The Signal, 1924-4-17, Page 9A Digest of the Local Happenings as Reported by Our Exchanges THE SIGNAL, (;OI►EitICH, ONT. 1 hua.tud..he lesser tw'' sons and Iwo '-I':�ETF:K. I:IIIhht•.ra•fRUITTREATMENT Thomas Vanning, age41 srceul}'- clul.. Tlick.g., Ie.lulon r.s,d morel, 11%14 y1e_ a Termer residing [near was 1.•n•a.rd last week 1,1 the tloath. The News of the County• I:rnud 1111111, run oer by a w�rKlt..\I'• patently seized with a fainting lit, he toppled (row t1,.• wagon. the hind wheel passing ocer his body. Mhos Sophia Kowloon. daughter of Quick and Permanent Relief \fr: and Mr.. K••ulptou. of RI 140Y, w'ho los. I00011 10411 .01 lorv4.o• of 1114. allot -811 TIt akict •+ Fruit -a -tires John F. Wein, of Credit....dead The J. It. Watson Iurniture ('o•. I". of r.J roma at l.nioe hospital, IN., rait, hu. ncee]ucd a 41444 lull us „I 40,4., KIiitsirdlue, 111 asking the town for a luteudeut of the branch hospital lea loan of $2 ,0d0 to build and equip an- vuuutcttvn with Grave hospital. other factory. In- the person of Mrs. John ltrlt• Arthur Johnston. second son of Mr. ton, of (instance. an old resident of and Mrs. lIltleird Johnston. lag line Hallett pws1.e41 away on .\prh 7. Mrs. Of Morris, died 011 April 7, at the Britton, who was a Ala ttel of Mullett, early aloe of ulw•tem years. was lea her seventy-fourth year. RIP Luuiwe !'earl, life of ..141wea .►oder• leaves tact .•111. and a dul114'41 , her sem, of 1"sl.u•ue t'.wnshi i..lied at Vic- h11.duu,d lun'iug 11ied fuurtvyl years I ago. torte hospital. Louilon. 1111 April 7.Ila 11'edue.da>'. April 9, Hie mitred - aged forty-threeyears.1:.•:141.11 her :I t•• t•u,k, place at 1e.udoil of Miss Es - flier Ilayter, s.ruud' daughter of Mr. unl Mrs. H • • 11 vt f St nl y 1111111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IlllllillIIIb!1111111111111111111111!IIIIIIIIIIIII ) �;;,; 'f34 ; , rs Kip0j'fi n{tr.The yV 4 couple will r..nle ul, the groom's farm on 1111• London roadnear at the age of eighty three year.. Margaret Spence, widow of the late Jam••. Henderson. died at Jtlue(ale on April 4. aged sl1ty•two years. Mks. Albert Crooks, of Morris, is nursing a broken arm, the result of an ut,et white drivlug home from Bru.,.•I.'. Mr.. Hobert doting, of Ethel, pa.wrl away on April 4;. aged s••vnty-tive years. She leave. elle daughter. Mrs. 11). Veber. • Hardwood Floors they cost little --they lost forever HARDWOOD floors are' the last word in economy. Their first cost is not high- and they last a lifetime. Let ut quote you on sufficient flooring 'to cover your old floors or on your requirements for your new house. Hard- wood' floors never w :ar out the wear comes not on 'the wood, but on the varnish and wax. That's how they economize in money. In time and effort they save tremendously•. In beauty and charm in actual selling valu . -they add im- measurably to the value or your home. Seaman -Kent Hardwood Flooring is made in Plain Red Oak. Quarter Cut White Oak, Birch, Maple and Beech -each of which has i.s own individual character and beauty. • KENT MARCW000 FUDDLING PLAIN O.%K, 1 " thk'k•, Graile'4iear . . (L"34N► ate*" thIt-k. 4ira.1r No. 1 . M.UPLE-KiRCH, " thick, Grade 1't..ar t 91.1 410) °li, " thick, (;rade No. 1 7:. .N/ Ats,ve prices are i.er thousand feet. See samples in •las• l'arrie'. w-inllnw--leinlware store on Square. I.sr ani further information write Ito. 160, I.oderirh, or phone 17W.- titer 6 p.m.. phone 17.1 or 38.1.. KKt•�,r:l.�. .gas, 1;. \lolmt..h has leas••4I'14 hnh•1 at Tt"iitn.1. Mr. M.'Itsto.h was formerly imol aget' et the Queen's I .hotel. Brussels, \1.•t, Ib.• had for oohs' I,f three What a glorious teehug it is to he well: \That * relief to be flee of euthenics, salts, Iaiataves and purga- . iitu that merely aggravate euoati- paliwi and are so unpila.aull to tike and a0 weakening in their effect! What a satisfaction to know that the juices of apples, oranges, tilts and prunes will absolutely and perms• neatly relieve oonstipation. By a certain proems, the juices of these fruits eau he eoaeentrated and combine.] with toaitat--and it•i., hese intensified fruit juices that correct e.tustiletiva, rt•Iiewerheadacl.•s and btltuusueaa.-autl make y'o.0 We11 an.] ktep_yOU well. Fruit -a -eves" are sold eros - where at 2'.e. and 5004 p} boa --or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. I CKNOf,1, ..1 1,11 hr,•Iher, 11.+c, 4;.11{. T,b•k.•r'. Methodist minister. %Idle on his .gray to North Ilattlefor,1 1140p0n0 for au .p.•rutiun. K.•.' .,auras F'•..t.• 011 Saturday. Ale I ril S, tied the nuptial kmet'uaIang lit marriage \disk Ariel Beverley, den - griller of the hit...lames Itaerley 011.1 .I r.. Beverley. and t'1,:u•l.•. 14, 1l.• - Kettle, .611 41( Mr. 01141 Mr.. It. \I:4.• K4.11%1e. 'rhe c•tuugr ....apt, will r.- •1.. iu Loudon., the groom Ito Ow par elutusl sa .tore in the ['..rest City. lion. .1. 1:. l::u•dhi Minlsr••r of llighways for the I't•',kn.-e .d sa.. katebew':v, .tient :1 week l it;ll4 Ilig totems at Exeter while .;LL, trip e:1 -t to pre..11? n•.uhuien• ..f An; alt k..' .•Icon I.' -i -1 attire 1.. 1Ito anthetill. - 4 atta%+1, \ 't.udllt, ,•1111. lin- he•11 fry me'I in I:v1.•r `ivlUr 110 fullowime of :.. - l'r.•sldeut. )1. U 1'.n ..din : . • • dint, Itr. G. S. Atkinson; e: 1. 1' rre0•Inrer. 17. I. 1. I,•n. alilrp •1 11 .1'4 of 4,4.' 11.0 so- Ile \t.':.t roil! In.; N'e• k. Titto ti The Water in Goderich Is Very Hard For all washing purposes it needs softening with Snowflake Ammonia. Try a package and note the difference in the water. ,''ter N 1•• 111141 jtlpl.. At :4 ,lttr'ting of s..ar o '. . I L .pn t'1 111 11111 !l /11111 1'11w111_1 (1111' it. i.• '.41., .nn I IL•,e • ' . G•ann.d 111411 ors w"r.• ghr•t.•11 for I!'J I • It 1' I'. -- '''• -, _ of II, an 1 )1 . w.•11, I11tr eau: 1't(.,ma- I,,'Il 1i.4114,1 '''1 ') II•. .1...7. I11.i. .." t'.. 11.1.1, ary lrre-i41,•nt 14.4)4,' 1,. \I. 'I' -3:11', 1 I-4.1 w'.6 h. pr.'-i.k•ut: .1. 4.. MI:'n•'. .'•..4 11..1.•" 1.''1 . 'I Angers. taken .dff by a edmnlar saw one iu. 0•.1„ r, 1 . vol. cie.•-or• •I•l. ill r It \I .1. I . s, { i .ht) last :c•+•k. \I. nu.r .. I 1'.,, • - 1 rotary: Nils- K F 3i,. rr tte.eo t .1. 1', lin le. :1411. . I: s t'.I 11 .1''111 \1.' -I '1 t' ZI'ItICH. .4ac P'Iptti 11 'rhe 1, .011/, .11 Inn• pa... SIL 71, i... I 1•1 icor ssAero r.sI a ••1 •,.I c,•at .1di.f:o• Ph.- fr.ca I ... • -,., - . 'r:eo, H. ,'file bac 41 t.' ed f his 1{ a 1114. e\tn•.....,1 ...:I •t1,• n•ntltsi !Colon ot Bolo. 'Freon rill 111. f1,.' Chris i'''1' .inn H:l'. '11,. 1.1111,11..‘1 I' . 1 ' I reon lli h. 114th'. l.• \n r iwpro .9ue,Irs t'' t1. nese andtl' . uno•ist r ..f ! '1 I 1" '111:,Jyr;::,',./...1. ,..cua•I,t .d ail 0,0.4 11.11 11u1e1•twl- ! 11,s af.dl. .•sensing the !aft" 44 •I'- i,,.s, a t•:II.I;„ .f <1"•r.•n as • .. 1,,u I, • \l n. .f,iu1 f c,'t r 1 criit +.t Ikl•ltnon.l a• 45.11 of the dell. I-zr:l K•.•hler i. .q.•1t1n.. n Bake .!..,p 411 the village. t,' I t. n; t••P ••.wr.l rrsi.1 r ' . to 5. 1 away .•o 11:.1„I, - ..t 4..-? .c• , k. Ii1.1TH, i•ling' results this ;.•mr frond titi.1 •••'1�.`l,n.,.,,,• F ...,.i•..iku tourist trade.' c.'i .lu•led )lr, :Lo. 1 • 4.•0111 .tea '-Irel•• I:,. 1. on firmed at -_ h,ac „ _- _ - /, I. \\ H. the fell.,") °Neer•: '1111.1'w•v'•hn yells• stn. .tdunl41. "surd Ito•.. r.•nuu, will i.• 131.1 lug The dtict'.t .euu•11 i. '4''r..ering :1 lu.,nru. Iter loss Iter hitacwd, I •r'•' rr'dly {mg.a•ti, 44,4 411 what lea•• -pull Wark for 1 upi11 1.......A. -eat. 4hoar Knopp: vier'-pre.i ; I..1,.•.c .. 1.. t...4. ..r 141.1.1 .o,.. sal ►hr.w dnughti•rs, , 1'.:,.t•' •.u, 1'•'1 II'. . -1- , into it:' a: _ yl r•, 1.7olis, !Ile Asn. l.,ra ill �.•4- I. nt. L 1;. Krueger: director.. .1. 1'. ' "" . Mr. and Mrs. t'. • • i(.•u1 lin•• who Ital.I st'hltl.• \\' II.F411Rhn(f. r F )1•+ors. D. Fh.•d}. F: 1'. "11"" •• 1111'1 fl' L 1 ' \ N ith .hr..• r1, I'o•t •i 1 Ab. Taylor foto the r...10-nin and op-.:.•nf 2dle realer pnr•'uf the wnu••r .l r r. .• A. nt 3 ,eratiorra.f the 11114t1i platting mill. - - ..Ind .4141.1. It:ruler. 1. I:h•tb f.�r tL.• naualndrr of 1!r_'a: Eledne •r '1'. It. att..•rsou has Nett its. It, v. '.144r. J. .1. Blair. ...ba- r- THE IiLCE N'.►Tt:K HII:HV1.'►\. appointed by the tyth •1'11 •01 e g,•rn•ell of Winnipeg. at Olio tins lar r- mak.; a snrci•y . f 411',. ,:f ', ri1114; .• :t.. ( i.1, 1'ri.•s2 .eat a l'oham. It president a)► i frau. and ]Inns• ].• -1 , 1. •ns t••r; a'II.11 E,sl from 1'lt 11.•iu1.r1 by -{h. 1'03.• :1. j,resiee•nt at � 11,.• )11Iylut of •stn... )Ir. Fraise• declansl that the re - ,h•• vathol!.• 1•hnr.•I, ttG•nsio11 So,' •-, 4•..,41. '.I itT 4) 44a. ,rte:.w,-fn1 fn toilers nlo11g'tb• Itlu,• W,ter 11 ,. „' ' '1,14.,%%.'" ry h, •,s•e•..lan 41 1%I.i'op 44'IN,Iulell.,' !,i4 not as '1 amok.•'.,.,) lI ill• 1"'s' ,,. w ..t \'irisin. 4514.. foralerly held 1 { Y -rias t1,,• e- •- ,.1- r .tor :.:4.1.1..11.1 os•rntols. F1.• •v,s- ask.sibilftie• ni t1,• to»rist'trade. T1wer •1,..• position. I t,.m .b'.rtly• on thee'lisi=1111. '+ottl,•,f.• i.t. fru% the I"nitrl Rtntes eao.t►rry n.ih.• '.ta4•''.tf ;LI.r.,rulrtn, lliiu7, %lilt them it their omn 11 oak" Inc sn,.•r. wmi•i I free of curt 40. lit+, m.•nhanaliw 1il♦ It.1v. .\. 1'. iyttin !,a. •civ -.1 a.ud i , r n!44hr 1:1.1.:.,.,011,11... + h' Ude r.ttne ..f i1aN1, to itself a .4Rtlfth , :1•• •opted sur hn•ftatio❑ to �, ant inne a. t e •ha ret •• m n , Bend • clot. .\ Grand nl .1 !ow -tiler %1?II• r , f "t' I r )•i,•t•r .1f I:Irth \bhho41ia .•dole, 11 for i lea t di.).q„til eat a Inst,• Stook of sweaters 1:r=1 i. • .1 fattish rear.- \tri Tittle w..,. _rant- {7 h' Iuuria. las c1:,r.• while a Sarnia ed :rs, lal.mou. In .clary, ma.io3 Ili• retailer is l out ills entire. 144.4.4. of i -til•''' I It I.am I 1, Wow,- I Ileut•y Taman. a highly r,•.).•. fed L•i•h linen to lite .,i.ft'r�. In . I"•il.it. o 1 r of 1 )Ir. e'ratice .111'11 a lanai •r ..f little .1 r••_GI lir .If itlrtJl. dlnl 4.0 April ' 1 thin-. I I h N rd 1 phase t'.• 1'nit. t Il.,r,. ! .,.•orRr .densis ear. 114111 o%owl it. �.,rs , milk. i- Its. 1\•.•ir. .i .lnliip'il.. 1,:1• i.r•t. air I {:ist week 'on their morn to 'their GODERICH PLANING MILLS, Ltd. rIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Itolher. broke 1. )1111•. o, .ro.43 • Miring Thurs. 1i -n •,Irryiuyt 4.R • lea ras •, 410.1 lit of ttothitia. N'iuth:eau'.. tat rate f lir and .11r.02 Jas �. 1•:i 1' ".t. 14111••• the ....gage. I.,n:3aer.- /',:Ira \tart'. t i►r. • , 11x- w t c • , , aft. r a lengthy _illness. aged +1\tr ! mat,•. t,•nri.ts- tn4'4tx titch i ,..4,+•..f- ',• \l,..,nd '.Jr-. Th•.s. F...\r•mstrlmt.I f„ with 1..,111 or r. ttmi lira 1111,11..111.. the marri:144,• il. inked Mr. Mlar.f,dam.. .t...twiatioa Pre•sidrnt I• -' , shortly. ' t'Li�") i, 1 Tho roinark. of 11'. )i,1 .\dntlta -- I mer.• in the nature of a follow -op to T. •'bnrehflI. •414.•4114? intent.;f -the I4oh•a1 .I.jirlu.nt of tilClintontthint ,fa11f 4 ttheha..sIt r.wlaar }thHe .4•temtipnh44uslrn ..d dewing f, Ihi. 1l1ne.. .•f hi.; father I Knit 'ug I'4... I. attending 41 h•ttlle 11•11,.55 .111.11117 frnn, the ent.fdi•' that Hoot St. 5ens. .d•the !salvation .1rmv,1''\hibi •q, at. Phfladeli'hla. - ,'anted 14, notell in helping husin•• wwf.nth. has .04.11%011 hrare of :i1,. Mr. a 1 )1r. ]),'n, Cunningham tool TM. nowt.. along the lake I41d . 1'11' n• ••for some m41nth. to lege chnrg,:' dnn44hter aye returned from en en- Irv. fresh air awl uttr:t.t1,e living .4 his father's fnrnl. 1.1,11? Tt, vllu, .d^ .f"?'nhli• nu months' trip to England, e4.?dit i ods for set.• with 14114. h the 4:oderi,•h, I. in..dharge at S.aforih. I Ireland awl ...[land. Air. Cunning- tow Done -n. inland ....fib! not begin to cone {i•. Margaret Grieve.. dntiglt.•r ..f I luaus clot d It shied father in Done- pet... There should Is..i combined of Mr soil !Mr.. T Grieve. S••uf11rth h:.• gal for some ti, ,• 111141 \ir-. co/Ini. un the part of the nn111fei3uillti.- '.e•4 ,•!01.11 'as this Year's vai•�lliemr-1 ham a sister at R mii, I,, ,l. - interested to 44'•1 4111 this a w ro•tIl'- ern at !4rntf.,,i N..nea+ wl...l tt It jolut our• 't•Kilti. I v.t144. M,, Nm•N.htr. stated. -that the. .1,.• Sflla:,famed )i.sk v player, of f 11['ant Had Sarnia 4'hapJ.•r of (*.minter.. • hltl Milin•:l4s'4i., 1•, hon.,• fur the summer Iii.'ro...• t•vm, arra. ,'libido w+r",r'.udd..,•-'I the. Itlu, \\ut••r Highway nioM11+. toad.- and ronunittees na ed f -.r a hit -V.11,91114: :is sort of -It. .:w n' baby. and Football erganlasltlen has L,m coin- cdebratbtt on May •24111. lad dols lout great a••:shut:1 In :he pilled in S.•:Iforth with tau' election of 7:,11. Clinton cowed! has rock the pnhlicitc mid propaganda. ire. ferry the following officer. Pr.'nident• J. rate for the year at 44 mill:. 4• sane• Doolittle. - f.nnoler of the ()ntari.r )t••K, nrie; .n notary, A, W. [lick ;gram- n. Ina y ars -.1 grant of g.1 was Motor - I.eagne anti l/otniuion-wide mitt.... 1,. i4.').!. W11 -en Wright. Wm.madeto the 4'.•lltt'•v Hilton i. -0. - authority on road gu7aionv. had es - \\•right, Joe Sills: junior silt...'mmit. tura, .1••'.latint'. Tl,• Irrop.w,l to Ir'"".d hl. ppr'hal/uouf t1,ea•• m.1u..u•no.11in,r1 - •, '1'. Ii. McMillian. G. Curtin-nrtin- ]a1retn .• a team for 11,V1 71 ...irk w; Ilou'eR.+rt-aand 1, -hall. A. Matthews. it in the intention turned *boot' The bond i• ••444,444'.' what he term•.1 4'1... '..mmnu-.,.n.e to have broth an Int ermclia50 :1101 a for twelve week ly-''.,neerts i.•gi111411 '1:w ,,flJ %.1)4''11 tin,- .4.••'n,•iatf1111 ha. tb.• tlr.? week lo into. nt1 .Lee rate of '' dear11n'd amt enil••:Loring to jollier i..'t1c111 teem this year rr. ,ate filo. min R'nh r pmt... 31.-Ito ::a•:u1,er per ....neer,. 1 4'liorors -1t.,. organized for has.•111111 1'a lining. 5.14,.3.r.-itlent ).4111t.esr ' wail S!r• f..l1"wVine officers: ' Hoq. .pit 11,. two y'•ur- ago the 'toted. and 'tees!dent. lir .1: W. Slaw: presi41ent. Tourist ucedigatfoa comma', ap- I Sutter: vice-president. .1. 1'asmao : pointed by the Legislature had. in it. - '•retnry-trrn.nrer,, Ernie Walton: r'q.,rt. 111:4, aim,,:,,,,,,,.. mdatl41n that 1 w; injger. Xormhn Gel.les ,;.mtnitte•. 4 ti'• apprnprlut.d T. Hankins. 11'. ,Johnston. W. Ful- rnd.'ertisfng 4411 ford. ll Fine.. r4141nd .d Atn'•rI' a, The ('lluhm howlingInh has re• ntjn4t,th.• ....limit. for 197!-I With the follow- 11Ized In snh:id- irint thn•e 41i•?riets ' the 1'rov.ine.• kinl4 ,.oma RE.%FORTH. MoreSpecialsfor Easter We take great ppasure in announcing the arrival of a large shipment of imported Silk and Wool Novelty Goods, at prices within every woman's reach. In this lot is included silk and wool SLEEVELESS SWEATERS in novelty shades and styles. All -wool Sleeveless Sweaters in camel and white and pearl white combinations. Novelty slip-on Silk Sweaters in sunburst and white, honeydew and white, and mopen and sand. New Sleeveless Sweaters with square shawl collars, in white and black, taupe ttd pearl, and other taking combinations. Prices $2.9E to $4.50 Whether contemplating a purchase or not, your inspection is cordially invited OPAL LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CO. st Side of Solrare GODTRICH. ON T. s ,t he slim of for the. Dirt... tart,. as ,th, pin. d'art of tlm-ap4rrop tee ,1I'L•e-,I should be ing ofNc r . 11 u. pr 1 1 ? ?. nn. 1, sen pn•.l'lenf. :1. . \Forri.h: rb-•: '41*1 11 .ler•- tbenl.t•Lv4M presid tit, hr. F. .1. Avon; 11n•retarr, ''i4sfsieur ''1)'rt 41' ,tlr !Ise th••Ir i. F:. Hore7; treasurer. 11. H. Sharp: adeawat••. to tourists. rte Bine auditor. P. F,, M' 1'hersron : honorary Witter rout•• wan one of the .• ht ells - trios listed - !y' the commit . us wl.rthr .K development and a..i. • neo' fro'', the Government along this 1 . t4. -lig to the (:nw•rnment'• being ant loos :o r.rin''e taxation. howeu'r. 'rile cnntnftree', 4'..'7111 •o.Iation las 1110 marl to41rn Ont f,r this y':I• Jit lutes) opo :m.1 , 11441.. t':.' ltr.u.t ....ad 111,.1. f.1.'11 tournament. will 1.•• t1,.• he eo!Inte.f 4.o from that quarter, Heine•• of tM' •Pe.on'• prn;;rnn1, ,.\ i.n.erhll ussrslation hail hie 1.vl r In"» form...I on 'he M14141:'n Aide of 114. lake .cit'., a •apit:al ..f A1x,aNt 5,. ••\plait 'i, .,.I'.:.ntac•.• 1f, the runt.. in their .li,•r:.-t \;1'.11 however, remarked \L• \t.1. 4.l., a-. ha+ net b.., n 1 r'. LI:••i '. '1i. I h. Ni, other me,llelne give* as great .a4• 1Ilne \\'ah•r .\,.o. i:r e.,, 4,? :'.1. 1r,- '1- 4ftniinn to mothers ty� dr.s lhthy'. own. Tablets Th..../ Tablets are wan1111y good for the lowborn babe or the growing eh1:41 : 1'L are absolutely safe. They cnnnot possibly do harm --nlwny. grn41. / The Tablets are mild but thorough Mt hire w•h'.-tl regulate the Irowe!a Anil sweet•) tl ,• .lna,!; Anil tots roll! 'e lathyy-of '1111.' of the minor III. ff� ehll.lh ..'1 -0.•41 n+ 44n1- 41Ip atlon. Indigo• -t1,,. '• .1.1.,'eaal-•.. •'1,•. Concerning them NIr+. .4.r(hnr 4") 11 .11 r^htt. Vvlreyyttre. 44».•, write.. '1:,1).};. own Tald4IN lin', 1.4.11 of w',hdednl ,\111 \tae.\'Liens- in0:.'atel that the lamefi4 In my baby who era. guff -ring program of tin._..1s•.,'-?:ltinn for 15,1.1 from Irm.tItnttlan IIh.1 hnllaes'1on. ,1 ',!way+ keep 131•. 7nl.Ii't+ on 11111111,111111 w'onll ndri.P 1111 mo1b.•f11 to do Iik,•- members. 3. T. 114.141, (`.' F'. Shepherd 141141 .lohn McEwen. (lame.. [round. 11114 ranrles.l11N 'ommittev. !Vert, 0140 11 14,0111,141 f1 vIdnJ1+ mer• made 1,c' the elnh to drop mit of ,!e Valli tro- phy ,'•ries Mut to ca11-4.1 1 11 clnNs No - 11'4.11.11![1 uplin+.1,n ion t r!a ..1.1.•11. .. "- ' the pst.t Iwo 'w as •v or, -,•,I by I :tem. i41wto. a lift t did efforts of the \., :idiot. .1nr»,4 i 4"4•141 \l•. u a numh••r o 't I.. sn pr, •, eat. It a.1r felt, h.., idem ';o•b•r!'•h l41ruo'. d:n -' . l •:aldeu hale." .tw,nl•I ]'111 .I\a 1lttle 3 I. n. •• 1- I'aI•.t h spurt and assume it• fair Share of t the outlay ae•,•ss:n•) to I.'e aa•ressfIII nln.r \I1: •.. \ r' ady •IkY and •„ PURITY FLOUR More Bread and BetierBread " and Better Pastry too USE IT IN ALL YOUR BAKING lea 1. 11ROUCC SATISFIED MOTHERS dl.trih'1te.1 in Ile. !Irate. by 'he -. .r. 6414 tolltIMt ortalrit;•,tlntw on the , .111.• 141+i4 ,I. 1 1111 d • stat.--, lii-•rat ,r. Till. privilege might Ie .on' ofd' 41?' 47.. time, however. R'. I: Fit•rslnimons, lnln•trfitl e,Ynnbai•-i••fb r jou• t'a4• atilato ,Notien-:4 Itail...r .,a.1 -int omitted! '1)11.1* 'his ,.•:1: s •..1:'ion df '•)folj'rithti.1.• In ('.vada" the nn4.t,prnerienl. result getting compile Hon of information that h•• Ind •',. r • 1.11 •r,a' the •Armani••:e,!• ,ttf t1 tourist. year 41'4.11).1 r gaits at, .1t'pololitor.. of apla•"\1111rt'ly 92,.,1144. 4..11141111g 4' 1t, heat fon 411111 di't7'ihn'iota of 1144• too', : .. .r... 7,.1 • 11,. t ,..- ,., „) c.. • • 1'et.'Lau n' . .l' r''""s 1' .1 ,.Ire. „:' 1'y 11111 nt .P. cents 11 f..r arcs. lvn'lier from '.1 4.f at,.., 1.ot from The 11r, Williams' Meth -111e rani... yin-. awn, 141144.-. ao,l nn.r: Mi- rn., I3r..-k'1111•, 41nt. )AcrdI.hIK. --1 ttt`nk we wis Ret ,1+14111• N Economy, THE cheapest motor car is not necessarily_ the most econom- ical car. The new 1924 McLaughlin -Buick Master -Four is the logical car for every person to whom economy and service are of prime importance. This high -grate Four is so rugged - and so well constructed that repairs rekk►Itn needed and upkeep ex - i„ r'sc is at the . mi {mum. The Master - Four McI. ghlin - Buick motor is extremely •powerful, yet the f;aaoline consu ption•is low. • The Master -Four s so relffble and efficient that it delivers stay in and day out service with very little de- jlrcciation, so that the man who t'wns a Master -Four can get a higher resale price than the owner i1t uth(;r slakes of cars. Thr I.M. net rr^d 1'.• mr t Ptah make. 11 e..; ter yes own . car. MASTER FOUR 34.35 5PEcIAL LOCAL DEALER W. M. BELL McLAtlG-HiLIN►-BUICK r •