HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-17, Page 10IO -Pito. amy. Apri, 17. 19_4. RAW MUSKRATS A, n,attufaeturer 1':111 pts the higlieat ea di pricers' for your muskrats Try Us With a Shipment at Once ;-.!i,pll:1'K 1'.14 r. i I'ru, ruppli.sl ui, I:"las `' ROSS' LIMITED 1911 Dundas Street LONDON, ONTARIO • TIIE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Men's Raincoats at $5.95 Just received a shipment of Men's Paramatta Rain- coats, made in a depend- able olive shade. just the Coat for rainy days. All sizes. While they last $5.95 M. ROBINS The Square Goderich ' Mt iia 11 »was thinks he Is overwork- eti Just because he takes all day to de I,a three-hour job. a NOTICE All owner- and A:ujiio's of premises are hereby notified that all garbrige, etc., must be removed from their premise- by May lit. 11424. F. G. WEIR. A..t. Sanitary Inspector. TOWN OF GODERICH , DOG LICENSE Th.• owner or harborer of any dog without a license is liable to prosecution under the town' bylaws.. 'Dogs at largo' without a pro- per lieensc tag will be dent ray- ed. • ay - Id.' • i og tau May be' obtained at the Town Hall from the Tax Collector, Mr Campbell. IF; you want to keep a dog, get a lieen,u'. R. C. POSTELETHWAITE Chief of Police Gl'EI.PH .1N41 GODERICH. (t.bnliatkrt from Paige 1.1 'Ile 1'.l'.R. which It had 1o1 Kot, 1114' -looker affirmed -11 as the policy tt hi. oilmen* never 10 promise any- thing it could not earry out. )Lr. I inter advGalt•rich to get in !ouch with the 11%11 tor dons. ,teawshlp .o.utpsauh•. .4o -rating boats. passenger and package freight, out of 1VInd .r x11.1 1t,%troir and on up (�. Fort Wil- liam. for iu tial •wily the e..lau ,light 1* a111.. 141 s.r•nr.• s41111• 1111.1.11160.! 11 11.1 freight bent serti.t. W._J._1Ir4ornark on Trimpeltation. 11r. 1V. J. 11.•coruuu1k 114'14tr. 11 11i111. *elf 1111 enthusiast eimeerninyt the sub- ject of 1otnsps.rtntkro. having barn closely t.aine't..l with that line of business all hl. lint.. He easerted that in his opinion the problems and attll e ultk•s of the traits1 oortation sostewS had largely arisen through lack of puh- licity, tlu• latblle failing to understand ,nd appnrfate the many detail. wldch tit Into inousportallon. Mr. McCormack en -tilted Mr. e:, . 1.. Parsons. tuanueing director of tie Galerteh Elevator. k Tran8lt Co.. to x grunt extent for the large amount of grain that passes through this {ort. "No nutter how large you bulld the elevators." Mr. Met remark- ed "well find enough stuff to fill them for you`" • Mr. • MM'orwack intimated that be was a ehart.•r uiemher of the 11.1ary Chili of hi. home city. 4)11,1 di - THANKS I am requested by the Board to express their appreciation of the support given to the Collegi- ate By-law, this support being so much the more appreciated as it was so perfectly. voluntary. _ ,No other appeal was made to the vote•ae than the, preatentatioa of the facts in the case. No pro - 'vision. either, was made for the bringing oul of the vote. The contract has been duly signed and tIv- work will be proceeded with. -Pdssesrion of the build- er. pro by the 8th of Septembber. - J L FORD. , Chatrata of Board. EASTER BARGAINS Make this your store for Last Minute Easter_. hopping. You want to Look smart for Easter; we can supply your wants in Ladies' Spring Coats and Suits, Millinery-, Gloves, Hose, etc. For the men, young men and boys we have Suits, and a full line of Furnishings. Latest goods, moderately priced. Give us a call. LADIES' SPRING COATS AND SUITS Made of the newest materials. in the latest styles and shades. The models are par- ticularly attractive, the lines are smart, the trimmings rich and colorful, and the prices are remarkably low. EASTER MILLINERY Get your spring hat here. We have a large stock of ready -trimmed hats, fashion- ed of rich, colorful materials, combined with straw, and trimmed effectively. You are sure to find k hat here that twill go with yonr spring outfit, and at a moderate .trice - LADIES' SILK GLOVES Short and Gauntlet Gloves; in all the new- est shades; also 24 -inch s3loves In all abides. LADIES' SILK HOSE In the newest shades, Pointer heel; also glove -silk Hose in different shades. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS At bargain priees, Navy Blue Serge, also plain shades in .Brown and Grey, as well as striped and c eeked patterns. Regular $18.50 for $18.50; regular $22.50 for $18.00; regular $41.50 for $21.50. BOYS' SUITS Get the Boy-' a new Suit for spring. We have a large stock. some with two pair. of bloomers HATS AND CAPS liemember you can get your spring Hat or -Cap here at very moderate prices. The latest shapes and shades FURNISHINGS A flood line of Gents' Furnishings, and the prices are the lowest THE SQUARE SHOP WHERE YOU A1T1NV1TED TO SHOP A. CORNFIELD . LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS GODERICN 1.1tcd ttioit lite ualit.- 4.1 such 1.. alas. No4 tr.: 1 4• tt F., anti Mlait- orgaulzatlous. 1 hull 14815e. N., •1 F. mud .t. M. A eordlal vole ofd- thanks to the Sur. lying btu". IA•.ide. Ids wife. for sgwuken. of the ..re,,1ttg WAS. mey.rl by tuerlvrllis..4lice $tu ,'t1 tirevw.' date Mr. George %%'Illinois and ai...tided by Otter. Mrs. A. 1'. Reid. uta' " aims. 1k -pasty Reeve Mlunnints. the hatter ll r. Reginald 1'r1dIt:uu, 1'.t the Tor tstugn11ulatlug the \.ions Tinel, upon 1.. oftic,• of. the \festoon y3111ml:1 F'Iour Its wortlewhlle activities in the too MI,I1, C... and Sir. Multiunit 1'ridhaiw,. motion of just such suer ssful 4.ffalr. of the uftlee .tuff of Thorne, llulh'l- as the Innxptet hall proved itself to be. laud. llowsuu a McPherson. "elm 11terve' . .Tbe R,edne'a Mak NI r. • Wei. In I'rldhaut. of Toronto. and Mr. Walter The wusk•nl rt f the inun I , port tt g eluded a delightful reuditlou of tits[ I . 1 oidium, a1' to,. u are brothers. nppropr .. spring w,ng "Tic `tat,' Ito.. ML'. Holmes %a• u-si4tr.l ,las the of the Robin" (Parole Jacobs Ihaul e 1 flna•rnl . rvltw Ii 11* J. F:. Furl. t.gondc4 tat e'nt1tusla.11,.--aitplatMe 10► i hind Iu111e. were yt sfrs, IL J. by Mrs R' Frank Saunders alai+ r'- The ptdllartr.-r-. lit tueutls•rt of Muit- sLtgfug n )tumorous lithe etlL.re tq.4 .J .1. McEwen,.1. 14. Platt. 1t. J. Santis. titled. "l iint'L" Jlr. )Ltcl:a'uu pe,• A. S. 1'hrystu1 and Lr. 1V. F'. Clark. scut s1 41rslaunder. with a beautiful dorsal tributes. %bleb. were In'ith bouquet of rosea atnd.lst atndher nut. lad beautiful. Melodist t.ltet. from burst of nf'llnns No Ie.. pleesinx the 11'.4 .F'.4.1: /'u.. Thorne, 411t.hidhwd, Mt1SiC. PitoF'. 1V, 11. J.tt'Kat►N, organist and ItIre•tor of Mlurlc. North street Mlcthu.11.4 church. Instrnotiott given lu Voice Culture. 11rg1A. Piaui., r\Tulin. (inner. Phenol. etc Srttdio x1141 r'.hf.�u,c, t'luu'ch street. !'hone :tsi. CARD OF THANKS... TUE FAMILY 0F THE LATE NIU. lobo %Vaguer wish' to th:u1k. tire tuau. friend. and .neighbors for the kindness anneal iu their recent sod b► movement. MIRits. F. .1. 1'Itll►uIAll AND FAMILY [like tit• furans of Plspre-r•inik their appreciation of the sympathy and kindness ..blest during their palet 1t'rea t,meu t . . was the flue latrihox• solo. -Cheery 11uas,n, A 14•I'1u•rsoi. and Maiti+lud T't Ill: It1a..1'fI17•.. F. F TEELATE \\'shill 11. M11.111.1. take this twat.. of thanking All the Crit -leis tor their kind ,,.s1.1/11wr uud ,.ymlatti% Ina their time of bereavement. Their Whi- nes. Is deeply appreciated. 1 0F' TUF: i..1TF: Jacob Flick wl.h to tlwuk the many friends and neighbors for Its i Undue,. sl4oen during their resent sad bereavement and alto those who took part in the music at the,Aervice. Song' (David D. Slater.. by lir. . Fred (;, Holmes, .chi. by way of moor.. sing "11.t1ih Lk kin's." with (ho Amuaiug effect. Mr. thuedounlil Gabbs se• peseta! from out of (omni for the acted tis r,ronyatist during the cve11- funeral were: MI r. and Mrs. A. I'. Reid. playing very n r,•pp,btc for Moth Mr. and .1rs. Reg.I'rillani, lir Mntt- th,• solos atm] rhe singing u[ 'miner - ham. 1'ridliaut lir. and 4lrs. N'ut I'rid- ona club parodies.lu.m. 3lr. 4114.1 lir.. Ernest Hick and Mr. j.odl<e. The Jtltas'os paraded be the funeral in a lolly end ro nduMUd tat. customaryrt. ie..' at the grxte.lde. The blue and >t ItIt. di11h)g•rtsan of p ('n•tt •. all o4 -Toronto. The •y%- I1i,• hotel .eros 1.144111.1.1y d.rv.rated for {otic of the many frietal4 of [Ito de - the .*rasion unit I,,.tth natural and arttfletal ttowers. ferns and spring blossoms. The table.. 41: weell us taw dervratk.its. holic,11ei a commendable desire to please upon the part of the munogement \ the de'oritttve %•hem.• Iw•Ing, the spa.•Sal effort ,.f lir. n. Sutcliffe. OBITUARY ' JACK AIN'SLIF:. l)tsth claimed a 1ovtd one At tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ainslie ou Wednesday, April 2. when their only child, John Matthew, war taken in his fifth year. Jack. as he was known, was of a bright and affection- ate divpoeition and was loved by every- one. He endured his sickness with greet patience. The funeral was held from the home der his parents to Mait- land cemetery on Saturday. April 5. the service being conducted by Rev. R. C. M1•Dermid. Tokens of love were shown in the many and beautiful floral tributes. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Ainslie in their great los.4. MISS A_N4. LIN.[ DANCES. The. funeral of the late Mlsm -tnxel- Ina Dancer took plate on Thursday afternoon from the home of her bro- ther, Mr. Loftus E, Dantry. St. Vin- cent street, to Maitland cemetery. Itcv. J. E. Holmes, pastor of North street Methodist church conducting the funeral service. The pallbearers were Mesar'.. J. J. Doyle, C. A. Nairn, ('ha.. C Lee and Sheriff Reynolds. Miss Daneey's death was very sud- den. She wa. living at Toronto and had gone to Montreal to visit her nephew, Mr. Fred Ione. Monday night of late week the wan taken -with it stroke. and death ensued before morn- ing Resides her brother here. a sis- ter. Mrs. A. E. McGregor, of Sarnia, survive,. Mrs. McGregor and Mr. Fred Lane were here for the funeral MRA. • klEi HERR. The death took place on Friday, March 36th. at her bnme on ilurnn road. of Margarette Glazier. widow of the late John Herr. in her seventy- fourth year. Mrs. Herr. win was born in Mullett township, was the la,.t surviving member of a family of ten children born to the late Mr. and lira. John Glazier, her sole fturvh-ins sister, Mrs, Cooper, having passed away in Manitoba last May. The de- ceased wa4 twice married, iter first husband. Wm Devine, having pre- deceased her by nearly thirty years. Her second husband, John Herr, died about nine yearn ago. Mrs. Herr is survived by a family of eight ,'hlldren. all by her tarot husband. including Mrs.. Mugfor, Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. Lorne Smith, Niagara fella; Colin Devine. Toronto: LFrniwt Devine, 11* milton; John Devine. Oklahoma: and Tom. George and Bob Devine. of the West. Another son diad some years ago. The funeral. which waft held on Monday afternoon, March 31st. from Rrophey Bros.' undertaking parlor. to Mettland .esmetery, wax conducted by Rev. (' N. Dewey the ddeteot d having twee a member of the Baptist church here for it .number of years. The pallbearer,. were Messrs. Wm Blackford. Wm. McDougall, G. Rates and W. Clarke. Those who were here for the funeral from out-of-town were Mrs. Mllgfnr, Mrs Smith, Messrs. Colin and Ernest Devine, and 4.[184 Katie Ellison. a niece, from S.•afirth FRED J. -PRIDIIA11 The funeral of the late Fred J. Prldham. whteh wn. held on Friday afternoon from his late residence. Nel- son mirror. to M4.titland .-,-tilt ,cry, w•e4 largely atten14st tar. I'ridham'i death rs',•tlrnvi o1' Tui.td:,r rd last w.r•k In Toronto s; the home of his only daughter. Mrs. A. P. Rele1, 1i I'inew,*al rant, whither he ILA rone with, Mrs. l'ridhaut last ('httsltuaa when the dines. which. wbsequently proved fatal evertts,k him. The de- rmal. w -1,n was a son of the late Mr. and Mfrs. John Prldham, was a proal• nent and popular resident of town. having spent peat -tit -ally tale entire life- time here. for many years (ondnet- ing a merchant tallorine hulloes. 11i4 popularity was due. undonhtedly, in ill. kindly disposition, his geniality and his ready telt. The assiduous at- tention with which he had waited nn his Invnlld wife during ree.nt months, prior to their visit to Toronto, was the ...cite& of fa...table comment by Rev. J l' Holme,[ In Ills address during the +f Derail service on Friday. Mr. i•ridham who wart in his misty fourth year. will tai mot mlawsI In town by a wide elrrhe of friend,. and se- gnaltitarwv••. He WAY a member of the North street Miethn.It. rnngre ration. In politics he had atronnly *Altered to the Conservative party. Fraternally he was n meatier of Tinron 11'44111 1. 1.\ N4111011 h, the widow Alla [amity in ,iu•Ir MU 014112. - DORM. FARRIER. -In West Thursday, April 3, t W. R Farrier, It int. W:tai:.1,0.11 an AI NSLIF:.-Mr. and •Mr. MatAhew J. o lar and 31.r.Ainslie wish to exprcais [belt tjtrnks 41 son (a•Inftoni t.. their ueighla,rs and friends for the nutty kindnesses shown them In their nvent - bereavement Iu the death of ethcir lour -year-old 4+00. John Ai Ile. G411 hits t ken lame our darling. Placed ur bud among the dowels. Taken ck the child he lent us To a •tter 14ome than ours.• 1'.4f1'f0N.=-.tt Alexandra hospital. ,;,•derleh. on Monday. April 14. to Mr' and Mr.. A. (sari Campion. a daughter. MARRIED. GIiDD-\RD-RR1NDl la'. - A torts street prreonage, on the Ins(:. by Rev. J..W. Hedley. 1 ekdest daughter of Mr. David Brent ley, Colborne township. t.. Mr. Rhi- no Goddard, of Ltx•know. 1VARRFJNER-FILSINGER.-i1 North street Methodist church, (rtderich, oa Thursday. April 17, by Rev. J. E. Holme., Mary Katherine Filature. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H C. Fllsinge•r. to Harold Palmer Warren- cr. only -on of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Wetmore, all dR Goderich. DIED. JOHNSTON,-in Ashfield township on Monday. April 7, James John- ston. aged 89 years and 10 months. GL'ND IY'S SALE REGISTER, Saturday. April 26 -Auction sale of household effect., at the ressidets'e of Mb, M. G. Worthy, Cambridge street. Saturday. April 19 -Executor's sale of property and effects belonging to the estate of the late Wm. McPhee at the premi.ew, at Loyal, Colborne township. George MhI'ht'e., executor. TO RI NT t pASTURE IN GObERICH TOWN - 2 SHIP to rent for cattle- For terms and particulars apply to MELViLLE sri: RDY, R.R. No 1. Goderich. Tele- phone 11.008, )R RENT. -APARTMENTS OVER Mr. R'ighs Drug Store now oc- eupheA by lir,,. Lillow. For informa- tion inquire MRS. JAS. WILSON, tai Avenue 'toed, Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in the matter of the Estate of Wil- liam If. McPhee. late of the Town- ship of Colborne. Deceased. Notk,. is hereby given fist all per - mons having claims or demands against the estate K William H. Mc- Phee, late of the township of Col- borne in the county of Huron farm- er. (let-easei, who died on the &h day of April. A.D., 1924. are required to send or deliver to the utml signet(. solicitors for the executor, full mir- th -Mara of their claims, duly verified by deciermtton or nmdpvit, on or be- fore the 3rd day of May, A.D. 1924. AND TAKE NOTICE: th*t after the maid 3rd day of May, A. i). 1924, the veld exelftur will pna.'e.l to distrib- ute the assets of the mall devaial among the persons entitled thereto, and that the said executor will not Iw liable for the said a.sett, or any pert thereof. to any person of whops• claim they shall not then have receiv- ed notice. Dat.si at Goderlcb, this 9th day of April. A D. 1924. iHAYS A HAYS, Goder eh. Solicitors for the alizecutor. NOTiCE TO CREDiTOP.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVEN. pur- auant to Section f,(t, (hep 121 of the Reytaed Statutes of Ontario, that all p'rsona having eialgta against the PA. tate of Thomas A. 8 Pennington, de- ceased. wbo died on or *bort the fif- teenth day of February, A, D. 1924. at the Town of Goderich 1'n the Provine of Ontario, are required to send by Punt. prepaid, or to dearer to R. Van - atone, Wingham, Ontario, solldtor for the ewe•'utor, nn or before the twenty- second day of April, A. D. 1924, their names; and ad4rstee., with full par- tkutatr, of their claims in writing, and the natttre of the se•irlty (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declaration. AND FURTHER TAKE ''NOTICE that after the sold twenty-second day of April, 1924. the aasete of the said estate will he dtatrlhnted by the ez- ecutor among the parties entitled thereto. h•v11te regard only to the claims of which they shall then have nottee, and the estate will not be liable for any claim• not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATiDI) at Wingham this twenty first day of March. A. 1) 1924. R. VAPTSTONE, Wingham P. O., Solicitor for the 10ieentrrr. AI'CTiON SALE rcTItIN SALE a well-Iu,•ated, two•atory frame re. dents. (bath and Iig..t:) : garage 12x barn 20a27. and seven lot(;; also An Lb furniture; garden lools,.pou!- try. eta at the premixes, .Regent street. 1' erieh. on !i.\ 'ROAN-. ILLY 3W at 130 Wel •k. Full partk'ulars In next we'ek's Y net OILtRI.i:S .E. YOUNG. Proprietor T. (; I NDRY. Auctioneer CLEARING AI'CT Ni4ARLY NEW Fi itNINNIN(:S. F:TC. Move, Vipond will sell by bile auc- tion at her residence. Tratal street. Goderk•h. Is.nond house west Vic- toria 4.t.) on WEDNESDAY. AI'Ril. 30, at 1.30 sharp: 1 parlor suite; 2 chane. and daveo- port in brown leather; 2 mahogany tablet; 3 eongoieum rums: 1 bdroom suite. dresser and 'land: 1 iron bed. mattress and springs; 1 kttehen table: 1 kitchen eupboerd; 4litchey chair.; 1 Corona neige, gnat as n.•w, has water front and reservoir; stove pipe. and elbows; 1 bathroom oil clan; 2 hall tilde's; pictures; toilet set..; 2 staoda : 1 .veal oil stove; 1 axe; garden took and numerous other artirhs No re- serve. ea Mrs. Vipond i. \eating Godes ri, •h. TF1 P.M S. --Cash. T. GFNDRY. Aut•tioneer. N SALE OF IOU SEH( 11.D AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE1101.D EFFECTS. There wall be offered (Qr sale at the nsdden.e of Miss M. 4. Worthy. Cambridge street. on MATT}RDAY. APR1i. 26 .commencing at 1..30 p.m, the follow. ing: 1 Rrutiel. rug, 3x31,., 1 tapestry n15. .^,c :, eer nphol'd roeker.; 1 small:4.pork_erl; 2athparlor tables; 1 oak pedeoa 1 1 st.wl bad malt : 1 oak hell reek : 2 bearoom shims. spring* 8141 mattresses; 1 Singer sewing mach• Ine: 1 oak sideboard; 4 dining chairs; 1 phare linoleum; 6 kitchen chain; 1 kitchen cupboard: 1 dr,pleaf table: 2 %mall tables; 1 c,oketove; 1 laundry store: 1 coal Ml stove; several Jen emnned fruit; window slimiest; ltletttre frames; 1 toilet stet; rag ruins: klteh- enwnrr• and cooking utensil's; wash - boiler; title and bard; and other articles. THRW$ Mi)SS M. G. WORTHY, Proprietress., THOS. Gt'NDRY. AuMtonesr woonsompammompadmimmaimb WANTID WANTED. -CATTLE 1'I) PASTURE we for the rummer women. or by the mouth. [test of grams and plenty of water. Apply- LE11. Si►1VFJtitV, R R. VOW BALI Dalt SALE. - atatdardbrtd mare, I htetgy td herlwss. f. • sale cheap Apply 411 THE SIGNAL OF'F'ICE tor 11.1.,rmat lou. Lh►R HALE. - 1 FRFa1I HOLS'rs:tN !' t'ow ; single eolith White Legbura hawking 1.110. ti• Per egg: after Day 'Tit, ie per reg. 11. M. KIDD. Visit $,t1.E.-SEEi) BARLEY. AND J•' Bed l'M. and White Small Real* gto%n on light ai.tl. ALVIA TIIiOKP. SUN, It It. No. 1, Goderich, Phone 1:irfIud XE('T'TOR'S KALE. By pilbite auction of property and effi'ts b•Ionging to the E,fnte• of the late Wm. McPhee at the premkes At Loyal, on SATURDAY. APRii. 19 commencing at 1.30 p.m. PR1►1'ltRTY.--Panel No. 1. _The 1 property, tvon.lsting of h merest of land (toe the same more or 108141 adjoining the store premise. at Loyal, in the township of Colborne, on which there Is a frame hotter, good Karn with ,vim merit stabling, n aplendld orchard and good garden. TFIRMS.-Ton per rent of purchase money to be paid at time rig sale find the balance In 30 days EFFECTS. -At toy' came time all the effeeta will he eo1d. Including: 1 good yonng draft mare; 2 .et. of harness; 75 voting Brown Leghorn hens; 4 parehret enekerel.; 1 art lean harrow.; garden tools; block/toll lh's took.; anvil, rt.e, .M.; carpenter's tools; 1 one,hurse plow ; 1 stoneb,at : 1 broodexa; 1 erns -ant .ow: 1 rnyPr- rd buggy; 1 set of single sleighs; 1 one-horse wagon: 1 cutter; 1 hay rake; 1 cutting tax ; 1 read e'aft ; a number of berretta; 1 ladder; 1 feed boa; gnsn• My of hey and straw; quantity of wheat : 1 ensilage fork; shovels; 2 hayforks: 1 range; kitchen cupboard; II dining (bslrs ; 1 organ; 3 rockers ; 1 feather tick: 1 )Hung,: 2 1>n14 and springs; 1 piece of 111101e11m. 14x1g; 1 pine of linoleum. S x 10: 1 pier of linoleum 515; other art' Mew ton numerous to mention. TERMS - Mah. GEOROE M.PTT}:E. THOS. G1'NiIRY Ilveentor. Anetloneer. rift SALE. --WHITE ' Bls)aisoM :sweet ['lover; 1023 loss' ,apply to MF:\.VIN JEWELL. Colborne town- ship. R. R. No. 4. Goderich. Telephone 1:11.1 Cart*. Colt SA1.1: - It017sE, EIGHT a nrom.• and bathroom. electric light and fixtures; range c.oaitected: hit mad told water: mermen sand blinds to tit all windows; good Sard- i o : no reasonable offer riwwd for yule!: sale. Apply at TAR Ft1G.NAL iirtetI'S. r,01t SALE. --4:00D ONE -HOMES as dray: gravel hoz. wood rack, one- horse plowcutting tax. carpenter's and ganh•aer's tools. gladiolus, bulbs, four burner New Perfection coal oil t.aok .tnyc - Appl. 1110:eii. BEN. 1t/)e;e;AR1'11. eorn,•r Bayarld road »od Raglan .tnet Phone 3I11W. RAIU() siT Ftttt rtAI.E.-Imtsrond Marconi Radtu tenet. including load s1.01ke7. A battery. three tubes. lead phones, etc. Property of Meaeww tun Wena,. flub This oetBt timet 1270 AMR less than two years ago. and will be sold at • barilla. D ntonetra- tion can b./sorra/mei Apply to T R. Ri'NDLE (prase 001r151 or D D. MOONEY (phone 250). • AUCTION/KERING THOMAS GI'NDRY, GODBRICii. LiVE mom AND GFetlfJILAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No 119. Sal.o attended to anywhere and every a ffurt trade to give nattatsct)Oas Farmers' sale notes discounted. J• N ST Mt, AC(`'r o... ERR for bouaebold effects farm stadia etc., for the County of Haroa. Address all communications to J. M. 9TALKRK, Auburn P, 0. lay MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORwrER En, RAR, NOSH. THROAT Late Hostas burgeon New York Ople thalmlc and Aural Hospital, aaslwbaat at Moorefield Eye Hospital an/ Golden Square Throat Hospital. Leat - don, Eng. 53 Waterloo 8t., 8.. Stratford Tel- ephone 287 At Hotel Bedford, Goderich. .2 April pith, at 730 pm, to A,71.1lila, at 1 pm. POSTAGE STAMPS WA.NTED WANTED TO PUROHASB FOR cash. 01d Postage Stamps and 01d Envelopes with stamps attached. Old lames of Canada, United States. Great Britain. British Colonies, preferred. No modern Wawa wanted. it may pay you to look up your old petters. Rey to Boa 22, The Aigasi. LEGAL G. CAMERON,' K C. BARRIS- TER, notary Dams. O� rollitott street, Oodertea, third door front Square. Trost Leah W loan at lowest ratan DROUDFOOT. KiLLORAN • HOLMES. BARRI8TERS, SOLICITORS, NO. TARIE9 PUBIA�OC WPC Office on the SquaT'e, second float from Hamilton street, Ooderfe)t Private funds to loan at lowest tato., J. L. E1ltoran, Dudley B. Holier Nape & maps RAai114Txas, ETV. R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS,JR.. B.A. Hamilton St., Godericn r IMAGER. K.C., BA1tRIS'111114 SOLICITOR, Notary public ltd conveyancer. Office ---Court :Rocas► 0oderlch. INSURANCE. LOANS. UTC. MCKILLOP MUTUAL rIRE INSU- w1 ANCE CQ. -Farm and Isolaise town property Insured. 0.1xees--Jeb Connolly. Pres.. Ooda. rich P. 0. ' Jas. Erma, Vice Beecbwood P. 0 ; D. F. McGregor, Sec. -Tram., b atorth P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R. IL No. 11, seaforth ; John O. Grieves iia. 4, Walton; William Klan, R. R. No. 2, seatorth • Jobs Bennetwba, Br d- hagen ' Geo. McCartney. ray. t R. N& 8estorth Ferris, Mirka; Murray Otbeoa, Brocaaeld : Jamal RBsse%u woed : Janes Ooa1D Ooderie A1� Leitch. i . R. Mo. 1, MOP 1 Joao atoetau�, lsato,ta • L Hiae•tr peatort a aM holders ma pa,% all d at t J. Y r0!j r� Mates ; t 0. Oatt's O,aes,y, ��, mer J. B.