HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-10, Page 8r • • Wailnlmormallom amaurarommegg RAW MUSKRATS n,a►luiae•t ur.•r-, ivi' ca)1 11'tN th, ilii !„ -t : , -'- for c4.ur t.4o-krnl-. Try Us With a Shipment at Once St.Ytt I - `41 1 111,', .'1 ' I • l I 11 ROSS' LIMITED LONDON Ohl AKIO Men's Raincoats . t $5.95 Just recei% d a shipment �sfialti tf�s ara atta Ram - coats. made ina .epend- .tble olive shade. • J t the Coat foe rainy days. -izes. While they Ia-t $5.95 M. ROBINS The Square Goderich • host;• \ 41 14 ''1'1[1/ 1 •. •.. N 1!11.•: -Well -et' ,o '••• h:.l.; fire/. rjle.•u I' hur,S. nod l route I.4'.•' Iath'. OT!CE .4 I1 oeiers • t:.1 •,• a upi. • premise- •r.• ' r••1'V tl•'t !field .'u.' •Il:et :111 g:lrlclgr. 1.is '—.iii . .-i1 iron, 11.•`. pr. 4'.i toe -e• I,%'lav I -t. 1921 J': t•' %%I:1E. liory THE SIGNAL, HOSPITAL BUILDING FUNIS IS GROWING; 1'211• for K.•111„ deHhlI "The Maples" submitted l0 1'rutilu'i:I 1u.plwtor. \n ilip..l•,a.: ,• _ f t:., ‘,'aril c••cerit•,r..I4' \ • 1, 1 Mititue tool ,,•• 1: If•,.pit:11 .1.,- hel.I In that 1 •,: 1 ,. I'rn.k• ree••a,• iIa \londal!'I um' ti, 1:. J. %I.g.iw'. .\rratigette.,,:- for tit,• nurse.' 414.4!) •• •ri•,44 •''I''4 .•. 1..•11• left with the tt •turn'• 11 .,. .4mf1lary. 1• I' -0••••• ttt -1.1111 organization 1 re•Itte •,I 11 , 4 r •r ..111,4 411we•u.- 1' 10: 1'04441041, weeds dta tr•nrll.i :11,,1 N-•aaf.irth.l ,,'4 ,,fNIf• 1.14.aI ,,:,, 1.:1:.• ., ,. ,; .tc luwtiifal ri•u, .!,.•nhl toe for„wsl•t,, promisee.. tate ••••••t -o, , r..,.,.. _ •.4 !)1,• lo.pltal. ..f' .•IIF.?) au.! -•I ••1.'aJ Ott e,•.�jMera• , t,..,,.$ . tot.. . , •.I... Ir'.'1: • .f ••r.'''., :4,f :1.-'N'171 el.." I,ri1./- 44 '.•'.a t of t';•• Ieatv'• .,.mmitt;.•, DrA 1' Ilam, r '.•4.00rted that •II,• .pi!al :4,,4 1,oe•n un,ler 1141.l routine I for .starlet tot. r fr.na 1'obruary 2J.' t 1 .4pril 4 Ti,,. 4111..,,.'•. JO. flunt.•r - stated. had been bremglit tutu the hoe- ' fetal by :, patient free, 4...l.•r1e-It t %11,4eip, front w Liotti burr on,. or rho 1 .,r•4'. pail renit.:l. te.I the disease. I NI O.. )p•'l) g14a11. of the leis/IDA .t.ltt, l1e 1 , :te a Lenas et le.. w'•,.•k.'-pay y1 th.• Heard in appreciation ',tf her, 111 .•..'. I..n t h.•le dnriu: ltlo r4. riod It. 1, 8.44 of the filet. that the •!Ise:..e was brought into the hospital 'y ., •''I tit' patient. a i-iinkiliittoe. e11ta- i:,_ ,•4' E. V. J,. -..I '. T G. 4''•ntwn .18• ler tlrl11te:•. war app,fut -.I 10 .i aft :1 i•••riti•.t: 7,. 4,.•.I.re.:•utod t.. the •••;nut) reuniens r..I,l.••tind` some . om. ;.'14.ati.'!: from the 40anty for the• los+ recreol • to tl',•.1:,;.t,i•.tl. 1...14. during .....II •r1'.•,..Io.•ru t.. 1h, period of etnar- .•ruins iL. r••,:10." .i.•f Ido eoniinithw ' . ,on ideel by the board at 11 . tneetin41, pr''r to, 'it.. '•ein: -11,•.;. 1 1. !lit. •,stat;* eonui•il i:, .1 ons 4 "'mmnni..1.:0'r. w•,• ner•iv,,l fr•ot, .4leenn.1r,, Mar'rr• anal 4:.•n,•rja4 I4,...pital Alumnae .\•'41•i.etion of Trltnin4 :4•11..t1 for Nnr...e. a••quaint. Ing the Beard with the• organiz'Ithen ••4' the .t...>ciatioe` and. offering At. • o.ip•ra•ion Ian m•uiot: of -Mi. M:1.•• I:ean and Mrs. M••1_ill,li n. the s..-- retary was inatrnrtei t,. aeknowl- 'de. the eommnnteetion expre-sine tiie Retard'. cordial' ,•udoreati4in of the aims and obje•(. nf'the As.'aia- i, !inn. It was reported by Mr. Megaw. that there w1..- re.w the ...um et $4•'ee3.00 in the heats' of the boldin: eemmittee for the building fund. In addition there are the following amounts not :e yet handed over try -the .rimmitt4'e. but wbieh have been Iai.ed or willed to' the Board f.r.1,)4'-milling fiend: A1rm„•k ('h:rpteir., 4, A), I. F:.. $1.4141 of W 4'.1'.M. stock : •Aelittold WO - 10. u'• Hospital Auxiliary, 14710/ with a 44,'412.' of lIr additional $1i(M,' when budding begin.; estate of- Andrew Young, 01.o(N) 4thi* sum whir, was .nm.. time ago /dared to the 4'redlt of. maintenatiee 1: now to be paid over to the bolding r•)mmitte•1: estate of 1.8)14 ('llfford. $300: estate of Mb Graham, opprntimately 5:,00: es; tate of ?fartlut Crlham. *4400. Mis+ Trainer. It was +fated, had given ('anoq Hill tro understand that °nee building . i'p••ratiun.. were begun, it was her intention to aubsertb(• the .um of $1,000 to the fund in memory. TOWN OF GODERICI1 DOG LICENSE I:1.• .,w'ie•t or harborer .4'f -.1.g4 without a 'liven.- , liven-ii44'L' 1,) ))T'4'44,('1'tlt 4011 miller 111• to4li bylaw!, - 1)•'g -'at tars•' without a pro- p•r Iie•.•n`e tog will le. 4lestrm'- .r1. Hog 'tag- may he of tainel at. the Town Hall from, tin Tat- ('44Il,14•tor,. M r. , Campbell If +'o4, want t,. keep :t flog. R.C. POSTELETHWAITE Chief of Police WNW SPECIALS AT McEWEN'S FOR HOUSECLEANING TIME Scrims, Bungalow Nets, Madras, Marquisette, Brooms, Brushes,' Mops, Polishes, O'Cedar Oil, Liquid Veneer, Brasso, Silver .Polishes, Floor Wax, etc. Everything to Make the Hose Look Spic and Span • New Patterns in Floor Oilcloths Just Received J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Town Something New and Smart for Easter Every woman, every young lady, every young man likes to have some- thing new for the Easter season - the time when spring has arrived and everyone and everything is pepping up after the dullness of winter. Get in line, get something new for Easter. We have arranged a number of Specials for the week -end, April 11th to 15th inclusive, that will be sure to interest you. Give us a call ! e f Ladies' Spring Coats in Specials in Ladies' and Misses Velour and Tricotine Suits. Dresses and Hats Grey and fawn shades, smart styles, Bright, colorful Millinery for Easter, the trimmed with braid, side effect, with essential finishing touch to a'tlmart cos- . fancy buttons. Special for our week -end tume --one of our chic model Hats, sale only $12.50. trimmed with ribbon, spring flowers, fruit and other ornaments. This is an Navy blue and sand tricotine, ladies' absolutely and entirely new shipment of Hats, stocked especially for the Easter Cots. Special. $14.95. trade. Men's and Young Men's Suits at Bargain Prices for Easter Special Days Navy Blue Serge. also plain shades in brown, grey and striped and checked patterns. Regular $18.50 for $16.50; regular $22.50 for $18.00; regular $32.50 for $27.50. SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP A. CORNFIELD THE SQUARE LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS GODERICH COI)ERICII, ONT. :0•1 _LI r ' 1 I:..:i•.I .tare, t;,• .a 1. ,1.' • f> .t i.» -t prof M'r t!' at 1...,Ikl 111 -. . :[Heron pYlhil••.i mil that last y • the %al.In- .uu•n'. orgeniza.,•• .- 14,141 rai.•..I "„� frit' Ihr' IMwpiR11. Why -410441.1 sett ices not b'• worth fir least • uiuhl to the Roar,' nr\ • y••:1r • asked, 4'olalil144i114g. \iI'- 1':,111••1••1, tinted taint :111 i;r:4,11. au,l .u441s 4't .. e• • or' o '. money 1 1 1 the 11 'It I In1yfll' iM' 1 N . l t14r11,41 over to the 114411,1111: fund -If we coitl 1 10 low grant- for main- teaance.” thr•.itid. ' w.• are a •1' 1 _ hog, to get a building. It.•.id. • 1 lair.•s e.ne.•r si,11141 for Ih.• 1:....,.1 , ye. rc fall for nulinte'naner." llr. Me•It:aw al... report..) that h had submitted tour 4.441. or pllauc for nintodeIling of "The Maple:' 10 411.• Provincial Inspector of hospitals. 11 intimated that the IlI-t'er•tur had 4,.'-' fairl! agreeable to the Last set. yw• that Ito Insisted np,u tirepr ..t .fair ways or 4'!.e oereid.• taro .es.'ap•.. Th.. I1oar, .lire•4r1 Jlr. Mega 44 t.. iurlud.• 114,• ...twine of untniele• tire ...ea fres 444 t.l- ... C .,-1 of plan. 141 tw• .nDmh,ed ro tae, l4,+jwrlor. My 11. -gen. 111.11.14! .1 411a4 i4 w.4.hi, intention to 4o down to 'forma. and r1ll1 5,11 the insps'tor pen:m..11h w -h.- fle to'o'ts flu' tea 04 e•e111p1erel 'Ilu• .•o.t re1f'. remodelling the build. lag :at "'!'Ile JLap'I,'.' 11:1• lu.'n 1'+11111:1} - el• at A20.ina4 l'! \Ir, ,.l II. Tr.ni,n• Ila ober' :1141 Mr. tle'ga w'. 1'044.141' ring the motley oda !lat.•1. sari,: eilh the Set:t street 'property and the ser%• 1.+•. At tio w• u'. iwziiiiizaJioni, the Iloard believe. Mat 0th,• l.alatwh• 1•:111 1'.' 'a,•ured ley m.• . t ",f. +t tn„f410, , on the property. Tb tis the 'report of Ila.'• itutpri4r, which it i. hoped 14,1n 1.• sfrlirerl within the nevi .teen day. ,.r trio weeks. Is .eagerly :wailed. The Root.( l4,,• appointed 1Ym. Web- ster as a itheel.•r of the 1G'anl 1: {'face of J. WHli. Fraa•.r. r• •ice 1'•.I. 1i J. .% :tla1•Fwna we. eni..inh•d 111 the holding ennuuitte• of the ho•pitnl' building fund', in place 'of the l:r.• Judge I.. IDi. kw'c. 771'• tole r n entl.•r. of till: eomtwitl ,• nr•• Sheriff R. 1:. Reynold. :1 ..I 11_-.i. �Leaw. 11. .•h:Orman .•f the B';ard. OBITUARY ('H.t1lLF:N )l'),fNNAN '.V.' /gain doer,. r.. n•eonl the pa— tee et another of rhe Jgone•r. of ,%.t,, field tee Itsldp• it tae• death of (7mr1.-- McL,'14man• %viva t) .0.•urred e: A'• biome en t1.• 1,tk,• Nhnr, road on 5.14. urdsy. Mania - 2e21e/T 4,•v.•nt,-•,4r,•.• .e1rs dg,. Nr'r Me1..•nnan w-1., kir::: a 11.444 of the late Finlay McLennan, on tJe• fanu adjoining that 4'u which he died. in his youth he was a man of powerful pl.y.ique: and 11,- I**e.t that .merest, l4, ail phases of pioneer Flte. Ile olear,sl the farm Biel built rho home !n w'ht.h in• Mod tall the .end. i1.• was of retirine dr.p•sition..l•ora: to his fri,•nds area river interested l+is ',immunity; a lean .of '1,,.•.•4, 1444••11 14'.•t and uuusuallr well .4','roel in world ,•cents. 110 lean,: to thorn him three sisters Mary and Annie. who resided with him, and Mew. Slur• d..•tl 11eLreel, of Kinear4tine---and on., brother. Donald. of Kia'nrdine. Th.' ,funeral was heel on Monday, mare, 34th. to the old family plot in Kemal! eemrt.•ry. RPV. J. S. !Invite enndueting the +er,l0•te at' the Item. and Ree Mr JGtthwon. nephew of the deer.l.ed. at the graveside. The p lthearcr+ were Wm. Johnston,'John (�'m.•mn, Cherb•a Stewart. John McKay. Thirteen MoLenna-11 and Ihrnean Melntyre•. JACOB F'LIl'K. •t pioneer resident ' of Colborne township since 1'4W pa geed away at 111+ home on the Maitland roncr.Alen last Saturday, In the person et Jaob Filet. who was in hie ntaety-tint year, Mr. Fliek, who' wail born in .tl-olee-Lorraine. came to this e•ountry nt the age of twenty-one rears. settl- Inc first ,for four years near Sebring. vile•, .and then moving to the farm on the Maitland concession, -Colborne township, where he had lived ever sinew. tie WWI ,Ilways an active mem- ber of the 1i,nmill.r Evangelieril ehntrb: having been associated with duet cnngregation for a great many ,'rets a. steward, trustee and CIIt1,I:1y TIFF: LATE J.ACOH F'I,iCK. .l.oxol t'.44*ler. Always a great read- er, Mr. Flick had rend the Evangel, coil Messenger, the off!elal publication of his ehun'h, sine, the year 1458. In polities he strongly adhere.' to the I.Ib•rel party. For a good ,many years 11e servo(' Ba n school trustee f M.S. No. 4. Colborne Rev. Fred.rtek Seharffe performed the ceremony In Nifty. 1A01 whI.1 united In merrier' Mr. Flick and ails wife. Anna Marie tirliwanz, ()slighter of the late Mr. and Mrw Mieheel Schwan?, of Col- i.trne township. Mrs Flick passed sway In 11x)4. The memttera of the fnmlly wbo survive art: MMituN Flick, Aoderieh township: Mei. Eva K.•hi.le, Pontiac, Michigan; Mr. Peter 11 •.ANTED 41 ,L•rIt ,61 1 • \I r-, 1° FOR Luz ‘1,, s44 1111.1.1. llteh'. nr.tN'1'I:I) g'!,ul'F:TINT 1'ATElt- ',tilt MALE.--11(rr I.• 4 It i'lirk. Gu.1rrh•1,. ss .•r for'ii:v *43;Mland Golf ('lub AteI sweet Clover; tlY2g el 1'li.•6 tiu.l' •1,0,11 .1. ply t..Pho44e _',O 1►, )) MOONEY. See. l&EI.VIN J1l1Wtii,L I ,"••,, sol is Y'elberte. __ *hip. It. R. No 4, (1 ! ler.. .ldelhe• /'star • 13.141 Carlow. ! • \i3O• died ti Ill. I NOTICE: TO CREI ITOItg U 1 '1041 I'.11rt.wu I. , ;rnud.Irl•Ire 1 great grand• N4►.i'll' i 01,11.1. 111414' 11 -• 1'laf11r L:inrh•m I' I,. .7(rra•el. 111 the II he 1..1, U► II \;.•••' l•. ••tin, N - I I • 4111'1'11'4llt$. math'. , ". U4, 1: -Rate of -4V14• ..1:.• family Ikon 11 NI'•I'h.•.•. late of th. limn- - late Mr. :tool.kip of 4 114..•31 be but I Noti.•r• is h'•reby 01.'11 tlwt all pr•r- ILruer• .01 - 8144: ,'1Rit11- or. .temnuds -wits In I : 1._a . • tai,. ,•sane .q Rllliam 11. M4" 1,. f:.•:. 1'L•• I.. re of 441. how 4,.,144 of 1'01• :.. tt • n tb•- ,•„ulna to Huron. farm - .',I. - • r •i. • ea.r.l. -Illy• diel on th.•I lith day \peal .4 11. I!l:l. .i • felnlrel to •,1 4,r delic.•r to the mw4rr•lg'11'Hl. it..r- lot 11,.e exe.ntor, full par- ' 4,i• n1.,14- ..f l,.etr .,la4uf., .14,18 verified o \Ills. 1:1 I:I Itltl'i' . to .1 .:'ration 1'1. ntti,l:ult. on or he. Ino .4. I. • , t -.L 1 1- ., ..,. ! r.:tr'I .Irc'ol \1.11 It I! t'4 r!rh 1.1..111 ❑,1:1! at le. r 11..114 v... .•.. I .\\,I' '1.4I%1- \.1'1.14'1: 44,:1t after the t -tr.'s • 4' mond . \I IIi'TI .1-T 't1 1.11 ••) 1.•r..'n \1:4,: N•.phia d.- I'n'to. 1 `•'i.I • • it'.1 will tot ,N'.'.-.! t.. 1lislrib- w tote ti .,f 1!:, rose , 1:•11(, i4, Leer 1011.. t; !i' .4'•.tr.:1".‘.•'b I.i•rl. iv ho was 1.11.• last -4,r, 4:11: await..1• of a- large 4:444,4 44,4•• horn at -Itur tit•'+ It 'i' 1" 1 li tri •' l4, UN. 4!,4'. :.--• I. or 41.•• y,' I dw,•:IWri a11rat4 t.4, •- r- n • n'itl•,1 thereto. olid that tit.. -illi a\,,'*Iter will not I, liable 4..r the said asset. or ally .•t part thereof. to Any per -sear of w114444• 1,01Jae .alas,. 4, re -id,. nt Nile with Iaf1i'they -hall not then irate r1e•f4- '.4'•r hu based 1i•. 1: • Iri1 tt, ivko di. ,i •I u Jn: h1 y•ho'• 1: , t • \.4.7 Mr: 1: - Il:ted at l;.Hl.'rirh., this telt day of •rift's .le 'L ao•1 ;lin' to a •tui:.,; .41•1.1. .t 14 1'92'1. town n. Poe:. •! family In.d a. HAAS 4. 11.%V$. I;eslrrich. Itun4lnl •n ^'••r .arty nee )ear )I" S••h. 0'T• f. r rl..• }:),•1•ator •Rnrritt + 1 1. t nban i an.l t l r:'' r- went ltIt : `t TR�t« r t ": 1ji1TIi I''TI� tlmttl ehnre. 4 11441 '!'•t• DItt•MS A -Nd) •i Its• of the hes( and dtt outfttr that 4. Hosrtl 1 de to .ale ch.'up.. Fur panienleesap SIGNAL OFFICE. Cll14 H.V.F:.--)ut'R rim a two mares --one .wean about 14311 lir., bay ; one mime old. about 1•.10. browtl. JA 14.IYDEN. R. R. Nu, 1, t!leppasdter, FOR SAi.E.-- itARY ors p mfr bred -to -lay strain reed R for delivery Stanek :,kit and April Price 211• each. C .t RASTER, 8., No. 5, Goderl'fi, - Phot!,• 1 iungantlA I1r17. er•r••• .1 , ,.• , • t..i' 'whet 1 14111. • • 1':n:.auu••. r11..'u,,u• flier11• ! )World".. t.' r'1.• t. 1' .\ '„roily •o4' • 11r. .t re. ,1.,I Miss- . 'eon. net. 1. 1' • r 16.161w.1 \ .1 14'..' .• 1:.• '.,, the 1.:1.t' a...:.' ..tri mad,. in 1' •- tellilsur. tt ! -, . .1 • ., • and Ju•1c. 1 \ •- I►u'neenn0.n tl -. ' 1 .l.r.'IJ Wii• r. 1 1,:. an.Sam- ,r ,' !.tt..t HORN. ie.eeet s„\ • 1 , on W„1- 1, - • 11r/and Mr.. .1 1: .• r' - ;, atrmetrtor DiED. 11.14 le L. ('oi!.•rn, t •wn-1,i;• on Saturday. April , .!a.,'4. Fa. •, • 144 h i • 4.1., cru x I'itI1l11,111 - l4, Te•runh• Tues•t.,y• April 444. Fred .1. i'ridhen!. i4, lei• 04.11 yeeyr• SIePHEF.,=1n, 1'nitorno township. on $ut.Jav: April e;, William 11..4'h4•e. ire lis 41.44, year. 1►.tN('EY.—In Ilirntreal. on Twee 1.jay. April .sth. Angelina ihaneey, ' daughter of the late• ('apt. T. 5.- 1 of 4;, dert,h ' -U'HF,V1►N.---In Goidelic% on Wer!• N41TleF 1,4 HEREBY- GIVEN, pur- suant to Se't!Lrr, :+0.,4'44.44 121,or the R••ci,4d Stature. of Ontario, that all 4.'roue. 4:n'h:: Balms against the r. - tate of Thom.” A. v I',ennington..4,- "•:Iwd. who .11.81 ,t4, or about the ttf- 1•rntliday of Fehruar;. A. D. 11124. at the- Town of 4:.Hlrricl in the Protine'. f Ontario.•'ar•.' required to send be post. prepaid, or to deliver to R. Van- stoae, Wiu;,lltu1 ,)matte, soll.'itor, for the e4e'utor. on or before the twenty. ...wand day of April. A. 1). 1921. their natn•4* and addresses. with full par- tii'ular,t of their claims In 41"rftIflg' 44444' the nature of ti.... eeenrlty (if any. hook* by them duly %!'rifie.l by a statutory declaration. AND FI-RTHEI: T.4K1: NOTICE that after the .:.1.1 twerj'I' .1Rfm1 ,fay .of April: 11424. 1he a+.et.: of the said estate will b' distributed by the ex- ecutor 0-0100„ the parties entitled ther'to.9lavit: regard only to. the claim. of 411U••h they .hell then have nottee, and the ...tate will not .tw liable for any .Intl»+ not tile!_ at the time of the said di-tributinn. DJTI:D at lV inghnm 141+ twenty- find wentyfirst day of Mar.•!. .► h 1921. R. VANslv►NF:. • iVingham P, 0. Sellcltor for the Etecutor. AUCTION S.ttLE -,1 •."l'i ,\ ts.\hl'. t'1' H'•1 4.F:11rL1J 1'1'11\1Tt ltF. \\ll ., 1.. H WAITER roomer of Tire .11.111 lteee l .ca! Eldon streets. on !ATI'ItD.AI, .11'1tH. Ian, -??i . , ltottien *444,,41 :' -'01•04, s'•.erp: 1 Range I (Heater. 1'.4rI ' -e1 or : peer.•.. ? Ex• 1* .,,fay, April 9. Mary- inn 1 iu,i+ar tensem Tattles Unm_ 11'..,11 Chars. 3 aired 75 veare IN MEMORIAM. Iter whose unselfish devotion. kind eare end lotting sympathy wail /44 111.4 1.4114:11 of .in fingter.• hand--rny home. April ;2. Ifri3, Doi Mar. Calif. 11.-r daughter. Widow of the late Edward %eh.. • I't. liedrooul Furniture'. 4pnn.r4. Mat - CARD Or THANKS. THE FAMII.i .01.' • THF: LATE. Jamb Flick wi.41 to thank- the many frieed- and neighbors 2''r the kir.lu,•.s shown during their re.•nt -:.01 le -retirement. - AI'CTIONBF:RiNG THOMAS GCNDRY. GODERICV. LIVE ATO*K AND GENERAL A1TT! MEER Telephone No. 119. Sale. attended to anywhere and every effort made to gine Benefaction. Farmers .ale notes discount.•.i. TENN.:Rs Volt DItE114;IN(:. :yl:.44.Ei1 ')'ender. addressed to the nnd,r.igne,I end ehdoneel "Tonder for dredging. 4i0wlerleh, 411,ttiri.." 41111 b• re'.'!v.•d until '12 o'eloek nota, Thanllay. April 17, 1924, far dn.lg- 1ug required alt 4 ..i.•rich. Ontario. Tender. w-Ifl not ioe considered un- less. (undo on the forms s*pplierl 1'•y D„4rtrtment and Recording to enadt• thin. set forth therein ".mhine,l (JHetne:ttl.)n and form of tender van be obtained on application to th., understgn,rl. also at the office+ of the Inetri.'t Engineers. Egtrlty Rn!144te. Toronto. Royal Rank Build- ing, Lnatnn, and at the Post ()Mee, (io(b'rfch. Ont, Tenders must include the towing of the plant t.. and front the work. The dr0.lgee and other plant whie)t are Intender, to be need on the work shell ,hay, been duly r.gistI'rel In ( mottle et the time of the filing ar the tender with tl4' i1„partment, or •hall have ,.eon Milli in Canada after e tiling of t11e tender. Cinch tender meat b• necompnnl 4'11 te In arrepted c1.4vpue nn B chartered (erne, ennui, to the ander of the ' aster of Public Works, for 5 p.c. M the Mntra4't prier hot no elpegttr to he for Malt than flfteon hundred donate, War Loan Bonds of the Do- minion will also Ile neeepNed as.eenr- itt, or war binds and chef -meg If re. (mired to make t.p an odd au.•runt. By order. T.. H. ('4LMAX. favi rpt. ry, IMtmrtment of Public Works. 7ttawa. April 9, 1924. I Toil••t :, rs, 1 11 ringlhs LIMP, 444nMN-. Rnekeme (;trate,. 1 Rua. Carpets 111.b••c 1111 eh, r art tel- • Tenni cath. .14m'(11 T.bb•-..I:h.drs. L,ungc., Be'is, .Ute:ns.-.aril- other art., 1')4..44 4 1'\4'1'_t. Aacthene,er. A1'..:TION S.11.F4 F n•' SS -4. CATTLE Plc: 1.' PVL'LTRY 44114. C11.411LE4 FISHER. will sell rn public auction at Lot 6, 1etnre.aion 2, F.. 1) I:,,lhorne, 1 1-: miles east of Ben. huller, on MONDAY, tl'RiL 1444*. 19)4 c)mgle•ncine at 1 o'clock sharp. the fol- Ivwln • : 1 good 1•'ercheron Mare, 4 yrs. old: 1 ao4.1 ;darreherun Colt. rising. I, years old; 141') 'l grey Pereheron Geld-' In::, .rising 5 vein old:- 2 Cows due in Jnn.•, 5 years old; -1 Cow due at time of sae ; 1 farrow Cow. 7 years old;1 Hei- fer- due in June; 1 Helfer due in July; 41 Heifer. one year old;3 stern, one .err old: t Soo- with litter 5 weeks old: .4 ['meteor of bred 'h• 1:4}- ,fens; 1 Racket Rack and T"uck; 1 light 'Wagon with pole and -Mottle. tO.'!'ything advertieell 1+ in first-class condition and win he- sold wlthoyt any rl•+erv.•, as proprietor i. over stocked. TERSIS: '7 months' credit will be given' on furnishing appruved joint notes. .t discount at rate of els' 1•1 'v nt, per ann1m allowed for cash. ('HAS.. FISHER, T. (il'NDRI', Proprietor, 11,41 4, (',odo'nch. Aoetioneer At'GTI,)\ :ALF: or .FARM FAUIM ST14Ufi AND IMPLFME\TS MR. D,,VJ4' C1\TW'Ei.1, will sell hi public auction, at the premise- Pt. Lot $, Iia. is, W.D. Colborne :right at Leval. on • ' FRIDAY, API*II. 1111, at 1 o'clock sharp . The farm 'consisting of 4:, acres of solid land on which there le a com- fortable Rrfrk House. A stood Barn and Stabling. Orchard god water and fen- ces. This properly Is only 4 1-2 miles froom 4 .oder•ieh an will make an ideal home for any person wanting a small 'farm with good surroundings. Termer -Ten per rent to be paid at time of sale, balance in thirty days or leans may be arranged. .\Iwo, 1 bay Horse, 12 years olerei bay Marr, A year. old: 1 hieck Marc, 9 years old: 1 brindle Cow, 10 years old, -due May 13th: 1 rel Cow, 41 years old, milk- ing two month,; 1 rat Cow, 4 years old, Just in: black Helfer; 2 years old, just in: 1 Calf, 10 months old; 1 Sow, with litter of 10 pigs, 3 weeks old; 2 Geese. and Gander: a number of young,Hens; 1 Frost h W0011 Binder, t; ft. tut; 1 Frost .t Wood Mower. r. ft.ettt, new; 1 3''44 Drill; 1 Adams Wagon. n'wrly new: feet of Beb geighs, nearly new; t Walking Plow; 1 set of Harrows; 1 Ma.pey•Harris Gutting Hos: 1 Hay Rack 1 (:ravel Box; 1 Cutter; 1 Road (:art; 1 set heavy Team Harness: 1 set Single Ifarnees; 1 aura -tired Top Buggy: 1 Sniffler; 1 Renfrew Cream Separator; Parka, tt4ovele, Chains and numerous other articles. No reserve as proprietor h Ieavjng tight Idler the sale. TERMS:—All sums of !10.00 and under, C*44. Over that amount '7 months' credit will be given on flu nishing approved joint notes. A din 'Dunt of 3 pow cent. straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. 11.141) CANTWRL1s, T. GUNDRY, Prop., FIR. 5 GOdelteh Auetloneer iip114 SALE.—A Q1'.4NTI'Irl' DP IM. proved Amerleau Banner Oats; 1:04 erume•nt lusp.lteed; grade No 14nd !'rise field 1•ompetltlon, frit* The, 4' W. 1'RO . $E, R. 8. Nd. 1,,..144•-,• Ht SALE. --"—Ino F'E9:1* l'*4Mlee7 1_ ILhu•h Tile. 4 Gatrailaad l'a1„Z and 111 gallons Ixtlf�l(1 t Amply li pox :•. Go,i,•rk•h, S'r lt"hils� •, "� A-tTrl FOR $.t1,#.—Ltat Frear'. Veld w it,. all bate• per k'M, pee 1. from 1► -.t.1' Moaner '1.'onagestit leo, i/4.•.. !trice :1.Y. rash M145. HF:Tti1r:111X1;• 'Ir)\ Tel. Idrl). Le, 11: H.tLE ---- 11(4t'$*1•. C rooms and i.tthroum. eketrtc hula and tltturee;' rause evuuected: 11..1 1.4.44 cold water: .rlS'Ntis pad blind- to Wall windows -gond Bard• en: 4,o rereeinibl,• offer r,fueel for I(otek .:ale. Apply at THE N14:1tAL 1FF11'r. • L'0Ii 1'4.%1.1:. 144m 01) ON1C-I1. H(YP1 h ,Irfy, grue•I (w1woe., enek. ones horst phew, . metas bets, carpenter's and gardener's r.1e1es gladlnhl. bulbi, ,f.'ur'Inviter New Perf..tlon coal oil e. wak .toy•.-- App h '. MRS. BEN. H(w;4;AItT11. 1orn.•r i::tynrbl road and It4agl4u street Phone 361W 1t►11► .ti.'T Volt $AI.E.—Improv.d IKatrr•ni ltadi.. outtlt. InrIwitnt load .t. -..4»r :1' buttery three tut,., and plu'nes. .aetie.-l'roperty of Mlenewes lung I'an.-• Cloth, This outfit .,est $2711 new less than two year, a1,1•. and will lir w.ld at it t.argain Ihenso stra- ti.•u,,•sn 1»• arranged. Apply to T. R. It, X1)1.1: ' phone . (Wirt I. or D D, Mt•►NI:i 1;Atone 2591. MEDICAL DR.- F. J. R FORSTER _ EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT rote Hoose Surgeon New York Opt. thalmlc and Aural Hoepltal• asalstl444t at Moorefield Eye Hospital sal Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lose don, Eng. 44.. Waterloo St. , 9.. Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Godeticb, au .April 1,;rh. a: 7141/ 1' is. t., April 17th, •t 1 pm. ' PONT.tGF: ST IMPS: WANTED WANTED T() Pi'RCIIASE FOR cash, 0141 Postage Stamps and Old F..nve'iopes with stamp( attached. Old i.aue. of Canada. United States. Great Britain. Rrltl.h Colonies, preferred. No modern Isatlew wanted. It may ply you to look up your old letters. Reply to Boz 22. The Signal. LEGAL Mo;. ('MERON. K C.. BARRJS- .\TER. Solicitor, notary gwhE% Omen Hamilton street, Ooderlcl, tide. door from Square. Trust funds to loan at lowest rates PROCDFOOT, KILLoRAN HOI.MES. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETC, ()Mee on the Square, second dose from ifamilton street, Goderich, Private funds to loan at tweet rates. J. L. Kilioran. Dudley E. Hota/o • Maps & lope RAIkR:MTIOLY, En'. R.C. HA A Y14—R.C. HAYS, JR.. B.A. Hamilton 8t., Godericn SEAGER, K.C., BARRISTER Id SOLICITOR, Notary public and conveyancer. Office --Court House. Goderich INSURANCE. LOANS. RTC. McKiLLOP MUTUAL FiRE INSUR- ANCE 00.—Farm and isolated town property Insured. Officer, --Jas. Connolly, Pres., Gods. rich P. 0. ; Jas Evans, Vlce-PrIs., Beechwood P 0.; D. F. Mc0rt!goe, Yee: Trema., oeatorth P. 0. Directors—A. Broadfoot, R. L No. It Seaforth; John G. Greve. No, 4, Walton; Willem Rlnn, R. R. Ns. 2, 9eatorth ; John Bennelwlea, Bind - bitten; Ono. McCartney, R. R. NO. Y„ Seaforth ; Robert Terris, Harps* Murray Gilson, Br1teedel4 ; Jamas Evans, Rel+rehwood: James Coattail,. Goderich. Agents: J. W. Yen, Godstt'le)1 t Alai. Lelteh, R. 8. No. 1, Clinton John Nonny, Yea forth ; Ig. Hlmetllq, Yeatorth. P.11ry hoIQsrs eaa gay *8 paymate and gat ,kir card, raeslw ed at R. J. Nereid's Ototl fag Slay. Olsten: R. H. Oatt's Grocery, otos street, Oodert& or J. H. Dents' Stove, Barlett. 11