HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-24, Page 5Teur`day. .11,1.:1 :1. i'e1•i h THE SMOOTH, QUICK, EASY SHAVE Every man desires a quick, easy. smooth shave. No time to be loot in the morning. No disfigured, scratched face after. No need of being without a good Safety Razor, for we make this special offer of a GILLETTE SAFETY itAZOR WITH THREE BLADES for ',\'e k 8 8c SPECIAL SALE PRICE e',ery other shaving necessity to go with them. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 The Square, Goderich Local Agent for Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup DOUBLE CREAM FOR WHIPPING des i't enjoy delirium. Lfile ol errant . Yonscan peocure 1 Article, Ir 11 our Dairy, at 'n4, ry t•,re daily (rxctpt Y ,. G. KIDD God 'ch Poultry Fanta. 1ST. ACGESTLNE. Iter 1 int lug friends to AshIlcld for 1 uwlglibors.) dine weeks. I •Mr. iiowatt mad. a Teri imitable Mt... mesh. Thomsen» visited Luk reply, ostler wipe meek wa` served. burn frteuda one day last week. I - Mete Betsy al..11llster visited friends Ion Itiy tit one day last wee(:. St. Angustine, April 22. - Mr. and mrs. ' John Thompson itpent ty with Auburn friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. Moyer spent Mon- day wl Ilse latter's mother, Mrs. E Brophy all.. visiting Allister. Miss Mae home for the Parks. of Dungannon. is ant: " Mee Mason • wood, of Toronto. 1s ►oliday. Minxes It.b•. and Lucy Thompson are hone- from Wingham High School. Messrs. Gordan, Joe and Sam. Jeffer- son are spending i1u holidays at tbelr home here. ..'"''I'mr MIs. Lottie Johnston is home from &,,a Sturgeon FaIls this week. . e1.= Moe Margaret Jefferson of Automobile teem Get Your Marke from J. W. MacVicar at Geo.. MacVicar's Shoe Store. north side of. Square, Pent Office Brit 414 Goderich It's None too Soon to make appointments for Portraits t use. as Easter remembrances. J. T. FELL rises187 t.oderkb NOTICE 1 wilds to anaemice to for brYete of Goderich and llietrii•t that I have opened an 11.-t1,-dna• Shoe Repair Shop on Colborne street. at ti , 1..,.i the Bank of cotnwerce Your patronage ► ,.i( nisi. W. J. BRIDGE find M1►. Irene, of lent -ter, r. me foethe holiday. Me. W. Nixon has returned 1 e'ef= VMa,.1e taw tee You're Tired Out Let Us Measure Your Windows for Those New Window Shades Y o u Need 'e have all sizes and colpra in stock, and we maize any size of shade to order, Two color shades in white and greed, Cream and green, white with pretty .mored chintz backs. All plain colors in green, cream. white. We hang them for you free • of charge. Kirsch Flat Extension Rods k,pDouble and Triple Thrsek.I`i., r r OM aim is to give satisfaction and good value Smith's Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street -i BELFAST. Itelfast. April 22. Seeding 1s tb• ',riI,'r of We 4111 ill Ili, burg. Our teacher, Miss. Johnston. ea spend - 1111: the }alter cartltton at her lode dear (tent `nitti.l. Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Hunter and dau- ghter, of Zion. spent Sauday at the Lunn. of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers and dau- ghter Lenore. of Dungannon, netted at . he home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hack- ett un Sunday Lost., )1r. and Mea. Willson Irwin visited with their son. Mr. Gordon Irwin, one ,lay reently. Mr. Will Alton spent Sunday with (retails in Lueknow. Miss Pearl Raynard, of Paramount. is Hefting her slater, Mrs. Walter Al- ton. Mr. and Mrs Bert Treleaven and family. of Crewe, visited with friend• in the burg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin spent Sunday with friends in Wawanosh. with nerves all on edge e day has been a hard one and everything has gone wrong Why not relax to musk ? A VICTROLA costs so Tittle in comparison with the real satisfaction it 1 gives. PORT ALBERT. Port Albert. April 1. -An unfnrtnn- ate'aecident took place here last Sat- nrday night. Mr. Wm. Young was rfdieg with. Albert McGee in the lat- h•r. car, end a. be was getting out of the ear at Tom Dickson's. where he intended to call, .nnnther car own- ed 1.c Mr. Neil MacDonald. of Kin- tail and driven by his -son William, eamt Mow, , The latter sounded his horn. dlstlnetly and Mr. McGee hear - Ing it warned Mr. Young to stand until the feller 4,1r p.o,lel, but not realizing the danger he was .but Mr. Voting inn.pel for the side of the, road and was caught Lc ehi• fender 'of th.• MtttIonald ear and, thrown in Muth a pnsitkin that hi. leg Wes eauget and broken in lw'o places. The people of the village and neighborhood (tx- t.end emelt. sympathy .to him in his suffering. Mr. ed. Oliver took soddenly ill 4n Saturday night. suffering from an at - lark of acute Indigestion. Dr. Gallow was called and Mr. Oliver is said to 1... slightly improved. + Mr Jacob Consins. who has been working on the grain boats in Gode- rich for the ptn few weeks. is home include a missionary rnmenee, "Robert ow. I and alert"; also -The-Clinic of a )tier ft town. ler'mnth.r. who before her . itts :Minnie Dickson loft last week Conary Sis•etalist." Admission 2:w•: marriage was Miss Minnie redline. for •a erieli hospital.. where she is in,.hildMn ander tee i,' years fres. having f ei•ti ,a 'well-knnw•n 1;t$11: exit .ruin ,Report of Dungannon Publie School. girl. Messrs. Robert Hoy and Charles .rhe following p•reentages show the • Petrie Tutsdac tyr )<+trt_So1• atgnding of the Pupifs in the senior• twee. fro wldeb port their boat. • the (rv>• u of IlnnSnnuun public w•hilnl, as S.S Winona . 0.111 mall. taaJ1-1 on weekly' examftintluns from' At the annual uie•titg of !lie \ 'ties' Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart .nil .ld S..•lety t4 Virion:: strut Mit,tn- 11 ,1e daughter. of near Auburn. quit I JnMin 1.y till. Easter: Those marked nndny Lr t p+aan•ntal tine tluts a• i were agent for tensor more 'List rh.nn h the follow ingi of&err tire. exnmlintiona: le•t ilc 1'1.# id.nt. Mr -.'H. Pawn: site. Miss. Marion Tigert is home from . Sr. Fifth -F.. F. }I1 its 67. L. aft pr.sld.nis, Mrs. \1..tbrnnke and ape-. her school fit Auburn far her Eneter 1 CI ..g ''1 RR J. W. Healey: secretary. Mrs. R. r. DKNOANNON. Dungannon, April 23.-M r. and Mrs. Fred Fowler, of WIneIwls.•a, vldttedV u: friettds lu • the tillage neer the of g BMWS Mr. Elwood Thompson is visiting parents In Toronto utu this w.k. The Menesetung canoe club I. hold ing an at-home this (Thursday) evening. Ile sure to read the first Instalintet The Si nays new ,:.rials ^The week end. Nobody Knew." Page Ii of this home. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker. et Clint The following teachers :ire home ton, were among the }aster ci-lour. h, for Easter holiday"; Mire I. Case, of town. Toronto; Mtge L. Ryan. Tor+,uto; Miss The \l'umen's Iluspitul .lmlltAny is having a 'wog-re..i%e "tlte hands.4I.. nod dunce at the Masonic Tempi.. on Friday evening. Huron Lodge. No. 112, parade 10 St. Georges church nest Plumley' morning, in observance of floe i0:eth anniversary of the under. E. Pentland. Ancaster; Miss Margaret Pentland, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. McEachern and Miss Amber McKenzie. of London. spent Easter at Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKen- zie'". Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harris and family, of Stratford, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Allen. Misr; CIara Sproul, of Stratford, spent Sunday at her home here. \itsses Frances and Lily Mclean, of Lucknow, are spending the Easter week with their brother, Thomas. on the farm. Rev. P. S. Banes. of Auburn. .will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday, April 27, in the interest of the work of social bervke and evangelism. Rev. J. Peter* will preach at Auburn on Educational Service. The annual meeting of the Goderich Women's institute w•11 lw held at the horse of Mrs W. Met -With. St. David's etteet. nn Thursday. 3t y 1. at 3 p.m. The dlstriet president, "Yrs. W ightman, of Blyth, will be gree tut. Mins ('rra,e. Sonley, of the O.C.L. bas been sue•e•ssful in winning a gold medal and engraves' eerttfeate en the Remington typewriter. • She had al- ready won three medal'. on the Cndcr- wond typewriter. We congratulate Niles Smoky of her mastery of type writing. Ree J. and Mrs. Peters and lather- S.eding time is here, We st 11 ire motored to London on Tuesday of Gncernmeur staudanl Forte' ldehcd. this week and will return on Friday. for treating grain' ueaiest •that u tents per istnnil. ('.tafl'ItEl.T. S teT(Dlt E. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross spent a couple oY days this week with friends up,at Amb rley and Lochalsh. tern• T1lornpwo. 1111% n tnni +l ti, 1 e Mrs. Wm. Shackleton has returneddon ,after visiting- her ib.uttt .1 1 rv, home from Ow Sou. where she had w .S Hardy. for some time pms • at r. spent the winter, slut 31rs. \11tih•..a I , 11, tt. n . e.w'•re • Mr. Geo. Harris hny pun ha eIl a };aster _nests at rite Reelory new Melenghllt ear. Mrs. Ralph MiIler, of. Cleveland, The play, "Safety First," will be (lltto i+ In town. Friday given In the .p)arlFls hallon night by the -Arthur Circle of Knox The 'mond committee n poleterl 1 church, Goderich. the county council Inst January lei Mr. G. M. McKenzie. manager of, the -equalize t'i.. enlist road. nese•-tq^nt'in Sterling Bank, k, epee, }:nater at Toronto. lluron tenuity. e,aisistiuit of, •11.•evt• Mrs. Manson Reid has returntd A. 11. Neel., of $t.ehen. It••,ve M. home from Lucknow. -where "she had spent a few weeks under the doetor's care. Mr. Bruce Gray, of Toronto. Will re- turn to hake charge of the Presbyterian enngregattons at Dungannon Reid mart Albert on Friday of elle week. Serv- iette will be condaeted in thea. churches at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. On Friday. May 2. therm will be a literary entertainment in Dungannon Methodist church, to he given by the C.G.I.T. of Victoria street Methodist church. Goderich. The program will .Armstrong. of I(ull.tt, tied County Clerk O. tV,.Itolmatt i•.tuplct.•d Its work thl, week. Malty readers. of Tlee Signal n ill. be Intere-tell in the entwine -intent tent of tate welding of Miss. Norma Ann Crews. dangleer of Mr. P. B. Crews of Toron- it. whieh took play*. on Thur lay last, at Bluer street Baptist . huri•h. Toron- to, the groom "befog Samuel H. Hall, sou of air. and Mrs, H. L Hall. of Ha- milton. Rev. W. A. Cameron °rh•latrel. Imnu'dhatety after the (rem•ite% the ceint couple left for New York'. 'ilii• bride is a ti..44 of Mr. W. C. Pridham. CHURCH NOTES_ NOW READY FOR BUSINESS With a Full Line of Men's Furnishings -- HATS - \en,+t Shade•. in 'Men'. Felt 1late. Yricee from :4.00 to 54.80 Mad.-to-M.amere Clothing- 1 n•- 1•nts•nt ittt 1,1i vg 1'iolLutl,: 1,.uu,g: Price- r i,'u,g from 330.00 to *68.00 Always at !Pour service for Dry ClMning and Pressing Phone 339 South Side of Squaw. 1.I • n r n t inn. akar school tea•her. .•ft ter ler hots. at Ti Intends %pending olfilay., John Tleert nuloadtd „ie week tenter 02. Alan. Pentland fie. Hay huff [,nth morning ant t1•ennlg. Morning ♦ • •uhJe•t. "Th. Marie of the Kingdom." •111, y Par (lean 4:3 Henson Yolte 40•, Mary Park Z:a'. }:veulcg snhJ.rt. ;'Thr iue!Iom ;of the Jr. Fourth. -Margaret Ryan 71. Do Milner." i'ou are Inti 1- t.. Join la othy Allen (iR, Marie Ryan 66, Stuart"f tip's[• eerri.... narh Cr2 Roniuhl I\ Regular. Sabbath .envier. n Kn••v 'Met, IJr.F.. JFifth-Myrtle Nf11Ib (r,1, Edna Prwtrlctl:wnit •: treasurer. airs. (:: • is. Jean Rabb, Park Ret, F. Pentland (t•1•, Josnph R Ilse tt. • water. where Petrie 112' Nisbet Smith -42, France!: The anniversary •ertb'r• in 1.411- 1 K1•, net•tian with the \'h•torta street Meth - Sr. Fourth -Mary Ander+tn 7T. telly '.•list elmreh.•ill be held next rtuedny a ca rot cls mint H •id`0f1. Frank Savage .aa Call Begley., April 27. Rev. J. 1'. lteyeraft will he r . 07. Ec.1 -n Culbert et2• Herman Care prow•nt anti wRly.ondn.t toe ..emit e•+. AUBURN. Autumn, April Let. -Mr. and Mrs. 'Annul Titu lar motored from Detroit. ,fid are vial Ale their pnr.nts. Mr. and (ourtiee 8:t. Erma R , \I rs. D. Hamilton. and Mr. anti Mrs. Pentland 57. Emily 3f,•('Ittr.ri0.-1'. 1 Taylor. Tiley w,•1.,• a' .tmesenle.t be ROSS. Principal. Jnulor Room: Jr. 111 -(Total- 625. pass 375.) -Arthur Brown ii50, Nancy Kleff 495. Willie rallivrviI 302. I;.t rg- Moore 1 . 11 -(Total 700. pass 420.e--reeler- Inv Peters 6656; Benson Caldwell 3c9. I Eldon Culbert 519. (:rase Young 1104 { Ire with her. Arthur Duff 477. Corn Stele; 420 ,l - MIs.. sok, Carter. n•hn hind hetet bin Reid 413, Everett }:rringtgn 342. 1 -(Total 500, pass 3410.1 -Wilfred Pentland 4:`,0; Harvey Mule 342. ' Primer (Total 332. pass 1115.1 - IIron for n few weeks& to node[ Mr. At. Clair. 1'gntland 3111. Helen Anderson bert Jewett.wholone1wtnRht a gree- ;I':• -tuna R. -..l 410. •Fred Barlow S. try hu.iteaa (brae. - t Amy toting 252, Bert Wheeled :15: Mrs. Wm. Holi:neon is reeitln: leer A Hese-Alma.Nirina. Ellen Smiley, mother at ('lit ion B. class, -Carman Halne'. - Mrs, T. Mellreen, of Ciliate). Int \tIsit- Nnmher"on roll. 2..5' ; average attend- ing at H. Sturdy,, ane., 20.--=M. M. DI'RNIN. Ten. -her. - aireeeiohn Lawton 'has leen riot- 1 Ing tier daughter,. Sirs. W. afonntaln. Lieutenant -Governor tN Quebec. Mr. Ivey Farrow. Mr. !tarry Beadle. of Detrnit, .pent tee Raster holiday et his homie here. Rev. W. 11 .tip's sister visited at the NEW Hair Dressing Parlor 1 wish to announce to the pubic that 1 have opened up a new Geste' Hair Dresnng Parlor in the prow ises formerly occupied by the late Hugh Dunlop, on West Street. 1 also wish to announce that • I diei Parlor will be opened shortly. W. C. CAMPBELL mange over the holiday. Mrs. tvcy's mother. tat Smith's Fall'. •end her sister, Irina (tttitna ars visit - visiting at ite•troit. returned home Sat- urdav hasn (' 1gone t Frank 11 ttM'rt Ir. RT► - a MODELdNEATAE eek of April 15 to slay 3. Monday and Tuesday i; it II 11t1) 11tItTIIE1.'IE?SS and IDOR(ITHi I41011 in their greatest attrectimm "THE BRIGHT SHAWL" I abet Mermaid Comedy • "There He ( ions." Wednesday and Thursday }:I.I,IOTT DEXTER and LOIS W11'.011, in a De Mille Prodi lIOn IISI.h TIIIRTI -EIGHT" \loris Protn.t in "His Hidden Purpose . Friday and Saturday TOM MiX in a picture replete with thrills and action I' nil t.•et Srtndny will. 1e, el hr u• tnIniater. S1110.et'. of tempo.: 11 a fib., "Able In Ito the Seemingly ina- isinsiI.Ii" ; 7 p.m.. "From Humble Birth in High Station." Sabbath t1. ho.d- and 1111 1. ela..es at 3 ti -'bet. The ...mon t ,I.Jert` at North .tr'ct Methodist elntr.It 111'1(1 Sunday will he: '11 n.nt.,, "Fater Tealntonle. retiesetn- Ing the' Christlnn :Religion - - Pall. Angn.tine. Luther anti Wesley" 7 p.m.. eel nrtlie ao elate -W bteh ?" Men's ChM nisi ehnroh classes at 10 aim Scholl find Rll.h• einsw•s fit 3 teen, ort e tat e1.. and cisltnrg teeny. w 1 m . , sane y At the animal meeting of the Wn- m:bi s Missionary S.e•i.ty of North street Mt•tihelist ehnr•h, ,fffeer. wore .4e•t.l a. fid?ow•.: Hun. presldeet, Mrs. Le'.h: heli. rare -president, 3tr. Ford: president. Milts 3f. .r. Rols'nt son : 1.1 vieepresldent. M'r-. Girl -In; tad .rbc.-prresitlt•nt. Mrs. J.- Grnhnm: 3n1 d1. president. ' Mrs. J.. H. Col hon.•: reeordlug weretary. alta. W. Currie; n -.Intent ..•cretary.' %Re r' Welsh: eorr.atnnding' •rrre'nry, Mr.. Mier: trea.nrtr. Met. 0. An- .tn•we: stronger' tweretary,. Nlri. F. Ellfett t 'w-r.4ary of Chrl.tteit efts• ir..Isltlp, Mrs. Tlnclsleen; .uperintend int ..f circle. Nita, }loin..; snls•rin- '.ndents of Band. MU-... 30a ney end itc}Idferd ; Outlook superintendent. Nes. \VnshlnRtnn: pintilst ails Jenk- CRAIGIE'S Estate and Insurance FOR SALE ory r..1 Irriek' fully moiler: eight-roumel holies, fall Iii e Forane•..itoatel corner Eii;Ni ,ice, nand :nanny ,lre•t catenate sirs saki.. Price 53.340. w0 -story feat:+- .•igb1-1•,..111:,1 Fo•ft`.. .1, •telt 1h:hl, sewer and oilet, two 1.?.. Thi• pr.•l.'rtc ;i- to. r:i•14.1sos •'Auditing. fie=wly d v,rated iu•ide :itid oat. 1'011„ r 0.n!u atsl 1:L.k.• street•.. Inl- ay, ii.ie 1,s'..••dna.lt.rille *1.591) Gond tenter. rlre- tery.fruiae• •it-r.e.ns..t buuitulow, ,14.411.114 1114111. ai/oitt Iws tens. of ian with good fruit. tees. :oated tai the south .eel. of suit Dead. eley1.1 Township. 1,umt;diate seem...ton Prier 51,105. • stth•' i .tIaZ may 1.• t:.ei at the albs. `\ J. W. CRAIGIE i near Londr°lwrro, The Hoe. Narctese i'erodeau, Mr. John Yonngblut, of Kltiliener. LL.D., Who has been appointed Lieu- t. visiting friend' in tints vclnby. ' tenant -Governer o1 Ase Province of Mr. Charlet. Scott, of Kitchener, Quebec, in succeMlun to the late Hon. rielt4 with friends here -over the L. P. Brodeur, bas the unique dIstlnc- hollday. tion of never havint taken any active Mr. Wm. Deer visited -Mr. ,Roltert part in twinkle. apart from behind S,•ntt. who 1a with hie 4'.ughter. Mrs. the stage, and of never hating 'ad - Jewell, of Colborne. We are Read to dressed a political meeting. hear be Is improving His association with the Provincial Me: 1. Melville.. of l.nndeebsr•t. 1. Parltament dates back to 1897, when be was called to the Legislative dolnR lame decorntiug it the Auburn Council. He became. a member of In., ,The revert. preeenled. elpteed Motes The hfarss want. .ctrcthlnrt ntnt:h ntti,d wren dont.-daring the poet Ent -stet Rib . o-- 'iib t '1••"I z:a1 10 I' \I e'en etc• rt. „1 Ills, Ie. II .. r the general feeds. vibe. tee \':,einem I srmeer for the P- nn 1. -Ile% to the 1'o1- 11.Ip•rR .Less :seen id - 1 c. iw toe tis.. i.s i:.. it.tlitn i•.- arriv.-J iu t..wr. 1.,.1 ,hoar R• i••,;t 1 re rerr:t.d :.,L, from .• 1•• _?n i1..• tvorh. the e\'. N1. +.; 1)..• lig•+;-t.•2 b It . tu- ihe• :4.1;031 sols" ,1 11101 1?14- , , elaeg.i hou,il treivan.t. A.: :rpiv,ii i« b4ii toad.• : the- • earn:abort WA.; ...i411 day ?1,1 the anus' •4 s-•:lal f..1. /he •'teal Laid.., it ,1 fu;:. 11. 4.11.0 41 1h,• lose, h'• /IMA%.rwirt Sro, ,thiel lint .1. 1'. R.k. uta • f 1tt: ,,:f..rd. \t air 1,.• au: .1.-.•i.1 I l,rra,. ! n r 1GOIWR1(11 Mt1RKET,4 'F tr-.lar. apr4t _Lilo. Shorne per t. r ..5111 90 532 (st Bran, pt.r 'nit ry :to 011 31 (M► Hay, 3.-r ton telt......1 is 4111 9 On Hay. 'per ata 41 i, -l....12 1st in 1111, Wbeat. "Asir . Wish. 1..:. t . 1 (aa E►a(sr lwr tin -has. Buckwheat. ter 1 ush.l 1'ntatt+.s. leer Barbey. per hn i ' i .. . ('attle..hole. per .et. Cantle. weeper. ts•r oar Veal -a Orr*, pw:r .'w Hides, (Kr ?t' (Logy, 1w_r ret }'lour: lwittut. yo rats 3 4:. Flno.r, family. per .-wt t _e Putter--rreatie e t «• Itneer. dairy. 1 ,:ti eery. fit.h, .•- nreto•dnte Presentation. -.1 very seeaeant even- ing erne spent fit the home of Mr. end Mfr. (eerie liowatt on Friday, April 1R. when n nnmher of their neighbors gathered together to awed- n .0.1111 evening 1.•forr they left the netghhnr- hatel. The evening w'n. aprnt In play - Ina It Awe also In presenting them with -1 ams Iimp. nvmmpnnlel he tee follnw- Ing metre... which nen. read by Misr -Vit In Nilsen. the pr•.Pntatlnn being made by Mt' ,Ttrs'minh Taylor. Dray Mr..nnd Mr.. tlnwntt--Being aware of your depereire .hurtle from our !Mist. we. pen. neighbors. hare gathered- together to ',trews to you the best wiehes for n long life of hap - pew.. in the TMrne to which yon are colter Ste nee, with pleasure [het p11 ern net lenvint the nelgt lwtrhnnd n1• tpgether and that .w•. *hall very often harp the npp,trtenitv of meting and the OoWItnment in 1)10 as Minister without Portfolio, and Mace then bee acted its Government leader It the Legislative council, directing th, transaction of business of that body. • Mr. JPerodean was bora at St. Ours, „ county .o( Rich. lieu, Que., on March 40, 1851, and received his education at the Collette of St. Hyacinthe. later taking the law course at McGill Uni- versity, graduating with the degree of B.C.L. He le a notary by prolog - Pion and practically a life member of the Provincial Beare of Notaries, having been secretary from litho 10 1912 and president from 1912 to 1915. He Vas also been professor of law at 1a -t -al t'nlvcrelty (now the University of Montreal) since 10'47. He has also 1,ten men 'cted with many couniwiclul institutions, ouch as director of the Montreal LItht, Heat and Power Consolidated, direc- tor of the Assurance Mount . Royal. flgat viee•-president of La Sauvegarde, ^STE:PPiN(i FAST" stneer•Inr with vim n• to tete pat. vice-president of the Board of Com- Si,u•hine ('0 "Where There's a \Ve fir' fakeer 1111. opptnrtndltc nj missloners tittles Prorlaelal Book of D' « .hawing Yoe in n °mall env nor regar I Canada. rte. • V1111:' ft d ee to R1.. yam and eateeta foe an nvole Mr ..• Perodeau Is a widower, Ida WHO,who was a daughter of the 1515 "}'m News Reel No. 11» sees_ t1. w, ......0 ..,o h., tear. 4t 42 711 75' :,t 111 est .1St r. ,on 4 :0, :. ISI •, (wt .f. 0* IN. 07. . 2.1 7.:.e. :12: In ' iNaptitd CMtreh. The lentll.s .ltl nt"• giving a het Mee at the pe►eonng. Fridity.,•t•cn in from R to 4 .:,'Reek. M.nit.'rs •fire. rt t."1 to m,.'t fit 4 Ii elle k for httdl oess. Ntkt Snmlac, ;lltril 27th. the tont'. ' Popper and1.11entl,nf Allowably iter tau•`prgne ling •,rt•I .' - h, the morning. ' Stint v ellen! n1 10 item. Tatar Jelin F. Tallldnv, of Kinenrd- anP, wltl 11114 h In 11144 t'iiniad nl 7 •i eloek. In the 'lutenist. fir •rrnpol•t home mission■. itnndnv. N1nv 4, R44t. tier. IV. Dewey. of L.nldan, brother of res twister, will Drench beth morning nod teenier. Itt.-lira, ttt-1 tvtr the ales, .'raker', All welcome,' Vittoria `54. ('onercgat'omit NeerHng. Thr smuts! meeting ,•f 1'i, etre' street M,thodl't t•Mureh ung beta nn %fowls! .evening when. • despite nn fibers*t weather. there was n large ettemint.e of the intemb•A of the ,-ttgrtgatl.en Most eneenegin g ' 1.P .lr-tft_.,JJLfeet the hest for enter year.. wee. 'revived fiesta the vet'Inna or 1 Hr- Ctarlbs Buekley. of lit. Ilya- . ,n ' , 1. h. Thi. e :,.neer Mien, and Need. al 1.19 p t nrePtN 11 for If. meet rain-. bat In tree clothe, hiving gird Sons putt its ern. el, Outs.' at•l repwarter, it Ttt!-itt-,• of mei. .plrlt In whfe•h, 11 1. rtr^n. tint este' He will be atatated In shore duties Iv R21ai nhrr t.ntlrlhmttlnR IIM•rnlly to 1 yen say he long sparer' to trite filo the at Spleneerwood by lob danghtot. Lin. the general fnnela Of the .kneel The l „ming-"Z.b7,:1» s, I tt f 111gt1j'll en 154(017 .et your 111sllanna .4 I1c.ateraal t Ia'., T filflaf101ssv. .sem «M v. s me se r,ern H. E. JENNER l Sat. at:1.110• PEMBER'S HAiR GOODS FOR LADIES AND GENTS J. B KNIGHT Hotel Bedford. Goderich TUESDAY, MAY 6th 0o1e• n,:.kiss .,t tee hor.•nwt11d'a Sanitary Pate Int Toupees an.1 'Pegs. New mike -t4 the tenr 1'1.24, in. .hslitp tire' u1:w .ilei.....I.,. sicht- p 1...,t portion. . 31r. knight n, 1•i/swat-trateei 1 give far i.dci,•,• n all swip1 1411441414. • W. T. PEMBER STORES, LIMITED 129 Yonge Street, Torostiu. Ont. Stop! Look! Listen! SAFETY FIRST! JACK HALL, an old towel+ boy, late of I lien's shoe repair depart- ment, wishes to announ( e that he is starting an up - tet -date Shoe Repair Shop on Kingston street, next to W. McLean's feed store, on May 1st. Dont forget the old name. BALE'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP moomommomm Are You Doing It? GETTING YOUR NEW Mattresses, Springs, Strollers, Baby Carriages, New Stoves I Blackstone's Furniture Exchange „n the Ilron.ina3 of t1o.k.rictt Et'eryhody else is doing it. ?the %I -.dues are wonderful. Drop in any time. This is your store. 1'.e it. Of Course You Must Dress Up For the Fine Days Coming Ant how bout your shoes ? If they are tint up, to tht t you eannot I. properly "dreesseed Op..' '\\'e ars pr pard to supply Von with the .1titirr4 and nuts i' mew Sp inR Bisbee+, in a wide range of styles and leather, ulv'••t; reasonable pric'ri. - I Take/a h'nI in'our windows, then step iusidt nod tit on>. 11.4,11f the y`t'i'lea which appeal to vriu. You will appreciate ter 1.p • n11i.1 tiltingqualitits of the new last.. We shall appreciate a call from you. SHARM AN'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE Phone 1151+ \\' RI:(; •'i111;>I \\ tiOUERtL'H 111 erseerso a++*;'tt'+^nt ,r,tra+r+=}HEl .: }it.e 1,i ' ; i f A it` t --r`; l l:,1. f I r. teitt ,I NOTICE •\ „ t - at..1 ..'tupecr- .'1 i I. nil • :Ir. I. r.•tt uotitieci '\ :il :111 I.Z arirsg.•, lilt., 1114Yt;1. t,s;ved frena their hesti.:-.- t Il:.t 1 -1 . 1!i'_e ! ti. \Thal;. \ 1. 'nnitarv' I1.-1•'. to. nreto•dnte Presentation. -.1 very seeaeant even- ing erne spent fit the home of Mr. end Mfr. (eerie liowatt on Friday, April 1R. when n nnmher of their neighbors gathered together to awed- n .0.1111 evening 1.•forr they left the netghhnr- hatel. The evening w'n. aprnt In play - Ina It Awe also In presenting them with -1 ams Iimp. nvmmpnnlel he tee follnw- Ing metre... which nen. read by Misr -Vit In Nilsen. the pr•.Pntatlnn being made by Mt' ,Ttrs'minh Taylor. Dray Mr..nnd Mr.. tlnwntt--Being aware of your depereire .hurtle from our !Mist. we. pen. neighbors. hare gathered- together to ',trews to you the best wiehes for n long life of hap - pew.. in the TMrne to which yon are colter Ste nee, with pleasure [het p11 ern net lenvint the nelgt lwtrhnnd n1• tpgether and that .w•. *hall very often harp the npp,trtenitv of meting and the OoWItnment in 1)10 as Minister without Portfolio, and Mace then bee acted its Government leader It the Legislative council, directing th, transaction of business of that body. • Mr. JPerodean was bora at St. Ours, „ county .o( Rich. lieu, Que., on March 40, 1851, and received his education at the Collette of St. Hyacinthe. later taking the law course at McGill Uni- versity, graduating with the degree of B.C.L. He le a notary by prolog - Pion and practically a life member of the Provincial Beare of Notaries, having been secretary from litho 10 1912 and president from 1912 to 1915. He Vas also been professor of law at 1a -t -al t'nlvcrelty (now the University of Montreal) since 10'47. He has also 1,ten men 'cted with many couniwiclul institutions, ouch as director of the Montreal LItht, Heat and Power Consolidated, direc- tor of the Assurance Mount . Royal. flgat viee•-president of La Sauvegarde, ^STE:PPiN(i FAST" stneer•Inr with vim n• to tete pat. vice-president of the Board of Com- Si,u•hine ('0 "Where There's a \Ve fir' fakeer 1111. opptnrtndltc nj missloners tittles Prorlaelal Book of D' « .hawing Yoe in n °mall env nor regar I Canada. rte. • V1111:' ft d ee to R1.. yam and eateeta foe an nvole Mr ..• Perodeau Is a widower, Ida WHO,who was a daughter of the 1515 "}'m News Reel No. 11» sees_ t1. w, ......0 ..,o h., tear. 4t 42 711 75' :,t 111 est .1St r. ,on 4 :0, :. ISI •, (wt .f. 0* IN. 07. . 2.1 7.:.e. :12: In ' iNaptitd CMtreh. The lentll.s .ltl nt"• giving a het Mee at the pe►eonng. Fridity.,•t•cn in from R to 4 .:,'Reek. M.nit.'rs •fire. rt t."1 to m,.'t fit 4 Ii elle k for httdl oess. Ntkt Snmlac, ;lltril 27th. the tont'. ' Popper and1.11entl,nf Allowably iter tau•`prgne ling •,rt•I .' - h, the morning. ' Stint v ellen! n1 10 item. Tatar Jelin F. Tallldnv, of Kinenrd- anP, wltl 11114 h In 11144 t'iiniad nl 7 •i eloek. In the 'lutenist. fir •rrnpol•t home mission■. itnndnv. N1nv 4, R44t. tier. IV. Dewey. of L.nldan, brother of res twister, will Drench beth morning nod teenier. Itt.-lira, ttt-1 tvtr the ales, .'raker', All welcome,' Vittoria `54. ('onercgat'omit NeerHng. Thr smuts! meeting ,•f 1'i, etre' street M,thodl't t•Mureh ung beta nn %fowls! .evening when. • despite nn fibers*t weather. there was n large ettemint.e of the intemb•A of the ,-ttgrtgatl.en Most eneenegin g ' 1.P .lr-tft_.,JJLfeet the hest for enter year.. wee. 'revived fiesta the vet'Inna or 1 Hr- Ctarlbs Buekley. of lit. Ilya- . ,n ' , 1. h. Thi. e :,.neer Mien, and Need. al 1.19 p t nrePtN 11 for If. meet rain-. bat In tree clothe, hiving gird Sons putt its ern. el, Outs.' at•l repwarter, it Ttt!-itt-,• of mei. .plrlt In whfe•h, 11 1. rtr^n. tint este' He will be atatated In shore duties Iv R21ai nhrr t.ntlrlhmttlnR IIM•rnlly to 1 yen say he long sparer' to trite filo the at Spleneerwood by lob danghtot. Lin. the general fnnela Of the .kneel The l „ming-"Z.b7,:1» s, I tt f 111gt1j'll en 154(017 .et your 111sllanna .4 I1c.ateraal t Ia'., T filflaf101ssv. .sem «M v. s me se r,ern H. E. JENNER l Sat. at:1.110• PEMBER'S HAiR GOODS FOR LADIES AND GENTS J. B KNIGHT Hotel Bedford. Goderich TUESDAY, MAY 6th 0o1e• n,:.kiss .,t tee hor.•nwt11d'a Sanitary Pate Int Toupees an.1 'Pegs. New mike -t4 the tenr 1'1.24, in. .hslitp tire' u1:w .ilei.....I.,. sicht- p 1...,t portion. . 31r. knight n, 1•i/swat-trateei 1 give far i.dci,•,• n all swip1 1411441414. • W. T. PEMBER STORES, LIMITED 129 Yonge Street, Torostiu. Ont. Stop! Look! Listen! SAFETY FIRST! JACK HALL, an old towel+ boy, late of I lien's shoe repair depart- ment, wishes to announ( e that he is starting an up - tet -date Shoe Repair Shop on Kingston street, next to W. McLean's feed store, on May 1st. Dont forget the old name. BALE'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP moomommomm Are You Doing It? GETTING YOUR NEW Mattresses, Springs, Strollers, Baby Carriages, New Stoves I Blackstone's Furniture Exchange „n the Ilron.ina3 of t1o.k.rictt Et'eryhody else is doing it. ?the %I -.dues are wonderful. Drop in any time. This is your store. 1'.e it. Of Course You Must Dress Up For the Fine Days Coming Ant how bout your shoes ? If they are tint up, to tht t you eannot I. properly "dreesseed Op..' '\\'e ars pr pard to supply Von with the .1titirr4 and nuts i' mew Sp inR Bisbee+, in a wide range of styles and leather, ulv'••t; reasonable pric'ri. - I Take/a h'nI in'our windows, then step iusidt nod tit on>. 11.4,11f the y`t'i'lea which appeal to vriu. You will appreciate ter 1.p • n11i.1 tiltingqualitits of the new last.. We shall appreciate a call from you. SHARM AN'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE Phone 1151+ \\' RI:(; •'i111;>I \\ tiOUERtL'H 111 erseerso a++*;'tt'+^nt ,r,tra+r+=}HEl .: }it.e 1,i ' ; i f A it` t --r`; l l:,1. f I r. teitt ,I