HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-24, Page 1,.1 ,x t, ay rye.. Are Yon Reading The Signal's series of gardening articles ? This week's article tells how to plant and care for Trees, Shrubs and Vines. Every owner of a hove shgnld read it PAGE 7 SEVENTY-EVENTH YEAR NO. 17 The Signal's New Serial Read the first instalmtitnt of "The Man Nobody Knew," by Holwoi Thy Hall, in The Signal this week PAGE 6 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1924 THE SiGNAL PRLNTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. Personal Mention dlr. Frank Galtow has returned home from Toronto. Meas Ruby Snazel wax holne from Detroit for Easter. Visa Rose Strang was hom from Kingsville this week. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Bol s{iar were Paris over the week -end. Miss Olive Robertson /wail home from Toronto for Easter, Miss Mildred Dougherty was home from Toronto for Easter. Englgeer A. M. Kirkpatrick, of Lon- don. was in town this week. Mia. 0. A. Hodge is apf;nding the Raster vacation at Toronto. Mr. Fred Shannon was up from Ot- tawa for a brief Easter visit. Mr. and Mea. J. N. Abrams, of, To - Tonto. were the week -end guests' of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fraser. Mr. Athol McQuarrie, of Toronto, Was a week -end visitor in town. Miss Agnew Hamlitap,.._w•as home from Streetarille the past week, Mr. Eric Wilson, of London Normal, N in town this week on holidays. Miss L. E. Durum, of Uxbridge, was One of the Easter vlattors in town. Mr. Morgan, of the Union Bank, spent %aster at his home at Ottawa. Mr. Wm. Lane spent Easter In De- troit with his am, Dr. Charles Lane. Mr. Ernest Clark, of MacTier, visit- ed the parental home the past week. Mr. and !gra. C. L. Jackson motored to 1dt. Catharines over the week -end. Miss Vera Wtggina, of Detroit, was among the Easter visitors In town. Mr. J. 7'. Goldthorpe, of New Lisk- eard was to town over the week -end. Mr. Charles Nairn, of Erie, Pa , was In town for a few days during the past week. MIs. Giadya Murray, of London Nor- mal School, is at her home here this Week. Miss Edith Witten% ix spending the )',aster creation at London anti To - ?onto. MIs. Susan Wallis, of Toronto spelt. her brother, Mr. T. 11 Wallis. for Raster. MIs. Dorothy Reil is spending the /Skater vacation at her home at ayner. 31r. "Pat" Murphy, of the Rank of 3(ontreal. Preston, was home for Taster. 311s. Mabel Strang and M1.. Claire ynolds are .pending a few day. at • i ronto. - Principal J. P. Hume is In Toronto I. week attending the D.E.A. een- en t ion. 311.. Doris Harris, of Dietroit, was guest of Mrs, G. Sutcliffe over the -end. Mr.. James Bnehanau and Mrs. W. . ,;allow- hare been spending a week t Toronto. Mr. G H. Gillespie, of the Rank of ontrenl. was In Toronto over the eek-rnd. Slim Peart Knox, of Toronto, $pent the week -end in town, the guest of her. mother, Mrs. John Knox. Mesar.. Ed. Sparr, of lfontreal, and W. P. Sparr of Toronto, spent Easter at the parental home here. Mrs. Geo. H. Smith and sou. Bensou, of Wellandport, spent Faster holidays with Mrs. Leonard Westbrook. Ise Marlon Lee, of Toronto, spent t' - Faster holiday to town with her pare) ., Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lee. Mrs.'loin Schoenals, and baby, of Clinton, a visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ltobt. Jo ton, Waterloo street . Mr. and hrs. Charles A. Nairn have left for a modth'a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hume, of Montclair. N.J. Mr. Jack Herald student at Upper Canada College, Toronto, is risiting his mother, Mrs. Herald, thin week, Misses Jeaele and hope! Foster, of Toronto, ware holidayto of their parents, M. and Mrs, Ada Foster. O sses Laura end Ethel crow, of Toro to, were holiday guests at the home ut Mr. and Mrs. St. ;eorge rice, Mr. ant Min. Frank Briceo, of G nd \'alley, were in town for several days visiting at Yrs. Bricco's parental home. Rev, J. W. Iledley and family are spending the week with the former'e parents at Cayuga, lialdimand county. Mrs. Frank Hillier, of St. Cathar- ines', spent Easter week In town. the guest of Mtn. Will Craigie, East street. Mrs. 11. Trembley and son, of De- troit, were Easter visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bowler. Mr. Hector MacKay, of the Univer- sity of Toronto, spent Easter in town with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. D. MacKay. !lire E. T. Watson and Miss Made- leine hare returned from a PIM( to Hamilton, where Mr. Watson is now engaged. Mr. Edgar Sbepperd, of Stratford Normal School 1s spending the Easter vacation with him parents In Colborne township. Mr.. W. E. Hanna. of Toronto, visit- ed friends in town the pant week, and also made a brief trip to her old home in A hfleei i Miss E.Iher home had as her attest* thin week Miss Carol Alford Ottawa. and Mine Hazel Stewart. Itrus.els. Mr. and Mr.. Donald 314•ia(shi,an. of Toronto. are visiting at the home of the latter's parents. Mr. and Mr.. Albert Wise ,311.. Resale Murphy. of Stratford Normal, 1. spending the Easter vac- ation In town wltb her parent., )Lr. and Sirs. T. Murphy. Mr. and Sire. F'. T. Egener and Mas- ters Donald and Freed of Kt (,11 to r- ines. are visiting at the home of Ntrn. Peter MaeEwan. Miss Washington has returned home after spending six weeks at Hamilton, Mr. T. D. Hume. of Toronto. was the the guest of her brother. Mr. S. F. eek -end guest of his father, Principal , Washington. K.C. ' P. )fume. I Mr. Frank Shields, haying flnished Mr. J. Galbraith, of Tearn, spent his murr.e et the School of Commerce, ster with her parents. air. and Mts. a. McClure. Sties Mae Thurlow-, of Brantford. s an Easter visitor with Mra. Lcon- \Ve,.tbrook. 311... Hazel Hartwell of Port St an- Iey visiting her mother. Mrs. Hartwell. this week. The Misses Mcintosh. of Kitchener, with their sister, Mr.. J. Purvis, !borne re reef. rs. Howe and ROA. of Tomtit'', were 'were of the former'., sister. Mrs. . F. Saunders. r, and Mrs. W. W. Saults, And MJsa Gladys SAults are apendinga few brat's Tornio, Mr. R. Cockburn Hays And MINA Nairn were In Toronto during past week. r. Elmer Beacom, of Toronto, was it t Oda week at the home of Dr, and J. M. Field. *Ilea Alex Carswell, of Leamington. vtsIting her untie and aunt. ifr. and left last week for Detroit, where he will take a position. \\41).John .Innes-itate s m an, of Ruf- f fp pent Faster with her parents here. He had Jnst returned from a trip to the P.cIM• (east. Mr. find Mrs. T. R. Marshall and children, of Tomutn. were week -end vomits of Mr, and MI -R. A. J. MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. George Macewan were at Wingham over the week -,.rads Mrs. MacEwan. brother. Master Stewart Scott, returned with them for a visit here. Mire A. Rose Aitken spent Easter with her brother. Mr. A. H. Aitken. at Lnnlon. turd this week is attending the Provincial lihrnry eonvention at Toronto, Mr. Chas. M. Robertson is nttend- Ing the contention of the Ontario Edit - rational Aaemlatinn at Toronto MIR week as the delegate of the G.C.L. troatee bard. MiAs W. Powell, MIR. L. P. Hooter T. G. Connors and Flan O. M. Burnt". of the G.0 1. r. Jack Charlesworth. of Toronto stuff week with t the week -end to town with Mr, relatlre*wand friends ater Preseott, To- Co•khnrn Haya. rontn and Kingston, res p eharkw Chapman, of Toronto.' Mr. Lionel Macklin, of Toronto Col- a a week -end gnat at the home of verslty, wax finable to come home for • Alex Saunders. Fester, owing to an attack of the mumps. Dr. and Mee Macklin recent- ly agent a few deya with him at To- ronto. Mr. Roland Walker Ilan rettrned from Detroit, where he was on the staff of the Detroit Savings Rank, and will he aasoelnted with him father, N1r. Wesley Wniker. In hie furniture horsiness, Mr. Alex. flannderts who returned islet week from a trip to Chimagn, In this week at Tnrnnto attending the Annnsl meeting of the Pear/nein, Mc1tool Trustees' and Ratepayers' As- snei a ti on, M1.. Anna Wnrtele, of RIs)Mop Atra- ehan sr'hool, Toronto. and Dick Wile - tele, of Trinity arhnni, Port Hope, are spending the Easter 'holiday with their rwerents. Mr and Ike. C. W. Wnrt.M, Pt. Vlneent street. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Merhee. of Ply- mouth. Sikh., are visiting their friends In town and .nlantry. having been called here hy the death of Mr. Me- Pheelr brother. it b a good many rear. since Mr. and Mir.. McPhee left here to go to F,dmonton, aol theft Md trlfroela ars 'greatly pl(Iraaed to see thews again, Mho Eleanor Dougherty, of Guelph, spending the Paster holidays with mother here. ' Mary 1. Tom. M Toronto, spent er in town With her parents', Mr. Mrs. J. E. Tom, r. and Mrs. Archie Tom. of Stmt- .arev(slting et the home of Mr. Mrs. J. E. Tom. Iss Grace McLeod. of Courtier/1i. 1a !daring In town, the guest of her t. Mrs. Ren Allen. les Refs Worapll, rat Blyth high I, 1. spending the holiday week with her mother. ifr. and IRK. Hilton Shnyler, of sew Hamburg, 'felted their relatives 1 town over Faster, arise Mlre Goldthorpe, of Toronto. ter her slater, Sera. W. C, Ewan, over Faster. 'Min. Grasp Strang, of flnetph, is Mending the 1+a►ter holidays with her either. Mr.. H. D. 'Strang - 31r. W. Purmdfent, of Tornntn, and Ira W. L Veiled, of London, visited Sonde In torn tlds weak. Mr. ('hariq Kidd, of Clnte, New On- ion. Is visiting hi. brothers, Y*wra listener. and Gerald Kidd. The News of the Let's Go Hear the Kam►. Citizen,. Interested in the progress of the newly -organized hand are cord- ially invited to be present at the town hall on Tuesday evening, April 29th, at R o'clock. A number of selections will he rendered by the band and short addresses will be given by Mayor Callow and others. Sent to the Reformatory. When Wm. Plants, aged twenty. 0 near Fordwich, pleaded guilty on Tues- day to an indecent assault on April 4 last upon a girl under the age of six- teen years, he was sentenced by Magis- trate C. A. Reid to not less than three months and not more than six months In the Ontario Reformatory. Will Be Here May 6. (bring to an accident, 31r. Knight, of the Pember hair gopd, establish- ment, Toronto, was unable to be in Goderk'h on Tuesday last as advertie- ed, Re has made another engage- ment for Tuesday, May 6, when he will be at Hotel Bedford and x-111 be pleas- ed to see any persons desiring his servkes. Ruddoek-CafotwelL e wedding of Miss Bertha Cant- well, •f Sheppardton, to William John, eldest •n of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rud- dock, o ,town, took place on Monday evening, 'April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Ruddock, J%are now 1n their new home on . Hi •ks street, where they are receiving 'the congratulations of their friends. Setting the Pace. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Eernighau and their son. Mprray. are here from To- ronto for Ranter week. Murray has been attending the Central Technical 'School since they removed to Tomato last year, and b' has been first, Wt his class for both a.'rms. It is a Credit- able achievement for a Huron t•onnty boy to set the pace In a hie cite sehool. 11owra-Ruddock. int Wednesday morning of this weak St. George's church was the ween.' of n quiet wedding. Sophia Se•11un, .Inultttt.'r of Mrs. Rad Mrs. William John Rueidock, being united in marring.- to George Henry. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wil- liam Bowra. Rev. S. S. Hardy ann.- lab d Mr. and Mrs. Bowra left on a honeymoon trip to Toronto and nn their return will reside on Cameron St rept. - Surprise Party for Mrs, Melleervnid- last Thursday evening about twen- ty members of the Ladies' Aid td Knnc church met at the hom R C. ,Mrierrld and party In honor and appreciation of Mrs. Mcih.rmitl'a help and support In church affsirg, especially In ctntuetlon with the Ladles' Ald. Mrs. McDermid watt presented with,, gifts of linen and an address wam read by Mrs. A. I). McLean. Refreshments were Reeved •end a very enjoyable time was spent. A First-class Dance Orrbeatra. ralerlch', latest musical organization. the Lyric Orchestra, made its debut at Monday informal dance on onday evening , in the Masonic ball. The orchestra, led by Mr: H. E. Jenner, met with the generous approval of those present. While their playing indicated practice for some time past, no doubt the ors chestra will continue to improve. .o that Goderielt will have a first-class dance orchestra. The orchestra In- cludes Miss Genevieve Sparc, piano; Mr. H. E. Jenner, trumpet ; Mr. George McLeod.flute; Mr. George James drum*. and Mr. Godfrey James, saxo- phone. Bayfield Case Before Magistrate Reid, Magistrate Reid and ('rows Attorney C. A. Seeger, K.('., were in - 13ayflcl.l last Saturday hearing the ease In which it A. Baldwin, 1 cher of the public school there, was tared with, unlawfully assaulting a pu 1, Norman Men.Foster, son of Ma and Men. o'.•ph C. Foster, of Stanley township. it was alleged that on February 1:1 l,• 11.1,1- silo hit Foster on the .ids of the -nil with a piece of old Melting an km it ell him down. Tile following w1 carp evidence: Norman Foster. Gi.nr Lindsay, Martin Monier. C!Ifyton Weston. George Findlay awl Leone .. sterling. Baldwin wfound guilty' rat •he• axsnult. hat wen. allowedto g.. .rat suspend'senteis•e after leaving 11,' (-ais of the cane, amounting t.. nannies. Easter in the nannies. Easter-- Easter ---that stoat joyous nod festiveof Christian sensunn-was duly cele- brated last Sunday in all the e1,rehem of the town by special service* of nn exeredingh- interesting and Inmpirat ton- al character. The Carious pastors melee gots use of their ti eme. and preach- ed sermons which tofiehed the he,rfs of tIelr hearers with strong effect. Special musltnl programs were given at a number of the churches. Miss .s EstherFin e• Hume. Mrs. W. P. snnnders and Mrs. A. J..MaeKay sang inspiring solos In Knox ehureh during.the services of the day, !width, which there were three or four anthems. The mnnnging hoard of Knox eltnr•lu made an Appeal to the congregation for the sunt of 1.M 10 to make neensary re. pairs to the exterior of the church building. The amount received was about 1.140. A. North street Met hest i -t ehnreh Mrs. Mair. Mrs. Fell ahs Isomfrim, Mr. A ►,aughnm nod Mr. Fred Holmes song ineiclent.l solos In the anthems. while thelatter, 'two sang the solo., "Open the gates of the Temple' and "The Reanrrertln Morn," r.'spetively. _There wee also a !epeeist musical! Ge were s church. whieh e of Mrs. (Rev.) grave a• surprise eVAR etmnted ns indicated in last Mors Rustiness Changes, Mr. Jack 11.11, l,te •of W. Bern's Aber repair department. la going later business on hl. own acrnnnt and af- ter Misr 1 will have his stand 1n the stone on Kingston Street now °c - n P ole o - p 1 t y Mr. Temple Clark. Jock knows all shout shoe repairing Ant will no doubt gest hie share of the bovines.. Mr. ('lark, also has cottduw't- e.I a tAllnring bualne,e In town for serer.) years, 1e retnrning to Luck- now-. where he wan 1n the•sam. buta- nes. before eomtng to (;nlerleh. We are sorry to learn of the removal of Mr. Anti Mrs. Clark from town and hop. they will have good a»Pera, rat Luck now. Mise May Stoddart in vlslting in ite'troit this week. Mins Margaret Wilson le vlsi''ng with Rnusels friends fhi' week. 3frs, E. A. McNally Is ;letting her daughter Mis, T. G. Cayleey. Stratford Mr. and Mrs R. IT Reid attended the fnneral of Mex. John Pollock, of Kincardine, who died very suddenly In that town on April 11. Mor. Harry Baldwin, who assisted In IS. R. WIgle' s drug store during the past three mouths while the latter ern. attending the Legislature as member for Centre Huron, has returned to his home at Toronto. Mr. Harold Williams, of Dayton. Ohio. and Masters Bruce and Stoney Williams, sons of Mr. G. M. Wiltfaraa, of Buffalo, are ;Mesta this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wit- Iism., St. Vineent Street. Mia. Augusta Mae1eeod, of New Brit- ain. (onneetk'nt, was In town the Met week efalting her mother. Mrs. J. M. MacLeod. ,Miss MaeLeod gone .portly to St. LAOIS, MM, where ahs has a position In high school work. Motherignatlne, who as fonndress of St. Joseph's convert, Ooloich. was present at the eyespot jnhllee (*le- hratioa of that institution. la lying in St. Joseph's hospital, at 'modem. 1•u u evillest mnditlan as the result of • fall. Mother ignMtine is in her Mghti- Affh year. Town Wameter-Flishlre- North street Methodist et►ure'h was the scene of an early morning wed- ding Met Thursday, when Rev. Jlmee E Holmes unit.d in marriage Miss Katherine lfariou Fifsing.'r. only daughter of Mr. and Mr!. Harry 1'. F1l.Inger. and 31r. Harold Painter Warreuer, only son of Mr. and Mr. Thomas Warrener. The bride was at tied In a very smart French nay blue .nitwith grey- shoe., and smit1 hat to mate!). and earned a 'routine of American twaury.rose,, She era given In marriage by her Lathe 1'rof. W. F1. Jackson. organist .dr the church, presided at the organ ,duritt the twilit...I. • and played the ohengrt wedding marsh. F.dtowing the e.ere runny a dainty werldiur breakfast wit served at the home of the•.hride's liar The Boats Are Moving The first break in Goderh'h's record- breaking winter tleset.of niueteeu blab came on Knturday morning about 10 o'clock, when the Jolly Ines cleared for Fort, William. It it u rolnehletw•e worth noting that lite "fighting Jolly Inez' war the Inst bat to arrive last • tali and was the drat to clear thisspring, The llapk'eourt end Wonsan- } 1 sox left later the same day. Sunday t, wow the departure of the Turret f ('Pon1 , Mnrninn, Canadian Mower, and r. the 31*11,1awn. Monday the *tidings g Ine•ludeel the 11,,,, Stewart, Rayton. n -tit,. West str•t't, to relatives and Mende to the manlier of alert tm,nty. Among the numerous wed- ding pr...ente. rsr•iv.d by the• bride, were a number of substantial cheques. Including one from the Empire Stove & Furnace Co,. of Owen Sand, with whieh firm 31r. Fllstuge'r 1. ne- :te•ted. Amutg the out -of -tow„ guests were: Mrs..An,trew FiI. hi ger. Mr. toll Mr.. George Filsinger and wen. Lloyd and Tinrry. all of Kitt -loner: Mrs. obert Marreuer. of ('lintun. and Mier An Johnston. of Auburn. Mr. and Wamiteer left nu the 6 n.m C N.R. n a ten -slay h •yntou trip to rk. 1•jo►t their ret urn they e• Itt th.• . Beiifurd hotel, groom 1. In business part his brother -In -Ins, Mr e. The many- ;dentin pie extend lest wishes T. Mr train New will :res where Ih nership wi Gordon Sate (if the young for the futons. Laketon anti Rerryton. (ro Tuesday afternoon the Algoma Central ',onus er. made their exit- Agawit. Home Smith, J. Fritter T:,yiur and W. C. Franz. This rcduewa the fleet, to four freighters-Kenor., ('nuadi,un War- rior, ('lnadlan Signaller and the Komar!. Lust )ear G,Nl.eriett had a winter fieet'of fifteen heat., The P. -'.V. Sher- man opened nuttn.ing navigation to Ifr_.'i, when It clearer) for Fort William on Friday. April 211. Thu. the opening ut mitigation this yewr 1. a clear week earlier than to 1923 A. - A. 31. Resb Fired Moat to Arrlvs. Following the time-honored custom the captain of the firer Mat of no, scnsnn to enter (i.wlerich harbor was on Tuesday aftermath pre•Rentr,I with a "silk" haat by the town fathers. T1 silk lust. which of hoc years, has as . stunted the more p114th11 and useful form of a drat -class felt hat snitahle for general wear. weas prevented by • Mayor W. F. (1a11ow-, on behalf of tYe corporation, to Jnmem Healy, of ?he- rein, eaptaln of the steamer A. M. Reeh of the ,Anterlcan Steamship Company. Ry was. of * alight innova• tion this year, the` Tuohy captain was ale° presented With n framed photo- 1 graph of thye harbor, to be hung up in his eyhln as a more permanent souvenir even than the hut. The Reeh arrived from Milwaukee on Nfonday at 6 p.m with a eargn of 212.000 bombe's of corn for the Western ('nrutda Flour Nii11s ('ompany. j ('nptnin Healy intimated that the I Welt had left Milwaukee Saturday at noon and had experienced little or no 1 trouble with lee in the .t Telt•.. lie also stated that he had exp•rie,,tr•d no dif- 1 Acuity In ataterin* the harbor, draw- ing nineteen and a -half feet of water. which would seem to indltate that the "Tsar" which formed across the pie was entrance late ln.t fn11 some w•ny s1tiltel. Though h am hen Railing Miter 11MM1, It 1st,' p tealr'u 1 first ;left to Cole I. The prevail- A Ing freight ra . on grain are about t the samelt s- sat year, the Reel) bar- s Ing Mytt" charterer- for her first trip a e e rate of two and threquarter. A LETTER OF' ..'PRECLITION, T. !he Edifnr or The . 'gtini. Dear Sir. --i tont goln to take the liberty of using your colt] ns to $nine sincere sen.e of appre-it ion and encouragement to the hospit hoard for their very Inudnbt,' etre r in striving for better hospital u...tmmo- dation. i have aoo 1 many nuc r.•,t .• osn s to fe 1 1nMrest.a In the hospital, and+ will be glad of every sores, the board dehIt.tw. Let us look 1.'Rs 10 the cem- etery and mote to the r•li.tf of the sick and stffering. Could not 'sow. Mapdes" ter• eYelaang,d for Vietoria I'ark ? It would make an Ideal plots for pkenic,, whin' the present park would he more eonrenlent for per•ong who wl`Ahol to visit skit friends at tit. hosplt.l. Thi. is only a hint that might. 1 think. M. worked nut to the benefit of All eotterned. Hoping the'iwiarl may get all the funds they need to carry nut their fullest wishes and objrrtm, A FRIEND OF THE HOSPITAL. DSTROfr PAPHR''8 TRIBUTE lake visitor for 1924 emphasized the need of widening and deepening theentrance channel Ito tlutt the largest boatmold enter the harbor In any ktnd of weather. The rapid dispatch se. tented boats in unloading at C.derich made possible by thaw Up-to-date lege of a large dipping capacity was them subJe•t of favorable coment. .5IJusluu Waring been made to the Chicago water steal. Captain Healy replied that his boat had ,some (tom a illy which was fighting the Windy City in its tilverslon of water from Lake Wrhlgas He stated that he had frequently been up and down the "drainage.' conal and that the divert- ed water was being tatted more largely for power purposes than for drainage, since the entirecity is Illuminated with the lower obtained from this aourre. Councillor J. A Matt stater) flea' the amount of water being diverted by ('hleago- 4.900cubic feet per second- represent,.l the, measurement of fete amount rat water flowing In rite Mait- land River about June 1. 1900. when It WAR measured by an engineer as a basis for estlmnting the number ofse horsepower which rnnld he developed from It. Mr. Platt also referred to the inh•resting filet that in 1001 fifteen '' I..1 mens had paddledto Detroit In ,iwa wrayar ens ”We didn't paddle hark;' eontmenhs r. ''lett. who wild that he hn,l beet, tthn r "chaperone" of the , Mr. Wm. Camlaweit, whom Captain Healy .'ua.dderel a reutarknble Md gentleman for' 111s ,g.'. ninety next Jum July, gave Annie .of hi. reminiw'ene'ea of early days st (;oderich andthe shipping of watt and other eargner to C1detgo and 3tllwankee .etc. Among those present Mr the annual event, besides 111. Worship. were Reeve R. C. Mfuunings. rou te:Bln. J. S:Platt, P. P.. Holrpes and r_ J Ryan, Town Clerk i.. T.. Knee. Collector Wm. ramp/wit. custom. OfIIer ilee- fnr y. Tin, and therepresentatives of tltr per's. o. •- Iwgt year the "silk- hat altwent to a enptain front the Coifed States, In hoe pwer.on of t'alCA(sort- ling. li „rt - ling. of the steamer "Ch other,"which arrived in port on tc•sday. May 7. An that the ,navl on season of 1924 was opend steer day. 'thrall of last year. Thest mer. Glenlic-pt find Luzon coed rat the Goderle4 elevator. n the midst of a heavy gale early Tuesday morning the steamer Brook - on. Inst year a member of anderieh's winter fleet. ran aground on Russel is - and, a short dixtanee off Tohermorv. he was on her way. from (bllfngwood o Port Arthur for grain. it Is under - food that the Rrooktnn Is not In any, erinus danger. The tug Harrison, of Owen Anand, has Men dispatebr,l to weeks Isnot.. , TO HAROLD JA13VI8 , premier her _ P r a'aGtanee. Minstrel Show at G. C. L On Friday. April 11, the boys of the O.C.T, gore their tyro -hour minstrel mhow, whlt'h was the hist event of the Literary Society term. The whole Reboot had been looking forward to thin promised treat. And en the ■s•'emhiy hall was emetics' with parent. and. friend's Aw w-. if ne pupil.. The mortis ing was opened by n few remarks from the president. Tom Citt. who t)tanke.) the *shwa for the support given to the Literary Society, and Pa. pes'Ially thanked ,tack M,'Tlermld. who aecompanlel the chorister, alt even. ing-The hogs' Hrst elytnns, "in Dixie Land." literally (aerie/a their hearer, hack to the old South and 1.r the rest M the evening they remained there, and were entertained with all of the old Southern melodle., Inter- mingled with the funniest of jukes, all spoken in tlu' soft negro dialect. Rob Annrael, ee'neepanying himself on the banjo. Rang the humorous song "Then Blow Te Winds, 111 -ho "' The adven- tures of the Um -Ha -Rah family and their old mule were told hy "Tend" Sturdy ,in him usual awaiting style. Then one of the newemt ,rang,, "it Ain't Coln' to Rnin nn lin'," was ming by Tom Anderion, who (serried an enormont umbrella. eompneed mainly of holes. The next seene was opened 6y a whistling drill, which was orlg- inal and very pleasing in effect. It wen followed hy an amusing dialogue' 1s'- tween Doug. Nairn and Bob acetyl.I who ,ring and played on their banjo sal "nkeleptn.," Wellington Donald son sang "Quit Ymrsr Tfekling, Joek." widish wi. appreinted to the extent ?hat he was erssored, although en core, heft been forbidden. The next seen,. portrayed n Coon -Town wedding. The mfnlmter, Rob M3'Lcod with his meaningless, lengthy words. nffleiated at the eeremony. The happy hrlde was Rah Anazel; the unhappy bride- groom, Renck Orr. Torn Cntt sang the beautiful ming, "Caroline," which was {'allowed by the etiolate, "LAt4r Old Grannie of Milne." The enneert ter- minated as everyone rose and sang "Carry Mop Rack to Old Vlrgir,ny.", The boys are to be congratulated on the immense of their evening, and we all hope that 1n the future! they will give ns jn•t trneh another one --Con. Maple Leaf Rs•vw, Maple Leaf Chapter, LOhF, , Berne In the Collegiate gytnnsalum, nn May A grad A, at It pm. Admission (Ake. (From The Detroit Free Press.) A mellifluous singing " t .1,-,. era4 hushed when de'nth rant, in Fiarull Janis. For midi. than twenty year,. he was Detroit's ieet-kDOW n and most poptilar tenor. 1'h addition tn dlstirranlahe•d vocal gifts, he pot. yd'versetile and demmati,• ability o. Interpretation. The range of Mr. Jarvis' singing 'telltltles wax wide, and his social qualitiess were dlatine- tire and fascinating. From the eon - cert stage to Y.M.t'..A. shop meetings; front chnr)u eheirs to notable choral events: from gar and festive twraslnns to the Mous' of sorrows, he passed. over aha, to entertnln, to inspire, to emnfnrt. Harold Jarvis was n Canadian by hlrth, and n prominent street In To- rnnto bars the nente of the fine nlfl family from which he dtecended. Some of' his most notable concert trinmpha had for their setting Massey 11,11 In that city. A. a los, Mr. Janis had exceptional advantages, end made a name for himself while .fill in knk'ker- bJocker'. Ile saw service as a sector. and to the end of his day. the sea at. tractor! him. He travelled widely, me( many notable people, and made friendn in all walk. of life. Ile was a deton• air figure alwave--Che,terfleldl,n (n grace and cvonrtesy, well groomed, to than to pick out In a crowd or look at the *wend time ns he ptss.sl along the street. A unique feature of ilnrold ,Tarvis' eareer. one that endeared him to etm numbered thongands, was hi. singing of the hymns of the Christian faith On Anndays, In the choir of one of the most eonapbenons anti influential ehutrhen in the city, he sang with sweetness anti power of Faith, of Hol•, and the Lite Everlasting. Spiny A wmrshlpper in that ehnr•h weary and worn by the harden., of life. was lifted nit and refreshed through the mini.try of steered Song as ntdinted thmngh the petennallty of Herold Jerrie. Then upon innumerable fun- eral ()eenplane. amid the stick and heartbreak that follows the sdypnt of death in the home, hitt singing of 'Beautiful Tele of Somewhere." "Lead, Kindly Light." "Abide With Me" and other hlatoric hymns, aSaniged grief and helped to heel erum)red and hrok- 'n ,stn and *omen. A mnItilnd.. will pay the last trlh- t oe of respect and affection to the' memory of Harold Jared,, who Wang ht. way into the hearts of his fellow. m011, Fret. per hushel. Glwterl.•h' GREYHOUND EXCURSION TO DETROIT JUNE 10 The R'hlts Star 1 big Rn,,ttsl law fare steamer Greyhound Detroit and return. *ill len ce God,•rdeh 11» n m. tET.t. 5 00 m A Ill date and n half will 1. given all .ext iimbots in Detroit, the return departnr tieing, as noon!. Thnrelny at 1.90 p.m. The trip tis T),•treif Is it most delight fid one. aeros Take Huron flown the beautiful Pt. ('tpir River, through et Clair Flats. the\'Vcnhe of .[msricn,' to Take Pt. Clair'pnd the great De- troit Rivet The fare IA so low rad the *renm- mndatlonm of the Grey unfl an good and mmfnrtahle that e e whn ern arrange to do No Ahntt enjoy tide nnnnnl opportunity to visit reit, the fourth city of the T'nited At es, and one of the world'. greatest Industrial run t res. A "moonlight" will he run out of G,skrlch itt 43(1 Monday evening, with rood mottle for dancing nn tho upper deck. and there will 1e other entertain- ment in the .hip'. main cabin, it will le good new., for haaphnll fang In learn that the New York Tanks will be playing the Detroit Tigers at Navin Field, Detroit, nn Wedneaday. June 11. The. all! is• n gre•nt elrnnee ira ger Bebe !l. :ft aa f'ohhoth. oft ththe TlgeNerra, hr.Turkldrtrs m, othendr fan - Ty off.; plotters. nn loth cantos announces the excursion on the from Gnderk•h to The Greyhound Tnt•s,lny. ,Titre 10, arriving ietroit took place from the family resldenee ittyfleid road. to Mt. liter R church, where requiem moss it veal stung by Rey. Father (Intim. anci.tipenfat to At. Peter's eetnetery. where 'Interment took p1..e The p.11l.arer' were the six nephew* of the derv•nsel' Will and Ed Ieneey and Patrick Farr, of Detroit; WIII Farr, of town, ('hnrlc. Shanahan, of Clinton. and John McGuire of (lode - rich tow-nshfu DR Tllrt)l M (;, HOLMF:s. IIns Timms f . Itnlme,. retired captain in the United Staten army, - died Weh,e.diey of last week at his home- 129 Weld. avenue. Detroit. Dr, Holmes was born In 1!147 at Holmes- ' rill... In fhb cniroty, and graduated , from Vi,•torla College (:ehourg. (!ol- nntbin I'nlverslby and WWII %,•tslfy. At one time he was city phyulctxn In New York and hater he had charge of thy' ('irild's. hospital at Staten Inland. in the CMOs! States; army servirn he aided In organtzing a reelving hospital on Montatik Point. t*mg Inland. for collier. wounded in the Spanish ;Atnerlenn war. served two term, in the Philippine Islands. ern* ship. atlrgceon on the transport Grant and In the Great War refornel to the Philippine iniands For a number of Yours he was post surgeon at Fort Wayne, Detroit. ile Is murylred by his widow, Mrs Sarah M. Holme,, n son, 1)r. Alfred W. Holme,, and two dough fern. Mrs. A. S. Watson and 311s. tette Holmes, all of Dletroitother surviving relatives are a brother .7 11. Holmrw, of iloIme..Ill,, anti fhrv• Plater., Mrs... H. Leech and Mfr.. M. A. Howell. of Galerleh, rand Nils. P A. Ilolmea. of linlm.iville The late Dr. M J. R. Holmes. trexsnrer of Huron (snooty, watt anothir brother. MIs' D. A. Holmen nod Mb.'. Maud Howell went to Detroit for the funeral. w1tfeh took place on Saturday to Roselawn Cemetery, T),br,tt. OBITUARY MRM. JOHN LACES. On Thnr.,dry, April 10, there passed to her eternal reward Catherine Manahan. beloved wife of Mr. John faee•y Sire Lorry was born In the tnwn'hip of liullelt stoma alloy -eight years atm. the daughter of the late 1►enl•I Shanahan. and was married to her now bereft partner thirty-six years ago. Reside' the husband and two dnnghter. Mrs. Joyce. of Chatham, and MIB' Mary, at home who monrn the toss of A loving wife and another. Phe la snrvIved by two 'Teter.: Mrs J. Merntoah and MIs4 Eileen Shanahan, of moron. •bel two brothers! Mr. John Shanahan, of Clinton. and Mr. T). Shanahan, of Reaforth The funeral MR.'l .t. .1. 111('KMON. The dmafh took pinec in New Tnrk on April 12 of Nfa.l.-line Guinn DP -k- nots wife of ifr Ar,hte J D Ieksnn. brother of Mr. James Dickson of town_ Phe was marrle4 only a abort time Ago and mach Iv point is felt for Dr. I1lekaon In bill hereire'tn'o . The hotly w,,e hrnnght to Cnder)eh on Wednesday, 16th Inst. for interment In the fondly plot 1n Maitland cnme• tem. Roe. R. e. Mtrl►ormfd e•nndnMpd the Neer*, *enter, a