HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-17, Page 3Job Printing
[he Signal is prepared to do all kinds
if Job Printing at reasonable prices.
•or your next order
Telephone 35
Read the Advertisements
in The Signal. liuy ads rrtised wares.
It is a safe and sound policy.
�e 1 ENT!•-tiP,{'F1NTH YEAR NO. 11
Conservatne 1Ianageinent and Credit
CREDIT is essential to the normal conduct of business."
The clothing manufacturer, for instance, designs his
clothes and manufactures them many months before the
retailer buys them. if his business is sound he obtains from
his banker the money required to carry him over the period
of heavy production and Tight deliveries.
The Sterli-Iig_benk enjoys today a strong and -at -able position
due to conservative management. If your business is con-
ducted on the same careful lines as our own, we are prepared
to offer you generous financial support. sot
Great Increase in Tourist Trade
Expected from Advertising
of This Route.
dl' pruy;ratn in brief for week of
1 241. 1!r_ 1. 1VGY. soicri rta.;y,
. 4 •u.•ra1 Electric Co.. 7110 kilo-
' c3Nr meters,. Eastern Standard
allay, .April 20, 11 - a.m.---Enwter
4.i of St Peter'. F:picr•nlrll ellurch.
N.Y. ...room by Rev. Charles
R p.m ---Program • by WOE Sym•
f Orehe.tra. Leo Kliwen.. aeon -
51:. earl. Jester. tenor. soloist. -'•
• -Ncrr ier of $t. Peter's Epi --
Albany. N I.
la p.m. --Beeler. of Madison ,31%i.•
1e/aormel church, Albany. N.l•.
►slay. .1pri! 21. 7.45 pm.-Prtc
i by -1lbuty itra•. quartet': talk.
About Stamp i oil...nug." E. It.
Malay: April 22,_,145 put.- -1d•
• by, President (ltl.t-in Coolidge.
wet at the luncq.•on of the• .1s-
ited fres-. Waldorf Astoria. New
p.m. -Farm program. I'rr.It'
Quimby take, the Singing School
Unlimited Quantity of
$3 per single cord. delivered.
' (-p.. LIMITED.
)t of Angleton* St. Phone 61.)
kinds for sale.• f vuu intend buy -
b04. 11 will , iy you to see
houses I have foto sale. I have
a at all prier.. front $700.00 up.
e nal goat bargains onelsy term..
p in and ace me.
1 F:aunt.. & insurance Phone 50 i
rhe Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
its, Accident and Auto Insurance
louses and Lot. in Goderich and
Vicinity, and Farms for Sale
.targe antler listed to select from,
minding some of the best houses
n town. A number are fill tnnd-
•rn equipped: many, of the proper -
ie. ars very low- to price. A few
an he bought on the monthly pay -
nerd plan -a small tnionit down.
he balance in monthly puyitittratt,
h.• erne it. paying rent, or any
nay to suit buyer. Ask about them.
number of Farms for stile, sil-
liest any six,•. locality. kind, price,
u terms for payments required.
G.n.• large farms to excitange
'or -matter ones. Some to exchange
Or loon property.
A f.•% small places near town.
tnitabl' for fowl -raising her bttpi-
.vwn or gardening.
A tine htdf-rection near Regina,
-task., well located, well fenced,
plowing done, for .ak• or exchange
for property here.
For nil particulars see
Above Parsons' Fair
I'. O. )lox 59 Goderich, Ont.
to illgginhaham'e Corners; addre.a,
' Co-operative Courses for Faget
T'raioing." A. K. Getman. supervisor
of Agricultural Education.
Wedntslay. April 2a, 0.3it p.m. --Ad-
venture story. courtesy Youth's ('om-
ptI nlan.
Thursday. April _l, 747, pm. --Pro-
gram by viper' pupil. of John Lloyd:
address. "The Flensburg Training
!'amp," Lr. Charter H. Johnson. 'sec-
retary of the State hoard of
1 nitrile..
Friday. April 2i. 7,43 p.m. -,Radio
drama comely. "Such a Llttl.• (Queen;,'
pre..•nte.l by Wille plovers by special
arrangement with tilt. ,utlhnr. Chinn•
lug Pollock.
10.311 p.m.-i'rogram by the Blue
ltird dance orchestra. -
Saturday. April 20. fl3ff pm.-
Ihutce music by Romano'tl orchestra,
New Kennw,re Hotel, Albany': N.Y. -
Rls% A. E. M. THO.N$ON,
is,pular pastor of the Centennial
Methodist church, Loudon. who has
accepted an Invitation to remain for a
fourth term in the pastorate of that
eh rah. Mr, Thomson is a son of Mr.
Gee. 'Ilhomson, of Goderich.
to Play
We have just received a num-
ber of sets for playing the latest
of games---Mah-Jongg.
A book of rules is given with
each set.
Prices range frogs $3.504:1,
$6.50. $6.50.
East Side Square Goderich, Out.
Insurance Payments
Systematic saving is an easy way to meet life and
fire insurance premiums, taxes, and other fixed
Deposit in a Union Bank Savings Account each
month one twelfth of your annual premium and
and you will have the full premium in the bank
when it comes due. plus interest.
Goderich Branch, F. Woolbombe, Manager
I'urrlw.r Established i'latliug Mill
a1111 Lumber fluidness. ,
.1 torn..r \t••II-klw.wn G,wlefielt boy.
I Mr. tillv.•r '.V. 1t1tyuas teem of Mrs.
W. .1. [thyme., or t..n i. and his .,eat,
I Ilse. !'hili. U. 11.411110. have vommenc-
ed bh.ine.. tat rturlittgtun. tint.. 1111414.3
! 13131 11a1m.• of u. N', ltlirlyts & S•af,
Limited. The current number of Can-
ada Lnutb•ruian his. the fsilluw-lug
reference. with portrait. of 1 h
lac .r.. ltlti:ua. and•a picture of their
tint. !WA ld nt al Itrlii
.1.11', 1110 via. and his sou, 1'. It
iUi.tsas. hue of 1Irantford`1bit., ha ye
pa r.•lo w .1 the w'4.11 .quippd • plait
and bathos.. of the Nichol...1i 1,um•
b•r 1'11.. 1.i1Uit..1. 1inritngtou. (►rat.
M•sr.. .1. ll.Mr..ld:uo: and G..,
France. of Saruin. pre -deli -lit and
set retary - treit snrer. resp etleely. of
the Blue A .a e r Highway Association '
were in towni Ttiowiltty of .t week
and in the et, uing addn•s•,•d a olid.•
meeting held at the ion ti hall. 1' ills
the attenehiaw•e %,•• by no means lar
the gentlemen rtl.re..ed •as
pltase.l with the ittteutite hearing
they received and with the a.•urnne•
given them by Ills Worship Mayor
(,allow that every effort would be
made to nw4.1 the .ti .tcIntinn'• request
for a evmtributiou nf.at least E250 to
its fund.. tole. t1.e1 entirely to the
pronv.tbi of the interest. of the itlne
!Vatter Highway along the et stern
shore of task.: Huron errant t1'itokor
and Sarnia vin ';esbzielt to towels
Sound and Itcyoutl.
Mr. Frame. .kwtwlelalion Secretary.
At 111,• out•e•f •.f 1111. remarks. lir.
Frams. woofed figures w hirh stoke
mitts thus fur 'chi• tett 1.1' 1he.1s.,.•-
blth,n Burin; ifs brief campaign of
hardly two year.' duration, 11.• said I
that the total tottri•r traffic cuteriug.
the Sarnia o'l.•wtat- fens 701151 car- In
10:05, and 7.700 car, 111 1tr21. TJw• tlr.t
Rine Water' literature • nn. got alit
early in 1,'22...1nring w'hleb, s -.won the
tourist traffle Jlluiped to Is nom ears
Last --year the edition or the booklet
"Motnramble in ('auada.'• again Newt. -
ed this figure, the total number of car. '
up to Septemis•r 7th being 43.(►(kl.
while• for tilt• tlntirt. ylwr rhe• moll The new owners 11:1 vi. taken Iwssee-
cans LI.:.(MI cur•. tlf these. at le•ilt, cion and art• ,.,uducttu•; the huslmt4
4.720 ears Inst year ram.• up over the under the num•• of .1. 11'. "Yh nae k
Rine !Vater highway. Mr. Frani,• did (ton. hhrrNed.
not claim for the Blue Water High• Mr. Ithyga. Is a sell -known lim-
propaganda the entire •relit for Iwrmau Lt .Mtartu altd, rtartlu-
the astonishing itiehase• of the tour- thirty-two yours ager with his father
tat traffic
.aTitrated by til,.,• flghre.•'• ill tioderte•h. ha. been connected with
ih• posited on ort• .4 the cutis to tile• woodworking business ever *Ince.
tb• bwt4t'.l ..sued toy til,- Trucks int Twvuty- • years ago h• moved 10
Governm,•nt, to the hntario Motor ltnuttfurd, where 'lye enterwl the .suis
Lenon.- and to the Ferry C.... w'hi'it. ploy of Mickle, lyiue•nt &Sun us furn-
advertlasi (he• lw,rt .nf $nndri gnite rano, and, being n progre• 5.1' , ynut'g
extensh•ly. 11'hil•• indllriting s.nni• of ma°. [bw tjrm sit' that he• Nas destlnd
the meansby which the.1ss,w•lntton to Ica ca
a luablc 1•111p4oyl.• and ne+rrd-
hnd swims' publicity in nnm•ron.
States rind f xnndinn newspaper..., :�•
lwenklttu and megrizines, - Mr. Fran,',
declared that the greatest t(..•t 101
the Ase,w•intion .5.11the tourist re- I
turning t.. the State. nater nn •nJuv- '
able trip ..ver the Blue Water High -
nay. Such a tourist was a walking
advrtlw•mtu(: b• related his pleas-
ant •xp•ri,rnee. to his friend. and
neighbors bnek hum• rued so the good
news Would spend.
L. passing. Mr. Fran,.- referred to
the up-to-date and fully equipped
tourist camp conducted by the city of
Sarnia. with ae•omm,wtation in the
way of sltadt', water. light. fuel, Nt•t
ter and toilet eonveniene•s• 11• urge)
11,.' importance of each muni,itatIit}'s
stetting apart and operating a tire,-
• 7n.s tourist crimping ground
The secretary intormel the melt.
lug that it hadbeenthe policy of the i
lslsw•tation to ti•11 the truth emie•rn-
he Mile \1'nt. r route as to the-
m of the roads in both wet and
•r. •In other words. that in ,
the good pints of the Philip O. Rhynes, Iturlington, Ont.
Jett was not mettleto
few somewhat an• ingly he was promoted ft. the position
of superintendent mod Inter to that of
Manager. 1t was In this letter enlist -
city that he became widely mqunint-
tri with the triode. Ile remained with
lltlkle. itymt•nt & Son until pumhn.•.
hug a bit iii's for himself rat Hurling -
Nm. tie will have moon -laded with Win
his son. P. fl. ltltyuns. ti young tun in
his twenties. who gives, 'promise. of n
bright future.
The business of tttr NIcltobntt 1.11111 -
her ('o. in Iturlittgoe' hop toren •s•
ta`hlielted many years null. under tic
direction of Mr. physes, who Is n
thoroughly •a pa L1• retail dealer. it.
,horrid c0111inne to flourl•l1 (n
the fntnre as In the ' gist
Mr. 1thvnn, will continue the
samesaminlicy that has been so .ncmes-
int. and. In his removal from Rmnt•
ford to Burlington, the latter gainsmta
good- citizen and n live member of the
0. W. Rhynns & Son will specialize
in lumber and pinning mill products.
turning out wish. mouldings, frames.
interior amid exterior trim. stn. All 111111.33the wagons and trucks of the ,•
flrtn ars being pninted orange with 1
block betters and the effect is vert
striking. The Anwill also eontinne
making the well-known "Burlington
Cable iltrtd Silo.," which, has been
everted nn many farms throughout
the snrronnding district.
kl '11111 (•ollinntmai Ihnrks.
During the wiutcr nitwit . repair
work Ia. been done In the cards td
the Cnllinlw'eood Shipbuihtlu_ 1'11. The
Itulletiu of ht.t nevi: give. •onto• pore
tirul..r•. as follows:
Th•• .It•nuter Turret Caps •( the
1%_'ii4ttt-Nt /'..al 4'... 1..- rt•reit rd !sa-
bots awl bow repair. Nhilc her net-
chiuert has I,-. a thor•.it 1tI neer
the 1:r.s.;;tou of the lIutthew. Hod
has also had bottom damage rtutir-
141. .Mite a number of (dates had to,'
be rcutot,d and rgrheeel.• conte were
rerolle•d 111141 24 number w, -r.• Int%
ma ferial.
'rue t:Ienhiirnle of the Great i.:rkrs•�
Peet 8.. its No. 1 drydock durit,C
tart of the winter and underwent
bottom repairs.. .in 'N,. 'L dryd,.-k
i. the ',teenier Glwnttriten, of the
eame• fleet. N•bleb N:n t:tken ntf the
r... -i. tear Cap- fluid last fill by the whtl•
11.•1.1 \Yr..•kitlg Co. 111 ort, r that the
tt•rt•st. 1t it... ••t:givalli Jim lIhl'-
Initfal e•vpn•.• 1.8. -..tiger -teenier.
North 11'c•1. wl.ich ••nm.• out aboral t
quarter of a .'isodose 1110 :cud w-,.. ae-
Velitetl 11• a Ina Nord. tat. r rh,' .team•
Cr W11, taken our the route Between
lhtffalu :uud Dulath and ront•yh•d
into n freight Loth 1htring the war
it w'fl. odd and :trier having beet.
rut it. Iwo- w:• Ott the Nay to Mott
that when tits IMI\\' IMerth.tt of hu
bolt was 10.4 if, a
initiate% The .tern isortion was
t.tkelr to drydts•k 1111.1 :. Iw•w' b,rw
:oldel. rho out•••tnc of the addition
beim: the I.r.•.et.t .!calmer (la p1• •
ren t•1..
P . (tlnilaht .t(' the. 1 •1 .It. tl•rt
ii VA 11Yt• 11 to 131114. to eir.w
td•k le.re
immediately moon the, opening of
uit1e.ttlou, wh1•n a new crank daft
will ` Is• installed in. • :.,r 111:1;.1
Work on til.• neo freight r for ;'.c
Matthew54.•ntu.hip.('t1, I. prulres.
int favorably. •.1t the premien time
the bon utlt i. practically eum!rleted
the side lank• :tr • about :a1
steamer` might be floated temporary
repairs 'have Insn matte and this week
it is probable that the v.. -.I will take
n place along•id,' one .1 the dis•k..
1'iw.n the opening-- of navigation 1,1
trill is• taken to Midland. when, her
future will be Inter decided upon. it
is possible that she will now he re-
built. lout es yet this has not been
1 n4....1`T 1801 steamer e11114t-
I • n was In No. 1 drydltt"k for some
.loot refuting. i'Iw.t1 coming off her
place .•as taken by fife 1;linlslo of
the On. f.1k.•r Transportation ('o:
Thio boat as been lengthen.' ,sevt•n•
ty-twit feet n 1 will h.• completed next
week:. 1'inn ping into tv'tumission
this !spring the . •anter will hate a
knell of 4's feet ith beam of 50
feet. 1t win be the one of the
larger ,•Iris of vessels .d will be it
much greater' carrier than eretidnre.
The Glenellah is to' go o drydoelt
No. 2 as soon an the present sh Is
over ('on.idernble repairs are be
Made. but of these, details will t
Iw learned ntitil a complete survey 1
motile after the vessel has hen docked.
The, 1'al nadlait Trader ..f the Can-
adian Merchant Marine bits under-
gone considerable repine during the
winter. In the etrly fall she 5•x4
docked for bottom damage and upon
the completion of this• was taken tiff
in order to give platy for other winter
Jobs. This spring the .tomer will be
reslia•ked in urdcr,to hnyt a Iii! shat
put In end n new propellor put on.
The Riverton, of the Matthew. lino
ions had the oilers lowered from
between deekt to the tank tops.
This Involve) other changes, !wind-
ing the bunkers. New anchor pock-
ets were also added. Th.• steamer
Sill be ready to go into ettnnii.sbm
as soon as order. ate reelvel:
The ltlplteourt, which, N•u. hen'
hast summer. is coming from Godt-
rieh to h••drydoekel for bottom re-
pairs. This steamer is one That lilts
a history of more than ordinary in.
0. W. Rhymes, l&nrlingten, Ont.
dry we
route. the
foss eight of
favorable trninis detour shirt wan
kept on hand at uta in which allj
detour+ are lugge,i n d nccunat.e In-
o their con•'
dltinn, ere. This pulley. 31r. France
nverrvvt. lulu rttnhlbhe•r1 itihottg the
tourists n floe degree of confidence In
All Information given out by the AP-'
ww•latton. 1.nst y,•nr the .1sww•Intton I
repaired 1011 rood signs that were j
down and put rap 34)0 new nnrw. This
year there are over 100 rood signs
ready to he plot rap nmol( the multi.
This spring the Association has
pnhl)stted its ee•nnd offleinl edition of
"lloternmhle in ennndn." eon -slitting
of 20.0110 copies• which rat the present
time nth being distributed through
and by Menne of 1'ntted States tour-
ing Mineola, motor retail*• the Amert-
cfnl Tourists' Atinetation and the Ns-
ttnital Motnrtatsi Assncintinn to large
numbers of prneptetive tourttte In
their homes before they have made
their plans for the summer.
Estimntet of the coat of the pub-
licity to date In ennnit•ttnn with the
Rine Writer Highway ,elieme hurl been
made all the way from x10.000 to
.540.0)0, hot of the total ttmonnt of
*1.524 contested by the Astot.i*linn
during 1022.21. the rest of the eam-
pntcn ►uud used op hut $1.4152. (1f tMtt
*mount 1501 had been Plwnt on print-
ing. $317 tot half -tone e•nte, 176.115 for
ndverttsdne. $70 for trnvelllfg .'t.
`Iwns.'s, $.W1 for photographs and 120
for utetngraph.'r. The paid me -folio',
ship of the Aneor•Iathtn Inst year et
n fee of $1 totalled $7fIl the halon.•.'
having been t.'enred by dnnatlnn,.n anti
grnntt The nett of puhitehtng and
ddetrlh ting this eear't edition of tilt'
Asew' t booklet M .'animated
at $1.124.
The United Atatet tomtit/It, maid Mr,
Frnn•e. nsttaliy stays In Ontario roe
ten daystravelling an average (E 1011
mile ri day : the money left in the
country by the average Murtet would
amount to at least t200.
(Contfnuet on Page n.)
formation set forth as
Point Clerk Light.
writhing light run by acetylene
now tnk. the pine•• of the powerful
revolting light that Phone from the
lighthouse at Point Clark. The old
lamps sit; to be rlttnoved to the light
hoose rat txove Leland. Tow .•rutting
light* nun automatically for three
month* and therefore a IIghtkeeper is
not requir*d. Mr. George Ray tins
therefore been notified that he Is to
he retired under the (`Ivil Servdep Re-
tirem•nt Art with a small annuity and
two months' eatery gratuity in lien of
notice.-Kisco/Hine RePtFw.
per (.cut. ruu.tructel and t1••• 'rates
about 70 per vent. in place Thts
steamer. which is a sitter ut the Mat -
!Iwo .011
1iittt.on of tilt. Katt• line. will be 5SG
feet in length and 501 feet beam :4141 3f•
fest nw•uldcd depth. There is ye' a
great :uueu11l of work to do. hut as the
cuutrtu•t da. not e1111 for del, very
until September 15. It is.lully West that the tertue w111 he fully
complied with.
present - the work in the. yards
:41141 :i round the docks is affording
on.i.b r.1bl.• employment to a -large
number of men. btu• payroll of this
.hipyir i itself running up Into
thou a td. 1 dollars 1
H t K I a wet•►
Sone folks n:en_ lit have au Idea
that i( it wasn't for their long faces
tiie world would never know they were
religious -1111114114 State Journal
-1 rest, like everything else, should
Is• earned
Perhtilty the sweetest note of spring
is the ttitteriug of the early rhubarb
of' the series dealing with the establishment otthe
BANK or Mc*ITRIAL at representative points in CANADA
and elsewhere,
L 1 YEAR after being founded, the Bank of Montreal
spread its Branches westward, in July of 1818 establishing
Agencies at Kingston and York.
Y • which afterwards became the city of Toronto, had them just had
its first stagecoach communication established with Kingston and Mon-
treal. It was merely a settlement in a deanng amid unbroken forests
which the Indians came to trade with farmers and other members
of the Lode community. Today Toronto ranks among the largest cines
on the continent.
Of the Bank's 567 Branches, 26 are in Toronto and 207 in
the Province of Ontario, including Toronto.
Established over o years
�4sst;ts in excessof445547:1317070170
Blue Water Gaff and Country Club
400 Shares of a Par Value of $100.00 Each
100 Shares at Par $100.00
• The Company have w•,'ure,1 approximately 1(0 acres of land, more or lets,
front the liodericll Development ('innpany, iLimited, under most favorable tercets, sit-
uated on the Illus Water highway, one m ile south nf,(ioderich, upon which is being
constructed a (loll Course of eighteen holes, practice grounds, and beginners' course.
Nine holes will 11e in play this year, work having been begun in 1923 and now being
rushed forward as fast as weather permits, under the direction of Architect's
plans and the personal supervision of .1r. David Hastings, of Troon, Seotland, whom
the Company have been fortunate in securing as the Club Professional Iliolfer.
]'lay is promised by May 24th, this year. .
Alterations are now and ' way to the ('lull (louse property and when com-
pleted will give shareholders til. very best of aceommn.latiou• A limited number of
rooms will be available for we k -end 'visitors, etc,, large lounge room, slitting -room.
men's smoking room, Indies' rest 'room, l athroonrs, locker rooms teomplete. The
very best catering available will be supplied Club members this,year.
The Company also intend to construct, at once, Tennis Courts -both hard and
soft courts. )
in answer to enquiries now being made flail; of us, the Company wish it to be
generally • understood that overtures were made to the Maitland Dolt ('hub Company
to relinquish their lease and join this Company, under favorable terms, and thus avoid
duplication, but were unsuccessful. in order, however, to be as fair , as possible,
it has been deeidell to accept one share of the Maitland Oolf Club at par as ' part
payment on one share of this Company from those owning such shares and desirous
of joining this Company, up to, but not after, May 1st, 1924.
Application for Shares should be made to-
t.: rr,,
Provisional Sccreovn-tarty
2fi•per cent, of this issue hag already been subscribed by private snit, before going
to press with this advertiaemetlt-