting n Fine The etanlhs n- up to Incl and ns' h en e h• 1' 1. n int s a 6.ou 1'114 ween • :nal .f. • .eh,ed 0 1 Wittily; y'm!•. also held IIx• i .•.t r1. tile . noun e and the eke•' r 11. 111,,.1 wens ri•-�- 011c 15:1+ 1..[111 -oto-el11v eipripme,, miry. Is77. Ilene .. .•el for a playground, grit" 4f Lb.•.pupil. literary 1.1 debiting oriel et: i. e.• and for uot'i far :rod fete f..r .1 literary toib•nt. r.• riek School New as Site. 1111f4 •s•her.l w':a • Hot a, :nt,- I y britt as the 1111: ..111. h ...ad I,t.n,: n the bill 11 caught 1111 the heavy it ens u1d-bt+ltiou,•.1 sad stinky It w•ae mnsIb'rsl well to build a : site. and i4. 1914 a tine. me.) rn reel rat ant• ttvs Milt im the site eif the d log ons'. Gt the world war. the sate! .1.1 11s THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and London F •»...........••1011.71 The Signs! and Loudon Advertises ......... ................,... The Signal and The Toronto Glen i,....: «..- -.• 9.76 ......._:........ R.TS The S.gnal�i 7k Mail and En»t'iee. ...... ... Th. Signal and The Toronto Star ..,..., »..., .. »..»_.. 9.71 The Signal and The Farmers' Sun 340 The Signal and The Family Herald and Waeh* filer' ...•3.60 The Signal and Saturday Night ... 3.50 The Signal and Presbyterian Witness', 3.90 The Signs! and The .Catholic Record .. ,. „.., The Signal and McLean's Magasine ..........»��.. The Signal and Rod and Gun 3.75 4.50 3.90 The Signal and Montreal Witness 3.65 new 3.60 The Signal and World Wide .renew) 425 new 3 16 Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May Be Had on Application lura _ :heir time. ranging frtuu 1:'11"1.14 11x•1114,. to live c, ars, (raving In .. expiration I , .•elm: tial uI turtb••r their 1 of their .emir.:,:' 1.1 the, thirty -1 fear teacher. eight ere des'natd. 1: i, Intri.sUHg ro hole that the first tn. .I :schen.. Jtr+.11arriw'n and' •f to Ix• bP•+•Mt at tl.= Cetinje.' t.. 1.' held nt mid- .nminer .\L, that \1r+. D. 1'.•.k. the first girl pnpi'. has Assay,. lived with in sigh: 310 4.'111„I of OW «h...d and .hare. nn its flee homer roll slow•+. SNI 10.4.1 t:otpr....pi,m of the pupils Ont of ow 'I newts thar hum 5- at- :and wilt Ila,, the seal of holier at the t!•ud1 d here 01111 two deed 11hil.• pipits. r'ln,im, The nttentlnns, ha. title last hetet . - v.ars 1s•ett grnlu:tlly falling oft, 4IIIA( -'('b• Impi!• .u'• w•attere.l ear and row• iH : i�t omen are on the roll , wide. Some has.• passed to the great a \•,of 11 WWI' 111111 teachers held .way '•e• i• v :qr.. 4'.s.k and IWO Will v - esiw� (vier. \i ` Mn+lcal pietais,. .cue•• ("elm - Manta.. "stet. Tller- n. 39 p. m. -Rarer orchestra. New any. N.Y. \ enhired man ny cans' into the of fice of the .'s ate for w•Ikh she worked to ...ire her tidy wage+, As,p11 email ant write, she ni- nny. made , r mark nD th,• receipt - the notal c 11.$. 11111 0n iiia ,weAainn will. made n circle. "Whetes the, matteer, niter the man in charge n'kel. ' l'hy," Linda explained enrn- estly " h done get mnrrlel yesfpr day a ' changed mai hi• r 1 optimist Is n tnau who thinks won't have to order smother tort coal this pp11s011 You can get at Us; then why trust the stranger ? Hundreds of people in Canada are being vietitnized thew' days by fraudulent, glib -tongued subscription agents who take the money Intl ,1nn'tdeliver Illy gtesI . I Ilii' is particulnrly true of magazine suhs•ri)dinns. Next t stranger tries t 1 sell you it magazine re- nieniber thnt- if a etch sell ism the saute nrallazine for the aotit e o/ten a better-prir•e• The st ranger cranes - you know nothing its to his bona fides --rind goes. tl'r'n• Aire to slay. 1f mry(hiag n0P4 wrong YOU CAN GET AT US - 1e1 us Tittle rpm 'mice* tm rrwys maga'.„ra or 1MIe'ra you, are in- erre•ted in. , THEA !., "(ins are naw in the reti'In that a- re h• -re wive the lest • h.s4 was bnllt ,'Iserti+ing matter 1+ Is in: ,irrnlaf- ell ter 111e el,1 I11O-' reunion. golden "anniversary- /1 11.1 Prot metal firemen's tournament to be hell at Stpsferth .\menet 2 t.. 6. The taraforth people ere making preparations for a hie week. and no decide w ill Las•• an 11x- .ell•nt program for tlsa .'nteetaaar.l.•nt of their sieitore. The sclentine name for laninew1 la ergrtpltsbta. bat ?hie winat eeate the lazy people. 11- i e l i t n Beacon; - BEAUTY SPOTS OF CANADIAN ROCKIES Man and nature combine to provide 1 a real out -o( -skean holiday, neat et Jasper National Park, Alberta, am the main tine 011 hp nOi,,n \atinnal' Railways. Photograph shows a few of the beauty smelts close to Jasper ('ark Lodge, the magnifi,•ent cabin hostelry hostelry of the National System, tflhis-h has leen evened for the tam-' fort and con'rnienre of tourists who wish to make the mast of she magni- ficent mountain arenety to he Toned within the borders of Canada's largest National Park. Centre photograph shows \Inapt Edith Cavell, an imposing pile named in honor of Britain's heroic war nurse. The darker rnlorerl mountain to the right of Cavell has appro priatcly been named Mount Sesrmw. Mount Cavell, in addition to being the higbeet mountain in jasper Na- tional ('ark, 11,033 feet high, is also one n( the twat beautiful from a weals' point n( view. From the motor road whirls leads from Jasper Park Lodes almost to the foot of the ('arell lar*, which, because of its peculiar dupe. N known as "The Glacier of 11,e (;host," a magnificent panorama nf the Atha. baera \'alley is n'eares't Motor cars are available at the itvige few the use of tourists et all times, and there are alas numerou, peck and saddjg hones, 1 which may be ue(uter) together with Ithe services of guides, by these who wish to mender from the L1 111. dark and thus approach. some sI C mrhirh are f[aamu , the reach pi the motor ountains ns' WI