HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-17, Page 1,-.04.6dcz
Good Printing
That is the kind The Signals Job De-
partment turns out. Let us have your
next order. No job too big or too
small to ha- ve the closest attention.
Business Insurance
The best', business insurance is a
definite prow am of advertising carried
out in the columns of The Signal.
- -
Nappy Occasion at Hotel Bedford
on Friday Night.
The get-together banquet given at
allse Bedford hotel on Friday evening
ander the &wallas of the lIon* 111111
Suss distinctly /4114r404111. S0m/. of
Ib e oubot-toan guests present were:
tyor Wm. Stephens, Alderman II.
honey. and City Manager (1 1).
aistings, all of Guelph; F. M Rutter.
Zondon. divisional atiperIntendent of
Ilise C.1".11--, 14. 14 Stothers. ciintoa,
triet agrieult tarsi _ Teptvhentative;
J MaeCormaek, Sault Ste. Marie.
'-ilitiperintendent of the .Algomn Central
' 1 111/08 11,011 1. 00 : C. H. Ilnegland, To -
Pinto. •uperintendent elf the Queen
Children's Ald Soriety. C. K.
unders. 'chief 'of the Lion . (Iub,
ileere 11 J. A. MacEwan, preen-
, of the Beard of Trade, Jointly
ygelisided during the evening's pro-
m which heated from 630 until
rly 10.;41) &elm*.
Mayor Callow Extends Welcome.
yor W. F.' Callow.. himself a
•r of the Lions) Club. wits the
speaker called upon to addreeet
gathering. which he 41.1 in-' si few
hover& words. His Wership web
the visitors and pointed out
y hut forcibly the advantages of
tett as the only harbor of r. -
on the Cava shore of Ink.. Iluron
a the to-ho-deeired summer re-
reaidents of Guelph. and all
titles. for that meitter
Hastings on City Management.
lia.itings followed with a apeech
nicipal Matuteemetet." dealing
Guelph's experience In the con -
daft dr or!, affairs under the city
Maalegership ...-heat.'. which has been
In -Meet in the Rosed city sine. Jan-
gle', 1.1919. Mr. Harding+. who le in
ate firth year in offiee, informal
kis 9 that for a man to he aw-
ait a .it manager he needed
i. %I. 111 ver -al it, municipal law,
Brat thanti,.e of the eity manrieer
. tt. thorough anderdanding of 0
affair-. rind above all possese
like a rhinomros. 11.. Indica.
ware to ever, ise full and personal
austral flier nil clepartmenta. to bring,
, eenacil such measures AA
he d. -.•m necessary or extern -
eat. tO 'handle the finetnees. to do all
the poiebasitiz for the e011 twil and
to &timid all regular and eommitt...
eneenism of th.• enunal. In this man-
atee thollIdeirmer, vrere relieved of any
utie., there wn. better PO-
wi:h mote efficient fee•refee
and one. responaltele head to
rretapaygee multi take their
Mr. Floating. tooled that
department reeeired hi.
*rat stiontion, Tio•r.• being between
1,200 nail 1.5011 esiniplaints during the
rear. Jihnong the statiatiem quoted -by
Kr tkaaring. eon..rang the city of
Guelph were Syne, showing thnt 'the
coat of the relief work tairrieel on hy
tbe tatty haft inereastsi from $9.4•410 to
Suring the /1...41 141n year..
wiklkit ng the peed tfour year.'
in earn...lion with. se
seal by ever $144(4T
eluvial roads e...t 4:iie4pli
ST3.410111, The ei:y wale iltipply. In
whieh connection 792." 2.000 gallons
are pumped annually: is soa•tirrel from
port lest wire:lu inn four and
- lex from the city. the water
het eyed 1.. tin. catty In a twen-
ty -f h wood pita.. The only
hosisags Dow giver by the city to
saantsfsetnring eonverna aro in the
way t,Mans voted by the ratepayer4
In weetiernanoo with byinw9 9oronitroa
to theta. The city sineessment runs
np to ins.m)swto nn the had. of sixty
per eent.of the selling value. Of the
e inemed property. The tax rate Is
fil mina
Ile, Ilkdiews en Agriculture.
Mr. Stother9. in one of the most
. terenthis imeechea of the eremite.
,.' • .., mai the possibilities of raising
rib product, in Huron county for
t shipment from Goderleit to Fort
Halt and Duluth. or Detroit and
mentioning In this connec-
apple", honey, hay, henna and po-
tato. There were today 12000 area
of otehard In the eounty. of which
4,100 Sereil were in Goderich and Orel-
40prop town.bip.. nr each acre yield -
b irrels ! The fruit induetry
fifty barrels..
there would he
niliffered dnring the posit tow-
n., gild the apeaker, but he be-
lt venold be rejuvenated. A.4 far
at 14490 Huron county had
awI00,000 harreIR Of tipples.
Pro -
841 yea r
billion pound. of honey were
In Theron county arch year.
Stothero A opiendid mar-
bles fat this pertieular product was
lama, low to the prodneer In iVeat-
rio through prohibitive rail
Pates. There was a depend -
et for hay in Detreit. Cleve -
Buffalo. and again boat
m Gabrieh would prove of
le value to lluron county
Huron county In raising bo-
om and 150000 bilehela of
el third among the months;
Province id this eonnection.
e emp of Htiron wax raised
rehilin of thirty miles of the
Goderich There was, too.
kind of light land In Homo
seminary for the good growth
id pelotas in large quantities
In closing. .fr. Stealers expressed
hInuclf as satisfied and contideed that
if Huron cuunty farmer"; were gives'
the epportunity nf freighrhig their
!brain., 011 11 Nail one of 0.41eriele to
pointa west and soak ample fa -a-
nent (amid be a•eirrel fr.fm ;
Mr. W. 14. Itelwrtson on the Harbor. •
!yea 4pearot-turrhe-t7oitertror-harbor.--
its pad HMI present achievementand
hiture possibilities. Mr. W. 11. Retart-
eton stetted that,.in hie opinion. God... -
rich was quite Justified in asking the
Dominion Government to provide
funds for improvements required at
the harbor. not. .8)004' for prenent
needs and volume of business but also
for the larger htednesa In view Me
Robert wen pred lard the t koterich
with the additional mIllion-bunhel else
rotor tapacity provided late last Sea
n by the Goderitti Elevator & Tran
.11 no.. would take a still more promi
nent place tan aiming smtion 11 tior
transeehipment of grain from the bead
of the lakes Midland's total 1141
year, with a .torage capacity of 7.-
000.000 bushels, was 22.810,00K
es -Idle that of Gederich, with only
1.000.000 hustrei. capacity. 841(8 1S.-
StS7.203 bushel... The speaker saw a
411011 fanre in store for Gexierieb
harbor if given the proper attention.
as to RR di.,v.lontnent
Mayor Stephens on Co-operation.
Co-operation we. the keynote of a
neat little after-dinner speech hy
Mtiyor Stephens, who intimated that
*m( e-arer ago he had teen a member
of a deputation to Ottawa on behalf
of Gotlerieh. "Any linoyou are ready
to move." he Raid. "I can assure you
that you will have the hearty eo-
openttion of the elty of Guelph" The
apeaker indleatt,s1 that Gitelpit's inter-
est In the progree. and adraneement
of Goderieh waft not entirely selfish.'
The Royal City was pleased to see her
neighbors, 4-1:1•11 if not close neighbors,
prosper, and prosperity for one
meant really prosperity for all. Mayor
Stephens complimentea the Lions
Chit. on the line work It was entraps(
in and the splendid manner in whirl'
It was 4•nrrying on the work.
Alderman Mahoney Brings Greethigh.
Alderman Mahoney. who is also the
etty's business manager of the Guelph
Junction Railway. waa not to be om-
elette by his chief in the line of speech -
!nuking and roe. te the evetwolon in
tine style. He pointed 'out that the
railwayfifteen miles long between
Gitelph and Guelph Junction, had
been built with Guelph eapital. ten
hued:temp ren of the city each taking
n telock of stock to the value of 11.009,
and the city Reel? putting up the bat-
anee of $20.01.0. Some years later the
road was taken over 'by the C.P, .
Ceemtonyon a profitotharing t
The fired year the amount r feed
from the C.P.R. by the city w $3.800:
Ian year this had risen t $17.514.
In , ,rrpluiling hie rental. .Aont
Mahoney 4.6/Ivey...I to Li
everdial greeting. (roof the Guelph. Ki -
wails Club, nf which he is it member.
F. M. Rutter .Speaks for C.I'.R.
Mr Rater
thing. eon(
rleh wh
The News of the Town
The New Orchestra.
"l'ito Lyric lIr.thestra" is the name Of
a newly formai tive-pieoe orettestra
eenalsting of trlenovtere
piano :11. E. Jenner, trumpet ; Godfrey
James, Oa Xopholle : • 4 l•strge MI
flute. and George James. drums They
will make their formal introduction ti.
the people of 0oderleh on Easter Mon-
day uizht, April 21st. when...they vv ill
give 11 illinet• In the Masonic 'remple
from fl to 1- o'clock. • •-
Brisk Bidding at Reid Sale.
Have Contract for Walton School.
Th. Goderich plaiting Mills. Ltd,.
were on rtaturday Iti.t awarded tIte
It d I Br • reale of urehred Hob
0.. 48
steins at their farm in Huron townthip
on Thursday laid Willi well attended and
the bidding was _brisk. The eighteen
tows offered were in splendid condition
and averaged $131.50. Mr. Jas. We -
Manus and Mr W. 1.. Young of Cel-
tic/rile. were among the buyers.
Wesley Pollock secured King Johanna
'Pontiae. at $200. lie is a splendid ani -
mil. weighing 2.300 poked,.
;Veva/in/for Chautauqua.
A miseting of Chautauqua guarantora
wag hold on lIonday evening hmil of-
, fieent for this year were chosen as fol.
;110Ws W. 11 Itobertson: sec -
Former bode -rich 4.irl Mesitied.
• to Monday aft.-tn...11 to St.
cathedral. Toronto, the-marringe took
•-peree-rrtrirety-eef ant .1 .
ea ry tor the erection ot Dit. stori
iddition to the ‘Valton pliblic school.
The 'tea tublitioli is 1.. 11.• floored
throughout 4811 it itartlii.ssi and sided
with shot.. oirfieve dangling. Ti, Plan-
ing Mill. Co. are tinder instruetions tee '
forward the material to %%alba. 11. Tamil
44.140..sitele.. when it is understood eon-
struction work will be underniken by
day labor.
I Blue Water Golf aiwl Country Club. ,
:11. "a (.11 al to • i
Club i. offering to the pulite the unetolci
tentative ot--nne bonfire,/ mare---ms--Ittr.-
(nut, at par value of Slat 11 share. Th.•
Club grounds have been seetired from
the Coalerielt Development Company,
and comprise approximately 200 acne i
one! mile south o[ town on the- Blue
Water Highway. A golf .;tirse isf eigh-
teen Illill•A 1A eonstructed. and Mr.
IHtld Mabtings. of Troon. Scotland, has
been secured a. golf "profeardrenal."
Firdaiiise atannonndation
is heing provided. An interesting an-
nouneentent of the %tuck footle appear.
on page 3 of The Signal tiller week
rotary. T. Fell : tree 'curer. it. I
Long. Various a rra ngement • were
m en.. o r
nunitanntia. which 1. to open on sat-
• nrdsy. August 9. The a saurati,a. eome.
from headquarters that the program
will be fully up to the %tandem' of pre.
flow, year- The town council will be
asked to permit the no• of Harbor Park
for the seedona.
1 'iron divided between the two organizations.
ning ' the town of tleale-
go toward the mission fund.
had ittiproeseed him -Pita`
Prof. Jacson's Music Studio. -
Prof Jacksen organist and direeter
of tousle at North street Mee heedlat
church, is at present rattan, and
has filo studio at Mita 51..Kim's holt
on Church street. and ready to
ode*. pupils for instruetion in Wee!.
enitirre and nn the nrgan. piano. violin.
guitar. in thepry, etc Pref. Jaelovon
comei with the highest recommenda-
tion4 as an instruetor, and a eonsiel-
erahle number of our young people are
availing themselves of Oda nreportun-
ity to develop their aurical abilities.
Real Rotate Changes.
I The animal spring rude 1111.. NICUTI
(1..de•rie.h Oatnte, a number of the
excel, ebonies put through by P. J.
'Lyon being as follow.: House on Cam-
eron atriet, Cherie.. Andrew. to George
it. Hamra. poatieseion Aterli 1: home. nn
West 4tre44, Mr'.Craig to Cleo Ben-
ninger of Teeswater, poss•-•segt June 1;
Jame. 'leen to Georg.. •awaeiren
house an.1 four lots on Itegog street,
May 1; house on Liglithouie Mort,
Chester Lee to gpx Clairmoat, po.seis.
May 1: house on .Anglesea street,
Mrs. Mary to wailer Haw.
ttiorne. immediate pa,....sion.
Iteermiller Players Please Audienre.
The play. "1 ('ant Afford if," pre-
sented by the Renmiller Circuit club
in the Sunday school room of North
rat Methodistehu reit Tuesday
evening was creeted by a large andi-
enee and proved en entire success. The
ploy. cone:Wing of four at", la -ted
about two beeline -mid the audience waa
kept in hal:moron, mood thronghout
th.. performanee About sixteen young
people took part, and all did their
porta 9plenT11.11y. The play was put
on under the ausplees of the Young
People'9 League of North street
church and the proeer.ds. which are
fine h r to he developed here, and.
arfroptIiy. the eirele you call n'Slittare
In the way of transportation. yon
nee two railways, probably the great-
est in the world. taking into consieler-
whin -milenee aid value of property
one of thou,. railways you own your -
said Mr. Rioter In htimorous
✓ ▪ in: "I represent the other. Though
Uni not a city manager. 1, too. have
a skin like a rhinoceros for while
'Jr. Meeting. he. one eity to deal
with. I have ft great many cities to
deal with." Cotntnenting upon Mr.
Robertson's, remark that floderich
had framently nsked for things from
frontintial on Page to
Reserve Tuefeday, April 22. for Plant-
er dance given by Girls' Guild of St.
tieorge's church in IIRROnle Tetnple.
Splendid music and good lunch.
To the Editor of The Signal,
Ihair your issue of April
10, a report of the tospital building
fnnd woe given. which very gratify-
ing to all interested in hospital erten
'don work. 1 should like to eall at-
tention to what i» believed to be a
slight error, in regard to Amhflold Wo
01.89 Hospital Aurillary making a
'pledge" to raise three hundred dol-
lars in addition to seven ,hundrd on
hand for hospital building fund. The
Artgffeld Soldiers' Aid rand a
memorial fund to fiirrilah a cot for
room1',in the new hospital at Coale-
rieh vrhenever It is built. The amid
nlemorla\ hind at pre.ent amount. to
$731.69. Vree James Hayden 1. toms.
urer; Mr. Wm, Blake Mtn.
James Conk And Ma -4. lid Me.
Whinney, trustees of flame. In 1021
ti braneh of the. Coderieb Hospital
Atli -Mary 91'119 organized io A4411114.14,
when members expressed themeetees
that it oas their aim to rn14.• the
memorial fund to one thnasand 41,.1
tars if the hospital turtidivag project
waa carried ont at tient time. Th- f
lowing year, the Auxiliary (11.1Yrindoet.
and at preseent there is tro organisa-
tion Retlemy engaged in inerfusIng
the memorial fund, RR far as 1 know.
Thanking you for spnee
R. It 1. Dun's noon.
April 14th.
A hrneek Chapter, 1.41.1).K., will
meet at the Board of Trade MOMS on
Monday next at 4 o'cloek
I, Major -Byers. D.C.. of Stratford, will
!conduct a special Easter reer•iee in the
Salvation Army hall on Sunday even -
r int: next at 7 o'clock.
The rezniar monthly meeting of the
A rt tar Circle of Knox church will he
h. -.d In the leettire roan on Illonciae '
evening. April S. at 14 o'clock. This
will he the rewriter thank -offering
meeting tired a full attendance is re-
mieerted. Mrs 11. C., Dunlop will give'
i n report of the Provincial W.M S. '
imeeting. and airs. Jae. Ihtmilton will
nitro stveak.
I Easter servicea will be condneted in
Victoria %treat Methodist Church next
ffinuley be the paetor. Rev. J. W.'
'ITedley. M.A. Morning subject "The
Bodily Resurrection of Jeans." Even-
ing anbJeet. "Inuit the Iteenirrection
of Jeans Doctoral." On April 27. the
sonirersary sere -lees in this church
will he conducted by Rey. J. F. Rey -
ern ft, of Brant ford.
Miss Lanni l'rice gave n pleasing
rendering off a sweet solo entitled
"Wotild You Know Why 1 hoer.
Jesum '?" at North street Methoclist ,
church last Sunday morning. The
male aealon of the ehoir Wil. tWarel-
t0 good effect in the evening. a apes.- '
ial selection having been allotted to
11. The choir. alvo sang effeetive an -I
i theme at both wervices.
1 A rcuturp a the morning aerviee at
, the imptiat church last Sunday wee
i..11.• very pleasing report of the Cnnad-
Ian Baptiat plasinnery Jubilee held In
i allisaey 'Hall. Toronto, last week. which
Italia preaented by Mrs Dewey. The
m.st:ntta at Toronto were very ItiretelS
:attended and will go down in history
a. a wonderful (cent In foreign MI14-
-10115 1 Iterfugh the efforts And sacriflee
of Canadian missionaries in India and
KAater slummy servleel will lee held ,
at the Baptist ehureh next Sunday
morning and evening. Sermon sub-
ject*: 11 sym , ..rb,‘ rrumleui Power
of the Itesorreetion- : 7 te m., "The'
Living Chrlat." Daptiam will take plea.
' at the clop.. of the evening serriee.I
The Sunday sehool meets at 10 n .m. t
and the service at Taylor's corner..
will he held at 3 p.m Special mteshl
will he rendered at all the steryiteert.
'The ItT.P.C. meeting will he held on
Monday eyenlbg And the mid week
prayer eervice on Wednesday evening,
Andrew Porter has purchased from
11 J. Farr the house. on Church vtreot
formerly owned by the late John Ea- sily.
Mr. Porter secure* poeese.sion soave
time In June. It 4. underctood riot
Mr. Farr and family lire moving to
nate(' Flowers.
Lilies, rose.. carnations tulip. and
'daffodils at moderate price". Week-
end opecial on Friday and 'Saturday
in daffodils. A.1. attack at E1.20 a
dozen, (;EU STEW - till', florid. Tele-
, phone 105.
Rertiember the Ka -ter ha and sale.
of homeonade baking by the SLission
Band in the. lecture room of North
strea Methodist church. Pa turday.
April 19. Tea served from 3 to 7 p.m.
Mn,. Frank E. Adam.. of Stretford
visited with friends in town oti Tura.
g1•1...• die late A, IV'. St rie klanel. der-
ma manager._ a .I..•
Inatale •.f tis Ralik Alon-
:real. and Mr.. Striaelionel 1.1 Thema.
Charles Berkeley. son of Mr and Mr-.
Charle. Ita•Lelee. l'ardiff, England.
kride leeeked very pretty in 0
Fogl' freedk of e Iiii•intaise.. with
tapir... of ponder 1.1nr. and 101 1 11114
''t...' t.. arried betiquet
a sweetheart ree.... and eef the
lier wrap was black crepe.
trimmed nth %hit.. ff.% far. Mr. and
Mrs. Berkeley left niter the ceremony.
Now-fn-rt-wrot- settnnt
paler and light l'onimission.
The water aid light esemosi-len
held regulnr meeting ta-t Thur. -
day eaaniiitit applIvati..a from the
We.tern (*Rigida 'Flour Mills ('o fey
tweflly • f ti .1 I* II iv
win passed. and elas. "'It- power ro-
&red 'manned. Au applieration fr.0
Frank Allen for an
. •residence on Vietorin
street was unssed..1,. were seven) ap-
plication. for electric lighting .011 -
kw. Water servi.s+ %%ere ordered
installed In the re.iitlence,. of !Bell
Brennan. Nelson street „i _Wm. McIn-
tosh, Nel.on street. aniT Mrs. Ellen
Webb. Napier street. The. enunni.•
Mon deadest that no discount he al.
towed on street lightingles-omit and
that the teeww.he billed for thi. ree.
'aunt in July and Daymber. The
membership fee for the 4Intario
nicipal Electric Asswiation wax order-
ed paid. Engineer E. 11. Darling
wrote the eommiaelon that 11. R. 1)11 -
Ion was tee art as hi. redelent engineer
and in.peetor in cenneetion %IRi lo.
intake. contract
Maple loaf Revue.
Maple Loot charooe. 14b.D.E. sortie
in the collegiate gymnasium, on May
44 and 9. at S p.m.Admission 5ne.
Hazel Saillts. of Winnipeg, and
Mr. Fr.d Smith. of Buffalo. left on:
Monday after .1 week's visit in town.1
the a11e4t. of Mr. and Air, 41. J
Mitchell Firm %warded the Contract
for the Work.
Though the ...b. polled on Monday
was comp:init... ly light. the bylaw
to 14.110 deleentlire. for ret,41011fer fhe
e neeraiing ;Wm.', collegiate 1n.ditare
landing mot the ereetion of a two-
story sudditIon thereto %as earried
by' thi. ratepnyers by ihe etrmfortable
majority of fifty rotes. When the
1.0.4 ha./ ti,', -11S1111111091 11I1. the .e.,1Iat
•1.1011! 19% for the bylaw and 14M
again.), The debenture., tibial •will I
bear interest at the 'rate of five and
ollo.l.alf poll. event , are to 1.• 1.011.11 for
a term of thirty years.
A. 11? 181,41,4 le the later in last
oeek's ie -fie front Bev. J. P. Font!
-ft:item:in of th.• h..arel, the eontraet
to -thi•-p.Tlig 7ref -"Ifi-.7 bylaw. the sue -
for the work on.autireei olleairee,
eeseffill tender having been pit in by
John Avery & Sen,...entrartore eef Mit-
ellel1.... father firm. oho tioniered for
the eontraet oar.. !, %Vitamin & Son,
Torontet Soffit:in & Fried. Torouto:
T.... Uneven & C., . Toronto: and Nor-
man. Merand Co., Teironte
'The. tann. lila speeitientinns for the
work mere prep:lost by s B. coon &
Son ar,•Iiiteete of 'Poloirt... Werk on
t!".trel'I'4•41.egtin in tie. very near future.
Willie the esentratanr» fire to areettre
pose...1..110f the present butitliorefor
purposes .4 remodelling not inter than
July ?.n.1 it is undersits..1. as port .if
the .sintract. that the whole renovated
and ....modeled hulieling he to he rarely
for neenpaney ewIth. the ea...44km of
the gymnasium) by nepeember -*th
next. Thi. pregrain will obviate the
newest:Hy 1.f nn y ...rime, tur..rfrrpt
ur nu. work of flieaehoid.
Among the votes east un the. bylaw
were. Mon. of Mr.. Jane Aneetay. aged
?hill. aged eight)••three yearm. both of
ghty-elglit yoar.. and ..lrs. rhonotp
whom Walkort t.. pilling .11111414 11.4.4n
No. 1 to teed their liapport to the
The vote hy sulailvi.lon. was as fol-
low. ether/. being no rej...-ted• .bul-
lott41•1 .
1 2 3 4 5 6, 7
For .. .. 27 21 :.%) 42 32 44 12-Ifis
Against .. 24 :Se Ill :hi i:i 114 10- --14
W. C.- =CAM * SON
a 11 1,4.
• I
The man • friend. eef Mr II T Ea -
• ,
wards will he pleased to hear that he
is getting along •nieely 31Alexandrs
hospital. where he has. been rfieeiving
treatment during the' pad few days.
Mita Mary Parsons, of ' Bishop
straeban stood, Toronto. is spending
the Fader vaeiVIon in toot' with her
parents. Mr. arid Mr.. 0. I. Pareens,
She has as her guest Mi.. .tuelrey
Stem., of Sudbury.
Mr. and Mr' .Joseph It Swatted,'
have returned to town after spending
the %Inter month. in Florida.
Ire i-_-- ;-
. ...
NEW hops comes with the Spri‘g of the year, for
all the world la Imbued with the vital magic of
life renewed
T H} Story of the Lily symbolizes the Story of the
Empty Tomb, for its fragrant beauty emerges
from an earthy home. With the darkness that
fell when Christ was crucified, there. tell a pail of
hopelessness for His followers There was the
Messiah, apparently lifeless. as mortal as any of
their kindred What a blankness to confront the
newly found faith! Here, surely, was evidence
that Christianity had no new thing to offer.
T8114N he N at tDawo of that first Easter mornink.
when the Season of Oblivion was wet. Christ
rose. clothed In the Immortality which he promises
to 8Ia people.
SI"'F the earliest Easter, tie festival has Kali
ered about it much that is fanciful and
picturesque from the pagan land.; through which
Christianity has progressed The very name or
Easter la adapted from that of Eostre, a Anglo
Saxon goddess of Spring, and the bunnies and
colored eggs that delight the children are also
remnants of pagan ceremonies, from wileh the
Christians were weaned Our custom of decking
ourselves in new clothes at Eastertide recalls the
festive days in honor of the coming of a kinditer
STRIPPED of all Its symholiam. the innate beauty
of the season la deeply graven on all Christian
hearts. It is the elite( testi•al of the Christian
chureh throughout the. world. It la the day and
season set apart to honor the first Man who con-
quered Drat tt
WELCOM E. Thou Victor front the strife.
Now welcome from the grave!
Today we triumph In Th) life
Around Thine einpty Grave."
•. ,
Haildoonve le..L.bIkhoreut to flare
Formal Opening 011 Saturday.
Situtiltanismsly with the removal of
his (gond NC seal 111,08 furnishing4
bit•inere. to the new .taitel en the weet
able eef the Square. AT. W. (*. 1'114
h11(11 ann lllll ea, that he has taken into
,ryertnerahip his eon. Mr. Ernest J.
iPrielimm, who ha. been asaoriatal
!with him In the bilailies. for Pester:0
years. The tirm will le. styled W. 4'.
Priditatn & SOW 'flee Junior {Donner
is 0110 of the popular yoting men esf
the town. II ml the condeinution 4.f
youthful rigor with Ione and stioce,e.
fol eaperienee should make; 11 strong
The n'n' ...land 1. a very hunosoine
it is roomy and bright and fitted
up in tasteful .tyle, and the. three
window,. twee of g,.111 1.11 feet deep
and the on. six fet (1481, by
eight feet wide. afford abundant
811111(..4' f..r the effective eli.play of wad.
atraind a haekgrainel of oak. Inside.,
cabinet. along walla and reer of the
showroom display to good iithantage
the 1101.k erhirts and other artiehe of
men'. went', And "rhent
mirrors and other titilne.radd to the
effect. To the rear of this .v.muuntions
showroom is it workroom of wad siz.,
There be abundance. of etoetri.•1,.1,1rgitilite-
are 111 he eetigrattilated 111A111
big for both store and sheets. oindoes,
and. Itogptlwr the Messrs. Pritiluttit
an eatatell.lonent that would ered
liable to n mph leirg.e.r pile, than
Goderieh. The formal opening tato,
Omer on Saturday of Oil. week,
'in.- senior member tells acv that: •lie
was In husinew in the mci,iitin 110,k
for twenty-three yealrfl, but from "Wm
yotithful appearanee one might judge
tItat 111. WHA Just getting comfortably
carnet in findites. itt. The. Sigpal
wiehes him many more year. ..f sue-
eeesful netivity-, nod the Junior part-
ner ein progreifortimpro.perIty.
ltelfast..tpril 15 ;,..11r. James Henry
left one (hey Inst. Werk for Fiepherton,
where to. intends spending blie Plim-
Mra .1anees t'oteice 14 visiting with
her eater, Mr. Teeterws, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs Ewart Taylor, of Luek.
now, apron Sunday with friends iu
the hors. . •
Mrs. 14101?! -1 Sherwood spent a tow
,lays hid week with her daughter.
Mrs. Leslie !Wellies Zion.
Mr. Sydney Ferguson has gon' to
Mr. and atrs .101111 Bradley end ann.
Fitton, of Laurier. silent Sunday ut
Mrs. ltradley's former home here.
Mires Irene Bola reterned home
after spending n few ilays with friends
In Luck now
-41441---plaz_ held at Mateking on Friday
A large number from here atteteded
Mr. and mem. Frank Irwin anent
firinder last with Mr. and Arr. W11
liam Irwin. of Ia-know.
14) a.m.- Mciessrlith Subject. "Proofs
of the jlesurreetion of Jima." to be
intrvoluelal by the relator, Rev. J. E.
Holmes ' (*hunt_ elettliat. Mutton
Band. "
14 a.m. Sermon stibjeet, "The Re-.
surreetion Gospel."'
Ad:tdrisT.14. 41"tilot144KSi'Il u? • hMe u*sihe"gn'yt.
Suntlit tool 4.mbe.trii
7 p.m.- 'rbe Easter •S:ory Picture
and Song. Femme: twirtingit by the
arti-t "rh. Life of
Chrid" will 1s. on the ..•r en in lan-
tern views.
T110 111114' for Easter Sun-
day wilt ineltide the follooing saw-
Anthem -Sing Glorious songs"
s.do- "Th,' Heinirreet Morn'
4 Rodney 4. Mr, F. Holmes
Offer..ore -•••Glorja" feeneone4.
Anthem -"Angels of neater" (Hall).
Podiride -- "Halleluiah (thorns"
I 1.11L:r1:111:111 " .% the ." Beethoven I.
ilmwden t.
Stil.e.-- "4 oitn 11- listes of 1b.'
:r..uu.b." 1.11inittopt. 'Mr .8 Liteghatti
OfTertitire --411..rik- 4 Faroe -rt.
.ttitheni •••Where Inf., Ye laid
I 1 im" i Robertson I .
1.0.(111111. "Silver Trumpet's" (Ve-
leta 4. '
Selo Imo+ iti the nut hem, will be
token le Mr.. Fell. •Mbat L. i.riee.
Mr-e-kbeie-a-ral-- Me, 1•*. 1401 81P8
• W If. Jnek...11. organic and dlrevt.
or of ..14
• kNON. 1:111MCII.
• ,
- Appropriate .4./V14e0s1 with special
music will he held In Knox eteireh on
Ea -ter Sunday. Subject% of Porra00%.
11 am.. -(11,1•4 Risen and Living";
7 p ni for Evermore," Sab-
bath school and Bible clime% at S
The Easter mimic will InPlude.the
following seleetions
otroi--"sweetiy the Bird. Arc Sing-
ing" I Draper I.
14010--"114e4intia" (Jul.-.. (;ranter).
MI'. l Hume.
Ciarol-."}:aster Flowers. taster
Songs" 4 Howard),
Anthem ''The Strife Is (Vet" (Mee-
eared "Day of 'Wonder, Day of
Glo.1110-- -1Schneelceri.. •
Solo Selected. .. Mrs P. gatinders
Carol --"A Rhsme for Fkiste r Time"
(Old Englimh
solo seteeted A. J. MacKay.
Anthem-"Chfol.l, Ye Portak- (from
Gounar. 'Redemption).
lin 0,441 Friday, II? 1,0 1411 there
writ ta• shortened matins, litany and
anteeenenreilen with somren. In the
evening at 14 'el'k rho, service will
he shortened ..ensong, after which
the Heti r a ill sine Maunder'. "Peni-
tepee. Plosion and Pene..."
The service. ton F:aster Day will bet
04 14.01.- Holy Communion.
11 8,81.: Festal mitinn In shortenert
form. felltt%•ed by the Holy rem-
munion, fully choral.
:1 p.m. -The. primary aid main grin
tiltyYeb111.111.6 Will for W'r Viet'
In the eharli. During the offertory
they will presmt the emetentof their
Lenten mite hoses
4 p.m.---11npfixmal Nervier..
7 p.m Erenaontr. •
The .4.8iat mitotic for East, r nay
will Include the following:
111 RAVI.
Hymn 171, Tune
It. --pones •-restal (Tata). •
Ere '?-r Ant hem 4 'html num-
Peeper Nam 111 Chant'''. Pat
ti.hill I
T. !worn Laudnimit. 411.224w In E I.
Kyrie Eleisen, Gloria Tafri.4'eyelo •
Full Choral Communion IJ Stainer
Hymn 100. Tune Victory.
Atelier -They Hive Away
My Lord" (.1 stiiineri.
Hymn -1421, Time St. George
Saari) Corrin Ter siitiettpo.' nene
Merits out Veldt. Annie., Del 1.1
Pater Noster
Gloria in Exraid. (.1. Sraineri.
Post commenion- atth Torie
Nene innelttls -44hant 4 Rarnhy)
Organ voilintariett nnfor re f nu-
hrd.) ; "iinitein)ov (Handel)...
Proc....Atonal Ilym.1 - 137. Thne. tree
Itesponsos- -Foetal (Taills).
Proper Psalms 1112,-114, 11s -pa Is.
hill, Tome. Peregrinp. narmtr.
Maenifient. Nun,' -Pia
ford • in 8 rho.
Hymn -173. Tuno 481. flim, -rt
Hymn -167. Time, TOncnethire.
Anthem- "They Have Taken Away
My lewd" (J. Plainer).
Beeeselyinal Ifs trin - -11111. Tune, 10,
Key I n
Orton Voluntaries - Triumphal
Manch (M. Costa):
"Mount of ()lives" Reetborent.