HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-17, Page 66 Thursday...tl,-.1 1T 1924
1 ;rant on township roar: expenditure
I for lint.
The following a,...m4l4 mer.• pas,
1.1 awl order,: drawn on Irea-or.•r for
the rutue: Nmdelptl \t'orld. collect
or'. roll. *[1.0.8: tiny. J. Ilnys legal
aerviee. re ins 4.01141e(f044.. !x5.011;
I:oderh•h }aerator Co_ form. and
teaming the ',aut.,. f24::7.: the Cot ow• -
lig for .nutt•reuteviIIg: David Pit -
hobo, 62.54a; Ed. Million. $1.25: Ward
Ihl 112.541: Ed. Goiod. e12.1: WIT
11 1. 87.: 1.. M,'I.,I rt v. 62.311: .lush.
1111. IVA; Ilruc• 4;rigg, 142.511: 4).
It. F. rester. $1.:1tt: \1'e*ley 3.1104r'.
SA: Ih,'I.1 Hardy, 11x1.25:John Trellis,
$y: Geo a 1[.41411. a1: barman
gau, 63:0'• E. Yaustone. 144! 1'. Wai-
ters. )Ill.:rt, 1. Stewart 4 snow•-remnv•
ing and gra% •1 t. al 1.50: \\'m. alc-
1\'hjpuey. SI.1:1: Harold \\'alters.
.it10.50: Harry Jenkins. 147.:st: .\ 0;.sst.
rood , superintendent. 540.444: It. M.
Young, . r,--urra.'i'ngl. *2'70: - Eros:(
\11teltell. Ir.lanei• wal11r4. x15: 1"14,4,10'tool exehur* .'. $5:•estru .work. 3144 3•'(J•.
Meeting adjourned to \I: t 2.1 • 4 ht
nom.. when it 44411 pal.•,•.•, 41* n court
lot revision --AIRS. IIKTIIt. t1Xt:'I`ltN.
llo• "...•avNl •• ('raise. i. lite
logical time '„ buy a •
New Prayerbook
Greeting Card
a IMve a .pletnti•i a-.ortntent
al very reasonttide .prix,•:
Porter's Book more
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
ient Clean Quick
Chea • er than Coal or Wood
An Mee
just m
is Vacuum Cleaner
dust. A broom
ves the dust.
\Valk in an:t
of Electric
e the dispL1)
1s at the
North silo- of Square Goderich
by J3.\ KEi. 11:\1111:1't iN.
.:,slerieh, t)6
..tae. lel nil to the 1Nrt our till
With eoptri1' hen rt. return;
t►lr GoN i. erotical.. not w111 lento
The d.• -,.::rte to mourn.
tour heart.. If God tree •,••k to 44,.4.
Shell know Him, anti reJoi••'•:
1 111- coming like the morn .hall be,
Like morning -omits Ili. voice
-- Joh:, 3p'ori..nl.
rwt(1 ER.
.\Iulightc G. sl. who:•• throne I. es-
tablish.d in •righteon-neo. anti ,Intlg-
1 ..lent, ¶k* elms to , l'h a as the lied of
114 know --that Thou hat.•"t sin but lorry
us to follow on'tn
wensy. a+ well a• of judgment.
A little Chartn and hot water makes shining,
sanitary pots and pans. Use it every day.
2 for 25c at all Good Grocers
iia• 4414 1/...4-- 1.4 u11.. of the 11,,44. 3101
calve- of the .tail. while at the same
the sinner. • p
know' the 1,.1rd. for then w1. shall In -
;crease in wisdom and knowledge and
be o-n4hle.l to do Thy holy will through
;the gree of our Lord .testis t'hr4t.
i who loved tpt.1u*d gave` IItu-.It for us.
Ito reeonelle Its unto 4 I. In Histoor
rp-x4.44-mffe•r-Mfr tletili, I.4- -Awn-
SI \1111 S('44001. Lt:'SWWN FOR
1I'K11. '!7. 19^ 1.
I ee .ou Title -1 :441.1 Hosea
Hemline for Kighteou.lw•'.
IA.. -on nee:age- 1111,. 6 : 1-6 :
Hosea 6:1-6.
(collie,' Text -1 . 1:15
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
kll call: promptly attend)
et! to (illy or night
Store 336 Residence 36iw
Hamilton Street. Goderich
'fells How To OprpClogged Nos-
trils and End Head -Colds.
.\ne... one of the• ulln..r prophets.
lit.•d of the ':on.• time u. lain:. 1411.1
H,e..•:1. ile w'n. a native of-Tekoah.
a village six miler .rrotlt of Tb'thle-
lit•m. He saes of him -elf 10::14-1
"1 ons no prophet. neither was 1 a
prophet's son: but 1 was an berdm,ln,
anti a gtatherer of sycamore fruit :
Ind the lord took me as 1 followed
the flock. and the :esti -rid .411140 me,
(10; pr0phe-y .4104.., my people 1-r1r1."
This was In the reign- of 1'zzialt:
king of Judah, mid Jerobwnm, king of
Israel. Ills minl.try extended for
the period 4*? ones year only and his
prophecies . were dir..•fed mainly
1o,ri11+l this sins of Israel. the north-
ern kingdom then at the very h'414'1tt
of it. splendor. Hi. plain speaking
1441 to his lasing el,nrgel by Amaz1*1t•
' the priest of P•ethel. with eonaplree,
'against the king and he• 4411s furred to
return to his former peaceful
pittlon. I.nt not Istfore n11 true d••nut-
.'IAtfotls and prophesies re..4.11441 In
Ids book were faithfully delivered.
As lie heft his 4,0014' 00 'his Cod -ap-
pointed' mI-aon and travelled north
into Samaria he had abundant p4.00?
M mho he saw that I'rnel hail "t111eI
o flu• full the sup of ler Iniquity"
p wens .;irr.4 a. he• -awe (11111 law's
1N iI human ,Ind olivine mer.• disr-
• star 41 Wish impurity. Rhin- had
'led t • %lee and as vier was a forerun-
ner 1. [betty and .1.•str40tiu0 he was
:nerdy 4 prn•Inim to 400th king and
.•..nrtier .. priest and people, the mese
were 4.,s1 nd., went him to give. He.
standing as It were on A wnteh•tOwer.
spoke ..t ih Ini.ptitous dealings 0t
this neighbor' • notions in their re-
lntlnn4 w:th 's own people. the
_eh 1.r of isra . .Tie net forth the
mnJ.•.ty;0f Jehnt• and the certainty
of punishment be •g meted ntlt to
;these nations, Nes he spoke of the
ales of Judah. 4hei brother nation.
:and l then the full for. • of his q,'4-
hnrst fell upon Tsr*.•1. - bo. forgetful
with them
•m out of
nod he -
to hear
r im-
ou feel fine in a f.•w m"m•mt 4. Your t of (sod's merciful d.•411in
cad in Arad wS+ n1. catarrh ill be gun^..cor since Ile brought r ugJo 4.l
lour clogged n-..trila will open. The air . b.outingo. had now been sum
pas+ago of your head will clear and ;fore God's bar of JndgMent
you can breathe finely. No more dill- by the .. mouth of the prophet
i•.ss, headache; no hawking. snuffling. 'pending eWIm. in today's le
morons discharges or dryness: no etrug• 1-61 it 14 the noblli:s whose live
along for breath at night. Ilnid bare with the hope that stub
Tell your druggist you want a small px,4urp wonl.1 Irnd to rrpo•tttanre•
bottle of Ely's Ceram Balm. Apply .hlef . it h s of 1M• kingdoms of Tarn
little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream . .
in your nostril.. let it penetrate through anti Judah were Samaria and Zinn : Ile'
every air passage of the heal; soothe former wens sr urn in ty r =ordain
endsbeal the swollen, inflamed mun.us fastnesses, th,C.letter was set upon 1
alembrane, and relief comes instantly.. hill let:Wilfut for situation. The
Tt is just what every cold and catarrh ' pewee. the rulers. the great men .44
orderer. n.rds. Dont stay staffed -up 'the... titles. were filled with .pride
land miserable. :but the prophet lash' them take no-
�•'•' ftor of neighboring klnseddtns with
BUS AND BAGOAOE•SERVICE 1 thetr great cities They had been
'older and mightier fnr; "their border
- -1,- greater than your border." These
Bus meets all trains. Calk made for i lint! been d.Jstrly.d anti mode dexo- 1s good; end whet doth the Lord re.' -.-----
paseenger. ami "4"4"1.. 'enc purl of Into, so how J•0uld Zion nod Samaria quire 0( thee. but M do Justly, and to WOMEH 0�
the town Prompt .erch•o goarsnte'''4 1 hope to weeps• .e'en through they put love mercy, and to well: humbly wit:
uw•,'+•arles of life. To acio:u(su11,4
this life toting musk of all kinds
T� [R` Rlrt .txos%It
Town -hip sours:I ue•t of alareh 2.5;
44;111 111%111tw1 for their euti•rlaiuuo•nt.I
They' were. nor t.. si. stlut.vl II, any.
frith all the fu,'utls•r.s present. Minutes
r of last meting were read and ate.
thing. for even their.tciue 4414. *4ruuk.. t•lotel. The f"""n 414 apta.lutm0nt.:
not from ,gla-w+, but Ik.N'I*, soul the I •N•.•r.• •ma.1e Sur the pr. sent )ear:
Pail:ma+ter. -1. It. Ti.•ruay. 1\•'..
raresr of• perfnme;il used in anointing Kt.'hul.•, J. Doerr. It. J. Mol:ee. W.
their both., w,tup,let•s1 `fllxir lu.lnlg• Anderson. J. Jolul*tot. N. Patterson,
Thrsy %err -.'t 1:411110 tlo•ir
o%n awlr•- am inT n.. t oiuyl,t Tor
the .-affliction olf Joseph." It was all
our to etu 1‘.%1•11..41411141-r
'h'�the val1on
.honld .:inktlior .%4444tllro 1.4'111; 'as (14,0 Thos. \obis. J. E. Fill.. J. F. l'oultes.
. mild lie at ease. Tlu ehurrh of I:.kl 11'4414. Blair,A. Melliewell. IL Me -
.1"0441.4 444 A* Jov'ph in 1•.11101 8(ta
was in .41*tre.4. ld,•latry held sway
to the dethronement of .feh,tall nod
\kings Anil 'trivia* alike were 1l, 44th•t�
opt and upon them the prophet cried
"woe" and pronoun., tlutt. rho.,•- alio
give• them -.'Ives h, luxuri.n- I1t:iug
nod hiy not to heart tt.' trouble: ..f
other- and of the Thor•!. of 4;4111 shall
neo g4• unpuui-11.41.
Hosea 6: 14.
Ho'14.44 a'1 21141 oar of the minor
prophets. b t of his life apart from
Ids pr0phery\ttle is known. I40 N.-
Iotgel to t1w kingd,.nt of 1 rael wt'
*ether from ht# .'1411111¢ the king of
I.rael "oar king.." 11e. like his ••on• uinglurm. A. !':►ttlwear. H. J(ol:ew, T.
f.'m4sernry Amo-. Wal' 0411'91',f Gal Robinson, IT. Campbell. .1. e1 o cane
t.. denmme( the 44444. of the 1x.•4414'' and Art. Currie. •
writings tell us now deeply lrriev•
1,-u•iNWyµ‘{.4:n..•.. a U. S.
Me4;ow•:ut. 11'. F, -aro .1. 1)Ingwall. It.
1\'01sono W. 'Waklen. R. J. Rodger. A.
Campbell. J, N. 1'ltmpli,•Il. M. Mason.
Lean, Stan. Cook. T. H. Taylor. Sam.
Jordan. W. .1 Cole, .1:a.. S,..tt. .4.
?Stapleton. /: l'noni41glwm, J. Mc-
ihtrney, It. Henry. Jur M.•iturney.
P. Gib1a.11-. 4). 4:, Anderson. IV. Slue.
4s4ttom. J. T. Irwin. Sam A -Burney.
W. Ito -Id. .1, 11. 4'nrrle. A. l'Attiwln
IL Johnston. Ii. Perdue, .1. Elliott.
(lio, Kerr, J. C. Currie. A. Coulter,
F. Davidson. J, Vali-oiler. W. .1.
i•urdon, 1). Kennedy. H. M.-1 oo.' J. J.
41. •I sco. 4'. Ilelhtrney. A. Bruer. C.
1) Chauncey and Gro.,
I'oundke•pk•r--J.. Hoare. F. afar -
shall. J. C. Stolt'r.. E. Taylor. G. I'un-
ed he WO- ;1t the low: corral plane upon }'.•n.wcf.•wrrs�-\\'. .t. Parks. R. J.
which the leaders eta the priests
were lining and' 4,1.0 hot • .pry hearty
he felt the burden impo. upon him
1440 Ciao was. Jeh`vvah ha a contro-
versy with 1.ra.•1 because \fnitl.ful-
n4..+, love anti taloa-ledge 411rITim4•lf
bad disappeared and`', all kinds of
wickedn.•ss prevailed and Tio'1ta w-;14
rnmmi-sdoned to go and prl,•laim
ngal ed sin nod w'11rn rosea to retw•nt. be authorized to -sign and submit to
Verses 14 -Hosea'* Exhortation.' the Minister of I'ublic Works end
ito encouraged then' to join him in Highway. ,d Ilnt11ria the petition of
leaving their idolatry and evil %acs the 1.,r4..ration of the township of
and seek the TXord. Ile .encouraged Fast Wawauos t.. showing that dun -
them I. showing Goat'. ehnraeter • int: the year 192 there had been ex -
anew. 11 they hnd been aftliet,d. it p''n•hd on the township roads the sum
mai by the hand of one who .'orad of s8.' 44M.;., and requesting the seanl-
11I-.' hind up and 'hpal the wounds. tory grant' on thnt amount ns provid.
They -wore morally de:.d In their trps- 111 by the Itnteri4 Highways A01. and
p.n'1se1 roti wins. her Ga.l ootid raise um.•ndmpnts thereto. Carried. Council
them from the dead. "After two adjourned to meet again on Tile...lat.
days will he revive 441; In the third
day .1e will raise us up. rand we shalt
live In his sight." The prophet a+ -•w••
Intal hims'1f with these people and
Mid bare his own expx•ri'nees of fel-
lowship with God. He told them that
their return to God meant Increased
knowledge, for -When they w.•k his
face he gives them a heart to know
him" (Jur. -24:71• Knowledge Is ac-•
rnmpnnieol by consolatiotut which
.some upon the soul as morning light
dispelling darkness and nu rain
fr'Jting the psr• d ground.Hs
showed longing- for their re-
turn to Him.. -l? by agnin *peaking of
their repentance And renewal of ser -
tie.. vanishing ns quickly "as, the
morning cloud and the early dew."
not (404 yearned over them and
Would not de -troy them without at-
flietitg totem and warning them by
the stern denarw'Iations of the pro -
Meta went to "hew them and shay
tem by the words of their mouth."
H wing twin warned. 11' then destrtk'•
Ilo overtook them, they must ne-
knn ledge they had been justly dealt
With "thy judgments aro as the
light tint goe•th forth." Gal had
made a cotenant with :tis people. de-
siring merry rather than seerlflee.
"He hath sh4'w•.'th thee. 0 man. what
Meths.. it. 4'. Jll I:, b:r u. Sam. Me-
Iturney, It. Shh'I1 and A. Robertson,
Sheep valuators -.1. 4'111.144011. J. 4'.
Stoltz. R. G. Reid and J..1. Kerr.
Four .appli.tations were r.relvel for
idle 441}:4.1. Of eaolle'tor, .Tame* F.
5' outs. eonee-*ion 11. was the rlulh•t•
of the ennto•11 for this oftle•.•.
Mated by Mr. 4'oultes. si...t lel by
Mr- Stalker. that thr Ite•t'e and Clerk
1'ow-ll.h(p ('le1•41.
144/DEli CH TOWNS1111'
4'ouneit met on 3londay, .tprli
all pre.egt- .t communication Ifni
the Dominion Rifle .tsw*•lntion. askf
permission to shoot nern-s %that
known as the Purse road near ►,sle-
rlrh.- wit', rv'ad amt left--ur.•r w. 1.1w
next meeting. Mr. Howard Sturdy
reported all the taxes ,.dl.•et,d alk!
asked for n small alluwnnee for legal
eitets. whl,•h ons granted. no. 625
voted to Clinton spring stock fair was
ordered paid. A lett4' frim the l►e-
partment of Public Highways, stating
that no nss-Istara•e ootid be glv.•n t..
nay mnniripality that did not als.lislt
statute labor after flee. 31, 1024. q:ts
rad. {lien the annul eonsideret
that x grant of 61.40612 was rs•eived
in 1923 end by ahnlishing statute Ia•
(sot and spending under the rood sup-
erintendent- n grant of Approximately
$2.0110 W011141 he received, a bylaw• WA*
pslsse.l atk.11shine- statute tabor after
Dee. 31..1924. After some 'other minor
matters -were dbsposid of. ea,mil ad-
journed to mea on Moneta. Ma' rt
at 1.3) p.m. --R, C. TH4)MMPS4►N.
Msy 27th. 1114 a .4.urt of redstart on
the u.s.•ssm.mt roll and for•ordlnnry
township basin.•... - A. 4'1)ItTER•
41i:I.1. /'lerk.
The township round:: meet in the
town.hlp hall on Tuesday, April 8.
Member. ,.11 present. 5tlr ate, adopt -
'441 as read, on motion of Mr. Fisher
And Mr, I:ralum. The clerk was in-
strueted to write up and forward to
the Ittgtrwn.,. I'.e4arrhnent the requir-
ed bylaw and form. r4' ezpeudit*ree
4 r e 44.1 of .•
n 1 r. xti su int n Irnt a ,atm t.
• 110' PI
Mr. Wm. Fowler waited on the eon
ell re personal injuries received in an
necident on a public r.md. The mat-
ter was left Dyer for Inter eonsldera-
tion. leaved by Mr. 1:11. seconded by
Mr. Fisher. that the (•'fluttery ,vmmit-
tee he the same as last year, viz..
Tte•ve Robertson and ('ouneiIlors
Feagxn1and Graham. with In,true-
44ot1a to earry on the work begun last
year with the eo-operation of nil in-
terested in ls'autifying and eating for
the •silo t city." Moved by Mr. 1fi11,
s....ndM by Mr. Graham. that the
eollertor's roll be received and his
salary, etc. paid in full. ('a rrhd.
The treasurer reported receiving
#1,1116.00 from the Department. being
Telephone 51 Day or Night off the (ley of [reckoning ? thy (;(x1;' 'The prophet celled upon
H. R. STOWE „rifle individual sins Pride in a nae f i -m nf J
1 tion if there's a soaker at the heart said to th.' P.11/111414.S: t'l:o ye end
Organ Factory (office-. _ and Israel ns A people W1111,.
oppressed I.rn what that meanoth. 1 %111 have
M• Its ruler.. Amos snot 4111 around mercy and not sAeriflw'."
, him the poor being down -trodden and .\m0s and 140.01 seeing the .Iegre-
The Truth of the Matter- ' starving in sullen ml.ery while the 41141j440 Into which the notion had fall-
Ja,•k tried u, kiss m.• last night." rich lolled on .'ouehes inlnid with 4.n., would nut here be0n true pro -
'How dared he'" ivory 1,00.1 o'oror"d with rich tapestry;• p10.•t• If they 11nd not elenrh 444•41
"He didn't -1 dar41 him." It,..tott Imxnrions living was llkewfse con. that "because right was right. and
-Transcript. demned, They head a .npt',Mnit} e.t,.ls.•mote Col wits God." such a state
t a, re I of things could not lest and therefore
like John. the Baptist. in later days
they entity! upon them to "Repent ye
and firing forth fruit: meet for re-
- - ile then proceeded 144 point out sp. them to exer-ise 40dllne•s and 11the
o r i u•t R. our 841
yIou4 did
tion's greatness will not save rigs nn• ' when quoting from Ho..•,t when he
Resident.... 4'atnt.ri.r 'toad. opposite the
"I Suffered Terribly
With Sore, Aching Back"
Mrs. Roland Ferguson, 194 lake St., Peterboro, Out,
aft waxes .eau 14./1 y over two yearsI =tiered
with sore back. I was
•(most mad with the pain, arid had
doctored with it tartil I was bs-
couraged. Then my father. who is
a firm believer in Dr. Chase's Medi-
cines. advised me to try Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Iver Pills. I followed his
advice, and am glad to say I was
completely relieved of that tortur-
ing pain in my back. It u over
a year since i used these pills. and
I have had no return of the trouble.
but always keep them in the
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Luer Pills
SS e. • hoe M L'. p4114.. Fib.unwno. Pains a (.. rad, Toronto
A S4atesiMn'+ Tribute to Christianity.
"And this message• 1111, not only
come. hit It 14 finding a response in
our hearts: for the old eoneeptlon of
a spiritual worship of God has not en-
tirely perished from the minds of the
people, though it foxy be b.uriel 1e -
low a masa of ceremony and 111per-
stillnn. The process of ennyersion of
India to Christ may not be going on
as tepidly as you hope. but; never-
thelem. 1 say, India i1 being eontert-
• e4i ; the ideas that lie at the heart of
the cnspel of Chr114 are slowly but
snrel• permeating every part of Hin-
du society, and mod'fying every phew
of Hindu thought."
-4. T. Taylor.
Tod*[y's little hoot*, by the side of
the raid Mats about as mach as yes-
terday's mansion In its wpselotsa
grounds Boston Tranrs'ript.
Need Help to Pass the Crisis Safi.
Iy-Proof that Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Can be Relied Upon.
Urbana,lll.-"During Change et Life
M addition to ib annoying symptom*, l
had an attack of
grippe which lasted
all winter and left
me in a weakened
condition. I felt at
times that I would
neverhewell again.
1 read of Lydia E.
Pinkham'a V a gee
table Compound
and what it did for
women passing
through the Chsaga
of Life, so I told my
doctor 1 would try
It. I soon began t•
gain in strength
an.1 thr annoying
symptoms dis-
appeared and your Vegetable Compound
has 'nada m• a well, strong woman so
I do 1111 my own housework. I cannot
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound too highly to women
passing throurh the Change of Life."
-Mrs. :tern TTgt'1sot(, 1316 8. O shade
SL, Urbana, 111.
Women who suffer from nervnasneor,
"heat Huhu:," backache, headache•.
and "the bines" ah,,.,ld try this famous
root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Ptak -
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Edueat itlal Value of Ilse Flhver, _
"Like 411.' movies. the nuremnbile
is an agent of elneatiou," remark.
t.❑ exehange. Qtt11.• 'true. The re-
cord for broad jump has nlmn't dumb -
1141 sine.. the advent of the automo-
bile. --Buffalo Evening Times.
the Yzlb
always fresh
o 1:J lwfKp00L
S.S. No. 2. 1:Of/ERICH TORN4HII'.
Following 44. the report of S,S. No
2. G.xlrrh•h township (Taylor's Corn.
er-., for the month of Mar•II:
Sr. 4--Margared (:roves 4 honor•
114'g1.'Ir Thomp-on 4ab.ent for ail..
Jr. 4. -Jean Holmes (honors,, Ken
4et11 HIm.•+, Elroy H.sige-. 'totter
Jr. 3. -Robert Groves, Olive Fuller.
Sr. Narinm Holmes. Harold
Chambers. Hedley ['rouse-. George M.•-
Sr. 1.-Jenn Whitely (honors).
Marjorie Prouse (honors 1.
Jr. i. --John Print*. (honors); !Men
Whitely, Olive Young.
Sr. Pr. -(:lady. Me-I'nls•. Kenneth
Jr. Pr. -441l..• Chamis r-, Clifford
Number on roll, 21: average at-
tendllnee, 110.1.--47-'nRIN t:• HA*T•
WIl'K. Teacher.
Frost F FOR Hard Wood
Balt -d Hay Baled Straw
Homestead F iliser Rock -faced Shingles
Rubber -tired Buggies
Phone toss GODERICH
Hamilton Street
Itpays to use
for Furniture -Floors fruoodwork
Write to Head Office Montreal for free let
S.S. N., 4. (YH,BOttNE,
11n. following is the report of S.H.
No. 4. Colborne. torr --the month of
March. Number on roll; ; average
attendance. 19. Pupil.' standing tak-
en Oil daily work. Those market with
an 1141'I'I k have missed three ..r. more
Sr. 1-V.-JAek 1'itblmio, Doris 11111.
*Franklin 3ltehell.
Jr. I%'. -Aaron Fish.•r.
Jr. 111. -*Franklin Fih.k. Margaret
Pltbind.', (llh'• Hill. •Myrtle 5 4'!nr•.
Marie Flslo•r ti 74.1 1omen n Million
(rqun l ,.
Sr. IL-Telitret'a 1'11.'&. Jlm Mx
--f'tare. Seta Fisher
Jr, I1. --•Glen K•.•hui.•.
Sr. I N.•?tie. 1'i44la41o.
.l r. 1. -Norm,. 11:11.
Sr. Pr. -Clara Pitbindo, Rut
1,1:4,1,,. Herman Vidor
Jr I'r. Eimer Fisher,
KNEI I1'I'1•'I.. T.•11eller
. Flnr.•ne•
S S. No. A. COLBOR.N2:
Following is the report- of the' mid-
winter term toe 9.1. No. A, (1..IIs•rne.
Tho.' marked with an aster* were
abseil? for one or more exit nations.
Sr. IV'. --Lucy Hardy Margaret
Allis (17, Willis. Treble , (Myer At -
lin 57.
Jr. 13'. -Minnie lilac It, Wilmer
.14r: 111. -Fe Thom 70. 110.ug'n•
Feagan 66. ' r11old .311111 :d
Jr. 111. 'hrl.tine Hobert/too
Prank A in is-. 'It+yt.•.tllln �•.
Jr. - -Merger.•? Mitchell 7:;. 1AI.
IiPn tyan (g+. Mildred Million e•1.
•1' arlie }titch. -'I :o. •K'. .tllln fig.
'barite Thom 50.
.1.- Evelyn Slink,. ' t. 1L•,rold AI-
lle'414. •very ('lark 58,
Sr, Pr..-- Clifford Ulit , Murray
Hardy. •
P Jr. l'r.- 44e'orgina Ryan.
NI It. Mu.•11t'\1t1111:. Petioli. -r.
" fix : `:n• f$ y
• 4;
Holworthy Hall
It is a rare occasion when
you can pick up three repre-
sentative magazines or three
periodicals of current date and
not find in one of them a story
by Holworthy Hall. Such is his
popularity. He is probably the
most widely reald and discussed 1
fiction writer of the day. It is a '
position well earned, for his
work is uniformly meritorious.
"The Man Nobody Knew," one
of his oddest and moat inter- ,
esting creationa, has been se- '
cured for serial reproduction
in this paper. Be sure to get
the first installment, otherwise
you will mins the finest point
of this great narrative.
T• C...rewe 1n Nowt Weak'. Rival
All Clean
Seen and Unseen
SURPRISE does more than
wash a garment so that it looks
clean. It dissolves hidden im-
purities without injury to
color or fabric, and leaves the
garment thoroughly cleansed.