HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-24, Page 7aseostoottsestoosoassosassirsillat 4111.1K THE SIGNAL. - GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, April 24. 1094..-1 Ors 1 Try Us For Fancy Goods novelties, Etc. MISS S. NOBLL .tlFide r Ii•sierich a •v 3rophey Bros. h THE: 1.1.%1/1\t, 11 NEKU. DIRECTORS %NI) E:MIC 1..IERS rders carefully it !tended to at all lwurs. Dight or day, t.OI►ERI('ll Electxic Wiring IVs specialize in Wiring of kind,, Let ns give you an -•Imate for w•Itlllg \ our h use . gar:Ige. Private Telephones, Motors Dmamos, Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems .\lo Wo, 1. 4, •4 mired Cask, Iron and Toast by Electricity . We have an•assottment of the beat Electric Irons and Toasters made in•Canada. RO BT. TAIT Electrician Rest St. Thole 25IJ we Gardening in Canada for Amateurs By T. H. RAND-McNALLY ARTICLE NO. 7 Trees, Vines and Shrubbery Planting. The New Plot and What to Put in It. The Old Back -yard and How to Give It Beauty. HydroEIetric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity Convenient Clean Quick Cheaper than Coal or Wood An Electric J'ac.nan Cleaner tetnoves all net, . A broom just moven;the dint. Walk in and Stet' Ib. displa) of Electric (.'ods at tete HYDRO STORE N'brther o114. pl11111. 1revs 111111 shrubs around his phi's. or Ila•* w-Itlt- uut thew depends upon his answer r to the question whether 11e prefers a visit of clod green and 'lowers, or a Sobers, This in no disparagement of 11 1 1 our wonderful lawns. and gardens of hoth auuuats am! perennials. Ina ttu•X_Qu,uut far euoug i — rat to r. Isar. haps, they donna go high 411'11)th \i•1 - titer a 1I1111PP 11)1' 1 gurl.•u x:111 1»e ',outdid.. without a background. 111111 it ha 11jalII the ins... shrubs sod yin.•. with 1keir denser masses of ioliage Duo we i'1list depend for the rffe•Is 4chich give sol1dhtj• 11111 a feeling of depth to our grounds. Impatience for results often .deters pole from {dentine trees and .the larger. slower -growing shrttha. The beet reply to titin objection 111 the old saying: -Young men cannot wall for a tree to grow. Ohl men plant orchards and live to gather the fruit from therm." 1'.rtalnly fpr the hare new lot, Or the nld hack -yard that 110.4141 regeneration, nothing 411 I1 roallmlrve with ahruhbery planting and, ima for the ereatloi of a s•tt1e1.. dee %eloped, livable appearance. So fortunate are we in .Ilwntic Ods SMI d. tl ,nl 140f rtarllt 10414141) Sera PtM'0 J. ON, 5104 • • Fig'. C.Q(1.41.114 14cANAriOfl f•ci Wig. tingle or 111141+ may obtain fr u either titre 1htu,h41ou or the Ontario D1•part- 11/e11t Of Agriculture eowphete lists with euougli deacrlptlou to eenab one to wake wise selections. Thew' Hata • . I. Hole prepared. (Cotton' forked. .t few sols place) therein an.I fertile soil oti these. • • 2. The )oong tree in position with ils root $)stem properly spread so that fine soil may be shaken in amongst the roots, e nn he had for the asking. except that the Ontario 1Mplrtment makes •u Intlo g throughout �hoot ro st of nu n small charge to residents of other l'rnvinees• In digging from the bosh care must be taken to pick out aced- Iing saplings. not sucker growth from the roots of older trees. The list of possible evergreens Is almost as prolific in interesting sug- gestions. In it there are six calors, three of which are of general use- fulness and easy culture. There are three cepresaea for use in warmer me'tions such am the Niagara Penln- aela and on the Pacific coast. The three fire listed are hardy every- where and are among our most beau- tiful evergreens, though they dislike cultivation. Six junipers. alx pines and six *prude* are given places and there are a few important singles. Fish ns native hemlock. and the de - (idioms (sniffers. the larches. This list affords a type 4.1 tree for every gen.-Ude need. Front It one Why 114. es•t anything from the low -growing forum for foumlation plantings to the oda that we need Dot ask %hat we 1.:I a -grow. for almost everything of desirable importance will grow. The gnisttun becomes: What shall we• grow 7 In reply. the range of ehletlle i. so great that no Mottle talk cnitlfrinv- el. it. but we shall take a shot at trees first. There are between thirty and forty varieties of -trees that can be grown anywhere that the whiter tem- perature at Its worst Is not lower I'lhau :45 below zero, and between fifty aryl sixty varieties can he grown when• the minimum Is seldom lower than 25 degrees below. .1s a result of t•zpwrimeuts under Dominion (Government auspices the f•,lll.wing trlr's liar,' I,.ell, for the hast ten yearn, recommended for both Isniey and hardtnesa: Sugar or Rork Maple. Rel Maple. Norway Maple, White Atilt. Green Ash, )fallen -hair Tree. Oriental Thine. Carolina Pop- lar a11'."tern (ITtonwoodI, Russian Poplar. lied Oak. Pin Oak, Ameri- 1.41n Litnlenn (Basswood), and Amerl- rein Elm. To this list can be added with safety the Red Ash, all our na- tive heehes and hitches,. Scotch Sim, Silver or soft Maple. Wier's Cutleaf Maple: White Oak, native Plane or ----- — sycamore Maple, and half a dozen kind's of poplars. Detailed description of all these tar's is quite impossible here. and rather uner•wtary anyway. The important matter Is to Dick the tree for the purpose for which it Is to be nsc'11. Even the ugly little r.nlni-Inpprl catalpa has On place In tory rigidly laid out, small grounds. Roth the nntire and the imported rolor.1 beeches rare unrivalled as mingle npe•irti'0n trees for lawns and perks. The maples, elms and oaks are our great standby shade trees. and the soft maples, lindens, asllpa and white elms get their Innings when rapid growth is a prime re- quirement. - - Tree iista Free. trle•liou and purpose should Ise romp letely 1Itterdet4lWlPtlt. Any re - Potable nurseryman can be rolled upon fo gine proper recommendations and descriptions of trns for any purpose. It is wise, however, to patronize only those firms -whirl' gar.' n guarantee of truenem to name, and have made a reputation of living up to It. Those who wish to dig their own from the North side of Square Gederich MR.BUDCE SO WEAK COULD HAROLY STING Tells How Lydia LPinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health Riveraninmr I woad ldbeu - severe pain D i would be un - a able to walk f weld not stand for any length of thee to do my ironing )r washing, hat I spool/ have to lie down to get relief hem the pain. 1 had this for about net years then a friend told me t y Igdla E. Pink - had good results. sertalnly got good results from It,ae the last time I had a sore 'ideas' Ifeyd 1 have not had it ma glad of 1 think s a y baby,and I it ie yot, that help..' in this V. BUDGR, iver Desert Quebec. f you are from the tortures of displaosrnamt. aritles, back- ach headaches, or a pain in side aq cpould loin no time in trying LydiaR. nektons Vegetable Com d. Lydia . Ptnkham's Private Text - Book upon " Allman Peculiar to Wo- men "will be sent on rsquat Write for it. to y4s upK Pinkham Medicine Co., Ontano. This book contains Information that every woman know. 0 futlnre because are overlooked. E moved successfully o important tracts rgreens enunot be hen they are dor- mant. The sap' e'f this family of pinnas is of a heavy, and contains a large easily evaporated to sap must be In a, fluid co Ding. when the slants are must be remembered also t dry never to move agaitl jd your heel( is turned. Conifer transplanted should be helped 'o re- tain all taw earth their roots will carry. As soon as they are out of the ground they 111001(1 he covered with wet hags or cloth. Never let the MU or drying wind strike the roots. As. sslu as they are out of the ground they sl Id be got- into their new quarters with no delay at all, firmly tramped in and well watered. Water- ing during any excessively dry spells for thefirst summer will he sure to help 111 giving them a good start, k The Five Clematises. Among hardy elirntters our ponslble seleetlon In much more limited. Al- most everywhere In Canada the Vir- ginia ('reaper rand its two close rela- tions. the Illinois and Engletnnn Isles. with theft approximate time of can he grown with no fear of failure. ggiven into b14)°1.. �The hest self -climber r of all is one with The Accompany ng diagrams show clearly the proper i`ay to plant young stock, whether ther it has been mirscry grown or dug from the bush. They visroas nature Iroptrtiou of ntine. This clition. run - moved. It t iA will t while being four well-known kind* of honey- , suckle need little reference and no re- . eommeodatlon. They are hardy, feat growers, profuse bloomers, and the moat fragrant of 441l our Iuweriug climbers. Plant Foals in Too Solt. The climbing roses would need a amen book fur dei'ertptiou and mug- gestluua on selection. 1t must ant• flee that when one buys any of the Van Fleet hybrids, hr is sure of name - thing flue. l'aul's Scarlet Climber Is au improvement on the ('rlwson Rambler type, but Crlmaun htanllter, Dorothy Perkins. Illawathe. Awerl- eau Pillar and Taudseudsheu can all be highly fetsnum •Ilded. The flowering shrubs present an ewl,arrassmeut of riches. There are 'v le 5. Iinw to White the new tree.. Re- move the ends of branches, but tlo not cut back to a bare pole. kn cl gel seen longed It is 1 e Il lel R On the ae�ect lOn Of sideral I t con- tained Inlist 'or which the Italie is indebted o Prof. A. 11. Tomlinson, of Ontario�gricultural College. Se- lections from\Gott list are therefore many of them and so nwuy of in are beautiful that one hardly we what to -choose. The first priu- of shrub selection should be t) a group that will give as pro - a flowering seatem as ptsalbl0. ssible to give better advice f g.4•` r•z_ 0t orn. :I•o1(D J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer 4111 culls promptly attend) eti to day or night 'PHONES e 335 Residence 358w Hamilton Street, (: oderiek - AND BAGGAGE SERVICE meets n'I trains. Calls made for ere and baggage to any pert of •n. Prompt service gnarm11tead. ephone 51, Day or Night R. R. STOWE PP, Cambria head, opposite the Organ Factory Office M'Mew. 14410,0Ir WOWS $LGr101 Worth $100 to Me elieved Eczema andPiles" kfa. Peter A. Palmer, Saltburn, mak., writes Chau'* Ointment has completely relieved mock aft czema Parc 1 also used this Ointment feczema. baby, fens applications were all that was necessary m her case. Dr. Chains Ointment has been words a hundred dollars to me, --before using it 1 had spent a great deal more than that in unameeeesful treatment from doctors. We have also assert Dr. Chase's other medicines. the Nerve Feed having restored my heahh after suffering from severe nerve trouble when a girl." Dr. Chase's Ointment a Ma. er 4. a►1ww or , r4•111aeom. nesse • lb.. fats Twwleee 3, The tree well planted w-Itit trap soil well tramper) In around the feed- ing routs and :1 nt11rl of lou.e 1.11 on tap to preterit drying out. thick and hardy v1rlcthw for form wined -breaks. The planting of evergreens in re- cent rears has done more for the appenrnne of farms• suburban rand 1.117 homes than any other form of decoratIon. The Introduction of globe cedars. mugho pines, and the. Jnpin- ese junipers of low -growing. thick hnhiI has made it possible to 011,1110 is all tlp••!enr green ninny n Imre and unsightly w-aII. Th. eonicnl or pyra midally form- rare a newer -failing .sheep of d4i44 for Any garden or grounds. The craze for planting 1h• -r spire like fors as individual show speOmeno has hnpplly given plane to the* DMP with o0h. r mhrnhs. hath ever- green sod dell . an41 the results are vastly more Interesting and ',leadoff. The tranaplanhing of evergreens Is an art; simple, yet often attend's' with tt 1. The proper time to !lake a tree or bush is when it is planted. Slakes ran then bre pl so that there is no breaking of la. wh1ch wap take .l1 plant It. it is Amo' uualy known in Boston Ivy. Ja and (lerman Iv. hardy onlshie o f Southern Ontario 141141 parte of the Pacific coast. The pee Clematises are all hardly in all but the most northerly ports Of the country. They should be given as much winter prot4ctton as possible. but 1t la important that they he so wrapped Hutt air Is not totally exclud- ed from either roots or stems. The Jeekmanil types (purple end white) and the Coecinen (rad) rare the slow- est grow'ra of the family and aboull not be nubJPcted to great variations of temperature. The smith sill, of n null is n poor place for tll'111, as Ihr 41lfferen.es 1s•Id`e•n lac :104 night 1{enp•rnrnres In the spring are apt to Ile tot grant for them. Clematis t'an- Willett( and Vital'b -are very rapid growers and usually pence hardier than the JackmnnhI. Trumpet vine and ihtehmnn's ripe rare sere, stwrdy growers for Sonthern (►ntnrio, and will do well ns far north as i,nk. urat- ca'. Trumpet cInc needs 101s of room mud will reward Hob cultivation with s profusion - of brilliant mid - sib u11uer flowers. The flowers of Dutchman's 'ripe, though they Ore the vine its name, ar' entirely aer'II dory- 1i' It. foliage. 1t hears large kale.. of n ieautiful green and is a flref.lass ahn1l0 plant for verandahs rand rhers. ilwlra WHY, the trite Eugllsh Ivy. Is hardy only In Snnthern Iintorio and on the western coast_ in ant14' other sortlnna It ran he grown as a ground rover plant when 1t Is very well mulehat with 10011 strew 01 a geo11 1111111 01 fallen leaves. The era whenever we oils Veltehlt, Pari- fferett . Ioealltles ns nese Ivy. Engllablvy This vine is not ear es Varnishes & Ptjlnts SURFACE SATISFACTION ‘11011.1111..1.111111100.1 !C Alaf,iS` ti3tlLtdJ !1 v 729ants Me When Painting choose Scarfe's —not only beautifies but safeguards your home from wear and weather. . Scarfe & Co., Limited r titled Mace and Factory - Drwaderd, pet, VARNISHES PAINTS ENAMELS STAINS forever)/ purpose C.C.LEE coa.a.e ROBERT WILSON Frost Fence Hard Wood Bald Hay Baled Straw \ Homestead Fertiliser Rock -faced Shingles Rubber -tired Buggies Phone 165 FOR Haniltoe Street GODERICH need no explanation! hilt some rea- sons for close adherence to the meth- od will be of value, Diagram No: 1 allows is large hole with the bottom well dug and top soil put in. The extra size of the tote Is to allow the developing rootlets *44 have well worked, soft soil in Which to spread. and to provide the !largest possible foraging, ground for fled. Top soil Is shown at one side of the holo and subsdl at the other. Thin is to allow the replacement of the top soil Im- mediately in contact tact with the roots. while the subsoil la put hick on top. It is the top soil that contains the 101m11s 01111 plant foods. 1)Iagram4No. 2 shown the roots of a tree properly spread. Bunched rota cannot find enough Reed for the plant and are likely to decay. doing more harm than gasl. Ns. 3 shOws the completed job and hi self-explanatory. Diagram 4 demonstrates the best method of ettk- • Inge It. tat. nerds no explanation. Shrubs seldom need muck pruning when they come from the nursery; but the cutting back of transplanted trees 141 very Important. Diagram No. 5 shows about bow ttils should be done. The object is to ensure a ahap'ly tree. Boot Systeme are always more or leas broken by digging mad it is essential Hutt 'the top growth be redneed to erorrertpond. Where roots are badly broken they, tow. should be cut back to elan surfaces having a downward slope. This encourages the produ•- Hun of it new fibrous root system. Wester!' farmer and his nos• bitten off by n horse. Probably nagged 1t. A I).•trolt judge give n woman d1- 1 vorce paper* when , all• swore her ,tsualni rad had afx) ewsethoarts. From I this angle it looks Aa if tau' gentle - •1111111 was merely paying protection money by ha%lag a wife. R CANADA'S NATIONAL PLAYGROUND Canadians are fortunate in their National Racks. in that they have within their borders Alpine scenery which is not hpl,llrl anywhere on the continent, and more and more they are reatiring tha4 holidays in Canada hold for the lover of out -of- floors all the thrill* that could he found anywhere in the world.• Jasper National Park contains many high peaks, eternally snowcapped, and on the sides of the mountains arelaciers which have stool the test of ages. Millions of tons of ice, stretching, in some instances, almost as far as the eye ran are, lure the adventurous climber to new attempts, while to the calm, peaceful valleys, wild pm. of all kinds live at pyre with mankind and the world. Additional bungalows for the se. commofation of guests are to be erected at Jasper Park Lodge, the lag -cabin hostelry of the Canadian National Railway at Jasper Na- tional Park, in time for the opening of the 1924 season It is announced by officials of the Hotel Department, ( anadian National Railways. During last season the popularity of Jasper National Park was so great that the capacity of Jasper Park Lodge was taxed, and the Additional bungalows being provided Oda year will take care of many more guests. Four 4 -room bungalows, each room with bath, arid- two 12-rarert bungalows, each room also having private bath, are being erected. In addition, s double deck boathouse, with the upper floor for conventions. eta., is being constructed, and an octagonal curb building is being built near the main Four new buildings are being Lodge. • to serve u employers qquarters, the kitchens are heing estended sad the main lounge 1s being enlarged to provide for a ladies' reception room and fora men', billiard end card room. The lodge hone of the beset summer n ewts en the Continua,